Week 2 Lesson4

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Week 2 Lesson 4

Background Week 2 Lesson 3 will discuss the appropriate use of measures of central tendency and variability in describing grouped or ungrouped set of data. Topics this Week Measures of Variability Quantiles Organizing and displaying data Key Concepts Variance Standard deviation Range Quartile Decile Percentile Graphs Textbook Reading Activities Read pages 44-52 of your textbook. Activity 1 Visit the site ---http://www.mhhe.com/business/opsci/doane/downloads/index.html. Discuss with your group mates how the shape of the graph or distribution is affected by the variance or variability of the data. Activity 2 a. List down as many types of graphs or charts you can give based on MS Excel by listing down only the major category, e.g. bar. b. Choose any five (5) of these types of graphs and charts and give example where you can use them. Choose data that are related to your field which is Pharmacy. c. Submit your work via email. Deadline of submission is before the Monthly exam. Activity 3 Discuss your thoughts on the use of quantiles with your groupmates. Journal Activity Submit your thoughts regarding your research journal paper in relation to the topics we have discussed this week.

Copyright 2003 UST e-LeAP

Week 2 Lesson 4

Measures of Variability Variability refers to the spread or dispersion of scores. A distribution of scores is said to be highly variable if the scores differ widely from one another. Three statistics will be discussed which measure variability: the range, the variance, and the standard deviation. To learn more on this, you have to do your activities 1 and 2.

Quantiles Quantiles are extensions of median. Quantiles organizes our data into desired equal number of parts. It can be classified as quartiles (four equal parts), deciles (10 equal parts) and percentile (100 equal parts). Thus, to get for ungrouped set of data 3rd quartile : Q3 = 3N/4 8th decile : D8 = 8N/10 th 75 percentile : P75 = 75N/100 For the grouped set of data, we will make use of the formula in getting the median. To review, medians formula is : ~ = Ass.~ N / 2 F i ; x x f to get the 2nd quartile: 2N / 4 F i Q2 = Ass.Q2 f where (applies only for +): Ass. Q2 - the lower class boundary of the 2nd quartile class N - the total number of samples/ subjects F - the total frequency before the 2nd quartile class

Data Presentation
In general, there are three (3) forms in which we can present our data: (1) tabular, (2) graphical and (3) textual. Textual is presenting your data in paragraphs; while tabular is where you use tables; and graphical is where you utilize charts and graphs (does it make sense?).
Copyright 2003 UST e-LeAP

Week 2 Lesson 4
For this part, I will ask you now to visit your MS Excel. It is good that you are finished with your Introduction to Computer with Application. We will now apply the lessons you have learned by working on activity 2 above. Submit your work via the assignment panel.

Copyright 2003 UST e-LeAP

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