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r Rmacaritamnasa
[The Mnasa lake brimming over with the exploits of r Rma]
With Hindi Text and English Translation
(A Romanized Edition)
Gita Press, Gorakhpur, India
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Publishers Note
r Rmacaritamnasa of Gosvm Tulasdsa enjoys a unique place
among the classics of the worlds literature. It is a specimen of most
exquisite poetry and can compare favourably with the best poems of the
world. It was considered to be the best work on Devotion by Mahtm
Gndh, the greatest man of the modern world and styled as the perfect
example of the perfect book by foreign scholars. It is universally accepted
by all classes of people from Bihar to the Punjab and from the Himlayas to
the Narmad. According to an old Christian missionary, who is no more in
this world, no one could hope to understand the people of Upper India till he
had mastered every line that Tulasdsa had written.
This universal appeal of the immortal poem encouraged us to publish
a faithful and accurate English translation of the book with the original text
critically edited with the utmost care on the basis of most authentic sources
available and was published in Kalyana-Kalpataru in three instalments as the
special number of the magazine.
For the first time in 1968 it was published in a consolidated formthe
original text in Ngar with english translation. It was given a hearty welcome
by the readers and since then ten more impressions were brought out.
For sometimes in the past we were pressurised to bring about an
edition with Romanized transliteration also of the original text. It was a big job
and required herculean labour on the part of the press and with the result the
book is in the hands of the readers.
Gita Press did it with the sole purpose that those also who cannot
read Ngar script particularly those who have migrated from India and
settled abroad may get themselves benefited and enjoy the greatest epic of
the world.
It is expected to supply a long-felt desideratum and we shall deem our
labours amply repaid if the volume finds acceptance with the English-reading
public. The book will be found illustrated with some of the best pictures
available in our stock on the life of r Rma and relevant to the theme of
r Rmacaritamnasa. With these few words of introduction we take leave
of our kind readers and leave it to them to judge how far we have succeeded
in preserving intact the beauties of the original in our translation.
Soft lights we wave, soft lights display,
Before this Lord of Sts lay
The Rmyaa, so sweet and dear,
So beautiful, without a peer,
Which gods like Brahm, Nrada sing.
The ant-hill sage, soul-seers king,
uka, rada, ea, boy sages four,
The wind-gods son recount this lore
With great delight and voices gay.
The holy books their music mix
To sing this gist of stras six,
Of all good works, of all good thought;
The wealth of sages; yet what not
Of all the saints?their mainstay,
Um and akara eer intone,
As well the wise Agastya pot-grown.
The crows, Garuas it heart indwells.
The poets great like Vysa and else
In ecstasies this song relay.
Shuns sensuous joy, sins abluent,
The dame of Muktis ornament;
Ambrosial herb rebirth to cure,
And parents both, tis only sure,
For Tulasdsa in everyway.
* A hymn of praise addressed to r Rmyaa at the time of waving lights while worshipping the same.
An rat Song*
(Rendered into English verse by Madhava araa M.A., L.L.B.)
r Rmyaajk rat
rfa >rtrrt t tfa fa fa f t t+
nra zrrf f r rt fr fr+
rf = r f a tfa tt+
nra r y r rtr n r +
f a r r a t t+
nra aa rt = rr f frt+
r rf f rt rnfz n=z t t+
f f f tt n fnr f+ at t+
rn f t t ara ra ff at t+
rati rrmyanaj k, krati kalita lalita siya p k.
gvata brahmdika muni nrada, blamka bigyna bisrada.
suka sanakdi sea aru srada, barani pavanasuta krati nk.
gvata beda purna aadasa, chao sstra saba grathana ko rasa.
muni jana dhana satana ko sarabasa, sra asa samata sabah k.
gvata satata sabhu bhavn, aru ghaasabhava muni bigyn.
bysa di kabibarja bakhn, kgabhusui garua ke h k.
kalimala harani biaya rasa phk, subhaga sigra mukti jubat k.
dalana roga bhava muri am k, tta mta saba bidhi tulas k.
1. Invocations
2. Salutations to the Guru
3. Salutations to Brhmaas and
4. Salutations to the wicked
5. Contrast between saints and the
6. Salutations to all living beings as
so many images of r Rma
7. Tulasdsas humility and the glory
of poetry describing r Rmas
8. Salutations to the immortal bards
9. Salutations to the sage Vlmki, the
Vedas, Brahm, iva, Prvat and
other gods and goddesses
10. Salutations to the abode and
companions of St and Rma
11. Salutations to and the glory of the
12. The excellences of r Rma and
the greatness of His story
13. The date of composition of the
14. The metaphorical representation of
the Mnasa as a lake and its glory
15. Dialogue between the sages
Yjavalkya and Bharadvja and
the greatness of Prayga
16. Sats bewilderment, r Rmas
divine glory and Sats remorse
17. Disowning of Sat by iva and
ivas trance
18. Sats visit to Dakas sacrifice
19. Sats self-immolation through the fire
of Yoga out of indignation at the
slight offered to Her Spouse by
Her father: destruction of Dakas
20. Descent of Goddess Prvat and
Her penance
21. r Rmas intercession with
Bhagavn iva for marriage
22. Prvats unique fidelity as revealed
through Her test by the seven seers
23. Loves departure on the errand of
the gods and his being burnt to
24. ivas boon to Rati (Cupers consort)
25. The gods prayer to iva for
marriage; the seven seers visit to
r Rmacaritamnasa
Subject Page No.
1. An rat Song (by Gosvm Tulasdsa)
2. Procedure for Reciting the Rmacaritamnasa
Descent I
[ VI ]
26. ivas peculiar marriage procession
and preparations for the wedding
(undertaken by the other party)
27. ivas nuptials
28. A dialogue between iva and
29. Causes of r Rmas Descent
30. Egos sway over Nrada and the
effect of the Lords My
31. Princess Vivamohins self-election
of a husband; Nradas pronouncing
a curse on the attendants of iva as
well as on the Lord Himself and his
subsequent freedom from the spell
of infatuation
32. The austerities of Manu and atar up
and their receiving a boon from
the Lord
33. The story of king Pratpabhnu
34. The birth of Rvaa and his brothers,
their austerities, opulence and
35. The piteous appeal of mother Earth
and other gods
36. The Lords compassion on them
37. King Daarathas sacrifice for the
birth of a son and his Queens
38. The Lords manifestation and the
delightful nature of His childish
39. Vivmitra visits king Daaratha
and asks for r Rma and
40. Protection of Vivmitras sacrifice
41. Redemption of Ahaly
42. Entry of Vivmitra with Rma and
Lakmaa into the precincts of
43. Janakas ecstasy of love at the
sight of Rma and Lakmaa
44. A visit to the town by Rma and
45. r Rmas visit to Janakas garden;
Rma and St catch sight of each
46. Worship of Goddess Prvat by St,
Her receiving blessing from the
Goddess and a dialogue between
Rma and Lakmaa
47. r Rmas entry into the pavilion
erected for the Bow-Sacrifice along-
with Lakmaa
48. Sts entry into the pavilion
49. Proclamation of Janakas vow by
his heralds
50. The princes failure to lift the bow and
Janakas despondent utterance
51. Lakmaas fulmination
52. The breaking of the Bow
53. St places the wreath of victory
round Rmas neck
54. Arrival of Paraurma, exchange of
hot words between Lakmaa and
Paraurma and r Rmas triumph
over the latter
55. Janakas despatching of messengers
to Ayodhy and departure of the
marriage procession from there
56. Arrival of the marriage procession and
its reception etc., at Janakapura
57. The wedding of St and Rma
and Their farewell
58. Return of the marriage procession
to Ayodhy and rejoicing in
the city
59. The glory of hearing and singing
the story of r Rma
60. Invocations
61. Preparations for r Rmas installation
as the Prince Regent of Ayodhy;
the gods concern over the same and
their approaching Goddess Sarasvat
for help
62. Sarasvat perverts the mind of
Manthar (a handmaid of queen
Kaikey); a dialogue between Kaikey
and Manthar
63. Kaikey enters the sulking-chamber
64. Dialogue between king Daaratha
and Kaikey; Daarathas lamentation;
Sumantra goes to the palace and,
returning from it, sends r Rma to
His father
65. Dialogue between r Rma and
mother Kaikey
66. Dialogue between r Rma and His
father; the sadness of the people of
Ayodhy; their remonstrances with
67. Dialogue between r Rma and
mother Kausaly
68. Dialogue between St and r Rma
69. Dialogue between r Rma, Kausaly
and St
70. Dialogue between r Rma and
71. Dialogue between Lakmaa and
mother Sumitr
72. r Rma, Lakmaa and St call on
king Daaratha to take leave of
him; Daarathas advice to St
73. r Rma, St and Lakmaa proceed
to the woods and slip past the
citizens buried in slumber
74. r Rmas arrival at gaverapura;
the Nida chiefs services
75. Dialogue between Lakmaa and
the Nida; Sumantras dialogue
with r Rma and St and his
returning to Ayodhy
76. The boatmans love and the passage
across the Gag
77. Arrival at Prayga and dialogue between
r Rma and the sage Bharadvja;
the love of the people inhabiting the
bank of the Yamun
78. The episode of an ascetic
79. r Rma greets the Yamun; love
of the villagers
80. Dialogue between r Rma and
the sage Vlmki
81. r Rma takes up His abode at
Citrakua; the services of the Kolas
and Bhlas
82. Sumantra returns to Ayodhy and
finds the city a picture of grief
83. Dialogue between king Daaratha
and Sumantra, Daarathas passing
84. The sage Vasiha sends envoys
to call Bharata
85. Arrival and lamentation of Bharata
and atrughna
86. Dialogue between Bharata and mother
Kausaly and king Daarathas
87. Dialogue between the sage Vasiha
and Bharata; Bharata prepares for a
journey to Citrakua in order to
bring r Rma back to Ayodhy
88. Departure of Bharata and atrughna
with the citizens of Ayodhy to the
89. The Nidas suspicion and
Descent II
90. Bharatas meeting and dialogue with
the Nida chief; the love of Bharata
and the citizens of Ayodhy for
r Rma
91. Bharatas arrival at Prayga and
dialogue between Bharata and the
sage Bharadvja
92. Bharadvja shows hospitality to
93. Dialogue between Indra and his
preceptor (the sage Bhaspati)
94. Bharata on his way to Citrakua
95. Sts dream; the Kolas and Kirtas bring
news of Bharatas arrival to r Rma;
r Rmas concern at the report;
Lakmaas outburst of passion
96. r Rma admonishes Lakmaa
and dwells on Bharatas greatness
97. Bharata takes a dip in the Mandkin
and arrives at Citrakua; Bharata and
others meet one another, mourn the
kings death and perform his rddha
98. Hospitality of the foresters towards
Bharata and his party; Kaikeys remorse
99. Vasihas speech
100. Dialogue between r Rma, Bharata
and others
101. King Janakas arrival at Citrakua; the
Kolas and Kirtas offer presents to the
visitors and all meet one another
102. Dialogue between queens Kausaly
and Sunayan (king Janakas wife);
Sts amiability
103. Dialogue between king Janaka and
his wife; Bharatas glory
104. Dialogue between king Janaka and
Bharata; Indras anxiety; Goddess
Sarasvats admonition to Indra
105. Dialogue between the sage Vasiha,
r Rma and Bharata
106. Bharata deposits the sacred waters;
his perambulation through Citrak ua
107. Dialogue between r Rma and
Bharata; the gift of sandals; Bharatas
108. Returning to Ayodhy, Bharata
enthrones the sandals and takes up
his residence at Nandigrma; the
virtue of listening to Bharatas story
Descent III
109. Invocations
110. Jayantas mischief and punishment
111. Meeting with the sage Atri and his
hymn of praise to r Rma
112. Sts meeting with Anasuy (Atris
wife) and the latters discourse on
the duties of a devoted wife
113. r Rma proceeds further and kill
Virdha; the episode of the sage
114. r Rma takes a vow to kill the
115. Sutkas love and r Rmas meeting
with the sage Agastya; dialogue with
Agastya; r Rmas entry into the
Daaka forest and His meeting
with Jayu
116. r Rma takes up His abode at
Pacava; dialogue between r Rma
and Lakmaa
117. The story of urpaakh; her
approaching Khara, D uaa and Triir
for redress and their subsequent
death at r Rmas hands
118. urpaakh approaches Rvaa; St
enters into the fire leaving Her
shadow behind
119. The episode of Mrca and how he
was killed in the form of a gold
120. Sts abduction and Her wail
121. The combat of Jayu with Rvaa
122. r Rmas lament; His meeting
with Jayu
123. Deliverance of Kabandha
124. Grace on abar; a discourse on the
nine forms of Devotion and departure
for the Pamp lake
125. A description of the spring; Nradas
meeting with r Rma
126. Dialogue between the sage Nrada
and r Rma
127. The glory of hearing the praises of
r Rma and an exhortation to
cultivate fellowship with saints and
practise adoration
Descent IV
128. Invocations
129. r Rmas meeting with Hanumn
and the conclusion of an alliance
between r Rma and Sugrva
130. Sugrva apprizes r Rma of his woes;
the latters vow to kill Vli; r Rma
expatiates on the characteristics
of a friend
131. Sugrvas dispassion
132. Duel between Vli and Sugrva;
deliverance of Vli
133. Trs wail; r Rmas advice to
Tr and Sugrvas coronation and
Agadas installation as his Heir-
134. A description of the rainy
135. r Rmas show of displeasure
towards Sugrva and Lakmaas
136. Dialogue between Sugrva and
r Rma and the departure of the
monkeys in quest of St
137. Their meeting with a hermitess in
a cavern
138. The monkeys arrival at the seashore;
their meeting and conversation with
Sampt (Jayus brother)
139. Sampts advice to the monkeys to
leap across the ocean; Jmbavn
encourages Hanumn by reminding
him of his strength
140. The greatness of r Rmas
Descent V
141. Invocations
142. Hanumn leaves for Lak, meets
Suras and kills the image-catching
143. Description of Lak; Hanumn strikes
Lakin and enters Lak
144. Hanumn meets Vibhaa
145. Hanumns grief at the sight of St
in the Aoka grove and Rvaas
threat to St
146. Trijas dream
147. Dialogue between St and Trija
148. Dialogue between St and
149. Hanumn lays waste the Aoka grove
and kills prince Akaya; at last
Meghanda entangles Hanumn in a
noose of serpents and carries him
off to Rvaas court
150. Dialogue between Hanumn and
151. Burning of Lak
152. After burning Lak Hanumn asks
leave of St and obtains the
crest-jewel from Her
153. On Hanumns reaching the opposite
shore all the monkeys return and
enter Madhuvana; their meeting with
Sugrva and the dialogue between
r Rma and Hanumn
154. r Rmas march to the beach
alongwith the army of monkeys
155. Dialogue between Mandodar and
156. Vibhaa offers advice to Rvaa
and meets with an affront at the
latters hands
157. Vibhaa sallies forth to obtain r
Rmas protection and secures it
158. Deliberation over the question of
crossing the sea; appearance of uka,
a spy of Rvaa, and his return with
Lakmaas letter
159. The spy gives counsel to Rvaa
and delivers Lakmaas note to
160. r Rmas fury against the sea
and the latters supplication
161. Glory of hymning r Rmas
Descent VI
162. Invocations
163. Bridging of the ocean by Nala
and Nla; r Rmas installation of
r Rmevara
164. r Rma crosses the ocean with the
whole army and encamps on Mount
Suvela; Rvaa feels agitated at
the news
165. Mandodar expostulates with Rvaa;
dialogue between Rvaa and
Prahasta (his son)
166. A mental view of r Rma on Mount
Suvela and a description of the
rising moon
167. An arrow from r Rmas bow
strikes down Rvaas diadems
and umbrella
168. Mandodar makes remonstrance with
Rvaa again and dwells upon
r Rmas glory
169. Agadas departure for Lak and
dialogue between Agada and
Rvaa in the latters court
170. Mandodar offers advice to Rvaa
once more
171. Dialogue between Agada and r
Rma; conflict actually begins
172. Mlyavns admonition to Rvaa
173. The battle recommences; encounter
between Lakmaa and Meghanda;
a javelin thrown by the latter strikes
Lakmaa in the breast
174. Hanumn fetches the physician Suea
and proceeds in quest of the life-giving
herb; dialogue between Klanemi and
Rvaa, redemption of the she-alligator;
deliverance of Klanemi
175. Struck by Bharatas arrow, Hanumn
drops down unconscious; dialogue
between Bharata and Hanumn
176. r Rmas sport of a frantic wail;
Hanumns return; Lakmaas coming
back to consciousness
177. Rvaa awakes Kumbhakara;
Kumbhakaras exhortation to Rvaa
and dialogue between Vibhaa
and Kumbhakara
178. Kumbhakara joins the bele and
attains final beatitude
179. Meghanda gives battle and
r Rma sportfully allows Himself
to be bound by a snare of serpents 880
180. Destruction of Meghandas sacrificial
performance; his engagement on the
battle-field and deliverance at the
hands of Lakmaa
181. Rvaas march to the field of battle;
r Rmas victory-chariot and an
encounter between the monkeys
and the demons
182. Encounter between Lakmaa and
183. Rvaas swoon; destruction of his
sacrificial performance; combat
between r Rma and Rvaa
184. Indra (the lord of paradise) sends a
chariot for the use of r Rma; encounter
between r Rma and Rvaa
185. Rvaa hurls a lance at Vibhaa :
r Rma puts Vibhaa behind Him
and exposes Himself to its full force;
encounter between Vibhaa and Rvaa
186. Combat of Rvaa and Hanumn;
Rvaa creates phantoms and r Rma
disperses the phantoms
187. Fierce fighting; Rvaas swoon
188. Dialogue between St and
189. Final encounter between r Rma
and Rvaa; end of Rvaa; shouts
of victory everywhere
190. Mandodar and other queens lament;
Rvaas funeral
191. Vibhaas installation
192. Hanumn carries the happy news to
St; St rejoins r Rma and enters
fire as a test of her purity
193. The gods sing the Lords praises;
Indra rains down nectar on the
194. Vibhaas entreaty; Sri Rama
portrayal and Bharatas condition by
due to the excessive love he bore
towards the Lord; r Rma urges
Vibhaa to arrange His speedy return
to Ayodhy.....................................939
195. Vibhaa rains down clothes and
ornaments from the air and the
monkeys and bears pick them
up and adorn their person with
196. r Rma and St leave for Ayodhy
on the aerial car, Pupaka
197. The glory of r Rmas story
Descent VII
198. Invocations
199. Bharatas desolation; meeting of
Bharata and Hanumn; rejoicing in
200. r Rmas Reception; meeting with
Bharata; universal rejoicing on meeting
r Rma
201. r Rmas Coronation; Vedas
Alleluia; Lord ivas Alleluia
202. r Rma bestows parting presents
on the monkeys and the Nida
203. Account of r Rmas Reign
204. Birth of sons to the four brothers;
Ayodhys loveliness; arrival of
the sage Sanaka and his three
brothers and their dialogue with
r Rma
205. Hanumns introduction to Bharatas
question and r Rmas discourse
on the subject
206. r Rmas exhortation to His
subjects (r Rma-Gt); the
citizens acknowledgement
207. Dialogue between r Rma and
the sage Vasiha; r Rmas
excursion to a mango grove in the
company of His brothers
208. Nradas visit and return to Brahms
abode after hymning the Lords
209. Dialogue between Lord iva and
Goddess Prvat; Garuas delusion;
Garua listens to r Rmas story
and to an account of His glory
from Kkabhuui
210. Kkabhuui narrates the story
of his previous lives and tells
Garua the glory of the Kali
211. Insult offered by him to his preceptor
in a previous birth and the curse
pronounced on him by Lord iva
212. A hymn of eight verses addressed
to Lord iva
213. Gurus appeal to Lord iva for
forgiving the wrong; mollification
of the curse; continuation of
Kkabhuuis narrative
214. Kkabhuui approaches the sage
Lomaa, who first pronounces a
curse on him but later on showers
his grace and bestows a boon on him 1069
215. Delineation of Gnosis and Devotion;
a description of the Lamp of wisdom
and the surpassing glory of Devotion 1076
216. Seven questions of Garua and
Kkabhuuis replies to them
217. Glory of adoration
218. Greatness of the Rmyaa;
Tulasdsas prayer and reward of
reciting this poem
Procedure of Reciting the Rmacaritamnasa
Those who undertake to read the Rmacaritamnasa according to the correct
procedure should before commencing the reading invoke and worship the author.
Gosvm Tulasdsa, the sage Vlmki, Lord iva and r Hanumn, and then invoke the
Divine Couple, St and Rma, alongwith r Rmas three divine brothers (Bharata,
Lakmaa and atrughna), offer them the sixteenfold worship and meditate on them. The
reading should be commenced after that.
at ta+frn- rfa =- sf fannar+ {+
Obeisance to you, O Tulasdsa! Please come here, O saint of holy vows.
Taking your seat in the south-west, accept this adoration. Obeisance to Tulasdsa.
>rtrrt ta+frn- r s-rr fa n tr + +
Obeisance to you, O Vlmki ! Pray come here, O bestower of blessings ! Take
your seat in the north-east and accept my homage. Obeisance to Vlmki.
nrta ta+frn- 4 frrr fa r nrr + -+
Obeisance to You, O Spouse of Gaur (Prvat) ! Pray come here, O mighty Lord.
Kindly take Your seat in the south-east and accept my homage. Obeisance to the
Spouse of Gaur.
>rtr ta+frn- f rrrn rfa nrr + +
>rttr rr
Obeisance to you, O Lakmaa; please come here with your beloved consort
(Urmil). Kindly occupy the southern quarter of the altar, and accept my homage.
Obeisance to Lakmaa with his consort.
>rtrrrr ta+frn- f tt fn rn tt =r + ~+
>rttr rrrrr
Obeisance to you, O atrughna ! Please come here with your beloved consort
(rutakrti). Seating yourself in the western quarter of this altar pray accept my homage.
Obeisance to atrughna with his consort.
>rta ta+frn- f ttr -r rn fa r n rr + +
>rttr ar
Obeisance to you, O Bharata! Pray come here with your beloved consort
(Mav), Please sit down in the northern quarter of the altar and accept my homage.
Obeisance to Bharata and his wife.
>rtrta+frn- rf rn rfa tt= r+ +
Obeisance to you, O Hanumn! Pray come here, O mine of compassion.
Please occupy the eastern quarter and accept my homage, O Lord! Obeisance to
rr ar ff rrf n t-r a r r -t + c+
The principal deity (r Rma accompanied by His Consort, St) should then be
worshipped with due ceremony. Taking flowers in the hollow of his or her palms the
reader should meditate on the Supreme Deity (r Rma) in the light of the following
+rrrrfr tarrra rry f r >rttar rrfa
r=rarn fnrrrrffrfa -frrfrrffr +yffq+ +
I ever adore r Rma, whose charming eyes resemble the petals of a red lotus,
who is clad in yellow raiments and has a dark-brown form endowed with a pair of arms,
who wears a cheerful countenance, is accompanied by r St, and is an ocean of
nectar in the form of mercy, who is waited upon even by Viu, iva and others and is
meditated upon alongwith His three brothers and other favourite attendants (Hanumn
and others) and who grants the desire of His devotees.
rn- rtr rr rrr nrr r rrrffa+ {+
Please come, O Lord of Janakas Daughter, alongwith St and accept my
homage with Hanumn (son of the wind-god) and others, O Scion of Raghu.
rfa r frtarrrfa r f r -r n rr frffra + {{+
Occupy, O Rma, this bejewelled seat of gold, offered by me, and spread over
with an exquisite covering.
The Deity should then be worshipped with the sixteenfold equipage prescribed in
the scriptures.*
t >rt-rrrr>rtrfat >rtfrrrfzr-rrnrtrfatrr =
>rttarrr ar >rtrr t rnt f+ rf+ ff-rarrfrrar
>rttarrtfarfqv r ffrn
Of this story of r Rma, known by the name of Mnasa-Rmyaa, Lord iva,
the sages Kkabhuui and Yjavalkya and Gosvm Tulasdsa are the seers; r
Rma united with His Consort, St, is the deity; the name Rma is the seed; Devotion
which cures the disease of transmigration, is the akti (motive force or energy); and the
object of this reading is to ward off all evils and accomplish all ones desires through the
propitiation of St and Rma.
Then water should be sipped thrice with the recitation of the following Mantras one
after another >rttarrr+r , >rtr-r and >rtrr . A Pryma should also be
performed with the recitation of the Bja-Mantra sacred to St and Rma.
* The sixteenfold equipage of worship consists of:
1. Pdya (water for washing the feet with); 2. Arghya (water for washing the hands with); 3. camanya
(water of rinsing the mouth with); 4. Snnya (water for performing ablutions with); 5. Vastra (raiment);
6. bhuaa (ornaments); 7. Gandha (sandal-paste); 8. Pupa (flowers); 9. Dhupa (burning incense);
10. Dpa (light); 11. Naivedya (food); 12. camanya (water for rinsing the mouth); 13. Tmbula (betel-leaves
with other ingredients for cleansing and scenting the mouth); 14. Stava-Pha (singing praises); 15. Tarpaa
(water for slaking thirst) and 16. Namaskra (salutation).

Karanysa consists in invoking and installing typical Mantras on the various
fingers, palms and back of the hands. In Karanysa as well as in Aganysa the
Mantras are treated as possessing a living form and it is these personified forms of the
Mantras that the touched and greeted by citing the names of the particular limbs. Through
this process the reciter himself is indentified with the Mantra and brought under the full
protection of the Mantra-god. He is purified both externally and internally and is infused
with divine energy. His spiritual practice runs a smooth course till the very end and
proves beneficial to him.
The procedure of Karanysa in this case is as follows:
n n n nr r rf fa r +
(The hosts of virtues possessed by Rma are a blessing to the world and the
bestowers of Liberation, riches, religious merit and the Divine Abode).
Uttering these words the thumbs of both the hands should be touched with the
r r f rt fa-f r rt+
(Multitudes of sins dare not stand in the presence of those who utter the name
Rma even while yawning.)
Uttering this the index-fingers of both the hands should be touched with the
r r- a fr rs r rr n n fr+
(May Your appellation Rma, O Lord, excel all other divine names and play the
role of a fowler in relation of birds in the form of sins.)
Uttering this the middle fingers of both the hands should be touched with the
sr r= rfa t r; f ra r nrr;+
(Bhagavn r Rma makes the whole creation dance like a wooden doll, O
Uttering this the ring-fingers of both the hands should be touched with the
- r; t rf t - rf rr rf at+
(The moment a creature turns its face towards Me(says the Lord)the sins
committed by it through millions of births are dissolved then and there.)
Uttering this the little fingers of both the hands should be touched with the
rfr rrr a r =f r+
a r+r
(Protect me, O Leader of Raghus race, holding as You do an excellent bow and
brilliant arrow in Your hands.)
Uttering this the palms and backs of both the hands should be touched one after
another each with the other hand.
In Aganysa the heart and other parts of the body are touched with all the fingers
of the right hand joined together.
n n n nr r rf fa r +
Uttering this the heart should be touched with all the five fingers of the right
Similarly the forehead should be touched after uttering the following line:
r r f rt fa-f r rt+
fr trr
The tuft of hair on the head should then be touched after uttering the following
r r- a frr rs r rr n n fr+
After uttering the following line the right shoulder should be touched with the fingers
of the left hand and vice versa:
sr r= rfa t r; f ra r nrr;+
After uttering the following line both the eyes should be touched with the finger-tips
of the right hand:
- r; t rf t - rf rr rf at+
rr+r r
After uttering the following line the right hand should be taken round the head
counter-clockwise from the forehead to the back of the head and back to the forehead,
and the palm of the left hand should be struck with the index and middle fingers of the
rfr rrr a r =f r+
The form of the Lord should then be meditated upon with the help of the following
rr r r frf r fr+
t ar tr r f z f+
rar = f r rr n+
f r t nr+
f r f fza fr fza+
rrf = r+
r ffa fnrn nra f a rn+
r=t t z ff rr z+
f r ar afr rf a +
(Look at me, O Lord with lotus-like eyes! You rid the devotee of sorrow by Your
gracious look. You are swarthy of hue like the blue lotus, O Hari, and a bee as it were
drinking in he nectarean love of the lotus-like heart of Lord iva (an avowed enemy of
the god of love). You crush the might of the demon hosts, delight the sages and saints
and wipe out sins. You are a mass of fresh clouds for the crop in the form of the
Brhmaas (the gods on this earth), the refuge of the forlorn and a brateater of the
humble. You relieve the burden of the earth by the enormous strength of Your arm and
are an adept in killing the demons Khara, Duaa and Virdha. An enemy of the demon
king Rvaa and bliss personified, You are the noblest of kings. Glory to You, who are
as moon to the lily-like race of Daaratha. Your bright glory is known to the Puras,
Vedas and Tantras, and is sung by gods, sages and the assemblages of saints. Full of
compassion, You crush false pride and are perfect in everyway, O ornament of
Ayodhy! Your Name wipes out the impurities of this sinful age and curbs the feeling of
meum. Protect this humble devotee, O Lord of Tulasdsa!)
N.B. The pauses for a nine-day and thirty-day recitation have been noted in the
body of the text itself and have therefore not been separately mentioned.
f rnr

r Rmacaritamnasa
(The Mnasa lake containing the exploits of r Rma)
Descent One

rrrrrrr rr -rf
y rr -rr - rrtfr+ {+
varnmarthasaghn rasn chandasmapi,
magaln ca karttrau vande vvinyakau.1.
I reverence V ( the goddess of speech) and Vinyaka (Lord Gaea), the
originators of sounds represented by the alphabet, of the multitudes of objects denoted by those
sounds, of poetic sentiments as well as of metres, and the begetters of all auspiciainess.(1)
rtr - >rqrf4r=fr
r+r fr f-a fqr tr-att4+ +
bhavnakarau vande raddhvivsarupiau,
ybhy vin na payanti siddh svntasthamvaram.2.
I greet Goddess Prvat and Her consort, Bhagavn akara, embodiments of
reverence and faith respectively, without which even the adept cannot perceive God
enshrined in their very heart. (2)
- r f- n= r =fr
rf>rar f rf - r -ua+ -+
vande bodhamaya nitya guru akararupiam,
yamrito hi vakropi candra sarvatra vandyate.3.
I make obeisance to the eternal preceptor in the form of Lord akara, who is all
wisdom, and resting on whose brow the crescent moon, though crooked in shape, is
universally adored. (3)
- frqf-rr t4t4+ +
strmaguagrmapuyrayavihriau ,
vande viuddhavijnau kavvarakapvarau.4.
I pay homage to the king of poes (Vlmki) and the chief of monkeys (Hanumn),
of pure intelligence, both of whom sport in the holy woods in the shape of glories of St
and Rma. (4)
sftfarrfrt rrfrt
>rtt tar ar rrr+ ~+
udbhavasthitisahrakri kleahrim,
sarvareyaskar st natoha rmavallabhm.5.
I bow to St the beloved consort of r Rma, who is responsible for the
creation, sustenance and dissolution (of the universe), removes afflictions and begets
all bleneshess. (5)
-rrrf-r f4f zr rfrr
--r rfa r r
-rt f rrrrftaatrar
- arrr rr=tr f+ +
yanmyvaavartti vivamakhila brahmdidevsur
yatsattvdamaiva bhti sakala rajjau yathherbhrama,
yatpdaplavamekameva hi bhavmbhodhestitrvat
vandeha tamaeakraapara rmkhyama harim.6.
I adore Lord Hari, known by the name of r Rma, who is superior to and
lies beyond all causes, whose My (illusive power) holds sway over the entire
universe including gods from Brahm (the Creator) downwards and demons, whose
presence lends positive reality to the world of appearanceseven as the false notion
of a serpent is entertained with reference to a ropeand whose feet are the only
bark for those who are eager to cross the ocean of mundane existence. (6)
rr rrfnrnra rrr fnfa af-arf
tr-a r a t rr rnrrrrf-fa= rarfa + +
nnpuranigamgamasammata yad rmyae nigadita kvacidanyatopi,
svntasukhya tulas raghunthagthbhnibandhamatimajulamtanoti.7.
For the gratification of his own self Tulasdsa brings forth this very elegant
composition relating in common parlance the story of the Lord of Raghus, which is in accord
with the various Puras, Vedas and the gamas (Tantras), and incorporates what has
been recorded in the Rmyaa (of Vlmki) and culled from some other sources. (7)
r fa ff r; n r f
s n r; fq rf n + {+
So.: jo sumirata sidhi hoi gana nyaka karibara badana,
karau anugraha soi buddhi rsi subha guna sadana.1.
May Lord Gaea, the leader of ivas retinue, whose very thought ensures
success, who carries on his shoulders the head of a beautiful elephant, who is a
repository of wisdom and an abode of blessed qualities, shower his grace. (1)
r; rr n ; fnf n
r r r r s f + +
muka hoi bcla pagu caRhai giribara gahana,
jsu kp

so dayla dravau sakala kali mala dahana.2.

May that merciful Lord, whose grace enables the dumb to wax eloquent and a
cripple to ascend an inaccessible mountain, and who burns all the impurities of the Kali
age, be moved to pity. (2)
t r= tr a= = rf
s r s r r trn + -+
nla saroruha syma taruna aruna brija nayana,
karau so mama ura dhma sad chrasgara sayana.3.
May the Lord who ever sleeps on the ocean of milk, and who is swarthy as a
blue lotus and has eyes resembling a pair of full-blown red lotuses, take up His abode
in my bosom. (3)
; sr =r
rf t s r + +
kuda idu sama deha um ramana karun ayana,
jhi dna para neha karau kp mardana mayana.4.
May the crusher of Cupid, Bhagavn iva, whose form resembles in colour the
jasmine flower and the moon, who is the consort of Goddess Prvat and an abode of
compassion and who is fond of the afflicted, be gracious. (4)
s n= r f = f
rr a r f f+ ~+
badau guru pada kaja kp sidhu nararupa hari,
mahmoha tama puja jsu bacana rabi kara nikara.5.
I bow to the lotus feet of my Guru, who is an ocean of mercy and is no other than
r Hari Himself in human form, and whose words are sunbeams as it were for
dispersing the mass of darkness in the form of gross ignorance. (5)
s n= rnr =f r rnr+
f f r= = fr=+ {+
fa a f fat n r at+
t f fa n n t+ +
>rtn f n rat fa f fr f rat+
r a r r z rn s r; r+ -+
srrf f fr t ff r t +
rf r fa f rf na n r f rf+ +
Cau.: bada~~u
guru pada paduma parg, suruci subsa sarasa anurg.
amia murimaya curana cr u, samana sakala bhava ruja parivru.1.
sukti sabhu tana bimala bibhut, majula magala moda pras ut.
jana mana maju mukura mala haran, ki~e
tilaka guna gana basa karan.2.
rgura pada nakha mani gana jot, sumirata dibya di hiya hot.
dalana moha tama so sapraks u, baRe bhga ura vai jsu.3.

bimala bilocana h ke, miahi

doa dukha bhava rajan ke.


rma carita mani mnika, guputa pragaa jaha jo jehi khnika.4.

I greet the pollen-like dust of the lotus feet of my preceptor, refulgent, fragrant and
flavoured with love. It is a lovely powder of the life-giving herb, which allays the host of all
the attendant ills of mundane existence. It adorns the body of a lucky person even as white
ashes beautify the person of Lord iva, and brings forth sweet blessings and joys. It rubs
the dirt off the beautiful mirror in the shape of the devotees heart; when applied to the
forehead in the form of a Tilaka (a religious mark), it attracts a host of virtues. The
splendour of gems in the form of nails on the feet of the blessed Guru unfolds divine vision
in the heart by its very thought. The lustre disperses the shades of infatuation, highly
blessed is he in whose bosom it shines. With its very appearance the bright eyes of the
mind get opened; the attendant evils and sufferings of the night of mundane existence
disappear; and gems and rubies in the shape of stories of r Rma, both patent and
hidden, wherever and in whatever mine they may be, come to light (14)
r f n r fq r
a a a f fr+ {+
Do.: jath suajana aji dga sdhaka siddha sujna,
kautuka dekhata saila bana bhutala bhuri nidhna.1.
as for instance, by applying to the eyes the miraculous salve known by the
name of Siddhjana (the eye-salve of perfection) strivers, adepts as well as men of
wisdom easily discover a host of mines on hill-tops, in the midst of forests and in the
bowels of the earth. (1)
n= f n r f+
af f f f fr s r fa r+ {+
s t r r fa r+
r n rt s r rt+ +
r fa fa r f f n r+
r f f rr t f n rr+ -+
n a r r n n atr+
r f+ f rr ; zr fr rr+ +
ff f f t r ff t+
f r frfa t a n t+ ~+
ftr f r atr r r+
f f r a r r+ +
f atr ; u n r+ +
Cau.: guru pada raja mdu majula ajana, nayana amia dga doa bibhajana.

kari bimala bibeka bilocana, baranau rma carita bhava mocana.1.

prathama mahsura caran, moha janita sasaya saba haran.
sujana samja sakala guna khn, karau pranma saprema subn.2.
sdhu carita subha carita kaps u, nirasa bisada gunamaya phala jsu.
jo sahi dukha parachidra durv, badanya jehi

jaga jasa pv.3.

muda magalamaya sata samju, jo jaga jagama tratharj u.
rma bhakti jaha

surasaridhr, sarasai brahma bicra pracr.4.
bidhi niedhamaya kali mala haran, karama kath rabinadani baran.
hari hara kath birjati ben, sunata sakala muda magala den.5.
bau bisvsa acala nija dharam, tratharja samja sukaram.
sabahi sulabha saba dina saba des, sevata sdara samana kales.6.
akatha alaukika trathar u, dei sadya phala pragaa prabhu.7.
The dust of the Gurus feet is a soft and agreeable, salve, which is ambrosia as
it were for the eyes and remedies the defects of vision. Having brightened my eyes of
discernment thereby I proceed to relate the story of r Rma, which secures freedom
from the bondage of mundane existence. First I reverence the feet of Brhmaas, the
very gods on earth, who are able to dispel all doubts born of ignorance. Then I make
loving obeisance, in a polite language, to the whole body of pious souls, the mines of all
virtues. The conduct of holy men is noble as the career of the cotton plant, the fruit
whereof is tasteless, white and fibrous (even as the doings of saints yield results which
are free from attachment, stainless and full of goodness).* Even by suffering hardships
( in the form of ginning, spinning and weaving) the cotton covers others faults and has
thereby earned in the world a renown which is worthy of adoration. The assemblage of
saints, which is all joy and felicity, is a moving Prayga (the king of all holy places) as
it were. Devotion to r Rma represents, in this moving Prayga, the stream of the holy
Gag, the river of the celestials; while the proceeding of an enquiry into the nature of
Brahma (the Absolute) constitutes the Sarasvat (a subterranean stream which is
traditionally believed to join the Gag and the Yamun at Prayga, thus accounting for
the name Trive, which signifies a meeting-place of three rivers). Discourses on Karma
or Action, consisting of injunctions and interdictions, have been spoken of as the sacred
Yamuna daughter of the sun-god in her angelic formwashing the impurities of the
Kali age; while the anecdotes of Viu and iva stand out as the triple stream known as
Trive, bringing joy and blessings to those who listen to them. Unwavering faith in their
own creed constitutes the immortal banyan tree and noble actions represent the royal
court of that king of holy places. Easy of access to all on anyday and at every place,
this moving Prayga assuages the afflictions of those who resort to it with reverence.
This king of holy places is beyond all description and supra-mundane in character; it
bestows the reward immediately and its glory is manifest. (17)
f rf fa rf fa rn
f rf a a r r rn+ +
Do.: suni samujhahi

jana mudita mana majjahi

ati anurga,

cri phala achata tanu sdhu samja prayga.2.

* The fruit of the cotton plant has been characterized in the original as Nrasa, Visada and
Gunamaya, which words can be interpreted both ways as in the rendering given above.
Men who having heard the glory of this moving Prayga in the form of the
assemblage of holy men, appreciate it with an enraptured mind and then take a plunge
into it with extreme devotion obtain the four rewards* of human existence during their
very lifetime. (2)
r f aarr r rf f s rr+
f r f r; anfa fr f nr;+ {+
rt r rrrt f f f t f rt+
rr z a t rr+ +
fa tfa nfa fa r; f a r f r;+
r r an r r r sr+ -+
f an f r; r r f r;+
ana n r r; ff r r+ +
f anfa r; r ra r;+
ff na t f f f n t+ ~+
ff f f rf rt a r fr rt+
r r f ra r f f n n + +
Cau.: majjana phala pekhia tatakl, kka hohi

pika bakau marl.

suni caraja karai jani ko, satasagati mahim nahi

blamka nrada ghaajon, nija nija mukhani kah nija hon.
jalacara thalacara nabhacara nn, je jaRa cetana jva jahn.2.
mati krati gati bhuti bhal, jaba jehi

jatana jah


so jnaba satasaga prabh u, lokahu beda na na upu.3.
binu satasaga bibeka na ho, rma kp binu sulabha na so.
satasagata muda magala mul, soi phala sidhi saba sdhana phul.4.
saha sudharahi

satasagati p, prasa parasa kudhta suh.

bidhi basa sujana kusagata parah

, phani mani sama nija guna anusarah

bidhi hari hara kabi kobida bn, kahata sdhu mahim sakucn.
so mo sana kahi jta na kaise , ska banika mani guna gana jaise .6.
The result of dipping into the sacred waters of this king of holy places is instantly
perceived: crows turn into cuckoos and herons into swans. Let no one marvel to hear
this; the glory of contact with saints is no secret. Vlmki

, Nrada

and Agastya, who

was born of a pitcher, have related the story of their birth and transformation with their
own lips. Of the various creatures, both animate and inanimate, living in this world,
whether in water or on land or in the air, whoever has ever attained wisdom, glory,
salvation, material prosperity or welfare anywhere and by any means whatsoever, know
* The four rewards of human existence are: (1) Dharma or religious merit (2) Artha or material riches
(3) Kma or sensuous enjoyment and (4) Moka or release from the bondage of worldly existence.
Vlmki had been a hunter and a highway robber in his early life. He was reclaimed by the seven
seers and eventually turned out a great seer and poet.
We read in the Bhgavata that Nrada was the son of a maid-servant in his previous incarnation
and even as a child came in touch with holy men, who imparted him the highest wisdom and made him a real
devotee by their very contact. In his next birth he appeared as a mind-born son of Brahm.
Agastya was begotten of god Varua through a pitcher. Another great sage, Vasiha, was also born of
the same pitcher. The association thus obtained in his embryonic state with a great sage made him equally great.
it to be the result of association with holy men; there is no other means either in the world
or in the Vedas. Wisdom dawns not without association with saints and such association
cannot be easily had without the grace of r Rma. Contact with noble souls is the root
of joy and blessings; it constitutes the very fruit and fulfilment of all endeavours, whereas
all other practices are blossoms as it were. Through contact with the virtuous even the
wicked get reformed, just as a base metal is transmuted by the touch of the philosophers
stone. On the other hand, if by mischance good men fall into evil company, they maintain
their noble character like the gem on the hood of a serpent. Even the speech of deities
like Brahm, Viu and iva, poets and men of wisdom falters in depicting the glory of
pious souls. Much less can it be described by me, even as a dealer in vegetables finds
himself incapable of expatiating on the qualities of gems. (16)
s a r fa fa fa f r;
f na ff n r;+ - (+
a fa na fa rf rs
rf f f r r fa + - (+
Do.: badau sata samna cita hita anahita nahi

ajali gata subha sumana jimi sama sugadha kara doi.3(A).
sata sarala cita jagata hita jni subhu sanehu,
blabinaya suni kari kp rmacarana rati dehu.3(B).
I bow to the saints, who are even-minded towards all and have no friend or foe,
just as a flower of good quality placed in the palm of ones hands communicates its
fragrance alike to both the hands (the one which plucked it and that which held and
preserved it). Realizing thus the noble disposition and loving nature of saints, who are
innocent at heart and catholic in spirit, I make this humble submission to them. Listening
to my childlike prayer and taking compassion on me, O noble souls, bless me with
devotion to the feet of r Rma. (3 A-B)
f f n far f r rf r+
fa rf r f- s fr + {+
f r r r r +
r f rt fa rra f- rt+ +
a r r fr rr n t r+
s a fa t ra t+ -+
r fn a ft ff f s t f nt+
s rr ; rr+ +
f s r rr rr ; rr+
f fs at aa rt fa t+ ~+
r f r frr r frr+ +
Cau.: bahuri badi khala gana satibhe , je binu kja dhinehu be .
para hita hni lbha jinha kere , ujare haraa bida basere .1.
hari hara jasa rkesa rhu se, para akja bhaa sahasabhu se.
je para doa lakhahi

sahaskh, para hita ghta jinha ke mana mkh.2.

teja ksnu roa mahies, agha avaguna dhana dhan dhanes.
udaya keta sama hita saba h ke, kubhakarana sama sovata nke.3.
para akju lagi tanu pariharah

, jimi hima upala k dali garah

badau khala jasa sea saro, sahasa badana baranai para do.4.
puni pranavau pthurja samn, para agha sunai sahasa dasa kn.
bahuri sakra sama binavau teh, satata surnka hita jeh.5.
bacana bajra jehi sad pir, sahasa nayana para doa nihr.6.
Again, I greet with a sincere heart the malevolent class, who are hostile without
purpose even to the friendly, to whom others loss is their own gain, and who delight
in others desolation and wail over their prosperity. They try to eclipse the glory of
Viu and iva even as the demon Rhu intercepts the light of the full moon (during
what is known as the lunar eclipse); and they are valiant like the reputed king
Sahasrabhu* (so-called because of his possessing a thousand arms) in working
others woe. They detect others faults as if with a thousand eyes and their (designing)
mind mars others interests even as a fly spoils clarified butter. In splendour they
emulate the god of fire and in anger they vie with the god of death, who rides a buffalo.
They are rich in crime and vice as Kubera, the god of riches, is in gold. Like the rise
of a comet their advancement augurs ill for others interests; like the slumber of
Kumbhakara their decline alone is propitious for the world. They lay down their very
life in order to be able to harm others, even as hail-stones dissolve after destroying the
crop. I reverence a wicked soul as the fiery (thousand-tongued) serpent-god ea, in
so far as he eagerly expatiates on others faults with a thousand tongues as it were.
Again, I bow to him as the celebrated king Pthu (who prayed for ten thousand ears
in order to be able to hear the glories of the Lord to his hearts content) inasmuch as
he hears of others faults with ten thousand ears as it were. Once more do I supplicate
to him as Indra (the lord of celestials) in so far as wine appears charming and beneficial
to him (even as the army of gods is beneficent to Indra). Harsh Ianguage is dear to
him even as the thunderbolt is fondly cherished by Indra; and he detects others faults
with one thousand eyes as it were. (16)
srt f ta fa a f tfa
rf rf n rf fat ; tfa+ +
* Sahasrabhu was a mighty warrior and a contemporary of Rvaa, who was once captured and
held captive by him. He was slain by Paraurma.
Kumbhakara was a younger brother to Rvaa, the demon-king of Lak. He was a voracious
eater and consumed a large number of goats. and buffaloes everyday. He kept awake for six months and slept
during the other half-year. Living beings thus obtained a fresh lease of life during the period of his slumber.
There is a pun on the expression Surnka in the original Surnka (Sura+Anka) is a compound
word in Saskta, meaning the army of the gods. In Hindi it can as well be treated as two separate words Sur
(wine) and Nka (charming). Hence it has been interpreted both ways in the above rendering.
Do.: udsna ari mta hita sunata jarahi

khala rti,
jni pni juga jori jana binat karai saprti.4.
The wicked burn with jealousy as they hear of others welfare, be they his friends,
foes or neutrals: such is their wont. Knowing thus, this humble soul makes loving
entreaties to them with joined palms. (4)
t ff t- frr fa- f r rs rr+
r ff fa rnr rf frf f rnr+ {+
s a r r s t r+
fa r f t fa r= t+ +
sf n n rt r ff n fnrt+
r r r r n f nr+ -+
f f aat a r fat+
r r f r n f f r+ +
n n ra r; r f r t af r;+ ~+
Cau.: mai

apan disi knha nihor, tinha nija ora na luba bhor.

byasa paliahi

ati anurg, hohi

nirmia kabahu ki kg.1.

badau sata asajjana caran, dukhaprada ubhaya bca kachu baran.
bichurata eka prna hari leh

, milata eka dukha druna deh


eka saga jaga mh

, jalaja jo ka jimi guna bilagh

sudh sur sama sdhu asdh u, janaka eka jaga jaladhi agdhu.3.
bhala anabhala nija nija karat ut, lahata sujasa apaloka bibhut.
sudh sudhkara surasari sdh u, garala anala kalimala sari bydhu.4.
guna avaguna jnata saba ko, jo jehi bhva nka tehi so.5.
I for my part have made entreaties to them; they too must not fail to do their part.
However fondly you may nurture a brood of crows, can you ever expect ravens to turn
non carvivoaus I adore the feet of saint and wicked soul both of whom give pain,
though some difference is said to exist between them. Whereas the former class cause
mortal pain while parting, the latter give agonizing torment during their meeting. Though
born together in the world, they differ in their traits even as the lotus and the leech
(both of which spring from water). The good and the wicked resemble nectar and
wine respectively; the unfathomable ocean in the form of this world is their common
parent.* The good and the wicked gather a rich harvest of good reputation and infamy
by their respective doings. Although the merits of nectar, the moonthe seat of nectar
the Gagthe river of the celestialsand a pious soul, on the one hand, and the
demerits of venom, fire, the unholy river Karmanwhich is said to be full of the
impurities of the Kali ageand the hunter, on the other, are known to all, only that which
is to a mans taste appears good to him. (15)
r r;f ; ; fr;f t
r rf ar n rf t+ ~+
* In the Puras we read how both nectar and wine were churned out of the ocean of milk, by the joint
efforts of the gods and the demons.
Do.: bhalo bhalihi pai lahai lahai nicihi ncu,
sudh sarhia amarat

garala sarhia mcu.5.

Of course, a good man has a bias for goodness alone, while a vile person is prone
to vileness. While nectar is praised for its immortalizing virtue, poison is extolled for its
deadly effects. (5)
rr n r n nrr s r sf nrr+
af a n r r n -rn f fr+ {+
s r ff sr nf n r fnr+
f ;far rr ff n n rr+ +
r - f rat r r rfa rat+
r = t f t r= t+ -+
rr zr t ntr f- f- tr+
rt n f rr = r f nrr+ +
n rn frnr fnrn n r frnr+ ~+
Cau.: khala agha aguna sdhu guna gh, ubhaya apra udadhi avagh.
tehi te kachu guna doa bakhne, sagraha tyga na binu pahicne.1.
bhaleu poca saba bidhi upaje, gani guna doa beda bilage.

beda itihsa purn, bidhi prapacu guna avaguna sn.2.

dukha sukha ppa punya dina rt, sdhu asdhu sujti kujt.
dnava deva u

ca aru ncu, amia sujvanu mhuru mcu.3.

my brahma jva jagads, lacchi alacchi raka avans.
ks maga surasari kramans, maru mrava mahideva gavs.4.
saraga naraka anurga birg, nigamgama guna doa bibhg.5.
The tales of sins and vices of the wicked, on the one hand, and of the virtues of the
virtuous, on the other, are like boundless and unfathomable oceans. That is why I have
enumerated only a few virtues and vices; for they cannot be acquired or discarded without
being duly distinguished. The good as well as the vile, all have been brought into being by
the Creator; it is the Vedas that have differentiated them by reckoning the merits of the
former class and the demerits of the other. The Vedas, the Itihsas (such as the Rmyaa
and the Mahbhrata) and the Puras unanimously declare that the creation of Brahm
(the Creator) is an intermixture of good and evil. It is characterized by pairs of opposites
such as pain and pleasure, sin and merit, day and night, the good and the wicked, good
birth and vile birth, demons and gods, the high and the low, nectar and poison, a happy life
and death, My and Brahma, i.e., Matter and Spirit, the soul and God (the Lord of the
universe), plenty and poverty, the pauper and the king, the sacred K or Vras and
Magadha or North Bihar (the accursed land), the holy Gag the river of the celestials
and the unholy Karman* (in Bihar), the desert land of Mravra (Western Rjaputn
and Sindha) and the rich soil of Mlav, the Brhmaawho is a veritable god on earth
and the barbarian who feeds on the cow, heaven and hell, attachment and dispassion. The
Vedas and other sacred books have sifted good from evil. (15)
* A river of sinful origin in Bihar, a plunge in whose waters is said to destroy ones religious merits.
Hence it is called Karman (that which neutralizes ones meritorious acts).
z a n r ft t- ar
a n nf ff rf fr+ +
Do.: jaRa cetana guna doamaya bisva knha karatra,
sata hasa guna gahahi

paya parihari bri bikra.6.

God has created the universe consisting of animate and inanimate beings as
partaking of both good and evil; swans* in the form of saints imbibe the milk of goodness
rejecting water in the form of evil. (6)
f ; frar a af r nf rar+
r rs fr; s fa ; r;+ {+
r rf f ff t f r f t+
s f r; n f; f rs n+ +
f n ar ff a+
srrf a r; fr rf ff r r+ -+
f r r ff n ra r+
rf n nfa r r ffa r+ +
nn ; nr tf f; t nr+
r r rt ff r f nf nrt+ ~+
nfa rf r; ff r f r;+
r; f rrrar r; n t rar+ +
Cau.: asa bibeka jaba dei bidht, taba taji doa gunahi

manu rt.
kla subhu karama bari

, bhaleu prakti basa cukai bhal

so sudhri harijana jimi leh

, dali dukha doa bimala jasu deh

khalau karahi

bhala pi susag u, miai na malina subhu abhagu.2.

lakhi subea jaga bacaka jeu, bea pratpa pujiahi

te u.

ata na hoi nibhu, klanemi jimi rvana rhu.3.

kiehu kubeu sdhu sanamn u, jimi jaga jmavata hanumn u.
hni kusaga susagati lhu, lokahu beda bidita saba kh u.4.
gagana caRhai raja pavana prasag, kcahi

milai nca jala sag.

sdhu asdhu sadana suka sr

, sumirahi

rma dehi

gani gr

dhuma kusagati krikha ho, likhia purna maju masi so.
soi jala anala anila saght, hoi jalada jaga jvana dt.6.
When Providence blesses one with such discrimination (as is possessed by the
swan), then alone does the mind abandon evil and gets enamoured of goodness. By
force of the spirit of the times, old habits and past Karma even the good deviate from
goodness under the influence of My. But just as servants of r Hari rectify that error
and, eradicating sorrow and weakness, bring untarnished glory to them, even so the
* The swan is traditionally believed to feed on pearls and credited with the natural gift of separating
milk from water.
wicked occasionally perform a noble deed due to their good association, although their
evil nature, which is unchangeable, cannot be obliterated. Even those who are impostors
are respected on account of their garb, as the world is taken in by their attractive
appearance. But they are eventually exposed, and cannot keep up their false appearance
till the end, as was the case with Klanemi*, Rvaa and Rhu. The good are
honoured notwithstanding their un becaning appearance, even as Jmbavn (a general of
Sugrvas army, who was endowed with the form of a bear and possessed miraculous
strength) and Hanumn (the monkey-god) won honour in this world. Bad association is
harmful, while good company is an asset in itself: this is true in the world as well as in
the eyes of the Vedas, and is known to all.Through contact with the wind dust ascends
to the sky, while it is assimilated with mud when united with low-lying waters. Parrots
and Mains nurtured in the house of the virtuous and the wicked repeat the name of
Rma and pour a volley of abuses respectively. Smoke coming in contact with an evil
(earthy) substance turns into soot; the same is used as a material for copying the
Puras with when converted into beautiful ink. Again, in conjunction with water, fire and
air it is transformed into a cloud and brings life to the world. (16)
n r; rn rn
rf ta ta n f - rn+ (+
r a r r ff t-
f r r fr n t-+ (+
z a n t a r rf
s r rf n rf+ (n+
rn n a fa n
s f f r + (rr+
Do.: graha bheaja jala pavana paa pi kujoga sujoga,

kubastu subastu jaga lakhahi

sulacchana loga.7(A).
* Klanemi was a demon chief, who was a contemporary of Rvaa, the mighty king of Lak. In the
Lak-Ka (Book VI. 5658) of this very work we are told how he assumed the false appearance of an
ascetic and tried to deceive Hanumn, the devoted servant of the divine r Rma, but was ultimately detected
and killed by Hanumn.
We read in the Arayaka (Book III. 27. 47) how Rvaa appeared before St in the garb of a
mendicant but could not keep up his false appearance for long and had to throw off his mask at last.
In the Puras we are told how at the beginning of creation nectar was churned out of the ocean of
milk conjointly by the gods and the demons. When the same was being served to the gods by God Viu
Himself (who had assumed the form of a charming damsel in order to put the demons off the scent), the demon
Rhu disguised himself as a god and took his seat in the celestial row to participate in the feast. He was,
however, soon detected by the sun-god and the moon-god, who exposed his real character.
There is a pun on the compound word Kusagati in the original. Ku is both a noun and an
indeclinable prefixed to nouns. As an indeclinable it means bad or evil, while as a noun it is a synonym for the
earth. Here it is used in both the senses and has been translated accordingly.
sama praksa tama pkha duhu nma bheda bidhi knha,
sasi soaka poaka samujhi jaga jasa apajasa dnha.7(B).
jaRa cetana jaga jva jata sakala rmamaya jni,
badau saba ke pada kamala sad jori juga pni.7(C).
deva danuja nara nga khaga preta pitara gadharba,
badau kinara rajanicara kp karahu aba sarba.7(D).
The planets, medicines, water, air and cloth prove good or bad in the world
according to their good or evil associations; only men endowed with a keen insight
are able to know this. The proportion of moonlight and darkness is the same in the
bright as well as in the dark fortnight; only the two have been named differently by
the Creator. Knowing the one as the nourisher and the other as the emaciator of the
moon, the world has given it a good name and a bad one. Whatever beings, animate
or inanimate, there are in the universe, recognizing them, one and all, as consisting
of r Rma, I ever adore the lotus feet of all with joined palms. I reverence gods,
demons, human beings, Ngas, birds, evil spirits, manes (the souls of departed
ancestors) and Gandharvas, Kinnaras and Rkasas (giants).* Pray, be gracious to
me all on this occasion. (7 AD)
r rf r rt rfa t rt+
t r n rt s r rf n rt+ {+
rf r f r ff rfz r+
f f r rf rt ara f s rt+ +
s rrfa n nrr rr fa rf fa nrr+
r s n sr fa r r+ -+
fa fa t f =f rt f f n ; rt+
ff r rf fr; ff r r;+ +
r araf rar f fa fa = rar+
ff f frt rt+ ~+
f f-r f rn tr rs r fa tr+
ffa a rt a = a n rt+ +
n f r; f rf f r;+
r a f r; f f r; r;+ +
Cau.: kara cri lkha caurs, jti jva jala thala nabha bs.
sya rmamaya saba jaga jn, karau pranma jori juga pn.1.
jni kpkara kikara mohu, saba mili karahu chRi chala chohu.
nija budhi bala bharosa mohi nh

, tte binaya karau saba ph

*Gandharvas, Kinnaras and Rkasa are different species of superhuman beings. Of these the
Gandharvas are celestial songsters and are specially noted for their handsome appearance, while the
kinnaras are credited with the head of a horse. The Rkasas are monstrous in appearance and are said to
roam at night and feed on the human flesh. The Ngas are another class of semi-divine beings, who, though
resembling serpents in shape, can take the human form at will.
karana cahau raghupati guna gh, laghu mati mori carita avagh.
sujha na ekau aga upu, mana mati raka manoratha r u.3.
mati ati nca u

ci ruci ch, cahia amia jaga jurai na chch.


sajjana mori hih, sunihahi

blabacana mana l.4.

jau blaka kaha totari bt, sunahi

mudita mana pitu aru mt.

ha sihahi

kura kuila kubicr, je para duana bhuanadhr.5.

nija kabitta kehi lga na nk, sarasa hou athav ati phk.
je para bhaniti sunata harah

, te bara purua bahuta jaga nh

jaga bahu nara sara sari samabh, je nija bRhi baRhahi

jala p.
sajjana sakta sidhu sama ko, dekhi pura bidhu bRhai jo.7.
Eight million and four hundred thousand* species of living beings, classified under
four broad divisions, inhabit land, water and the air. Recognizing the entire creation as
full of St and Rma, I make obeisance to them with joined palms. Knowing me as your
servant, bestav gritin affeeter upan me all of you, O mines of compassion. I have no
confidence in my intellectual power, hence I supplicate you all. I would recount the
virtues of the Lord of Raghus, r Rma; but my wits are poor, whereas the exploits
of r Rma are unfathomable. For this I find not the least resources, while I am dull of
mind and intellect, my ambition is right royal. Even though my intellect is exceedingly
mean, my aspiration is pitched too high; while I crave for nectar, I have no means in this
world to procure even butter-milk. The virtuous will forgive my presumption and listen to
my childish babbling with interest. When a child prattles in lisping accents, the parents
hear it with a mind full of delight. Those, however, who are hard-hearted, mischievous
and perverse and cherish others faults as an ornament, will feel amused. Who does not
like ones own poetry, be it delightful or exceedingly insipid? Such good people as delight
to hear others composition are rare in this world. The world abounds in men who
resemble lakes and rivers, that get swollen with their own rise when waters are added
to them. There is some rare good soul like the ocean, which swells at the sight of the
full moon. (17)
rn r fr z s ftr
f f ff sr+ c+
Do.: bhga choa abhilu baRa karau eka bisvsa,

sukha suni sujana saba khala karihahi

Humble is my lot and my ambition high; my only hope is that all good men will be
gratified to hear what I say, while the evil-minded will ridicule. (8)
fr r; fa rr r f rr+
f r rat f f f at+ {+
* The number of species of living beings has been categorically fixed in Hindu scriptures as
eighty-four lakhs. The four broad divisions are: (1) Jaryuja (viviparous, such as men and beasts), (2)
Aaja (oviparous), (3) Svedaja (born of sweat, such as lice, bugs etc.,) and (4) Udbhijja (sprouting from
the soil, viz., plants).
King Raghu was a forbear of r Rma. His descendants bore the name of Raghus. Having been the
head of the clan after His father, Daaratha, He is aptly called the Lord of the Raghus.
fa f r fa- r +
rr ffa rf fa rt f rn f rt+ +
tfa rfr tt fa-f r f rfnf tt+
f fa fa at fa- r rr t+ -+
r nfa fa f rt ff rf rt+
f rs f t r fur t+ +
r fa rr frr+
r rr fa r n ff rr+ ~+
fa f f r - s ff rn r+ +
Cau.: khala parihsa hoi hita mor, kka kahahi

kalakaha kahor.
hasahi baka ddura ctakah, ha sahi malina khala bimala batakah.1.
kabita rasika na rma pada nehu, tinha kaha sukhada hsa rasa eh u.
bh bhaniti bhori mati mor, ha sibe joga ha se

prabhu pada prti na smujhi nk, tinhahi kath suni lgihi phk.
hari hara pada rati mati na kutarak, tinha kahu madhura kath raghubara k.3.
rma bhagati bhuita jiya jn, sunihahi

sujana sarhi subn.

kabi na hou nahi

bacana prabnu, sakala kal saba bidy hnu.4.

khara aratha alakti nn, chada prabadha aneka bidhn.
bhva bheda rasa bheda apr, kabita doa guna bibidha prakr.5.
kabita bibeka eka nahi

mor~ e , satya kahau likhi kgada kore .6.

