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The specific heat of a substance is a measure of its capacity to absorb or give off heat per degree change in temperature.

The specific heat of a substance is the amount of heat necessary to change the temperature of 1 kg of it 1C (1 lb of it 1F in the U.S. system). By formula,



When two substances at different temperatures are mixed together, heat flows from the warmer body to the cooler body until they reach the same temperature (Fig. 14.13). This is known as thermal equilibrium or the method of mixtures.

We assume here that all the heat lost by the warmer body equals the heat gained by the cooler body. The amount of heat lost or gained by a body is

where the subscript l refers to the warmer body, which loses heat; the subscript g refers to the cooler body, which gains heat; and Tf is the final temperature of the mixture.

Ans: 33 F

Ans: 456 J/(kgC)


Most solids expand when heated and contract when cooled. They expand or contract in all three dimensions length, width, and thickness. When a solid is heated, the expansion is due to the increased length of the vibrations of the atoms and molecules. This results in the solid expanding in all directions. This increase in volume results in a decrease in weight density.

Linear Expansion The amount that a solid expands depends on the following: 1. Material. Different materials expand at different rates. Steel expands at a rate less than that of brass. 2. Length of the solid. The longer the solid, the larger is the expansion. A 20.0-cm steel rod will expand twice as much as a 10.0-cm steel rod. 3. Amount of change in temperature. The greater the change in temperature, the greater is

the expansion.

If a solid object has a hole in it, what happens to the size of it when the temperature of the object increases? Common misconception is that the material will expand into the hole. The fact is the hole expands along with the object. Every linear dimension of an object changes in the same way when temperature changes.

Area and Volume Expansion of Solids

Solids expand in width and thickness as well as in length when heated. The area of a hole cut out of a metal sheet will expand in the same way as the surrounding material.

To allow for this expansion the following formulas are used:

Ans: 0.3397
3 m

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