Scion Hero Worksheet

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Various options available. Questions to answer: 1. Scions -----A.

Have they always been around or are they just now emergent? 2. Magic in the World -----A. Is it rare or is it common? -----B. Has is always been around or is it just now emergent? -----C. Is it obvious or is it veiled? 3. What is their origin: -----A. They are children of deities. ------------If each deity can have children, what is the limit to the number of children? How do the children relate? -----B. They are manifestations of various deities. Perhaps they re-emerge ever so many aeons. Perhaps there is one Platonic ideal, but each plane as some sort of manifestation of each deity. -----C. They are incarnations of Virtues/Ideals/Concepts (Gesalt Hero or Incarnations of Immortality series - Piers Anthony). -----D. Are they re-imagining of the the heroes/demigods of old? -----------For example...the trials of Heracles...Jason and the Argonauts. 4. Is there are multiple pantheons or there is just one? ----- A. If there are multiple pantheons what is the relationshipwhat are the attitudes towards each other? ------B. If there are multiple how to resolve sharing the same domains? 5. How do we handle classic and iconic characters/creatures? -----A. Named.....Circe, Cerberus, Oracle of Delphi, etc... -----B. Types......Werewolves, Fae, giants, etc. 6. What is their conflict? -----A. Against other pantheons? -----B. vs evil in general? -----C. vs. TITANS? -----D. vs their new family? (everybody scrambling for control) -----E. Based on the conflicts already laid out in mythology. 7. How does the presence of Scions affect the present day reality? -----A. What keeps them from running the world? -----B. What keeps the general public from freaking out?

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