The Vidicule of the evil-minded will benefit me; crows call the cuckoo hoarse.
Herons ridicule the swan, frogs make fun of the Ctaka bird and malicious rogues deride
refined speech. To those who have no taste for poetry nor devotion to the feet of r
Rma, this undertaking of mine will serve as a subject for delightful mirth. My composition
is couched in the popular dialect and my intellect is feeble; hence it is a fit subject for
ridicule, and those who laugh shall not incur any blame. To those who cherish no love
for the feet of the Lord and have no sound reason either, this story will sound unattractive
to the ears. To those, however, who possess devotion to the feet of God Viu and iva
and whose mind is not perverse, the tale of the Chief of the Raghus will taste as sweet.
Knowing it in their heart as adorned with devotion to r Rma, the virtuous will listen to
it with bland words of praise. I am no poet nor an adept in the art of speech and am a
cipher in all arts and sciences. There are elegant devices of letters, subtleties of meaning,
various figures of speech, metrical compositions of different kinds, infinite varieties of
emotions and sentiments and multifarious flaws and excellences of poetic composition.
Of these details of poesy, I possess critical knowledge of none. I vouch for it in writing
on a blank sheet. (16)
ffa rf n fa ft ffa n
r frf ff fa f- f f+ +
Do.: bhaniti mori saba guna rahita bisva bidita guna eka,
so bicri sunihahi

sumati jinha ke bimala bibeka.9.

My composition is devoid of all charm; it has only one merit, which is known
throughout the world. Recognizing this merit, men of sound reason, who are gifted with
unbiased judgment, will surely hear it. (9)
f rrfa r srr fa r r >rfa rr+
n n rt sr fa f a rt+ {+
ffa ffr f a r r r f r r+
ft rfa rt r fr rt+ +
n fa f a rt r r fa rt+
r f f art f a nnrt+ -+
f fa s rt r ar n f rt+
r; r r rr f n zt rr+ +
s a; =r; n= n n r;+
ffa ta f t r r n n t+ ~+
Cau.: ehi maha raghupati nma udr, ati pvana purna ruti sr.
magala bhavana amagala hr, um sahita jehi japata purr.1.
bhaniti bicitra sukabi kta jou, rma nma binu soha na sou.
bidhubadan saba bh

ti sa vr, soha na basana bin bara nr.2.

saba guna rahita kukabi kta bn, rma nma jasa akita jn.
sdara kahahi


budha th, madhukara sarisa sata gunagrh.3.

jadapi kabita rasa ekau nh

, rma pratpa pragaa ehi mh

soi bharosa more mana v, kehi

na susaga baRappanu pv.4.

dhumau tajai sahaja karu, agaru prasaga sugadha bas.
bhaniti bhadesa bastu bhali baran, rma kath jaga magala karan.5.
It contains the gracious name of the Lord of Raghus, which is exceedingly holy
and the very cream of the Puras and the Vedas. It is the abode of blessings and the
remover of evils, and is muttered by Lord iva, the enemy of the demon Tripura, along-
with his consort, Um. Even a composition of marvellous beauty and written by a gifted
poet does not commend itself without the name of r Rma. A pretty woman with a
charming countenance and fully adorned, does not look attractive when undressed. On
the other hand, the wise recite and hear with admiration even the composition of a
worthless poet, which is devoid of all merit, knowing it as adorned with the name and
glory of r Rma; for, like the bee, saints have a bias for goodness. Although it has no
poetic charm whatsoever, the glory of r Rma is manifest in it. This is the only hope
which flashes on my mind; who has not been exalted by noble company? Even smoke
rising from burning aloe wood is impregnated with the latters fragrance and gives up its
natural pungency. Although my composition is clumsy, it treats of a commendable theme,
viz., the story of r Rma, which brings felicity to the world. (15)
n f ff at r rrr t
nfa far fa t r fa r r t+
nfa ffa f r;f rt
n fa r t fa rf rt+
Cha.: magala karani kalimalaharani tulas kath raghuntha k,
gati kura kabit sarita k jyo sarita pvana ptha k.
prabhu sujasa sagati bhaniti bhali hoihi sujana mana bhvan,
bhava aga bhuti masna k sumirata suhvani pvan.
The tale of the Lord of Raghus, O Tulasdsa, brings forth blessings and wipes
away the impurities of the Kali age. The course of this stream of my poetry is tortuous
like that of the holy Gag. By its association with the auspicious glory of the Lord my
composition will be blessed and will captivate the mind of the virtuous. On the person of
Lord iva, even the ashes of the cremation-ground appear charming and purify by their
very thought.
f rfnf fa f ffa r n
r= fr= f ; rs f n+ { (+
tr f f fa n f r
fnr nrr f r nrf f r+ {(+
Do.: priya lgihi ati sabahi mama bhaniti rma jasa saga,
dru bicru ki karai kou badia malaya prasaga.10(A).
syma surabhi paya bisada ati gunada karahi

saba pna,
gir grmya siya rma jasa gvahi


My composition will appear extremely delightful to all by its association with the
glory of r Rma, even as timber of every description is transformed into sandal and
becomes worthy of adoration by contact with the Malaya mountain (in South India),
and nobody takes into account the quality of wood in that region. The milk of even
a dark cow is white and possesses a great medicinal value and is drunk by all. So
do the wise chant and hear the glory of St and Rma even though couched in the
vulgar tongue. (10 A-B)
f rf ar f t f fnf n f r at+
ft a=t a r; f rr fr;+ {+
af f fa t sf a a f t+
nfa a ff fr; fa r rfa r;+ +
r fa f -r r >r r; rf sr+
f rf z frt nrf f f rt+ -+
t- ra n nrr f f fnr na farr+
z f fa t rr trfa rr f rr+ +
; rf fr= rf fa arf r=+ ~+
Cau.: mani mnika mukut chabi jais, ahi giri gaja sira soha na tais.
npa kira tarun tanu p, lahahi

sakala sobh adhik.1.


sukabi kabita budha kahah

, upajahi

anata anata chabi lahah

bhagati hetu bidhi bhavana bih, sumirata srada vati dh.2.
rma carita sara binu anhave , so rama ji na koi upe .
kabi kobida asa hdaya bicr, gvahi

hari jasa kali mala hr.3.

knhe prkta jana guna gn, sira dhuni gir lagata pachitn.
hdaya sidhu mati spa samn, svti srad kahahi

jau barasai bara bri bicru, hohi

kabita mukutmani cr u.5.

The beauty of a gem, a ruby and a pearl does not catch the eye as it should so
long as they are borne on the head of a serpent, the top of a mountain and the crown
of an elephant respectively. The charm of them all is enhanced when they adorn the
diadem of a king or the person of a young lady. Even so, the wise say, the outpourings
of a good poet originate at one place (in the poets own mind) and exercise their charm
elsewhere (on the mind of the admirer). Attracted by his devotion, Sarasvat (the
goddess of poetry) comes with all speed from the abode of Brahm (the topmost heaven)
at his very invocation. The fatigue occasioned by this long journey cannot be relieved by
millions of devices unless she takes a dip in the lake of r Rmas exploits. Realizing
this in their heart, poets and wise men chant the glory of r Hari alone, which wipes
away the impurities of the Kali age. Finding the bard singing the glories of worldly men
the goddess of speech begins to beat her brow and repent. The wise liken the heart of
a poet to the sea, his intellect to the shell containing pearls and goddess Sarasvat to the
star called Svt (the modern Arcturus, the fifteenth lunar asterism considered as
favourable to the formation of pearls). If there is a shower in the form of beautiful ideas,
lovely pearls make their appearance in the form of poetic effusions. (15)
nfa f f rff rfa arn
ff r f s rr fa rn+ {{+
Do.: juguti bedhi puni pohiahi

rmacarita bara tga,


sajjana bimala ura sobh ati anurga.11.

If those pearls are pierced with skill and strung together on the beautiful thread of
r Rmas exploits, and if noble souls wear them in their innocent heart, grace in the
form of excessive fondness is the result. (11)
fr rr a r rr+
a n rz f rz+ {+
na r; r f r r +
fa- n rt tn rt+ +
n r; r r f +
ara fa r r rff r+ -+
fr fff ff fat rt rs r f ;f rt+
a ff r rf a f a z fa r+ +
f rs f a rs fa = r n nrs+
rrfa fa rr fa rf fa rr+ ~+
f r=a fnf = szrt a f rt+
ra fa r ar; a r fa r;+ +
Cau.: je janame kalikla karl, karataba byasa bea marl.
calata kupatha beda maga ch

Re, kapaa kalevara kali mala bh

bacaka bhagata kahi rma ke, kikara kacana koha kma ke.
tinha maha prathama rekha jaga mor, dhga dharamadhvaja dhadhaka dhor.2.
jau apane avaguna saba kahau

, bRhai kath pra nahi


tte mai

ati alapa bakhne, thore mahu jnihahi

samujhi bibidhi bidhi binat mor, kou na kath suni deihi khor.
etehu para karihahi

je asak, mohi te adhika te jaRa mati rak.4.

kabi na hou nahi

catura kahvau , mati anurupa rma guna gvau .

kaha raghupati ke carita apr, kaha mati mori nirata sasr.5.

mruta giri meru uRh

, kahahu tula kehi lekhe mh

samujhata amita rma prabhut, karata kath mana ati kadar.6.
Those who are born in this terrible age of Kali, who though akin to the crow in their
doings have put on the garb of a swan, who tread the evil path, abandoning the track
of the Vedas, who are embodiments of falsehood and repositories of sins of the Kali age,
who are impostors claiming to be devotees of r Rma, though slaves of mammon,
anger and passion, and who are unscrupulous, hypocritical and foremost among
intriguersI occupy the first place among them. Were I to recount all my vices, their tale
will assume large dimensions, and yet I shall not be able to exhaust them. Hence I have
mentioned very few. A word should suffice for the wise. Entering into the spirit of my
manifold prayers, none should blame me on hearing this story. Those who will raise
objections even then are more stupid and deficient in intellect than myself. I am no poet
and have no pretensions to ingenuity; I sing the glories of r Rma according to my own
lights, My intellect, which wallows in the world, is a poor match for the unlimited exploits
of the Lord of Raghus. Tell me, of what account is cotton in the face of the strong wind
before which even mountains like Meru are blown away? Realizing the infinite glory of
r Rma, my mind feels very diffident in proceeding with this story. (16)
r ff rn fn r
fa fa f r n f fa nr+ {+
Do.: srada sesa mahesa bidhi gama nigama purna,
neti neti kahi jsu guna karahi

niratara gna.12.
Goddess Sarasvat ea (the thousand-headed serpent-god), the great Lord
iva, Brahm (the Creator), the gamas (Tantras), the Vedas and the Puras unceasingly
sing His virtues, saying not that, not that.*
* This shows that the gods and scriptures mentioned above, though ever engaged in singing the
virtues of r Rma, are able only to touch the fringe of His glory and find themselves unable to describe it in
full. That is why they make only a negative assertion Na iti (not that), meaning thereby that whatever is
predicated of God falls much too short of His real glory and is at best only a faint indication of it.
ra ar r; af f r r;+
ar r rr rs rfa rr+ {+
t = rr frr rr+
r ft= nrr af f fa a rr+ +
r na fa rnt r a rnt+
f ar fa r f =r f t- r+ -+
n; r nt r rf rrr+
f f rt f ta f rt+ +
af rrfa n nrr fs r; r rr+
f- f tfa nr; af n a n rf r;+ ~+
Cau.: saba jnata prabhu prabhut so, tadapi kah~e
binu rah na ko.

beda asa krana rkh, bhajana prabhu bh

ti bahu bh.1.
eka anha arupa anm, aja saccidnada para dhm.
bypaka bisvarupa bhagavn, tehi

dhari deha carita kta nn.2.

so kevala bhagatana hita lg, parama kpla pranata anurg.
jehi jana para mamat ati chohu, jehi

karun kari knha na koh u.3.

ga bahora garba nevju, sarala sabala shiba raghurju.
budha baranahi

hari jasa asa jn, karahi

punta suphala nija bn.4.


bala mai

raghupati gunagth, kahihau ni rma pada mth.

muninha prathama hari krati g, tehi

maga calata sugama mohi bh.5.

Though all know the Lords greatness as such, yet none has refrained from
describing it. The Vedas have justified it thus; they have variously sung the glory of
remembering the Lord, God, who is one, desireless, formless, nameless and unborn,
who is Truth, Consciousness and Bliss, who is supreme effulgence, all-pervading and
all-formedit is He who has performed many deeds assuming a suitable form. That He
has done only for the good of His devotees; for He is supremely gracious and loving to
the suppliant. He is excessively fond of His devotees and treats them as His own; He
has never frowned at him to whom He has once shown His favour. The restorer of what
has been lost, the proteetor of the poor, the Lord of Raghus is a straightforward and
powerful master. Knowing thus, the wise sing the glory of r Hari and thereby hallow and
bring supreme reward to their speech. It is on this strength (the supreme efficacy of
remembering the Lord and the potency of His grace) that I shall sing the virtues of the
Lord of Raghus, bowing my head to the feet of r Rma. Sages have sung the glory of
r Hari in the past; it will be easy for me to follow that very path. (15)
fa r fa a rf
f ftfs rr f >r rf rf+ {-+
Do.: ati apra je sarita bara jau npa setu karhi

caRhi piplikau parama laghu binu rama prahi jhi

If kings get bridges constructed over big rivers, which are too broad, even the
tiniest ants cross them without exertion. (13)
f r f r; fs rrfa r r;+
r rf f n rr f- r f rr+ {+
s fa- r +
f f- s rr f- rrfa n nrr+ +
ra f r rr f- f fa r+
f r;f rn s f -rn+ -+
r - r r r ffa r+
r f rt r >r rf r f t+ +
tfa ffa fa f r; f fa r;+
r tfa ffa r rf r+ ~+
art r rs r ff rf r r+ +
Cau.: ehi prakra bala manahi dekh, karihau raghupati kath suh.
bysa di kabi pugava nn, jinha sdara hari sujasa bakhn.1.
carana kamala badau tinha kere, puravahu sakala manoratha mere.
kali ke kabinha karau paranm, jinha barane raghupati guna grm.2.
je prkta kabi parama sayne, bh

jinha hari carita bakhne.

bhae je ahahi

je hoihahi

ge , pranavau sabahi kapaa saba tyge .3.

hohu prasanna dehu baradn u, sdhu samja bhaniti sanamnu.
jo prabadha budha nahi


, so rama bdi bla kabi karah

krati bhaniti bhuti bhali so, surasari sama saba kaha hita ho.
rma sukrati bhaniti bhades, asamajasa asa mohi a des.5.
tumhar kp

sulabha sou more, siani suhvani a paore.6.

Reassuring the mind in this way, I shall narrate the charming story of the Lord of
Raghus. Vysa and various other top-ranking poets, who have reverently recounted the
blessed glory of r Hari, I bow to the lotus feet of them all; let them fulfil all my desires.
I make obeisance to the poets of the Kali age, who have sung the multitudinous virtues
of the Lord of Raghus. Even those poets of supreme wisdom who belong to the Prkta
or popular class (as opposed to the Saskta or the cultured class), who have narrated
the exploits of r Hari in the spoken language, including those who have flourished in
the past, those who are still living and those who are yet to come, I reverence them, one
and all, renouncing all false appearance. Be propitious and grant this boon that my song
may be honoured in the assemblage of pious souls. A composition which the wise refuse
to honour is fruitless labour which only silly poets undertake. Of glory, poetry and affluence
that alone is blessed which, like the celestial river (Gag), is conducive to the good of
all. The glory of r Rma is charming indeed, while my speech is rough. This is
something incongruous, I am afraid. By your grace, even this incongruity will turn out well
for me; embroidery of silk looks charming even on coarse cloth. (16)
fa tfa f r; rf r
fr; f r f f r+ { (+
r r; f f fa rf fa fa r
r f s f f s fr+ { (+
f rf rr fa r r
r f f =f f r r r+ { (n+
Do.: sarala kabita krati bimala soi darahi

sahaja bayara bisari ripu jo suni karahi

so na hoi binu bimala mati mohi mati bala ati thora,
karahu kp hari jasa kahau puni puni karau nihora.14(B).
kabi kobida raghubara carita mnasa maju marla,
bla binaya suni suruci lakhi mo para hohu kpla.14(C).
The wise admire only that poetry which is lucid and portrays a spotless character
and which even opponents hear with applause forgetting natural animosity. Such poetry
is not possible without a refined intellect, and of intellectual power I have very little. Be
gracious, therefore so that I may depict the glory of r Hari; I solicit again and again.
Poets and wise men, lovely swans sporting in the Mnasarovara lake of r Rmas
exploits! Hearing my childlike prayer and recognizing my refined taste, be kindly
disposed towards me. (14 AC)
s f rr f fs
r r fa fa+ { (rr+
s rfs rff rfa f
f-f a rr f + { (z+
s ff rn f t-
a r f n f r=t + { (+
f f n f s rf
r; r r rf+ { (+
So.: badau muni pada kaju rmyana jehi

sakhara sukomala maju doa rahita duana sahita.14(D).
badau criu beda bhava bridhi bohita sarisa,
jinhahi na sapanehu kheda baranata raghubara bisada jasu.14(E).
badau bidhi pada renu bhava sgara jehi

knha jaha ,
sata sudh sasi dhenu pragae khala bia brun.14(F).
Do.: bibudha bipra budha graha carana badi kahau kara jori,
hoi prasanna puravahu sakala maju manoratha mori.14(G).
I bow to the lotus feet of the sage (Vlmki) who composed the Rmyaa, which
though containing an account of the demon Khara (a cousin of Rvaa), is yet very soft
and charming, and though faultless, is yet full of references to Duaa (another cousin
of the demon-king Rvaa).* I reverence, all the four Vedas, barks as it were on the
ocean of mundane existence, which never dream of weariness in singing the untarnished
glory of r Rma, the Chief of Raghus. I greet the dust on the feet of Brahm (the
Creator), who has evolved the ocean of worldly existence, the birth-place of nectar, the
moon and the cow of plenty in the form of saints, on the one hand, and of poison and
wine in the form of the wicked, on the other. Making obeisance to the feet of gods, the
Brhmaas, wise men and the deities presiding over the nine planets, I pray to them with
joined palms! Be pleased to accomplish all my fair desires. (14 DG)
f s r far n ta r far+
r r r r a a fr+ {+
n fa ra rt s t f rt+
trf r f t fa f=f ff at + +
f frf n fa fnfr r r r f- ffr+
f r r n rs ar+ -+
r s rf r ff r n r+
ff fr f r; r s rfa fa r+ +
ffa rf f r frat f r ff rat+
f f ar ff ff fr ar+ ~+
r;f r rnt f fa n rnt+ +
Cau.: puni badau srada surasarit, jugala punta manohara carit.
majjana pna ppa hara ek, kahata sunata eka hara abibek.1.
gura pitu mtu mahesa bhavn, pranavau dnabadhu dina dn.
sevaka svmi sakh siya p ke, hita nirupadhi saba bidhi tulas ke.2.
kali biloki jaga hita hara girij, sbara matra jla jinha sirij.
anamila khara aratha na jpu, pragaa prabhu mahesa pratpu.3.
so umesa mohi para anuk ul, karihi

kath muda magala m ul.

sumiri siv siva pi pas u, baranau rmacarita cita c u.4.
bhaniti mori siva kp

bibht, sasi samja mili manahu surt.

je ehi kathahi saneha samet, kahihahi


samujhi sacet.5.

rma carana anurg, kali mala rahita sumagala bhg.6.

* There is a pun on the words Sakhara and Duaa sahita in the original, which are capable of a
twofold interpretation Khara and Duaa as proper nouns denote two of Rvaas cousins, whose figure in
the Arayaka of the great epic poem of Vlmki and lead a military expedition against r Rma in order
to avenge themselves of the insult offered to their sister, urpaakh, by Lakmaa, r Rmas younger
brother. They are eventually killed by r Rma, who proves too strong for the redoubtable demon chiefs.
Khara also means sharp-edged or hard and is thus contrasted with Sukomala (soft). Similarly, Duaa
also means a fault and thus the poet express himself to a contradiction in terms when he calls the Rmyaa
both Doarahita (faultless) and Duaasahita (full of faults). The contradiction, however, is only verbal in
both cases and constitutes a figure of speech known by the name Virodha or Virodhbhsa.
This has an indirect reference to the churning of the ocean of milk as described in the Puras, by
the joint labours of gods and demons at the beginning of creation, which yielded beneficent objects like
nectar, the moon and the cow of plenty, on the one hand, and pernicious substances like poison and wine on
the other.
Again, I bow to goddess Sarasvat and the celestial river Gag, both of whom are
holy and perform agreeable roles. The one (Gag) wipes away sin through immersion
and draught; the other (Sarasvat) dispels ignorance through the recital and hearing of
her glory. I adore the great Lord iva and His consort Goddess Bhavn (Prvat), my
preceptors and parents, friends of the forlorn and ever given to charity, servants,
masters and friends of Sts Lord, and true benefactors of Tulasdsa in everyway.
Seeing the prevalence of the Kali age Hara and Girij (iva and Prvat) evolved a string
of spells in the tongue of savages, incoherent syllables which yield no interpretation and
require no repetition, but whose efficacy is patent, revealing ivas glory. That Lord of
Um (Prvat), favourable as He is to me, shall make this story of mine a source of
blessings and joy. Thus invoking Lord iva and His Consort, iv (Prvat), and
obtaining Their favour, I relate the exploits of r Rma with a heart full of ardour. By
ivas grace my composition will shed its lustre even as a night shines in conjunction
with the moon and the stars. Those who will fondly and intelligently recite or hear this
story with attention will develop devotion to the feet of r Rma and, purged of the
impurities of Kali, will obtain choice blessings. (16)
r rf nf rs
a rs r s rr ffa rs+ {~+
Do.: sapanehu scehu mohi para jau hara gauri pasu,
tau phura hou jo kaheu saba bh bhaniti prabhu.15.
If Hara and Gaur (Lord iva and Prvat) are really propitious to me, even in
dream, let all that I have said in glorification of this poetry of mine, written in a popular
dialect, come out true. (15)
s t fa rf f f rf+
s rf rt ar f- f rt+ {+
f f rr rrr r r fr r; r+
s rr ff rt tfa r n rt+ +
ns rrfa f r= ft ar=+
rs fa rt a n fa rt+ -+
s r rt r a rt+
f-f ff z s frar fr f r fa rar+ +
Cau.: badau avadha pur ati pvani, saraju sari kali kalua nasvani.
pranavau pura nara nri bahor, mamat jinha para prabhuhi na thor.1.
siya nidaka agha ogha nase, loka bisoka bani base.
badau kausaly disi prc, krati jsu sakala jaga mc.2.
pragaeu jaha raghupati sasi cr u, bisva sukhada khala kamala tusru.
dasaratha ru sahita saba rn, sukta sumagala m urati mn.3.
karau pranma karama mana bn, karahu kp suta sevaka jn.
jinhahi biraci baRa bhayau bidht, mahim avadhi rma pitu mt.4.
I reverence the exceedingly holy city of Ayodhy (r Rmas birth-place) and the
river Sarayu (flowing beside it), which wipes out the sins of the Kali age. Again, I bow
to the men and women of the city, who enjoy the affection of the Lord in no small degree.
Even though they were damned as a result of the heap of sins incurred by the
calumniators of St (who were instrumental in bringing about Her lifelong exile), they
were lodged in a heavenly abode, having been divested of sorrow. I greet Kausaly (the
eldest queen of king Daaratha) whose glory stands diffused throughout the world. She
is the eastern horizon whence arose the lovely moon in the shape of the Lord of Raghus,
who affords delight to the entire universe and is blighting as frost to lotuses in the form
of the wicked. Recognizing king Daaratha together with all his consorts as incarnations
of merit and fair blessings, I make obeisance to them in thought, word and deed. Knowing
me as a servant of your son, be gracious to me. The father and mothers of r Rma
are the very perfection of glory, by creating whom even Brahm (the Creator) has
exalted himself. (14)
s r - f r
fa tr f a a ; fs+ {+
So.: badau avadha bhula satya prema jehi rma pada,
bichurata dnadayla priya tanu tna iva parihareu.16.
I adore the king of Ayodhy, who cherished such true love for the feet of r Rma
that he gave up his dear life as a mere straw the moment the Lord, who is compassionate
to the poor, parted from him. (16)
s f fa f rf r n +
rn rn rs nr; r fra ns r;+ {+
s a r r a r; r+
r r ; a; r+ +
s f rar ta n na rar+
rrfa tfa f arr z r s rr+ -+
nt n r r as f r+
r r r r rf ffr nr+ +
f rt t a nrt+
rt fs rr r r r rr+ ~+
Cau.: pranavau parijana sahita bidehu, jhi rma pada guRha sanehu.
joga bhoga maha rkheu go, rma bilokata pragaeu so.1.
pranavau prathama bharata ke caran, jsu nema brata ji na baran.
rma carana pakaja mana jsu, lubudha madhupa iva tajai na psu.2.
badau lachimana pada jalajt, stala subhaga bhagata sukhadt.
raghupati krati bimala patk, daa samna bhayau jasa jk.3.
sea sahasrassa jaga krana, jo avatareu bhumi bhaya rana.
sad so snukula raha mo para, kpsidhu saumitri gunkara.4.
ripusudana pada kamala namm, sura susla bharata anugm.
mahbra binavau hanumn, rma jsu jasa pa bakhn.5.
I make obeisance to king Janaka, alongwith his family, who bore secret affection
for the feet of r Rma. Even though he had veiled it under the cloak of asceticism and
luxury, it broke out the moment he saw r Rma. Of r Rmas brothers, I bow, first
of all, to the feet of Bharata, whose self-discipline and religious austerity beggar
description and whose mind thirsts for the lotus feet of r Rma like a bee and never
leaves their side. I reverence the lotus feet of Lakmaacool and charming and a
source of delight to the devoteewhose renown served as a staff for the spotless flag
of r Rmas glory. He is no other than the thousand-headed serpent-god, ea, the
cause (support) of the universe, who came down to dispel the fear of the earth. May that
son of Sumitr, an ocean of benevolence and a mine of virtues, be ever propitious to me.
I adore the lotus feet of atrughna (lit., the slayer of his foes), who is valiant yet amiable
in disposition, and a constant companion of Bharata. I supplicate Hanumn, the great
hero, whose glory has been extolled by r Rma Himself. (15)
s r r rrr
r z rnr f r r + {+
So.: pranavau pavanakumra khala bana pvaka gynaghana,
jsu hdaya gra basahi

rma sara cpa dhara.17.

I greet Hanumn, the son of the wind-god, an embodiment of wisdom, who is fire
as it were for the forest of the wicked, and in the abode of whose heart resides r Rma,
equipped with a bow and arrows. (17)
ffa t fr rr nrf t rr+
s r t r f- r+ {+
rrfa sr a n n a+
s r f r r + +
rf na f r f fr fr+
s f f f tr r rf tr+ -+
ar n f rt fa f =r fr t+
ar n rs r r f fa rs+ +
f rrr s r+
rf r na ffa r+ ~+
Cau.: kapipati rcha niscara rj, agaddi je ksa samj.
badau saba ke carana suhe, adhama sarra rma jinha pe.1.
raghupati carana upsaka jete, khaga mga sura nara asura samete.
pada saroja saba kere, je binu kma rma ke cere.2.
suka sanakdi bhagata muni nrada, je munibara bigyna bisrada.
pranavau sabahi dharani dhari ss, karahu kp jana jni muns.3.
janakasut jaga janani jnak, atisaya priya karun nidhna k.
tke juga pada kamala manvau , jsu kp

niramala mati pvau .4.

puni mana bacana karma raghunyaka, carana kamala badau saba lyaka.
rjivanayana dhare dhanu syaka, bhagata bipati bhajana sukha dyaka.5.
The lord of monkeys (Sugrva), the chief of bears (Jmbavn), the king of demons
(Vibhaa) and the host of monkeys beginning with Agada, I reverence the charming
feet of all, who attained r Rma even though born in the lowest species. As many
worshippers there are of the feet of Raghupati (the Lord of Raghus), including birds,
beasts, gods, human beings and demons, I adore the lotus feet of them all, who are
disinterested servants of r Rma. uka, Sanaka and others (viz., Sanandana, Santana
and Sanatkumra), sage Nrada and all other eminent sages who are devotees of
God and proficient in the spiritual lore, I make obeisance to all, placing my head on
the ground; be gracious to me, O Lords of ascetics knowing me as your servant. Jnak,
daughter of Janaka and mother of the universe and the most beloved consort of r
Rma, the Fountain of Mercy, I seek to propitiate the pair of Her lotus feet, so that
by Her grace I may be blessed with a refined intellect. Again, I adore, in thought, word
and deed, the lotus feet of the all-worthy Lord of Raghus, who has lotus-like eyes
and wields a bow and arrows, and who relieves the distress of His devotees and
affords delight to them. (15)
fnr tf fa fr fr
s tar r f-f f fr+ {c+
Do.: gir aratha jala bci sama kahiata bhinna na bhinna,
badau st rma pada jinhahi parama priya khinna.18.
I reverence the feet of St and Rma, who though stated to be different are yet
identical just like a word and its meaning or like water and the waves on its surface, and
to whom the afflicted are most dear. (18)
s r r rr r a r r f r+
ff f r r n n fr r+ {+
rr r; a rt fa a s+
fr r r nr fa r r+ +
r rff r ar s q f sr r+
r f f rt f ; f n rt+ -+
a f t r f fa at r+
r rs r f tr r t- t r+ +
Cau.: bada~~u
nma rma raghubara ko, hetu ksnu bhnu himakara ko.
bidhi hari haramaya beda prna so, aguna anupama guna nidhna so.1.
mahmatra joi japata mahes u, ks

mukuti hetu upades u.

mahim jsu jna ganar u, prathama pujiata nma prabhu.2.
jna dikabi nma pratp u, bhayau suddha kari ula jpu.
sahasa nma sama suni siva bn, japi je

piya saga bhavn.3.

harae hetu heri hara h ko, kiya bhuana tiya bhuana t ko.
nma prabhu jna siva nko, klakua phalu dnha am ko.4.
I greet the name Rma of the chief of Raghus,* which is composed of
* This distinguishes the Name from the two other names bearing the same sound but denoting two
other personalities, viz., Paraurma and Balarma (the elder brother of r Ka).
seed-letters* representing the fire-god, the sun-god and the moon-god (viz., Ra, and
Ma respectively). It is the same as Brahm (the creative aspect of God), Viu (His
preservative aspect) and iva (His disintegrating aspect), and the vital breath of the Vedas;
It is attributeless, peerless and a mine of virtues. It is the great spell which Lord Mahevara
mutters and which, when imparted by Him at K (the modern Vras) leads to
emancipation. Its glory is known to Lord Gaea, who is worshipped before all others
as a glary of the Name. The oldest poet (Vlmki) is acquainted with the glory of the Name,
inasmuch as he attained to purity by repeating It in the reverse order. Hearing the verdict
of Lord iva that the name is as good as a thousand other names of God, Goddess Bhavn
(Prvat) dined with Her consort after uttering It only once#. Noticing such partiality of Her
heart for the Name, Hara (Lord iva) made that lady, who was the ornament of Her sex,
the ornament of His own person (i.e., made Her a part of His own being by assigning to
Her the left half of His body). iva knows full well the power of the Name, due to which
deadly poison served the purpose of nectar to Him. (14)
r fa rrfa nfa at rf r
r r n r r r+ {+
Do.: bara ritu raghupati bhagati tulas sli sudsa,
rma nma bara barana juga svana bhdava msa.19.
Devotion to the Lord of Raghus is, as it were, the rainy season and the noble
devotees, says Tulasdsa, represent the paddy crop; while the two charming syllables
of the name Rma stand for the two months of rvaa and Bhdrapada (corresponding
roughly to July and August). (19)
* Each letter-sound of the Saskta Alphabet represents one or more gods of the Hindu pantheon and
the Tantras claim that these letters (which are technically known by the name of Bja-Mantras or seed-letters),
if joined with other spells sacred to that particular deity and repeated with due ceremony a fixed number of
times possess the efficacy of revealing the deity in person before the worshipper and propitiating him or her.
The scriptures maintain that Lord iva, the deity presiding over the holy city of K, whispers into the
right ear of every creature, dying within its boundaries, the name Rma and thereby brings emancipation to
the dying soul.
We read in the Puras how there was a scramble for precedence among the gods, each of whom
claimed the first position for himself. They approached Brahm for a ruling. He told them that they should race
round the world and that whoever finished the round quickest of all would be accounted the highest. Gaea,
who rode on no better animal than a rat, naturally lagged behind. He met on the way the celestial sage
Nrada, who advised him to scratch the word Rma on the ground and pace round It, as the word comprised
in Itself the entire creation. Gaea did accordingly and was naturally the first to finish the round of the
universe. Brahm appreciated this act of Gaea and conceded his title to precedence over all the other gods.
Since then Gaea has uninterruptedly enjoyed the right of being worshipped first of all.
Vlmki was a highway robber in his earlier life and was known by the name of Ratnkara.Seven
seers, who once fell a victim to his depredation, awakened him to the reprehensible nature of his conduct and
instructed him in the holy name of Rma. Completely immersed in sin he was, however, unable to utter the
word. The seers, therefore, asked him to repeat the name in the reverse order. In this way he was eventually
able to utter the name correctly and in course of time became so fond of repeating It that he ultimately turned
out to be a pious sage and seer and related the story of r Rma in fine verse even before His advent.
# We are told in the Padmapura how Bhagavn akara once invited His consort to join Him in His
dinner. Goddess Prvat, however, declind on the ground that She had not yet recited the Viu-Sahasranma,
which She must before Her breakfast. Bhagavn akara asked Her to repeat the name of Rma instead, as
a single utterance of the Name was as good as reciting a thousand other names of the Lord. Prvat did
accordingly and forthwith joined Her lord in dinner.
r r r fr f r+
fa r r r r fr+ {+
a a fa f t r f at +
a tfa fnrat zr t rrrat+ +
rr f rar n r ff rrar+
nfa fa f n fa a f f + -+
tr ar nfa r r +
t rfa f + +
Cau.: khara madhura manohara dou, barana bilocana jana jiya jou.
sumirata sulabha sukhada saba kh u, loka lhu paraloka nibhu.1.
kahata sunata sumirata suhi nke, rma lakhana sama priya tulas ke.
baranata barana prti bilagt, brahma jva sama sahaja sa ght.2.
nara nryana sarisa subhrt, jaga plaka bisei jana trt.
bhagati sutiya kala karana bibh uana, jaga hita hetu bimala bidhu puana.3.
svda toa sama sugati sudh ke, kamaha sea sama dhara basudh ke.
jana mana maju kaja madhukara se, jha jasomati hari haladhara se.4.
Both the letter-sounds are sweet and attractive; they are the two eyes, as it were,
of the Alphabet and the very life of the devotee. Easy to remember and delightful to one
and all, they bring gain here and provide sustenance hereafter. They are most delightful
to utter, hear and remember and are dear as Rma and Lakmaa to Tulasdsa. When
treated separately, the two letters lose their harmony (i.e., are differently pronounced,
bear diverse meaning in the form of seed-letters and as such yield different results);
whereas they are naturally allied even as Brahma (the Cosmic Spirit) and Jva (the
individual soul) Good brothers like the divine sages Nara and Nryaa, they are
sustainers of the universe and redeemers of the devotee in particular. They are beautiful
ornaments for the ears of the fair damsel in the form of Bhakti (Devotion) and stand as
the spotless sun and moon for the good of the world.They are like the taste and the
gratifying quality of nectar in the form of emancipation, and are supporters of the globe
like the divine Tortoise* and the serpent-god ea. Again, they are like bees for the
beautiful lotus in the shape of the devotees mind and are the very like of Hari (r Ka)
and Haladhara (Balarma, who wielded a plough as a weapon) for Yaod (Their foster-
mother, the wife of Nanda) in the shape of the tongue. (14)
r f f rs
at rr r fra rs+ +
Do.: eku chatru eku mukuamani saba baranani para jou,
tulas raghubara nma ke barana birjata dou.20.
Lo! the two letters ( and ) forming part of the name of Raghuvara (the Chief of
the Raghu) crown all the letters of the Alphabet, the one spreading like an umbrella and
the other resting as a crest-jewel, O Tulasdsa. (20)
* We are told in the Bhgavata and other Puras how God Viu assumed the form of a gigantic
tortoise in order to support Mount Mandara and prevent it from sinking while it was being rotated by gods and
demons in their attempt to churn the ocean of milk and obtain nectar out of it.
The letter of the Saskta alphabet, when immediately preceding another consonant or the
ra f r = rt tfa nrt+
r = ; ; srt rf rfr rt+ {+
r z r a r f n frf r+
ff = r rtr = r f r ftr+ +
= f r f r a na f fr+
ff r = f ra z f+ -+
r = nfa rt ra fa rt+
n n f r rt s r a rt+ +
Cau.: samujhata sarisa nma aru nm, prti parasapara prabhu anugm.
nma rupa dui sa updh, akatha andi susmujhi sdh.1.
ko baRa choa kahata apardh u, suni guna bhedu samujhihahi


r upa nma dhn, rupa gyna nahi

nma bihna.2.
rupa bisea nma binu jne , karatala gata na parahi

pahicne .
sumiria nma rupa binu dekhe , vata hdaya saneha bisee .3.
nma rupa gati akatha kahn, samujhata sukhada na parati bakhn.
aguna saguna bica nma suskh, ubhaya prabodhaka catura dubh.4.
The name and the object named, though similar in significance, are allied as
master and servant one to the other. (That is to say, even though there is complete
identity between God and His name, the former closely follows the latter even as a
servant follows his master. The Lord appears in person at the very mention of His
Name). Name and form are the two attributes of God; both of them are ineffable and
beginningless and can be rightly understood only by means of good intelligence. It is
presumptuous on ones part to declare as to which is superior or inferior. Hearing the
distinctive merits of both, pious souls will judge for themselves. Forms are found to be
subordinate to the name; without the name you cannot come to the knowledge of a form.
Typical forms cannot be identified, even if they be in your hand, without knowing their
name. And if the name is remembered even without seeing the form, the latter flashes
on the mind with a special liking for it. The mystery of name and form is a tale which
cannot be told; though delightful to comprehend, it cannot be described in words.
Between the unqualified Absolute and qualified Divinity, the Name is a good intermediary;
it is a clever interpreter revealing the truth of both. (14)
r r ft = t t r
at ta r rf sfr+ {+
Do.: rma nma manidpa dharu jha dehar

tulas bhtara bherahu jau chasi ujira.21.
Instal the luminous gem in the shape of the divine name Rma on the threshold
vowel > is placed above that letter in the shape of a curved line (e.g. in and >); while the nasal
consonant when preceded by any other letter, is changed into a dot (technically known by the name of
Anusvra) when placed on the top of that letter (e.g., in ). The curved line standing for the letter has been
poetically compared in the above Doh to an umbrella and the dot substituted for likened to a crest-jewel,
both of which enjoy an exalted position and are emblems of the royal state. In this way they are recognized as
superior to all other letters of the Alphabet.
of the tongue at the doorway of your mouth, if you will have light both inside and outside,
O Tulasdsa. (21)
r t f rnf rnt ffa ff frnt+
zrf f r r r =r+ {+
rr f n nfa r t f rf a+
r r f r rf fq frf r+ +
f r ra rt ff rf rt+
r na n rf rr at rfs rr srr+ -+
a r rr rt f ff frr+
n >rfa r r f ff f r sr+ +
Cau.: nma jha

japi jgahi

jog, birati biraci prapaca biyog.

brahmasukhahi anubhavahi

an up, akatha anmaya nma na rup.1.

jn cahahi

guRha gati jeu, nma jha japi jnahi

te u.
sdhaka nma japahi

laya le , hohi

siddha animdika pe .2.

namu jana rata bhr, miahi

kusakaa hohi

rma bhagata jaga cri prakr, sukt criu anagha udr.3.
cahu catura kahu nma adhr, gyn prabhuhi bisei pir.
cahu juga cahu ruti nma prabh u, kali bisei nahi

na up u.4.
Yogs (mystics) who are full of dispassion and are wholly detached from Gods
creation keep awake (in the daylight of wisdom) muttering the Name with their tongue,
and enjoy the felicity of Brahma (the Absolute), which is incomparable, unspeakable,
unmixed with sorrow and devoid of name and form. Even those (seekers of Truth) who
aspire to know the mysterious ways of Providence are able to comprehend them by
muttering the Name. Strivers (hankering after worldly achievements) repeat the Name,
absorbed in contemplation, and become accomplished, acquiring superhuman powers
such as that of becoming infinitely small in size.* If devotees in distress mutter the Name,
their worst calamities of the gravest type disappear and they become happy. In this world
there are four kinds of devotees of r Rma; all the four of them are virtuous, sinless
and noble. All the four, clever as they are, rely upon the Name. Of these the enlightened
devotee is specially dear to the Lord. The glory of the Name is supreme in all the four
Yugas and all the four Vedas, particularly in the Kali age, in which there is no other
means of salvation. (14)
rr t r nfa t
r f fa- f t+ +
* Works on Yoga enumerate the following eight kinds of miraculous powers acquired by Yogs:
(i) Aim (the faculty of reducing ones body to the size of an atom), (ii) Mahim (the power of expand-
ing ones body to an infinitely large size), (iii) Garim (the power of becoming infinitely heavy), (iv) Laghim
(the power of becoming infinitely light in body), (v) Prpti (unrestricted access to all places), (vi) Prkmya
(realizing whatever one desires), (vii) itva (absolute lordship) and (viii) Vaitva (subjugating all).
rmad bhagavadgt mentions four kinds of devotees, viz., (i) rta (the afflicted), (ii) Jijsu (the
seeker of Truth), (iii) Arthrth (the seeker of worldly riches) and (iv) Jn (the enlightened), and speaks of
them all as virtuous and benevolent. Of course, the enlightened devotee, it is pointed out, is the most beloved
of the Lord and constitutes His very self (vide VII 1618).
Do.: sakala kman hna je rma bhagati rasa lna,
nma suprema piyua hrada tinhahu kie mana mna.22.
Even those who are free from all desires and absorbed in the joy of devotion to
r Rma have thrown their heart as fish into the nectarine lake of supreme affection for
the Name. (22)
n n ; zr =r nr rf r+
r a z r a f f n f f a+ {+
f f rf t s atfa tfa =f t+
r=na f r n zr f+ +
s n n n r a s r z zr r a+
r zr frt a a rr r rt+ -+
z a frt t n t rt+
r f= r a a rs na ff r a a+ +
Cau.: aguna saguna dui brahma sar up, akatha agdha andi anup.
more mata baRa nmu duhu te , kie jehi

juga nija basa nija b ute .1.

prauRhi sujana jani jnahi

jana k, kahau pratti prti ruci mana k.

eku drugata dekhia ek u, pvaka sama juga brahma bibeku.2.
ubhaya agama juga sugama nma te , kaheu nmu baRa brahma rma te .
bypaku eku brahma abins, sata cetana ghana na da rs.3.
asa prabhu hdaya

achata abikr, sakala jva jaga dna dukhr.
nma nirupana nma jatana te , sou pragaata jimi mola ratana te .4.
There are two aspects of Godthe one unqualified and the other qualified. Both
these aspects are unspeakable, unfathomable, without beginning and without parallel. To
my mind, greater than both is the Name, that has established Its rule over both by Its
might. Friends should not take this as a bold assertion on the part of this servant; I record
my minds own conviction, love and liking. The two aspects of Brahma (God) should be
recognized as akin to fire: the one (viz., the Absolute) represents fire which is latent in
wood; while the other (qualified Divinity) corresponds to that which is externally visible.
Though both are inaccessible by themselves, they are easily attainable through the
Name; therefore I have called the Name greater than Brahma and r Rma both.
Brahma (God) is one, all-pervading and imperishable; He is all truth, consciousness and
a compact mass of joy. Even though such immutable Lord is present in every heart, all
beings in this world are nonetheless miserable and unhappy. Through the practice of the
Name preceded by Its true appraisement, however, the same Brahma reveals Itself even
as the value of a jewel is revealed by its correct knowledge. (14)
fn a f rfa z r rs r
s r z r a f fr r+ -+
Do.: niraguna te ehi bh

ti baRa nma prabhu apra,

kahau nmu baRa rma te nija bicra anusra.23.
The glory of the Name is thus infinitely greater than that of the Absolute; I shall
show below how in my judgment the Name is superior even to r Rma. (23)
r na fa a rt f f r rt+
r a rr na rf n rr+ {+
r ar fa art r rf fa rt+
ff fa r aar t fa a tf- frt+ +
fa r r rr ; r ff f ff rr+
s r r r r ar+ -+
z t- r fa r f r+
ff f rr r f f+ +
Cau.: rma bhagata hita nara tanu dhr, sahi sakaa kie sdhu sukhr.
nmu saprema japata anays, bhagata hohi

muda magala bs.1.

rma eka tpasa tiya tr, nma koi khala kumati sudhr.
rii hita rma suketusut k, sahita sena suta knhi bibk.2.
sahita doa dukha dsa durs, dalai nmu jimi rabi nisi ns.
bhajeu rma pu bhava cp u, bhava bhaya bhajana nma pratpu.3.
daaka banu prabhu knha suhvana, jana mana amita nma kie pvana.
nisicara nikara dale raghunadana, nmu sakala kali kalua nikadana.4.
For the sake of His devotees r Rma assumed the form of a human being and,
suffering calamities Himself, brought relief to the pious. By fondly repeating His Name,
on the other hand, devotees easily become abodes of joy and blessings. r Rma
Himself redeemed a single woman (Ahaly),
the wife of an ascetic; while His Name
corrected the error of crores of wicked souls. For the sake of the sage (Vivmitra) r
Rma wrought the destruction of Suketus daughter
(Tak) with her army and son
(Subhu); while His Name puts an end to the devotees vain hopes alongwith his errors
and sorrows even as the sun terminates night. In His own person r Rma broke the
bow of iva
, while the very glory of His Name dispels the fear of rebirth
. The Lord
restored the charm of the Daaka forest
alone, while His Name purified the mind of
countless devotees .The Delighter of Raghus (r Rma) crushed only a host of demons,
while His Name uproots all the impurities of the Kali age. (14)
t nt f nfa tf- rrr
r sr fa ffa n nr+ +
1. See Blaka (209. 6 to 211)
2. Ibid., 203. 3 and 209. 3.
3. Ibid., 260. 4.
4. Here there is a pun on the word Bhava which has been used as a synonym of Lord iva in the first
instance and again in the sense of rebirth. The comparison has been drawn between r Rma Himself, on
the one hand, and the glory of His Name (not the Name Itself) on the other. The latter, it is pointed out, excels
the former in that while r Rma broke a concrete object like the bow, the glory of His Name dispels an
abstract thing like the fear of rebirth.
5. The forest of Daaka had been rendered unfit for life in any form whatsoever under a curse from
the sage ukrcrya. The divine presence of r Rma, however, removed the curse and restored the forest
to its original charm.
Do.: sabar gdha susevakani sugati dnhi raghuntha,
nma udhre amita khala beda bidita guna gtha.24.
The Lord of Raghus conferred immortality only on faithful servants like abar (the
celebrated Bhla woman) and the vulture (Jayu)*, while His Name has delivered
innumerable wretches; the tale of Its virtues is well-known in the Vedas. (24)
r ft r r r r+
r nt r r ff fr+ {+
r r f rr a a >r t- rr+
r a f rt fr= rt+ +
r r rr t fa f n rr+
rr r rt nra n f rt+ -+
fa r tat f >r r tat+
fa n r r r f + +
Cau.: rma sukaha bibhana dou, rkhe sarana jna sabu kou.
nma garba aneka nevje, loka beda bara birida birje.1.
rma bhlu kapi kaaku baor, setu hetu ramu knha na thor.
nmu leta bhavasidhu sukhh

, karahu bicru sujana mana mh

rma sakula rana rvanu mr, sya sahita nija pura pagu dhr.
rj rmu avadha rajadhn, gvata guna sura muni bara bn.3.
sevaka sumirata nmu saprt, binu rama prabala moha dalu jt.
phirata saneha magana sukha apane , nma prasda soca nahi

sapane .4.
As is well-known to all, r Rma extended His protection to two devotees only,
viz., Sugrva and Vibhaa; His Name, on the other hand, has showered Its grace on
numerous humble souls. This superb glory of the Name shines forth in the world as well
as in the Vedas. r Rma collected an army of bears and monkeys and took no little
pains over the construction of a bridge (to connect the mainland with the island of Lak).
Through the repetition of His Name, however, the ocean of mundane existence itself gets
dried up: let the wise bear this in mind. r Rma killed in battle Rvaa with all his family
and returned to His own city with St. He was then crowned king in the capital of
Ayodhy, while gods and sages sang His glories in choicest phrases. His servants are,
however, able to conquer the formidable army of error by fondly remembering His Name
and, absorbed in devotion, move about in joy which is peculiarly their own; by the grace
of the Name they know not sorrow even in dream. (14)
zr r a r z r rf
rfa a rf f f rf+ ~+
Do.: brahma rma te nmu baRa bara dyaka bara dni,
rmacarita sata koi maha

liya mahesa jiya jni.25.
The Name is thus greater than Brahma and r Rma both and confers blessings
* For the accounts of abar and Jayu see Arayaka 33.3 to 36 and 28.4 to 32 respectively.
even on the bestowers of boons. Knowing this in His heart, the great Lord iva chose this
word (Rma) for Himself out of r Rmas story comprising 100 crore verses.* (25)
r r frt r n n rt+
rf fq f rnt r r zr rnt+ {+
r rs r ar n f f f f r+
r a t- r na frf r+ +
nrf s f r rs r+
ff a r r f r r+ -+
a rf n nfr a f r r+
r fn r zr; r f r n nr;+ +
Cau.: nma prasda sabhu abins, sju amagala magala rs.
suka sanakdi siddha muni jog, nma prasda brahmasukha bhog.1.
nrada jneu nma pratp u, jaga priya hari hari hara priya p u.
nmu japata prabhu knha prasd u, bhagata siromani bhe prahaldu.2.
dhruva sagalni japeu hari n u

, pyau acala anupama h u

sumiri pavanasuta pvana nmu, apane basa kari rkhe rmu.3.
apatu ajmilu gaju ganik u, bhae mukuta hari nma prabhu.
kahau kah

lagi nma baR, rmu na sakahi

nma guna g.4.

By the grace of the Name alone Lord ambhu (iva) is immortal and, though
endowed with inauspicious paraphernalia (such as a wreath of skulls), is yet a
storehouse of blessings. Again, it is by the grace of the Name alone that Siddhas
(adepts), sages and Yogs like uka, Sanaka and others enjoy divine raptures, Nrada
realized the glory of the Name; that is why, while r Hari is beloved of the world (and
Hara is dear to r Hari), he (Nrada) is dear to Hari and Hara (Viu and iva) both.
It was because of his repeating the Name that the Lord showered His grace on Prahlda,
who thereby became the crest-jewel of devotees. Dhruva repeated the name of r Hari
with a feeling of indignation (at the harsh treatment received from his step-mother) and
thereby attained a fixed and incomparable station in the heavens. It is by remembering
the holy Name that Hanumn (son of the wind-god) holds r Rma under His thumb.
The vile Ajmila and even the celebrated elephant and the harlot of the legend were
liberated by the power of r Haris name. I have no words to depict the glory of the
Name: not even Rma can adequately glorify it. (14)
r r r a= f rr fr
r fa r rn a at atr+ +
Do.: nmu rma ko kalapataru kali kalyna nivsu,
jo sumirata bhayo bh

ga te tulas tulasdsu.26.
The name of Rma is a wish-yielding tree, the very home of beatitude in this age
of Kali, by remembering which Tulasdsa (the poet himself) was transformed from an
intoxicating drug like the hemp-plant into the holy basil. (26)
* The Rmyaa as originally composed by Brahm himself and delivered to Lord iva through
Nrada is believed to have contained as many as a 100 crore verses.
n atf r fa rr r f t frr+
r a a a r + {+
r n ff r fara +
f tr r rff tr+ +
r ra= r rr fa n rr+
r r f fa rar fa r r fa rar+ -+
f f nfa f r r +
rf f fr r fa r+ +
Cau.: cahu juga tni kla tihu lok, bhae nma japi jva bisok.
beda purna sata mata ehu, sakala sukta phala rma sanehu.1.
dhynu prathama juga makhabidhiduje , dvpara paritoata prabhu puje .
kali kevala mala m ula maln, ppa payonidhi jana mana mn.2.
nma kmataru kla karl, sumirata samana sakala jaga jl.
rma nma kali abhimata dt, hita paraloka loka pitu mt.3.

kali karama na bhagati bibeku, rma nma avalabana eku.

klanemi kali kapaa nidhnu, nma sumati samaratha hanumnu.4.
(Not only in this Kali age, but) in all the four ages*, at all times (past, present and
future) and in all the three spheres (viz., heaven, earth and the subterranean region)
creatures have been rid of grief by repeating the Name. The verdict of the Vedas and
the Puras as well as of saints is just this; that love of Rma (or the name Rma) is
the reward of all virtuous acts. In the first age, through meditation; in the second age,
through sacrifice; and in the Dvpara age the Lord is propitiated through worship. This
age of Kali, however, is simply corrupt and the root of all impurities, where the mind of
man wallows like a fish in the ocean of sin. In this terrible age the Name alone is the
wish-yielding tree, the very thought of which puts an end to all the illusions of the world.
The Name of Rma is the bestower of ones desired object in this age of Kali; It is
beneficent in the other world and ones father and mother in this world. In Kaliyuga neither
Karma (action) nor Bhakti (devotion) nor again Jna (knowledge) avails; the name of
Rma is the only resort. The age of Kali is as it were the demon Klanemi, the repository
of all wiles; whereas the Name is the wise and mighty Hanumn. (14)
r r t f fr
r r ff rff f r+ +
* The span of life of the universe, which is known by the name of Kalpa and consists of 4,32,00,00,000
human years, has been divided into 1,000 epochs or Caturyugas. Each Caturyuga is made up of four Yugas
or ages, viz., Satyayuga, Tret, Dvpara and Kaliyuga. Their duration is given below:
Satyayuga......................17,28,000 years



Thus it will, be seen that the duration of Dvpara is twice that of Kaliyuga, that of Tret thrice that of
Kaliyuga and that of Satyayuga four times that of Kaliyuga. In this way the duration of a Caturyuga is ten times
that of Kaliyuga.
The story of Klanemi and his death at the hands of Hanumn has been briefly told in the foot-note
under 6.3 in this very Ka.
Do.: rma nma narakesar kanakakasipu kalikla,
jpaka jana prahalda jimi plihi dali surasla.27.
(To use another metaphor) the Name of Rma is, as it were, the Lord manifested
as a man-lion and the age of Kali; the demon Hirayakapu. Crushing this enemy of
gods, the Name will protect the devotees repeating It, even as the Man-lion protected
Prahlda. (27)
r r r r a n ff +
ff r r r n nrr s r; rrrf rr+ {+
rf rff r r at r r f r rrrat+
r trf rr f ff f rff rr+ +
r rf tat f a fra tat+
nt nt nr rn fza t srn+ -+
f f f fa rt f ra rt+
r r t rr ; rr+ +
f rf f rt ffa nfa fa nfa frt+
ra fr r r frf rr+ ~+
tra r fra r n ffa ra+ +
Cau.: bhya kubhya anakha lasah u

, nma japata magala disi dasahu

sumiri so nma rma guna gth, karau ni raghunthahi mth.1.
mori sudhrihi so saba bh

t, jsu kp nahi


rma susvmi kusevaku moso, nija disi dekhi daynidhi poso.2.
lokahu beda sushiba rt, binaya sunata pahicnata prt.
gan garba grmanara ngara, paita muRha malna ujgara.3.
sukabi kukabi nija mati anuhr, npahi sarhata saba nara nr.
sdhu sujna susla npl, sa asa bhava parama kpl.4.
suni sanamnahi

sabahi subn, bhaniti bhagati nati gati pahicn.

yaha prkta mahipla subh u, jna siromani kosalar u.5.
rjhata rma saneha nisote , ko jaga mada malinamati mote .6.
The Name repeated either with good or evil intentions, in an angry mood or even
while yawning, diffuses joy in all the ten directions. Remembering that Name and
bowing my head to the Lord of Raghus, I proceed to recount the virtues of r Rma.
He whose grace is never tired of showing its good-will to others will mend my errors
in everyway. Rma a noble Lord, and a poor servant like myself ! Yet, true to His
own disposition, that storehouse of compassion has fostered me. In the world as well
as in the Vedas we observe the following characteristic in a good master, viz., that
he comes to recognize ones devotion to him as soon as he hears ones prayer. Rich
or poor, rustic or urban, learned or unlettered, of good repute or bad, a good poet
or a bad one, all men and women extol the king according to his or her light. And
the pious, sensible, amiable and supremely compassionate ruler, who takes his descent
from a lragnest of God, greets all with sweet words hearing their compliments and
appraising their composition, devotion, supplication and conduct. Such is the way of earthly
monarchs, to say nothing of the Lord of Kosala (r Rma), who is the crest-jewel
of wise men. r Rma gets pleased with unalloyed love; but who is duller and more
impure of mind in this world than I ? (16)
t tfa =f ff r r
s f r f f fa f r+ c (+
ra a r a sr
rf tarr r atr+ c (+
Do.: saha sevaka k prti ruci rakhihahi

rma kplu,
upala kie jalajna jehi

saciva sumati kapi bhlu.28(A).

hau hu kahvata sabu kahata rma sahata upahsa,
shiba stntha so sevaka tulasdsa.28(B).
The benevolent Rma will nonetheless respect the devotion and pleasure of this
wicked servantr Rma, who made barks out of rocks and wise counsellors out of
monkeys and bears. Everybody calls me a servant of the Lord and I myself claim to be
one; and r Rma puts up with the scoffing remark that a master like Sts Lord has
a servant like Tulasdsa. (28 A-B)
fa fz rf fr; rt f rr r rt+
fr rf z r f r tf- f + {+
f rf fa rt nfa rf fa trf rt+
a r; r; f tt tra r rf t t+ +
fa fa f t a fa r f t+
f rr s r ff rt ff r; tf- rt+ -+
r; afa ft t r r f t+
a af a r rr rrt r+ +
Cau.: ati baRi mori hih khor, suni agha narakahu nka sakor.
samujhi sahama mohi apaara apane , so sudhi rma knhi nahi

sapane .1.
suni avaloki sucita cakha ch, bhagati mori mati svmi sarh.
kahata nasi hoi hiya nk, rjhata rma jni jana j k.2.
rahati na prabhu cita cuka kie k, karata surati saya bra hie k.

agha badheu bydha jimi bl, phiri sukaha soi knhi kucl.3.
soi karatuti bibhana ker, sapanehu so na rma hiya her.
te bharatahi bhe ata sanamne, rjasabh

raghubra bakhne.4.
My presumption and error are indeed very great and, hearing the tale of my sins,
even hell has scarnet at them. I shudder to think of it due to my assumed fears; while
r Rma took no notice of them even in a dream. The Lord, on the other hand, applauded
my devotion and spirit on hearing of, perceiving and scanning them with the minds eye.
If there is anything good in ones heart, it is marred by the telling; for r Rma is pleased
to note what is there in the devotees mind. The Lord never cherishes in His mind the
lapse, if any, on part of a devotee; while He remembers the latters spirit a hundred
times. For instance, the very crime of which He had killed Vl (the monkey-king
of Kikindh) even as a huntsman, was repeated in the misdemeanour perpetrated
by Sugrva* Vibhaa too was guilty of the same offence; but r Rma took no
cognizance of it even in a dream. The Hero of Raghus clan, on the other hand, honoured
them both at His meeting with Bharata (on His return from Lak) and commended them
in open court. (14)
a= a f zr a f r r
at r rf tfr+ (+
r fr; rt t r t
rt r a tr at + (+
f ff f n r f f f f= r;
s rr f f f r;+ (n+
Do.: prabhu taru tara kapi ra para te kie pu samna,
tulas kahu

na rma se shiba slanidhna.29(A).

rma nik

rvar hai sabah ko nka,

jau yaha s

c hai sad tau nko tulaska.29(B).

ehi bidhi nija guna doa kahi sabahi bahuri siru ni,
baranau raghubara bisada jasu suni kali kalua nasi.29(C).
While the Lord sat at the foot of trees, the monkeys perched themselves high
on the boughs; such insolent creatures He exalted to His own position! There is no
lord so generous as r Rma, O Tulasdsa! Your goodness, O Rma, is beneficent
to all; if this is a fact, Tulasdsa too will be blessed by the same. Thus revealing
my merits and demerits and bowing my head once more to all, I proceed to sing the
immaculate glory of the Chief of Raghus, by hearing which the impurities of the Kali
age are wiped away. (29 AC)
rnf r r r; r ff r;+
fs r; r rt r rt+ {+
t- fa rr f r f sf rr+
r; f rnfzf t-r r na frt t-r+ +
af rnf f rr fa- f r fa nrr+
a >rrar ar tr t rf ftr+ -+
rf atf r f rr a na r rr+
s fna rr f f rf ff rr+ +
* Vl was killed by r Rma on the plea that the former had usurped his younger brothers wife.
Sugrva and Vibhaa too are stated to have taken Tr (Vls wife) and Mandodar (Rvaas wife)
respectively as their consort after the death of their husbands. In this way even though Sugrva and Vibhaa
too were practically guilty of the same offence which brought the Lords wrath on Vl, their guilt was
extenuated by the fact that they took those ladies as wife after their brothers death and with the consent of the
other party, and by the further fact that their conduct was in keeping with the practice in vogue among the
monkey and demon chiefs.That is why, while the poet characterizes Vls conduct as a crime (Agha), he
dismisses Sugrvas act as a mere misdemeanour ).
Cau.: jgabalika jo kath suh, bharadvja munibarahi sun.
kahihau soi sabda bakhn, sunahu sakala sajjana sukhu mn.1.
sabhu knha yaha carita suhv, bahuri kp kari umahi sunv.
soi siva kgabhusuihi dnh, rma bhagata adhikr cnh.2.
tehi sana jgabalika puni pv, tinha puni bharadvja prati gv.
te rot bakat samasl, sava daras jnahi


tni kla nija gyn, karatala gata malaka samn.

aurau je haribhagata sujn, kahahi



bidhi nn.4.
The charming story which Yjavalkya related to the good sage Bharadvja, I shall
repeat the same dialogue at length; let all good souls hear it with a feeling of delight. This
ravishing tale was conceived by ambhu (Lord iva), who graciously communicated it to
His Consort Um (Prvat). iva imparted it once more to Kkabhuui (a sage in the
form of crow), knowing him to be a devotee of r Rma and one qualified to hear it. And
it was Yjavalkya who received it from the latter (Kkabhuui) and narrated it to
Bharadvja. Both these, the listener (Bharadvja) and the reciter (Yjavalkya), are
equally virtuous; they view all alike and are acquainted with the pastimes of r Hari. Like
aremblic myrobalan fruit placed on ones palm, they hold the past, present and future
within their knowledge. Besides these, other enlightened devotees of r Hari too recite,
hear and understand this story in diverse ways. (14)
f f n t r r a
rt f af r a fa s a+ - (+
>rrar ar rff r r n
ff r t z f n fa f + - (+
Do.: mai

puni nija gura sana sun kath so sukarakheta,

samujh nahi

tasi blapana taba ati raheu aceta.30(A).

rot bakat gynanidhi kath rma kai guRha,
kimi samujhau mai

jva jaRa kali mala grasita bimuRha.30(B).

