Spur Gear

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Machine Design II

Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

Module 2- GEARS Lecture 9 - SPUR GEAR DESIGN

9.1 Problem 1 Analysis 9.2 Problem 2 Spur gear

9.1 PROBLEM 1 SPUR GEAR DESIGN In a conveyor system a step-down gear drive is used. The input pinion is made of 18 teeth, 2.5 mm module, 20o full depth teeth of hardness 330Bhn and runs at 1720 rpm. The driven gear is of hardness 280Bhn and runs with moderate shock at 860 rpm. Face width of wheels is 35 mm. The gears are supported on less rigid mountings, less accurate gears and contact across full face may be assumed. The ultimate tensile strength of pinion and gear materials is 420 and 385MPa respectively. The gears are made by hobbing process. Find the tooth bending strength of both wheels and the maximum power that can be transmitted by the drive with a factor of safety 1.5. The layout diagram is shown in the Fig 9.1.

Fig 9.1 Conveyor drive layout

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Machine Design II

Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

Solution: The bending fatigue stress is found from AGMA equation as,

Ft K K K bmJ v o m
Z2= Z1 x (N1/N2)


We know that,

Substituting values from table 1, Z2= 18 X (1720/860) = 36

Table 9.1 Data given for gear and pinion N Z m d b 35 mm 35 mm

Pinion 1720rpm 18 2.5 mm 45 mm Gear 860 rpm 36 2.5 mm 90 mm

Using the values from Table 9.1, V = dn/60000 = x 45 x 1720/60000 = 4.051m/s We know that


50 (200V)0.5 50


Table 9.2 J values for pinion and gear Z Pinion Gear 18 36 J (sharing) 0.338 0.385 Kv 1.569 1.569 Ko 1.25 1.25 Km 1.6 1.6

The J value is obtained from Fig. 9.2 for sharing teeth as in practice. Ko and Km values are obtained from Tables 9.3 and 9.4 for the given conditions.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Machine Design II

Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

Fig.9.2 - Geometric Factor J


Table 9.3 - Overload factor Ko Driven Machinery Source of power Uniform Moderate Shock Heavy Shock Uniform Light shock Medium shock 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.75 2.00 2.25

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Machine Design II

Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

Table 9.4 - Load distribution factor Km Face width ( mm) Characteristics of Support Accurate mountings, small bearing clearances, minimum deflection, precision gears Less rigid mountings, less accurate gears, contact across the full face Accuracy and mounting such that less than full-face contact exists Over 2.2 Over 2.2 Over 2.2 Over 2.2 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.2 0 - 50 1.3 150 1.4 225 1.5 400 up 1.8

For pinion:

Ft K K K bmJ v o m Ft x1.569 x1.25x1.6 35x 2.5x 0.338 = 0.1061 Ft

Ft K K K bmJ v o m Ft = x1.569 x1.25x1.6 35 x 2.5x 0.385 = 0.0932 Ft

(9. 3)

And for Gear:


Fatigue strength of the material is given by, e = e kL kv ks kr kT kf km (9.5)

Table 9.5 Properties of pinion and gear Prop. Pinion Gear ut MPa e=0.5ut MPa kL Kv 420 385 210 187.5 1 1 1 1 ks 0.8 0.8

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Machine Design II

Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

SPUR GEAR PERMISSIBLE TOOTH BENDING STRESS (AGMA) Endurance limit of the material is given by: e = e kL kv ks kr kT kf km Where, e is the endurance limit of rotating-beam specimen From table 9.5, kL = load factor = 1.0 for bending loads kv = size factor = 1.0 for m < 5 mm and = 0.85 for m > 5 mm ks = surface factor, is taken from Fig.9.3 based on the ultimate tensile strength of the material for cut, shaved, and ground gears. kr = reliability factor given in Table 9.5. kT = temperature factor = 1 for T 350oC = 0.5 for 350 < T 500oC (9.6)

Fig.9.3 Surface factor Ks

Reliability of 90%, working temperature <150o C and reversible is assumed. kf = 1.0 since it is taken in J factor.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Machine Design II

Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

km = 1.0 for reverse bending assumed here Table 9.6 K terms of pinion and gear Prop. Pinion Gear kr kT kf km

0.897 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.897 1.0 1.0 1.0

Table 9.7 Reliability factor R Reliability factor R Factor Kr 0.50 1.000 0.90 0.897 0.95 0.868 0.99 0.814 0.999 0.9999 0.753 0.702

Permissible bending stress

[ ]

e n


Hence the design equation from bending consideration is, [] Factor of safety required = 1.5 ```````````````````````Table 9.8 Strength values of pinion and gear Prop. Pinion Gear e MPa []= e / s MPa MPa 150.7 134.6 100.5 89.7 0.1061 Ft 0.0932 Ft FT N 947 962 (9.8)

