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Kay Holton and Victoria Windsor

Welcome to the most musical genre of literature for children.

Vardell, S. Childrens Literature in Action, p. 107

Definitions of poetry Elements of poetry Kinds of poetry Books of poetry Poetry Awards Poetry in the Library

Poetry is the expression of ideas and feelings through a rhythmical composition of imaginative and beautiful words selected for their sonorous effect.
Tomlinson, C. Essentials of Childrens Literature, p. 41

Children's poetry, like children's literature, is not poetry simplified. It is poetry that is accessible to a child audience, that speaks to children, and is able to convey meaningfully the experiences and perceptions of the child.
Vardell, S. Childrens Literature in Action, p. 110

Poetry Books vs. Poetic Books

Books that rhyme or utilize other poetic elements are not always books of poetry

A book of poetry is one in which the words the poemcan stand on their own without the illustrations

Elements of Poetry
Use the following elements to evaluate a poem. How does each element emphasize its meaning? Rhythm

Sound Language Imagery Emotion

Elements of Poetry: Rhythm

The beat/meter (pattern of words) Reflects the poems emotion or experience Example: Hello and Good-by by Mary Ann Hoberman

Elements of Poetry: Rhyme

Repetitive phonological sounds Mostly at the end of lines but not always Example: Hug o War by Shel Silverstein
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Elements of Poetry: Sound

Rhythm and Rhyme Repetition Assonance Consonance Alliteration Onomatopoeia

Elements of Poetry: Language

The poets word choice

Reflects the poems emotion or experience What words does the poet use? Why?
Example: Umbrella by Valerie Worth

Elements of Poetry: Imagery

Dependent upon language Using words to create fresh/unexpected pictures in the minds of readers Think back: what images did you see when we read Umbrella by Valerie Worth? Were they unexpected in some way?

Elements of Poetry: Emotion

Poetry is concise and full of beautiful language, but it is the emotion or experience that gives poetry its special power.
Vardell, S. Childrens Literature in Action, p. 110

Types of Poems
Narrative Lyric Limerick Free Verse


Types of Poems: Narrative

Narrative poems must tell a story Many childrens poems that come to mind when you think of the genre are narrative
For example, most Shel Silverstein poems

Often overlap with other types of poetry

Types of Poems: Lyric

Lyrics sing their way into the minds and memories of listeners (Tomlinson, p. 369) Personal or descriptive in nature Usually capture a single moment or emotion Often overlap with other types of poetry Many well-known poets write lyric poetry
For example, Emily Dickinson

Types of Poems: Limerick

5-line poem Follows a specific rhyme scheme (A-A-B-B-A)
Lines 1 and 2 and 5 rhyme Lines 3 and 4 rhyme

Witty and usually nonsensical in nature

Last line is usually humorous or surprising

Types of Poems: Free Verse

Free Verse poems do not have to rhyme
Help children feel freed from the pressure they associate with writing rhyming poetry

Depend on other elements of sound for their poetic quality Often overlap with other types of poetry

Types of Poems: Haiku

Haiku appears simple but is quite complex Follows 3-line syllabic pattern (5-7-5)
Lines 1 and 2 have 5 syllables each Line 3 has 7 syllables

Is classically made up of 2 distinct parts

First part is image-driven and references season Second part is centered on mood or feeling Each part should contrast or reflect the other

Types of Poems: Concrete

Concrete poems use the shape of the poem on a page to reinforce its meaning Especially popular with children today
Visually oriented Like the challenge of creating their own Beware: they can easily focus on the shape and not the words/meaning, which is critical

Books of Poetry
General Anthology Topical Collection Individual Poet Compilation Poem Picture Book

Verse Novel

Poetry Awards
National Council of Teachers of English Award for Excellence in Poetry for Children

Lee Bennett Hopkins Award

Lee Bennett Hopkins/International Reading Association Promising Poet Award Claudia Lewis Award

Poetry in the Library

Start by celebrating National Poetry Month Create a poetry wall in the library
Feature a new poet / type of poem each month Include space for children to display their poems

Consider poets when planning author visits

Use (topical) poetry for collaboration

Poetry Activity
Fold Me a Poem by Kristine OConnell George


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