Then I heard the same story in the holy ukaraketra* (the modern Soron in
the western United Provinces) from my preceptor; but as I had no sense in those
days of my childhood, I could not follow it full well. Both the listener and the reciter
of the mysterious story of r Rma must be repositories of wisdom. How, then could
I, a dull and stupid creature steeped in the impurities of the Kali age, expect to
follow it ? (30 A-B)
af t n rf rr fr t fa rr+
rrq f r; r r f r;+ {+
f f a fs f f +
f r t s r far at+ +
* The name is associated with the descent of r Har as a Boar (ukara) who killed Hirayka, the
elder brother of Hirayakaipu, and lifted up the earth from the depths of the ocean, to which it had been
consigned by the said demon.
f>rr f rr f ff+
rr f n t f f r t+ -+
rr f r nr; tf f r;+
r; ra r afnf f fnf+ +
fff r f fa fnfff+
a r rf r t ft r r t+ ~+
n f n r t t fa a rt+
rf f rf at t afr fa f t t+ +
ff ar t ffq fa rt+
n n ffa t rr nfa ffa t+ +
Cau.: tadapi kah gura brahi

br, samujhi par kachu mati anusr.

bhbaddha karabi mai

so, more mana prabodha jehi

jasa kachu budhi bibeka balamere , tasa kahihau hiy~a
hari ke prere .
nija sadeha moha bhrama haran, karau kath bhava sarit taran.2.
budha birma sakala jana rajani, rmakath kali kalua bibhajani.
rmakath kali panaga bharan, puni bibeka pvaka kahu aran.3.
rmakath kali kmada g, sujana sajvani muri suh.
soi basudhtala sudh taragini, bhaya bhajani bhrama bheka bhuagini.4.
asura sena sama naraka nikadini, sdhu bibudha kula hita girinadini.
sata samja payodhi ram s, bisva bhra bhara acala cham s.5.
jama gana muha masi jaga jamun s, jvana mukuti hetu janu ks.
rmahi priya pvani tulas s, tulasidsa hita hiya hulas s.6.
sivapriya mekala saila sut s, sakala siddhi sukha sapati rs.
sadaguna suragana aba aditi s, raghubara bhagati prema paramiti s.7.
Nevertheless, when the preceptor repeated the story time after time, I followed it
to a certain extent according to my poor lights. I shall versify the same in the popular
tongue, so that my mind may derive satisfaction from it. Equipped with what little
intellectual and critical power I possess, I shall write with a heart inspired by r Hari. The
story I am going to tell is such as will dispel my own doubts, errors and delusion and
will serve as a boat for crossing the stream of mundane existence. The story of Rma
is a solace to the learned and a source of delight to all men and wipes out the impurities
of the Kali age. r Rmas story is a pea-hen for the serpent in the form of the Kali age;
again, it is a wooden stick* for kindling the sacred fire of wisdom. The tale of Rma is
the cow of plenty in this age of Kali; it is a beautiful life-giving herb for the virtuous. It is
a veritable river of nectar on the surface of this globe; it shatters the fear of birth and
death and is a virtual snake for the frog of delusion. It is beneficent to pious souls-even
as Goddess Prvat (the daughter of Himavn) is friendly to gods; again, it puts an end
to hell even as Prvat exterminated the army of demons. It flows from the assemblage
of saints, even as Lakm (the goddess of wealth) sprang from the ocean; and like the
immovable earth it bears the burden of the entire creation. Like the sacred river Yamun
in this world it scares away the messengers of Yama (the god of death). It is holy K
* The fire used in sacrifices in India is produced by revolving a wooden stick against a wooden block.
as it were for the liberation of souls. It is dear to Rma as the sacred basil plant and is
truly beneficent to Tulasdsa as his own mother, Hulas. It is beloved of Lord iva as
the river Narmad (which has its source in Mount Mekala, a peak of the Amarakaaka
hills); it is a mine of all attainments as well as of happiness and prosperity. It is to noble
qualities what mother Aditi is to gods; it is the culmination as it were of devotion to and
love for r Rma. (17)
rr rft fr fa r=
at n f rrt fr=+ -{+
Do.: rmakath madkin citrakua cita cru,
tulas subhaga saneha bana siya raghubra bihru.31.
The story of r Rma is the river Mandkin (which washes the foot of Citrakua);
a guileless heart is Mount Citrakua (one of the happy resorts of r Rma during his
wanderings in the forest); while pure love, says Tulasdsa, is the woodland in which St
and Rma carry on Their divine pastimes. (31)
rfa farf r= a fa fa n fnr=+
n n nnr r rf fa r + {+
n r frn rn f t rn +
f f r t a + +
r ar r f r r r +
f fa fr r sf r + -+
r r f fn f r +
faf fa rf r rr rf rf + +
r rf f r a f r +
r a f rf r + ~+
fa rf a= a f +
f szn rna t + +
a f rn n fa f=f r rn +
r r r nn an r + +
Cau.: rmacarita citmani cr u, sata sumati tiya subhaga si

gr u.
jaga magala gunagrma rma ke, dni mukuti dhana dharama dhma ke.1.
sadagura gyna birga joga ke, bibudha baida bhava bhma roga ke.
janani janaka siya rma prema ke, bja sakala brata dharama nema ke.2.
samana ppa satpa soka ke, priya plaka paraloka loka ke.
saciva subhaa bhupati bicra ke, kubhaja lobha udadhi apra ke.3.
kma koha kalimala karigana ke, kehari svaka jana mana bana ke.
atithi pujya priyatama purri ke, kmada ghana drida davri ke.4.
matra mahmani biaya byla ke, meata kahina kuaka bhla ke.
harana moha tama dinakara kara se, sevaka sli pla jaladhara se.5.
abhimata dni devataru bara se, sevata sulabha sukhada hari hara se.
sukabi sarada nabha mana uaganase, rmabhagata jana jvana dhana se.6.
sakala sukta phala bhuri bhogase, jaga hita nirupadhi sdhu loga se.
sevaka mana mnasa marla se, pvana gaga taraga mla se.7.
The narrative of Rma is a lovely wish-yielding gem, and a graceful adornment
for saintly wisdom. The hosts of virtues possessed by r Rma are a blessing to the
world and the bestowers of liberation, riches, religious merit and the divine abode. They
are true teachers of wisdom, dispassion and Yoga (contemplative union with God) and
celestial physicians (Avinkumras) for the fell disease of metempsychosis; parents
of devotion to St and Rma and the seed of all holy vows, practices and observances;
antidotes for sins, agonies and griefs and beloved guardians in this as well as in the
next world; valiant ministers to King Reason,and a veritable Agastya* drinking up the
illimitable ocean of greed; young lions residing in the forest of the devotees mind to kill
the herd of elephants in the shape of lust, anger and impurities of the Kali age; dear
to Lord iva (the Slayer of the demon Tripura) as a highly respectable and most
beloved guest, and wish-yielding clouds quenching the wild fire of indigence.They are
spells and valuable gems as it were for counteracting the venom of serpents in the
form of sensuous enjoyments, and efface the deep marks of evil destiny contained on
the forehead. They are sunbeams, as it were, dispelling the darkness of ignorance, and
clouds nourishing the paddy crop in the form of devotees; trees of paradise, as it were,
yielding the object of ones desire; easily available for service and gratifying like Viu
and iva; stars as it were adorning the autumnal sky in the shape of the poets mind,
and the very lifes treasure for the devotees of r Rma; a rich harvest of enjoyments
as it; were yielded by the totality of ones meritorious deeds and sincerely devoted to
the good of the world like holy men; sporting in the mind of the devotees as swans in
the Mnasarovara lake and purifying as the waves of the holy Gag. (17)
a rf f r z
r n nr ff ; z+ - (+
rfa r f r
r r fa fa ff z r+ - (+
Do.: kupatha kutaraka kucli kali kapaa dabha paa,
dahana rma guna grma jimi idhana anala pracaa.32(A).
rmacarita rkesa kara sarisa sukhada saba khu,
sajjana kumuda cakora cita hita bisei baRa lhu.32(B).
The hosts of virtues possessed by r Rma are like a blazing fire to consume
the dry wood of evil ways, fallacious reasoning, mischievous practices, deceit,
hypocrisy and heresy prevailing in Kali. The exploits of r Rma are delightful to one
and all even as the rays of the full moon; they are particularly agreeable and highly
beneficial to the mind of the virtuous, who can be compared to the white water-lily and
the Cakora bird. (32 A-B)
* Sage Agastya is said to have drunk up the ocean in three draughts. He was born of a jar; this earn
him the tittle of Kumbhaja.
The white water-lily is proverbially noted for its attachment to the moon and is supposed to open its
tf- t f rfa rt f ff r rt+
r a nr; r ffr r;+ {+
f r t f r; f r f r;+
r f f rt f r f rt+ +
rr ffa n rt f atfa fa- rt+
rr rfa r arr rr a rf rr+ -+
ffa r rfa t- nr+
f s rt f r r fa rt+ +
Cau.: knhi prasna jehi bh

ti bhavn, jehi bidhi sakara kah bakhn.

so saba hetu kahaba mai

g, kathprabadha bicitra ban.1.


yaha kath sun nahi

ho, jani caraju karai suni so.

kath alaukika sunahi

je gyn, nahi

caraju karahi

asa jn.2.
rmakath kai miti jaga nh

, asi pratti tinha ke mana mh

nn bh

ti rma avatr, rmyana sata koi apr.3.

kalapabheda haricarita suhe, bh

ti aneka munsanha ge.

karia na sasaya asa ura n, sunia kath sdara rati mn.4.
I shall now relate at some length the seed of the storyviz., how Goddess
Bhavn (Prvat) questioned Lord akara and how the latter answered Her questions
weaving a strange narrative round this episode. Let no one who should happen not to
have heard this anecdote before, be surprised to hear it. Wise men who hear this
uncommon, legend marvel not; for they know there is no limit to the stories of r Rma
in this world. They are convinced in their heart that r Rma has bodied Himself forth
in diverse ways and that the Rmyaa, though consisting of a thousand million verses,
is yet infinite. Great sages have diversely sung the charming stories of r Hari, relating
as they do to different Kalpas or cycles. Bearing this in mind the reader should not
entertain any doubt and should hear this narrative reverently and with devotion. (14)
r a a n fa r ftar
f r rff f- f fr+ --+
Do.: rma anata anata guna amita kath bistra,
suni caraju na mnihahi

jinha ke bimala bicra.33.

Rma is infinite, infinite are His virtues and the dimensions of His story are also
immeasurable. Those whose thoughts are pure will, therefore, feel no surprise when they
hear it. (33)
f ff f t f f n t+
f t fs rt a r f rn rt+ {+
r ff r; rr s f r n nrr+
a r atr s r f f tr+ +
petals in moonlight alone. Similarly the Cakora is said to feed on moonbeams and supposed to be particularly
enamoured of the moon.
t r rr t fa rr+
f f r >rfa nrf at ar f rf+ -+
rn n f r r; f rrr r+
- r- f rr f r tfa nrr+ +
Cau.: ehi bidhi saba sasaya kari d ur, sira dhari gura pada pakaja dhur.
puni sabah binavau kara jor, karata kath jehi

lga na khor.1.
sdara sivahi ni aba mth, barana~~u
bisada rma guna gth.
sabata soraha sai ekats, kara~~u
kath hari pada dhari ss.2.
naum bhauma bra madhu ms, avadhapur

yaha carita praks.

jehi dina rma janama ruti gvahi

, tratha sakala tah

cali vahi

asura nga khaga nara muni dev, i karahi

raghunyaka sev.
janma mahotsava racahi

sujn, karahi

rma kala krati gn.4.

Putting away all doubts in this way and placing on my head the dust from the lotus
feet of my preceptor, I supplicate all with joined palms once more, so that no blame may
attach to the telling of the story. Reverently bowing my head to Lord iva, I now proceed
to recount the fair virtues of r Rma. placing my head on the feet of r Hari I
commence this story in the Savat year 1631. On Tuesday, the ninth of the lunar
month of Caitra, this story shed its lustre at Ayodhy. On thes day of r Rmas birth
the presiding spirits of all holy places flock thereso declare the Vedasand demons,
Ngas, birds, human beings, sages and gods come and pay their homage to the
Lord of Raghus. Wise men celebrate the great birthday festival and sing the sweet glory
of r Rma. (14)
rf r r t
f r f r s tr t+ -+
Do.: majjahi

sajjana bda bahu pvana saraju nra,


rma dhari dhyna ura sudara syma sarra.34.

Numerous groups of pious men take dip in the holy water of the Sarayu river and,
visualizing in their heart the beautiful swarthy form of r Rma, mutter His name. (34)
r = rr ; r rr+
t ta fa fr fa f ; rr ffa+ {+
r rr t rf r ta ffa fa rf+
rf rf n t rr a a f rr+ +
ff t r rt ffq n rt+
f r t- r a rf r r+ -+
rfar f rr a >r r; f>rrr+
f f ; r; t f ;+ +
rfar f r fs r r+
frf r rf r f rf f r+ ~+
f f r rr r; s fr rr+
ara rfar s r f f f + +
s r r; r; r r;+ +
Cau.: darasa parasa majjana aru pn, harai ppa kaha beda purn.
nad punta amita mahim ati, kahi na sakai srad bimalamati.1.
rma dhmad pur suhvani, loka samasta bidita ati pvani.
cri khni jaga jva apr, avadha taj~e
tanu nahi

saba bidhi pur manohara jn, sakala siddhiprada magala khn.
bimala kath kara knha arabh, sunata nashi

kma mada dabh.3.

rmacaritamnasa ehi nm, sunata ravana pia birm.
mana kari biaya anala bana jara, hoi sukh ja~u

sara parai.4.
rmacaritamnasa muni bhvana, biraceu sabhu suhvana pvana.
tribidha doa dukha drida dvana, kali kucli kuli kalua nasvana.5.
raci mahesa nija mnasa rkh, pi susamau siv sana bh.
rmacaritamnasa bara, dhareu nma hiya heri harai hara.6.
kath soi sukhada suh, sdara sunahu sujana mana l.7.
The very sight and touch of the Sarayu, a dip into its waters or a draught from
it cleanses ones sinsso declare the Vedas and Puras. Even rad, the goddess
of learning, with Her pure intelligence cannot describe the infinite glory of this most
sacred river. The beautiful town of Ayodhy grants an abode in r Rmas heaven;
it is celebrated through all the worlds and is the holiest of the holy. There are countless
living beings in this world belonging to the four species (viz., viviparous, oviparous,
sweat-born and those shooting from the earth); whoever of these shed their mortal
coil in Ayodhy are never born again. Knowing the town to be charming in everyway,
a bestower of all forms of success and a storehouse of blessings, I commenced writing
this sacred story there. The impulses of lust, arrogance and hypocrisy positively
disappear from the mind of those who hear it. One derives solace by hearing its very
name, Rmacaritamnasa (the Mnasa lake of r Rmas exploits). The elephant of
our mind, which is being scorched by the wild fire of sensuous enjoyments, is sure
to get relief, should it drop into this lake. The holy and beautiful Rmacaritamnasa
is the delight of sages; it was conceived by ambhu (Lord iva). It puts down the
three kinds of error, sorrow and indigence* and uproots all evil practices and impurities
of the Kali age. Having conceived it, the great Lord iva treasured it in His mind till,
when a favourable opportunity presented itself, He communicated it to His consort,
iv (Prvat). Therefore, after due consideration Lord Hara joyously gave it the excellent
title of Rmacaritamnasa. I repeat the same delightful and charming story; hear it
reverently and attentively, O noble souls. (17)
* The three kinds of error are those relating to thought, word and deed; birth, death and old age
constitute the three kinds of sorrow and the three kinds of indigence referred to her are: (1) poverty of body (2)
poverty in men and (3) poverty of means.
The word Mnasa also denotes the mind and Lord iva gave this story the title of Rmacaritamnasa
firstly because it contains a life-account of r Rma and secondly because He treasured it in His mind before
communicating it to Prvat.
r f ff s n r f a
r; s n ff sr a+ -~+
Do.: jasa mnasa jehi bidhi bhayau jaga pracra jehi hetu,
aba soi kahau prasaga saba sumiri um baketu.35.
Invoking Um (Goddess Prvat) and Lord iva (who has a bull emblazoned on
His standard), I now proceed to give a full account as to what this Rmacaritamnasa
is like, how it came to be and what led to its popularity in the world. (35)
r fa f t rfar f at+
; r fa rt fa f rt+ {+
fa f z nr r sf rr r+
f r rt r nrt+ +
tr n r f rt r; t-ar ; rt+
nfa r f r; r; ar taar;+ -+
r a rf fa r; r na t r;+
r f na r r ff >r n s r+ +
s r frr ta =f r= frr+ ~+
Cau.: sabhu prasda sumati hiya hulas, rmacaritamnasa kabi tulas.
karai manohara mati anuhr, sujana sucita suni lehu sudhr.1.
sumati bhumi thala hdaya agdh u, beda purna udadhi ghana sdhu.

rma sujasa bara br, madhura manohara magalakr.2.

ll saguna jo kahahi

bakhn, soi svacchat karai mala hn.

prema bhagati jo barani na j, soi madhurat sustalat.3.
so jala sukta sli hita ho, rma bhagata jana jvana so.
medh mahi gata so jala pvana, sakili ravana maga caleu suhvana.4.
bhareu sumnasa suthala thirn, sukhada sta ruci cru cirn.5.
By the grace of ambhu (Lord iva) a blessed idea inspired the mind of
Tulasdsa, which made him the author of Rmacaritamnasa. The author has polished
his composition to the best of his intellect; yet listen to it with a sympathetic mind, O
noble souls, and correct it. A refined (Sttvika) intellect is the catchment area, heart is
the fathomless cavity, the Vedas and Puras constitute the ocean; while holy men
represent the clouds which rain down pure, sweet, agreeable and blessed water in the
form of r Rmas excellent glory. Pastimes of a personal God that such holy men narrate
in extenso are the transparency of this water, which cleanses all impurity; while loving
Devotion, which defies all description, represents its sweetness and coolness. This water
is beneficial for the paddy crop in the form of virtuous deeds, it is life itself to the devotees
of r Rma. The same holy water, when it dropped on the soil of the intellect, flowed
in a volume through the beautiful channel of the ears and, collecting in the lovely spot
called the heart, came to be stationary. Having remained there for a long time, it became
clear, agreeable, cool and refreshing. (15)
f r f fq frf
a; f r n rrr r rf+ -+
Do.: suhi sudara sabda bara birace buddhi bicri,
tei ehi pvana subhaga sara gha manohara cri.36.
The four most beautiful and excellent dialogues (viz., those between (i) Bhuui
and Garua, (ii) iva and Prvat (iii) Yjavalkya and Bharadvja and (iv) between
Tulasdsa and other saints) that have been cleverly woven into this narrative are the
four lovely Ghas of this holy and charming lake. (36)
e n rrr r fa rr+
rrfa fr n rr r; rf nrr+ {+
r t f r sr tf fr r+
;f rr r= r; nfa f t r;+ +
rr rr r; n rr+
r rr r; rn rr+ -+
a f rr r frn fr rr+
f fa n rat t r a rat+ +
rrf rt r fr frt+
a rn frnr a r= azrnr+ ~+
at r r n nrr a ffr fn rr+
ar ff r; >rqr fa a nr;+ +
nfa f= ff frr r r ar farr+
f rr f fa rr+ +
s r nr a; f fnr+ c+
Cau.: sapta prabadha subhaga sopn, gyna nayana nirakhata mana mn.
raghupati mahim aguna abdh, baranaba soi bara bri agdh.1.
rma sya jasa salila sudhsama, upam bci bilsa manorama.
puraini saghana cru caup, juguti maju mani spa suh.2.
chada sorah sudara doh, soi bahuraga kamala kula soh.
aratha anupa subhva subhs, soi parga makarada subs.3.
sukta puja majula ali ml, gyna birga bicra marl.
dhuni avareba kabita guna jt, mna manohara te bahubh

aratha dharama kmdika cr, kahaba gyna bigyna bicr.
nava rasa japa tapa joga birg, te saba jalacara cru taRg.5.
sukt sdhu nma guna gn, te bicitra jala bihaga samn.
satasabh cah~~u
disi ava r, raddh ritu basata sama g.6.
bhagati nirupana bibidha bidhn, cham day dama lat bitn.
sama jama niyama phula phala gyn, hari pada rati rasa beda bakhn.7.
aurau kath aneka prasag, tei suka pika bahubarana bihag.8.
The seven Books are the seven beautiful flights of steps, which the soul delights
to look upon with the eyes of wisdom; the unqualified and unbounded greatness of r
Rma, which will be presently discussed, represents the unfathomable, depth of this holy
water. The glory of r Rma and St constitutes the nectarean water; the similes
represent the soul-ravishing sport of its wavelets. The beautiful Caups represent the
thick growth of lotus-plants; the various poetic devices constitute the lovely shells that
yield beautiful pearls. The other metres, viz., Chandas, Sorahs and Dohs, are the
cluster of charming many-coloured lotuses. The incomparable sense, the beautiful ideas
and the elegant expression represent the pollen, honey and fragrance of those flowers
respectively. The virtuous acts mentioned therein are the charming swarms of bees; the
references to spiritual enlightenment, dispassion and reason represent the swan. The
implications and involutions and the various excellences and styles of poetry are the
lovely fishes of various kinds. The four ends of human existence, viz., worldly riches
religious merit, enjoyment and liberation, the reasoned exposition of Jna (Knowledge
of God in His absolute formless aspect) and vijna (Knowledge of qualified Divinity both
with and without form), the nine sentiments of poetry,* and the references to Japa (the
muttering of mystic formulae), austerity, Yoga (contemplative union with God) and
detachment from the worldall these represent the charming aquatic creatures of this
lake. Eulogies on virtuous men, pious souls and the Name of Godthese correspond
to water-birds of various kinds. The assemblages of saints referred to herein are the
mango groves hemming the lake on all sides and piety has been likened to the vernal
season. The exposition of the various types of Devotion and the references to forbearance,
compassion and sense-control represent the canopies of creepers. Even so mind-
control, the five Yamas or forms of self-restraint (viz., non-violence, truthfulness, non-
thieving, continence and non-acquisition of property), the five Niyamas or religious vows
(viz., those of external and internal purity, contentment, austerity, study of sacred books
or repetition of the Divine Name and self-surrender to God) are the blossoms of these
creepers; spiritual enlightenment is their fruit and loving devotion to the feet of r Hari
constitutes the sap of this fruit of spiritual enlightenment: so declare the Vedas. The
various other episodes forming part of this narrative are the birds of different colours
such as the parrot and the cuckoo. (18)
rfr rn fn fr=
rt ta r r=+ -+
Do.: pulaka bik bga bana sukha subihaga bihru,
ml sumana saneha jala s

cata locana cru.37.

The thrill of joy that one experiences while listening to this narrative represents the
flower gardens, orchards and groves; and the delight one feels is the sporting of birds;
while a noble mind is the gardener, who waters the garden etc., with the moisture of love
through the charming jars of eyes. (37)
nrf fa r a; f ar a r+
r f r rt a; r frt+ {+
* The nine sentiments of poetry are: (1) gra (the erotic sentiment or the sentiment of love)
(2) Hsya (the humorous sentiment) (3) Karua (the pathetic sentiment) (4) Vra (the heroic sentiment)
(5) Raudra (the sentiment of wrath or fury) (6) Bhaynaka (the sentiment of terror) (7) Bbhatsa (the sentiment
of disgust) (8) nta (the sentiment of quietism) and (9) Adbhuta (the marvellous sentiment).
fa f; n rnr f f rf rnr+
r rr ;r f r rr+ +
af r ra f r rt r r fr+
ra f fa fr; r r f r; r;+ -+
f n rr fa- rrr f rr+
n r rr rr a fa n frr+ +
f r rr t a rr+ ~+
Cau.: je gvahi

yaha carita sa bhre, tei ehi tla catura rakhavre.

sad sunahi

sdara nara nr, tei surabara mnasa adhikr.1.

ati khala je bia baga kg, ehi

sara nikaa na jhi

sabuka bheka sevra samn, ih

na biaya kath rasa nn.2.

tehi krana vata hiya hre, km kka balka bicre.
vata ehi

sara ati kahin, rma kp binu i na j.3.

kahina kusaga kupatha karl, tinha ke bacana bgha hari byl.
gha kraja nn jajl, te ati durgama saila bisl.4.
bana bahu biama moha mada mn, nad

kutarka bhayakara nn.5.

Those who carefully recite this poem, they alone are the vigilant guardians of this
lake. And those men and women who reverently hear it everyday are the great gods
exercising jurisdiction over this Mnasarovara lake. Sensual wretches are the accursed
herons and crows who never approach the lake. For here there are no varied talks of
the pleasures of sense, corresponding to snails, frogs and moss. That is why poor crows
and herons in the form of lustful men lack the heart to visit this place. For there is much
difficulty in getting to this place and it is not possible to reach it without the grace of r
Rma. Bad company, which is so obdurate, constitutes a terribly rough road; and the
words of such companions are so many tigers, lions and serpents. The various
occupations and entanglements of domestic life are huge mountains which are so difficult
to approach. Infatuation, arrogance and pride are so many inaccessible woods; and
sophisms of various kinds are frightful streams. (15)
>rqr fa f a- r
fa- r n fa f-f f rrr+ -c+
Do.: je raddh sabala rahita nahi

satanha kara stha,

tinha kahu mnasa agama ati jinhahi na priya raghuntha.38.
The Mnasa is most inaccessible to those who lack provisions for the journey in
the shape of piety, who do not enjoy the company of saints and who have no love for
the Lord of Raghus (r Rma). (38)
f y r; f r; raf t zr; r;+
zar rz f s rnr n r r rnr+ {+
f r; r rr ff r; a frr+
rf rs rr fr f arf rrr+ +
frr rf f at r r frf t+
r; r r ; r rrr rar ;+ -+
a af r f- r r+
r r; f r; r a n s r;+ +
r r rt ; f fq f nrt+
s z r sr sns r r+ ~+
t n far far r r f far r+
r n r r a r+ +
t ta r ff f a a= fff+ +
Cau.: jau kari kaa ji puni ko, jtahi

nda juR ho.

jaRat jRa biama ura lg, gaehu

na majjana pva abhg.1.
kari na ji sara majjana pn, phiri vai sameta abhimn.

bahori kou puchana v, sara nid kari thi bujhv.2.
sakala bighna bypahi


teh, rma sukp


soi sdara sara majjanu kara, mah ghora trayatpa na jara.3.
te nara yaha sara tajahi

na ku, jinha ke rma carana bhala bhu.

jo nahi caha ehi

sara bh, so satasaga karau mana l.4.

asa mnasa mnasa cakha ch, bhai kabi buddhi bimala avagh.
bhayau hdaya nada uchhu, umageu prema pramoda prabhu.5.
cal subhaga kabit sarit so, rma bimala jasa jala bharit so.
saraju nma sumagala mul, loka beda mata majula kul.6.
nad punta sumnasa nadini, kalimala tna taru mula nikadini.7.
Even if anyone makes his way to it undergoing so much hardship, he is forthwith
attacked by ague in the shape of drowsiness. Benumbing cold in the shape of stupor
overtakes his heart, so that the unhappy soul is deprived of a dip even after reaching
there. Finding himself unable to take a plunge into the lake or to drink from it, he returns
with a feeling of pride. And if anyone comes to inquire about the lake, he tries to satisfy
him by vilifying it. All these obstacles do not, however, deter him whom r Rma regards
with overwhelming kindness. He alone reverently bathes in the lake and thus escapes
the threefold agony* of the fiercest kind. Those men who cherish ideal devotion to the
feet of r Rma never quit this lake. Let him who would bathe in this lake, brother,
diligently practise Satsaga (association with saints). Having seen the said Mnasa lake
with the minds eye and taken a dip into it, the poets intellect got purged of all its dross.
The heart was flooded with joy and alacrity and a torrent of love and rapture welled from
it. Thence flowed a stream of beautiful poetry, carrying the water of r Rmas fair
renown. Sarayu is the name of this river, which is the very fountain of pure bliss. The
secular view-point and the view-point of the Vedasthese represent its two charming
banks. This holy stream, issuing as it does from the beautiful Mnasa lake, uproots in
its course all the impurities of the Kali age, whether in the form of tiny blades of grass
or of mighty trees. (17)
>rrar frf r nr n
ar n + -+
* The three kinds of agony referred to above are:
(i) that inflicted by other living beings (ii) that proceeding from natural causes and (iii) that caused by
bodily or mental distemper.
Do.: rot tribidha samja pura grma nagara duhu kula,
satasabh anupama avadha sakala sumagala mula.39.
The three* types of audience are the towns, villages and cities on both the banks;
and the congregation of saints is the imcomparable Ayodhy, which is the fountain of all
auspicious blessings. (39)
rnfa faf r; ft tfa r;+
r r r fs r r r+ {+
n f nfa f rr rfa fa ffa frr+
frf ar rr fa rt r = f rt+ +
r ft ft a r ft+
f f r ffr frnr f at at rnr+ -+
sr fr rat a nfa rat+
rr r; an rar;+ +
Cau.: rmabhagati surasaritahi j, mil sukrati saraju suh.
snuja rma samara jasu pvana, mileu mahnadu sona suhvana.1.
juga bica bhagati devadhuni dhr, sohati sahita subirati bicr.
tribidha tpa trsaka timuhn, rma sarupa sidhu samuhn.2.
mnasa mula mil surasarih, sunata sujana mana pvana karih.
bica bica kath bicitra bibhg, janu sari tra tra bana bg.3.
um mahesa bibha bart, te jalacara aganita bahubh

raghubara janama anada badh, bhava ra taraga manoharat.4.
The beautiful Sarayu in the form of r Rmas fair renown joined the heavenly
stream (Gag) of devotion to Rma. The latter was joined again by the charming stream
of the mighty Sona in the form of the martial glory of Rma with His younger brother
Lakmaa. Intervening the two streams of Sarayu and Sona shines the celestial stream
of Devotion blended with noble dispassion and knowledge. This triple stream, which
scares away the threefold agony referred to above, headed towards the ocean of r
Rmas divine personality. With its source in the Mnasa lake and united with the celestial
river (Gag), the Sarayu of r Rmas fame will purify the mind of the pious souls who
listen to it; while the strange episodes interspersed here and there are the groves and
gardens as it were adjoining the river banks. The bridegrooms party in the wedding of
Goddess Um (Prvat) and the great Lord iva are the numberless aquatic creatures of
various kinds. The rejoicings and felicitations that attended the advent of r Rma, the
Chief of Raghus represent the charm of the eddies and waves. (14)
rfa f n
rt f a rffn+ +
Do.: blacarita cahu badhu ke banaja bipula bahuraga,
npa rn parijana sukta madhukara bribihaga.40.
* The three types of listeners referred to here may be understood to mean (i) liberated souls (ii) seekers
of liberation and (iii) sensually-minded men.
The childlike sports of the four divine brothers are the, numerous lotus flowers of
varied colours; while the stock of merits of king Daaratha and his consorts and court
represent the bees and water-birds. (40)
t t r r; fa rf r f r;+
t r t r sa fr+ {+
f t r; f r r f r;+
rrr r nr frt rrr q r rt+ +
r r fr sr r sn r+
a a f rt a at fa rt+ -+
r fa fa n rr rn rr+
r; fa ; t t r ffa rrt+ +
Cau.: sya svayabara kath suh, sarita suhvani so chabi ch.
nad nva pau prasna anek, kevaa kusala utara sabibek.1.
suni anukathana paraspara ho, pathika samja soha sari so.
ghora dhra bhguntha risn, gha subaddha rma bara bn.2.
snuja rma bibha uchh u, so subha umaga sukhada saba kh u.
kahata sunata haraahi


, te sukt mana mudita nahh

rma tilaka hita magala sj, paraba joga janu jure samj.
k kumati keka ker, par jsu phala bipati ghaner.4.
The fascinating story of Sts choicemarriage is the delightful charm surrounding
the river. The numerous pertinent questions are the boats on the river, while the
judicious replies to the same are the skilled boatmen. The conversation that follows the
narration of the story is the crowd of travellers moving along the river banks. The
wrath of Paraurma (the Lord of Bhgus) represents the furious current of this river;
while r Rmas soft words are the strongly built Ghas on the banks. The festivities
connected with the wedding of r Rma and His younger brothers represent the
graceful swell in the river, which is a source of delight to all. Those who rejoice and
experience a thrill of joy in narrating or hearing the story are the lucky souls who take
an exhilarating dip in the river. The auspicious preparations that were gone through in
connections with the installation of r Rma as the Yuvarja (Prince-regent) represent
as it were, the crowds of bathers assembled at the river bank on a sacred occasion.
Kaikeys evil counsel represents the moss on the bank, which brought a serious
calamity in its wake. (14)
fa sara afa rn
f rr n a n rn+ {+
Do.: samana amita utapta saba bharatacarita japajga,
kali agha khala avaguna kathana te jalamala baga kga.41.
The story of Bharata, which wards off all calamities, is a congregational muttering
of sacred formulae carried on at the river bank; while the references to the corruptions
of the Kali age and to the evil propensities of wicked souls represent the scum on the
water as well as the herons and crows living by the riverside. (41)
tfa fa fa =t rf rf t+
f far f r ff sr+ {+
r fr r r n far+
nt r n r ra + +
r rrr fr rt rf nrt+
r r f zr; f r; r;+ -+
at frf f n nrr r; n rr+
a rs taar; r f r;+ +
Cau.: krati sarita chahu

ritu r ur, samaya suhvani pvani bhur.

hima himasailasut siva byhu, sisira sukhada prabhu janama
u c h h u . 1 .
baranaba rma bibha samju, so muda magalamaya riturju.
grama dusaha rma banagavan u, pathakath khara tapa pavanu.2.
bara ghora niscara rr, surakula sli sumagalakr.
rma rja sukha binaya baR, bisada sukhada soi sarada suh.3.
sat siromani siya gunagth, soi guna amala anupama pth.
bharata subhu sustalat, sad ekarasa barani na j.4.
The river of r Rmas glory is delightful during all the six seasons; it is exceedingly
charming and holy at all times. The wedding of Goddess Prvat (the daughter of
Himavn) with Lord iva represents Hemanta or the cold season while the festival
connected with the Lords advent represents the delightful iira or chilly season. The
story of the preparations for r Rmas wedding constitutes the vernal season* (the king
of all seasons), which abounds in joy and felicity; while r Rmas departure for the forest
constitutes the oppressive hot seasan and the tale of His wanderings represents the
blazing sun and hot winds. The terrible conflict with the demons represents the rainy
season, which constituted a veritable blessing to the paddy crop in the form of gods; while
the prosperity attending r Rmas reign, His politeness and glory represent the
cloudless, delightful and charming autumn. The recital of the virtues of St, the crest-jewel
of faithful wives, constitutes the excellence of the transparent and incomparable water.
And Bharatas amiability represents its coolness, which is uniform at all times and beyond
description. (14)
rf rf ff tfa r
r f t rt r+ +
Do.: avalokani bolani milani prti parasapara hsa,
bhyapa bhali cahu badhu k jala mdhur subsa.42.
The way the four brothers look at one another, talk with one another meet and love
one another, their mirth and their ideal brotherlinessthese constitute the sweetness and
fragrance of the water. (42)
* The months of Mrgara and Paua (corresponding roughly to November and December) consti-
tute the cold season; Mgha and Phlguna (corresponding roughly to January and February) constitute the
chilly season; the months of Caitra and Vaikha (corresponding roughly to March and April) constitute the
vernal season; Jyeha and ha (corresponding roughly to May and June) constitute the hot weather;
rvana and Bhdrapada (corresponding roughly to July and August) constitute the rainy season and vina
Krtika (corresponding roughly to September and October) constitute the autumnal season.
rfa f tar rt rrar fa rf rt+
a f a nrt r fr r rt+ {+
r f ra rt a f nrt+
>r r ar arr fa rf rr+ +
r r r r f f frn r+
r r r f a ff r far f a+ -+
f- f rf r r a r fr fnr+
afa ff f rt fff n ff t rt+ +
Cau.: rati binaya dnat mor, laghut lalita subri na thor.
adabhuta salila sunata gunakr, sa pisa manomala hr.1.
rma supremahi poata pn, harata sakala kali kalua galn.
bhava rama soaka toaka to, samana durita dukha drida do.2.
kma koha mada moha nasvana, bimala bibeka birga baRhvana.
sdara majjana pna kie te , miahi

ppa paritpa hie te .3.

jinha ehi

bri na mnasa dhoe, te kyara kalikla bigoe.

tita nirakhi rabi kara bhava br, phirihahi

mga jimi jva dukhr.4.

My intense longing, supplication and humility represent the not inconsiderable
lightness of this pure and holy water. This marvellous water heals by the mere hearing,
quenches the thirst of desire and washes the dirt of the mind. This water nourishes true
love for r Rma and drives away all the sins of the Kali age as well as the feeling of
self-depreciation resulting therefrom. It relieves the fatigue of transmigration, gratifies
gratification itself and puts an end to sin, sorrow, indigence and error. It wipes out lust,
anger, pride and infatuation and enhances pure wisdom and dispassion. By reverently
bathing in it and drinking from it all traces of sin and remorse are obliterated from the
heart. Those who have not washed their heart with this water are wretches that have
been duped by the age of Kali.These creatures, wandering in pursuit of sensuous
pleasures, will come to grief even as a thirsty deer runs after a mirage mistaking it for
real water and returns disappointed. (14)
fa rf rf n n nf -r;
ff rt f f r r;+ - (+
rrfa = f f r; r
s n f f n r+ - (+
Do.: mati anuhri subri guna gana gani mana anhavi,
sumiri bhavn sakarahi kaha kabi kath suhi.43(A).
aba raghupati pada pakaruha hiya dhari pi prasda,
kahau jugala munibarja kara milana subhaga sabda.43(B).
Having enumerated the virtues of this excellent water to the best of his intellectual
capacity and bathed his mind in it, and remembering Goddess Bhavn (Prvat) and
Lord akara, the poet (Tulasdsa) narrates the beautiful story. Installing in my heart
the lotus feet of the Lord of Raghus and thus securing His grace, I now proceed to
relate the charming story of the meeting of the two great sages (Yjavalkya and
Bharadvja). (43 A-B)
r f f rnr fa-f r fa rnr+
ar r frr r rr+ {+
rrr na f r; atfaf r r;+
f >rt r rf frt+ +
f r rar f f nrar+
r r>r fa r r f r+ -+
ar r; f f rr rf r atrr+
rf ra a srr f f n nrr+ +
Cau.: bharadvja muni basahi

prayg, tinhahi rma pada ati anurg.

tpasa sama dama day nidhn, paramratha patha parama sujn.1.
mgha makaragata rabi jaba ho, trathapatihi

va saba ko.
deva danuja kinara nara ren

, sdara majjahi

sakala triben


mdhava pada jalajt, parasi akhaya bau haraahi

bharadvja rama ati pvana, parama ramya munibara mana bhvana.3.

hoi muni riaya samj, jhi

je majjana tratharj.

prta sameta uchh, kahahi

parasapara hari guna gh.4.

The sage Bharadvja lives in Prayga; he is extremely devoted to the feet of
r Rma. A great ascetic and an embodiment of self-restraint, composure of mind and
compassion, he is highly advanced on the spiritual path. In the month of Mgha, when the
sun enters the sign of Capricorn, everyone visits the chief of holy places, Prayga. Troops
of gods and demons, Kinnaras (demigods) and men, all devoutly bathe in the confluence of
the Gag, Yamun and Sarasvat. They worship the lotus feet of God Vindumdhava (the
presiding deity of Prayga); and the touch of the immortal banyan tree sends a thrill into their
limbs. The hermitage of Bharadvja is a most sacred spot, exceedingly charming and
attractive even to great hermits and the haunt of sages and seers who go to bathe at that
holiest of holy places. At daybreak they all perform their ablutions with religious fervour and
then converse together on the virtues of r Hari. (14)
zr f= ff f a- frn
f nfa na a r frn+ +
Do.: brahma nirupana dharama bidhi baranahi

tattva bibhga,

bhagati bhagavata kai sajuta gyna birga.44.

They discuss the nature of Brahma (the Supreme Eternal), the precepts of religion
and the classification of fundamental entities and expatiate on Devotion to the Lord
coupled with spiritual enlightenment and dispassion. (44)
f r f rrr rt f f f r>r rt+
fa a fa r; r fr nf fr+ {+
r f r t r>r- fr+
rnf f ft r r t+ +
r r r fa ta r r+
f r f rt r fa ta rt+ -+
r s z r na a- ar+
a r rf rna rr s z r; rr+ +
Cau.: ehi prakra bhari mgha nahh

, puni saba nija nija rama jh

prati sabata ati hoi anad, makara majji gavanahi

eka bra bhari makara nahe, saba munsa ramanha sidhe.
jgabalika muni parama bibek, bharadvja rkhe pada ek.2.
sdara carana saroja pakhre, ati punta sana baihre.
kari puj muni sujasu bakhn, bole ati punta mdu bn.3.
ntha eka sasau baRa more , karagata bedatattva sabu tore .
kahata so mohi lgata bhaya lj, jau

na kahau

baRa hoi akj.4.
In this way they bathe for the whole month of Mgha and then return each to his
hermitage. There is a great rejoicing every year and having performed their ablutions
while the sun stays in Capricorn the hosts of sages disperse. Having bathed on one
occasion for the whole period of the suns stay in Capricorn when all the great sages had
left for their hermitages, Bharadvja clasped by the feet and detained the supremely wise
saint Yjavalkya. He reverently washed the latters lotus feet and installed him on a
most sacred seat. And extolling his fair renown with religious ceremony, Bharadvja
spoke in mild and reverential tones, A grave doubt haunts my mind, holy sir ! and the
whole mystery of the Vedas stands revealed to you. I am afraid and ashamed to utter
the doubt; and I lose a great opportunity if I keep it back. (14)
a f f tfa >rfa r f nr
r; f f s n f r+ ~+
Do.: sata kahahi

asi nti prabhu ruti purna muni gva,

hoi na bimala bibeka ura gura sana kie durva.45.
The saints lay down the rule, and the Vedas as well as the Puras and sages
too loudly proclaim, that pure wisdom cannot dawn in the heart, should one keep
anything concealed from ones spiritual preceptor. (45)
frf ns f r r f r+
r r fa rr a r sf nrr+ {+
aa a frt f nr r n rt+
r rf t n t rt a t+ +
rf r fr frr f s a f rr+
r s art f rr; rff rt+ -+
r rr fa- fa ffa rr+
rf f s rr s r r rr+ +
Cau.: asa bicri pragaau nija mohu, harahu ntha kari jana para chohu.
rma nma kara amita prabhv, sata purna upaniada gv.1.
satata japata sabhu abins, siva bhagavna gyna guna rs.
kara cri jva jaga ahah

, ks

marata parama pada lahah

sopi rma mahim muniry, siva upadesu karata kari dy.
rmu kavana prabhu puchau toh, kahia bujhi kpnidhi moh.3.
eka rma avadhesa kumr, tinha kara carita bidita sasr.
nri biraha

dukhu laheu apr, bhayau rou rana rvanu mr.4.
Remembering this I disclose my folly; dispel it, taking pity on this servant, my lord!
The saints as well as the Puras and the Upaniads too declare that the potency of the
name Rma is unlimited. The immortal Lord iva, who is the fountain of joy and a
storehouse of wisdom and goodness, incessantly repeats It.There are four broad
divisions of living beings in the world; such of them as die in the holy city of K
(Vras) attain to the highest state. This too marks the glory of r Rmas Name, O
chief of sages; for it is this very Name that Lord iva mercifully imparts to the dying soul
in K. I ask you, my lord, who that Rma is; pray explain to me, O storehouse of
compassion. One such Rma is the prince of Ayodhy whose exploits are known
throughout the world. Infinite was his sorrow due to the loss of his wife; and flying into
a rage he slew Rvaa in battle. (14)
r; r f rs rf a frrf
-r ar f frf+ +
Do.: prabhu soi rma ki apara kou jhi japata tripurri,
satyadhma sarbagya tumha kahahu bibeku bicri.46.
Is it this very, Rma, my lord, or some one else whose name the Slayer of the
demon Tripura, iva, ever repeats? You are an abute of truth and omniscient; so ponder
well and give me your considered reply. (46)
f r rt r r r ftart+
rnf r r; arf ffa rrfa ar;+ {+
rna ar rt ar; arrf rt+
r r n nr tf- t fa r+ +
ara r r; s r r r;+
rr f frr rr rfr rr+ -+
rr f f rr a r f f rr+
; t- rt r a r rt+ +
Cau.: jaise miai mora bhrama bhr, kahahu so kath ntha bistr.
jgabalika bole musuk, tumhahi bidita raghupati prabhut.1.
rmabhagata tumha mana krama bn, catur tumhri mai

chahu sunai rma guna g uRh, knhihu prasna manahu ati muRh.2.
tta sunahu sdara manu l, kahau

rma kai kath suh.
mahmohu mahiesu bisl, rmakath klik karl.3.
rmakath sasi kirana samn, sata cakora karahi

jehi pn.
aisei sasaya knha bhavn, mahdeva taba kah bakhn.4.
Tell me in detail, my master, the story whereby my overwhelming perplexity may
be overcome. Yjavalkya smilingly said, The glory of the Lord of Raghus is already
known to you. You are a devotee of Rma in thought, word and deed; I have come to
know your ingenuity. You wish to hear an account of the hidden virtues of Rma; that
is why you have questioned me as if you were quite ignorant. Listen, then, with devout
attention, my child, while I narrate the beautiful story of Rma. Appalling ignorance is the
gigantic demon Mahisura (so-called because he was endowed with the form of a
buffalo); while the narrative of Rma is the dread Klik* (who made short work of the
demon). The story of Rma is like the moonbeams that are drunk in by Cakora bird in
the form of saints. A similar doubt was expressed by no less a personage than Bhavn
(Goddess Prvat), and the great God iva then expounded the matter in detail . (14)
s r fa rf sr r
s f a f f fff fr+ +
Do.: kahau so mati anuhri aba um sabhu sabda,
bhayau samaya jehi hetu jehi sunu muni miihi bida.47.
I shall repeat now to the best of my lights, the dialogue between Um (Goddess
Prvat) and ambhu (Lord iva). Hear, O sage, the time and the occasion of this
dialogue; your gloom will be lifted. (47)
r rar n rt n ff rt+
n at nf rt ff ft rt+ {+
rr f rt t rt+
ff t fnfa r; t frt r;+ +
a a rrfa n nrr f ar fnfrr+
f fr rfn frrt n -rt+ -+
af frr f rr t- arr+
far af r srt z fa frt+ +
Cau.: eka bra tret juga mh

, sabhu gae kubhaja rii ph

saga sat jagajanani bhavn, p uje rii akhilesvara jn.1.
rmakath munibarja bakhn, sun mahesa parama sukhu mn.
rii puch haribhagati suh, kah sabhu adhikr p.2.
kahata sunata raghupati guna gth, kachu dina tah

rahe girinth.
muni sana bid mgi tripurr, cale bhavana sa ga dacchakumr.3.
tehi avasara bhajana mahibhr, hari raghubasa lnha avatr.
pit bacana taji rju uds, daaka bana bicarata abins.4.
Once upon a time, in the age of Tret, Lord iva called on the jar-born sage
Agastya. His consort, Goddess Sat, Mother of the universe, accompanied Him. The
sage worshipped Him knowing Him to be the universal lord. The great sage narrated at
length the story of Rma and Lord Mahea listened to it with extreme delight. The sage
then inquired about Devotion to Hari and ambhu discoursed on it finding in the sage
a fit recipient. Thus narrating and hearing the tale of r Rmas virtues, the Lord of
Kailsa (iva) spent some days there. Finally, asking leave of the sage, the Slayer of
the demon Tripura, akara, proceeded to His home (Mount Kailsa) with Dakas
* The story is told in Durg-Saptaat or the Ca a work most popular with the Hindus and forming
part of the Mrkaeya-Pura.
daughter (Sat). During those very days, with a view to relieving the burden of the earth,
r Hari had descended in the line of king Raghu. Renouncing His right to the Throne at
the word of His father (Daaratha), the immortal Lord was wandering in the Daaka
forest in the garb of an ascetic. (14)
z fra ra f ff r;
ne = as n r r;+ c (+
s fa r at rf r;
at r z= r rt+ c (+
Do.: hdaya bicrata jta hara kehi bidhi darasanu hoi,
gupta rupa avatareu prabhu gae jna sabu koi.48(A).
So.: sakara ura ati chobhu sat na jnahi

maramu soi,
tulas darasana lobhu mana aru locana llac.48(B).
Lord Hara (iva) kept pondering as He went, How can I obtain a sight of Him?
The Lord has bodied Himself forth secretly; and if I visit Him, everyone will know who
He is. In akaras heart there was a great tumult; Sat, however, had no inkling of this
secret. His mind, says Tulasdsa, apprehended lest the secret might be disclosed while
the temptation of obtaining a sight of the Lord made His eyes wistful. (48 A-B)
r rr ff t- rr+
f rs ; farr a fr= a rr+ {+
f ff r ;r at r; tr+
t- t rtf nr s aa r; nr+ +
f t t rs a ffa at+
n f fa f r r>r f r+ -+
f f ; rrr; ra ff fa rs r;+
rn frn r r n f ar+ +
Cau.: rvana marana manuja kara jc, prabhu bidhi bacanu knha caha sc.
jau nahi

ju rahai pachitv, karata bicru na banata banv.1.

ehi bidhi bhae socabasa s, teh samaya ji dasass.
lnha nca mrcahi sag, bhayau turata soi kapaa kurag.2.
kari chalu muRha har baideh, prabhu prabhu tasa bidita na teh.
mga badhi badhu sahita hari e, ramu dekhi nayana jala che.3.
biraha bikala nara iva raghur, khojata bipina phirata dou bh.

joga biyoga na jke

, dekh pragaa biraha dukhu tke .4.
Rvaa (the demon king of Lak) had sought from Brahm the boon of death
at the hands of a human foe; and the Lord would have the words of Brahm come true.
If I do not go to meet Him, I shall ever regret it. iva pondered, but found no solution
to the puzzle. The Lord was thus lost in a reverie. Meanwhile the vile Rvaa (who had
no less than ten heads) took with him the demon Mrca, who forthwith assumed the
illusory form of a deer. The fool (Rvaa) carried off king Videhas daughter (St) by
fraud; the Lords real might was not known to him. Having killed the antelope r Hari
returned with His brother (Lakmaa) ; and His eyes were filled with tears when He saw
the empty hermitage. The Lord of Raghus felt distressed at the loss like a mortal man,
and the two brothers roamed about in the woods in search of Her. He who knows neither
union nor separation showed unmistakable signs of grief born of separation. (14)
fa ffr rrfa fa rf r
fa fr z f r+ +
Do.: ati bicitra raghupati carita jnahi

parama sujna,
je matimada bimoha basa hdaya dharahi

kachu na.49.
Exceedingly mysterious are the ways of the Lord of Raghus; the supremely wise
alone can comprehend them. The dull-witted in their height of folly imagine something
quite different. (49)
af rf r sr f fa fr+
f r ff frt rf tf- f-rt+ {+
frr n r f s r r+
ra f at ar f f a rfar+ +
at r r t s sr ft+
= nau ntr f ra tr+ -+
fa- af t- rr f frr rr+
n f ar frt tfa s fa rt+ +
Cau.: sabhu samaya tehi rmahi dekh, upaj hiya

ati harau bise.
bhari locana chabisidhu nihr, kusamaya jni na knhi cinhr.1.
jaya saccidnada jaga pvana, asa kahi caleu manoja nasvana.
cale jta siva sat samet, puni puni pulakata kpniket.2.

so das sabhu kai dekh, ura upaj sadehu bise.

sakaru jagatabadya jagads, sura nara muni saba nvata ss.3.
tinha npasutahi knha paranm, kahi saccidnada paradhm.
bhae magana chabi tsu bilok, ajahu

prti ura rahati na rok.4.
On that very occasion ambhu saw r Rma and excessive joy of an
extraordinary type welled up in His heart. He feasted His eyes on that Ocean of
Beauty; but He did not disclose His identity as He knew it was no appropriate
occasion for the same. The Destroyer of Cupid, iva, passed on exclaiming Glory to
the Redeemer of the universe, who is all Truth, Consciousness and Bliss! As iva
went on His way with Sat, the all-merciful Lord was repeatedly thrilled with joy. When
Sat beheld ambhu in this state, a grave doubt arose in Her mind: akara is a Lord
of the universe Himself, and deserves universal adoration; gods, men and sages all
bow their head to Him. Yet He made obeisance to this prince, referring to him as the
Supreme Being who is all Truth, Consciousness and Bliss. He was enraptured to
behold his beauty and felt an upsurge of emotion in His heart, which He was unable
to control even to this moment! (14)
zr r r f t
r f f r; rf ra + ~+
Do.: brahma jo bypaka biraja aja akala anha abheda,
so ki deha dhari hoi nara jhi na jnata beda.50.
The Supreme Eternal, which is all-pervading, unbegotten, without parts, free from
desire, beyond My and beyond all distinction and which not even the Vedas can
comprehendcan It assume the shape of a man? (50)
fr r fa a rt rs r frrt+
r; r f ; rt rr >rtfa rt+ {+
fnr f r r; f r r;+
s rr r; z r rr+ +
uf n s rt art rt+
f at a rf r f s r+ -+
r r ff nr; nfa r ff r;+
r; ;y rrtr a rf r f tr+ +
Cau.: binu jo sura hita naratanu dhr, sou sarbagya jath tripurr.
khojai so ki agya iva nr, gynadhma rpati asurr.1.
sabhugir puni m na ho, siva sarbagya jna sabu ko.
asa sasaya mana bhayau apr, hoi na hdaya

prabodha pracr.2.
jadyapi pragaa na kaheu bhavn, hara atarajm saba jn.
sunahi sat tava nri subh u, sasaya asa na dharia ura ku.3.
jsu kath kubhaja rii g, bhagati jsu mai

munihi sun.
soi mama iadeva raghubr, sevata jhi sad muni dhr.4.
Even Viu Who takes a human form for the sake of gods, is omniscient like the
Slayer of Tripura, iva. Can He wander in search of His Consort like an ignorant man
He who is a repository of knowledge, the Lord of r (the goddess of prosperity) and the
slayer of demons? The words of ambhu too cannot be false. Everyone knows that He
is all-wise. Thus Her mind was filled with an interminable series of doubts; Her heart
could not be pacified by any means. Although Bhavn (Goddess Prvat) did not open
Her lips, Lord Hara, Who is the inner controller of all, came to know everything. Look
here, Sat, the woman is foremost in you; you should never harbour such a doubt in your
mind. He is no other than Rma, the Hero of Raghus race, My beloved Deity, whose
story was sung by the jar-born sage Agastya, faith in whom was the subject of the talk
I gave to him and whom illumined sages ever wait upon. (14)
f t rnt fq aa f f rt
f fa fn r rn r tfa nrt+
r; r r zr fr fa rr t
as na fa far fa rrt+
Cha.: muni dhra jog siddha satata bimala mana jehi dhyvah

kahi neti nigama purna gama jsu krati gvah

soi rmu bypaka brahma bhuvana nikya pati my dhan,
avatareu apane bhagata hita nijatatra nita raghukulaman.
He who has bodied Himself forth as the Jewel of Raghus race for the sake of
His devotees, is no other than the Supreme Eternal, who is all-pervading and ever free,
who is the Ruler of all the worlds and the Lord of My, whom illumined sages, Yogs
(mystics) and Siddhas (adepts) constantly meditate upon with their sinless mind and
whose glory is sung by the Vedas as well as the Puras and other scriptures in
negative terms as not this.
rn s s f s f r
r ff frr rf f+ ~{+
So.: lga na ura upadesu jadapi kaheu siva bra bahu,
bole bihasi mahesu harimy balu jni jiya .51.
Although Lord iva repeated this time after time, His exhortation made no
impression on the heart of Sat. Then the great Lord iva smilingly said, realizing in His
heart the potency of r Haris My: (51)
ar fa a f r; tr +
a fn s rt fn ar rf rt+ {+
r; r rt r a f frt+
t at f r r; f fr= r r;+ +
;r rr - ar f rrr+
r rt ff fta r; rt+ -+
r;f r; r r f rr r f a r rr+
f n frr n; at rr+ +
Cau.: jau tumhare mana ati sadeh u, tau kina ji parch leh u.
taba lagi baiha ahau baachh

, jaba lagi tumha aihahu mohi ph

jaise ji moha bhrama bhr, karehu so jatanu bibeka bicr.

sat siva yasu p, karahi

bicru karau k bh.2.


sabhu asa mana anumn, dacchasut kahu nahi

morehu kahe na sasaya jh

, bidhi biparta bhal nh

hoihi soi jo rma raci rkh, ko kari tarka baRhvai skh.
asa kahi lage japana harinm, ga

sat jah~a
prabhu sukhadhm.4.
If you have a grave doubt in your mind, why not go and verify the thing? I shall
be waiting in the shade of this banyan tree till you come back to Me. Using your critical
judgment you should resort to some device whereby the stupendous error born of your
ignorance may be rectified. Thus obtaining leave of iva, Sat proceeded on Her
mission. She racked Her brains to find out what step She should take (in order to test
the divinity of Rma). On this side iva came to the conclusion that providenee is
unfavaurable that is seems there is no good for Dakas daughter (Sat). When her doubt
did not yield even to My assurances, He said to Himself, it seems the stars are
unpropitious to her and no good-will come out of it. After all, whatever r Rma has willed
must come to pass; why should one add to the complication by indulging in further
speculation? So saying, Lord iva began to mutter the name of r Hari; while Sat
proceeded to the spot where the all-blissful Lord (r Rma) was. (14)
f f z fr= f f tar =
rn r; f af f ra + ~+
Do.: puni puni hdaya bicru kari dhari st kara rupa,
ge hoi cali patha tehi


vata narabhupa.52.
After many an anxious thought Sat assumed the form of St and moved ahead
on the same route along which the Ruler of men (r Rma) was passing. (52)
f t sra r fa z fr+
f a fa ntr rs ra fatr+ {+
at rs trt t art+
fa rf f; rr r; r nrr+ +
at t- a r rf r r+
f rr z rt r ff r rt+ -+
rf rf t- r far a t- f r+
s rf r a ff f f f a+ +
Cau.: lachimana dkha umkta be, cakita bhae bhrama hdaya

kahi na sakata kachu ati gabhr, prabhu prabhu jnata matidhr.1.
sat kapau jneu surasvm, sabadaras saba atarajm.
sumirata jhi miai agyn, soi sarabagya rmu bhagavn.2.
sat knha caha taha hu dur u, dekhahu nri subhva prabhu.
nija my balu hdaya bakhn, bole bihasi rmu mdu bn.3.
jori pni prabhu knha pranm u, pit sameta lnha nija nm u.
kaheu bahori kah

baket u, bipina akeli phirahu kehi hetu.4.

When Lakmaa saw Um (Sat) in Her disguise, he was astonished and much
puzzled. He was tongue-tied and looked very grave; the sagacious brother was
acquainted with the Lords glory. All-perceiving and the inner controller of all, the lord of
gods, r Rma, took no time in detecting the false appearance of Sat, Rma was the
same omniscient Lord whose very thought wipes out ignorance. Sat sought to practise
deception even on Him: see the impact of the nature of a woman is! Extolling in His heart
the potency of His My (delusive power), r Rma smilingly accosted Her in a mild tone.
Joining the palms of His hands, He first made obeisance to Her mentioning His name
alongwith His fathers. He then asked Her the whereabouts of Lord iva (who has a bull
emblazoned on His standard) and wondered what made Her roam about all alone in the
forest. (14)
r n f sr fa r
at ta f t z z r+ ~-+
Do.: rma bacana mdu guRha suni upaj ati sakocu,
sat sabhta mahesa pahi


hdaya baRa socu.53.

Sat felt very uncomfortable when She heard these soft yet suggestive words of
Rma. She turned towards the great Lord iva with a feeling of awe and much dejected
at heart. (53)
r rr f r r rr+
r; sa= s rr s sr fa r= rr+ {+
rr r at rr f rs nf rr+
at t a n rar rn r fa >rt rar+ +
ff far r r fa f r+
faf a rtr f fq t tr+ -+
f ff fr r fa rs a r+
a a r ff r+ +
Cau.: mai

sakara kara kah na mn, nija agynu rma para n.

ji utaru aba dehau kh, ura upaj ati druna dh.1.
jn rma sat

dukhu pv, nija prabhu kachu pragai janv.


dkha kautuku maga jt, ge rmu sahita r bhrt.2.

phiri citav pche prabhu dekh, sahita badhu siya sudara be.
jaha citavahi

taha prabhu sn, sevahi

siddha munsa prabn.3.

dekhe siva bidhi binu anek, amita prabhu eka te ek.
badata carana karata prabhu sev, bibidha bea dekhe saba dev.4.
I heeded not the word of akara and imposed My own ignorance on Rma.
What reply shall I give to my lord now? The agony of Her heart was most terrible. r
Rma perceived that Sat had got vexed; He, therefore, revealed to Her a part of His
glory. As She went on Her way Sat beheld a strange phenomenon. Rma was going
ahead of Her alongwith His Consort, St, and His younger brother, Lakmaa. She
looked back and there too She saw the Lord with His brother and St in an attractive
garb. Whichever way She turned Her eyes, there was the Lord enthroned and the Siddhas
(adepts) and illumined sages ministering to Him. Sat saw many sets of iva, Brahm and
Viu, each set possessing a glory infinitely greater than that of the others. She also
beheld a whole host of gods bowing at the Lords feet and waiting upon Him in their
different garbs. (14)
at frrt ;fr t fa
f f rf af af a =+ ~+
Do.: sat bidhtr idir dekh

amita anupa,


bea ajdi sura tehi tehi tana anurupa.54.

She further perceived innumerable Sats (consorts of iva), consorts of Brahm
and Lakms (consorts of Viu), all peerless in beauty. They conformed in their
appearance to the garb in which Brahm and the other gods appeared. (54)
a rrfa a f+- fa aa+
t r r rr rr+ {+
f f r r = f r+
r rrfa a tar fa rr+ +
r; rr r; f tar f at fa ; tar+
z a f rt f t n rt+ -+
f frs srrrt t a -rt+
f f r; r tr t ar fntr+ +
Cau.: dekhe jaha


raghupati jete, saktinha sahita sakala sura tete.
jva carcara jo sasr, dekhe sakala aneka prakr.1.

prabhuhi deva bahu be, rma rupa dusara nahi

avaloke raghupati bahutere, st sahita na bea ghanere.2.
soi raghubara soi lachimanu st, dekhi sat ati bha

hdaya kapa tana sudhi kachu nh

, nayana mudi baih

maga mh

bahuri bilokeu nayana ughr, kachu na dkha taha

puni puni ni rma pada ss, cal


jaha rahe girs.4.

