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The Internet in the Classroom Issues

Assignment #3

By: Desriee Plummer

Policy #1 Memorial Boulevard Middle School. Students - Bullying - Cyberbullying. 2010, 2012, July/06, The Memorial Boulevard Middle School policy speaks about malicious use of the school districts computer system and how such practice is prohibited. The policy defines cyber bullying as the following: cyber bullying includes, but is not limited to the following misuses of technology: harassing, teasing, intimidating, threatening, or terrorizing another person by sending or posting inappropriate and hurtful e-mail messages, instant messages, text messages, digital pictures or images, or website postings, including blogs. It also speaks about disciplinary action that would be taken if the policy is to be violated. Disciplinary action may include: the loss of computer privileges, detention, suspension, or expulsion. The school district shall also contact law enforcement if the policy is violated. The strengths of the policy include the fact that the violations are clearly defined and they are outlined specifically as to what they are. Are the statues and codes of enforcement are also outlined and referenced in this policy. I also like the fact that this policy outlines the parameters in which a student could violate this policy. The school specifies that the policy could be violated on or off campus, during or after school hours, for example. Students and their parents are able to login to the Internet and check out the schools website to see how this policy is outlined and how it will be enforced if it is to be violated. Some of the weaknesses of this policy include the fact that the policy seems like an afterthought. As I look at some of the other schools policies where they seem as if they have taken a lot of time and given a lot of thought to displaying the information, this school somewhat falls short.

Policy #2 Palms Middle School. Anti-Bullying Program. 2011, 2012, July/07, The Palms Middle School Anti-bullying program is very well put together in the fact that they outline specific points of interest and importance. The first being Education and Action where the school educated the parents, students and community on what bullying is. The Action piece explains how the school takes this policy very seriously and the action it will take if any incident of bullying specifically cyber bullying is involved. The next point is What is Bullying? This point defines what bullying is in definition form. Then it leads to the issue at hand What is Cyber bullying? This point describes cyber bullying and its specifics. The next points are titled Facts about Bullying and It's the Law, Tips for Parents and Tips for students The main strengths about this policy are how it is broken down into pointers via paragraphs and each area has very detailed information about its policy. It adds to the seriousness of the issue and it showcases the fact that this is a school that takes its policy very seriously. More strengths include the fact that the school goes above and beyond to display tips and pointers and even go as far as provide links for additional help and information to help parents and students understand what cyber bullying is and how to combat it. It also shares information on the state cyber bullying law and a link to a legal fact sheet. This site did not have that many weaknesses as it relates to how it displayed the subject of cyber bullying. Some improvements could be the actual site design and how the information is kind of crammed into one page. Also, if the site could separate the section on bullying and have its own page on cyber bullying so that it has its own area dedicated to the cyber aspect.

Policy #3 Windemere Ranch Middle School. District Cyber Bullying Policy. 2011, 2012, July/07, The Windemere Ranch Middle School defines Cyber Bullying as: the use of electronic information and communication devices to willfully and repeatedly harm either a person or persons through the medium of electronic text, photos, or videos. The site also outlines its consequences for harassment and/or Cyber Bullying, which include a minimum1 day suspension up to a maximum penalty of expulsion. The policy also outlines action steps to respond to cyber bullying or harassment and action steps that need to be taken by the student. Some of the strengths of this policy include evidence of school code enforcement of the policy as well as clearly defined definition of what Cyber Bullying is. More strengths include the fact that punishment for acts of Cyber bullying are clearly defined so that students and parents know exactly what they face if they participate in such conduct. More strengths include how the educational codes of misconduct are displayed so that parents can access them and read more in depth about the policy. Some of the weaknesses include that fact that this seems to be a school that has not put that much thought into the policy of Cyber Bullying. Because there is little mention of facts and statistics that relate to the crime, little information is available to the parents and students on the serious issue of Cyber Bullying. There is also action steps listed that seems to be the actions that are taken by the child. Based upon the seriousness of this issue, I believe action steps need to be equally geared toward the parents as well as administration. This is not something that the child alone needs to enforce.

My School Policy On Cyber Bullying: Cyber bullying. (2012, June 21). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 03:13, July 7, 2012, from My school has outlined a policy on Cyber Bullying and has outlined a few points and issues that need to be on the forefront about the serious issue of Cyber Bullying. First being the definition of bullying as well as the definition of the sub category of Cyber Bullying. Cyber Bullying is defined as Cyber bullying is defined in legal glossaries as actions that use information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm another or others. The use of communication technologies for the intention of harming another person. The use of internet service and mobile technologies such as web pages and discussion groups as well as instant messaging or SMS text messaging with the intention of harming another person. Some of the strengths of the policy are the fact that I reference state and local law enforcement codes on Cyber Bullying as well as outline tips for parents, teachers, students and administrators on all things Cyber Bullying. The policy also has clearly defined consequences for violation of the policy. I also share links to several help lines and several law enforcement resources. Because my school understands the seriousness of this crime, there is a electronic digital signature required for all students, parents and administrators who visit the page. We want to be aware and keep track of all who do not review the policy, this is part of the enforcement measure that my school is choosing take on this serious subject. On main weaknesses is the fact that there is no permanent Webmaster in place who can constantly oversee the policy and make sure it is up to date as far as laws and statutes.

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