Table 9.8 shows that the pinion is weaker than gear. And maximum tangential force that can be transmitted is: Ft= 947 N So, the maximum power that can be transmitted is: W = Ft v / 1000 = 947 x 4.051 /1000 = 3.84 kW ----------------Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Machine Design II

Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

9.2 PROBLEM 2 SPUR GEAR DESIGN In a conveyor system a step-down gear drive is used. The input pinion is made of 18 teeth, 2.5 mm module, 20o full depth teeth of hardness 340Bhn and runs at 1720rpm. The driven gear is of hardness 280Bhn and runs with moderate shock at 860 rpm. Face width of wheels is 35mm. The gears are supported on less rigid mountings, less accurate gears and contact across full face may be assumed. The ultimate tensile strength of pinion and gear materials is 420 and 385MPa respectively. The gears are made by hobbing process. From surface durability consideration, find the maximum power that can be transmitted by the drive with a factor of safety 1.2 for a life of 108 cycles. Drive layout is shown in the Fig 9.4.

Fig. 9.4 Conveyor drive Layout diagram Data given: i = n1/n2 = 1720/860 = 2 Z2= Z1 x i = 18 X 2 = 36

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Machine Design II

Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

Table 9.9 Data given for pinion and gear n Z m d = mZ b 35 mm 35 mm

Pinion 1720rpm 18 2.5 mm 45 mm Gear 860 rpm 36 2.5 mm 90 mm

Table 9.10 Properties of gear and pinion Bhn Pinion Gear Reliability Life 99 % 99 % 108 Temp <120oC <120oC

340 20o 280 20o

Solution: The induced dynamic contact stress is given by equation below,

H Cp

Ft KV Ko Km b d1 I


When both pinion and gear material are made up of steel, from Table 9.11, Cp = 191 MPa (9.10)

SPUR GEAR CONTACT STRESS Table 9.11 Elastic coefficient Cp for spur gears in Pinion Material(=0.3 in all cases) Gear material Steel 191 166 162 158 Cast iron 166 149 149 145 Al Bronze 162 149 145 141 Tin Bronze 158 145 141 137

Steel, E=207Gpa Cast iron, E=131Gpa Al Bronze, E=121Gpa Tin Bronze, E=110Gpa

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Machine Design II

Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

sin cos i 2 i 1


Substituting the values from table 10,

sin 20o cos 20o 2 I 0.1071 2 2 1

SPUR GEAR SURFACE DURABILITY From table 3 and 4, V = dn/60000 = x 45 x 1720/60000 = 4.051m/s For hobbed gear,
Kv 50 (200V)0.5 50


Table 9.14 K Values of pinion and gear Z Pinion Gear 18 36 Kv 1.569 1.569 Ko 1.25 1.25 Km 1.6 1.6

Substituting values from Table 14, we have,

H Cp 191 Ft KV Ko Km bd1 I Ft 1.569x1.25x1.6 35x45x0.1071

26.051 Ft MPa

Surface fatigue strength of the material is given by, sf = sf KL Kr KT (9.13)

From table 10, for steel life is 107 cycles & reliability 99% and from Table 9.15,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Machine Design II

Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

sf = 28(Bhn) 69 = 2.8x340 69 = 954MPa KL = 0.9 for 108 cycles from Fig.9.2 KR = 1.0. for 99% reliability from Table 9.10


Table 9.15 Surafce fatigue strength sf for metallic spur gears (107 cycle life 99% reliability and temperature <120 0 C) Material Steel Nodular iron Cast iron, grade 20 Cast iron, grade 30 Cast iron, grade 40 Tin Bronze, AGMA 2C (11% Sn) Aluminium Bronze (ASTM 148 52) (Alloy 9C H.T.) sf(MPa) 2.8 (Bhn)-69MPa 0.95 (2.8(Bhn)-69MPa) 379 482 551 207 448

Fig. 9.5 Life factor Kl

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Machine Design II

Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram


Table 9.16 Reliability factor KR Reliability (%) 50 99 99.9 KR 1.25 1.00 0.80

SPUR GEAR ALLOWABLE SURFACE FATIGUE STRESS (AGMA) We know that, [ H ] = Sf / fs = 954/1.2 = 795MPa For factor of safety fs = 1.2 Design equation is, H [ H ] 26.051 Ft = 795 Ft = 931 N

Maximum Power that can be transmitted is, W = Ft V/1000 = 931x4.051/1000 = 3.51kW


Indian Institute of Technology Madras

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