Each separate vision of Rma was attended by a whole host of gods with their
feminine counterparts, as well as by the whole animate and inanimate creation with its
multitudinous species. But while the gods who adored the Lord appeared in diverse
garbs, the appearance of r Rma was the same in every case. Although She saw
many Rmas with as many Sts, their garb did not vary. Seeing the same Rma, the
same Lakmaa and the same St, Sat was struck with great awe.Her heart quivered,
and She lost all consciousness of Her body. Closing Her eyes she sat down on the
wayside. When She opened Her eyes and gazed once more, the daughter of Daka saw
nothing there. Repeatedly bowing Her head at the feet of r Rma, She proceeded to
the spot where the Lord of Kailsa was. (14)
n; t a f t ra
tf- tr ff - ra+ ~~+
Do.: ga

sampa mahesa taba ha si puch kusalta,

lnhi parch kavana bidhi kahahu satya saba bta.55.
When She came near, Lord iva smilingly inquired if all was well with Her and then
said, Tell me now the whole truth, how did you test r Rma? (55)
at fr rrt r f t- r+
tr tf- nrr; t- r arrff r;+ {+
r ar r r r r; r atfa fa r;+
a s f rr at r t- fa rr+ +
f rrf f= rr f faf f r rr+
f ;-r rt rr z fra rr+ -+
at t- tar r f s s fr fr+
s at tat f; nfa r; tat+ +
Cau.: sat

samujhi raghubra prabhu, bhaya basa siva sana knha duru.

kachu na parch lnhi gos

, knha pranmu tumhrihi n

jo tumha kah so m na ho, more mana pratti ati so.
taba sakara dekheu dhari dhyn, sat

jo knha carita sabu jn.2.

bahuri rmamyahi siru nv, preri satihi jehi

jh u

ha kahv.
hari icch bhv balavn, hdaya

bicrata sabhu sujn.3.

knha st kara be, siva ura bhayau bida bise.

jau aba karau sat sana prt, miai bhagati pathu hoi ant.4.
Having realized the greatness of the Hero of Raghus race, Sat in Her awe
concealed the truth from iva. I made no test my Lord; I made obeisance just like You.
What You said cannot be untrue; I am fully convinced in my heart. Lord akara then
looked within by contemplation and came to know all that Sat had done. Again, He
bowed His head to the delusive power of r Rma, that had prompted Sat to tell a lie.
What has been preordained by the will of r Hari must have its way, the all-wise
ambhu thought within Himself. Sat had assumed the disguise of St: this made iva
much disconsolate at heart. If I continue to love Sat as heretofore, the cult of Devotion
will disappear and it will be indecorous to do so. (14)
ta r; af f z r
nf a z f ar+ ~+
Do.: parama punta na ji taji kie prema baRa ppu,
pragai na kahata mahesu kachu hdaya

adhika satpu.56.
Sat is too chaste to be abandoned, and it is a great sin to love her any more as
a wife. The great Lord iva uttered not a word aloud, although there was great agony
in His heart. (56)
a f= rr fa r z rr+
f a faf rf rt f r t- rt+ {+
frf = fatr fa rrtr+
a nn fnr r; f nfa r;+ +
ar f ; r rr rna nrr+
f fnr at s rr r ff a rr+ -+
t- rr -r trr+
f at r r at af s fr rrat+ +
Cau.: taba sakara prabhu pada siru nv, sumirata rmu hdaya asa v.

tana satihi bhea mohi nh

, siva sakalpu knha mana mh

asa bicri sakaru matidhr, cale bhavana sumirata raghubr.
calata gagana bhai gir suh, jaya mahesa bhali bhagati dRh.2.
asa pana tumha binu karai ko n, rmabhagata samaratha bhagavn.
suni nabhagir sat ura soc, puch sivahi sameta sakoc.3.
knha kavana pana kahahu kpl, satyadhma prabhu dnadayl.
jadapi sat

puch bahu bh

t, tadapi na kaheu tripura rt.4.

Then akara bowed His head at the feet of the Lord; and as soon as He invoked
r Rma the idea came to His mind that He should have no connection with Sat so long
as she continued to remain in that body. iva resolved accordingly and having so
resolved the stable-minded Lord akara proceeded towards His home (Mount Kailsa)
with His mind fixed on the Hero of Raghus race. Even as He stepped forward a
charming voice from heaven thundered forth. Glory to the great Lord iva, who has so
staunchly upheld the cause of Devotion. Who else than You can take such a vow? You
are a devotee of r Rma and the all-powerful Lord at the same time. Sat felt troubled
at heart when She heard the heavenly voice. She addressed iva in a faltering voice,
Tell me, O merciful Lord! what vow You have taken. You are an embodiment of Truth
and compassionate to the poor. Even though Sat inquired in ways more than one, the
Slayer of the demon Tripura, akara spoke not a word. (14)
at z r f rs
t- rf z + ~ (+
Do.: sat


anumna kiya sabu jneu sarbagya,
knha kapau mai

sabhu sana nri sahaja jaRa agya.57(A).

Sat concluded that the omniscient Lord had come to know everything and felt
sorry that She had tried to deceive ambhu. The woman is silly and stupid by nature,
She realized. (57A)
f fr; tfa f tfa f
fn r; r; r; a f+ ~ (+
So.: jalu paya sarisa biki dekhahu prti ki rti bhali,
bilaga hoi rasu ji kapaa kha parata puni.57(B).
Even water (when mixed with milk) sells as milk; look at the unifying process of
love. The water, however, is separated from the milk and the taste also disappears the
moment a drop of acid is introduced into it in the form of a dees. (57B)
z r ra f t far fa r; f t+
rf f nrr n s r rr+ {+
= rf rt rf as z rt+
f rr fr f r; a; r ; s fr;+ +
faf r rf a t r a+
a ff ;farr ftr rr+ -+
a f fr r a f r+
= rrr rfn rf z rr+ +
Cau.: hdaya

socu samujhata nija karan, cit amita ji nahi

kpsidhu siva parama agdh, pragaa na kaheu mora apardh.1.
sakara rukha avaloki bhavn, prabhu mohi tajeu hdaya

nija agha samujhi na kachu kahi j, tapai av

iva ura adhik.2.

satihi sasoca jni baketu, kah

kath sudara sukhahet u.

baranata patha bibidha itihs, bisvantha pahu ce kails.3.
taha puni sabhu samujhi pana pana, baihe baatara kari kamalsana.
sakara sahaja sarupu samhr, lgi samdhi akhaa apr.4.
Sat felt perturbed in Her heart at the thought of what She had done; and the
extent of Her anxiety could neither be gauged nor described. She realized that Lord
iva is a supremely unfathomable ocean of mercy, hence He did not openly declare
Her fault. From the attitude of akara, however, She judged that the Lord had
abandoned Her, and felt disturbed in Her heart. Conscious of Her guilt She could not
utter a word of protest; but all the while Her heart smouldered like a furnace. Perceiving
the sad look of Sat, iva (who has a bull emblazoned on His standard) narrated
beautiful stories in order to divert Her mind. Relating various legends while on His way,
the Lord of the universe, iva, reached Kailsa. Then, recalling His vow, ambhu sat
down there under a banyan tree in the Yogic pose known as Padmsana (the pose of
a lotus). akara communed with His own Self and passed into an unbroken and
indefinitely long Samdhi (trance). (14)
at f r a f r rf
r r n f frf+ ~c+
Do.: sat basahi

kailsa taba adhika socu mana mhi

maramu na kou jna kachu juga sama divasa sirhi

Then Sat dwelt in Kailsa, Her mind grievously sorrowing. Nobody knew anything
about what was going on in Her mind; but the days hung heavy on Her like so many
Yugas or ages. (58)
fa r at s rr s rn rr+
r t- rrfa rr f fa r f rr+ {+
r rf frar t-r r sfa r r; t-r+
ff fr f art f frf rt+ +
f r; z nrt rf f rt+
tr rr rfa nrr+ -+
a f s rt s fn rt+
r f - a + +
Cau.: nita nava socu sat ura bhr, kaba jaihau dukha sgara pr.

jo knha raghupati apamn, puni patibacanu m kari jn.1.

so phalu mohi bidht

dnh, jo kachu ucita rah soi knh.

aba bidhi asa bujhia nahi

toh, sakara bimukha jivasi moh.2.

kahi na ji kachu hdaya galn, mana mahu

rmahi sumira sayn.
jau prabhu dnadaylu kahv, rati harana beda jasu gv.3.
tau mai

binaya karau kara jor, ch uau begi deha yaha mor.

jau more siva carana saneh u, mana krama bacana satya bratu ehu.4.
The grief that preyed on Sats mind was ever new; for She did not know when She
would be able to cross the ocean of sorrow. I slighted the Lord of Raghus and again took
my husbands words to be untrue; Providence has repaid me for my sins and has done
only that which I deserved. Now, O God, it does not behove you that you should make
me survive even after alienating me from akara. The anguish of Her heart was beyond
words. The sane lady invoked the presence of Rma in Her heart and addressed Him
thus; If they refer to You as compassionate to the poor and if the Vedas have glorified
You as the dispeller of sorrow, I beseech with joined palms. O Lord, that I may be speedily
rid of this body of mine. If I have any devotion to the feet of iva and if I am true to my
vow in thought, word and deed (14)
a t f s r fn sr;
r; f ff >r ff-r fr;+ ~+
Do.: tau sabadaras sunia prabhu karau so begi upi,
hoi maranu jehi


rama dusaha bipatti bihi.59.

Then, O all-perceiving Lord, listen to me and speedily devise some plan whereby
I may die and be thus rid of this unbearable calamity without much exertion. (59)
f ff fa rt t r= rt+
ta a art at rf frt+ {+
r r f f rn rs at nafa rn+
r; t-r r t-r+ +
n fr rr - af rr+
r ff frf r -f t- rfa r+ -+
z fr - rr fa fr z a rr+
f rs r n rt ar r; rf rt+ +
Cau.: ehi bidhi dukhita prajesakumr, akathanya druna dukhu bhr.
bte sabata sahasa sats, taj samdhi sabhu abins.1.
rma nma siva sumirana lge, jneu sat

jagatapati jge.
ji sabhu pada badanu knh, sanamukha sakara sanu dnh.2.
lage kahana harikath rasl, daccha prajesa bhae tehi kl.
dekh bidhi bicri saba lyaka, dacchahi knha prajpati nyaka.3.
baRa adhikra daccha jaba pv, ati abhimnu hdaya

taba v.

kou asa janam jaga mh

, prabhut pi jhi mada nh

The daughter of Daka, Sat, thus felt very miserable. Her deep agony was terrible
beyond words. When eighty-seven thousand years elapsed, the immortal ambhu
emerged from His trance. iva started repeating the name of Rma; then Sat came to
know that the Lord of the universe had come to the waking state. She went and bowed
at the feet of ambhu, akara gave Her a seat opposite Himself. He began to narrate
the delightful stories of r Hari. Meanwhile Daka (Sats father) had come to be the lord
of created beings. On careful consideration the Creator (Brahm) found Daka qualified
in everyway and appointed him as the supreme lord of created beings. When Daka
attained this high position, the pride of his heart knew no bounds. Never was a creature
born in this world, whom power did not intoxicate. (14)
- f f rf n z rn
a r ra rn+ +
Do.: daccha lie muni boli saba karana lage baRa jga,
nevate sdara sakala sura je pvata makha bhga.60.
Daka got together all the sages and he began to perform a big sacrifice. All the
gods who obtain a share of the oblations offered at a sacrifice were cordially invited to
attend. (60)
f rn fq nr - a r+
fr ff fr; r r;+ {+
at fr r frr ra ff rr+
t f nrr a >r f f rr+ +
s a f s rt far f rt+
rf r t f r; f t+ -+
fa f-rn z rt ; f r frt+
rt at r rt r rt+ +
Cau.: kinara nga siddha gadharb, badhunha sameta cale sura sarb.
binu biraci mahesu bih, cale sakala sura jna ban.1.

biloke byoma bimn, jta cale sudara bidhi nn.

sura sudar karahi

kala gn, sunata ravana chuahi

muni dhyn.2.
pucheu taba siva kaheu bakhn, pit jagya suni kachu haran.
jau mahesu mohi yasu deh

, kachu dina ji rahau

misa eh

pati parityga hdaya dukhu bhr, kahai na nija apardha bicr.
bol sat manohara bn, bhaya sakoca prema rasa sn.4.
Kinnaras (a species of demigods), Ngas, Siddhas (a class of celestial beings)
and Gandharvas (celestial songsters) and the whole host of gods proceeded to the
sacrifice alongwith their wives. All the gods with the exception of Viu, Viraci (the
Creator) and the great Lord iva, set out in their aerial cars. Sat beheld beautiful aerial
cars of various patterns coursing through the air. Celestial damsels were singing
melodious strains, which intruded upon the ears of ascetics and broke their meditation.
When Sat inquired about the stir in the air, iva explained the whole thing. She was
somewhat delighted to hear of the sacrifice, commenced by Her father and thought of
making it an excuse for staying a few days with Her father in case the great Lord iva
granted Her leave. Repudiation by Her lord tormented Her heart not a little; but conscious
of Her guilt She would not utter a word. At last Sat spoke in a charming voice tinged with
awe, misgiving and affection (14)
far s- r r;
a rs ra r r;+ {+
Do.: pit bhavana utsava parama jau prabhu yasu hoi,
tau mai

ju kpyatana sdara dekhana soi.61.

There is great rejoicing at my fathers house, O Lord. If You grant me leave, I
would fain go and see it, O storehouse of compassion. (61)
t r rr fa f a rr+
- f ar rr; ars fr;+ {+
zrr rr af a f rr+
f r r rt ; t rt+ +
f fr fa n n r r; f r r+
af fr r r; ar n rr r;+ -+
rfa rrr rt r s rr+
r r ff rr f f ra r r+ +
Cau.: kahehu nka morehu mana bhv, yaha anucita nahi

nevata pahv.
daccha sakala nija sut bol

, hamare bayara tumhau bisar


hama sana dukhu mn, tehi te ajahu karahi

jau binu bole jhu bhavn, rahai na slu sanehu na kn.2.
jadapi mitra prabhu pitu gura geh, jia binu bolehu na sa deh.
tadapi birodha mna jaha ko, tah

gae kalynu na ho.3.


ti aneka sabhu samujhv, bhv basa na gynu ura v.

kaha prabhu jhu jo binahi

bole , nahi

bhali bta hamre bhe .4.

Lord iva replied, Your suggestion is good and has commended itself to Me as
well. But the anomaly is that Your father has sent no invitation to us. Daka has invited
all his other daughters; but because of the grudge he bears to us you too have been
ignored. In the court of Brahm he once took offence at my behaviour; that is why he
insults us even now. If you go there uninvited, Bhavn, all decorum, affection and honour
will be cast to the winds. It is no doubt true one should call on ones friend, master, father
or teacher without waiting for a formal invitation; yet where someone nurses a grudge
against you, you reap no good by going there. ambhu expostulated with Sat in so
many ways; but as fate had willed it, wisdom would not dawn on Her. The Lord repeated
once more that if She went to Her fathers place uninvited. He anticipated no good
results from it. (14)
f r a ; -rf
f = n n a fr t- frrf+ +
Do.: kahi dekh hara jatana bahu rahai na dacchakumri,
die mukhya gana saga taba bid knha tripurri.62.
Having reasoned with Her in ways more than one when Hara at last perceived
that the daughter of Daka was not going to stay, the Slayer of Tripura detailed a few
of His principal attendants as Her escort and sent Her away. (62)
far n; rt - rr r rt+
r f ft rar fnt ft a rar+ {+
- t rar faf frf nrar+
at r; s a rnr a t rnr+ +
a fa s r r fr s +
rf z rr s r farr+ -+
uf n r= rr a f rfa rr+
fr r faf s fa rr ff t t- rr+ +
Cau.: pit bhavana jaba ga

bhavn, daccha trsa khu

na sanamn.
sdara bhalehi

mil eka mt, bhagin


bahuta musukt.1.
daccha na kachu puch kusalt, satihi biloki jare saba gt.

ji dekheu taba jg, katahu na dkha sabhu kara bhg.2.

taba cita caRheu jo sakara kahe u, prabhu apamnu samujhi ura daheu.
pchila dukhu na hdaya asa byp, jasa yaha bhayau mah paritp.3.
jadyapi jaga druna dukha nn, saba te kahina jti avamn.
samujhi so satihi bhayau ati krodh, bahu bidhi janan

knha prabodh.4.
When Bhavn (etymologically, the Consort of Bhava, an epithet of iva) reached
Her fathers house, no one greeted Her for fear of incurring Dakas displeasure. Her
mother was the solitary figure who met Her kindly. Her sisters received Her with profuse
smiles. Daka would not even inquire about Her health; he burnt all over with rage at
the very sight of Sat. Sat then went to have a look at the sacrifice; but nowhere did She
find any share of oblations set apart for ambhu.Then did She realize the force of
akaras warning; Her heart burnt within Her at the thought of the insult offered to Her
lord.The former grief (that of repudiation by Her lord) did not torment Her heart so much
as the great agony She now felt (as a result of the insult offered to Her husband).
Although there are terrible agonies of various kinds in this world, the insult offered to
ones own people is the most painful of them all. The thought of the same made Sat
furious. Her mother tried to pacify Her in many ways. (14)
f r r; f z r; r
f f f a rt r+ -+
Do.: siva apamnu na ji sahi hdaya na hoi prabodha,
sakala sabhahi hahi haaki taba bol

bacana sakrodha.63.
The insult to iva was something unbearable; Her heart could not, therefore,
be pacified. Then, sharply reproaching the whole assembly, She spoke in angry
accents: (63)
r fr t t f- fr+
r aa r t rfa far far+ {+
a >rtfa rr f r a f rr+
rf ar t r r; >r f a f r;+ +
nrar rt na fart+
far fa fa at - t+ -+
afs aa af a s f f a+
f rn fnf a rr s rrrr+ +
Cau.: sunahu sabhsada sakala munid, kah sun jinha sakara nid.
so phalu turata lahaba saba kh u

, bhal bh

ti pachitba pithu

sata sabhu rpati apabd, sunia jah

taha asi marajd.

kia tsu jbha jo bas, ravana mudi na ta calia par.2.
jagadtam mahesu purr, jagata janaka saba ke hitakr.
pit madamati nidata teh, daccha sukra sabhava yaha deh.3.
tajihau turata deha tehi hetu, ura dhari cadramauli baketu.
asa kahi joga agini tanu jr, bhayau sakala makha hhkr.4.
Hear ye elders of the assembly and all great sages! All of you who have reviled
akara or heard Him reviled must forthwith reap the fruit of your sin and My father
too shall fully repent. Wherever you hear a saint, ambhu or Viu (the Lord of Lakm)
vilified, the rule is that if it lies within your power you should tear out the tongue of the
reviler or you should run away closing your ears. The Slayer of Tripura, the great Lord
iva, is the universal Spirit; He is the father of the universe and is beneficent to all. It
is Him that my stupid father vilifies; and this body of Mine has sprung from the loins
of Daka. Therefore, installing in My heart Lord iva, who bears the moon on His
forehead and a bull as His emblem, I shall immediately quit this body. As She spoke
thus She burnt Her body with the fire of Yoga.* A plaintive cry rose from the whole
assembly. (14)
at f n n t
f frf n -r tf- t+ +
Do.: sat maranu suni sabhu gana lage karana makha khsa,
jagya bidhasa biloki bhgu racch knhi munsa.64.
Hearing of Sats death, the attendants of ambhu began to destroy the sacrifice.
Seeing the sacrifice being destroyed, the great sage Bhgu protected it. (64)
rr r t f r r+
f r; fa- t-r - ffa t-r+ {+
nffa - nfa r; f f r;+
;far n rt ara rt+ +
at a f = rnr f rnr+
af r ffnf n r; t rat a r;+ -+
a sr n r; ffq fa a r;+
a f- r>r t- sfa r f t-+ +
Cau.: samcra saba sakara pe, brabhadru kari kopa pahe.
jagya bidhasa ji tinha knh, sakala suranha bidhivata phalu dnh.1.
bhai jagabidita daccha gati so, jasi kachu sabhu bimukha kai ho.
yaha itihsa sakala jaga jn, tte mai

sachepa bakhn.2.

marata hari sana baru mg, janama janama siva pada anurg.
tehi krana himagiri gha j, janam

prabat tanu p.3.

jaba te um saila gha j

, sakala siddhi sapati taha ch



muninha suramaknhe, ucita bsa hima bhudhara dnhe.4.
* Fire produced by Yogs through the friction of the vital airs within the body.
akara got all the news and in His wrath He sent Vrabhadra. Going there the
latter made havoc of the sacrifice and requited all the gods according to their deserts. As
is well-known to the world, Daka met the same fate which an opponent of ambhu
generally meets. The story is known throughout the world; that is why I have told it in
brief. While dying, Sat asked a boon of r Hari that She might remain devoted to the
feet of iva in all successive births.That is why She was reborn as Prvat (lit.,daughter
of a mountain) in the house of Himcala (the deity presiding over the Himlaya
mountain). Ever since Um was born in the house of Himlaya the mountain became an
abode of all blessings and prosperity. Sages built beautiful hermitages here and there
and Himlaya assigned them suitable abodes (in the form of caves etc.). (14)
r fa rr rfa
nt f r rfa+ ~+
Do.: sad sumana phala sahita saba druma nava nn jti,

sudara saila para mani kara bahu bh

Young trees of different varieties were endowed with never failing blossoms and
fruits, and mines of jewels of various kinds appeared on the beautiful mountain. (65)
far ta t n n t t+
= t- -rnr fnf f rnr+ {+
r fnfr n r ff rnfa r+
fa a n n ar zrrf nrf r+ +
r rr r at fnf n fr+
r z r t-r rf r t-r+ -+
rf fa f f= rr f frr+
f r a fnf r ar rf t f r+ +
Cau.: sarit saba punta jalu bahah

, khaga mga madhupa sukh saba rahah

sahaja bayaru saba jvanha tyg, giri para sakala karahi

soha saila girij gha e , jimi janu rmabhagati ke pe .
nita nutana magala gha ts u, brahmdika gvahi

jasu js u.2.
nrada samcra saba pe, kautukah

giri geha sidhe.

sailarja baRa dara knh, pada pakhri bara sanu dnh.3.
nri sahita muni pada siru nv, carana salila sabu bhavanu si

nija saubhgya bahuta giri baran, sut boli mel muni caran.4.
All the rivers bore holy waters; birds, beasts and bees, all rejoiced. All animals
gave up their natural antipathies and all those who dwelt on the mountain loved one
another. With the advent of Girij (a synonym of Prvat) the mountain (Himlaya) wore
a cheerful look even as devotion to r Rma lights up the face of a devotee. Everyday
brought a new delight to the house of Himcala, whose glory was sung even by great
gods like Brahm (the Creator). Receiving all the news Nrada eagerly went to the
house of Himcala. The king of mountains (the presiding deity of the Himlayas),
received him with great honour; washing the sages feet he led him to a beautiful seat.
He bowed his head at the sages feet alongwith his wife and had his whole mansion
sprinkled with the water hallowed by his feet. Himcala extolled his own good luck and,
summoning his daughter, placed her at the sages feet. (14)
frr ar nfa r arrf
ar r n f z frf+ +
Do.: triklagya sarbagya tumha gati sarbatra tumhri,
kahahu sut ke doa guna munibara hdaya bicri.66.
You know everything, including the past, present and future, and have access
everywhere. Therefore, O good sage, tell me what is good and what is bad about my
daughter after a mature consideration. (66)
f ff n rt ar arrf n rt+
t rt r sr fr rt+ {+
- r rt r;f aa ff frt+
r f frar f a f fa rar+ +
r;f n rt f a rt+
f r ff rr fr ff faa frr+ -+
- ar arrt n ; rt+
n r ra fa tr srt tr+ +
Cau.: kaha muni bihasi guRha mdu bn, sut tumhri sakala guna khn.
sudara sahaja susla sayn, nma um abik bhavn.1.
saba lacchana sapanna kumr, hoihi satata piyahi pir.
sad acala ehi kara ahivt, ehi te jasu paihahi

pitu mt.2.
hoihi pujya sakala jaga mh

, ehi sevata kachu durlabha nh

ehi kara nmu sumiri sasr, triya caRhihahi

patibrata asidhr.3.
saila sulacchana sut tumhr, sunahu je aba avaguna dui cr.
aguna amna mtu pitu hn, udsna saba sasaya chn.4.
The sage smilingly replied in the following soft yet significant words: Your
daughter is a mine of all virtuespretty, amiable and intelligent by nature. She will be
called Um, Ambik (lit., mother) and Bhavn. Adorned with all good traits, the girl shall
win the unfailing love of her husband.She shall remain ever united with her lord and bring
glory to her parents. She shall command the respect of the whole universe; he who waits
upon her shall lack nothing. By the mere thought of her name women in this world shall
be enabled to tread the path of fidelity to their lord, which is sharp as the edge of a sword.
Your daughter, O Himlaya, is endowed with auspicious marks. Hear now the few
drawbacks she possesses. Devoid of merits, free from pride, without father or mother,
unconcerned and free from doubts (14)
rnt f r n n
trt f fff t ta f + +
Do.: jog jaila akma mana nagana amagala bea,
asa svm ehi kaha milihi par hasta asi rekha.67.
An ascetic with matted hair and a heart devoid of longing, stark naked and with
hideous accoutrementssuch a one shall be her lord, as I can read from the lines on
her palm. (67)
f f fnr - f rt faf sr rt+
r rr r r fnrr+ {+
t fnfr fnf r t r+
r; r ff rr sr r z f rr+ +
ss f f f r +
rf = tfa r; t sn t f r;+ -+
rf r; ff rt rf fa t rt+
s f t ; fnfr r r f sr+ +
Cau.: suni muni gir satya jiya jn, dukha dapatihi um haran.

yaha bhedu na jn, das eka samujhaba bilagn.1.

sakala sakh

girij giri main, pulaka sarra bhare jala nain.

hoi na m devarii bh, um so bacanu hdaya

dhari rkh.2.
upajeu siva pada kamala saneh u, milana kahina mana bh sadehu.
jni kuavasaru prti dur, sakh ucha ga baih puni j.3.
jhuhi na hoi devarii bn, socahi

dapati sakh

ura dhari dhra kahai giriru, kahahu ntha k karia upu.4.
Hearing the words of the sage and believing them to be true, Himlaya and his
wife became disconsolate; while Um felt delighted. Even Nrada could not perceive this
difference. Even though their outer expression was the same, their feeling was different,
Girij and all her playmates, Himlaya and his wife, Men, all had their hair standing on
their end and their eyes were full of tears. The words of the celestial sage Nrada could
not be untrue: Um cherished them in her heart. Love for the lotus feet of iva sprouted
in her heart. She however, felt diffident in her mind; union with iva appeared so difficult
to her. Finding the time inopportune for its disclosure, she concealed her emotion and
then sat down in the lap of one of her playmates.The prediction of the sage could not be
false: the thought made Himavn and his wife as well as the senior playmates anxious.
Collecting himself, the lord of mountains said, Tell me, holy sir, what remedy should now
be employed? (14)
t fa r ff fr fr
rn f rs fr+ c+
Do.: kaha munsa himavata sunu jo bidhi likh lilra,
deva danuja nara nga muni kou na meanihra.68.
The chief of sages, Nrada, replied: Hear, O Himavn; whatever has been
decreed by Fate no one can undonot even gods, demons, human beings, Ngas or
sages. (68)
af s sr; r; s r;+
= s ar rt fff sf a rt+ {+
r r a f f r+
fr r; rs n r;+ +
f f t fa- r t+
r r rt fa- a rs rt+ -+
= f ; f rs ta ;+
f r nrr; f r f t r;+ +
Cau.: tadapi eka mai

kahau up, hoi karai jau daiu sah.

jasa baru mai

baraneu tumha ph

, milihi umahi tasa sasaya nh

je je bara ke doa bakhne, te saba siva pahi


jau bibhu sakara sana ho, doau guna sama kaha sabu ko.2.
jau ahi seja sayana hari karah

, budha kachu tinha kara dou na dharah

bhnu ksnu sarba rasa khh

, tinha kaha

mada kahata kou nh

subha aru asubha salila saba baha, surasari kou apunta na kaha.
samaratha kahu nahi

dou gos

, rabi pvaka surasari k n

Nevertheless I tell you one remedy: this may avail if Heaven helps you. Um will
undoubtedly get such a husband as I have described to you. But whatever demerits I
have shown in her bridegroom exist in iva so far as I can guess. If her marriage takes
place with akara, everyone will call the demerits as good as virtues. Even though r
Hari uses the serpent-god ea as His couch and sleeps thereon, the wise do not blame
Him for the same. Even so the sun and fire absorb moisture in all forms, but no one calls
them names. Again, water of every description, pure as well as impure, flows into the
Gag; yet no one calls the heavenly stream impure. Even like the sun, fire and the
Gag, the mighty incur no blame. (14)
ffr f z f fr
f f t f ; r+ +
Do.: jau asa hisi karahi

nara jaRa bibeka abhimna,


kalapa bhari naraka mahu jva ki sa samna.69.

If in their pride of wisdom foolish men emulate the great, they are cast into
hell for a whole Kalpa or life-time of the universe. Can an embodied soul vie with
God? (69)
f a r=f rr a f af rr+
f f r r ; tf a= a+ {+
nrr f fr ff rrr+
rr f rar f f + +
a rf arrt rfs f f frrt+
uf n rt f f af rt+ -+
r arfa rf +
;f-a f f r f rf rn r+ +
Cau.: surasari jala kta bruni jn, kabahu na sata karahi

tehi pn.
surasari mile so pvana jaise , sa ansahi ataru taise .1.
sabhu sahaja samarathabhagavn, ehi bibha saba bidhi kalyn.
durrdhya pai ahahi

mahesu, sutoa puni kie kales u.2.

jau tapu karai kumri tumhr, bhviu mei sakahi

jadyapi bara aneka jaga mh

, ehi kaha siva taji d usara nh

bara dyaka pranatrati bhajana, kpsidhu sevaka mana rajana.
icchita phala binu siva avardhe , lahia na koi joga japa sdhe .4.
Holy men would never drink wine even if they came to know that it had been made
of water from the Gag; but the same wine becomes pure when it is poured into the
Gag. The difference between an individual soul and God should be similarly explained.
ambhu is all-powerful by nature; for He is no other than God Himself. Hence matrimony
with Him will prove auspicious in everyway. The great Lord iva is certainly difficult to
propitiate; but He is quickly pleased when penance is undergone. If your daughter
practises austerity, the Slayer of the demon Tripura, iva, can even erase the lines of
Fate. Even though there may be many potential groom in the world, there is no match
for her except iva. He is the bestower of boons, the dispeller of the agony of the
suppliant, an ocean of benevolence and the delight of His devotee. Without propitiating
iva the object of ones desire cannot be attained through millions of Yogic practices and
Japa (repetitions of a mystic formula). (14)
f r ff f fnff tf- t
r;f rr a fnt+ +
Do.: asa kahi nrada sumiri hari girijahi dnhi assa,
hoihi yaha kalyna aba sasaya tajahu girsa.70.
So saying and with his thoughts fixed on r Hari, Nrada gave his blessings to
Girij and said, Shed all fear, O lord of mountains; all will now turn out well. (70)
f zr f n rfn fa +
faf ra r; r r r f r+ {+
rr= = r; r f fr ar =r+
a -r = s rt a sr rfrt+ +
fff = fnff rn fnf z ff rn+
r; frf fa fr f rf r; s r+ -+
f t f tr r fa fntr+
= r n f rt r -r rt+ +
Cau.: kahi asa brahmabhavana muni gaya u, gila carita sunahu jasa bhayau.
patihi ekta pi kaha main, ntha na mai

samujhe muni bain.1.

jau gharu baru kulu hoi an up, karia bibhu sut anurup.
na ta kany baru rahau kur, kata um mama prnapir.2.
jau na milihi baru girijahi jogu, giri jaRa sahaja kahihi sabu logu.
soi bicari pati karehu bibhu, jehi

na bahori hoi ura dh u.3.

asa kahi par carana dhari ss, bole sahita saneha girs.
baru pvaka pragaai sasi mh

, nrada bacanu anyath nh

Having spoken thus, the sage returned to the abode of Brahm (the Creator). Now
hear the end of the story how it came about. Finding her husband alone, Main
(Himlayas wife) said to him, My lord, I could not follow the words of the sage. If the
match, his house and his pedigree are without parallel and worthy of our daughter, the
marriage may be concluded. If not, the girl had better remain unmarried; for, my lord, Um
is dear to me as my own life. If we fail to secure a match worthy of Girij, everyone will
say Himlaya is dull by nature. Keep this in mind, my lord, while concluding an alliance,
so that there may be no cause for repentance. Having spoken these words Main laid
herself prostrate with her head at the feet of her lord. The lord of mountains, Himlaya,
replied in endearing terms, Sooner shall the moon way emit flames of fire but the
prophecy of Nrada should prove untrue. (14)
fr r f f >rtnr
rfaf fs f r; ff rr+ {+
Do.: priy socu pariharahu sabu sumirahu rbhagavna,
prabatihi niramayau jehi

soi karihi kalyna.71.

Put away all anxiety, my dear, and fix your thoughts on the Lord. He alone who
has created Prvat, will bring her happiness. (71)
arf ar a r; fr +
r a f ff r sr fff + {+
r n a n ff a+
frf ar a r f rfa = r+ +
f fa f rt n; aa sf fnfr rt+
sf frf rt fa nr rt+ -+
rf r fa s r; nn f r;+
na ra rt ra rt rt+ +
Cau.: aba jau

tumhahi sut para nehu, tau asa ji sikhvanu dehu.
karai so tapu jehi


mahes u, na upya na miihi kales u.1.

nrada bacana sagarbha sahet u, sudara saba guna nidhi baketu.
asa bicri tumha tajahu asak, sabahi bh

ti sakaru akalak.2.
suni pati bacana harai mana mh

, ga turata uhi girij ph

umahi biloki nayana bhare br, sahita saneha goda baihr.3.

bra leti ura l, gadagada kaha na kachu kahi j.

jagata mtu sarbagya bhavn, mtu sukhada bol

mdu bn.4.
Now if you cherish any love for your child, then go and admonish her that she
should practise austerity which may bring about her union with iva: there is no other
way of overcoming sorrow. The words of Nrada are pregnant and full of reason. iva
(who bears a bull for His emblem) is handsome and a mine of all virtues: recognizing
this truth do not entertain any misgiving. akara is irreproachable in everyway .
Hearing the above words of her husband Main felt delighted at heart; she at once rose
and went where Girij was. At the sight of Um tears rushed to her eyes and she
affectionately took the girl in her lap. Again and again she hugged the child; her voice
was choked with emotion and she found herself tongue-tied. The Mother of the universe,
the all-knowing Bhavn, then spoke the following soft words, which brought delight to
her mother: (14)
f ra t rs arf
n f ss rf+ +
Do.: sunahi mtu mai

dkha asa sapana sunvau tohi,

sudara gaura subiprabara asa upadeseu mohi.72.
Listen, mother: I relate to you a vision which I saw. A handsome and fair-
complexioned noble Brhmaa gave me the following exhortation. (72)
f r; a rt r r r - frt+
ra faf f a rr a r rr+ {+
a ; frar a fr n rrar+
a f rrrr a ; frr+ +
a r fy rt f r; a f rt+
a ffa art rs fnff rt+ -+
ra faf ff rr; t sr a fa r;+
f fr far = rar f r rar+ +
Cau.: karahi ji tapu sailakumr, nrada kah so satya bicr.
mtu pitahi puni yaha mata bhv, tapu sukhaprada dukha doa nasv.1.
tapabala racai prapacu bidht, tapabala binu sakala jaga trt.
tapabala sabhu karahi

saghr, tapabala seu dharai mahibhr.2.

tapa adhra saba si bhavn, karahi ji tapu asa jiya jn.
sunata bacana bisamita mahatr, sapana sunyau girihi ha kr.3.
mtu pitahi bahubidhi samujh, cal

um tapa hita hara.

priya parivra pit aru mt, bhae bikala mukha va na bt.4.
Recognizing the truth of Nradas words go and practise austerity, O mountain-
maid; the idea has commended itself to your father and mother as well. Austerity is conducive
to joy and puts an end to sorrow and evils. By virtue of penance the Creator creats the
universe. By virtue of penance Viu protects the whole world. By virtue of penance ambhu
brings about dissolution. By virtue of penance, again, ea (the serpent-god) bears the
burden of the earth on his head. In fact, the entire creation rests on penance, Bhavn.
Bearing this in mind, go and practise austerity. Hearing these words the mother was filled
with wonder. She sent for Himlaya and communicated the vision to him. Consoling her
parents in many ways Um set out for penance in a joyous mood. Her loving household
and parents felt miserable and none could speak a word. (14)
fr f r; a f r rr;
rat fr a rf r;+ -+
Do.: bedasir muni i taba sabahi kah samujhi,
prabat mahim sunata rahe prabodhahi pi.73.
The sage Vedair then came and consoled them all. They were comforted when
they heard of the glory of Prvat. (73)
s f sr rfa r r; ff rnt a r+
fa r a a rn fa ff as rn+ {+
fa s rnr ft af rnr+
a r rn r; a nr+ +
f r rf arr f f f srr+
rat f ; r; atf a r; r;+ -+
f f rs r sf r a s r+
f sf a t tr zr fnr nn ntr+ +
Cau.: ura dhari um prnapati caran, ji bipina lg

tapu karan.
ati sukumra na tanu tapa jogu, pati pada sumiri tajeu sabu bhogu.1.
nita nava carana upaja anurg, bisar deha tapahi

manu lg.
sabata sahasa m ula phala khe, sgu khi sata baraa gav

kachu dina bhojanu bri bats, kie kahina kachu dina upabs.
bela pt mahi parai sukh, tni sahasa sabata soi kh.3.
puni parihare sukhneu paran, umahi nmu taba bhayau aparan.
dekhi umahi tapa khna sarr, brahmagir bhai gagana gabhr.4.
Cherishing in her heart the feet of her dear lord, Um went to the forest and
began her penance. Her delicate frame was little fit for austerities; yet she renounced
all luxuries fixing her mind on the feet of her lord. Her devotion to the feet of her lord
presented a new phase everyday; and she got so absorbed in penance that she lost
all consciousness of her body. For a thousand years she lived on roots and fruits
alone; while for another hundred years she subsisted on vegetables. For some days
her only sustenance was water and air; while for a few days she observed a rigorous
fast. For three thousand years she maintained herself on the withered leaves of the
Bela* tree that dropped on the ground. Finally she gave up even dry leaves; Um
then came to be known by the name of Apar (living without leaves). Seeing her
body emaciated through self-mortification the deep voice of Brahm (the Creator)
resounded through the heavens: (14)
s r a fnfrrf
f= fff frrf+ +
Do.: bhayau manoratha suphala tava sunu girirjakumri,
pariharu dusaha kalesa saba aba milihahi

Listen, O daughter of the mountain-king; your desire is accomplished. Cease all
your rigorous penance; the Slayer of Tripura will soon be yours. (74)
a r t- rt t f rt+
s zr rt - r aa f rt+ {+
* The Bela tree (Aegle marmelos) is specially sacred to iva.
r far rr t ff rr r at+
ff arf e ftr r a r rntr+ +
a fnr ff nn rt nra fnfr rt+
sr fa nrr fa rr+ -+
a at r; a -rnr a a f s frnr+
f r rrr rr a f r n nrr+ +
Cau.: asa tapu khu na knha bhavn, bhae aneka dhra muni gyn.
aba ura dharahu brahma bara bn, satya sad satata suci jn.1.
vai pit bolvana jabah

, haha parihari ghara jehu tabah


tumhahi jaba sapta ris, jnehu taba pramna bgs.2.

sunata gir bidhi gagana bakhn, pulaka gta girij haran.
um carita sudara mai

gv, sunahu sabhu kara carita suhv.3.

jaba te sat

ji tanu tyg, taba te siva mana bhayau birg.


sad raghunyaka nm, jaha taha sunahi

rma guna grm.4.

There have been many self-possessed and illumined sages; but not one of them,
Bhavn, performed such penance as this. Now cherish in your heart this supreme
utterance from heaven, knowing it to be invariably true and ever sacred. When your
father comes to call you, give up all resistance and return home at once. Again, when
the seven sages meet you, be assured of the veracity of this oracle. Girij (the daughter
of Himavn) rejoiced to hear this utterance of Brahm echoed by heaven and a thrill ran
through her limbs. [Yjavalkya says to Bharadvja] I have thus sung the beautiful story
of Um; now hear the charming account of ambhu. Ever since Sat went and quitted
her body, ivas mind recoiled from everything. He ever repeated the name of the Lord
of Raghus and heard the recitation of r Rmas glories here and there. (14)
fr r f fna r r
ff f f z f r fr+ ~+
Do.: cidnada sukhadhma siva bigata moha mada kma,

mahi dhari hdaya hari sakala loka abhirma.75.

The embodiment of intelligence and bliss, the abode of happiness, iva, who is
ever free from error, arrogance and desire, roamed about on earth with His heart fixed
on r Hari, the delight of the whole world. (75)
a f- sf rr a r n f rr+
f r af nrr na f fa rr+ {+
f ff ns r tat fa r; r tat+
r f z nfa r+ +
n r a rr = t ff a frr+
r f rr ar f a r frr+ -+
ff r ff rrr rat - rr+
fa ta fnfr t fta fa rff t+ +
Cau.: katahu

muninha upadesahi

gyn, katahu rma guna karahi

jadapi akma tadapi bhagavn, bhagata biraha dukha dukhita sujn.1.
ehi bidhi gayau klu bahu bt, nita nai hoi rma pada prt.
nemu premu sakara kara dekh, abicala hday~a
bhagati kai rekh.2.
pragae rmu ktagya kpl, rupa sla nidhi teja bisl.
bahu prakra sakarahi sarh, tumha binu asa bratu ko nirabh.3.
bahubidhi rma sivahi samujhv, prabat kara janmu sunv.
ati punta girij kai karan, bistara sahita kpnidhi baran.4.
Here He instructed the sages in wisdom and there He extolled the virtues of
r Rma. Though passionless and all-wise, the Lord was smitten with the pangs of
separation from His devotee (Sat). In this way a considerable time elapsed. Devotion
to the feet of r Rma was ever budding in His heart. When r Rma saw the self-
discipline and affection of akara and the indelible stamp of devotion on His heart,
the merciful Lord, who fully recognizes services rendered to Him, and is a mine of beauty
and amiability and an embodiment of great splendour, appeared before akara and
extolled Him in ways more than one. Who else than You can accomplish such a
vow? He said, r Rma admonished Him in many ways and told Him of the birth
of Prvat. The Lord in His infinite compassion narrated at full length the most pious
doings of Girij. (14)
fat f r f
r; fr f rf rn + +
Do.: aba binat mama sunahu siva jau mo para nija nehu,
ji bibhahu sailajahi yaha mohi mge dehu.76.
Now, iva, if You have any affection for Me, listen to My appeal. Go and marry
ailaj (the daughter of Himcala): grant this boon to Me. (76)
f f sfa rt r f f rt+
f f r f arrr r rr+ {+
ra far n rt ff fr f rt+
ar rfa fart r f r arrt+ +
ars f r f+ f a r+
arr s r r + -+
ar rt r; fa s rt+
af eff f f r r fa r+ +
Cau.: kaha siva jadapi ucita asa nh

, ntha bacana puni mei na jh

sira dhari yasu karia tumhr, parama dharamu yaha ntha hamr.1.
mtu pit gura prabhu kai bn, binahi

bicra karia subha jn.

tumha saba bh

ti parama hitakr, agy sira para ntha tumhr.2.

prabhu toeu suni sakara bacan, bhakti bibeka dharma juta racan.
kaha prabhu hara tumhra pana rahe u, aba ura rkhehu jo hama kaheu.3.
ataradhna bhae asa bh, sakara soi m urati ura rkh.

saptarii siva pahi

e, bole prabhu ati bacana suhe.4.

iva replied, Although this is hardly justifiable, the words of a master cannot be
set aside at the same time. My lord, your command must be respectfully carried out: this
is my paramount duty. The words of ones parents, teacher and master must be
unquestionably obeyed as conducive to bliss. You are my supreme benefactor in
everyway; therefore, my lord, I bow to Your commands. The Lord, was pleased to hear
the well-chosen words of akara; which were inspired with devotion, wisdom and piety.
The Lord said, Your vow has been kept; now bear in mind what I have told You. Saying
so He went out of sight. akara cherished the impression of the vision in His heart. That
very moment the seven sages called on iva. The Lord spoke to them in most charming
accents: (14)
rat f r; ar f-r
fnff f f + +
Do.: prabat pahi

ji tumha prema paricch lehu,

girihi preri pahaehu bhavana duri karehu sadehu.77.
Going to Prvat, you put her love to the test. Then directing her father, Himlaya,
to her, send her back to her home and dispel her doubts. (77)
ff- nf t a t faa atr t+
r f rt r a rt+ {+
f r r ar - f +
a fa r; f f rf zar;+ +
r ; frr a rf tfa srr+
r r - r; rr f - f szrr+ -+
f f rr rf r ff arr+ +
Cau.: riinha gauri dekh taha kais, m uratimata tapasy jais.
bole muni sunu sailakumr, karahu kavana krana tapu bhr.1.
kehi avardhahu k tumha cahah u, hama sana satya maramu kina kahah u.
kahata bacana manu ati sakuc, ha sihahu suni hamri jaRat.2.
manu haha par na sunai sikhv, cahata bri para bhti uhv.
nrada kah satya soi jn, binu pakhanha hama cahahi

dekhahu muni abibeku hamr, chia sad sivahi bharatr.4.
There the seers saw Gaur (a name of Prvat; lit., fair-complexioned) as if she
were penance itself personified.The sages said, Hear, O daughter of Himcala: why
are you practising such rigorous penance? Whom do you worship and what do you
seek? Why not confide to us the real secret? I feel very shy in making my
submission. You will be amused to hear of my folly. Yet my mind has taken a rigid
attitude and heeds no advice; it would raise a wall on water. Relying on the truth of
Nradas prophecy, I long to fly even without wings. Look at my madness; I always
covet iva as my husband . (14)
a f f fnf a
r s f s f n+ c+
Do.: sunata bacana bihase riaya girisabhava tava deha,
nrada kara upadesu suni kahahu baseu kisu geha.78.
Hearing the above reply the sages laughed and said, After all your body owes its
existence to a mountain (Himlaya); tell us who could live in his home whoever listened
ti Nradas advice. (78)
-a- sf- r; fa- ff r r;+
fra rr= s rrrr f f rr+ {+
r f f rt f rf af frt+
t a r t-r r f t t-r+ +
af rf ftrr ar r fa srr+
fn f rt n fn rt+ -+
= r f n r+
f at frt f zf rf- art+ +
Cau.: dacchasutanha upadesenhi j, tinha phiri bhavanu na dekh .
citraketu kara gharu una ghl, kanakakasipu kara puni asa hl.1.
nrada sikha je sunahi

nara nr, avasi hohi

taji bhavanu bhikhr.

mana kapa tana sajjana cnh, pu sarisa sabah caha knh.2.
tehi ke bacana mni bisvs, tumha chahu pati sahaja uds.
nirguna nilaja kubea kapl, akula ageha digabara byl.3.
kahahu kavana sukhu asa baru pe , bhala bhulihu haga ke baure .
paca kahe siva

sat bibh, puni avaeri marenhi th.4.
He called on and admonished the sons of Daka and they never saw their home
again. It was he who ruined the home of Citraketu; and again Hirayakaipu (the father
of Prahlda) met a similar fate. Men and women who listen to Nradas advice are sure
to leave their home and become mendicants. Guileful at heart, he bears on his person
the marks of a pious man; he would make everyone just like himself. Relying on his
words you crave for a husband who is apathetic by nature, devoid of attributes,
shameless, homeless and naked, who has an inauspicious look about him, wears a
string of skulls around his neck, is without a family and has serpents for his ornaments.
Tell us, what happiness do you expect by obtaining such a husband? You have fallen
an easy prey to the machinations of that imposter! iva married Sat at the intercession
of some friends; but later on he abandoned her and left her to die. (14)
ra r f t rfn rf
rf- f rf rf+ +
Do.: aba sukha sovata socu nahi

bhkha mgi bhava khhi

sahaja ekkinha ke bhavana kabahu ki nri khahi

iva is care-free now; he lives on alms and enjoys a sound sleep.Can women
ever stay in the house of habitual recluses? (79)
r r rr ar = t frr+
fa f tr nrf r tr+ {+
fa n rt >rtfa frt+
= arf frs rt a ff rt+ +
- fnf a r = r+
s f r a r; r f r;+ -+
r f s ss f z+
n atfa t n ff at+ +
Cau.: ajahu

mnahu kah hamr, hama tumha kahu baru nka bicr.

ati sudara suci sukhada susl, gvahi

beda jsu jasa ll.1.

duana rahita sakala guna rs, rpati pura baikuha nivs.
asa baru tumhahi miluba n, sunata bihasi kaha bacana bhavn.2.
satya kahehu giribhava tanu eh, haha na chua chuai baru deh.
kanakau puni pana te ho, jrehu sahaju na parihara so.3.
nrada bacana na mai


, basau bhavanu ujarau nahi

ara u

gura ke bacana pratti na jeh, sapanehu

sugama na sukha sidhi teh.4.
Even now accept our advice; we have thought of an excellent match for you
exceptionally good-looking, pious, agreeable and amiable, whose glory and exploits are
sung by the Vedas. He is free from blemish, is a mine of all virtues and the lord of Lakm
(the goddess of prosperity) and has His abode in Vaikuha. Such a suitor we shall unite
with you. Hearing this, Bhavn laughed and said, You have rightly observed that this
body of mine is begotten of a rock: I would sooner die than give up my tenacity. Gold
is another product of rock which does not abandon its character even on being
consigned to fire. I may not ignore Nradas advice; whether my house is full or desolate,
I fear not. He who has no faith in the words of his preceptor, cannot easily attain either
happiness or success even in a dream. (14)
r n fr n r
f rf af at r+ c+
Do.: mahdeva avaguna bhavana binu sakala guna dhma,
jehi kara manu rama jhi sana tehi teh sana kma.80.
The great God iva may be full of demerls and Viu may be a repository of all
virtues. One is, however, concerned with him alone who gladdens ones heart. (80)
ar fa tr fas f arrf f tr+
- fa rr r n frr+ {+
ar z ft f r; f f t+
a af- r rt -r n rt+ +
- rf fn n rt s a s rt+
as r s r f a r + -+
r s ; nr ar n n s fr+
f r f rt nf rt+ +
Cau.: jau tumha milatehu prathamamuns, sunatiu sikha tumhri dhari ss.
aba mai

janmu sabhu hita hr, ko guna duana karai bicr.1.

jau tumhare haha hdaya bise, rahi na ji binu kie bare.
tau kautukianha lasu nh

, bara kany aneka jaga mh

janma koi lagi ragara hamr, barau sabhu na ta rahau kur.
tajau na nrada kara upades u, pu kahahi

sata bra mahes u.3.


p parau kahai jagadab, tumha gha gavanahu bhayau bilab.

dekhi premu bole muni gyn, jaya jaya jagadabike bhavn.4.
Had you met me earlier, O great sages! I would have listened to your advice with
reverence. But now that I have staked my life for ambhu, who will weigh His merits and
demerits? If you are specially bent upon uniting a pair and cannot help negotiating a
match, there is no dearth of suitors and maidens; and those who take delight in such
games know no weariness. As for myself I must wed ambhu or remain a virgin, no
matter if I have to continue the struggle for ten million lives. I will not disregard Nradas
admonition even if ambhu Himself tells me a hundred times to do so. I fall at your feet,
continued Prvat, the Mother of the universe, Please return to your home. It is already
late. Seeing Prvats devotion the enlightened sages exclaimed, Glory, all glory to You,
O Bhavn, Mother of the universe! (14)
ar rr nr f na fa ra
r; f f f f a nra+ c{+
Do.: tumha my bhagavna siva sakala jagata pitu mtu,
ni carana sira muni cale puni puni haraata gtu.81.
You are My, while iva is God Himself; You are the parents of the whole
universe. Bowing their head at the feet of Prvat, they departed. A thrill ran through their
frame again and again. (81)
r; f- fa r f fat fnf n rr+
f eff f f r; r sr r;+ {+
n f a r f taff n nr+
f f a rr n rrr rr+ +
ar s af rr ar a frr+
af r rfa ta fa ta+ -+
r tfa r; r f ff r;+
a ff r; r ff r+ +
Cau.: ji muninha himavatu pahe, kari binat girajahi

gha lye.
bahuri saptarii siva pahi

j, kath um kai sakala sun.1.

bhae magana siva sunata saneh, harai saptarii gavane geh.
manu thira kari taba sabhu sujn, lage karana raghunyaka dhyn.2.
traku asura bhayau tehi kl, bhuja pratpa bala teja bisl.

saba loka lokapati jte, bhae deva sukha sapati rte.3.

ajara amara so jti na j, hre sura kari bibidha lar.
taba biraci sana ji pukre, dekhe bidhi saba deva dukhre.4.
The sages went and despatched Himavn to Girij and he with many entreaties
brought her home. The seven seers then called on iva and told Him the whole history
of Um. iva was enraptured to hear of her love; and the Saptaris gladly went home.
The all-wise ambhu then concentrated His mind and began to meditate on the Lord of
Raghus. A demon, Traka by name, flourished in those days; his strength of arm, glory
and majesty were great indeed. He conquered all the spheres as well as the guardians
of those spheres; all the gods were robbed of their happiness and prosperity. Knowing
neither age nor death, he was invincible. The gods fought many a battle with him and lost
them. They then went to Viraci (Brahm) and told him their grievances. The Creator
found all the gods miserable. (14)
r rr; ff f a r;
a a f ta; r;+ c+
Do.: saba sana kah bujhi bidhi danuja nidhana taba hoi,
sabhu sukra sabhuta suta ehi jtai rana soi.82.
Brahm reassured them all saying, The demon shall die only when there is a son
sprung from the loins of ambhu; for he alone can subdue the demon in battle. (82)
r r f sr; r;f ;t ff r;+
at r at - r t r; fr nr+ {+
af a t- fa rnt f rf -rnt+
f ; rt af ra rt+ +
r r; f rt r rt+
a r; ff f r; rs fr fr;+ -+
f ff f fa r; a fa t ; r;+
tafa - tf- fa a ns fr ra+ +
Cau.: mora kah suni karahu up, hoihi svara karihi sah.

jo taj daccha makha deh, janam ji himcala geh.1.


tapu knha sabhu pati lg, siva samdhi baihe sabu tyg.
jadapi ahai asamajasa bhr, tadapi bta eka sunahu hamr.2.
pahavahu kmu ji siva ph

, karai chobhu sakara mana mh

taba hama ji sivahi sira n, karavuba bibhu bari.3.
ehi bidhi bhalehi

devahita ho, mata ati nka kahai sabu ko.

astuti suranha knhi ati het u, pragaeu biamabna jhaaketu.4.
Hearing what I say, act accordingly; God will help you and the plan will succeed.
Sat, who left her body at the sacrifice performed by Daka, has been born again in the
house of Himcala. She has undergone penance for winning the hand of ambhu; while
iva has renounced everything and sits absorbed in contemplation. Although it is most
unseemly, yet hear one proposal of mine. Approaching Cupid (the god of love), send him
to iva; and let him disturb the serenity of akaras mind. Then we shall go and bow
our head at ivas feet and prevail on Him to marry even against His will. In this way alone
may the interests of the gods be served. The idea is excellent, everyone said. The gods
then prayed with great devotion and the god of love, armed with five* arrows and having
a fish emblazoned on his standard, appeared on the scene. (14)
- t f ffa f t- fr
fr rf ff s r+ c-+
Do.: suranha kah nija bipati saba suni mana knha bicra,
sabhu birodha na kusala mohi bihasi kaheu asa mra.83.
The gods told him all their distress; hearing their tale, the god of love pondered
and spoke thus with a smile, I expect no good results for myself from hostility to
ambhu. (83)
af r arrr >rfa srr+
fa rfn a; r t aa a f at+ {+
f s f f= r; fa r;+
a r z frr f fr rr+ +
a r rs ftarr f t- rr+
rs f rfa f >rfa a+ -+
zr a rr t r frr+
rr rn frnr f rnr+ +
Cau.: tadapi karaba mai

kju tumhr, ruti kaha parama dharama upakr.

para hita lgi tajai jo deh, satata sata prasasahi

asa kahi caleu sabahi siru n, sumana dhanua kara sahita sah.
calata mra asa hdaya bicr, siva birodha dhruva maranu hamr.2.
taba pana prabhu bistr, nija basa knha sakala sasr.
kopeu jabahi

bricaraket u, chana mahu mie sakala ruti setu.3.

brahmacarja brata sajama nn, dhraja dharama gyna bigyn.
sadcra japa joga birg, sabhaya bibeka kaaku sabu bhg.4.
However, I shall do your work; for the Vedas say benevolence is the highest
virtue. The saints ever praise him who lays down his life in the service of others. So
saying, the god of love bowed his head to all and departed with his associates, the bow
of flowers in hand. While leaving, Love thought within himself that hostility to iva would
mean sure death to him. He then exhibited his power and brought the whole world under
his sway. When the god of love (who bears a fish for his emblem) betrayed his anger,
all the barriers imposed by the Vedas were swept away in a moment. The whole army
of Viveka (discriminating knowledge)continence, religious vows, self-restraint of many
kinds, fortitude, piety, spiritual wisdom and the knowledge of qualified divinity both with
form and without form, morality, muttering of prayers, Yoga (contemplative union with
God), dispassion and so on, fled in panic. (14)
rns f r fa r n f
n a f- r; af +
* The white lotus, the Aoka flower, the mango blossom, the jasmine and the blue lotusthese are the
five kinds of arrows with which the god of love is believed to be armed.
rfr r ar r r n = r
; r f far f rf = r+
Cha.: bhgeu bibeku sahya sahita so subhaa sajuga mahi mure,
sadagratha parbata kadaranhi mahu ji tehi avasara dure.
honihra k karatra ko rakhavra jaga kharabharu par,
dui mtha kehi ratintha jehi kahu kopi kara dhanu saru dhar.
Viveka took to flight with his associates; his great warriors turned their back on
the field of battle. They all went and hid themselves in mountain-caves in the form of
sacred books at that time. There was commotion in the world and everybody said, My
goodness, what is going to happen? What power will save us? Who is that superhuman
being with two heads to conquer whom the lord of Rati,* Love, has lifted his bow and
arrows in rage?
t n rf = r
a f f r af r+ c+
Do.: je sajva jaga acara cara nri purua asa nma,
te nija nija marajda taji bhae sakala basa kma.84.
Whatever creatures existed in the world, whether animate or inanimate and
bearing masculine or feminine appellations transgressed their natural bounds and were
completely possessed by lust. (84)
z frr ar frf f a= rr+
t sfn f r; n f ar ar;+ {+
f r z- t r f ; a t+
-t rt r frt+ +
r rr ff f f rf rr+
f rr a fr a arr+ -+
;- r s rt r r rt+
fq f+ rf rnt af r frnt+ +
Cau.: saba ke hdaya madana abhil, lat nihri navahi

taru skh.

umagi abudhi kahu dh

, sagama karahi

talva tal

jaha asi das jaRanha kai baran, ko kahi sakai sacetana karan.
pasu pacch nabha jala thalacr, bhae kmabasa samaya bisr.2.
madana adha bykula saba lok, nisi dinu nahi


deva danuja nara kinara byl, preta pisca bhuta betl.3.
inha kai das na kaheu bakhn, sad kma ke cere jn.
siddha birakta mahmuni jog, tepi kmabasa bhae biyog.4.
The minds of all were seized with lust; the boughs of trees bent low at the sight
of creepers. Rivers in spate rushed to meet the ocean; lakes and ponds united in love
with one another. Where such was reported to be the case with the inanimate creation,
* The name of Loves wife.
who can relate the doings of sentient beings? Beasts that walk on land and birds
traversing the air, and water lost all sense of time and became victims of lust. The whole
world was blinded with passion and agitated. The Cakravka birds (ruddy geese)*
regarded neither day nor night. Gods, demons, human beings, Kinnaras (a class of demi-
gods), serpents, evil spirits, fiends, ghosts and vampiresI have refrained from dwelling
on the condition of these, knowing them to be eternal slaves of passion. Even Siddhas
(spiritual adepts), great sages who had no attraction for the world and Yogs (mystics)
gave up their Yoga (contemplative union with God) under the influence of lust. (14)
r rnt ar rf- t r
f r rf zr a +
r frf = n = r
; z f zr rz ta ra a +
Cha.:bhae kmabasa jogsa tpasa pva ranhi k ko kahai,

carcara nrimaya je brahmamaya dekhata rahe.

abal bilokahi

puruamaya jagu purua saba abalmaya,

dui daa bhari brahma bhtara kmakta kautuka aya.
Even great Yogs and ascetics were completely possessed by lust, to say nothing
of low-minded people? Those who till lately looked upon the animate and inanimate
creation as full of Brahma (God) now saw it as full of the fair sex. Women perceived the
whole world as full of men; while the latter beheld it as full of women. For nearly an hour
this wonderful game of Love lasted in the universe.
t r t f
r rrt a s af r + c~+
So.: dhar na kh u

dhra saba ke mana manasija hare,

je rkhe raghubra te ubare tehi kla mahu .85.
Nobody could remain self-possessed; the hearts of all were stolen by the god of
love. They alone could hold their own against him, to whom the Hero of Raghus race
extended His protection. (85)
s rrt a fn r f n+
ff frf s r= s rffa r=+ {+
aa t r ff saf n ar+
=f f rr r n nrr+ +
fa r f f r; rf f sr;+
nf aa =f farr fa a= rf frr+ -+
s rfr azrnr n fr frnr+
a sna rnr f f rnr+ +
* The red gander and goose are said to unite only during the daytime. They cannot meet at night even
if there is no physical barrier between them. During the brief span of time referred to above they ignored this
natural bar and met even during the night.
Cau.: ubhaya ghar asa kautuka bhayau, jau lagi kmu sabhu pahi gayau.
sivahi biloki sasakeu mr u, bhayau jaththiti sabu sasr u.1.
bhae turata saba jva sukhre, jimi mada utari gae matavre.
rudrahi dekhi madana bhaya mn, durdharaa durgama bhagavn.2.
phirata lja kachu kari nahi

j, maranu hni mana racesi up.

pragaesi turata rucira riturj, kusumita nava taru rji birj.3.
bana upabana bpik taRg, parama subhaga saba dis bibhg.
jaha taha janu umagata anurg, dekhi mueh~ u
mana manasija jg.4.
The wonder, lasted for an hour or so till the god of love reached abhu. Cupid
trembled at the sight of iva; the whole world returned to itself. All living beings regained
their peace of mind at once, even as the intoxicated feel relieved when their spell of
drunkenness is over. The god of love was struck with terror at the sight of Bhagavn Rudra
(iva), who is so difficult to conquer and so hard to comprehend. He felt shy in retreating
and was incapable of doing anything; ultimately he resolved upon death and devised a
plan. He forthwith manifested the lovely spring, the king of all seasons; rows of young
trees laden with flowers appeared so charming. Woods and groves, wells and ponds and
all the quarters of heaven assumed a most delightful aspect. Everywhere nature overflowed
with love as it were; the sight aroused passion even in dead souls. (14)
rn; r nar t
ta n r=a r t+
f f- na r
f f nr rf r+
Cha. : jgai manobhava muehu mana bana subhagat na parai kah,
stala sugadha sumada mruta madana anala sakh sah.
bikase saranhi bahu kaja gujata puja majula madhukar,
kalahasa pika suka sarasa rava kari gna ncahi

Passion was aroused even in dead souls and the beauty of the forest beggared
description. A cool, gentle and fragrant breeze fanned the fire of passion as a faithful
companion. Rows of lotuses blossomed in lakes and swarms of charming bees hummed
on them. Swans, cuckoos and parrots uttered their sweet notes; while celestial damsels
sang and danced.
r f rf ff rs a
t rf f rs zfa+ c+
Do.: sakala kal kari koi bidhi hreu sena sameta,
cal na acala samdhi siva kopeu hdayaniketa.86.
The god of love with his army of followers exhausted all his numberless stratagems;
ivas unbroken trance, however, could not be disturbed. This made Cupid angry. (86)
f r f rr a f s rr+
r f r fa f arf >r fn ar+ {+
rz f ff s rn f rf a rn+
s ; r ft srrrf ff t+ +
frr s r s rrr+
a f at srrrr faa r s f rr+ -+
rrr s n rt z rt+
fr r rf rnt r rnt+ +
Cau.: dekhi rasla biapa bara skh, tehi para caRheu madanu mana mkh.
sumana cpa nija sara sadhne, ati risa tki ravana lagi tne.1.
chRe biama bisikha ura lge, chui samdhi sabhu taba jge.
bhayau sa mana chobhu bise, nayana ughri sakala disi dekh.2.
saurabha pallava madanu bilok, bhayau kopu kapeu trailok.
taba siva tsara nayana ughr, citavata kmu bhayau jari chr.3.
hhkra bhayau jaga bhr, arape sura bhae asura sukhr.
samujhi kmasukhu socahi

bhog, bhae akaaka sdhaka jog.4.

Seeing a beautiful bough of a mango tree, the god of love climbed up to it in a mood
of frustration. He joined his five arrows to his bow of flowers, and casting an angry look
drew the string home to his very ears. He discharged the five sharp arrows, which smote
the breast of iva. The trance was now broken and ambhu awoke. The Lords mind was
much agitated. Opening His eyes He looked all round. When He saw Cupid hiding behind
mango leaves, He flew into a rage, which made all the three spheres tremble. iva then
uncovered His third eye; the moment He looked at the god of love the latter was reduced
to ashes. A loud wail went up through the universe. The gods were alarmed, while the
domons were gratified. The thought of (loss of) sense-delights made the voluptuary sad;
while the striving Yogs were relieved of a thorn as it were. (14)
rnt fa nfa a fa =fa ;
rfa fa rfa =r fa f n;+
fa f fat ff ff rf - t
rar r f r ff r t+
Cha. : jog akaaka bhae pati gati sunata rati muruchita bha,
rodati badati bahu bh

ti karun karati sakara pahi

ati prema kari binat bibidha bidhi jori kara sanmukha rah,
prabhu sutoa kpla siva abal nirakhi bole sah.
The Yogs were freed from torment; while Rati (wife of the god of love) fainted as
soon as she heard of the fate of her lord. Weeping and wailing and mourning in various
ways she approached akara; and making loving entreaties in divergent ways she stood
before the Lord with clasped hands. Seeing the helpless woman, the benevolent Lord
iva, who is so easy to placate, prophesied as follows:
a fa a r r;f r n
f rff f f f f n+ c+
Do.: aba te rati tava ntha kara hoihi nmu anagu,
binu bapu bypihi sabahi puni sunu nija milana prasagu.87.
Henceforth, O Rati, your husband shall be called by the name of Anaga
(bodiless); he shall dominate all even without a body. Now hear how you will meet him
again. (87)
r arr r;f r frr+
r a r;f fa arr -r r; rr+ {+
fa nt f rt r s rt+
- rr r zrrf fr+ +
fr ff ar n r f rfar+
fa- tf- r r ar+ -+
r rf a r f a+
ff ar art af nfa fs trt+ +
Cau.: jaba jadubasa kna avatr, hoihi harana mah mahibhr.
kna tanaya hoihi pati tor, bacanu anyath hoi na mor.1.
rati gavan suni sakara bn, kath apara aba kahau bakhn.
devanha samcra saba pe, brahmdika baikuha sidhe.2.
saba sura binu biraci samet, gae jah

siva kpniket.
pthaka pthaka tinha knhi prasas, bhae prasanna cadra avatas.3.
bole kpsidhu baket u, kahahu amara e kehi hetu.
kaha bidhi tumha prabhu atarajm, tadapi bhagati basa binavau

When r Ka will descend in the line of Yadu to relieve the earth of its heavy
burden, your lord will be born again as His son (Pradyumna); this prediction of Mine can
never be untrue. Hearing the words of akara, Rati went away. I now proceed to relate
the subsequent part of the story. When Brahm (the Creator) and the other gods
received all the tidings, they repaired to Vaikuha (the abode of God Viu). Thence all
the gods, including Viu and Virac (Brahm), went where the all-merciful iva was.
They severally extolled and won the pleasure of the Lord whose crest is adorned by the
crescent. iva, who is an ocean of compassion and has a bull emblazoned on His
standard, said, Tell me, immortals, what has brought you here? To this Brahm replied,
Lord, You are the inner controller of all; even then, my master, my devotion to You urges
me to make the following submission (14)
- z sr
f f- r f r arr fr+ cc+
Do.: sakala suranha ke hdaya

asa sakara parama uchhu,
nija nayananhi dekh cahahi

ntha tumhra bibhu.88.

The heart of all the immortals is seized with a dominating impulse. They long to
witness Your wedding with their own eyes, my lord. (88)
s- f f r r; r+
r rf fa = t-r rf fa t-r+ {+
rfa f f f r r - r+
rat a t- rr ar ntrr+ +
f ff f fr rt ; rs r rt+
a - t r; f r;+ -+
= rf eff r aaf ff fnf r+
n t rt r rt+ +
Cau.: yaha utsava dekhia bhari locana, soi kachu karahu madana mada mocana.
kmu jri rati kahu baru dnh, kpsidhu yaha ati bhala knh.1.
ssati kari puni karahi

pas u, ntha prabhunha kara sahaja subhu.


tapu knha apr, karahu tsu aba agkr.2.

suni bidhi binaya samujhi prabhu bn, aisei hou kah sukhu mn.
taba devanha dudubh


, barai sumana jaya jaya sura s

avasaru jni saptarii e, turatahi

bidhi giribhavana pahe.

prathama gae jaha


bhavn, bole madhura bacana chala sn.4.

O humbler of the pride of Love! Devise some means whereby we may be enabled
to feast our eyes on this glad event. Having burnt the god of love You have done well
in granting a boon to Rati, O ocean of compassion. Having meted out punishment, good
masters shower their grace as a matter of course: such is their natural habit. Prvat has
practised penance the magnitude of which cannot be estimated; kindly accept her now.
Hearing the entreaty of Brahm and remembering the words of the Lord (r Rma), iva
gladly said, Amen! The gods thereupon sounded their kettledrums; and raining down
flowers they exclaimed, Victory, victory to the Lord of celestials! Considering it to be
an opportune moment, the seven seers arrived on the scene. Brahm immediately sent
them to the abode of Himavn. They approached Bhavn in the first instance and
addressed the following sweet yet deceptive words to her: (14)
r r a r s
r r arr rs r + c+
Do.: kah hamra na sunehu taba nrada ke upadesa,
aba bh jhuha tumhra pana jreu kmu mahesa.89.
Relying on the advice of Nrada you would not heed our remonstrances then.
Your vow has failed now; for the great Lord iva has burnt the god of love! (89)
f rt r; rt sfa f frt+
ar r r rr fn frr+ {+
r r f rnt u r rnt+
f rt tfa a rt+ +
a r tr ff - rff ;r+
ar r r rs rr r; fa z f arrr+ -+
ara r f af f r; f r+
n t r f r; f - t r;+ +
Cau.: suni bol

musuki bhavn, ucita kahehu munibara bigyn.

tumhare jna kmu aba jr, aba lagi sabhu rahe sabikr.1.
hamare jna sad siva jog, aja anavadya akma abhog.
jau mai

siva seye asa jn, prti sameta karma mana bn.2.


hamra pana sunahu muns, karihahi

satya kpnidhi s.
tumha jo kah hara jreu mr, soi ati baRa abibeku tumhr.3.
tta anala kara sahaja subhu, hima tehi nikaa ji nahi

k u.
gae sampa so avasi nas, asi manmatha mahesa k n.4.
Hearing this, Bhavn smiled and said, O great and illumined sages, you have spoken
aright. According to your belief it is only now that ambhu has burnt the god of love and that
till now He was smitten with love. To my mind, however, iva is eternally in rapport with the
Infinite, unbegotten, irreproachable, passionless and given to sensual in . Knowing Him as
such, if I have served Him lovingly in thought, word and deed, then hear, O great sages: the
gracious Lord will accomplish my vow. Your statement that Hara has burnt the god of love
betrays woeful lack of thought in you. my dear Fire, possesses this inherent property that
frost can never approach it: in case it does it must inevitably perish. Similar is the case with
the god of love and the great Lord iva. (14)
f f f f tfa ftr
rff r; f n fr r+ +
Do.: hiya harae muni bacana suni dekhi prti bisvsa,
cale bhavnihi ni sira gae himcala psa.90.
Hearing the words of Bhavn and perceiving her devotion and faith, the sages
were gladdened at heart. Bowing their head to Her, they went to Himavn. (90)
n fnffaf rr f fa rr+
f s fa rr f fa a rr+ {+
z frf ar; r f f rr;+
f a rrt rr; fn ff n r;+ +
rt eff- r; t-t nf f fr t-t+
r; fff fa- tf- r rat ra tfa z rat+ -+
n rf f r; f r;+
fy r r n ff r+ +
Cau.: sabu prasagu giripatihi sunv, madana dahana suni ati dukhu pv.
bahuri kaheu rati kara baradn, suni himavata bahuta sukhu mn.1.
hdaya bicri sabhu prabhut, sdara munibara lie bol.
sudinu sunakhatu sughar soc, begi bedabidhi lagana dhar.2.
patr saptariinha soi dnh, gahi pada binaya hmcala knh.
ji bidhihi tinha dnhi so pt, bcata prti na hdaya

lagana bci aja sabahi sun, harae muni saba sura samud.
sumana bi nabha bjana bje, magala kalasa dasahu disi sje.4.
They related the whole episode to him and he was much grieved to hear how iva
had burnt Love. The sages then told him of the boon granted to Rati and Himavn was
much relieved to learn this. Recalling to his mind the glory of ambhu Himcala
respectfully summoned great sages. He had an auspicious date, asterism and hour
ascertained and without delay got the exact time of wedding fixed and noted down
according to the Vedic precepts. Himcala handed over the note recording the exact time
of wedding to the seven seers, and clasping their feet made entreaties to them. Calling
on Brahm they delivered the note to him; and as he went through it his heart overflowed
with joy. Brahm read the note aloud to all; the sages as well as the whole concourse
of gods was delighted to hear it. Flowers were showered from the air, music flowed from
various instruments and auspicious jars were placed in all directions. (14)
0n r r ff fr
rf n n f r nr+ {+
Do.: lage sa vrana sakala sura bhana bibidha bimna,

saguna magala subhada karahi

apachar gna.91.
All the gods began to adorn their vehicles and aerial cars of various kinds; happy
and auspicious omens were visible and celestial damsels sang for joy. (91)
0ff n f fnrr r f = rr+
z f rr a ffa f rr+ {+
f r f n nr atf sta nr+
n s f rr f fr rr+ +
fr = z= frr f rf rr+
f ff fr rt r ff n rt+ -+
fr ff rf rar f f r rar+
r rfa r f ra =r+ +
Cau.: sivahi sabhu gana karahi


gr, ja mukua ahi mauru sa vr.

kuala kakana pahire byl, tana bibhuti paa kehari chl.1.
sasi lala sudara sira gag, nayana tni upabta bhujag.
garala kaha ura nara sira ml, asiva bea sivadhma kpl.2.
kara trisula aru damaru birj, cale basaha caRhi bjahi

dekhi sivahi suratriya musukh

, bara lyaka dulahini jaga nh

binu biraci di surabrt, caRhi caRhi bhana cale bart.
sura samja saba bh

ti anup, nahi

barta d ulaha anur up.4.

The attendants of ambhu began to adorn their lord. His matted locks were formed
into a crown and decked with a crest of serpents. He had serpents for His ear-rings and
bracelets, smeared His person with ashes and wrapped a lions skin round His loins.
He bore the crescent on His charming aest and the river Gag on the crown of His head
and had three eyes and a serpent for the sacred thread. His throat was black with the
poison swallowed by him at the beginning of creation and had a wreath of human skulls
about His neck. Thus clad in a ghastly attire, He was nonetheless an embodiment of
blessings and merciful to the core. A trident and a amaru (a shall drum shaped like an
hour-glass) adorned His hands. iva rode on a bull while musical instruments played.
Female divinities smiled to see Him. The world has no bride worthy of the bridegroom,
They said to one another. Viu, Brahm and hosts of other gods joined the bridegrooms
procession and rode on their respective vehicles. The gathering of the immortals was
incomparable in every respect; the procession, however, was hardly worthy of the
bridegroom. (14)
0fr r ff a rf ffr
fn fn r; f f fa r+ +
Do.: binu kah asa bihasi taba boli sakala disirja,
bilaga bilaga hoi calahu saba nija nija sahita samja.92.
God Viu then called all the guardians of the different quarters and smilingly said,
Everyone of you should march separately, each with his own retinue. (92)
0 rf ra r; t r;+
fr f r f f fa fnr+ {+
t rt f f f rt+
fa f a f fnf f n + +
f r f r t fa- r+
rr r rr r f f r f r+ -+
rs t f r f rs r+
f rs ftr fy y rs fa atr+ +
Cau.: bara anuhri barta na bh, ha s karaihahu para pura j.
binu bacana suni sura musukne, nija nija sena sahita bilagne.1.

mana mahesu musukh

, hari ke bigya bacana nahi


ati priya bacana sunata priya kere, bhgihi preri sakala gana ere.2.
siva anussana suni saba e, prabhu pada jalaja ssa tinha ne.
nn bhana nn be, bihase siva samja nija dekh.3.
kou mukhahna bipula mukha kh u, binu pada kara kou bahu pada bhu.
bipula nayana kou nayana bihn, riapua kou ati tanakhn.4.
The procession, brothers, is no way worthy of the bridegroom; you will make
yourself a butt of ridicule in a strange city! Hearing the words of Viu, the gods smiled
and parted, each with his own group. The great Lord iva laughed in His sleeves and
noticed that r Haris humour never failed. As soon as He heard these most pleasing
remarks of His beloved friend, He sent Bhg to call all His attendants. And they all
came when they heard ivas command and bowed their head at the lotus feet of their
lord. iva laughed to see His host in their motley attire riding every kind of vehicle. Some
were headless, while others were hydra-headed monsters; some were without hands
and feet, while others had numerous hands and feet. Some had numerous eyes, while
others had no eyes at all; some were stout and well-built, while others had very slim
bodies. (14)
U0a t rs fa t r rs r nfa
r r u rfa a +
tr r n nfa r n
f a fr rfn ra a f +
Cha.: tana khna kou ati pna pvana kou apvana gati dhare ,
bhuana karla kapla kara saba sadya sonita tana bhare .
khara svna suara skla mukha gana bea aganita ko ganai,
bahu jinasa preta pisca jogi jamta baranata nahi

Some had lean and thin bodies, while others were very stout; some were tidy,
while others had dirty habits. They had frightful ornaments, carried skulls in their hands
and were all smeared with fresh blood. They bore heads of donkeys, dogs, swine and
jackals and the varieties of their appearan as could not be counted. The troops of spirits,
goblins and fairies of various kinds beggared description.
0rf nrf nta ant a
a fa fta rf ffr ff+ -+
So.: ncahi


gta parama tarag bhuta saba,

dekhata ati biparta bolahi

bacana bicitra bidhi.93.

The ghosts danced and sang; they were all extremely fantastic. They looked most
absurd and spoke words in a peculiar style. (93)
0 af t rar a ff rf n rar+
;r fr s farr fa ffr f r; rr+ {+
fn n rt rr fr f f frt+
rn t arr ffnf a rr+ +
r= a rt fa r fa rt+
n afr n r nrf n fa r+ -+
f fnf n r rrn a a r+
rr rf r; rn; rr ff fr;+ +
Cau. : jasa dulahu tasi ban bart, kautuka bibidha hohi

maga jt.

himcala raceu bitn, ati bicitra nahi

ji bakhn.1.
saila sakala jaha lagi jaga mh

, laghu bisla nahi

barani sirh

bana sgara saba nad

talv, himagiri saba kahu nevata pahv.2.

kmarupa sudara tana dhr, sahita samja sahita bara nr.
gae sakala tuhincala geh, gvahi

magala sahita saneh.3.


giri bahu gha sa vare, jathjogu taha


saba che.
pura sobh avaloki suh, lgai laghu biraci nipun.4.
The procession was now quite worthy of the bridegroom; the processionists
indulged in gaieties of various kinds as they went along. On the other side Himcala
erected a most wonderful pavilion which beggared description. As many mountains as
existed in the world, small or big, more than man can count, and the whole host of
woods, seas, rivers and ponds* were all invited by Himcala. Capable of taking any form
they liked, they assumed handsome figures and repaired to the house of Himlaya
alongwith their retinues and fair consorts. They all sang festive songs out of affection.
The mountain-king had already caused a number of houses to be tastefully decorated;
all the guests were lodged therein, each occupying a house befitting ones status. The
splendour of the city was so captivating that after a glance at it the creative skill of
Brahm himself looked very insinificant. (14)
U0rr rn ff t far rf rr t
rn azrn far n r t+
n f ar arr a n n rt
far = a f f f rt+
Cha.:laghu lga bidhi k nipunat avaloki pura sobh sah,
bana bga kupa taRga sarit subhaga saba saka ko kah.
magala bipula torana patk ketu gha gha sohah

banit purua sudara catura chabi dekhi muni mana mohah

A glance at the beautiful city made the creative art of Brahm himself pale into
insignificance. Groves and gardens, wells and ponds and rivers, all looked charming
beyond words. Every house was decorated with a number of triumphal arches, flags and
buntings. Men and women of the city were so lovely and ingenious that they enraptured
the hearts even of sages.
0nr at r = f f r;
ffq ffq f-r fa a fr;+ +
Do.: jagadab jaha avatar so puru barani ki ji,
riddhi siddhi sapatti sukha nita nutana adhiki.94.
The city in which the Mother of the universe had bodied Herself forth baffled
all description. Prosperity and success, wealth and happiness were always on the
increase there and presented a new aspect. (94)
0n f ra f r; = rr fr;+
f r f r rr r nrr+ {+
f frt ff f fa rt+
f r rn fzf r rn+ +
f t a r r t r+
n f fa rar f fa nrar+ -+
* According to the Hindu scriptures every natural object is believed to be presided over by a spirit; it
is these spirits that are referred to here.
f r f r; rar r f frar+
= r rr r r f rr+ +
Cau.: nagara nikaa barta suni , pura kharabharu sobh adhik.
kari banva saji bhana nn, cale lena sdara agavn.1.
hiya harae sura sena nihr, harihi dekhi ati bhae sukhr.
siva samja jaba dekhana lge, biari cale bhana saba bhge.2.
dhari dhraju taha

rahe sayne, blaka saba lai jva parne.
gae bhavana puchahi

pitu mt, kahahi

bacana bhaya kapita gt.3.

kahia kha kahi ji na bt, jama kara dhra kidhau

baru baurha basaha asavr, byla kapla bibhuana chr.4.
When it was heard that the bridegrooms procession was close at hand, there was
commotion in the city, which added to its charm. Adorning themselves and decorating
their vehicles of various kinds, a party proceeded in advance to receive the procession
with due honour. They were gladdened at heart to see the gathering of the immortals.
And they were all the more happy to behold r Hari (Viu). But when they started
looking at ivas retinue, every animal they rode started back and fled in panic. The
adults recovered themselves and remained where they were, while every child that came
ran for its life. On their reaching home when their parents questioned them, they spoke
as follows, their limbs still shaking with fear, What shall we say? The sight was such
as could not be described. We wonder whether it was a bridegrooms procession or the
army of Death. The bridegroom is a maniac, riding on a bull; serpents, skulls and ashes
are his ornaments. (14)
U0a r r r n f r
n a a fr rfnf f tr+
r fa ff ra a - z af t
ff r sr fr rr rr ra f f- t+
Cha.: tana chra byla kapla bhuana nagana jaila bhayakar,
sa ga bhuta preta pisca jogini bikaa mukha rajancar.
jo jiata rahihi barta dekhata punya baRa tehi kara sah,
dekhihi so um bibhu ghara ghara bta asi larikanha kah.
His body is smeared with ashes and adorned with serpents and skulls. He is
naked, has matted hair on his head and is dreadful to look at. He is accompanied by
ghosts and evil spirits, goblins and fairies and demons with a frightful countenance. He
who survives on seeing the marriage procession is a man of great luck indeed and he
alone will witness the wedding of Um. These were the words uttered by the children
from house to house.
0fr r f rf
r rr ff ff fz r z= rf+ ~+
Do.: samujhi mahesa samja saba janani janaka musukhi

bla bujhe bibidha bidhi niara hohu daru nhi

The parents smiled; for they knew that the children were talking of ivas retinue.
They reassured the children in many ways and said, Be not afraid, there is no cause
for fear. (95)
0 nr raf r f f r r+
r rat rt n n nrf rt+ {+
r r rt f t f rt+
f =f r - s s fr+ +
rfn t fa rrr n r rr+
r z s rt t-t rf fntrt+ -+
f nr rt tr r rt+
f ff arf = t-r a f z = rs t-r+ +
Cau.: lai agavna bartahi e, die sabahi janavsa suhe.

subha rat sa vr, saga sumagala gvahi

kacana thra soha bara pn, parichana cal harahi haran.
bikaa bea rudrahi jaba dekh, abalanha ura bhaya bhayau bise.2.
bhgi bhavana paih

ati trs, gae mahesu jah

main hdaya

bhayau dukhu bhr, lnh boli girsakumr.3.
adhika saneha

goda baihr, syma saroja nayana bhare br.

bidhi tumhahi rupu asa dnh, tehi

jaRa baru bura kasa knh.4.

The party which had gone ahead to receive the marriage procession returned
with the procession and assigned beautiful lodgings to all the guests. Main (Prvats
mother) kindled auspicious lights for waving round the bridegroom and the women
accompanying her sang melodious songs of rejoicing. A salver of gold adorned
Mens fair hands and she proceeded to welcome Lord Hara with great delight. The
women were seized with excessive fear when they saw Rudra (iva) in frightful
accoutrements. They fled in great panic and entered the house; while the great Lord
iva repaired to the lodgings of the bridegrooms party. Main was sore distressed
at heart and sent for Prvat. With great affection she seated her in her lap; and tears
rushed to her eyes; which resembled a pair of blue lotuses. How the Creator, who
has made you so beautiful, has became so stupid to create such a raving madman
for your bridegroom! (14)
U0 t- = r ff f arf ar ;
r f a=f r f rn;+
ar fa fnf a fn r ff
rr= rs rs n ta fr +
Cha.: kasa knha baru baurha bidhi jehi

tumhahi sudarat da,

jo phalu cahia surataruhi

so barabasa baburahi

tumha sahita giri te girau

pvaka jarau jalanidhi mahu

parau ,
gharu ju apajasu hou jaga jvata bibhu na hau karau .
How strange that the Creator, who has made you so lovely, should have given you
a crazy fellow for a bridegroom ! A fruit which should have adorned the wish-yielding tree
is helplessly appearing on a thorny Babula. Taking you in my arms I would sooner fall
from a mountain-top, cast myself into the flames or drown myself into the sea. Let my
home be ruined and let me earn a bad reputation throughout the world; but in no case
would I marry you with this maniac so long as there is life in me.
0; f r fa f fnfrf
f fr rfa fa ar rf+ +
Do.: bha

bikala abal sakala dukhita dekhi girinri,

kari bilpu rodati badati sut sanehu sa bhri.96.
All the ladies assembled there were distressed when they saw the consort of
Himcala sad. Recalling the affection of her daughter she wailed, wept and exclaimed as
below: (96)
0r r fnrr r f- a srr+
s sf f- t-r f rfn a t-r+ {+
r s- r rr srt r rr+
rr rrr r tr rr f r tr+ +
ff f frf rt rt a f rt+
frf rf fa rar r ; r ; frar+ -+
fr rs r a a r nr; r+
ar ff f ff r ra f r+ +
Cau.: nrada kara mai

kha bigr, bhavanu mora jinha basata ujr.

asa upadesu umahi jinha dnh, baure barahi lgi tapu knh.1.
scehu unha ke moha na my, udsna dhanu dhmu na jy.
para ghara ghlaka lja na bhr, b

jha ki jna prasava kai pr.2.

jananihi bikala biloki bhavn, bol juta bibeka mdu bn.
asa bicri socahi mati mt, so na arai jo racai bidht.3.
karama likh jau

bura nhu, tau kata dosu lagia khu.
tumha sana miahi

ki bidhi ke ak, mtu byartha jani lehu kalak.4.

What harm have I done to Nrada that he should have ruined my home and
tendered such advice to Um as made her undergo penance for securing a crazy
husband? In good sooth the sage is passionless and without affection; he has no wealth,
no dwelling and no wife and is indifferent to all. That is why he destroys others homes.
He has neither shame nor fear. What does a barren woman know of the pains of
childbirth? Seeing Her mother distressed, Bhavn addressed the following soft yet
prudent words to her. Whatever is ordained by Providence cannot be altered. Realizing
this be not worried, mother. If I am destined to have a crazy husband, why should
anyone be blamed for it? Can you alter the decree of Providence? Therefore, take no
reproach on you unnecessarily. (14)
U0f ra =r f t
r fr fr r rs at+
f sr fta r r rt
rfa fff nr; rf frt+
Cha.:jani lehu mtu kalaku karun pariharahu avasara nah

dukhu sukhu jo likh lilra hamare jba jaha puba tah

suni um bacana binta komala sakala abal socah

bahu bh

ti bidhihi lagi duana nayana bri bimocah

Take no reproach on you; cease lamenting; this is no occasion for it. The amount
of joy and sorrow that has fallen to my lot I must reap wherever I go. Hearing the soft
and polite words of Um all the ladies became sad. They blamed the Creator in many
ways and tears flowed from their eyes.
0af r fa = ff e a
rr f affnf n aa fa+ +
Do.: tehi avasara nrada sahita aru rii sapta sameta,
samcra suni tuhinagiri gavane turata niketa.97.
On hearing the news that very moment Himcala came to his house alongwith
Nrada and the seven seers. (97)
0a r t rrr = rn rr+
r - rt nr a ar rt+ {+
r rf f+ frff r n frff+
n r rff f ;-r tr rff+ +
t - n r; r at a r;+
a at f frt r fq n rt+ -+
r ra f nr s rr anr+
s r f r t-r t t-r+ +
Cau.: taba nrada sabah samujhv, puruba kathprasagu sunv.
mayan satya sunahu mama bn, jagadab tava sut bhavn.1.
aj andi sakti abinsini, sad sabhu aradhaga nivsini.
jaga sabhava plana laya krini, nija icch ll bapu dhrini.2.

prathama daccha gha j, nmu sati sudara tanu p.

taha hu sati sakarahi bibh

, kath prasiddha sakala jaga mh

eka bra vata siva sag, dekheu raghukula kamala patag.
bhayau mohu siva kah na knh, bhrama basa beu sya kara lnh.4.
Then Nrada reassured them all, narrating to them the past history of Um. He
said, Main, hear my true words: your daughter is none else than Bhavn (the eternal
Consort of iva), Mother of the universe. She is the unborn and imperishable divine
energy, who has no beginning; She is ambhus inseparable half. She creates, maintains
and then dissolves the universe and assumes the semblance of a human form of Her own
will. First she was born in the house of Daka. Sat was Her name and charming was
Her form. Even in that incarnation Sat was married with akara. The story is well-known
throughout the world. One day, while She was returning home with iva, She beheld r
Rma, who is a sun as it were to the lotus-like race of Raghu. Bewildered by His sight,
She did not listen to ivas advice and was beguiled into assuming the disguise of St.
U0f at r t- af r ft
f r; rf fa rnr t+
f ar f fa rfn r= a fr
rf a fnfr r fr+
Cha.:siya beu sat

jo knha tehi

apardha sakara parihar

hara biraha ji bahori pitu ke jagya jognala jar

aba janami tumhare bhavana nija pati lgi druna tapu kiy,
asa jni sasaya tajahu girij sarbad sakara priy.
akara repudiated Her because She had offended Him by assuming the
disguise of St. Separated from Hara, She then visited the sacrifice undertaken by Her
father and burnt Herself in the fire of Yoga (meditation) there. Now, reborn in your house,
She has undergone terrible penance for the sake of Her lord. Knowing this, give up all
doubt; Girij (your daughter) is ever beloved of akara.
0f r a fr fr
rs rr rr r+ c+
Do.: suni nrada ke bacana taba saba kara mi bida,
chana mahu

bypeu sakala pura ghara ghara yaha sabda.98.
When they heard Nradas explanation, the sadness of all was dispersed. In a trice
the news spread from house to house throughout the city. (98)
0a r fa f f rat +
rf = f r r n rn fa r+ {+
n r nnrr f r rr rr+
rfa ; rr rtr rr+ +
r r f r; rt f f ra rt+
r r rat fr ff rat+ -+
ff rfa t rr rn = f rr+
rf a rt nt nrt rt+ +
Cau.: taba mayan himavatu anade, puni puni prabat pada bade.
nri purua sisu jub sayne, nagara loga saba ati harane.1.
lage hona pura magalagn, saje sabahi

haka ghaa nn.


ti aneka bha jevanr, supasstra jasa kachu byavahr.2.

so jevanra ki ji bakhn, basahi

bhavana jehi

mtu bhavn.
sdara bole sakala bart, binu biraci deva saba jt.3.
bibidhi p

ti baih jevanr, lge parusana nipuna sur.

nribda sura jeva ta jn, lag

dena gr

mdu bn.4.
Then Main and her consort Himavn rejoiced and bowed at Prvats feet again
and again. All the citizens, including men, women and children, youngmen as well as
elderly people, were immensely delighted. Festive songs began to be sung in the city;
vases of gold of every pattern were displayed by all. Dishes of various kinds were
prepared in accordance with the processes given in gastrological works. Is it ever possible
to describe the varieties of dishes prepared in the house where lived Mother Bhavn?
Himcala respectfully summoned all the members of the bridegrooms party, including
Viu, Brahm and other gods of all classes. The dinner guests sat in many rows; and
expert cooks began to serve. Finding the gods dining, batches of women began to banter
and rail at them in pleasant strains. (14)
U0nrt t f f f rt
r f fa f fr f rt+
a r vr r rf vr
r; t- r n r rr vr+

madhura svara dehi

sudari bigya bacana sunvah

bhojanu karahi

sura ati bilabu binodu suni sacu pvah

jeva ta jo baRhyo anadu so mukha koihu

na parai kahyo,

i dnhe pna gavane bsa jaha

jko rahyo.
Charming women railed in sweet strains and poured innuendoes. The gods felt
much amused to hear them and dined for an unusually long time. The joy that swelled
at the dinner cannot be described even with millions of tongues. Having been served with
water for rinsing their mouths at the end of the dinner, they were given betel-leaves; and
then they returned to their respective lodgings.
0f f- fa n r; r;
frf fr rr;+ +
Do.: bahuri muninha himavata kahu lagana sun i,
samaya biloki bibha kara pahae deva boli.99.
The seven sages called once more and read out to Himavn the note recording
the time fixed for the wedding; and perceiving that the hour had arrived, the latter sent
for the gods. (99)
0rf r t- f rfa r t-+
t fr rt n n nrf rt+ {+
frrr fa f rr r; f ff rr+
f f- f= r; z ff f rrr;+ +
f t- sr rr; f fnr= t r;+
a = r f n f r + -+
nfr rf rr - f t- rr+
ar r rt r; rf rt+ +
Cau.: boli sakala sura sdara lnhe, sabahi jathocita sana dnhe.
bed beda bidhna sa vr, subhaga sumagala gvahi

sighsanu ati dibya suhv, ji na barani biraci banv.
baihe siva bipranha siru n, hdaya sumiri nija prabhu raghur.2.
bahuri munsanha um bol

kari si

gru sakh


dekhata rupu sakala sura mohe, baranai chabi asa jaga kabi ko hai.3.
jagadabik jni bhava bhm, suranha manahi

mana knha pranm.

sudarat marajda bhavn, ji na koihu

badana bakhn.4.
Himavn politely sent for all the gods and assigned an appropriate seat to each
of them. An altar was prepared in accordance with the Vedic ritual and women chanted
charming festal strains. A divinely beautiful throne with the images of a pair of lions for
its arms was placed on the altar; being a handiwork of the Creator himself, it beggared
description. Bowing His head to the Brhmaas and calling to His mind His own Master,
the Lord of Raghus, iva took His seat on the throne. The great sages then sent for
Um, who was brought in by Her girl companions richly adorned. All the gods were
enraptured at Her beauty. What poet in the world could describe such loveliness?
Recognizing in Her the Mother of the universe and Spouse of iva, the divinities
mentally bowed to Her. The perfection of beauty that Bhavn was, could not be
adequately praised even with millions of tongues. (14)
U 0rf f a n f rr r
f a >rfa r fa at r+
frf ra rf nt z f r
rf f fa = ar +
Cha.: koihu

badana nahi

banai baranata jaga janani sobh mah,


kahata ruti sea srada madamati tulas kah.

chabikhni mtu bhavni gavan

madhya maapa siva jah

avaloki sakahi

na sakuca pati pada kamala manu madhukaru tah

The superb beauty of the Mother of the universe could not be described even with
millions of tongues. When even the Vedas, ea (the serpent-god) and rad (the
goddess of learning) shrink abashed, of what account is the dull-witted Tulasdsa?
Mother Bhavn, the mine of beauty, walked to the middle of the pavilion, where iva was.
Out of shyness She could not gaze on Her lords lotus feet, although Her heart was fixed
thereon like a bee.
0f r nfaf s rf
rs f f rf f rf+ {+
Do.: muni anussana ganapatihi pujeu sabhu bhavni,
kou suni sasaya karai jani sura andi jiya jni.100.
At the direction of the sages ambhu and Bhavn paid divine honours to Lord
Gaapati. Let no one be puzzled to hear this; for one should bear in mind that gods have
existed from time without beginning.* (100)
0f fr ff >rfa nr; rf- r r;+
nf fnt -r rt f t rf rt+ {+
rfn t- r f a r+
r f s-t t+ +
rf r ff frr fy ff rr+
fnfr s fr f r sr+ -+
rt r an rnr f ta frnr+
- r f rr r; t- r; rr+ +
Cau.: jasi bibha kai bidhi ruti g, mahmuninha so saba karav.
gahi girsa kusa kany pn, bhavahi samarap

jni bhavn.1.
pnigrahana jaba knha mahes, hiya

harae taba sakala sures.
bedamatra munibara uccarah

, jaya jaya jaya sakara sura karah


bjana bibidha bidhn, sumanabi nabha bhai bidhi nn.

hara girij kara bhayau bibhu, sakala bhuvana bhari rah uchhu.3.

dsa turaga ratha ng, dhenu basana mani bastu bibhg.

anna kanakabhjana bhari jn, dija dnha na ji bakhn.4.
The great sages had the nuptial ceremony performed in all its details as laid down
in the Vedas. Taking sacred Kua grass in his hand and holding the bride by Her hand,
the mountain-king Himlaya made Her over to Bhava (iva) knowing Her to be His
eternal consort. When the great Lord iva took the hand of the bride, all the great gods
were glad at heart. The principal sages chanted the Vedic formulas, while the gods
exclaimed, Hail, Hail, all Hail to akara ! Musical instruments of various kinds were
sounded and flowers of different varieties were rained down from the heavens. The
wedding of Hara and Girij was thus concluded. A spirit of rejoicing pervaded the whole
universe. Men-servants and maid-servants, horses and chariots, elephants and cows,
raiment, jewels and various other articles and even so cart-loads of foodgrains and gold
utensils were given as dowry, which was more than one could describe. (14)
U0r; fr rfa f rf f nr
r s r nf n r+
f rrn ar rfaf fr
f n rr r f fr+
* Lord Gaapati is reputed to be an offspring of iva and Prvat. It may, therefore, be asked how He
came to be worshipped by the divine pair even at the time of their wedding. The poet meets this question by
stating that Gaea and the other gods are eternal and unbegotten and that they only appear to be born.
Cha.:dija diyo bahu bh

ti puni kara jori himabhudhara kahyo,

k deu

puranakma sakara carana pakaja gahi rahyo.

kpsgara sasura kara satou saba bh


puni gahe pada pthoja mayan

prema paripurana hiyo.
Himcala gave presents of various kinds as dowry; then, joining his palms, he said,
I have nothing to give you, akara; You have all Yours desires sated! He could say
no more and remained clasping the latters feet. The ocean of mercy that iva is
reassured His father-in-law in every possible way. Then Men, with her heart overflowing
with love, clasped His lotus-feet and said:
0r sr r nft
r r; r = + {{+
Do.: ntha um mama prna sama ghakikar karehu,
chamehu sakala apardha aba hoi prasanna baru dehu.101.
Lord, Um is dear to me as life; take her as a maid-servant of Your house and
forgive all her faults. Be pleased to grant this boon to me. (101)
0 ff r rr; nt f= r;+
t sr rf a t-t sn f t-t+ {+
r r rf fa s r+
a r rt f r; s tf- rt+ +
a ff t rf n rt rt rt+
fa f art t t- frt+ -+
f f ffa fa nf r r; r+
rf- ff f rt r; f s f rt+ +
Cau.: bahu bidhi sabhu ssu samujh, gavan bhavana carana siru n.

um boli taba lnh, lai uchaga sudara sikha dnh.1.

karehu sad sakara pada puj, nridharamu pati deu na duj.
bacana kahata bhare locana br, bahuri li ura lnhi kumr.2.
kata bidhi sj

nri jaga mh

, pardhna sapanehu sukhu nh

bhai ati prema bikala mahatr, dhraju knha kusamaya bicr.3.
puni puni milati parati gahi caran, parama premu kachu ji na baran.
saba nrinha mili bhei bhavn, ji janani ura puni lapan.4.
ambhu comforted His mother-in-law in ways more than one; and she returned
home bowing her head at his feet. The mother then sent for Um, and taking Her into
her lap gave Her the following excellent advice. Ever adore the feet of akara this
sums up the duty of a wife. Her husband is her deity; there is no other god for her. As
she spoke these words, her eyes filled with tears and she pressed the girl to her bosom.
Why has god created woman in this world? One who is subardinate on others can never
dream of happiness. The mother was overwhelmed with emotion; but knowing as she
did that it was not an opportune moment for betraying ones weakness, she recovered
herself. Main met Prvat again and again and fell down clasping the girls feet; her
supreme love was beyond all words. Bidding adieu to all the ladies Bhavn ran and clung
to her mothers breast once more. (14)
U0ff f ff t sfa t r ;
f ff frfa ra a a t f f n;+
r arf = sr fa
f fr r +
Cha.: jananihi bahuri mili cal ucita assa saba khu


phiri phiri bilokati mtu tana taba sakh

lai siva pahi


jcaka sakala satoi sakaru um sahita bhavana cale,
saba amara harae sumana barai nisna nabha bje bhale.
Taking leave of Her mother once more, Bhavn departed; everyone uttered
appropriate blessings to Her. She often turned back to have a look at Her mother; Her
girl companions then took Her to iva. Having gratified all beggars. akara proceeded
to His home (Mount Kailsa) with Um. All the divinities delightfully rained down flowers
and kettledrums produced a charming sound in the heavens.
0 n fa a r fa a
ff rfa far f fr t- a+ {+
Do.: cale saga himavatu taba pahu cvana ati hetu,
bibidha bh

ti paritou kari bid knha baketu.102.

Himavn then accompanied iva in order to see Him off with great affection. iva,
however, sent him back, consoling him in various ways. (102)
0aa r fnfr; f rr;+
r r f rr fr t- frr+ {+
f rf r f f r fr+
na ra fa rt af fnr= s rt+ +
f ff ff rn frr n- a f rr+
fnfr fr fa f ff f r f n+ -+
a s rr ar = f rr+
rn fn fq rr - - n rr+ +
Cau.: turata bhavana e girir, sakala saila sara lie bol.
dara dna binaya bahumn, saba kara bid knha himavn.1.

sabhu kailsahi

e, sura saba nija nija loka sidhe.

jagata mtu pitu sabhu bhavn, tehi

sigru na kahau


bibidha bidhi bhoga bils, gananha sameta basahi

hara girij bihra nita naya u, ehi bidhi bipula kla cali gaya u.3.
taba janameu aabadana kumr, traku asuru samara jehi

gama nigama prasiddha purn, anmukha janmu sakala jaga jn.4.
The mountain-king returned home at once and summoned all other mountains and
lakes. Himavn greeted them with due attention, gifts, polite words and great honour and
allowed them all to depart. No sooner had ambhu reached Mount Kailsa than all the
gods returned to their respective realms. ambhu and Bhavn are the parents of the
universe; hence I refrain from portraying their amorous sports. Indulging in luxuries and
enjoyments of various kinds the divine pair lived on Mount Kailsa alongwith Their
attendants. Hara and Girij enjoyed some new delight everyday. In this way a considerable
time elapsed. Thereafter was born to them a boy with six heads, who (later on) killed the
demon Traka in battle. The story of amukha (the six-headed deity) is well-known in
the Vedas, Tantras and Puras, and the entire world knows it. (14)
U0n r - - ar =r r
af a a a fa f r+
sr fr rf f nrt
rr r fr n r rt+
Cha.: jagu jna anmukha janmu karmu pratpu pururathu mah,
tehi hetu mai

baketu suta kara carita sachepahi

yaha um sabhu bibhu je nara nri kahahi

je gvah

kalyna kja bibha magala sarbad sukhu pvah

The tale of the birth, exploits, glory and surpassing strength of amukha is
known to the whole world. That is why I have briefly touched the narrative of ivas son.
Men and women who narrate or sing this story of the wedding of Um and ambhu shall
ever rejoice in their auspicious undertaking as well as during festive occassions such as
wedding etc.
0fa f fnfr rf r=
atr ff fa fa nr=+ {-+
Do.: carita sidhu girij ramana beda na pvahi

baranai tulasdsu kimi ati matimada gav

The exploits of Girijs lord are illimitable like the ocean; even the Vedas cannot
reach their end. How, then, can Tulasdsa, a most dull-witted clown, succeed in
describing them? (103)
0 fa f rr r f fa rr+
rr r rt f- t= rrf rt+ {+
f r rt r f f rt+
r - a - tr arf r f ntr+ +
f f-f fa rt rf a rrt+
f ftr r na - + -+
f r rrfa art f rr at at f rt+
f rrfa nfa r; r f rf f r;+ +
Cau.: sabhu carita suni sarasa suhv, bharadvja muni ati sukhu pv.
bahu llas kath para bRh, nayananhi nru romvali hRh.1.
prema bibasa mukha va na bn, das dekhi harae muni gyn.
aho dhanya tava janmu muns, tumhahi prna sama priya gaurs.2.
siva pada kamala jinhahi rati nh

, rmahi te sapanehu

na sohh

binu chala bisvantha pada nehu, rma bhagata kara lacchana ehu.3.
siva sama ko raghupati bratadhr, binu agha taj sat asi nr.
panu kari raghupati bhagati dekh, ko siva sama rmahi priya bh.4.
Bharadvja was much delighted to hear the sweet and charming story of ambhus
deeds. His passion for hearing the story grew to be inordinate; tears rushed to his eyes
and the hair on his body bristled with joy. Overpowered with emotion he could not utter
a word. The enlightened sage Yjavalkya was delighted to see his condition. Blessed
indeed is your birth. O great sage, he said, to you the Lord of Gaur is dear as life.
Those who love not ivas lotus feet cannot even dream of pleasing Rma. A guileless
love for ivas feet is the surest sign of a devotee of Rma. Who is so faithful to the Lord
of Raghus as iva, who renounced a sinless wife like Sat, and demonstrated ideal
devotion to Rma by His pledge of unswerving fidelity? Brother, whom does Rma hold
so dear as iva? (14)
0f f f fa rr arr
f ar r fa ta fr+ {+
Do.: prathamahi


kahi siva carita bujh maramu tumhra,

suci sevaka tumha rma ke rahita samasta bikra.104.
Having begun by recounting the deeds of iva I have come to know your secret.
You are indeed a faithful servant of Rma, free from all impurities. (104)
0 rr arr n tr s rrfa tr+
f r rn ar f r; r+ {+
r fa fa fa tr f f a rf tr+
af r>ra s rt ff fnrfa rt+ +
r r=rf trt r r art+
f r f rt f s f rf rt+ -+
s r; r rrrr s f ar n nrr+
r fnf= r r r f sr fr+ +
Cau.: mai

jn tumhra guna sl, kahau

sunahu aba raghupati ll.
sunu muni ju samgama tore , kahi na ji jasa sukhu mana more .1.
rma carita ati amita muns, kahi na sakahi

sata koi ahs.

tadapi jathruta kahau bakhn, sumiri girpati prabhu dhanupn.2.
srada drunri sama svm, rmu s utradhara atarajm.
jehi para kp karahi

janu jn, kabi ura ajira nacvahi

pranavau soi kpla raghunth, baranau bisada tsu guna gth.
parama ramya giribaru kailsu, sad jah

siva um nivsu.4.
I have come to know your virtues and disposition. Listen, therefore, while I narrate
the story of the Lord of Raghus. O sage, I cannot say how glad I am at this meeting with
you today. O lord of sages, the exploits of r Rma are much beyond measure; even
a thousand million eas (serpent-kings) cannot recount them. Nevertheless, fixing my
thoughts on the Lord who wields a bow in His hand and is the lord of speech, I repeat
the tale as I have heard it. rad (the goddess of speech) is like a puppet; while r
Rma, the inner controller of all, is the master of the puppet show, who holds the strings
in his hands. When He blesses a poet knowing him to be a devotee, He causes the
goddess to dance in the courtyard of his heart. To Him, the benevolent Lord of Raghus,
I bow and commence the recital of His fair virtues. Of all mountains the most charming
and the best is Kailsa, where iva and Um eternally dwell. (14)
0fq ar rfn f f
f ar at f f + {~+
Do.: siddha tapodhana jogijana sura kinara munibda,


sukt sakala sevahi

siva sukhakada.105.
Hosts of Siddhas (adepts) ascetics and Yogs (mystics), as well as gods, Kinnaras
and sages, all lucky souls, reside there and adore iva, the root of all joy. (105)
0f f fa rt a a f rt+
af fnf f frr fa a rr+ {+
frf t taf rr f f>rr f >rfa nrr+
r af a n a= frf s fa + +
f zrf rnf rr f rr+
; n tr f ftr+ -+
a= = r fa na z a r+
n fa frrt r f rt+ +
Cau.: hari hara bimukha dharma rati nh

, te nara tah~a sapanehu



tehi giri para baa biapa bisl, nita nutana sudara saba kl.1.
tribidha samra sustali chy, siva birma biapa ruti gy.
eka bra tehi tara prabhu gaya u, taru biloki ura ati sukhu bhaya u.2.
nija kara si ngaripu chl, baihe sahajahi

sabhu kpl.
kuda idu dara gaura sarr, bhuja pralaba paridhana municr.3.
taruna aruna abuja sama caran, nakha duti bhagata hdaya tama haran.
bhujaga bhuti bhuana tripurr, nanu sarada cada chabi hr.4.
Those who have their faces turned away from Hari and Hara and have no love for
righteousness cannot even dream of going there. On the summit of that mountain exists a
huge banyan tree, which is ever young and is charming during all seasons. Fanned by
cool, soft and fragrant breezes, its shade is very refreshing. It is the favourite resort of iva,
extolled by the Vedas. Once upon a time the Lord betook Himself beneath the tree and was
much gladdened at heart to see it. Spreading His tigerskin on the ground with His own
hands, the all-merciful iva sat down casually. His body fair in hue as the jasmine, the
moon and the conch-shell; long arms of inordinate length; a hermits covering, consisting of
the bark of trees, wrapped round His loins; His feet resembling a pair of full-blown red
lotuses and their toe-nails shedding a lustre which dispelled the darkness of the devotees
heart; serpents and the ashes serving as ornaments of the Slayer of Tripura and His countenance
eclipsing the splendour even of the autumnal full moon. (14)
0r fa f r f fr
t r-ff r rf r+ {+
Do.: ja mukua surasarita sira locana nalina bisla,
nlakaha lvanyanidhi soha blabidhu bhla.106.
With His twisted coils of hair for a crown and the celestial stream (the Gag)
adorning His head, eyes as big as a pair of lotuses, throat dark with poison and with the
crescent shining on His brow, the Lord looked like a veritable mine of beauty. (106)
0 r rf t= ra +
rat = rt n; f ra rt+ {+
rf fr r= fa t-r r rn r t-r+
t f t r; = - r fa r;+ +
fa f a f rt ff sr rt f rt+
r r r fart r; rt+ -+
ftr r rt fr fr ffa arrt+
= rn r f r+ +
Cau.: baihe soha kmaripu kaise , dhare sarru starasu jaise .
prabat bhala avasaru jn, ga

sabhu pahi

mtu bhavn.1.
jni priy daru ati knh, bma bhga sanu hara dnh.

siva sampa hara, p uruba janma kath cita .2.

pati hiya

hetu adhika anumn, bihasi um bol

priya bn.
kath jo sakala loka hitakr, soi puchana caha sailakumr.3.
bisvantha mama ntha purr, tribhuvana mahim bidita tumhr.
cara aru acara nga nara dev, sakala karahi

pada pakaja sev.4.

Seated there, the Destroyer of Cupid looked like an incarnation of the sentiment
of Quietism. Finding it a good opportunity, Mother Bhavn called on ambhu. In
recognition of Her wifely love Lord Hara showed Her great courtesy and assigned Her
a seat on His left side. Prvat gladly sat down beside iva and recalled the history of
Her past life. Presuming that Her lord cherished in His heart greater love for Her than
before, Um smilingly spoke the following sweet words to Him: the Daughter of Himlaya
sought to elicit from Her lord the story which is profitable to the whole world. O Lord of
the universe, O my Master, O slayer of the demon Tripura! Your glory is known to all
the three spheres. Animate as well as inanimate beings, Ngas, men and gods, all do
homage to Your lotus-feet. (14)
0 f r n r
rn r r ff a a= r+ {+
Do.: prabhu samaratha sarbagya siva sakala kal guna dhma,
joga gyna bairgya nidhi pranata kalapataru nma.107.
My Lord, You are all-powerful, all-wise and all-blissful; You are a repository of all
arts and virtues and a storehouse of Yoga (askesis), wisdom and dispassion. Your Name
is a wish-yielding tree as it were to the suppliant. (107)
0 r r rt rf - rf f rt+
a r rr f rrr r ff rr+ {+
r a= a r; f f f fa r;+
f z frt r fa rt+ +
f rrt f r zr rt+
rr rr f rrfa n nrr+ -+
ar f r r f rat r n rrat+
r r fa a r; t n nfa r;+ +
Cau.: jau

mo para prasanna sukhars, jnia satya mohi nija ds.
tau prabhu harahu mora agyn, kahi raghuntha kath bidhi nn.1.
jsu bhavanu surataru tara ho, sahi ki daridra janita dukhu so.
sasibhuana asa hdaya bicr, harahu ntha mama mati bhrama bhr.2.
prabhu je muni paramrathabd, kahahi

rma kahu

brahma and.
sesa srad beda purn, sakala karahi

raghupati guna gn.3.

tumha puni rma rma dina rt, sdara japahu an~a ga rt.
rmu so avadha npati suta so, k aja aguna alakhagati ko.4.
O blissful Lord, if You are pleased with me and know me to be Your faithful
servant, then, my Master, disperse my ignorance by repeating to me the various stories
of the Lord of Raghus. Why should he who has his abode beneath a wish-yielding tree
undergo the suffering born of want? Bearing this in mind, O Lord with the crescent on
the forehead, dispel the great confusion of my mind. O Lord, the sages who discourse
on the supreme Reality speak of Rma as the Brahma who has no beginning; ea and
rad, as well as the Vedas and the Puras, all sing praises of the Lord of Raghus.
You too, O Subduer of Love, reverently repeat the word Rma night and day. Is this
Rma the same as the son of the King of Ayodhy or some other unborn, unqualified and
imperceptible Being? (14)
0 a a zr ff rf f fa rf
f fa fr a fa fq fa rf+ {c+
Do.: jau npa tanaya ta brahma kimi nri birah~ a

mati bhori,
dekhi carita mahim sunata bhramati buddhi ati mori.108.
If a kings son, how could he be Brahma (the Infinite)? And if he were Brahma,
how could his mind get unhinged by the loss of his wife? When I see his acts on the one
hand, and hear of his glory on the other, my mind gets utterly confused. (108)
0 t r f r rr; r rf r+
rf f s f f ff r f r; + {+
tf r ar; fa f arf r;+
af f r rr r t rfa rr+ +
s r r fs r+
a rf rfa rr r r fr f rr+ -+
a fr rt rr =f rt+
ta r n nrr nr rr+ +
Cau.: jau

anha bypaka bibhu kou, kahahu bujhi ntha mohi sou.
agya jni risa ura jani dharah u, jehi bidhi moha miai soi karah u.1.

bana dkhi rma prabhut, ati bhaya bikala na tumhahi sun.

tadapi malina mana bodhu na v, so phalu bhal bh

ti hama pv.2.

kachu sasau mana more , karahu kp binavau kara jore .

prabhu taba mohi bahu bh

ti prabodh, ntha so samujhi karahu jani krodh.3.

taba kara asa bimoha aba nh

, rmakath para ruci mana mh

kahahu punta rma guna gth, bhujagarja bhuana suranth.4.
If, my lord, there is any other desireless, all-pervading and all-powerful Brahma,
instruct me about the same. Be not angry at my folly, but take steps to wipe out my ignorance.
In the wood (in my previous birth) I witnessed r Rmas glory, although I was too awe-
stricken to tell You. Yet, my mind was so impure that I did not understand, and I reaped a
good return for my folly. Some doubt still lingers in my mind. Be gracious to me, I implore
You with joined palms. Lord, You instructed me then in ways more than one; yet I did not
understand. Do not allow this thought to anger You. I have no such delusion now; I find
developed in me a taste for hearing the story of Rma. Recount the sacred virtues of r
Rma, O Lord of immortals, having the serpent-king (ea) for an ornament. (14)
0s f f f= f s rf
rr f >rfa fqra frf+ {+
Do.: badau pada dhari dharani siru binaya karau kara jori,
baranahu raghubara bisada jasu ruti siddhta nicori.109.
Placing my head on the ground, I adore Your feet and entreat You with joined
palms to recount the unsullied glory of the Chief of Raghus, giving in substance the
conclusion of the revealed texts (the Vedas) on the subject. (109)
0f rfar f frt rt arrt+
ns a- r rf ra frt rf+ {+
fa rfa s rr rrfa r f rr+
r r frt fn zr n rt+ +
f r arr rfa f srr+
r rt frt r ar r rt+ -+
f t- fa rr r ff r rr+
r f t-t tr tr+ +
Cau.: jadapi joit nahi

adhikr, ds mana krama bacana tumhr.

guRhau tattva na sdhu durvahi

, rata adhikr jaha pvahi

ati rati puchau surary, raghupati kath kahahu kari dy.
prathama so krana kahahu bicr, nirguna brahma saguna bapu dhr.2.
puni prabhu kahahu rma avatr, blacarita puni kahahu udr.
kahahu jath jnak bibh

, rja taj so duana kh

bana basi knhe carita apr, kahahu ntha jimi rvana mr.
rja baihi knh

bahu ll, sakala kahahu sakara sukhasl.4.

Though as a woman I am not qualified to hear it, I am Your servant in thought,
word and deed. Saints do not withhold even an esoteric truth wherever they find a person
smitten with agony, and therefore qualified to receive it. I ask You with a heart sore
distressed; be gracious enough to narrate the story of the Lord of Raghus. First tell me
after a mature thought what makes the unqualified Brahma assume a qualified form.
Then, my lord, relate the story of r Rmas descent, and tell me next the charming
exploits of His childhood. Then let me know how He wedded Janakas daughter, St,
and the fault for which He had to renounce His fathers kingdom later on. Then describe
the innumerable deeds performed by Him while He lived in the forest; and further tell me,
my lord, how He killed Rvaa. Then relate, O blissful akara, all the numerous sports
that were enacted by Him after his coronation. (14)
0f =ra t- r r
r fa rrf ff n f r+ {{+
Do.: bahuri kahahu karunyatana knha jo acaraja rma,
praj sahita raghubasamani kimi gavane nija dhma.110.
Thereafter relate, O gracious Lord, the miracle wrought by Rma, viz., how that
Jewel of Raghus line proceeded to His divine Abode alongwith all His subjects. (110)
0f r a- rt f fr n f rt+
nfa r fr frnr f fa frnr+ {+
s r t r r fa f fr+
r r f r; rs r r f nr;+ +
ar fr n rr r t r r rr+
t sr r; ft f f r;+ -+
f rfa r r r+
>rtrrr = s rr r fa rr+ +
Cau.: puni prabhu kahahu so tattva bakhn, jehi

bigyna magana muni gyn.

bhagati gyna bigyna birg, puni saba baranahu sahita bibhg.1.
aurau rma rahasya anek, kahahu ntha ati bimala bibek.
jo prabhu mai

puch nahi

ho, sou dayla rkhahu jani go.2.

tumha tribhuvana gura beda bakhn, na jva p

vara k jn.
prasna um kai sahaja suh, chala bihna suni siva mana bh.3.
hara hiya

rmacarita saba e, prema pulaka locana jala che.
rraghuntha rupa ura v, paramnada amita sukha pv.4.
Then expound, my lord, the truth in the realization of which enlightened sages
remain absorbed. And thereafter discuss in detail the conceptions of Devotion, Jna or
Knowledge of the formless Absolute, Vijna or the Knowledge of qualified Divinity with
and without form, and Dispassion. Over and above this, O Lord of purest understanding,
reveal to me the many other mysteries connected with Rma. And if there be anything
which I have omitted to ask, do not keep it back, my gracious lord. You are the preceptor
of all the three spheres, so declare the Vedas; what can other poor creatures know?
iva was glad at heart to hear these questions of Um, naturally pleasing and guileless
as they were. All the exploits of Rma flashed on His mind; the hair on His body bristled
with rapture and His eyes filled with tears. The figure of r Rma was reflected on the
mirror of His heart. This brought immense joy to iva, who is an embodiment of supreme
bliss Himself. (14)
0n r z n f r t-
rrfa fa a fa t-+ {{{+
Do.: magana dhynarasa daa juga puni mana bhera knha,
raghupati carita mahesa taba haraita baranai lnha.111.
For an hour or so iva was lost in the ecstasy of meditation. He then recovered
Himself and thereafter began joyfully to tell the story of Rma. (111)
0rs - rf f r ff n f fr+
f r n r; r; rn r r;+ {+
s r= r; r ff a f r+
n n rt s r f frt+ +
f r rf frrt f r fnr srt+
- - fnfrrt ar r f rs srt+ -+
rrfa r nr r n rf nnr+
ar rrt rnt tf- t na fa rnt+ +
Cau. : jhuheu satya jhi binu jne , jimi bhujaga binu raju pahicne .
jehi jne jaga ji her, jge jath sapana bhrama j.1.

blarupa soi rmu, saba sidhi sulabha japata jisu nmu.
magala bhavana amagala hr, dravau so dasaratha ajira bihr.2.
kari pranma rmahi tripurr, harai sudh sama gir ucr.
dhanya dhanya girirjakumr, tumha samna nahi

kou upakr.3.
pu chehu raghupati kath prasag, sakala loka jaga pvani gag.
tumha raghubra carana anurg, knhihu prasna jagata hita lg.4.
Due to lack of knowledge about r Rma even the unreal passes for real, just
as ignorance about a rope leads us to mistake it for a snake. Even so the moment we
know Him the world of matter vanishes, just as the delusion of a dream disappears as
soon as we wake up. Him do I reverence in the form of a Child, the repetition of whose
Name brings all kinds of success within our easy reach. May that Home of bliss and
Bane of woe take compassion on meHe who sports in the courtyard of king
Daaratha. After thus paying homage to Rma, the Slayer of the demon Tripura joyfully
spoke in mellifluous accents as follows: You are indeed blessed and worthy of applause,
O daughter of the mountain-king; there is no such benefactor as you. You have asked
Me to repeat the history of the Lord of Raghus, which is potent enough to sanctify all the
spheres even as the Gag purifies the whole world. You are full of love for the feet of
the Hero of Raghus race; You have put questions to Me only with an eye to the good
of the world. (14)
0r r a rfa a rf
r r fr rf+ {{+
Do.: rma kp te prabati sapanehu tava mana mhi

soka moha sadeha bhrama mama bicra kachu nhi

By the blessing of Rma, O Prvat, not even in dream can grief, infatuation,
doubt or error enter your mind, so far as I can judge. (112)
0af r tf- r; a a fa r;+
f- f r t f rr >r f rr+ {+
f- a f r r r r+
a f af ar a f n r+ +
f- fnfa z f rt ta r a; rt+
r f ; r n nrr t r r t rr+ -+
f r f r; rat f ffa r rat+
fnfr r tr fa frtr+ +
Cau.: tadapi asak knhihu so, kahata sunata saba kara hita ho.
jinha hari kath sun nahi

kn, ravana radhra ahibhavana samn.1.

nayananhi sata darasa nahi

dekh, locana morapakha kara lekh.

te sira kau tubari samat ul, je na namata hari gura pada m ul.2.
jinha haribhagati hdaya nahi

n, jvata sava samna tei prn.

jo nahi

karai rma guna gn, jha so ddura jha samn.3.

kulisa kahora nihura soi cht, suni haricarita na jo harat.
girij sunahu rma kai ll, sura hita danuja bimohanasl.4.
Yet you have expressed the same old doubts again, so that all those who repeat
or hear this account may be benefited thereby. The ears of those who have never heard
the stories of r Hari are no better than snake-holes. The eyes of those who have not
blessed them with the sight of saints are as good as the sham eyes in a peacocks tail.
The heads that bow not at the soles of r Hari or of ones preceptor are just like bitter
pumpkins. Those who have cherished not in their heart the spirit of devotion to r Hari
are as good as dead, though living. The tongue that does not sing the praises of Rma
is just like the tongue of a frog. The heart which does not rejoice to hear the tales of r
Hari is hard as adamant and cruel indeed. Hear, O Girij, the exploits of r Rma, which
prove beneficial to the gods and mystify the demons. (14)
0rr a rf
ar r r rf+ {{-+
Do.: rmakath suradhenu sama sevata saba sukha dni,
satasamja suraloka saba ko na sunai asa jni.113.
Like the cow of plenty, the story of Rma bestows all blessings on those who
devote themselves to it; and the assemblages of saints are the various abodes of gods.
Knowing this, who would not listen to it? (113)
0rr art fn szrfrt+
rr f f rt r fnfrrt+ {+
r r n fa r nfa >rfa nr+
r a r nrr ar r tfa n rr+ +
af r >ra f fa rt fs f tfa fa art+
sr t a r; aa rf r;+ -+
ra f rf rrt f r rt+
ar r r r rs rr f >rfa nr f f rr+ +
Cau.: rmakath sudara kara tr, sasaya bihaga uRvanihr.
rmakath kali biapa kuhr, sdara sunu girirjakumr.1.
rma nma guna carita suhe, janama karama aganita ruti ge.
jath anata rma bhagavn, tath kath krati guna nn.2.
tadapi jath ruta jasi mati mor, kahihau dekhi prti ati tor.
um prasna tava sahaja suh, sukhada satasamata mohi bh.3.
eka bta nahi

mohi sohn, jadapi moha basa kahehu bhavn.

tumha jo kah rma kou n, jehi ruti gva dharahi

muni dhyn.4.
The story of Rma is the lovely clap of hand-palms which scares away the
birds of doubt. Even so the story of Rma is an axe to the tree of Kaliyuga (the
impurities of the Kali age); listen to it with reverence, O daughter of the mountain-king.
The charming names of r Rma, as well as His virtues, stories, births and deeds
have all been declared by the Vedas to be beyond number. As there is no end to the
divine Rma, even so His stories, glory and virtues are also endless. Yet, seeing your
great love, I will tell them even as I have heard of them to the best of my intellectual
capacity. Um, your inquiries are naturally winning and delightful and such as are
approved of by the saints; as for myself I am particularly pleased to hear them. But
there was one thing, Bhavn, which I did not like, although you uttered it under a spell
of delusion: you suggested that the Rma whom the Vedas extol and on whom the
sages contemplate is someone else! (14)
0f f n r fr
rzt f f rf r r+ {{+
Do.: kahahi


asa adhama nara grase je moha pisca,

pa hari pada bimukha jnahi

jhuha na sca.114.
Such words are spoken and heard by those vile men alone who are possessed
by the devil of infatuation, are impious and averse to the feet of r Hari and know no
difference between truth and falsehood. (114)
0 rf rnt r; f rnt+
t f ft ar f t+ {+
f a a rt f- r r f rt+
f = ftr r = f ff tr+ +
f- n n fr rf fra r+
frr na rt fa-f a rrfa rt+ -+
ra a f ar a f rf fr+
f- a rr rr fa- r f f rr+ +
Cau.: agya akobida adha abhg, k biaya mukura mana lg.
lapaa kapa kuila bise, sapanehu

satasabh nahi


te beda asamata bn, jinha ke s ujha lbhu nahi

mukura malina aru nayana bihn, rma rupa dekhahi

kimi dn.2.
jinha ke aguna na saguna bibek, jalpahi

kalpita bacana anek.

harimy basa jagata bhramh

, tinhahi kahata kachu aghaita nh

btula bhuta bibasa matavre, te nahi


bacana bicre.
jinha kta mahmoha mada pn, tinha kara kah karia nahi

Foolish, ignorant and blind wretches, the mirror of whose heart is clouded by the
film of sensuality, lecherous, deceitful and grossly perverse, who have never seen an
assemblage of holy men even in a dream and who have no sense of gain and loss, they
alone make statements which are repugnant to the Vedas. The mirror of their heart is
soiled and they have no eyes to see; how-then, can those wretched souls behold the
beauty of r Rma? For those who have no knowledge either of the unqualified Brahma
or of qualified Divinity, who indulge in fanciful utterances of various kinds and who spin
round in this world under the influence of r Haris deluding potency, no assertion is too
absurd to make. Those who are delirious or mad, those who are possessed and those
who are inebriated, do not talk sense. None should give ear to the ravings of those who
have drunk the wine of infatuation. (14)
0 f z frf a r
fnfr rf a f + {{~+
So.: asa nija hdaya bicri taju sasaya bhaju rma pada,
sunu girirja kumri bhrama tama rabi kara bacana mama.115.
Thus assured in your heart, discard all doubt and adore r Rmas feet. O
daughter of the mountain-king, hear my words, which are sun-beams as it were for the
darkness of error. (115)
0nf nf f r nrf f r r+
n = r; na n r r;+ {+
r n fa n r; f s fn f +
r r faf anr af ff f fr nr+ +
r frr fr f a r fr r+
r= nrr f a f fr frr+ -+
fr r rr t ffa frr+
r zr r n rr r rr+ +
Cau.: sagunahi agunahi nahi

kachu bhed, gvahi

muni purna budha bed.

aguna arupa alakha aja jo, bhagata prema basa saguna so ho.1.
jo guna rahita saguna soi kaise , jalu hima upala bilaga nahi

jaise .
jsu nma bhrama timira patag, tehi kimi kahia bimoha prasag.2.
rma saccidnada dines, nahi

taha moha nis lavales.

sahaja praksarupa bhagavn, nahi


puni bigyna bihn.3.
haraa bida gyna agyn, jva dharma ahamiti abhimn.
rma brahma bypaka jaga jn, paramnada paresa purn.4.
There is no difference between qualified Divinity and the unqualified Brahma: so
declare the sages and men of wisdom, the Vedas and the Puras. That which is
attributeless and formless, imperceptible and unborn, becomes qualified under the
influence of the devotees love. How can the Absolute become qualified? In the same
way as water and the hail-stone are non-different in substance. Infatuation is out of the
question for Him whose very Name is like the sun to the darkness of error. r Rma,
who is Truth, Consciousness and Bliss combined, is like the sun; the night of ignorance
cannot subsist in Him even to the smallest degree. He is the Lord whose very being is
light; there is no dawn of understanding in His case (for the dawn presupposes night and
night there is none in the sunlight of r Rma). Joy and grief, knowledge and ignorance,
egoism and pridethese are the characteristics of a Jva (finite being). r Rma is the
all-pervading Brahma; He is supreme bliss personified, the highest Lord and the most
ancient Being. The whole world knows it. (14)
0= fq r ff n r r
rrf trf r; f f rs r+ {{+
Do.: purua prasiddha praksa nidhi pragaa parvara ntha,
raghukulamani mama svmi soi kahi siva nyau mtha.116.
He who is universally known as the Spirit, the fount of light, manifest in all forms
and is the lord of life as well as of matter, that Jewel of Raghus line is my Master. So
saying iva bowed His head to Him. (116)
0f f rf rt r f z rt+
r nn rr frt rrs r f frt+ {+
fa r r nf r n n f af r+
sr r f; rr a f ff rr+ +
f t ar a ar+
r r; r rf fa r;+ -+
na rt r r rrt r n r+
r -ar a z rr r - ; r rr+ +
Cau.: nija bhrama nahi


agyn, prabhu para moha dharahi

jaRa prn.
jath gagana ghana paala nihr, jh

peu bhnu kahahi

citava jo locana aguli le , pragaa jugala sasi tehi ke bhe .
um rma biaika asa moh, nabha tama dhuma dhuri jimi soh.2.
biaya karana sura jva samet, sakala eka te eka sacet.
saba kara parama praksaka jo, rma andi avadhapati so.3.
jagata praksya praksaka rmu, mydhsa gyna guna dhmu.
jsu satyat te jaRa my, bhsa satya iva moha sahy.4.
Fools do not perceive their own error; on the other hand, those stupid creatures
attribute infatuation to the Lord, just as on seeing the sky covered with clouds, men of
unsound judgment declare that the sun has been screened by the clouds. To him who
sees with a finger stuck into his eyes the moon appears as doubled. Um, infatuation
is attributed to Rma in the same way as darkness, smoke or dust appears in the sky.
The objects of the senses, the senses and their presiding deities as well as the Jva
(embodied soul)all these derive their illumination one from the other. (That is to say,
the objects are illumined by the senses, the senses are illumined by their presiding
deities and the deities presiding over the senses are illumined by the conscious Self).
The supreme illuminator of them all is the eternal Rma, king of Ayodhy. The world of
matter is the object of illumination, while Rma is its illuminator. He is the lord of My
and the abode of wisdom and virtues. It is due to His reality that even unconscious
Matter appears as real through ignorance. (14)
0a t r ff r r rf
f r fa r r; ; rs rf+ {{+
Do.: rajata spa mahu bhsa jimi jath bhnu kara bri,
jadapi m tihu kla soi bhrama na sakai kou ri.117.
Just as a shell is mistaken for silver and a mirage for water even though the
appearance is false at all times (in the past, present and future), nobody can dispel this
delusion. (117)
0f ff n f rf>ra ; f - a ;+
f r r; f rn f r;+ {+
r r ff r; fnfr r; r rrr;+
rf a rs r rr fa rf fn nrr+ +
f ; ; f rr f ; ff rr+
r fa rnt f rt ar z rnt+ -+
a f f r n; rrr f r r+
f rfa f t fr r r; f t+ +
Cau.: ehi bidhi jaga hari rita raha, jadapi asatya deta dukha aha.
jau sapane sira kai ko, binu jge na d uri dukha ho.1.
jsu kp

asa bhrama mii j, girij soi kpla raghur.

di ata kou jsu na pv, mati anumni nigama asa gv.2.
binu pada calai sunai binu kn, kara binu karama karai bidhi nn.
nana rahita sakala rasa bhog, binu bn bakat baRa jog.3.
tana binu parasa nayana binu dekh, grahai ghrna binu bsa ase.
asi saba bh

ti alaukika karan, mahim jsu ji nahi

In a like manner is this world of matter superimposed on Hari. Though unreal,
it gives us pain nonetheless, just as if a mans head is cut off in a dream, he is not
rid of pain till he wakes. Girij, He whose grace wipes out such delusion is none else
than the benevolent Lord of Raghus. Nobody has been able to discover His beginning
or end. Basing their conclusions on speculation the Vedas have described Him in the
following words. He walks without feet, hears without ears and performs actions of
various kinds even without hands. He enjoys all tastes without a mouth (palate) and
is a most clever speaker even though devoid of speech. He touches without a body
(the tactile sense), sees without eyes and catches all odours even without a nose (the
olfactory sense). His ways are thus supernatural in every respect and His glory is
beyond description. (14)
0f ;f nrf rf f f r
r; a na fa rfa nr+ {{c+
Do.: jehi imi gvahi

beda budha jhi dharahi

muni dhyna,
soi dasaratha suta bhagata hita kosalapati bhagavna.118.
He who is thus extolled by the Vedas and men of wisdom and whom the sages
love to contemplate is no other than the divine Rma, son of Daaratha, lord of Ayodhy,
the friend of His devotees. (118)
0rt a a rt r r s frt+
r; r r trt rr s art+ {+
f r r t fa rr t+
r f t rff nr ; at+ +
r r rar rt a fa ffa a rt+
ra s rt r frn n rt+ -+
f f r ff n a r+
; rrfa tfa atat r= rr tat+ +
Cau.: ks

marata jatu avalok, jsu nma bala karau bisok.

soi prabhu mora carcara svm, raghubara saba ura atarajm.1.
bibasahu jsu nma nara kahah

, janama aneka racita agha dahah

sdara sumirana je nara karah

, bhava bridhi gopada iva tarah

rma so paramtam bhavn, taha

bhrama ati abihita tava bn.
asa sasaya nata ura mh

, gyna birga sakala guna jh

suni siva ke bhrama bhajana bacan, mii gai saba kutaraka kai racan.
bhai raghupati pada prti pratt, druna asabhvan bt.4.
When I behold any creature dying in the holy K (the modern Vras), it is by
the power of His Name that I rid it of all sorrow (liberate it). He is my Lord, the Chief of
Raghus, the sovereign of all creation, animate as well as inanimate, the witness of all
hearts. If men repeat His Name even in a helpless state, sins committed by them in a
series of previous existences are burnt away; while those who devoutly remember Him
are able to cross the ocean of mundane existence as if it were a mere hollow made by
the hoof of a cow. Rma is no other than that supreme Spirit. Bhavn; your assertion
that He is subject to delusion is wholly unwarranted. The moment a man harbours such
a doubt in his mind, his wisdom, dispassion and all other virtues bid adieu to him. When
Prvat heard ivas illuminating words, the whole structure of her sophistry collapsed.
Attachment and devotion to the feet of the Lord of Raghus sprang in her heart and her
shocking incredulity disappeared. (14)
0f f nf rf = rf
rt fnfr rf+ {{+
Do.: puni puni prabhu pada kamala gahi jori pakaruha pni,

girij bacana bara manahu prema rasa sni.119.

Clasping the lotus-feet of her lord again and again, and joining her lotus-like palms,
Prvat spoke the following fine words, steeping them as it were in the nectar of love:
0f f fnr arrt fr r ra rt+
ar r s r t= rf rf + {+
r r ns frr t s rr+
rf rf ff rt f z rf rt+ +
r r r; r - +
r zr f frt fa s rt+ -+
r s a f a rf rr; a+
sr f ftar rr tfa tar+ +
Cau.: sasi kara sama suni gir tumhr, mi moha saradtapa bhr.
tumha kpla sabu sasau hare u, rma svarupa jni mohi pareu.1.
ntha kp

aba gayau bid, sukh bhayau prabhu carana prasd.

aba mohi pani kikari jn, jadapi sahaja jaRa nri ayn.2.
prathama jo mai

puch soi kahah u, jau

mo para prasanna prabhu ahahu.
rma brahma cinamaya abins, sarba rahita saba ura pura bs.3.
ntha dhareu naratanu kehi het u, mohi samujhi kahahu baketu.
um bacana suni parama bint, rmakath para prti punt.4.
Now that I have listened to Your words, which were refreshing as moonbeams,
my ignorance, like the feverish heat of the autumnal sunshine, has faded away. You
have removed all my doubt, O gracious Lord, and the reality of Rma has been revealed
to me. By Your grace, my lord, my gloom has been lifted and I feel happy now by the
blessing of my lords feet. Now, regarding me as Your slave, even though I am a woman,
ignorant and stupid by nature, answer my former question, if You are pleased with me,
my lord. Rma, I now understand, is no other than the indestructible Brahma (God), who
is consciousness itself and who, though bereft of all, yet dwells in the heart of all. Why
did He take the form of a human being? Explain this to me, O akara. Hearing Ums
most polite words and seeing Her unadulterated love for the story of r Rma(14)
0f rrf a r
ff sf f f r rfr+ { (+
Do.: hiya harae kmri taba sakara sahaja sujna,
bahu bidhi umahi prasasi puni bole kpnidhna.120(A).
The all-merciful and all-wise akara, the Destroyer of Cupid, was glad at heart
and, extolling Um in so many ways, said : (120A)
0 r rf rfar f
r fz rf r fn r n=z + { (+
r r sr f ff r rn
r ar fa rr+ { (n+
f n r r r = nfa fa
f fa r s sr r + { (rr+
So.: sunu subha kath bhavni rmacaritamnasa bimala,
kah bhusui bakhni sun bihaga nyaka garuRa.120(B).
so sabda udra jehi bidhi bh ge kahaba,
sunahu rma avatra carita parama sudara anagha.120(C).
hari guna nma apra kath rupa aganita amita,

nija mati anusra kahau um sdara sunahu.120(D).

Hear the blessed story of the holy Rmacaritamnasa, which was narrated at
length by the sage Bhuui and heard by the king of birds, Garua, I shall tell you later
on how that great dialogue took place. First listen to the most charming and sanctifying
story of His descent. The virtues, names, stories and forms of r Hari are all unlimited,
innumerable and immeasurable. Yet I proceed to tell them according to the best of my
intellectual capacity; listen, Um, with reverence. (120 BD)
0 fnfr ffa r f f fnrn nr+
f ar a f r; ;f- f r; r;+ {+
r a fq rt a r f rt+
af a f rr f tfa rr+ +
a f rs art fr ; r rt+
r; rt rf frt+ -+
f tfa r; f t tf f t+
a a f ff tr f rff r tr+ +
Cau.: sunu girij haricarita suhe, bipula bisada nigamgama ge.
hari avatra hetu jehi ho, idamittha kahi ji na so.1.
rma atarkya buddhi mana bn, mata hamra asa sunahi sayn.
tadapi sata muni beda purn, jasa kachu kahahi

svamati anumn.2.
tasa mai

sumukhi sunvau toh, samujhi parai jasa krana moh.

jaba jaba hoi dharama kai hn, bRhahi

asura adhama abhimn.3.


anti ji nahi

baran, sdahi

bipra dhenu sura dharan.

taba taba prabhu dhari bibidhasarr, harahi

kpnidhi sajjana pr.4.

Hark, O Girij: the Vedas and the Tantras have sung numerous charming and
sinless exploits of r Hari. The cause of r Haris descent cannot be precisely stated.
Listen, O sensible lady: r Rma is beyond the grasp of intellect, mind or speech: such
is my conviction. Yet, O charming lady, I tell you the reason as I understand it and even
as the saints and sages, the Vedas and the Puras have stated according to their
intellectual level. Whenever virtue declines and vile and haughty demons multiply and
work uniquity that cannot be told, and whenever Brhmaas, cows, gods and earth itself
are in trouble, the gracious Lord assumes various (transcendent) forms and relieves the
distress of the virtuous. (14)
0 rf rf - rf f >rfa a
n ftarf f r - a+ {{+
Do.: asura mri thpahi

suranha rkhahi

nija ruti setu,

jaga bistrahi

bisada jasa rma janma kara hetu.121.

Killing the demons He reinstates the gods, preserves the bounds of propriety
fixed by the Vedas, which represent His own breath, and diffuses His immaculate glory
throughout the world. This is the motive of r Rmas descent. (121)
0r; nr; na at rf fa a t+
r a r ffr a r+ {+
; s rt rr fa rt+
rr f f r = f r r+ +
f >rr a s r; ar fa- r;+
f = r r na ffa fa r+ -+
f; t f=rar f r frar+
r; f f rr r ftarr+ +
Cau.: soi jasa gi bhagata bhava tarah

, kpsidhu jana hita tanu dharah

rma janama ke hetu anek, parama bicitra eka te ek.1.
janama eka dui kahau bakhn, svadhna sunu sumati bhavn.
dvrapla hari ke priya dou, jaya aru bijaya jna saba kou.2.
bipra rpa te dunau bh, tmasa asura deha tinha p.
kanakakasipu aru haka locana, jagata bidita surapati mada mocana.3.
bija samara bra bikhyt, dhari barha bapu eka nipt.
hoi narahari dusara puni mr, jana prahalda sujasa bistr.4.
Singing this glory the devotees cross the ocean of mundane existence; it is for
the sake of His devotees that the compassionate Lord bodies Himself forth. The motives
of r Rmas birth are many, each more wonderful than the other. I will refer to one
or two such births at some length; please listen attentively, O wise Bhavn. r Hari
has two favourite gate-keepers Jaya and Vijaya, who are known to everybody. Due to
the curse of certain Brhmaas (Sanaka and his three brothers) both these brothers
were born in the accursed species of demons. One of them was known as Hirayakaipu
and the other as Hirayka. They became known throughout the universe as the
tamers of the pride of Indra (the chief of gods). Both of them were celebrated heroes
who came out victorious in battle. The Lord assumed the form of a Boar in order to
kill one of the two brothers (viz., Hirayka); while bodying Himself forth as a Man-
Lion, He killed the other (Hirayakaipu) and spread the fair renown of His devotee,
Prahlda (Hirayakaipus son). (14)
0 fr r; a; rt r
r f; n r+ {+
Do.: bhae niscara ji tei mahbra balavna,
kubhakarana rvana subhaa sura bija jaga jna.122.
It is these two brothers that were born again as the powerful and most valiant
Rkasas. Rvaa and Kumbhakara, who were great warriors and, as all the world
knows, conquered even gods. (122)
0a a nrr atf f rr+
r fa- fa rnt s t na rnt+ {+
t ffa ar fa rar rr f=rar+
f ff arr fa fr f rr+ +
f r r+
t- nr rr r ; rr+ -+
at rf rt af arf faf rt+ +
Cau.: mukuta na bhae hate bhagavn, tni janama dvija bacana pravn.
eka bra tinha ke hita lg, dhareu sarra bhagata anurg.1.
kasyapa aditi tah

pitu mt, dasaratha kausaly bikhyt.

eka kalapa ehi bidhi avatr, carita pavitra kie sasr.2.
eka kalapa sura dekhi dukhre, samara jaladhara sana saba hre.
sabhu knha sagrma apr, danuja mahbala marai na mr.3.
parama sat asurdhipa nr, tehi

bala thi na jitahi

Even though slain by the Lord, the two brothers (Hirayka and Hirayakaipu)
did not attain liberation; for the Brhmaas had doomed them to three births. It was on
their account that the Lover of the devotees bodied Himself forth on one occasion. In that
birth Kayapa and Aditi were His parents, who were known by the names of Daaratha
and Kausaly respectively. This was how in one Kalpa (round of creation) the Lord
descended from heaven and performed purifying deeds on earth. In another Kalpa all the
gods were worsted in their conflict with the demon Jalandhara. Seeing their distress
ambhu waged war against him, which knew no end; but the demon, who possessed a
great might, could not be killed in spite of His best efforts. The wife of the demon chief
was a most virtuous lady. Armed by her strength of character the demon could not be
conquered even by the Vanquisher of Tripura. (14)
0 f rs ar a r t-
af rs a >rr r f t-+ {-+
Do.: chala kari reu tsu brata prabhu sura kraja knha,
jaba tehi

jneu marama taba rpa kopa kari dnha.123.

By a stratagem the Lord broke her vow of chastity and accomplished the purpose
of the gods. When the lady discovered the trick, she cursed Him in her wrath. (123)
0ar >rr f t- rr aff r nrr+
ar r fa r + {+
r r f fn r t r+
fa ar r t f t f- rrt+ +
r >rr t- rr af fn arr+
fnfr fa ; f rt r frna f rt+ -+
r >rr f t-r r r rfa t-r+
n rf rt f r r rt+ +
Cau.: tsu rpa hari dnha pramn, kautukanidhi kpla bhagavn.

jaladhara rvana bhaya u, rana hati rma parama pada dayau.1.

eka janama kara krana eh, jehi lagi rma dhar naradeh.
prati avatra kath prabhu ker, sunu muni baran kabinha ghaner.2.
nrada rpa dnha eka br, kalapa eka tehi lagi avatr.
girij cakita bha

suni bn, nrada binubhagata puni gyn.3.

krana kavana rpa muni dnh, k apardha rampati knh.
yaha prasaga mohi kahahu purr, muni mana moha caraja bhr.4.
The sportive and gracious Lord accepted her curse. It was this Jalandhara who
was reborn as Rvaa in this latter Kalpa. Killing him in battle r Rma conferred on him
the supreme state (final beatitude). This was the reason why r Rma assumed a
human form in one particular birth. Hark, O Bharadvja; the story of each birth of the Lord
has been sung by poets in diverse ways. On one occasion Nrada cursed the Lord; this
served as an excuse of His birth in one particular Kalpa. Girij was taken aback to hear
these words and said, Nrada is a votary of God Viu and enlightened soul too.
Wherefore did the sage pronounce a curse? What offence had Lakms lord committed
against him? Tell me the whole story, O Slayer of the demon Tripura. It is very strange
that the sage should have fallen a prey to delusion. (14)
0r ff a rt r;
f rrfa f r a af r;+ { (+
Do.: bole bihasi mahesa taba gyn muRha na koi,
jehi jasa raghupati karahi

jaba so tasa tehi chana hoi.124(A).

The great Lord iva then replied with a smile, There is no one enlightened or
deluded. Man instantly becomes what the Lord of Raghus wills him to be at a particular
moment. (124 A)
0s r n nr r r
rr r a t af r + { (+
So.: kahau rma guna gtha bharadvja sdara sunahu,
bhava bhajana raghuntha bhaju tulas taji mna mada.124(B).
Said Yjavalkya, I am going to recount the virtues of Rma, O Bharadvja; listen
with a devout mind. Renouncing pride and intoxication, O Tulasdsa, adore the Lord of
Raghus, who puts an end to metempsychosis. (124 B)
0ffnf nr fa rf t t rf+
r>r ta rr f ff fa rr+ {+
ff f ff frnr s rfa rnr+
fa ff >rr nfa rt f rfn rt+ +
f nfa f zrr rf rf t- rr+
fa r r a s f f a+ -+
rt f rrr a ff rr+
rt r n rt f r ; f zrt+ +
Cau.: himagiri guh eka ati pvani, baha sampa surasar suhvani.
rama parama punta suhv, dekhi devarii mana ati bhv.1.
nirakhi saila sari bipina bibhg, bhayau rampati pada anurg.
sumirata harihi rpa gati bdh, sahaja bimala mana lgi samdh.2.
muni gati dekhi suresa ern, kmahi boli knha sanamn.
sahita sahya jhu mama het u, caleu harai hiya

jalacaraket u.3.
sunsra mana mahu asi trs, cahata devarii mama pura bs.
je km lolupa jaga mh

, kuila kka iva sabahi erh

In the Himlaya mountains there was a most sacred cave; the beautiful heavenly
stream (Gag) flowed near by. The sight of this most holy and charming hermitage highly
attracted the mind of the celestial sage Nrada. Seeing the mountain, the river and the
forest glades, his heart developed love for the feet of Lakms lord. The thought of r Hari
broke the spell of the curse* (pronounced by Daka, which did not allow him to stay at one
place); and his mind, which was naturally sinless, fell into a trance. Seeing the sages
condition, Indra (the chief of gods) became apprehensive. Summoning the god of love, he
received him with great honour and said, For my sake go with your associates! The god
of love (who has a fish emblazoned on his standard) set out gladdened at heart. Indra
apprehended that the celestial sage sought to occupy his abode. Those who are lustful and
grasping are afraid of everyone like the evil-minded crow. (14)
0 rz rn tr ff nr
tf ; f r z faf faf r+ {~+
* For the cause of the curse see Caup I following Doh 78 (p. 85)
Do.: sukha hRa lai bhga saha svna nirakhi mgarja,
chni lei jani jna jaRa timi surapatihi na lja.125.
Just as a foolish dog, on seeing a king of beasts, should run away with a dry bone,
fearing in his crass ignorance lest the lion should rob him of it, Indra too in his
shamelessness thought as above. (125)
0af r>rf n f rr a f+
fa ff f nr f rf nf nr+ {+
t rf frf rt r r rfrt+
rf rf tr r tr+ +
f nr ar anr ff tzf rf anr+
f r rr t-f f ff rr+ -+
r r ff rt f zs r rt+
t f rf ; rs ar z r rfa r+ +
Cau.: tehi ramahi

madana jaba gaya u, nija my

basata niramayau.
kusumita bibidha biapa bahurag, kujahi

kokila gujahi

cal suhvani tribidha bayr, kma ksnu baRhvanihr.
rabhdika suranri nabn, sakala asamasara kal prabn.2.

gna bahu tna tarag, bahubidhi krRahi

pni patag.
dekhi sahya madana haran, knhesi puni prapaca bidhi nn.3.
kma kal kachu munihi na byp, nija bhaya

areu manobhava pp.
sma ki c

pi sakai kou ts u, baRa rakhavra rampati jsu.4.

When the god of love reached that hermitage, he created a semblance of the
vernal season by his illusory power. Many-coloured blossoms appeared on the trees of
different kinds; cuckoos sang and bees hummed. Delightful breezes, cool, soft and
fragrant, blew, fanning the flame of passion. Rambh and other heavenly damsels, who
looked ever young and were all past masters in amorous sports, sang in undulating
tones of various kinds and sported in many ways, ball in hand. The god of love was
delighted to see his associates there and employed a variety of devices. But his amorous
devices had no effect on the sage. Guilty Cupid was now apprehensive of his own
destruction. Can anyone dare to trespass the bounds of him who has the Lord of Lakm
as his great protector. (14)
0fa r ta fa rf rf
nf r; f a f f ra + {+
Do.: sahita sahya sabhta ati mni hri mana maina,
gahesi ji muni carana taba kahi suhi rata baina.126.
In dire dismay the god of love with his accomplices acknowledged his defeat and
clasped the sages feet, addressing him in accents of deep humility. (126)
0s r rr f f r farr+
r; f= r r; ns a fa r;+ {+
f tar rf t fa r r; t+
f rr ff f ff f= rr+ +
a r n f rt far r ffa rt+
r fa f r faf rf fr+ -+
r r fs f art ff r r rt+
faf f ff r n r a+ +
Cau.: bhayau na nrada mana kachu ro, kahi priya bacana kma parito.
ni carana siru yasu p, gayau madana taba sahita sah.1.
muni suslat pani karan, surapati sabh

ji saba baran.
suni saba ke mana acaraju v, munihi prasasi harihi siru nv.2.
taba nrada gavane siva ph

, jit kma ahamiti mana mh

mra carita sakarahi sune, atipriya jni mahesa sikhe.3.
bra bra binavau

muni toh, jimi yaha kath sunyahu moh.
timi jani harihi sunvahu kabah u

, calehu

prasaga durehu tabah u

There was no anger in Nradas mind; he reassured the god of love by
addressing him in friendly terms. Then, bowing his head at the sages feet and
obtaining his leave, Love retired with his accomplices. Reaching the court of Indra (the
chief of gods) he related his own doings, on the one hand, and the sages clemency,
on the other. Hearing the tale all were astonished; they extolled the sage and bowed
their head to Hari. Then Nrada called on iva; he was proud of his victory over Love
and told Him all Loves doings. Knowing him to be His most beloved friend, the great
Lord iva admonished him as follows:O sage, I pray you again and again: never
repeat this story to Hari as you have repeated it to me. Even if the topic ever comes
up before Him, please hush it up. (14)
0 t- s fa f rf rr
r a f ;-r r+ {+
Do.: sabhu dnha upadesa hita nahi

nradahi sohna,
bharadvja kautuka sunahu hari icch balavna.127.
Wholesome was the advice given by ambhu; but it did not please
Nrada. Bharadvja, now hear what interesting thing happened. The will of Hari is
predominant. (127)
0r t- rf r; r; -r f r;+
f f r a ff r fr+ {+
r a tr nra f n nr tr+
tf n frr >rtfr >rfarr+ +
f f sf rfar r fff ar+
r ff r rr a f tf- f rr+ -+
r fa r r uf f f r+
fa z rrfa rr f r r n rr+ +
Cau.: rma knha chahi

soi ho, karai anyath asa nahi

sabhu bacana muni mana nahi

bhe, taba biraci ke loka sidhe.1.

eka bra karatala bara bn, gvata hari guna gna prabn.
chrasidhu gavane muninth, jaha

basa rnivsa rutimth.2.
harai mile uhi ramniket, baihe sana riihi samet.
bole bihasi carcara ry, bahute dinana knhi muni dy.3.
kma carita nrada saba bhe, jadyapi prathama baraji siva rkhe.
ati pracaa raghupati kai my, jehi na moha asa ko jaga jy.4.
The will of r Rma alone prevails; there is no one who can alter it. ambhus
advice fell flat on the sage. Then he went to the abode of Brahm (the Creator). Singing
the glories of r Hari, to the accompaniment of the excellent lute he had in his hand, the
lord of sages, Nrada, who was skilled in music, once repaired to the ocean of milk.
Where dwells the abode of Lakm, Bhagavn Nryaa, who is Vednta (the crown of
all Vedas) personified. The abode of Ram (Lakm) rose to meet him in great joy and
shared His seat with the sage. The Lord of the entire creation, animate as well as
inanimate, said with a smile, It is after a long time that you have showed Me this favour,
reverend sir. Nrada told Him all the doings of Love, even though iva had already
forbidden him to do so. Most formidable is the My (deluding potency) of the Lord of
Raghus. No one was ever born in this world, who is beyond its charm. (14)
0= f r >rtnr
ar f a ff r r r+ {c+
Do.: rukha badana kari bacana mdu bole rbhagavna,
tumhare sumirana te miahi

moha mra mada mna.128.

With an impassive look, yet in coaxing accents, said the Lord, By your very
thought self-delusion, lust, arrogance and pride disappear. (128)
0 f r r; ar r frn z f r+
zr a a fatr arf f ; r tr+ {+
r s fa frr r arrf nrr+
=rff t frt s s n a= rt+ +
fn r zrfs srt r fart+
f fa a r; f sr f r;+ -+
a r f f r; z ffa fr;+
>rtfa f rr a t f t af t+ +
Cau.: sunu muni moha hoi mana tke , gyna birga hdaya nahi

jke .
brahmacaraja brata rata matidhr, tumhahi ki karai manobhava pr.1.
nrada kaheu sahita abhimn, kp tumhri sakala bhagavn.
karunnidhi mana dkha bicr, ura akureu garaba taru bhr.2.
begi so mai

rihau ukhr, pana hamra sevaka hitakr.

muni kara hita mama kautuka ho, avasi upya karabi mai

taba nrada hari pada sira n, cale hdaya ahamiti adhik.
rpati nija my taba prer, sunahu kahina karan tehi ker.4.
Hark, O sage! the mind of him alone is susceptible to delusion, whose heart is
devoid of wisdom and dispassion. You are steadfast in your vow of celibacy and resolute
of mind; you can never be smitten with pangs of Love. Nrada replied with a feeling
of pride, Lord it is all due to Your grace. The compassionate Lord pondered and saw
that a huge tree of pride had sprouted in his heart. I shall soon tear it up by roots; for
it is My vow to serve the best interest of My servants. I must contrive some plan which
may do good to the sage and serve as a diversion for Me. Then, bowing his head at
the feet of r Hari, Nrada departed. The pride in his heart had swelled. The Lord of
Lakm (the goddess of prosperity) then set His My into operation. Now hear of her
relentless doings. (14)
0fs n n af a r ftar
>rtfr a f r ff r+ {+
Do.: biraceu maga mahu nagara tehi

sata jojana bistra,

rnivsapura te adhika racan bibidha prakra.129.
The Lords My (deluding potency) created on the way a city with an area of eight
hundred square miles. The manifold architectural beauties of that city excelled even
those of Vius own capital (Vaikuha). (129)
0f n rt f fa art+
af ; tff rr nfa n rr+ {+
a f frr = a tfa frr+
ftrt ar rt >rt fr f = frt+ +
r; frr n rt rr ar f r; rt+
; t r rr r a nfa frr+ -+
f at n af n rf- a +
f fa n r f r f r+ +
Cau.: basahi

nagara sudara nara nr, janu bahu manasija rati tanudhr.


pura basai slanidhi rj, aganita haya gaya sena samj.1.

sata suresa sama bibhava bils, r upa teja bala nti nivs.
bisvamohan tsu kumr, r bimoha jisu r upu nihr.2.
soi harimy saba guna khn, sobh tsu ki ji bakhn.
karai svayabara so npabl, e taha aganita mahipl.3.
muni kautuk nagara tehi

gaya u, purabsinha saba puchata bhayau.

suni saba carita bhupagha e, kari p uj npa muni baihe.4.
It was inhabited by graceful men and women, whom you would take to be so many
incarnations of the god of love and his wife Rati. A king, lanidhi by name, ruled over
that city; he owned numberless horses, elephants and troops. He possessed the
grandeur and luxury of a hundred Indras, and was a repository of grace, splendour, might
and wisdom. He had a daughter, Vivamohin by name, whose beauty enraptured even
Lakm. She was no other than r Haris own My (enrapturing potency), the
fountainhead of all virtues; who can describe her charm? The princess was going to
marry by self-choice; hence kings beyond number arrived there as suitors. The sportive
sage (Nrada) entered the city and inquired everything from the people. Hearing all that
had been going on there, he wended his way to the kings palace. The king paid him
homage and gave him a seat. (14)
0rf r; rf fa rrf
r n r f z frf+ {-+
Do.: ni dekh nradahi bhupati rjakumri,
kahahu ntha guna doa saba ehi ke hdaya

The king brought and showed the princess to Nrada and said, Tell me after
mature thought all that is good or bad about her. (130)
0f = f ffa frt zt r fn frt+
- ar frf r z f n r+ {+
r f ; r; r; f af ta r;+
f r art ; tff -r rt+ +
- frf s r r; r+
ar - f rt r r rt+ -+
r; r; a frt f r rf rt+
a r; af rr ff f; ff rr+ +
Cau.: dekhi rupa muni birati bisr, baR bra lagi rahe nihr.
lacchana tsu biloki bhulne, hdaya

haraa nahi

pragaa bakhne.1.
jo ehi barai amara soi ho, samarabh umi tehi jta na ko.

sakala carcara th, barai slanidhi kany jh.2.

lacchana saba bicri ura rkhe, kachuka bani bhupa sana bhe.
sut sulacchana kahi npa ph

, nrada cale soca mana mh


ji soi jatana bicr, jehi prakra mohi barai kumr.
japa tapa kachu na hoi tehi kl, he bidhi milai kavana bidhi bl.4.
Seeing her beauty the sage forgot all about his dispassion and remained gazing
on her for a long time. When he read the auspicious marks on her body, he was lost
in reverie. He was gladdened at heart, but he would not openly mention the happy
characteristics. He who weds this girl, he said to himself, Shall become immortal;
and no one shall be able to conquer him in battle. He whom lanidhis daughter selects
for her lord shall be adored by the entire creation, both animate and inanimate. Having
read these characteristics the sage kept them to himself, and mentioned a few
fabricated ones to the king. Telling the king that his daughter was of good promise,
Nrada left. He thought within himself, Let me devise and try some means whereby
the princess may choose me for her husband. He had no more zeal to practise Japa
(muttering of sacred formulas) or austerity. Good God, how am I to get the girl? he
said to himself. (14)
0f rf rr = fr
r frf tr f a r+ {-{+
Do.: ehi avasara chia parama sobh rupa bisla,
jo biloki rjhai kua ri taba melai jayamla.131.
What is needed on this occasion, is great personal charm and surpassing beauty,
whereby the princess may be enamoured of me and place the wreath of victory round
my neck, he continued. (131)
0f rn ar; r;f ra n= fa r;+
r fa f f r f r r; r+ {+
ff f tf- af rr n s at rr+
frf f zr r;f r f r+ +
fa rfa f r r; r f r r;+
r = rt r rfa f r rt+ -+
f ff r r; fa rr r fn r arr+
f rr f frr f f r trr+ +
Cau.: hari sana mgau sudarat, hoihi jta gaharu ati bh.
more hita hari sama nahi

kou, ehi avasara sahya soi hou.1.

bahubidhi binaya knhi tehi kl, pragaeu prabhu kautuk kpl.
prabhu biloki muni nayana juRne, hoihi kju hie harane.2.
ati rati kahi kath sun, karahu kp kari hohu sah.
pana rupa dehu prabhu moh, na bh

ti nahi


jehi bidhi ntha hoi hita mor, karahu so begi dsa mai

nija my bala dekhi bisl, hiya

ha si bole dnadayl.4.
Let me ask Hari for a gift of beauty. But, alas! much time will be lost in going to
Him. Yet I have no such weel as Hari; let Him, therefore, come to my rescue at this
juncture. Then Nrada prayed in manifold ways and lo! The sportive and merciful Lord
appeared before him. The sight was soothing to the sages eyes. He was glad at heart
and felt assured that his object would be accomplished. In great humility he told the Lord
all that had happened, and said, Be gracious to me and be good enough to help me.
Lord, bestow on me Your own beauty; in no other way can I get possession of her.
Soon do that which may serve my best interests; I am Your own servant, my lord. Seeing
the mighty power of His My, the Lord, who is compassionate to the poor, smiled to
himself and said: (14)
0f ff r;f fa r arr
r; r r r+ {-+
Do.: jehi bidhi hoihi parama hita nrada sunahu tumhra,
soi hama karaba na na kachu bacana na m hamra.132.
Nrada, listen to me; I shall do that alone which is good to you, and nothing else
My words can never be untrue. (132)
0 rn = r rnt ; f rnt+
f ff fa arr f afa + {+
rr f f r rt f f fnr fnr+
n aa ar ffr; r t f r;+ +
f f r rr r f fa rr+
f = fa r rf af rf ff r+ -+
f fa r rfrr t- = r; rr+
r fr f r rr r rf f f rr+ +
Cau.: kupatha mga ruja bykula rog, baida na dei sunahu muni jog.
ehi bidhi hita tumhra mai

haya u, kahi asa atarahita prabhu bhayau.1.

my bibasa bhae muni m uRh, samujh nahi

hari gir nig uRh.

gavane turata tah

riir, jah

svayabara bh umi ban.2.

nija nija sana baihe rj, bahu banva kari sahita samj.
muni mana haraa rupa ati more , mohi taji nahi barihi na bhore .3.
muni hita krana kpnidhn, dnha kurupa na ji bakhn.
so caritra lakhi khu na pv, nrada jni sabahi

sira nv.4.
Hark, O contemplative ascetic! if a patient distracted by his malady asks for
something which is harmful to him, the physician would not give it. In a like manner I have
resolved on doing what is good to you. So saying, the Lord disappeared. Under the spell
of His My the sage was so mystified that he could not understand even such
unambiguous words of r Hari. The chief of seers hastened to the spot where the arena
for the choice-marriage had been prepared. Richly adorned, the royal suitors had
occupied their respective seats, each with his retinue. The sage was glad at heart; for
he thought within himself, My beauty is so surpassing that the princess will never
commit the error of choosing for her husband anyone else than me. In the sages own
interest the gracious Lord had made him hideous beyond description. But no one could
mark the change that had taken place in him; everyone knew him to be Nrada and
greeted him as such. (14)
0 ar ; = n a rf s
f a ff at as+ {--+
Do.: rahe tah

dui rudra gana te jnahi

saba bheu,
biprabea dekhata phirahi

parama kautuk teu.133.

Two of ivas attendants too happened to be there. They knew the whole secret
and, disguised as Brhmaas, went about seeing the fun. (133)
0f r f r; z = ffa fr;+
a n r f nfa ; r+ {+
f f rf r; tf tf- f ar;+
tfrf rf f t ;-f ff f rf ft+ +
ff r r r f n fa r+
f f f f rt fr ; fq rt+ -+
r r r fa fr r = -r r+
t a z r r at+ +
Cau.: jehi

samja baihe muni j, hdaya

r upa ahamiti adhik.

baihe mahesa gana dou, biprabea gati lakhai na kou.1.

kui nradahi sun, nki dnhi hari sudarat.

rjhihi rjakua ri chabi dekh, inhahi barihi hari jni bise.2.
munihi moha mana htha pare , ha sahi

sabhu gana ati sacu pe .

jadapi sunahi

muni aapai bn, samujhi na parai buddhi bhrama sn.3.


na lakh so carita bise, so sarupa npakany

markaa badana bhayakara deh, dekhata hdaya krodha bh teh.4.
In the row where sat Nrada, exceedingly proud of his beauty, the two attendants
of Mahea too seated themselves. Being disguised as Brhmaas they could not be
detected. They flung sarcastic remarks at Nrada, saying, Hari has given this man such
excellent beauty that the princess will be enamoured to look at it and shall certainly
choose him, taking him for Hari* Himself. The sage was under a spell of delusion; for
his heart had been stolen by love. The attendants of iva felt amused at this and greatly
enjoyed the fun. Even though the sage heard their ironical talk, he could not follow it, his
reason being clouded by infatuation. No one perceived this extra-ordinary phenomenon;
the princess alone saw his ugly form. The moment she beheld his monkey-like face and
frightful form she was filled with rage. (14)
0t n f a f rr
a f; t r r+ {-+
Do.: sakh

saga lai kua ri taba cali janu rjamarla,

dekhata phirai mahpa saba kara saroja jayamla.134.
Accompained by her girl companions the princess then glided as a swan. With
a wreath of victory in her lotus hands she moved about surveying each of her royal
suitors. (134)
0f ff r t r ff af frt t+
f f f sf rt f r n rt+ {+
f a a ns rr f f s rr+
ff n f-frr r s frr+ +
f fa f r fa rt f fnf n; f nrt+
a n r r; f fr r;+ -+
f rs rn rt t f rf frt+
frf r fa rr fa-f r t- fa nrr+ +
Cau.: jehi disi baihe nrada phul, so disi tehi

na bilok bh ul.
puni puni muni ukasahi


, dekhi das hara gana musukh

dhari npatanu taha

gayau kpl, kua ri harai meleu jayaml.
dulahini lai ge lacchinivs, npasamja saba bhayau nirs.3.
* The word Hari also means a monkey: the attendants of iva, therefore, indirectly hinted that the
sage looked like a monkey.
muni ati bikala moha

mati nh, mani giri ga ch ui janu g

taba hara gana bole musuk, nija mukha mukura bilokahu j.3.
asa kahi dou bhge bhaya bhr, badana dkha muni bri nihr.
beu biloki krodha ati bRh, tinhahi sarpa dnha ati gRh.4.
She did not care to look even casually at the quarter in which Nrada sat elated
with pride. Again and again the sage would raise himself and fidget about; the
attendants of Hara smiled to see him in that state. The gracious Lord too went there
in the form of a king; the princess joyfully placed the wreath of victory round His neck.
The Lord of Lakm carried off the bride to the despair of all assembled kings. The
sage felt much perturbed; for infatuation had robbed the sage of his reason. He felt as
if a gem had dropped from a loosened knot in the end of his garment. The attendants
of Hara then smilingly said, Just look at your face in a mirror. Uttering these words
both ran away in great alarm and the sage looked at his reflection in water. His fury
knew no bounds when he beheld his form; and he pronounced a terrible curse on the
attendants of iva: (14)
0r fr r; ar t rt rs
f r f f rs+ {-~+
Do.: hohu niscara ji tumha kapa pp dou,
ha sehu hamahi so lehu phala bahuri ha sehu muni kou.135.
O you sinful impostors, go and be reborn as demons. You mocked me; therefore,
reap its reward. Mock again a sage, if you dare. (135)
0f t = f rr af z ar rr+
a r rt f rfa rt+ {+
s >rr f fs r; na rf sr r;+
tf f rt n r r; rrt+ +
r r; f f t r;+
a sr fa rr rr r rr+ -+
r f t ar ;fr ft+
a f =f r - f f r r+ +
Cau.: puni jala dkha rupa nija pv, tadapi hdaya

satoa na v.
pharakata adhara kopa mana mh

, sapadi cale kamalpati ph


rpa ki marihau j, jagata mori upahsa kar.

patha mile danujr, saga ram soi rjakumr.2.

bole madhura bacana suras

, muni kaha cale bikala k n

sunata bacana upaj ati krodh, my basa na rah mana bodh.3.
para sapad sakahu nahi

dekh, tumhare iri kapaa bise.

mathata sidhu rudrahi bauryahu, suranha preri bia pna karyahu.4.
Looking again in water, he saw that he had regained his real form; yet his heart
found no solace. His lips quivered and there was indignation in his heart. At once he
proceeded to where the Lord of Lakm was. I shall either curse Him or die at His door,
he said to himself, seeing that He has made me a butt of ridicule throughout the world.
The terror of the demons, r Hari, met him right on the way. He was accompanied by
Goddess Ram and the princess referred to above. The lord of immortals spoke in
gentle tones, To what destination, holy sir, are you betaking yourself like one disconsolate
As soon as he heard these words Nrada was filled with rage. Dominated as he was by
My, there was no reason left in him. He said, You cannot bear to look upon the good
fortune of others. You are extremely jealous and guile. While churning the ocean You
drove Rudra mad and inciting Him through the gods You made Him quaff the poison.
0 r f f r r f r=
tr r f ar r r=+ {-+
Do.: asura sur bia sakarahi pu ram mani cru,
svratha sdhaka kuila tumha sad kapaa byavahru.136.
Apportioning intoxicating liquor to the demons and poison to akara, You
appropriated Ram and the lovely gem (Kaustubha) to Yourself. You have ever been
selfish and perverse, and treacherous in Your dealings. (136)
0 tar f r; r; f ar r;+
f f f f + {+
zf zf f r fa r sr+
r arf rr fn arf r rr+ +
r t-r rn r t-r+
rf f f r r; a >rr r+ -+
f rfa ar tf- rt ff t r arrt+
r t- ar rt rf f ar r rt+ +
Cau.: parama svatatra na sira para ko, bhvai manahi karahu tumha so.
bhalehi mada madehi bhala karah u, bisamaya haraa na hiya kachu dharah u.1.
ahaki ahaki paricehu saba kh u, ati asaka mana sad uchhu.
karama subhsubha tumhahi na bdh, aba lagi tumhahi na khu

bhale bhavana aba byana dnh, pvahuge phala pana knh.
bacehu mohi javani dhari deh, soi tanu dharahu rpa mama eh.3.
kapi kti tumha knhi hamr, karihahi

ksa sahya tumhr.

mama apakra knha tumha bhr, nri biraha

tumha hoba dukhr.4.
You are absolutely independent and subordinate to none; therefore You do whatever
pleases Your mind. You debase a good soul and redeem a vile person and neither rejoice
nor grieve over it. Deceiving everyone You have become habituated to such tricks.You
entertain no fear and are always zealous in pursuing Your object. Good and evil deeds do
not come in Your way; no one has so far been able to correct You. You have this time
played with fire and shall reap what You have sown. Take that very form in which You have
imposed upon me: this is my curse. You made me look like a monkey; therefore You shall
have monkeys for Your helpmates. And as You have grievously wronged me, so shall You
suffer the pangs of separation from Your wife. (14)
0>rr t f f f fat tf-
f rr ar f rff tf-+ {-+
Do.: rpa ssa dhari harai hiya

prabhu bahu binat knhi,
nija my kai prabalat karai kpnidhi lnhi.137.
Gladly accepting the curse, the compassionate Lord made many entreaties to the
sage, and withdrew the irresistible charm of His My. (137)
0 f rr f frt f a r rrt+
a f fa ta f r n rf arfa r+ {+
r rs >rr rr ;-r trr+
a f r fff ff + +
r; a rr r;f z aa f>rrr+
rs f f r f r f atfa a f r+ -+
f r f rt r r f nfa rt+
s f f f r; arf rr fr;+ +
Cau.: jaba hari my duri nivr, nahi


ram na rjakumr.
taba muni ati sabhta hari caran, gahe phi pranatrati haran.1.
m hou mama rpa kpl, mama icch kaha dnadayl.

durbacana kahe bahutere, kaha muni ppa miihi

kimi mere.2.
japahu ji sakara sata nm, hoihi hdaya

turata birm.
kou nahi

siva samna priya more , asi paratti tajahu jani bhore .3.
jehi para kp na karahi

purr, so na pva muni bhagati hamr.

asa ura dhari mahi bicarahu j, aba na tumhahi my niar.4.
When r Hari lifted the spell of His My, there was neither Ram nor the
princess to be seen by His side. In dire dismay the sage then clasped the feet of Hari
and said, O Reliever of the distress of the suppliant, save me! O gracious lord! let my
curse prove ineffectual. It was My will, replied the Lord, who is so merciful to the
humble. I poured many abuses at You, the sage repeated, how shall my sins be
expiated? Go and repeat the names of akara a hundred times; your heart will be
disburdened at once. No one is so dear to Me as iva: never give up this belief even
by mistake. O sage, he who does not earn the good-will of iva shall never attain true
devotion to Me. Bearing this in mind, go and perambulate the globe. My My shall haunt
you no more. (14)
0ff ff rf a ar
-r r a r n nr+ {-c+
Do.: bahubidhi munihi prabodhi prabhu taba bhae ataradhna,
satyaloka nrada cale karata rma guna gna.138.
Having thus reassured the sage, the Lord then disappeared; while Nrada
proceeded to Satyaloka (the seventh paradise, the abode of Brahm) chanting r
Rmas praises as he went. (138)
0 n ff ra t fnar ft+
fa ta r f r nf ra r+ {+
n f frr z r t- rr+
>rr n rr r r trr+ +
ff r; r ar r f a r+
ft fa ar fr ff fr a afr+ -+
f r arrr r; a f rr+
n f f r; fr rf r;+ +
Cau.: hara gana munihi jta pathadekh, bigatamoha mana haraa bise.
ati sabhta nrada pahi

e, gahi pada rata bacana sune.1.

hara gana hama na bipra muniry, baRa apardha knha phala py.
rpa anugraha karahu kpl, bole nrada dnadayl.2.
nisicara ji hohu tumha dou, baibhava bipula teja bala hou.
bhujabala bisva jitaba tumha jahi, dharihahi

binu manuja tanu tahi.3.

samara marana hari htha tumhr, hoihahu mukuta na puni sasr.
cale jugala muni pada sira n, bhae niscara klahi p.4.
When the attendants of iva saw the sage moving along the way free from delusion
and greatly delighted at heart, they approached him in great fer and, clasping his feet,
entreated piteously, We are servants of iva and no Brhmaas, O great sage; we
committed a great sin and have reaped its fruit. Now rid us of the curse, O benevolent
sage. Nrada, who was full of compassion to the humble, replied, Both of you go and
take the form of demons. You shall possess an enormous fortune, grandeur and strength.
When you have subdued the universe by the might of your arm, God Viu shall take
a human form. Dying at His hands in battle, you shall be liberated and shall never be
reborn. Bowing their head at the sages feet, both departed and were reborn as demons
in due course. (14)
0 f a t- ar
f f r+ {-+
Do.: eka kalapa ehi hetu prabhu lnha manuja avatra,
sura rajana sajjana sukhada hari bhajana bhubi bhra.139.
In one Kalpa (round of creation) it was for this reason that Lord r Hari assumed
a human form as. It is His vow to gladden the gods, to delight the virtuous and to ease
the earth of its burden. (139)
0f ff f ffr rr+
fa at r= fa rrff t+ {+
a a r t- nr; ta r;+
ff n r f f r r+ +
f a fr ar f f ff ar+
r fa r rf fn rf nr+ -+
n r rt frr rf f rt+
at a fart a rt+ +
Cau.: ehi bidhi janama karama hari kere, sudara sukhada bicitra ghanere.
kalapa kalapa prati prabhuavatarah

, cru carita nnbidhi karah

taba taba kath munsanha g, parama punta prabadha ban.
bibidha prasaga anupa bakhne, karahi

na suni caraju sayne.2.

hari anata harikath anat, kahahi


bahubidhi saba sat.

rmacadra ke carita suhe, kalapa koi lagi jhi

na ge.3.
yaha prasaga mai

kah bhavn, harimy


muni gyn.
prabhu kautuk pranata hitakr, sevata sulabha sakala dukha hr.4.
Thus r Haris births and exploits are many; they are all charming, delightful and
marvellous. In every cycle of creation the Lord manifests Himself and enacts lovely
sports of various kinds; and the great sages have on each such occasion sung His story
in most sacred strains, relating wonderful anecdotes of diverse kinds, hearing which the
allise marvel not. Infinite is r Hari and infinite are His stories; each sain sings and hears
them in divergent ways. The lovely sports of Rmacandra cannot be sung even in crores
of Kalpas.This episode, O Bhavn, has been narrated by me in order to show that even
enlightened sages are deluded by r Haris My. The Lord is sportive and a friend of
the suppliant; He is easy to serve and rids one of all sorrows. (14)
0 f rs rf f r rr
frf rf f rrr faf+ {+
So.: sura nara muni kou nhi

jehi na moha my prabala,

asa bicri mana mhi

bhajia mahmy patihi.140.

There is no god, man or sage whom r Haris powerful My cannot infatuate.
Bearing this in mind, one should adore the Lord of this great My. (140)
0 a rt s ffr r ftart+
f r n =r zr s r r+ {+
r ff fa ar r a fr+
r fa rf rt at t f rt+ +
rr ffa arrt ar fa = rt+
tr tf- r af arr r fs fa rr+ -+
r f rt f sr rt+
n f a r ar s f a+ +
Cau.: apara hetu sunu salakumr, kahau

bicitra kath bistr.
jehi krana aja aguna ar up, brahma bhayau kosalapura bhup.1.
jo prabhu bipina phirata tumha dekh, badhu sameta dhare munibe.
jsu carita avaloki bhavn, sat sarra rahihu ba urn.2.

na chy miati tumhr, tsu carita sunu bhrama ruja hr.
ll knhi jo tehi

avatr, so saba kahihau mati anusr.3.

bharadvja suni sakara bn, sakuci saprema um musukn.
lage bahuri baranai baket u, so avatra bhayau jehi hetu.4.
Hear, O daughter of the mountain-king, another reason why the unbegotten,
unqualified and formless Brahma became king of Ayodhy. I shall relate at length the
marvellous story connected with it. The Lord whom you saw roaming in the forest with
His brother (Lakmaa) in the garb of hermits, and whose doings drove you mad in the
form of Sat to such an extent that the shadow of that madness haunts you even to this
dayhear His exploits, which serve as a cure for the disease of delusion. The sportive
deeds that were performed by the Lord in that birth, I shall relate them all to the best of
My talents. Hearing akaras words, O Bharadvja, Um blushed and smiled with love.
iva (who has a bull emblazoned on His standard) then began to relate the cause of the
Lords descent on that particular occasion. (14)
0r ar s t r;
r r f f n f r;+ {{+
Do.: so mai

tumha sana kahau sabu sunu munsa mana li,

rma kath kali mala harani magala karani suhi.141.
I proceed to tell you all about it, O Bharadvja; listen attentively. The story of r
Rma wipes out all the impurities of the Kali age, brings forth all blessings and is most
charming. (141)
0tr = a=r f- a fy r+
fa r tr nr >rfa f- tr+ {+
s-rrr a ar f na s a r+
rr a r fa art r f rt+ +
fa f ar rt r f f rt+
rf trr s f f rr+ -+
r= rtr f- n rr a- fr f nrr+
af r t- rr r ff farr+ +
Cau.: svyabhu manu aru satar up, jinha te bhai narasi an up.
dapati dharama carana nk, ajahu

gva ruti jinha kai lk.1.
npa uttnapda suta ts u, dhruva hari bhagata bhayau suta js u.
laghu suta nma priyabrata th, beda purna prasasahi

devahuti puni tsu kumr, jo muni kardama kai priya nr.
dideva prabhu dnadayl, jahara dhareu jehi

kapila kpl.3.
skhya sstra jinha pragaa bakhn, tattva bicra nipuna bhagavn.

manu rja knha bahu kl, prabhu yasu saba bidhi pratipl.4.
Swyambhuva* Manu had atarup as wife; of them was born this peerless human
race, in Gods creation. The piety and conduct of the pair were excellent; the standard
of morality set up by them is sung by the Vedas even to this day. Their son was king
* So-called because he was born of Swayambhu (the self-born Brahm). It is stated in the Puras
that the Creator divided himself into two halves, one of which was a male and the other a female. The former
was known by the name of Swyambhuva and the other as atarup. He was the first of the fourteen Manus
who rule over Gods creation in succession, each holding office for 71.1/2 Caturyugas or repetitions of the four
Uttnapda, who begot the celebrated devotee of r Hari, Dhruva. Manus younger son
was known as Priyavrata, who is mentioned with praise by the Vedas and the Puras.
They had a daughter too, Devahuti by name, who was the belord consort of the sage
Kardama, and who bore in her womb the all-powerful and benevolent Lord Kapila the
primal divinity, who is compassionate to the humble and who openly expounded the
philosophy of Skhya, an adept as He was in the enquiry after the ultimate principles.
The said Manu ruled for a long period and followed the Lords commandments (in the form
of the scriptural ordinance) in everyway. (14)
0r; f frn a r
z a rn ns fnfa f+ {+
So.: hoi na biaya birga bhavana basata bh cauthapana,

bahuta dukha lga janama gayau haribhagati binu.142.
I have reached the fourth stage of my life (old age) while I am still living under the
roof of my house as a householder; but I have not yet lost my relish for the pleasures
of sense, he said to himself. He felt sore distressed at heart that his life had been
wasted without devotion to r Hari. (142)
0 r af a t-r rf a n t-r+
at f f=rar fa ta r ff rar+ {+
f ar f fq rr a f f s rr+
ra rf fatr r nfa tr+ +
r; fa atr f r f tr+
r f fq f rt ff rt+ -+
at r f- r r+
t f frr a r fa f rr+ +
Cau.: barabasa rja sutahi taba dnh, nri sameta gavana bana knh.
tratha bara naimia bikhyt, ati punta sdhaka sidhi dt.1.


muni siddha samj, taha


harai caleu manu rj.
patha jta sohahi

matidhr, gyna bhagati janu dhare sarr.2.

pahu ce ji dhenumati tr, harai nahne niramala nr.
e milana siddha muni gyn, dharama dhuradhara nparii jn.3.

jaha tratha rahe suhe, muninha sakala sdara karave.
ksa sarra munipaa paridhn, sata samja nita sunahi

Manu then perforce resigned the throne to his son and departed for the forest with
his wife. Pre-eminent of all holy places is the celebrated Naimiraya (the modern
Nimsar in Oudh), which is most sacred and bestows success on those striving for
realization. Multitudes of sages and adepts lived there. Glad of heart, king Manu
proceeded to that place. Passing along the way, the king and queen of resolute mind
looked like incarnations of spiritual wisdom and devotion respectively. On reaching the
bank of the Gomat they bathed with delight in the limpid stream. Adepts and enlightened
sages came to see him, recognizing in the royal sage a champion of virtue. The sages
reverently took them to all holy and lovely spots that were scattered here and there. With
emaciated bodies and clad in hermits robes they daily listened to the Puras in the
assembly of saints. (14)
0r - r f f fa rn
r = fa fa rn+ {-+
Do.: dvdasa acchara matra puni japahi

sahita anurga,
bsudeva pada pakaruha dapati mana ati lga.143.
They further devoutly repeated the twelve-lettered formula ( r na rr.
Their mind was fondly devoted to the lotus feet of Lord Vsudeva (the all-pervading
Viu). (143)
0f r r r ff zr frrr+
f f a a rn rf r -rn+ {+
s fr fa r; f r;+
n z a rt f faf rrt+ +
fa fa f f=r fr f=rf r+
ff fr nrr sf r a rr+ -+
s ; na a tra n;+
- >rfa rr a r ff frr+ +
Cau.: karahi

ahra ska phala kad, sumirahi

brahma saccidnad.
puni hari hetu karana tapa lge, bri adhra mula phala tyge.1.
ura abhila niratara ho, dekhia nayana parama prabhu so.
aguna akhaa anata and, jehi citahi

neti neti jehi beda nirup, nijnada nirupdhi anup.
sabhu biraci binu bhagavn, upajahi

jsu asa te nn.3.

aiseu prabhu sevaka basa aha, bhagata hetu lltanu gaha.

yaha bacana satya ruti bh, tau hamra p ujihi abhil.4.
They lived on vegetables, fruits and roots and meditated on Brahma (the Absolute),
who is truth, consciousness and bliss combined. Again, they started undergoing
penance for the sake of r Hari, giving up roots and fruits for water alone, Their heart
ever clamoured, Let us see with our eyes that supreme Lord who is without attributes,
without parts and without beginning or end, who is contemplated upon by the exponents
of the highest reality, whom the Vedas describe in negative terms such as Not this, not
this, who is bliss itself, unconditioned and without comparison, and from a particle of
whose being emanate a number of ambhus, Viracis and Vius. Even such a Lord
is subordinate to the will of His devotees and assumes for their sake a form suitable
for sport. If the above utterance of the Vedas is true, our desire will be surely
accomplished. (14)
0f ff ta rf rr
a e n f t r+ {+
Do.: ehi bidhi bte baraa aa sahasa bri hra,
sabata sapta sahasra puni rahe samra adhra.144.
In this way six thousand years elapsed even while they lived on water. Then for
another seven millennia they lived on air alone. (144)
0 -rns r r r+
ff f a f rr t r rr+ {+
rn rfa rr t f f r+
ftrr r; tr af rn f f tr+ +
r f rt nfa - ar rt+
rn rn = rt nt ra rt+ -+
a frf fnr r; >r r; s r;+
zyr a r r f a r+ +
Cau.: baraa sahasa dasa tygeu sou, hRhe rahe eka pada dou.
bidhi hari hara tapa dekhi apr, manu sampa e bahu br.1.
mgahu bara bahu bh

ti lobhe, parama dhra nahi


asthimtra hoi rahe sarr, tadapi manga manahi


prabhu sarbagya dsa nija jn, gati ananya tpasa npa rn.
mgu mgu baru bhai nabha bn, parama gabhra kpmta sn.3.
mtaka jivani gir suh, ravana radhra hoi ura jaba .
hapua tana bhae suhe, mnahu


bhavana te e.4.
For ten thousand years they refused to inhale even air (i.e., held their breath) and
remained standing on one leg. Beholding their great penance Brahm, Hari and Hara
repeatedly called on Manu and tempted him in many ways, saying Ask for a boon. But
the king and queen were most resolute and did not swerve in spite of the deities efforts
to deflect them from their course. Although their frame had been reduced to a mere
skeleton there was not the least anguish in their heart. The omniscient Lord now
recognized the king and queen as His own servants. The ascetic couple solely
depended on Him. In the meantime a most deep voice thundered from heaven, Ask, ask
for a boon. The voice was steeped in the nectar of compassion and was so charming
that it infused life into the dead. Entering through the cavity of the ears when it reached
their very heart, they found their body attractive, animated and robust as before, as if
they had just returned from home. (14)
0>r r f fa nra
r f za z ra+ {~+
Do.: ravana sudh sama bacana suni pulaka praphullita gta,
bole manu kari daavata prema na hdaya

As the royal couple heard these words, which were delightful to the ear as nectar
itself, the hair on their body bristled and a thrill ran through their limbs. Then, falling
prostrate on the ground and with his heart overflowing with love Manu spoke: (145)
0 a= ff f fa +
a r ar r r+ {+
r fa a - r; +
r = f rt f r f a rt+ +
r fz r r n n f fn r+
f r = f r r arfa r+ -+
fa f rn fta rn+
na rfrr ftr n nrr+ +
Cau.: sunu sevaka surataru suradhen u, bidhi hari hara badita pada renu.
sevata sulabha sakala sukha dyaka, pranatapla sacarcara nyaka.1.
jau antha hita hama para nehu, tau prasanna hoi yaha bara dehu.
jo sarupa basa siva mana mh

, jehi krana muni jatana karh

jo bhusui mana mnasa has, saguna aguna jehi nigama prasas.

hama so rupa bhari locana, kp karahu pranatrati mocana.3.

dapati bacana parama priya lge, mdula binta prema rasa pge.
bhagata bachala prabhu kpnidhn, bisvabsa pragae bhagavn.4.
Listen, O Lord! You are a wish-yielding tree and a cow of plenty to Your servants.
The dust below Your feet is adored by Brahm, Hari and Hara. You are easy to serve
and a fountain of all blessings. You are the protector of the suppliant and the lord of all
creation, both animate and inanimate. O friend of the forlorn, if You have any affection for
us, be pleased to grant this boon to us. The form which dwells in ivas heart and is
sought by sages, which sports like a swan in the lake of Bhuuis mind and is glorified
by the Vedas as both with and without attributesbe gracious to us and let us feast our
eyes on that form; O Reliever of the distress of the suppliant. The soft and humble
words of the royal couple, steeped as they were in the nectar of love, were liked by the
Lord very much. Full of affection for His devotees and a storehouse of compassion, the
all-powerful Lord, who pervades the whole universe, manifested Himself. (14)
0t r= t f t t tr
rf a rr ff rf rf a r+ {+
Do.: nla saroruha nla mani nla nradhara syma,

tana sobh nirakhi koi koi sata kma.146.

Billions and millions of Loves blushed to behold the elegance of His swarthy form,
which resembled a blue lotus (in the softness of its touch), a sapphire (in its gloss) and
a dark cloud (in its freshness). (146)
0 f tr r= r f ntr+
= rr f f ff rr+ {+
f tt faf fa rat t t+
f r r f rt fa r fart+ +
z f rr f rr+
s >rt- =f rr f r frr+ -+
f r= r f a+
f f n zr f fn rzr+ +
Cau.: sarada mayaka badana chabi s

v, cru kapola cibuka dara grv.

adhara aruna rada sudara ns, bidhu kara nikara binidaka hs.1.
nava abuja abaka chabi nk, citavani lalita bhva t j k.
bhkui manoja cpa chabi hr, tilaka lala paala dutikr.2.
kuala makara mukua sirabhrj, kuila kesa janu madhupa samj.
ura rbatsa rucira banaml, padika hra bhuana manijl.3.
kehari kadhara cru janeu, bhu bibhuana sudara teu.
kari kara sarisa subhagabhujada, kai niaga kara sara koda.4.
His countenance, which resembled the autumnal full moon, was the very perfection
of beauty. Lovely were His cheeks and chin and His neck resembled the conch-shell in
its spiral shape. His ruddy lips, teeth and nose were charming. His smile put to shame
the rays of the moon. His eyes possessed the exquisite beauty of fresh-blown lotuses
and His lovely glance captivated the heart. His eyebrows stole the beauty of Loves bow
and a sectarian mark shone on His forehead. Fish-shaped ear-rings hung from his ear-
lobes and a crown adorned His head. His curly locks looked like a swarm of bees. His
breast was marked by a curl of hair and adorned with a beautiful wreath of sylvan
flowers, a string of precious stones and other jewelled ornaments. His strong and well-
built shoulders resembled that of a lion and the lovely sacred thread was suspended from
it. His long beautiful arms resembled the trunk of an elephant. The ornaments adorning
them were also charming. A quiver was tied to His waist and His hands bore an arrow
and a bow. (14)
0afza ff ta s atf
rf r fa f tf+ {+
Do.: taRita binidaka pta paa udara rekha bara tni,
nbhi manohara leti janu jamuna bhava ra chabi chni.147.
His yellow robes put to shame streaks of lightning and His belly had three-
folds; while His attractive navel robbed, as it were, the eddies on the Yamun of their
beauty. (147)
0 rt f f rt f f - rt+
r rn rfa r rff+ fff nr+ {+
r sf nrt nfa f- sr zr rt+
f fr r n r; r r ff tar r;+ +
f f = frt rt+
faf r = r afta rf a=r+ -+
f a r rt z ; nf rt+
f f r aa sr =rr+ +
Cau.: pada rjva barani nahi


, muni mana madhupa basahi

jenha mh

bma bhga sobhati anuk ul, disakti chabinidhi jagamul.1.
jsu asa upajahi

gunakhn, aganita lacchi um brahmn.

bhkui bilsa jsu jaga ho, rma bma disi st so.2.
chabisamudra hari rupa bilok, ekaaka rahe nayana paa rok.

sdara rupa anup, tpti na mnahi

manu satar up.3

haraa bibasa tana das bhuln, pare daa iva gahi pada pn.
sira parase prabhu nija karakaj, turata uhe karunpuj.4.
His lotus feet, which attract the minds of sages like so many bees, were beyond
description. On His left side shone His primordial energy, St, who is ever devoted to
Him, and who is a storehouse of beauty and the source of the universe. St, who stood
to the left of r Rma, was the same from a fragment of whose being emanate countless
Lakms, Ums and Brahms (Sarasvats), all mines of virtues, and the mere play of
whose eyebrows brings the cosmos into existence. On the form of r Hari, the ocean
of beauty, Manu and atarup gazed intently with unblinking eyes. That incomparable
beauty they looked on with reverence and would not feel sated with it. Overcome with
joy they lost consciousness of their body and fell flat on the ground, clasping His feet
with their hands. The gracious Lord touched their heads with His own lotus hands and
lifted them up at once. (14)
0r rfr f fa r rf rf
rn r; r rrf rf+ {c+
Do.: bole kpnidhna puni ati prasanna mohi jni,
mgahu bara joi bhva mana mahdni anumni.148.
The compassionate Lord then said, Knowing that I am highly pleased with you
and recognizing Me as a great donor, ask whatever boon you will. (148)
0f rf n rt f t rt rt+
r f arr r r+ {+
rr fz s rt n n f rfa r rt+
arf a fa n nrr; n rn rf f r;+ +
r f fa= r; fa rna r;+
ar rs r f r; ar z r;+ -+
r ar r art r r trt+
fr; rn rt r f art+ +
Cau.: suni prabhu bacana jori juga pn, dhari dhraju bol mdu bn.
ntha dekhi pada kamala tumhre, aba pure saba kma hamre.1.
eka llas baRi ura mh

, sugama agama kahi jti so nh

tumhahi deta ati sugama gos

, agama lga mohi nija kpan

jath daridra bibudhataru p, bahu sapati mgata sakuc.
tsu prabhu jna nahi

so, tath hdaya mama sasaya ho.3.

so tumha jnahu atarajm, puravahu mora manoratha svm.
sakuca bihi mgu npa moh, more nahi

adeya kachu toh.4.

On hearing the words of the Lord, Manu joined his palms and summoning courage
spoke in soft accents, Now that we have seen Your lotus feet, all our desires have been
fulfilled. Yet one ardent longing still lingers in my heart. It is easy of accomplishment and
at the same time hard to attain; hence it cannot be expressed. O Lord, it is easy for You
to grant it; but due to my wretched condition it appears to me so hard to attain. Just as
a pauper who has found a wish-yielding tree feels shy in asking for abundant wealth, little
realizing its glory, even so my heart is possessed by doubt. Being the witness of all
hearts, You know my mind; therefore, O my master, fulfil my desire. O king, ask of Me
unreservedly; there is nothing which I would not give you. (14)
0rf frf rff r s fars
rs arf r a rs+ {+
Do.: dni siromani kpnidhi ntha kahau


tumhahi samna suta prabhu sana kavana duru.149.
O crest-jewel of donors, O gracious lord, I tell You my sincere wish: I would have
a son like You. I can have nothing to conceal from You. (149)
0f tfa f r ta =rff r+
r f r r; a a r r;+ {+
a=f frf r f rn = r =f ar+
r = r a rnr r; r rf fa f rnr+ +
a f rfa fr; f na fa arf rr;+
ar zrrf n trt zr s art+ -+
ra r; r r r f r;+
f na r a t r rf r nfa t+ +
Cau.: dekhi prti suni bacana amole, evamastu karunnidhi bole.
pu sarisa khojau

kaha j, npa tava tanaya hoba mai

satarupahi biloki kara jore , debi mgu baru jo ruci tore .
jo baru ntha catura npa mg, soi kpla mohi ati priya lg.2.
prabhu paratu suhi hoti hih, jadapi bhagata hita tumhahi soh.
tumha brahmdi janaka jaga svm, brahma sakala ura atarajm.3.
asa samujhata mana sasaya ho, kah jo prabhu pravna puni so.
je nija bhagata ntha tava ahah

, jo sukha pvahi

jo gati lahah

On seeing his love and hearing his invaluable words, the compassionate Lord
said, Amen. But where shall I go to find My equal? I Myself, O king, shall be a son to
you. Then, seeing atarup with her hands still folded, He said, O good lady, ask
whatever boon you please. O gracious Lord, the boon which the clever king has just
asked has appealed to me much. But it is great presumption, my Lord, even though such
presumption is liked by You, O friend of the devotees. You are the progenitor even of
Brahm and other gods, the lord of the universe and the Supreme Being who dwells
within the heart of all. Realizing this, my mind is filled with doubt; but what You have said
is infallible. O my master, the bliss that is enjoyed and the goal that is reached by your
own devotees (14)
0r; r; nfa r; nfa r; f
r; f r; f f r f + {~+
Do.: soi sukha soi gati soi bhagati soi nija carana sanehu,
soi bibeka soi rahani prabhu hamahi kp kari dehu.150.
Grant me in Your mercy, O Lord, that very bliss the same destiny, the same
devotion, the same attachment to Your feet, the same insight and the same mode of
living. (150)
0f n =f r rf r r+
r =f ar rt r t- rt+ {+
ra f f ar fff n r+
f s rt fat rt+ +
a f; a fa r rf z f r+
f f f ff f tr t faf arf tr+ -+
= rfn nf ta =rff +
ar r rt r; fa rt+ +
Cau.: suni mdu guRha rucira bara racan, kpsidhu bole mdu bacan.
jo kachu ruci tumhare mana mh

, mai

so dnha saba sasaya nh

mtu bibeka alaukika tore , kabahu

na miihi anugraha more .
badi carana manu kaheu bahor, avara eka binat prabhu mor.2.
suta biaika tava pada rati hou, mohi baRa muRha kahai kina kou.
mani binu phani jimi jala binu mn, mama jvana timi tumhahi adhn.3.
asa baru mgi carana gahi rahe u, evamastu karunnidhi kaheu.
aba tumha mama anussana mn, basahu ji surapati rajadhn.4.
Hearing the soft, pregnant, charming and excellent speech of atarup, the
gracious Lord gently replied, Whatever desire you cherish in your mind I have granted;
you should have no doubt about it. Mother, by My grace your uncommon wisdom shall
never fail. Bowing at His feet, Manu again said, Lord, I have one more request to make.
Let me have attachment to Your feet, of the same type as one has for a son, no matter
if anyone calls me a big fool. Just as a snake cannot live without the gem on its hood
and a fish without water, even so let my life be dependent on You (let me not survive
without You). Asking this boon, the king remained clasping the Lords feet till the All-
merciful said, Let it be so. Now, obeying My command go and dwell in the capital of Indra
(the chief of gods). (14)
0a f rn fr ara n r f
r; r a r arr a+ {~{+
So.: taha kari bhoga bisla tta gae kachu kla puni,
hoihahu avadha bhula taba mai

hoba tumhra suta.151.

Having enjoyed extensive enjoyments there you shall, after some time, be born
as king of Ayodhy; then, odear one, I will be your son. (151)
0;-r r r;s n fa arr+
- fa f arar fs fa na rar+ {+
f r zrnt aff ar -rnt+
rff+ f n srr rs aff rf rr+ +
s fr arrr - - - rr+
f f f rfrr ar nrr+ -+
fa s f na rr af r>r f rr+
r; a af rr r; t- rfa rr+ +
Cau.: icchmaya narabea sa vre , hoihau pragaa niketa tumhre .
asanha sahita deha dhari tt, karihau carita bhagata sukhadt.1.
je suni sdara nara baRabhg, bhava tarihahi

mamat mada tyg.

disakti jehi

jaga upajy, sou avatarihi mori yaha my.2.

purauba mai

abhila tumhr, satya satya pana satya hamr.

puni puni asa kahi kpnidhn, ataradhna bhae bhagavn.3.
dapati ura dhari bhagata kpl, tehi

rama nivase kachu kl.

samaya pi tanu taji anays, ji knha amarvati bs.4.
Voluntarily assuming human guise I will manifest Myself in your house. Bodying
Myself forth with My drayments I will perform sportive acts which will be a source of
delight to My devotees. Hearing of such exploits with reverence blessed men shall cross
the ocean of worldly existence, renouncing the feeling of meum and arrogance. This
My, who is no other than My primordial energy that has brought forth the universe, too
will manifest Herself. In this way I will accomplish your desire and this pledge of Mine shall
never, never, never fail. Repeating this again and again, the gracious Lord vanished out
of sight. Cherishing in their mind the image of the Lord who is so compassionate to His
devotees, the wedded couple stayed in that hermitage for some time more. And dropping
their body, when the time came, without the least pain they went and took their abode
in Amarvat, the city of immortals. (14)
0 ;far ta fa sf t a
r f r a+ {~+
Do.: yaha itihsa punta ati umahi kah baketu,
bharadvja sunu apara puni rma janama kara hetu.152.
This most sacred legend was related by iva (who has a bull emblazoned on His
standard) to Um. Bharadvja, now hear yet another cause of r Rmas birth. (152)
0 f r ta rt r fnfr fa rt+
ft ffa -a a ; + {+
tfa frr a ar t rr+
af n a tr n r r tr+ +
r t r a rt r arr art+
af f rr a nrr+ -+
r;f r;f tat r fa tat+
af r t-r f fa r n t-r+ +
Cau.: sunu muni kath punta purn, jo girij prati sabhu bakhn.
bisva bidita eka kaikaya desu, satyaketu taha basai nares u.1.
dharama dhuradhara nti nidhn, teja pratpa sla balavn.
tehi ke bhae jugala suta br, saba guna dhma mah ranadhr.2.
rja dhan jo jeha suta h, nma pratpabhnu asa th.
apara sutahi arimardana nm, bhujabala atula acala sagrm.3.
bhihi bhihi parama samt, sakala doa chala barajita prt.
jehe sutahi rja npa dnh, hari hita pu gavana bana knh.4.
Listen, O sage, to an old and sacred legend which was narrated by ambhu to
Girij.There was a principality known by the name of Kaikaya, which was celebrated
throughout the world. A king named Satyaketu ruled there. He was a champion of virtue,
a storehouse of political wisdom, dignified, glorious, amiable and powerful. He had two
gallant sons, who were repositories of all virtues and most staunch in battle. The elder
of the two and the heir to the throne was named Pratpabhnu. The other was known
by the name of Arimardana, who was unequalled in strength of arm and steady in battle.
There was perfect unity between the two brothers and the affection each bore to the
other was free from all blemish and guile. To the elder son the king resigned the throne
and withdrew himself into the forest for the sake of devotion to r Hari. (14)
0 arf s ft rr;
r r fa ff a t rr + {~-+
Do.: jaba pratparabi bhayau npa phir doh desa,
praj pla ati bedabidhi katahu


agha lesa.153.
When Pratpabhnu became king, a proclamation to this effect was made throughout
the land. He looked after his subjects with utmost care according to the precepts of the
Vedas and there was not a speck of sin anywhere (in his kingdom). (153)
0 far f rr r =f rr+
f r tr r ar tr+ {+
n an rr fa rrr+
frf rs rr = r nn frr+ +
f a ; r; f rf s r;+
a t r; ta fr;+ -+
e t t- z rfz t-+
f z a f rr arr frr+ +
Cau.: npa hitakraka saciva sayn, nma dharamaruci sukra samn.
saciva sayna badhu balabr, pu pratpapuja ranadhr.1.
sena saga caturaga apr, amita subhaa saba samara jujhr.
sena biloki ru haran, aru bje gahagahe nisn.2.
bijaya hetu kaaka ban, sudina sdhi npa caleu baj.

taha par

aneka lar

, jte sakala bhupa bari

sapta dpa bhujabala basa knhe, lai lai daa chRi npa dnhe.
sakala avani maala tehi kl, eka pratpabhnu mahipl.4.
The prime minister, Dharmaruci by name, was a second ukra* and was as
devoted to the king as he was wise. With a prudent counseller and a gallant and powerful
brother, the king himself was an embodiment of glory and daring in war. He owned a vast
army consisting of horse and foot, chariots and elephants. It had numberless excellent
warriors all of whom fought fearlessly in battle. The king rejoiced to see his army and there
was a tumultuous sound of kettledrums. He collected a special force for the conquest of
the world, and availing himself of an auspicious day marched forth with beat of drums.
A number of battles were fought here and there and all hostile kings were brought to their
knees by superior might. By the strength of his arm be reduced all the seven sections
of the terrestrial region and let the princes go on payment of tribute. Now Pratpabhnu
was the undisputed sovereign of the entire globe. (14)
0t ft f r f t-
rrf ; + {~+
Do.: svabasa bisva kari bhubala nija pura knha prabesu,
aratha dharama kmdi sukha sevai samaya

Having thus subjugated the whole universe by the might of his arm, the king re-
entered his capital. He indulges in the pleasures of wealth, religious practices and sense-
gratification etc., at the appropriate time. (154)
0 arr r; r f r;+
fa r rt t rt+ {+
f =f f tat fa a f fa tat+
n a fa fr ; r r+ +
r ; r r+
f fa ; ff ff rr ; rtr rr+ -+
rr rt azrnr rfr rnr+
f r at- ffr r+ +
Cau.: bhupa pratpabhnu bala p, kmadhenu bhai bhumi suh.
saba dukha barajita praj sukhr, dharamasla sudara nara nr.1.
saciva dharamaruci hari pada prt, npa hita hetu sikhava nita nt.
gura sura sata pitara mahidev, karai sad npa saba kai sev.2.
bhupa dharama je beda bakhne, sakala karai sdara sukha mne.
dina prati dei bibidha bidhi dn, sunai sstra bara beda purn.3.
nn bp

kupa taRg, sumana bik sudara bg.

biprabhavana surabhavana suhe, saba trathanha bicitra bane.4.
Secured by king Pratpabhnus might, the charming earth became a cow of
plenty as it were (yielded all ones coveted products). The people were happy and
free from all sorrows and both men and women were good-looking and virtuous. The
minister, Dharmaruci, was devoted to the feet of r Hari; in the interest of his king he
* The celebrated preceptor of the Daityas, who is noted for his political insight and is credited with the
authorship of the famous work on political science, ukranti.
advised him on state policy everyday. Preceptors, gods, saints, manes and Brhmaas
the king invariably served them all. Whatever duties have been enjoined on a king in the
Vedas, he gladly and devoutly performed. He bestowed gifts of various kinds everyday and
listened to the best scriptures including the Vedas and the Puras. In all holy places he
constructed many small and big wells and tanks, flower gardens and lovely orchards,
dwellings for the Brhmaas and beautiful temples of wonderful architecture. (14)
0 fn r >rfa rn
r n n f fa rn+ {~~+
Do.: jaha

lagi kahe purna ruti eka eka saba jga,
bra sahasra sahasra npa kie sahita anurga.155.
Whatever sacrifices have been enjoined in the Vedas and the Puras, the king
devoutly performed each one of them a thousand times. (155)
0z rr ft rr+
; rt r fa rt+ {+
f rf r rr nr rf rr+
fr nt n n ta ra + +
fa ff t r s ff nf r+
z f f ra rt r sfna rt+ -+
r r f nr; a fr t fr;+
rr=rrra r r fa fra r sr+ +
Cau.: hdaya na kachu phala anusadhn, bhupa bibek parama sujn.
karai je dharama karama mana bn, bsudeva arpita npa gyn.1.
caRhi bara bji bra eka rj, mgay kara saba sji samj.
bidhycala gabhra bana gaya u, mga punta bahu mrata bhayau.2.
phirata bipina npa dkha barh u, janu bana dureu sasihi grasi rhu.
baRa bidhu nahi

samta mukha mh

, manahu

krodha basa ugilata nh

kola karla dasana chabi g, tanu bisla pvara adhik.
ghurughurta haya rau pe , cakita bilokata kna uhe .4.
There was no seeking for any reward in his heart; the king was a man of great
discrimination and wisdom. Whatever meritorious act he performed in thought, word or
deed, the wise king dedicated it to Lord Vsudeva (the all-pervading God Viu).
Equipping himself with all the outfit of hunting, the king mounted a gallant steed one day
and, entering the dense forest of the Vindhya range, killed many a sacred animals. While
ranging in the wood he espied a wild boar. It looked as if with the moon in his mouth
the demon Rhu had hid in the forest. The orb was too large to be contained in the mouth,
yet in his rage he would not disgorge it. Thus have I chosen to portray the beauty of the
frightful tusks of the boar, while its body too was of an enormous size and bulk. Growling
at the tramp of the horse and pricking up its ears it gazed with a startled look. (14)
0t t f f fr r
f s f rf r; fr+ {~+
Do.: nla mahdhara sikhara sama dekhi bisla barhu,
capari caleu haya suuki npa h

ki na hoi nibhu.156.
On seeing the huge boar, which resembled a purple mountain-peak, the king
whipped the horse and advanced rapidly, challenging the boar at the same time and
saying it could no longer escape. (156)
0ra f f rt s r =a nfa rt+
aa t- rr f ff ns fra rr+ {+
af af at t rr f t rr+
na a r; n rnr f s n rnr+ +
ns f rr n r rf n rf fr+
fa f af n n a; + -+
r frf z tr rfn fnfnr ntr+
n f fa far; fs r s r;+ +
Cau.: vata dekhi adhika rava bj, caleu barha maruta gati bhj.
turata knha npa sara sadhn, mahi mili gayau bilokata bn.1.
taki taki tra mahsa calv, kari chala suara sarra bacv.
pragaata durata ji mga bhg, risa basa bhupa caleu sa ga lg.2.
gayau duri ghana gahana barh u, jaha

nhina gaja bji nibh u.
ati akela bana bipula kales u, tadapi na mga maga tajai nares u.3.
kola biloki bhupa baRa dhr, bhgi paiha giriguh

agama dekhi npa ati pachit, phireu mahbana pareu bhul.4.
When it saw the horse coming on with a great noise, the boar took to flight swift as
wind. The king lost no time in fitting the arrow to his bow and the boar crouched as soon as
it saw the shaft. The king discharged his arrows taking a steady aim each time, but the boar
saved itself by its wiliness. The beast rushed on, now hiding and now emerging into view;
while the king in much excitement followed closely on its track. The boar went afar into a
dense thicket, which was impenetrable by elephant or horse. Even though the king was all
by himself and was faced with untold hardships in the forest, still he would not abandon the
chase. Seeing the king so determined, the boar slunk away into a deep mountain-cave.
When the king perceived that there was no access to the cave, he had to return much
disappointed; and, what was worse, he lost his track in the great forest. (14)
0 fr fqa afa rr rf a
ra r fa f s a+ {~+
Do.: kheda khinna chuddhita tita rj bji sameta,
khojata bykula sarita sara jala binu bhayau aceta.157.
Exhausted with much exertion and oppressed by hunger and thirst, the king and his
horse kept searching for a stream or pond and almost fainted for want of water. (157)
0fa ff r>r r a fa fr+
r t- zr; af ns r;+ {+
arr rt r fa rt+
ns n a nrt fr rf frt+ +
f s rf ff rr ff ; ar rr+
ar t n t-r arf af a t-r+ -+
rs afa f r frr f rf rr+
saf an a t- rr a s f rr+ +
Cau.: phirata bipina rama eka dekh, taha

basa npati kapaa munibe.
jsu desa npa lnha chaR, samara sena taji gayau par.1.
samaya pratpabhnu kara jn, pana ati asamaya anumn.
gayau na gha mana bahuta galn, mil na rjahi npa abhimn.2.
risa ura mri raka jimi rj, bipina basai tpasa ke sj.
tsu sampa gavana npa knh, yaha pratparabi tehi

taba cnh.3.
ru tita nahi

so pahicn, dekhi subea mahmuni jn.

utari turaga te knha pranm, parama catura na kaheu nija nm.4.
While wandering in the forest he espied a hermitage. In that hermitage dwelt,
in the disguise of a hermit, a monarch who had been despoiled of his kingdom by
Pratpabhnu and who had run away from the field of battle deserting his army. Knowing
that the time was propitious for Pratpabhnu and most unfavourable to his own self,
he felt much disgusted at heart and refused to return home; and he was too proud
to come to terms with the victor. Suppressing the anger in his own heart the ex-king
lived in the forest like a pauper in the garb of an anchorite. It was to him that king
Pratpabhnu went and he for his part immediately recognized that the newcomer was
no other than Pratpabhnu. Overcome by thirst, the latter, however, could not recognize
the ex-king. Perceiving his holy garb Pratpabhnu took him to be a great sage and,
getting down from his horse, made obeisance to him. The king was, however, too astute
to disclose his name. (14)
0fa afa frf af = t- r;
r r a t- fa r;+ {~c+
Do.: bhupati tita biloki tehi

sarabaru dnha dekhi,

majjana pna sameta haya knha npati harai.158.
Seeing king Pratpabhnu thirsty, he showed him a good lake and the king as well
as his horse gladly bathed in it and drank from it. (158)
0n >r t f r>r ar n+
r t- ta f rt f ar rs rt+ {+
r ar f r t +
fa - ar a r rfn fa r+ +
r arr tr ar f tr+
fa s r; z rn s r;+ -+
arrr ra rfrr+
f ara s frr r -rf n= arrr+ +
Cau.: gai rama sakala sukh npabhayau, nija rama tpasa lai gayau.
sana dnha asta rabi jn, puni tpasa boleu mdu bn.1.
ko tumha kasa bana phirahu akele , sudara jub jva parahele .
cakrabarti ke lacchana tore , dekhata day lgi ati more .2.
nma pratpabhnu avans, tsu saciva mai

sunahu muns.
phirata ahere pareu bhul, baRe bhga dekheu

pada .3.
hama kaha

durlabha darasatumhr, jnata hau

kachu bhala honihr.
kaha muni tta bhayau a dhir, jojana sattari nagaru tumhr.4.
The whole fatigue was gone and the king heaved a sigh of relief. The hermit
thereafter took him back to his hermitage; and perceiving that it was sunset now he gave
him a seat and then spoke to him in polite terms, Who are you and wherefore do you
risk your life by roaming in the forest all alone, even though you are so young and
handsome? Reading the marks of an emperor on your person I am moved with great
pity. Listen, O great sage: there is a king named Pratpabhnu; I am his minister.
Ranging in pursuit of hunt I have lost my way and by great good fortune I have been led
into your presence. Your sight is a rare boon to me; it leads me to believe that something
good is about to befall me. The hermit said, It is now dusk, my son; and your city is
five hundred and sixty miles away. (14)
0fr rrr nt r
r rf a r r ra fr+ {~ (+
Do.: nis ghora gabhra bana patha na sunahu sujna,
basahu ju asa jni tumha jehu hota bihna.159(A).
Listen, O wise: dark and dreary is the night, and the forest is dense and trackless;
knowing this, tarry here overnight and depart in the morning. (159 A)
at f aar at f; r;
r r; arf f arf ar r;+ {~ (+
tulas jasi bhavatabyat tais milai sahi,
punu vai thi pahi

thi tah

lai ji.159(B).
The inevitable, says Tulasdsa, is invariably preceded by circumstances that are
favourable to it. Either it comes to a man or takes him to the cause of his doom. (159 B)
0f r r f tr rf an a= tr+
rfa s art f f r rt+ {+
f rs fnr r; rf far s fr;+
rf t a rt r r f rt+ +
af r f r rr z r rr+
t f rt f rr t- ; f rr+ -+
fr r fa rat r ; n; rat+
f rr rf z rr+ +
Cau.: bhalehi

ntha yasu dhari ss, b

dhi turaga taru baiha mahs.

npa bahu bh

ti prasaseu th, carana badi nija bhgya sarh.1.

puni boleu mdu gir suh, jni pit prabhu karau

mohi munsa suta sevaka jn, ntha nma nija kahahu bakhn.2.
tehi na jna npa npahi so jn, bhupa suhda so kapaa sayn.
bair puni chatr puni rj, chala bala knha cahai nija kj.3.
samujhi rjasukha dukhita art, av

anala iva sulagai cht.

sarala bacana npa ke suni kn, bayara sa bhri hdaya

Very well, my lord, the king replied; and bowing to the hermits command he tied
up the horse to a tree and then sat down. The king extolled him in many ways and
bowing at his feet congratulated himself. He then spoke to him in soft and endearing
terms, Regarding you as a father, my lord, I venture to address you. Looking upon me
as your son and servant O great sage, pray tell me your name in full, my master.
Although the king did not recognize him, he recognized the king. While the king had a
guileless heart, the hermit was a pastmaster in fraud. Being an enemy in the first
instance, and a Katriya on top of it and again of royal blood, he sought to accomplish
his end by dint of his cunning. The thought of the pleasures of royalty had made the
enemy king sad; the fire of jealousy smouldered within his heart like that of a furnace.
On hearing the artless words of Pratpabhnu and recalling the grudge he had nursed
against him, the hermit felt delighted at heart. (14)
0 rf rt rs nfa a
r r frf f fa fa+ {+
Do.: kapaa bori bn mdula boleu juguti sameta,
nma hamra bhikhri aba nirdhana rahita niketa.160.
He uttered the following soft yet false and artful words, My name is now Bhikhr
(a mendicant), penniless and homeless as I am. (160)
0 fr frr ar rf nfa frr+
r f r ff r+ {+
af a f a >rfa f f f +
ar frf n r ra ff ff r+ +
rf rf a rt r r f trt+
tfa fa t r f ftr ft+ -+
r rf r; rs f r;+
fars s frr ;r a ta rr+ +
Cau.: kaha npa je bigyna nidhn, tumha srikhe galita abhimn.
sad rahahi

apanapau dure , saba bidhi kusala kubea bane .1.

tehi te kahahi

sata ruti ere , parama akicana priya hari kere .

tumha sama adhana bhikhri ageh, hota biraci sivahi sadeh.2.
josi sosi tava carana namm, mo para kp karia aba svm.
sahaja prti bhupati kai dekh, pu biaya bisvsa bise.3.
saba prakra rjahi apan, boleu adhika saneha jan.
sunu satibhu kahau mahipl, ih

basata bte bahu kl.4.

The king replied, Those who are repositories of wisdom and free from pride like
you always keep their reality concealed; even though proficient in everyway, they prefer
to remain in tattered clothes. That is why saints as well as the Vedas proclaim that
those who are supremely indigent are held most dear by r Hari. Penniless and homeless
beggars like you fill the minds of even Viraci and iva with doubt. Whoever you may
be, I bow at Your feet; now be gracious to me, my lord. When the hermit saw the
kings artless affection and extraordinary faith in him, he won him over in everyway,
and spoke with a still greater affection Listen, O king; I tell you sincerely that I have
dwelt here for long. (14)
0 fn rf f s rs rs r
rr-ar a r r+ {{ (+
Do.: aba lagi mohi na mileu kou mai

na janvau khu,
lokamnyat anala sama kara tapa knana dhu.161(A).
No one has come to me so far nor do I make myself known to anyone;
for popular esteem is like a wild fire, which consumes the forest of penance (i.e.,
neutralizes it). (161 A)
0at f f a
ff r f+ {{ (+
So.: tulas dekhi subeu bhulahi

muRha na catura nara,

sudara kekihi pekhu bacana sudh sama asana ahi.161(B).
Not only fools, says Tulasdsa, but even clever men are taken in by fair
appearances. Look at the beautiful peacock: though its notes are sweet like nectar, it
devours snakes. (161 B)
0ara na s n rt f af ff r rt+
ra ff r f ff r frr+ {+
ar f fa f r tfa atfa rf ar+
ara rs art r= r rr; fa rt+ +
ff ff ar ; srr faf faf f s ftrr+
r t rt a rr ar nrt+ -+
r r a r; f rs f f= r;+
r rt rf fa r rt+ +
Cau.: tte guputa rahau

jaga mh

, hari taji kimapi prayojana nh

prabhu jnata saba binahi

jane , kahahu kavani sidhi loka rijhe .1.

tumha suci sumati parama priya more , prti pratti mohi para tore
aba jau

tta durvau toh, druna doa ghaai ati moh.2.
jimi jimi tpasu kathai uds, timi timi npahi upaja bisvs.
dekh svabasa karma mana bn, taba bol tpasa bagadhyn.3.
nma hamra ekatanu bh, suni npa boleu puni siru n.
kahahu nma kara aratha bakhn, mohi sevaka ati pana jn.4.
That is why I live in this world away from the public gaze. I have little to do with
anything other than r Hari. The Lord knows everything without being told; tell me, then,
what is to be gained by humouring the world. You are sincere and intelligent and are therefore
supremely dear to me; and I too have earned your affection and confidence. Now, my son,
if I were to keep anything from you, I shall incur the most severe blame. The more the
hermit talked of his indifference to the world the more trustful grew the king. When the false
anchorite saw the king devoted to him in thought, word and deed, he said, My name,
brother, is Ekatanu. Hearing this, the king bowed his head and asked further, Kindly explain
to me the meaning of this appellation recognizing me as your faithful servant. (14)
0rffy st f a safa rf
r a a af t rf+ {+
Do.: disi upaj jabahi

taba utapati bhai mori,

nma ekatanu hetu tehi deha na dhar bahori.162.
My birth took place at the first dawn of creation. Since then I have never taken
another body; that is why I am called Ekatanu. (162)
0f r rt a a a rt+
a a n ; frar a fr frrar+ {+
a f rrrr a a n rr+
s f f fa rnr r ra r rnr+ +
;far r ; f= ffa fr+
s r rt f fa r rt+ -+
f t ar r r a +
ar rs art t- rn rt+ +
Cau.: jani caraju karahu mana mh

, suta tapa te durlabha kachu nh

tapabala te jaga sjai bidht, tapabala binu bhae paritrt.1.
tapabala sabhu karahi

saghr, tapa te agama na kachu sasr.

bhayau npahi suni ati anurg, kath purtana kahai so lg.2.
karama dharama itihsa anek, karai nirupana birati bibek.
udabhava plana pralaya kahn, kahesi amita caraja bakhn.3.
suni mahpa tpasa basa bhaya u, pana nma kahana taba layau.
kaha tpasa npa jnau toh, knhehu kapaa lga bhala moh.4.
Marvel not, my son, to hear this; for nothing is too difficult to obtain through
penance. By dint of penance Brahm creates the universe; by dint of penance Viu
assumed the role of its protector. By dint of penance, again, ambhu destroys the world;
there is nothing in this world which cannot be attained through penance. Hearing this,
the king felt much enamoured and the hermit commenced relating old legends. Having
discussed topics of Karma (action) and Dharma (duty) and told many legends bearing
on them he discoursed on dispassion and knowledge. And he further related at length
countless marvellous stories connected with the creation, maintenance and dissolution
of the universe. Hearing all this the king completely yielded to the influence of the hermit
and then proceeded to tell him his real name. Said the hermit, O king, I know you. Even
though you tried to deceive me, I appreciated this move on your part. (14)
0 t f tfa a r f
rf arf fa tfa r; aar frf a+ {-+
So.: sunu mahsa asi nti jaha taha

nma na kahahi

mohi tohi para ati prti soi caturat bicri tava.163.
O king, the political maxim is that kings should not disclose their name in all cases.
And when I thought of your political sagacity, I conceived great love for you. (163)
0r arr ar fr -a a far r+
n r rf rr f r rf rr+ {+
f ara a r; tfa atfa tfa fr;+
sf t ar r s r f ar+ +
- rt rn r r rt+
f fa rr nf f tf- ff rr+ -+
rf f ar rf r a r+
f arf - frt rfn n rs rt+ +
Cau.: nma tumhra pratpa dines, satyaketu tava pit nares.
gura prasda saba jnia rj, kahia na pana jni akj.1.
dekhi tta tava sahaja sudh, prti pratti nti nipun.
upaji par mamat mana more , kahau kath nija p uche tore .2.
aba prasanna mai

sasaya nh

, mgu jo bhupa bhva mana mh

suni subacana bhupati haran, gahi pada binaya knhi bidhi nn.3.
kpsidhu muni darasana tore , cri padratha karatala more .
prabhuhi tathpi prasanna bilok, mgi agama bara hou asok.4.
Your name is Pratpabhnu; king Satyaketu was your father. O king, by the
grace of my preceptor I know everything; but foreseeing my own harm I refuse to tell
everything I know. When I saw your natural straightforwardness, affection, faith and
political wisdom, I conceived a spontaneous affection for you; and that is why I told you
my own story on your asking. I am now pleased; doubt not and ask what you will, O
king. Hearing these agreeable words, the king rejoiced and, clasping the hermits feet,
supplicated to him in many ways. O gracious sage, by your very sight I have within my
grasp all the four ends of human existence (viz., religious merit, wealth, enjoyment and
final beatitude). Yet, as I see my lord so gracious, I would ask a boon which is impossible
to attain otherwise, and thereby overcome sorrow. (14)
0r fa a fa f rs
r ft f r a rs+ {+
Do.: jar marana dukha rahita tanu samara jitai jani kou,
ekachatra ripuhna mahi rja kalapa sata hou.164.
Let my body be free from old age, death and suffering; let no one vanquish me
in battle and let me enjoy undisputed sovereignty over the globe for a hundred Kalpas
(repetitions of creation) and let me have no enemies. (164)
0 ar ; r r f r+
rs a r;f tr f rfz tr+ {+
a f r frr fa- r rs rr+
f- r a a ff fr r+ +
zr fr; - s rs r sr;+
f >rr f frr ar r f rr+ -+
s rs f ar r r; r r+
a r rfrr r r rrr+ +
Cau.: kaha tpasa npa aisei hou, krana eka kahina sunu sou.
klau tua pada nihi ss, eka biprakula chRi mahs.1.
tapabala bipra sad barir, tinha ke kopa na kou rakhavr.
jau bipranha basa karahu nares, tau tua basa bidhi binu mahes.2.
cala na brahmakula sana bari, satya kahau dou bhuj uh.
bipra rpa binu sunu mahipl, tora nsa nahi

kavanehu kl.3.
haraeu ru bacana suni tsu, ntha na hoi mora aba nsu.
tava prasda prabhu kpnidhn, mo kahu sarba kla kalyn.4.
Said the anchorite, So be it, O king. But there is one difficulty; hear it too. Even Death
shall bow his head at your feet (much more those who are subject to death). The only
exception shall be the Brhmaas, O ruler of the earth. The Brhmaas are ever powerful
by virtue of their penance; no one can deliver from their wrath. If you can propitiate the
Brhmaas to your will, O king, even Brahm, Viu and the great Lord iva shall be at your
command. Might is of no avail against the Brhmaas; with both arms raised to heaven I tell
you this truth. Listen, O sovereign; if you escape the Brhmaas curse, you shall never
perish. Hearing his words, the king rejoiced and said, My lord, I shall no longer die. By your
grace, O benevolent master, I shall be blessed at all times. (14)
0ta f f rr f rf
f r r f a f rf+ {~+
Do.: evamastu kahi kapaamuni bol kuila bahori,
milaba hamra bhulba nija kahahu ta hamahi na khori.165.
Amen! said the false anchorite, and added with crafty intent, If you tell anyone
about my meeting with you and your straying away, the fault shall not be mine. (165)
0ara arf s rr r a rr+
>r a rt r arr - rt+ {+
n r f>rrr r ar rarr+
r sr f a rt f rf rt+ +
- r nf rr f n r r rr+
r; n r frar n fr f rs n rrar+ -+
arr rs r f r r+
Cau.: tte mai

tohi barajau rj, kahe kath tava parama akj.

chahe ravana yaha paratakahn, nsa tumhra satya mama bn.1.
yaha pragae athav dvijarp, nsa tora sunu bhnupratp.
na upya

nidhana tava nh

, jau hari hara kopahi

mana mh

satya ntha pada gahi npa bh, dvija gura kopa kahahu ko rkh.
rkhai gura jau kopa bidht, gura birodha nahi

kou jaga trt.3.

jau na calaba hama kahetumhre , hou nsa nahi

soca hamre .

ara arapata mana mor, prabhu mahideva rpa ati ghor.4.

I warn you, O king, because great harm shall befall you if you relate this incident
to anyone. If this talk happens to reach a third pair of ears, I tell you the truth, you are
doomed. O Pratpabhnu, if you divulge this secret or if a Brhmaa curses you, you
are undone. In no other way shall you die, even if r Hari and Hara get angry with you.
It is true, my lord, said the king, clasping the hermits feet. Tell me, who can deliver
from the wrath of a Brhmaa or a spiritual preceptor? A Guru can save one even if one
has evoked the wrath of Brahm; but in the event of a quarrel with ones preceptor there
is no one in the world who can save. If I do not follow your advice, let me perish; I care
not. My mind is disturbed by only one fear; the curse of a Brhmaa, my lord, is
something most terrible. (14)
0rf f ff r f rs
ar af tr f fa s rs+ {+
Do.: hohi

bipra basa kavana bidhi kahahu kp kari sou,

tumha taji dnadayla nija hitu na dekhau kou.166.
How shall I be able to win over the Brhmaas? Kindly tell me that too. I see no
well wishes other than you, my gracious lord. (166)
0 ff a n rt yr f rf f rt+
; fa n sr; ar a fr;+ {+
rt nfa r; r r a n r;+
r n = a r n nr n+ +
rs a r; r r r; r+
f t rs rt r fn f tfa rt+ -+
z rr- t fnf f ff r a t+
f nr f aa f a f + +
Cau.: sunu npa bibidha jatana jaga mh

, kaasdhya puni hohi

ki nh

ahai eka ati sugama up, tah

paratu eka kahin.1.

mama dhna juguti npa so, mora jba tava nagara na ho.
ju lage aru jaba te bhaya u

, khu ke gha grma na gayau


na ju

tava hoi akj u, ban i asamajasa ju.
suni mahsa boleu mdu bn, ntha nigama asi nti bakhn.3.
baRe saneha laghunha para karah

, giri nija sirani sad tna dharah

jaladhi agdha mauli baha phen u, satata dharani dharata sira renu.4.
Listen, O king: there are various expedients in this world. But they are hard to
accomplish and are of doubtful issue besides. Of course, there is one very simple
device; but that too involves one difficulty. Its contrivance depends on me; but my going
to your city is out of the question. Ever since I was born I have never been to anybodys
house or village so far. And if I do not go, it will be a misfortune for you. I am therefore
in a dilemma today. Hearing this, the king replied in a polite language, My lord, there
is a maxim laid down in the Vedas: the great show kindness to the small. Mountains
always bear tiny blades of grass on their tops, the fathomless ocean carries floating foam
on its breast and the earth ever bears dust on its bosom. (14)
0 f n trt r r
rf rfn f r tr+ {+
Do.: asa kahi gahe naresa pada svm hohu kpla,
mohi lgi dukha sahia prabhu sajjana dnadayla.167.
So saying, the king clasped the hermits feet and said, Be gracious to me, my
master. You are a saint, compassionate to the humble; therefore, my lord, take this
trouble on my behalf. (167)
0rf f r rtr rr ar tr+
- s fa art n rf rt+ {+
f r fs arr a na a rr+
rn nfa a r r ; af f r+ +
r; ar = rf r r;+
- r r; r; r ; r; r; a r ;+ -+
f fa- n ; r a r; r+
r; sr a f + +
Cau.: jni npahi pana dhn, bol tpasa kapaa prabn.
satya kahau

bhupati sunu toh, jaga nhina durlabha kachu moh.1.
avasi kja mai

karihau tor, mana tana bacana bhagata tai

joga juguti tapa matra prabh u, phalai tabahi

jaba karia dur u.2.


naresa mai

karau raso, tumha parusahu mohi jna na ko.

anna so joi joi bhojana kara, soi soi tava yasu anusara.3.
puni tinha ke gha jeva i jou, tava basa hoi bhupa sunu sou.
ji upya racahu npa ehu, sabata bhari sakalapa karehu.4.
Knowing that the king was completely under his influence, the hermit, who was
clever at deception, said, Listen, O king: I tell you the truth. For me in this world there
is nothing hard to obtain. I will surely accomplish your object, devoted as you are in
thought, word and deed to me. The power of Yoga (contemplation), planning, penance
and mystic formulas work only when secrecy is maintained about them. O king, if I cook
food and you serve it and if nobody comes to know me, whoever tastes the food so
prepared shall become amenable to your orders. Again, I tell you, whosoever dines at the
house of such people shall, O king, be dominated by your will. Go and operate this
scheme, O king, and take this vow for a whole year. (14)
0fa a f a fa fr
ar fn ff f r+ {c+
Do.: nita nutana dvija sahasa sata barehu sahita parivra,

tumhare sakalapa lagi dinahi

karabi jevanra.168.
Everyday invite a new set of a hundred thousand Brhmaas with their families;
while I, so long as your vow lasts, shall provide the daily banquet. (168)
0f ff y fa r r;f f ar+
ff f r r af n f r+ {+
arf s r f rs r+
ar srfa rr f r f f rr+ +
a af f r rr fs ;r rr+
f ar rr ff ar r rr+ -+
n ff a t rf arf f at+
a arf an ar s raf far+ +
Cau.: ehi bidhi bhupa kaa ati thore , hoihahi

sakala bipra basa tore .


bipra homa makha sev, tehi

prasaga sahajehi

basa dev.1.
aura eka tohi kahau lakhu, mai

ehi bea na uba k u.

tumhare uparohita kahu ry, hari naba mai

kari nija my.2.

tapabala tehi kari pu samn, rakhihau ih

baraa paravn.

dhari tsu beu sunu rj, saba bidhi tora sa vraba kj.3.
gai nisi bahuta sayana aba kje, mohi tohi bhupa bhe a dina tje.

tapabala tohi turagasamet, pahu caihau

sovatahi niket.4.
In this way O king, with little exertion all the Brhmaas shall be proptiate to your
will. The Brhmaas in their turn will offer oblations into the sacred fire, perform big
sacrifices and practise adoration; and through that channel the gods too shall be easily
won over. I give you one more sign. I will never come in this form. By my delusive power,
O king, I will carry off your family priest and, making him just like myself by dint of my
penance, will keep him here for the year; while I, O king, will take his form and manage
everything for you. The night is far gone, so you had better retire now; on the third day
we will meet again. By my penitential power I will convey you home, both you and your
horse, even while you are asleep. (14)
0 rs r; f fr a rf
ra rr; r r arf+ {+
Do.: mai

uba soi beu dhari pahicnehu taba mohi,

jaba ekta boli saba kath sunvau tohi.169.
I will come in the form I have told you, and you will recognize me when I call you
aside and remind you of all this. (169)
0 t- r rt r r; rt+
>rfa fr fa r; r ff r r fr;+ {+
ra ff a rr f r; f rr+
fr ar r r; r fa rrr+ +
af a a = r; fa r;+
f r f a f r+ -+
af rf = rr ar ff r frr+
f f r; f- sr rt r r+ +
Cau.: sayana knha npa yasu mn, sana ji baiha chalagyn.
ramita bhupa nidr ati , so kimi sova soca adhik.1.
klaketu nisicara taha v, jehi

s ukara hoi npahi bhulv.

parama mitra tpasa npa ker, jnai so ati kapaa ghaner.2.
tehi ke sata suta aru dasa bh, khala ati ajaya deva dukhad.

bhupa samara saba mre, bipra sata sura dekhi dukhre.3.


khala pchila bayaru sa bhr, tpasa npa mili matra bicr.


ripu chaya soi racenhi upu, bhv basa na jna kachu ru.4.
The king went to sleep in obedience to the hermit; while the counterfeit sage
returned to his own seat and sat down there. Deep sleep came upon the weary monarch;
but how could the other fellow sleep, distracted as he was with anxiety. The demon
Klaketu made his appearance there; it was he who had assumed the form of a boar and
led the king astray. A great friend of the hermit-king, he was skilled in manifold ways of
deceit. He had a hundred sons and ten brothers, who were great villains, invincible and
annoying to the gods. Seeing the Brhmaas, saints and gods in distress the king had
already killed them all in battle. Recalling the old grudge the wretch conspired with the
hermit-king and contrived a plot for the extermination of the enemy; but, as fate would
have it, the king knew nothing of it. (14)
0f at f rr f nf ar
a f ff f fa r+ {+
Do.: ripu tejas akela api laghu kari gania na thu,
ajahu deta dukha rabi sasihi sira avaseita rhu.170.
A spirited foe, even though left alone, should not be lightly regarded. The demon
Rhu,* who has nothing left of him but his head, is able to torment both the sun and moon
even to this day. (170)
0ar f f frt f fs sf s rt+
frf f r r; rar rr r;+ {+
* According to the Hindu belief a solar or lunar eclipse takes place only when in the astral plane the
demon Rhu, a sworn enemy of both the sun-god and the moon-god, devours the one or the other either
wholly or partly. The demon, however consists of the head alone, his trunk having been cut off by God Viu
while he was unlawfully attempting to partake of the nectar which was being served to the gods. Since,
however, he had already tasted the nectar, the head became immortal.
rs f r ar t- r sr+
ff r ar r; f frf ff r;+ +
a f r; f f r;+
ar f a fart r rt fart+ -+
rarf rf ar rf rr far+
f rf f r; n rf rf r;+ +
Cau.: tpasa npa nija sakhahi nihr, harai mileu uhi bhayau sukhr.
mitrahi kahi saba kath sun, jtudhna bol sukha p.1.
aba sdheu

ripu sunahu nares, jau

tumha knha mora upades.
parihari soca rahahu tumha so, binu auadha bidhi bidhi kho.2.
kula sameta ripu mula bah, cauthe divasa milaba mai

tpasa npahi bahuta parito, cal mahkapa atiro.3.
bhnupratpahi bji samet, pahu cesi chana mjha niket.
npahi nri pahi

sayana kar, hayagha b

dhesi bji ban.4.

The hermit-king was delighted to see his ally and rose to meet him. The meeting
gave him much satisfaction and he related the whole story to his friend. The demon too
was glad and said, Listen, O king: since you have followed my advice, take the enemy
as subdued. Cease to worry now and lay yourself to rest. God has effected a cure
without the use of a medicine, I will sweep away the enemy root and branch and see you
on the fourth day. Fully reassuring the hermit-king, the arch-impostor, who was highly
irascible, departed. In an instant he conveyed Pratpabhnu to his palace, horse and all.
Putting the king to bed beside his queen, he tied up the horse in the stall in the proper
way. (14)
0rr srfaf f ns rf
rf fnf r rr f fa rf+ {{+
Do.: rj ke uparohitahi hari lai gayau bahori,
lai rkhesi giri khoha mahu my

kari mati bhori.171.

Again he carried off the kings family-priest and, depriving him of his senses by his
supernatural power, kept him in a mountain-cave. (171)
0r ff srfa =r s r; af r+
rns frr f fa rr+ {+
f fr rt s s nf f r rt+
r ns rf f at rf rs t+ +
n r n fa rr rr rr s- r rr+
srfaf rr fa fr ff r; rr+ -+
n f n f att t f fa tt+
rf srfa rr f a f rrr+ +
Cau.: pu biraci uparohita r up, pareu ji tehi seja an up.
jgeu npa anabhae bihn, dekhi bhavana ati acaraju mn.1.
muni mahim mana mahu anumn, uheu gava hi


jna na rn.
knana gayau bji caRhi teh

, pura nara nri na jneu keh

gae jma juga bhupati v, ghara ghara utsava bja badhv.
uparohitahi dekha jaba rj, cakita biloka sumiri soi kj.3.
juga sama npahi gae dina tn, kapa muni pada raha mati ln.
samaya jni uparohita v, npahi mate saba kahi samujhv.4.
Himself assuming the form of the family-priest, the demon went and lay down on
the formers sumptuous bed. The king woke even before daybreak and felt much
astonished to find himself at home. Attributing the miracle to the glory of the sage, he got
up quietly, unperceived by the queen. Mounting the same horse he rode off to the woods
without any man or woman of the city knowing it. When it was midday, the king returned;
there was rejoicing and festal music in every house. When the king saw his family-priest,
he looked at him in amazement, recollecting the object he held so dear to his heart. The
interval of three days hung heavy on the monarch as an age, his mind being set on the
feet of the false anchorite. At the appointed time the priest came and reminded him in
detail of all that had been agreed upon. (14)
0 s frf n= r a
aa a f a+ {+
Do.: npa haraeu pahicni guru bhrama basa rah na ceta,
bare turata sata sahasa bara bipra kuuba sameta.172.
The king was delighted to recognize his preceptor (in the priests form); his mind
was too clouded to have any sense left. At once he invited a hundred thousand chosen
Brhmaas with their families. (172)
0srfa r r; rf ff f >rfa nr;+
rr af tf- r; f nf ; r;+ {+
ff n- rf rr af f r rr+
r f rr rf r r+ +
= f rn frr rrt af rr+
f sf sf n r fz rf - f r+ -+
s r; r f s rf ftr+
f fa r rt rt r rt+ +
Cau.: uparohita jevanra ban, charasa cri bidhi jasi ruti g.
mymaya tehi

knhi raso, bijana bahu gani sakai na ko.1.

bibidha mganha kara mia r

dh, tehi mahu

bipra m

su khala s

bhojana kahu

saba bipra bole, pada pakhri sdara baihe.2.
parusana jabahi

lga mahipl, bhai aksabn tehi kl.

biprabda uhi uhi gha jhu, hai baRi hni anna jani khhu.3.
bhayau raso

bhusura m

su, saba dvija uhe mni bisvsu.

bhupa bikala mati moha bhuln, bhv basa na va mukha bn.4.
The priest cooked four kinds of foods with six different tastes as mentioned in the
Vedas. He prepared an illusory banquet and a variety of seasoned dishes more than one
could count. Dressing the flesh of a variety of animals the wretch mixed with it the cooked
flesh of Brhmaas. All the invited Brhmaas were then called for the dinner. Their feet
were duly washed and they were respectfully shown to their places.The moment the king
began to serve the food, a (fictitious) voice from heaven (raised by the demon Klaketu
himself) said, Up, up, Brhmaas! and return to your homes. Taste not this food; it is
most harmful. The dishes include the flesh of the Brhmaas.Up rose all the Brhmaas
believing the ethereal voice. The king lost his nerve; his mind was bewildered with
infatuation. As fate would have it, he could not utter a word. (14)
0r f r a f t- fr
r; fr r fa fr+ {-+
Do.: bole bipra sakopa taba nahi

kachu knha bicra,

ji niscara hohu npa muRha sahita parivra.173.
Then exclaimed the Brhmaas in wrath, without a second thought, O foolish king,
go and take birth in the demons form, you and all your family. (173)
0r a f rr; rrr f fa r;+
;t rr rr f a a frr+ {+
a r a r rar ff r+
f >rr f fa rrr rf fnr rr+ +
f >rr frf t-r f r t-r+
fa f f rt ns r rt+ -+
a f f rr fs rs r rr+
n f- r; rfa s t r;+ +
Cau.: chatrabadhu tai

bipra bol, ghlai lie sahita samud.

svara rkh dharama hamr, jaihasi tai

sameta parivr.1.
sabata madhya nsa tava hou, jaladt na rahihi kula kou.
npa suni rpa bikala ati trs, bhai bahori bara gir aks.2.
biprahu rpa bicri na dnh, nahi

apardha bhupa kachu knh.

cakita bipra saba suni nabhabn, bhupa gayau jaha bhojana khn.3.
taha na asana nahi

bipra sur, phireu ru mana soca apr.

saba prasaga mahisuranha sun, trasita pareu avan

O vile Katriya! inviting the Brhmaas you were out to ruin them with their
families. But God has preserved our sanctity; it is you and your race that are undone.
In the course of a year you shall perish; and not a soul shall be left in your family to
offer water to gratify your spirit. Hearing the curse the king was sore stricken with
fear. Again, a voice was heard from heaven, O holy Brhmaas you have uttered this
curse without careful thought; the king has committed no crime. The Brhmaas were
astounded when they heard the ethereal voice. The king hastened to the kitchen.
There was neither any food there nor the Brhmaa cook. The king returned in deep
thought. He related the whole story to the Brhmaas and threw himself on the ground
frantic with fear. (14)
0fa rt f; f f ar
f -r r; f f>rr fa rrr+ {+
Do.: bhupati bhv miai nahi

jadapi na duana tora,

kie anyath hoi nahi

biprarpa ati ghora.174.

Even though you are guiltless, O king, what is inevitable fails not. A Brhmaas
curse is very terrible; no amount of effort can counteract it. (174)
0 f f fr rr rn- r+
rf f t fa rn f t + {+
srfaf r; arf f r;+
af a r r f f r+ +
rrf- n fr r; ff rfa fa r; r;+
r f t a s t+ -+
-a rs f rr f>rr ff r; rr+
f ffa n r; f n r;+ +
Cau.: asa kahi saba mahideva sidhe, samcra puraloganha pe.

duana daivahi deh

, biracata hasa kga kiya jeh

uparohitahi bhavana pahu c, asura tpasahi khabari jan.

khala jaha


patra pahe, saji saji sena bhupa saba dhe.2.
gherenhi nagara nisna baj, bibidha bh

ti nita hoi lar.

jujhe sakala subhaa kari karan, badhu sameta pareu npa dharan.3.
satyaketu kula kou nahi

c, biprarpa kimi hoi as

ripu jiti saba npa nagara bas, nija pura gavane jaya jasu p.4.
So saying, all the Brhmaas dispersed. When the people of the city received the
news, they were much perturbed and began to blame Providence, who had begun upon
a swan and produced a crow instead. Conveying the priest to his house, the demon
(Klaketu) communicated the tidings to the hermit. The wretch in his turn despatched
letters in all directions and a host of princes hastened with their troops martially arrayed
and, beating their kettledrums, beleaguered the city. Everyday battles were fought in
diverse forms. All his champions fought valiantly and fell. And the king with his brother
bit the dust. Not one of Satyaketus family survived; a Brhmaas curse can never fail.
Having vanquished the foe and re-inhabiting the city all the chiefs returned to their own
capitals enriched with victory and fame. (14)
0r rf r; frar r
f = arf r r+ {~+
Do.: bharadvja sunu jhi jaba hoi bidht bma,
dhuri merusama janaka jama thi bylasama dma.175.
Listen, O Bharadvja: whosoever incurs the displeasure of heaven, for him a grain
of dust becomes vast as Mount Meru, a father becomes frightful as Yama (the god of
death) and rope a snake. (175)
0r r; f r; rr s fr fa rr+
f arf t zr r r t fzr+ {+
f rr s r rr+
f r r =f r s frr rr ar+ +
r ft f n rr frna fr frr+
a fr rrr rr+ -+
r= f r f fna fr+
r fa f rt f rf ft fart+ +
Cau.: kla pi muni sunu soi rj, bhayau niscara sahita samj.
dasa sira thi bsa bhujada, rvana nma bra bariba.1.
bhupa anuja arimardana nm, bhayau so kubhakarana baladhm.
saciva jo rah dharamaruci jsu, bhayau bimtra badhu laghu tsu.2.
nma bibhana jehi jaga jn, binubhagata bigyna nidhn.
rahe je suta sevaka npa kere, bhae niscara ghora ghanere.3.
kmarupa khala jinasa anek, kuila bhayakara bigata bibek.
kp rahita hisaka saba pp, barani na jhi

bisva paritp.4.
O sage, in due time, I tell you, this king, with his family, was born as a demon.
He had ten heads and twenty arms. His name was Rvaa; he was a formidable
hero. The kings younger brother, Arimardana by name, became the powerful
Kumbhakara. His minister, who was known as Dharmaruci, became Rvaas
younger half-brother, Vibhaa by name, who is known to the whole world as a
devotee of God Viu and a repository of wisdom. And the kings sons and servants,
they were born as fierce demon crew. These wretches could take any shape they
liked and belonged to various orders. They were all wicked, monstrous and devoid
of sense and were ruthless, bloody and sinful. They were a torment to all creation
beyond what words can tell. (14)
0s f t- r
af t >rr rr=+ {+
Do.: upaje jadapi pulastyakula pvana amala anupa,
tadapi mahsura rpa basa bhae sakala agharupa.176.
Even though they were born in the incomparably pure and holy line of the
sage Pulastya, yet, on account of the Brhmaas curse, they were all embodiments
of sin. (176)
0t- ff a atf r; sn f f r r;+
ns f a f frar rn - arar+ {+
f fat nf tr rs ntr+
r f r r rfa ; r+ +
ta ar z a t-r zr r ff af t-r+
f f n af frf f + -+
f fa r= r;f srf r=+
r f ar fa t rnf t r t+ +
Cau.: knha bibidha tapa tnihu bh, parama ugra nahi

barani so j.
gayau nikaa tapa dekhi bidht, mgahu bara prasanna mai

kari binat pada gahi dasass, boleu bacana sunahu jagads.
hama khu ke marahi

na mre , bnara manuja jti dui bre .2.

evamastu tumha baRa tapa knh, mai


mili tehi bara dnh.

puni prabhu kubhakarana pahi

gaya u, tehi biloki mana bisamaya bhaya u.3.

jau ehi

khala nita karaba ahru, hoihi saba ujri sasru.

srada preri tsu mati pher, mgesi nda msa aa ker.4.
All the three brothers practised austerities of various kinds, most severe beyond all
description. Seeing their penance the Creator drew nigh and said to the eldest of them,
Ask a boon, dear son. The ten-headed Rvaa suppliantly clasped his feet and
addressed to him the following words. Listen, O lord of the universe; my prayer is that
I should die at the hands of none save monkeys and men. So be it; you have done great
penance. This was the boon Brahm and I granted to him (said iva). The Creator then
approached Kumbhakara and was astonished to see his gigantic form. Brahm said to
himself, Should this wretch have his daily repast, the whole world will be no more. So
Brahm directed rad, who changed his mind. Accordingly the demon asked for
continued sleep, extending over six months. (14)
0n ft r f s r rn
af rns na rn+ {+
Do.: gae bibhana psa puni kaheu putra bara mgu,

mgeu bhagavata pada kamala amala anurgu.177.

Last of all Brahm went up to Vibhaa and said, Ask a boon, my son. He asked
for pure love for the lotus feet of the Lord. (177)
0fa-f ; zr fr fa a n r+
ar rf rr t rf rr+ {+
r; tf- rf rt r;f rarfa rt+
fa s rf f r; f rs frf r;+ +
fnf fr f rrt ff ffa n fa rt+
r; r f rr fa f rr+ -+
rnrfa f f rr rfa f frr+
fa- a f r fa r n f=ra r af r+ +
Cau.: tinhahi dei bara brahma sidhe, haraita te apane gha e.
maya tanuj madodari nm, parama sudar nri lalm.1.
soi maya

dnhi rvanahi n, hoihi jtudhnapati jn.
haraita bhayau nri bhali p, puni dou badhu bihesi j.2.
giri trikua eka sidhu majhr, bidhi nirmita durgama ati bhr.
soi maya dnava

bahuri sa vr, kanaka racita manibhavana apr.3.
bhogvati jasi ahikula bs, amarvati jasi sakranivs.
tinha te adhika ramya ati bak, jaga bikhyta nma tehi lak.4.
Having granted them boons Brahm went away, while they returned to their home
rejoicing. The demon Maya had a daughter, Mandodar by name, who was exceedingly
beautiful, a jewel of womankind. Maya brought and made her over to Rvaa, knowing
that the latter was going to become the lord of the demons. Delighted at having obtained
such a good wife, Rvaa next went and married his two brothers. On a three-peaked
mountain called Trikua in the middle of the ocean there stood a very large fortress built
by Brahm himself. The demon Maya (who was a great architect) renovated it. It
contained numberless palaces of gold and jewels, and was more beautiful and charming
than Bhogvat (the capital of Ptla, the nethermost region in the core of the globe), the
city of the serpents, and Amarvat, the capital of Indra (the lord of paradise). It was
known throughout the world by the name of Lak. (14)
0r; f nt fa rf ff ff r
r ffa f r; r+ {c (+
f fa f r; rarfa r;
art a a r;+ {c (+
Do.: kh

sidhu gabhra ati crihu disi phiri va,

kanaka koa manikhacita dRha barani na ji banva.178(A).
hari prerita jehi

kalapa joi jtudhnapati hoi,

sura pratp atulabala dala sameta basa soi.178(B).
The ocean surrounded it on all sides as a very deep moat. It had a
strong fortification wall built of gold and jewels, the architectural beauty of which
defied description. Whoever was preordained by r Hari to be the chief of the
demons in a particular cycle, that illustrious hero of incomparable might live there
with his army. (178 A-B)
0 ar ff r a - rrr+
a f - rf -fa + {+
a f f r; rf n rrf r;+
f f fz r; - t n r;+ +
ff n r r ns r s fr+
n rt tf- ar r rt+ -+
f rn rf n t- t t t-+
r rr r r tfa rr+ +
Cau.: rahe tah

nisicara bhaa bhre, te saba suranha samara saghre.
aba taha


sakra ke prere, racchaka koi jacchapati kere.1.

dasamukha katahu

khabari asi p, sena sji gaRha gheresi j.
dekhi bikaa bhaa baRi kaak, jaccha jva lai gae par.2.
phiri saba nagara dasnana dekh, gayau soca sukha bhayau bise.
sudara sahaja agama anumn, knhi tah

rvana rajadhn.3.
jehi jasa joga b

i gha dnhe, sukh sakala rajancara knhe.

eka bra kubera para dhv, pupaka jna jti lai v.4.
Great demon warriors had been living there. They were all exterminated in battle
by the gods. Now under Indras commission it was occupied by a garrison consisting
of ten million guards of Kubera (the chief of the Yakas). Having obtained this news
from some quarter Rvaa marshalled his army and besieged the fortress. Seeing his
vast force of fierce warriors, the Yakas fled for their lives. Thereupon Rvaa
surveyed the whole city; he was much pleased with what he saw and all his anxiety
(about a suitable capital) was gone. Perceiving that the city was naturally beautiful and
inaccessible for others, Rvaa fixed his capital there. By assigning quarters to his
followers according to their several deserts he made them all happy. On one occasion
he led an expedition against Kubera and carried away his aerial car known by the
name of Pupaka as a trophy. (14)
0at r f t-f r; sr;
af f r r a r;+ {+
Do.: kautukah

kailsa puni lnhesi ji uhi,

manahu tauli nija bhubala cal bahuta sukha pi.179.
Again, in a sportive mood he went and lifted Mount Kailsa and, thereby testing
as it were, the might of his arms, returned most jubilant. (179)
0 fa a r; ar fq zr;+
fa a ra r; ff far r fr;+ {+
fa rar f f fa n rar+
; r r; rr rna r; fa rrr+ +
f fa r r; ft fn r;+
t f r; rr af fa t rr+ -+
rfr a ar t n r+
f r; r; faf r r;+ +
Cau.: sukha sapati suta sena sah, jaya pratpa bala buddhi baR.
nita nutana saba bRhata j, jimi pratilbha lobha adhik.1.
atibala kubhakarana asa bhrt, jehi kahu nahi

pratibhaa jaga jt.

karai pna sovai aa ms, jgata hoi tih u

pura trs.2.

dina prati ahra kara so, bisva begi saba caupaa ho.
samara dhra nahi

ji bakhn, tehi sama amita bra balavn.3.

bridanda jeha suta ts u, bhaa mahu prathama lka jaga jsu.
jehi na hoi rana sanamukha ko, surapura nitahi

parvana ho.4.
His happiness and prosperity, the number of his sons, his army and his allies, his
victories and glory, his might, wisdom and fame grew from more to more everyday even
as avarice grows with each new gain. He had a stalwart brother like Kumbhakara, a
rival to whom was never born in this world. Drinking his fill he remained buried in sleep
for six months; and at his waking the three worlds trembled. Were he to take his meals
everyday, the whole universe would soon have been ruined. He was unspeakably
staunch in fight and there were numberless brave warriors who could be compared with
him. Rvaas eldest son was Meghanda, who ranked foremost among the champions
of the world. Before him none could stand in battle. Due to him there was a stampede
in the city of the immortals everyday. (14)
0 f a far
n tfa fr+ {c+
Do.: kumukha akapana kulisarada dhumaketu atikya,
eka eka jaga jti saka aise subhaa nikya.180.
There were many more champions such as the hideous Kumukha, the intrepid
Akampana, Kuliarada with teeth like thunderbolts, the fiery Dhumaketu and the gigantic
Atikya, each one of whom was able to subdue the whole world. (180)
0r= rf rr f- rr+
r rr f fa r frr+ {+
a f rat n r r fr rat+
frf frt rr r rt+ +
t r t f =r+
a f f r; f f rf r;+ -+
a- ff r; s rr; r;+
fr r rr r; ar rr+ +
Cau.: kmarupa jnahi

saba my, sapanehu

jinha ke dharama na dy.
dasamukha baiha sabh

eka br, dekhi amita pana parivr.1.
suta samuha jana parijana nt, ganai ko pra niscara jt.
sena biloki sahaja abhimn, bol bacana krodha mada sn.2.
sunahu sakala rajancara juth, hamare bair bibudha baruth.
te sanamukha nahi


lar, dekhi sabala ripu jhi

tenha kara marana eka bidhi ho, kahau bujhi sunahu aba so.
dvijabhojana makha homa sardh, saba kai ji karahu tumha bdh.4.
Taking form at will, they were skilled in all forms of demoniac My (deceit); they
never thought of piety or compassion even in dream. One day the ten-headed Rvaa
was seated in court and reviewed his innumerable retainers, hosts of sons and
grandsons, relatives and servants, troops of demons, more than anyone could count. On
seeing the host the naturally proud Rvaa spoke words full of wrath and
arrogance: Listen, all demon troops: the host of heaven are my enemies. They never
dare to stand up in open fight, but flee away at the sight of a powerful adversary. There
is only one way of causing their death, which I tell you in detail; now listen to it. Go
and prevent the feasting of Brhmaas, the performance of sacrifices, the pouring of
oblations into the sacred fire, the ceremony of rddha (offering food etc., to a departed
soul) and all other religious functions. (14)
0r t t f fff r;
a rfs f rfzs t rfa r;+ {c{+
Do.: chudh chna balahna sura sahajehi


taba mrihau ki chRihau bhal bh

ti apani.181.
Emaciated with starvation and rendered weak, the gods will automatically surrender
to me. Then I will see whether I should kill them or let them go after subjecting them
perfectly to my will. (181)
0rrr f rr t-t f = rr+
t rr f- f frr+ {+
fa-f tfa r rt sf a fa r rt+
f ff t r t-t r s nr t-t+ +
a r zrfa t na n nf t+
r ra s rr - a = fnf rr+ -+
fnr- r r r r+
f f frrr f rt ; a- nrf rt+ +
-r f; n rr fa ra a rr+
f f = rt fnf r frt+ ~+
f fq rnr f t f rnr+
zrfy fn art at rt+ +
r f tar f r; fa ftar+ +
Cau.: meghanda kahu

puni ha karv, dnh sikha balu bayaru baRhv.
je sura samara dhra balavn, jinha ke laribe kara abhimn.1.
tinhahi jti rana nesu b

dh, uhi suta pitu anussana k

ehi bidhi sabah agy dnh, punu caleu gad kara lnh.2.
calata dasnana olati avan, garjata garbha sravahi

sura ravan.
rvana vata suneu sakoh, devanha take meru giri khoh.3.
digaplanha ke loka suhe, sune sakala dasnana pe.
puni puni sighanda kari bhr, dei devatanha gri pacr.4.
rana mada matta phirai jaga dhv, pratibhaa khojata katahu

na pv.
rabi sasi pavana baruna dhanadhr, agini kla jama saba adhikr.5.
kinara siddha manuja sura ng, hahi sabah ke pathahi

brahmasi jaha

lagi tanudhr, dasamukha basabart nara nr.6.
yasu karahi

sakala bhayabht, navahi

i nita carana bint.7.

Then Rvaa sent for Meghanda and admonished him, inciting him to greater
strength and hostility.The gods who are staunch in battle, powerful and proud of their
fighting skill, you should conquer in battle and bring them in chains. The son got up and
bowed to the commands of his father. In this way Rvaa ordered all and himself sallied
forth, club in hand. Even as the ten-headed Rvaa marched, the earth shook and at
his thundering call the spouses of gods miscarried. Hearing of Rvaas angry approach
the gods themselves sought the caves of Mount Sumeru. When the ten-faced Rvaa
invaded the beautiful realms of the guardians of the ten quarters, he found them all
desolate. Again and again he roared loudly like a lion and, challenging the gods to
battle, scoffed at them. Mad after war he traversed the whole world in search of a
combatant; but nowhere could he find anyone.The sun-god, the moon-god, the wind-god,
the god of water, the gods of wealth and fire, the gods of time and death and all other
gods entrusted with the governance of the world. Kinnaras, Siddhas, men, gods and
Ngas, all were wilfully harassed by him. All embodied beings in the creation of Brahm,
whether men or women, submitted to Rvaas will. All did his bidding out of fear and
always bowed suppliantly at his feet. (17)
0 ft t f rf rs ar
zt f r r ; f r+ {c (+
- n f rn rf
tfa t f r rf+ {c (+
Do.: bhujabala bisva basya kari rkhesi kou na sutatra,
maalka mani rvana rja karai nija matra.182(A).
deva jaccha gadharba nara kinara nga kumri,
jti bar

nija bhubala bahu sudara bara nri.182(B).

By his mighty arm he subdued the whole universe and left no one independent.
The king of kings, Rvaa, ruled according to his own will. He won by the might of his
arms and wedded daughters of gods, Yakas, Gandharvas, human beings, Kinnaras
and Ngas and many other beautiful and excellent dames. (182 A-B)
0;ta r r ff f +
f f- r t-r fa- fa r t-r+ {+
a t= rt ff f fart+
f s frr rr = f f rr+ +
f ff r; fr r f far+
f f f rf n nrs rfn nrf+ -+
r a f r; f n= r r;+
f fnfa a rr f rr+ +
Cau.: idrajta sana jo kachu kahe u, so saba janu pahilehi

kari rahe u.

jinha kahu

yasu dnh, tinha kara carita sunahu jo knh.1.
dekhata bhmarupa saba pp, nisicara nikara deva paritp.

upadrava asura niky, nn rupa dharahi

kari my.2.
jehi bidhi hoi dharma nirmul, so saba karahi

beda pratik ul.



desa dhenu dvija pvahi

, nagara gu pura gi lagvahi

subha carana katahu


ho, deva bipra guru mna na ko.


haribhagati jagya tapa gyn, sapanehu sunia na beda purn.4.

Whatever Rvaa told Indrajit to do was done by him sooner as it were than the
former uttered the command. Now hear what they did who had been ordered by him even
earlier. The whole demon crew, sinful at heart and of terrible aspect, were the torment
of heaven. Roaming at night, they did outrages of various kinds and assumed diverse
forms through their delusive power. They acted in everyway contrary to Veda and did
everything in their power to eradicate religion. Wherever they found a cow or a Brhmaa
they set fire to that city, town or village. Virtuous acts were nowhere to be seen. No one
paid any respect to the gods, the Brhmaas and the spiritual preceptor. There was no
devotion to r Hari, no sacrificial performances, no austerities and no spiritual wisdom.
No one would ever dream of listening to the Vedas or the Puras. (14)
U0 rn frnr a rnr >r ; tr
r sf r; r; f rrr; tr+
y rr r rr f f rr
af ff rr; fr; r rr+
Cha.: japa joga birg tapa makha bhg ravana sunai dasass,
punu uhi dhvai rahai na pvai dhari saba ghlai khs.
asa bhraa acr bh sasr dharma sunia nahi

tehi bahubidhi trsai desa niksai jo kaha beda purn.
If ever any talk of Japa (muttering of sacred formulas), Yoga (subjugation of mind),
dispassion, penance or of oblations to gods in a sacrifice entered Rvaas ears he
would at once be on his feet and run to stop them. He would allow nothing of these and
would destroy everything he laid his hands upon. There was such corruption in the world
that no talk of piety could be heard anywhere. Whoever recited the Vedas or the Puras
was intimidated in manifold ways and sent into exile.
0f r; tfa rrr fr r f
fr fa tfa fa- rf f ffa+ {c-+
So.: barani na ji anti ghora niscara jo karahi

his para ati prti tinha ke ppahi kavani miti.183.
The terrible outrages the demons did beggar description. There is no limit to the
evil-doings of those who hold violence most dear to their heart. (183)
0r r rr rr+
rf ra far f r r- rf r+ {+
f- r rt a r ff rt+
fa f rt ta r rt+ +
fnf f f r f rt rf n= rt+
; ftar f ; r tar+ -+
= f z frt n; ar f rrt+
f ar rf r; r a r r;+ +
Cau.: bRhe khala bahu cora jur, je lapaa paradhana paradr.

mtu pit nahi

dev, sdhunha sana karavvahi

jinha ke yaha carana bhavn, te jnehu nisicara saba prn.
atisaya dekhi dharma kai gln, parama sabhta dhar akuln.2.
giri sari sidhu bhra nahi

moh, jasa mohi garua eka paradroh.

sakala dharma dekhai bipart, kahi na sakai rvana bhaya bht.3.
dhenu rupa dhari hdaya bicr, ga tah


sura muni jhr.
nija satpa sunesi ro, khu te kachu kja na ho.4.
The number of villains, thieves and gamblers and of those who coveted others
wealth and wives swelled to a great extent. People honoured not their parents and gods
and exacted service from pious souls. Those who act in this way, Bhavn, know all
such creatures as demons. Perceiving the supreme disrespect for religion Earth was
extremely distressed and perturbed. The weight of mountains, rivers and oceans, she
said to herself, is not so oppressive to me as of him who is malevolent to others. She
saw all goodness perverted; yet for fear of Rvaa she could not utter a word. After great
deliberation she took the form of a cow and went to the spot where all gods and sages
were in hiding. With tears in her eyes she told them her sufferings; but none of them
could be of any help to her. (14)
U0 f nr ff f r n ff rr
n nrart f frt f rr+
zr r rr rr r r;
r f a rt r frt s ar r;+
Cha: sura muni gadharb mili kari sarb ge biraci ke lok,
sa ga gotanudhr bhumi bicr parama bikala bhaya sok.

saba jn mana anumn mora kachu na bas,

j kari tai

ds so abins hamareu tora sah.

The gods, sages and Gandharvas (celestial songsters), all repaired to Brahms
abode; with them was poor Earth in the form of a cow grievously stricken with fear and
grief. Brahm came to know everything; and realizing in his heart of heart his inability to
help her, he said, The immortal Lord whose servant you are will be my help as well as
0f f t ff f f=
ra t t ff r= ffa+ {c+
So.: dharani dharahi mana dhra kaha biraci haripada sumiru,
jnata jana k pra prabhu bhajihi druna bipati.184.
Have patience, Earth, said Brahm, and fix your mind on the feet of r Hari.
The Lord knows the distress of His servants and will put an end to your terrible
suffering. (184)
0 f frr r; f rr+
r r; rs ff r;+ {+
r z nfa f tat a n r af tat+
af r fnfr r; + +
f r r rr a n rf rr+
r ff fff rt r r r rt+ -+
n n fa frnt a n; ff rnt+
r rr r r f zr rr+ +
Cau.: baihe sura saba karahi

bicr, kaha

pia prabhu karia pukr.
pura baikuha jna kaha ko, kou kaha payanidhi basa prabhu so.1.
jke hdaya

bhagati jasi prt, prabhu taha

pragaa sad tehi


samja girij mai


, avasara pi bacana eka kaheu

hari bypaka sarbatra samn, prema te pragaa hohi


desa kla disi bidisihu mh

, kahahu so kah


prabhu nh

aga jagamaya saba rahita birg, prema te prabhu pragaai jimi g.
mora bacana saba ke mana mn, sdhu sdhu kari brahma bakhn.4.
All the gods sat in counsel: Where can we find the Lord, so that we may appeal
to Him? Someone suggested that they should go to Vaikuha. Another said, The Lord
has His abode in the ocean of milk. The Lord always manifests Himself in response to
the devotion and love one cherishes in ones heart. Girij, I too happened to be in that
assembly and took occasion to put in a word: For aught I know r Hari is present
everywhere alike and is revealed only by love. Tell Me any place, time or quarter of the
heaven where the Lord is not. Having taken the form of all creation, both animate and
inanimate, He is yet destitute of everything and passionless; He is revealed by love even
as fire is manifested by friction. My words found favour with all and Brahm applauded
me saying, Well said, well said! (14)
0f ff a f t
tafa a rf rr fat+ {c~+
Do.: suni biraci mana haraa tana pulaki nayana baha nra,
astuti karata jori kara svadhna matidhra.185.
Brahm was glad at heart to hear My words the hair on his body bristled and tears
flowed from his eyes. Recovering himself, the stable-minded Brahm joined his palms
and prayed: (185)
U0 r r ar nar
nr f fart rt far f ar+
r t a t r; r;
r rr trr s n r;+ {+
frt rr rt r rr
fna nrata fa ta rrfa r+
f rfn frnt fa rnt fnar fr
ff r rf nn nrf fa frrr+ +
f fy sr; frf r; n r r
r s rrrt fa rt rf nfa r+
r f n ffa =r
rt rfz rt r+ -+
r >rfa r f r r rs f rr
f t fr r s r >rtnrr+
rff ff nf r
f fq ra a r r+ +
Cha.: jaya jaya suranyaka jana sukhadyaka pranatapla bhagavat,
go dvija hitakr jaya asurr sidhusut priya kat.
plana sura dharan adbhuta karan marama na jnai ko,
jo sahaja kpl dnadayl karau anugraha so.1.
jaya jaya abins saba ghaa bs bypaka paramnad,
abigata gotta carita punta myrahita mukud.
jehi lgi birg ati anurg bigatamoha munibd,
nisi bsara dhyvahi

gunagana gvahi

jayati saccidnad.2.

si up tribidha ban saga sahya na duj,

so karau aghr cita hamr jnia bhagati na puj.
jo bhava bhaya bhajana muni mana rajana gajana bipati bar uth,
mana baca krama bn chRi sayn sarana sakala sura j uth.3.
srada ruti se riaya ase j kahu

kou nahi

jehi dna pire beda pukre dravau so rbhagavn.
bhava bridhi madara saba bidhi sudara gunamadira sukhapuj,
muni siddha sakala sura parama bhaytura namata ntha pada kaj.4.
Glory, all glory to You, O Lord of immortals. O delight of the devotees, O protector
of the suppliant, O benefactor of cows and the Brhmaas, O slayer of demons, O beloved
consort of Lakm (daughter of the ocean), glory to You. O guardian of gods and the earth,
mysterious are Thy ways: their secret is known to none. Let Him who is benevolent by
nature and compassionate to the humble show His grace. Glory, all glory to the immortal
Lord Mukunda (the bestower of salvation and love), who resides in all hearts, is supreme
bliss personified, who is omnipresent, unknowable, and supersensuous, whose acts are
holy and who is beyond the veil of My (illusion). Glory to Him who is Truth, Consciousness
and Bliss combined, who is most lovingly meditated upon day and night and whose praises
are sung by multitudes of sages who are full of dispassion and entirely free from infatuation.
Let the Slayer of the sinful Agha, bestow His care on usHe who brought forth the
threefold creation (viz., that which is dominated by Sattva, Rajas and Tamas, viz., gods,
men and demons) without anyone else to assist Him; we know neither devotion nor
worship. He who disperses the fear of transmigration, delights the mind of sages and puts
an end to hosts of calamities, we gods betake ourselves to Him in thought, word and deed,
giving up our wonted cleverness. The Lord, who is known neither to rad (the goddess
of learning), nor to the Vedas, nor again to ea (the serpent-god), nor to any of the sages,
who as the Vedas proclaim loves the lowly, let Him be moved to pity. The sages, Siddhas
(a class of celestials naturally endowed with supernatural powers) and all gods, grievously
stricken with fear, bow at the lotus feet of the Lord who serves as Mount Mandara for churning
the ocean of worldly existence, who is charming in everyway, who is an abode of virtues and
an embodiment of bliss. (14)
0rf f f a
nnfnr nt ; f r + {c+
Do.: jni sabhaya surabhumi suni bacana sameta saneha,
gaganagir gabhra bhai harani soka sadeha.186.
Knowing that the gods and Earth were terror-stricken and hearing their loving
entreaties, a deep voice came from heaven, which removed all their doubt and
anxiety: (186)
0f z f fq r arf rfn fs r+
- fa arr s f srr+ {+
t ffa ra t-r fa- t-r+
a rr =r rt n r+ +
fa- n afs r; rr fa r rfs r;+
r - fs f+ a afs+ -+
fs f n=r; f r r;+
nn zrrt f rr aa f z zrr+ +
a zrr ff rrr ; r f rr+ ~+
Cau.: jani arapahu muni siddha sures, tumhahi lgi dharihau nara bes.
asanha sahita manuja avatr, lehau dinakara basa udr.1.
kasyapa aditi mahtapa knh, tinha kahu


p uraba bara dnh.

te dasaratha kausaly r up, kosalapur

pragaa narabhup.2.
tinha ke gha avatarihau j, raghukula tilaka so criu bh.
nrada bacana satya saba karihau , parama sakti sameta avatarihau .3.

sakala bhumi garu, nirbhaya hohu deva sumud.
gagana brahmabn suni kn, turata phire sura hdaya juRn.4.
taba brahm

dharanihi sumujhv, abhaya bha bharosa jiya

Fear not, O sages, Siddhas and Indra (the chief of gods); for your sake I will
assume the form of a human being. In the glorious solar race I shall be born as a human
being alongwith My part manifestations. The sage Kayapa and his wife Aditi did severe
penance; to them I have already vouchsafed a boon. They have appeared in the city of
Ayodhy as rulers of men in the form of Daaratha and Kausaly. In their house I shall
take birth in the form of four brothers, the ornament of Raghus line. I shall implement
all that was uttered by Nrada and shall descend with My Supreme Energy. In this way
I shall relieve the earth of all its burden; be fearless, O gods. As the divine voice from heaven
reached the gods ears they returned forthwith with their heart soothed.Then Brahm
admonished Earth, who was rid of all fear and felt reassured in her heart. (15)
0f rf ff n - ;; fr;
r a f f f f r;+ {c+
Do.: nija lokahi biraci ge devanha ihai sikhi,
bnara tanu dhari dhari mahi hari pada sevahu ji.187.
Then Brahm proceeded to his realm after thus instructing the gods: Assuming
the form of monkeys you go to the earth and adore the feet of r Hari. (187)
0n f f rr f fa f>rrr+
r r zrr t-r f t-r+ {+
t ffa rt afa ar fa- rt+
fnf a= r tr f rn faf fatr+ +
fnf r a f t f f t f =t+
=f fa rr r r tf rr+ -+
t rrf r ffa af r+
nff rt z nfa fa rnrt+ +
Cau.: gae deva saba nija nija dhm, bhumi sahita mana kahu

jo kachu yasu brahm

dnh, harae deva bilaba na knh.1.

banacara deha dhar chiti mh

, atulita bala pratpa tinha ph

giri taru nakha yudha saba br, hari mraga citavahi

giri knana jaha


bhari pur, rahe nija nija anka raci r ur.
yaha saba rucira carita mai

bh, aba so sunahu jo bcahi


raghukulamani r u, beda bidita tehi dasaratha nu

dharama dhuradhara gunanidhi gyn, hdaya bhagati mati sra gapn.4.
All the gods went to their several abodes alongwith Earth; they all felt relieved
in their heart. And the gods were delighted to receive the orders that Brahm gave,
and lost no time in carrying them out. They took the form of monkeys on earth; their
might and glory were incomparable. They were all brave and had mountains, trees and
nails for their weapons. Resolute of mind, they awaited the advent of r Hari,
swarming on mountains and in woods wherever they liked and dividing themselves into
gallant troops of their own. I have related to you all this interesting account; now hear
that which was interrupted before. In the city of Ayodhy there ruled a king who was
a jewel of Raghus race; he was called Daaratha, a name which is familiar in the
Vedas. He was a champion of virtue, a repository of good qualities and a man of
wisdom; he was a sincere devotee of God Viu (the wielder of the rga bow) and
his mind was also set on Him. (14)
0rrf rf f r ta
fa f fta+ {cc+
Do.: kausalydi nri priya saba carana punta,
pati anukula prema dRha hari pada kamala binta.188.
Kausaly and his other beloved consorts were all of holy life; humble and devoted
to their lord, they had a strong attachment to the lotus feet of r Hari. (188)
0 r fa rt nrf r a rt+
n n ns aa frr rfn f f frr+ {+
f nf rs f f ff rrs+
t r;f a rt fr ffa na rt+ +
nt fff f rrr rr rr+
nfa fa f rfa t- n fnf = t-+ -+
r f z frr r r fq arrr+
f rf r; r rn f rn r;+ +
Cau.: eka bra bhupati mana mh

, bhai galni more suta nh

gura gha gayau turata mahipl, carana lgi kari binaya bisl.1.
nija dukha sukha saba gurahisunyau, kahi basiha bahu bidhi samujhyau.
dharahu dhra hoihahi

suta cr, tribhuvana bidita bhagata bhaya hr.2.

sg riihi basiha bolv, putrakma subha jagya karv.
bhagati sahita muni huti dnhe , pragae agini caru kara lnhe .3.
jo basiha kachu hdaya bicr, sakala kju bh siddha tumhr.
yaha habi b

i dehu npa j, jath joga jehi bhga ban.4.

One day the king was sad at heart that he had no son. He hastened to his
preceptors residence and, falling at his feet, made many entreaties. He told the Guru all
his joys and sorrows; the sage Vasiha comforted him in many ways and said, Take
heart and wait; you will have four sons, who will be known throughout the three worlds
and will rid the devotees of their fears. Then Vasiha invited the sage g and had
a noble sacrifice performed by him for the birth of a son to the king. When the sage
devoutly offered oblations into the sacred fire, the fire-god appeared with an offering of
rice boiled with milk in his hand. Said the fire-god, Whatever Vasiha has contemplated
for you, that object is fully accomplished. Take this oblation, O king, and divide it in such
proportions as you think fit. (14)
0a t r f rr;
r n z r;+ {c+
Do.: taba adsya bhae pvaka sakala sabhahi samujhi,
paramnada magana npa haraa na hdaya

The fire-god then disappeared after telling the whole assembly of what was to
be done. The king was transported with ecstasy and could not contain himself
for joy. (189)
0af r f rf rr; rrf ar f r;+
rn rf t-r s rn r t-r+ {+
; r n r r s rn f +
rr ; r f t- frf - f+ +
f ff nfa rt ; z fa rt+
r f a f nf r r fa r+ -+
f rf rt rr t a t rt+
a r f n f n r + +
Cau.: tabahi


priya nri bol

, kausalydi tah


ardha bhga kausalyahi dnh, ubhaya bhga dhe kara knh.1.
kaike kaha

npa so dayau, rahyo so ubhaya bhga puni bhayau.
kausaly kaike htha dhari, dnha sumitrahi mana prasanna kari.2.
ehi bidhi garbhasahita

saba nr, bha


haraita sukha bhr.
j dina te hari garbhahi

e, sakala loka sukha sapati che.3.

madira maha



rn, sobh sla teja k khn.

sukha juta kachuka kla cali gayau, jehi

prabhu pragaa so avasara bhaya u.4.

The king at once sent for his beloved consorts. When Kausaly and the other
queens arrived there, he gave one half of the offering to Kausaly and divided the other
into two halves, one of which he gave to Kaikey. The remnant was again divided into
two parts, which he placed in the hands of Kausaly and kaikey and after thus obtaining
their approval handed both the shares to Sumitr. In this way all the queens became
pregnant. They were all glad of heart and felt very happy. From the time r Hari found
His way into the womb joy and prosperity reigned in all the worlds. In the palace shone
the queens, who were all mines of beauty, virtue and glory. Some time was thus happily
spent, till the time arrived for the Lord to be revealed. (14)
0rn n n r faf
= a r + {+
Do.: joga lagana graha bra tithi sakala bhae anukula,
cara aru acara harajuta rma janama sukhamula.190.
The position of the sun and the moon, the zodiacal sign into which the sun had
entered, the position of the seven other planets, the day of the week as well as the day
of the lunar month, yoga, lagna, planet, Day,Luner Day (Tithi) all these turned out to be
propitious. And full of delight was all creation, animate and inanimate; for the birth of r
Rma is the source of joy. (190)
0t faf r tar - ffa ftar+
f fa ta rrrr r r r f>rrr+ {+
ta f r fa a r+
fa fnfn frr nf fararr+ +
r ff rr rf frr+
nn f r nrf n n =r+ -+
f f rt nnf nn t rt+
tafa f rn f r ff rf f f r+ +
Cau.: naum tithi madhu msa punt, sukala paccha abhijita hariprt.
madhya divasa ati sta na ghm, pvana kla loka birm.1.
stala mada surabhi baha bu, haraita sura satana mana cu.
bana kusumita girigana manir, sravahi

sakala saritmtadhr.2.
so avasara biraci jaba jn, cale sakala sura sji bimn.
gagana bimala sakula sura juth, gvahi

guna gadharba baruth.3.


sumana suajuli sj, gahagahi gagana dudubh bj.

astuti karahi

nga muni dev, bahubidhi lvahi

nija nija sev.4.

It was the ninth day of the bright half of the sacred month of Caitra; the moon
had entered the asterism named Abhijit, which is so dear to r Hari. The sun was
at its meridian; the day was neither cold nor hot. It was a holy time which gave rest
to the whole world. A cool, soft and fragrant breeze was blowing. The gods were feeling
exhilarated and the saints were bubbling with enthusiasm. The woods were full of
blossoms, the mountains were resplendent with gems and every river flowed a stream
of nectar. When Brahm perceived that the time of r Rmas birth had approached,
all the gods came out with their aerial cars duly equipped. The bright heaven was
crowded with their hosts and troops of Gandharvas chanted praises and rained down
flowers placing them in their beautiful palms. The sky resounded with the beat of
kettedrums. Ngas, sages and gods offered praises and tendered their services in
manifold ways. (14)
0 fat f f f r
nfr n f r f>rr+ {{+
Do.: sura samuha binat kari pahu ce nija nija dhma,
jaganivsa prabhu pragae akhila loka birma.191.
Having offered their praises the gods returned to their several abodes, when the
Lord, and abode of the universe and the solace of all creation, manifested Himself. (191)
U0 n rr trr rr fart
fa art f rt a = frt+
r frr a rrtrr f r rt
rr frr rrf rt+ {+
; rt ta fa art f ff ar
rr n rrata rr r ar+
=r rn n rn f nrf >r fa ar
r fa rnt rnt s n >rtar+ +
zrrz frr ffa rr r r fa
s r rt srt a t fa f +
sr rr rr fa a ff t-
f r r; ra rr; f r a + -+
rar f rt r fa zrt a ara =r
t ftr fa ftr r+
f rr r rr r; r r
fa nrf f rf a f r+ +
Cha.:bhae pragaa kpl dnadayl kausaly hitakr,
haraita mahatr muni mana hr adbhuta rupa bicr.
locana abhirm tanu ghanasym nija yudha bhuja cr,
bhuana banaml nayana bisl sobhsidhu kharr.1.
kaha dui kara jor astuti tor kehi bidhi karau anat,
my guna gyntta amn beda purna bhanat.
karun sukha sgara saba guna gara jehi gvahi

ruti sat,
so mama hita lg jana anurg bhayau pragaa rkat.2.
brahma niky nirmita my roma roma prati beda kahai,
mama ura so bs yaha upahs sunata dhra mati thira na rahai.
upaj jaba gyn prabhu musukn carita bahuta bidhi knha cahai,
kahi kath suh mtu bujh jehi prakra suta prema lahai.3.
mt puni bol so mati ol tajahu tta yaha rup,
kjai sisull ati priyasl yaha sukha parama anup.
suni bacana sujn rodana hn hoi blaka surabhup,
yaha carita je gvahi

haripada pvahi

te na parahi

bhavak up.4.
The gracious Lord, who is compassionate to the lowly and the benefactor of
Kausaly appeared. The thought of His marvellous form, which stole the heart of
sages, filled the mother with joy. His body was dark as a cloud, the delight of all eyes;
in His four arms He bore His characteristic emblems (a conch-shell, a discus, a club and
a lotus). Adorned with jewels and a garland of sylvan flowers and endowed with
large eyes, the Slayer of the demon Khara was an ocean of beauty. Joining both her
palms the mother said, O infinite Lord, how can I praise You! The Vedas as well as the
Puras declare You as transcending My, Gua (made of prakti) and beyond
all measure. He who is sung by the Vedas and holy men as an ocean of mercy and bliss
and the repository of all virtues, the same Lord of Lakm, the lover of His devotees,
has revealed Himself for my good. The Vedas proclaim that every pore of Your body
contains multitudes of universes brought forth by My. That such a Lord stayed in my
wombthis amusing story staggers the mind of even men of wisdom. When the revelation
came upon the mother, the Lord smiled; He would perform many a sportive act. Therefore
He exhorted her by telling her the charming account of her previous birth so that she
might love Him as her own child. The mothers mind was changed; she spoke again,
Give up this superhuman form and indulge in childish sports, which are so dear to a
mothers heart; the joy that comes from such sports is unequalled in everyway. Hearing
these words the all-wise Lord of immortals became an infant and began to cry. Those who
sing this lay (says Tulasdsa) attain to the abode of r Hari and never fall into the well
of mundane existence. (14)
0f a fa t- ar
f ;-r ffa a rr n nr r+ {+
Do.: bipra dhenu sura sata hita lnha manuja avatra,
nija icch nirmita tanu my guna go pra.192.
For the sake of Brhmaas, cows, gods and saints, the Lord, who transcends
My and is beyond the three modes of Prakti (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas) as well as
beyond the reach of the senses took birth as a man assuming a form which is a product
of His own will. (192)
0f f = f rt f r; rt+
fa a r; rt r n rt+ {+
r- f rr r zrr rr+
tr ra s a fa tr+ +
r r a r; r n rr r;+
r f rr r rr; r rr+ -+
n f ns rr r f fa rr+
r f- r; = rf n f fr;+ +
Cau.: suni sisu rudana parama priya bn, sabhrama cali

saba rn.
haraita jaha



ds, na da magana sakala purabs.1.

dasaratha putrajanma suni kn, mnahu brahmnada samn.
parama prema mana pulaka sarr, chata uhana karata mati dhr.2.
jkara nma sunata subha ho, more gha v prabhu so.
paramnada puri mana rj, kah boli bajvahu bj.3.
gura basiha kaha

gayau ha kr, e dvijana sahita npadvr.
anupama blaka dekhenhi j, rupa rsi guna kahi na sir.4.
On hearing the most pleasing sound of the baby's cries all the queens came in a
flurry. Maid-servants ran helter-skelter in great delight; all the people of the city were
transported with joy. When the tidings of the birth of a son reached Daaratha's ears he
was drowned as it were in the ecstasy of absorption into Brahma. With a mind saturated
with the highest love and with a body thrilling all over with joy he sought to rise, while
attempting to recover his senses."The same Lord, whose very Name brings blessings
with It even when It reaches one's ears, has arrived at my house," he said to himself;
and the thought filled his mind with supreme joy. Sending for musicians he said,
"Play on your instruments."The preceptor Vasiha was also invited and he called at the
palace door, with a train of Brhmaas. They all went and gazed upon the peerless babe,
who was an embodiment of beauty and possessed excellences more than one could tell.
0t r f ra t-
r f f- t-+ {-+
Do.: nadmukha sardha kari jtakarama saba knha,
haka dhenu basana mani npa bipranha kaha dnha.193.
After performing the Nndmukha rddha* the king completed all the jtakarmar
ites connected with the birth of a child and made gifts of gold, cows, raiment and jewels
to the Brhmaas. (193)
0 ar ar rr f r; f rfa rr+
fy r a r; zr r n r;+ {+
ff t rnr; fnr f sf r;+
n f rr nra f rr+ +
f rfa rf t r r f f- t+
rn a fn nr r n nrf rrr+ -+
r t- r f rr rr f ar+
n tr t tf- f tr+ +
Cau.: dhvaja patka torana pura chv, kahi na ji jehi bh

ti banv.
sumanabi aksa te ho, brahmnada magana saba lo.1.
bda bda mili cal


, sahaja sigra kie uhi dh

kanaka kalasa magala bhari thr, gvata paihahi

bhupa dur.2.
kari rati nevachvari karah

, bra bra sisu carananhi parah

mgadha suta badigana gyaka, pvana guna gvahi

sarbasa dna dnha saba kh u, jehi

pv rkh nahi

th u.
mgamada cadana kukuma kc, mac sakala bthinha bica bc.4.
The city was full of flags and banners and festal arches. It was decorated in a way
which defie description. Showers of flowers dropped from heaven; everybody was rapt in
the joy of absorption into Brahma. Women streamed forth in troops; they came running
in their natural toilet. Carrying jars of gold and salvers full of auspicious articles, they
entered the portals of the royal palace singing as they went along. Waving lights and
passing offerings round and round over the child's head as an act of exorcism they threw
themselves at the babe's feet again and again. Bards, minstrels, panegyrists and
songsters chanted solemn praises of the Lord of Raghus. Everyone gave whatever one
possessed; even he who received did not retain it. All the lanes of the city were muddy
with pastes of musk, sandal and saffron. (14)
0n n r r n r
a a n rf + {+
Do.: gha gha bja badhva subha pragae suam kada,
haraavata saba jaha


nagara nri nara bda.194.
* A commemorative offering to the Manes Preliminary to any joyous occasion, such as investiture with
the sacred thread, wedding etc.
There was happy music of festivity in every house; for the very fountain of
beauty had manifested Himself. All the men and women of the city were full of joy
everywhere. (194)
0ar frr r a a r+
fa rr f ; r frr+ {+
t r; f r at f f r; rat+
f r rt af t r rt+ +
n frt sz; t =rt+
f f arr n r ; srr+ -+
f fa rt n rt+
a f an rr r a; ra rr+ +
Cau.: kaikayasut sumitr dou, sudara suta janamata bhai

o u.
vaha sukha sapati samaya samj, kahi na sakai srada ahirj.1.
avadhapur sohai ehi bh

t, prabhuhi milana janu rt.

dekhi bhnu janu mana sakucn, tadapi ban sadhy anumn.2.
agara dhupa bahu janu a dhir, uRai abra manahu arunr.
madira mani samuha janu tr, npa gha kalasa so idu udr.3.
bhavana bedadhuni ati mdu bn, janu khaga mukhara samaya janu sn.
kautuka dekhi pataga bhuln, eka msa tei

jta na jn.4.
Kaikey and Sumitr each gave birth to lovely boys. The joy, grandeur, solemnity
of the occasion and the concourse of men were more than what rad and the serpent-
king could describe. The city of Ayodhy wore a galla appearance; it looked as if Night
had come to see the Lord and, feeling abashed as it were at the sight of the sun (her
own lord), had deliberately stayed over in the form of twilight. Clouds of incense
represented the dusk; and handfuls of red powder tossed up and wafted in the air
represented the redish light of sunset. The hosts of jewels that gleamed on house tops
looked like so many stars; while the round pinnacle on the top of the royal palace
corresponded to the beautiful moon. The sound of the chanting of Veda in the palace
resembled the chirping of birds appropriate to the occasion. Gazing upon this spectacle
the sun forgot himself; a whole month passed without his knowing it. (14)
0r f f r r; r;
a f rs fr ff r;+ {~+
Do.: msa divasa kara divasa bh marama na jnai koi,
ratha sameta rabi thkeu nis kavana bidhi hoi.195.
The day assumed the length of a month; but no one could understand the mystery.
The sun stood motionless with his chariot; how could there be any night? (195)
0 t r f rr ff a nnrr+
f r- f rnr a f rnr+ {+
s s f rt fnfr fa fa art+
rfz n r = r; f r+ +
r tf- ff n +
fa r r; r r r r;+ -+
af r f ff rr t- r f rr+
n an nr tr t- rrff tr+ +
Cau.: yaha rahasya khu


jn, dinamani cale karata gunagn.

dekhi mahotsava sura muni ng, cale bhavana baranata nija bhg.1.
aurau eka kahau

nija cor, sunu girij ati dRha mati tor.
kkabhusui saga hama dou, manujarupa jnai nahi

ko u.2.
paramnada premasukha phule, bthinha phirahi

magana mana bhule.

yaha subha carita jna pai so, kp rma kai jpara ho.3.
tehi avasara jo jehi bidhi v, dnha bhupa jo jehi mana bhv.
gaja ratha turaga hema go hr, dnhe npa nnbidhi cer.4.
Nobody noticed this strange phenomenon; the sun at last moved ahead singing
the praises of r Rma as he went. Witnessing the great festival the gods, sages and
Ngas proceeded to their several abodes congratulating themselves on their good luck.
I tell you one more covert act of Mine; listen to it, O Girij, for I know your steadfast faith.
The sage Kkabhuui and Myself both were there together in human form without
anyone knowing it. Elated with supreme joy and the delight of love we roamed about the
streets in ecstasy forgetting ourselves. He alone who enjoyed r Rma's grace could
be apprised of this blessed adventure of ours. On that occasion the king granted the
desire of everyone's heart, in whatever manner one came. He bestowed elephants,
chariots, horses, gold, cows, diamonds and costumes of various kinds. (14)
0 ar f- a f t
a f t afr ;+ {+
Do.: mana satoe sabanhi ke jaha taha

sakala tanaya cira jvahu tulasidsa ke sa.196.
All were satisfied in their heart and invoked blessings here and there, saying, May
all the sons of Daaratha live long those Lord of Tulasdsa. (196)
0 f ta f r at ra rf f = rat+
r = rt rf f rt+ {+
f r fa rr f r r f nf rr+
;- r r tfa =r+ +
r r f rt t a rr rt+
r r r rr f r r f>rrr+ -+
ft r r; ar r a r;+
r f a f rr r r rr+ +
Cau.: kachuka divasa bte ehi bh

t, jta na jnia dina aru rt.

nmakarana kara avasaru jn, bhupa boli pahae muni gyn.1.
kari puj bhupati asa bh, dharia nma jo muni guni rkh.
inha ke nma aneka anup, mai

npa kahaba svamati anurup.2.

jo nada sidhu sukhars, skara te trailoka sups.
so sukha dhma rma asanm, akhila loka dyaka birm.3.
bisva bharana poana kara jo, tkara nma bharata asa ho.
jke sumirana te ripu ns, nma satruhana beda praks.4.
A few days rolled on in this way; days and nights passed unnoticed. Knowing that
the time had come for naming the children, the king sent for the enlightened sage
Vasiha. After paying him homage the king spoke to him thus, "Holy sir ! Kindly assign
them names that you have fixed your mind upon." "Their names are many and unique;
yet O king, I will declare them according to my own lights. This eldest boy of yours, who
is an ocean of felicity and embodiment of joy, a particle of which fills the three worlds with
delight, has for His name 'Rma', the very home of bliss and the comforter of all the
worlds. Your second son, who sustains and supports the universe, will be called
'Bharata'; while he whose very thought destroys one's enemies is celebrated in the
Vedas by the name of atrughna'." (14)
0- r r f na rr
n= fr af rr f r sr+ {+
Do.: lacchana dhma rma priya sakala jagata dhra,
guru basia tehi rkh lachimana nma udra.197.
He who is the abode of noble characteristics, the beloved of r Rma and the
mainstay of the whole universe, was given by Guru Vasiha the splendid name of
Lakmaa. (197)
0 r n z frt a- a a rt+
f f rr r f af rr+ {+
rf a f fa fa rt f r fa rt+
a r s r; f tfa zr;+ +
tr n rs rt ff f t a art+
rfs t = n rr af f rn rr+ -+
z n ; rr a f r rr+
sn r ra r; f f r+ +
Cau.: dhare nma gura hdaya bicr, beda tatva npa tava suta cr.
muni dhana jana sarabasa siva prn, bla keli rasa tehi

sukha mn.1.
brehi te nija hita pati jn, lachimana rma carana rati mn.
bharata satruhana dunau bh, prabhu sevaka jasi prti baR.2.
syma gaura sudara dou jor, nirakhahi

chabi janan

tna tor.
criu sla rupa guna dhm, tadapi adhika sukhasgara rm.3.

anugraha idu praks, sucata kirana manohara hs.
kabahu uchaga kabahu bara palan, mtu dulrai kahi priya lalan.4.
The preceptor assigned these names after careful thought and then said, "Your
four sons, O king, are the essence of Veda itself. Of them r Rma is the sages' treasure,
the devotee's all in all and iva's very life; He takes delight at present in the rapture of
childish sports. From his earliest days Lakmaa came to look upon r Rma as his
benefactor and master and conceived devotion to His feet. The love that existed between
the two half-brothers, Bharata and atrughna, was as glorious as that which obtains
between a master and his servant. As the mothers gazed on the beauty of the two lovely
pairs, one of whom was dark, the other fair, they would break a blade of grass in order
to avert the evil eye. Although all the four brothers were embodiments of amiability, beauty
and goodness, yet r Rma was an ocean of bliss par excellence. In His heart shone
the moon of grace and His captivating smile represented its rays. Now on her lap and
now in the beautiful cradle, the mother fondled Him calling Him her own darling.(14)
0r zr f fn fna fr
r nfa rr nr+ {c+
Do.: bypaka brahma nirajana nirguna bigata binoda,
so aja prema bhagati basa kausaly ke goda.198.
The unborn and all-pervading Brahma, who is untainted by My, without attributes
and devoid of play, has sought shelter in the arms of Kausaly conquered by her love
and devotion. (198)
0r rf f tr tr t rf ntr+
= rat f- rat+ {+
f r f f f r+
f fft s r r rf nt r f r+ +
fr a t f f fa rr =t+
s fr f t rr f a rr+ -+
fa f r; r fa f r;+
; ; =r rr fa r r+ +
>r r= rr fa f ara rr+
fa fa nr r f ra r+ ~+
ta rnfr a fr; r rf ff rf r;+
= f f f >rfa r r r; f r+ +
Cau.: kma koi chabi syma sarr, nla kaja brida gabhr.
aruna carana pakaja nakha jot, kamala dalanhi baihe janu mot.1.
rekha kulisa dhvaja akusa sohe, nupura dhuni suni muni mana mohe.
kai kikin udara traya rekh, nbhi gabhra jna jehi

bhuja bisla bhuana juta bhur, hiya

hari nakha ati sobh r ur.
ura manihra padika k sobh, bipra carana dekhata mana lobh.3.
kabu kaha ati cibuka suh, nana amita madana chabi ch.
dui dui dasana adhara arunre, ns tilaka ko baranai pre.4.
sudara ravana sucru kapol, ati priya madhura totare bol .
cikkana kaca kucita gabhure, bahu prakra raci mtu sa vre.5.
pta jhaguli tanu pahir, jnu pni bicarani mohi bh.
rupa sakahi


kahi ruti se, so jnai sapanehu jehi

His dark form, which resembles a blue lotus and a heavy rain-cloud, possessed the
beauty of millions of Cupids. The nails glistened on His red lotus-like feet as if pearls had
been set on the petals of a rosy lotus. Marks of a thunderbolt, a flag and a goad shone
on His soles and the tinkling of His anklets enraptured the heart of sages. A string of tiny
bells girdled His waist and there were threefolds in His belly; the depth of His navel is
known to him alone who has perceived it. His long arms were adorned with a number
of ornaments and the tiger's claw hanging on His breast possessed an exquisite beauty.
The elegance of the necklace of gems with a diamond at the lowest end and the print
of the Brhmaa's foot* fascinated one's mind. His neck resembled a conch-shell in its
spiral shape and the chin looked most beautiful; while His face flushed with the beauty
of countless Cupids. Pairs of small teeth were veiled by rosy lips and His beautiful nose
and the sectarian mark on His brow defied description. With charming ears and most
lovely cheeks, His sweet lisping prattle was most delightful to hear. The smooth and curly
hair that had never been trimmed since His very birth had been beautifully dressed in
manifold ways by the mother. A yellow frock covered His body and His crawling on knees
and hands was most pleasing to me. The elegance of His form was something which even
the Vedas and ea (the serpent-god) could not describe; it is known to him alone who
has beheld it even in a dream. (16)
0 r r r fnr nrata
fa ffa ta+ {+
Do.: sukha sadoha mohapara gyna gir gotta,
dapati parama prema basa kara sisucarita punta.199.
The all-blissful Lord, who is above delusion and transcends knowledge, speech
and all sensuous perception, sported like an innocent child, yielding to the supreme love
of the royal couple (Daaratha and Kausaly). (199)
0f ff r na fa rar r rf- rar+
f- rrr fa rt fa- t nfa n rt+ {+
Once upon a time there was a discussion among the sages as to which of the three Lords of
creation, viz., Brahm, Viu and iva was the greatest. In order to put the matter to the test Brahms son
Bhgu was deputed to visit the three divinities one by one. Bhgu first approached his own father and did not
bow to him as a dutiful son. This enraged Brahm; but he somehow managed to curb his anger by force of
reason. From Brahms court the sage went to Kailsa. The god of gods, akara, rose to greet the sage and
stretched His arms to embrace him. But Bhgu avoided His touch saying, Touch me not, since you have
broken social conventions and flouted the injunctions of the Vedas. iva lost His temper when He heard
these aspersions. Taking up His trident He proceeded to strike the sage; but Goddess Prvat intervened and
pacified Him. Thereafter Bhgu went to Vaikuha, the abode of Bhagavn Viu, and found the Lord
reposing with His head on the lap of r Lakm. Breaking into His room unceremoniously the sage suddenly
kicked Him on the chest. The almighty Lord quickly rose with r Lakm, alighted from His bed and, offering
him homage, asked his forgiveness for the incivility shown to him by not welcoming him in advance. The Lord
then rubbed the sages foot saying that it might have been hurt by striking against His hard breast. Since then
the Lord has ever borne on His bosom the print of the sages foot as a mark of honour and it stands an abiding
monument to His unequalled forbearance.
rrfa f a rt ; rt+
t r r r rr r r+ +
f fr r; art rfz f rt+
rfz ar; a r ff rrr;+ -+
f ff ffr t-r nrf- t-r+
sn r r rrrf rr+ +
Cau.: ehi bidhi rma jagata pitu mt, kosalapura bsinha sukhadt.
jinha raghuntha carana rati mn, tinha k yaha gati pragaa bhavn.1.
raghupati bimukha jatana kara kor, kavana sakai bhava badhana chor.
jva carcara basa kai rkhe, so my prabhu so bhaya bhkhe.2.
bhkui bilsa nacvai th, asa prabhu chRi bhajia kahu kh.
mana krama bacana chRi catur, bhajata kp karihahi

ehi bidhi sisubinoda prabhu knh, sakala nagarabsinha sukha dnh.
lai uchaga kabahu ka halarvai, kabahu plane ghli jhulvai.4.
In this way r Rma, the father and mother of the universe, delighted the people
of Ayodhy. Bhavn, this demonstrates how those who have conceived devotion to the
feet of the Lord of Raghus are repaid by Him. On the other hand, no one can liberate
from the bondage of worldly existence him who is averse to the Lord of Raghus, however
much he may struggle.Even that My which has held under her sway all living beings,
both animate and inanimate, trembles before the Lord, who makes her dance to the play
of His eye-brows. Leaving such a lord, tell me, whom should we adore? The Lord of
Raghus will shawer those who betake themselves to Him in thought, word and deed,
giving up all gnilenes. In this way the Lord sported as a child, to the delight of all the
people of the city. The mother would now dandle Him in her arms, and now put Him down
in the cradle and rock Him. (14)
0 n rr ff f ra r
a rar rfa nr+ +
Do.: prema magana kausaly nisi dina jta na jna,
suta saneha basa mt blacarita kara gna.200.
Kausaly remained so rapt in love that days and nights passed unnoticed. Out of
affection for her boy she would sing lays of His childhood. (200)
0 r t -r f fnr r r+
f ;y nrr r a t- =rr+ {+
f r u rr r n; r rr+
f ra ar f r; r a a r;+ +
n t f f tar r r ar f ar+
f r; r a r; z t r;+ -+
;r sr ; r r fa r f r fr+
f r t rt f t- rt+ +
Cau.: eka bra janan

anhave, kari sigra palan

nija kula iadeva bhagavn, puj hetu knha asnn.1.
kari puj naibedya caRhv, pu ga jaha

pka banv.
bahuri mtu tahav

cali , bhojana karata dekha suta j.2.
gai janan sisu pahi

bhayabht, dekh bla tah

puni s ut.
bahuri i dekh suta so, hdaya

kapa mana dhra na ho.3.


dui blaka dekh, matibhrama mora ki na bise.

dekhi rma janan akuln, prabhu ha si dnha madhura musukn.4.
One day, mother Kausaly washed and adorned her boy and put Him to sleep in
the cradle. Thereafter she bathed herself in order to worship the patron deity of her
family. Having worshipped the deity she offered Him food and then returned to the
kitchen. When she came back to the place of worship, she beheld her boy eating the
food that had been offered to the Lord. Frightened at this, the mother went to her boy and
found Him asleep in the nursery. Coming back once more to the temple she still saw the
boy there. She now trembled with fear and her mind found no rest. She saw two boys,
one in the temple and the other in the nursery. She said to herself, "Is it my mental illusion
or some other unusual phenomenon?" When r Rma saw His mother perplexed, the
Lord gently smiled. (14)
0rr raf f a = z
r r fa rn rf rf zr z+ {+
Do.: dekharv mtahi nija adbhuta rupa akhaa,
roma roma prati lge koi koi brahmaa.201.
The Lord then revealed to His mother His marvellous infinite form, every pore of
whose skin contained millions of universes. (201)
0nfa f f f ar fnf fa f f r+
r n r r rs r r r r+ {+
t rr ff nrt fa ta r rt+
r t r; rt t nfa r r; art+ +
a fa rr f f f= rr+
fa f art f f= rt+ -+
tafa f r; rr na far a f rr+
f t ff rr; f a f r;+ +
Cau.: aganita rabi sasi siva caturnana, bahu giri sarita sidhu mahi knana,
kla karma guna gyna subh u, sou dekh jo sun na ku.1.
dekh my saba bidhi gRh, ati sabhta jore kara hRh,
dekh jva nacvai jh, dekh bhagati jo chorai th.2.
tana pulakita mukha bacana na v, nayana mudi caranani siru nv.
bisamayavata dekhi mahatr, bhae bahuri sisurupa kharr.3.
astuti kari na ji bhaya mn, jagata pit mai

suta kari jn.

hari janan bahubidhi samujh, yaha jani katahu kahasi sunu m.4.
She saw therein countless suns and moons, ivas and four-faced Brahms, and
a number of mountains, rivers, oceans, plains and woods, as well as the spirit of time,
the principle of action, the modes of Prakti (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas), the spirit of
knowledge and Nature and many more things of which she had never heard before. She
further perceived My, who is powerful in every respect, stricken with terror and
standing with her palms joined together. The mother also beheld the embodied soul, who
is made to dance by My, and even so the spirit of devotion, which liberates the soul.
The hair on the mother's body bristled and she stood speechless. Closing her eyes she
bowed her head at the Lord's feet. Seeing the mother struck with wonder the Slayer of
Khara assumed the form of a child again. She was unable to utter praises and trembled
at the thought that she had looked upon the Father of the universe as her own child. r
Hari comforted His mother in many ways and said, "Listen, My mother: do not reveal this
fact anywhere." (14)
0r r rr f ; rf
f r rf rr arf+ +
Do.: bra bra kausaly binaya karai kara jori,
aba jani kabahu

bypai prabhu mohi my tori.202.

Joining her palms Kausaly prayed again and again, "See, my Lord, that Your
My no longer casts her spell on me." (202)
0rfa f ff t-r fa r- t-r+
r ta r; z f r;+ {+
zr t- n = r; f- f fr r;+
r fa rr a fa rfs rr+ +
nr r; f f r;+
r a r rr f ra af r rr+ -+
rr r r; f r;+
fn fa f a rr arf t f rr+ +
f a r fa ff nr r+ ~+
Cau.: blacarita hari bahubidhi knh, ati anada dsanha kaha

kachuka kla bte saba bh, baRe bhae parijana sukhad.1.
cuRkarana knha guru j, bipranha puni dachin bahu p.
parama manohara carita apr, karata phirata criu sukumr.2.
mana krama bacana agocara jo, dasaratha ajira bicara prabhu so.
bhojana karata bola jaba rj, nahi

vata taji bla samj.3.

kausaly jaba bolana j, humuku humuku prabhu calahi

nigama neti siva ata na pv, thi dharai janan hahi dhv.4.
dhusara dhuri bhare tanu e, bhupati bihasi goda baihe.5.
r Hari indulged in many kinds of childish sports to the great delight of His
votaries. After some time all the four brothers passed the stage of infancy, gladdening the
inmates of the house. The preceptor then came and performed the ceremony of tonsure;
and the Brhmaas received handsome presents for officiating at the same. All the four
noble princes moved about indulging in numerous plays, which were most delightful to
look at. The Lord, who cannot be comprehended through mind, speech or action, sported
in the courtyard of Daaratha. When the king, while at meals, called Him, He would not
turn up, loth as he was to leave the company of His playmates. When Kausaly went to
call Him, the Lord would run away toddling. He whom the Vedas declare in negative terms
and whose end even iva could not find, the mother ran to catch Him by force. With His
body besmirched all over with dust, He came and the king smilingly took Him in his arms.
0r a fa ;a sa = r;
rf fa f r r;+ -+
Do.: bhojana karata capala cita ita uta avasaru pi,
bhji cale kilakata mukha dadhi odana lapai.203.
Even while the Lord sat at meals, His mind was restless, so that the moment He
got a chance He would run away hither and thither with a scream of delight, His mouth
daubed with curds and rice. (203)
0rfa fa r r >rfa nr+
f- ;- f rar a fa f frar+ {+
r f rar t- n= fa rar+
nn n rrr; r fur r;+ +
rt tr >rfa rt r f a rt+
fur f f n tr f tr+ -+
a r fa rr a = r rr+
f- tf- ff r; fa rf rn nr;+ +
Cau.: blacarita ati sarala suhe, srada sea sabhu ruti ge.
jinha kara mana inha sana nahi

rt, te jana bacita kie bidht.1.

bhae kumra jabahi

saba bhrt, dnha jane u guru pitu mt.

guragha gae paRhana raghur, alapa kla bidy saba .2.
jk sahaja svsa ruti cr, so hari paRha yaha kautuka bhr.
bidy binaya nipuna guna sl, khelahi

khela sakala npall.3.

karatala bna dhanua ati soh, dekhata rupa carcara moh.
jinha bthinha biharahi

saba bh, thakita hohi

saba loga lug.4.

His charming and most innocent childish sports have been sung by rad, ea,
ambhu and the Vedas. Those whose mind does not take delight in these, have been
deprived by Providence of a great good fortune. When all the four brothers attained of
boyhood, the preceptor as well as their parents invested them with the sacred thread. The
Lord of Raghus then proceeded to His preceptor's residence for study and in a short time
mastered all the branches of knowledge. What a great fun that r Hari, whose natural
breath stands crystallized in the form of the four Vedas, should go to school. Proficient
in learning and perfect in politeness, virtues and decorum, they played all the games
imitating the role of a king. With an arrow and bow in the hands of each they appeared
most charming; their beauty enraptured the whole creation, both animate and inanimate.
Through whichever street the four brothers passed in pursuit of their sport, all the men
and women there stood motionless on perceiving them. (14)
0r rt rf q = r
r a f rna r r+ +
Do.: kosalapura bs nara nri bddha aru bla,
prnahu te priya lgata saba kahu rma kpla.204.
The people of Ayodhy, men and women, elderly men as well as children, all held
the gracious Rma dearer than life. (204)
0 r n f rr; nr fa f r;+
r n rf f rt f fa f rf rt+ {+
n r r r a a af r fr+
r n r t ra far r t+ +
f ff t rf rnr f rff r; rnr+
r f r; r f - rr;+ -+
rar sf rrrr ra far n= rf rr+
r rfn f rr f fa ; rr+ +
Cau.: badhu sakh sa ga lehi

bol, bana mgay nita khelahi

pvana mga mrahi

jiya jn, dina prati npahi dekhvahi

je mga rma bna ke mre, te tanu taji suraloka sidhre.
anuja sakh sa ga bhojana karah

, mtu pit agy anusarah

jehi bidhi sukh hohi

pura log, karahi

kpnidhi soi sajog.

beda purna sunahi

mana l, pu kahahi

anujanha samujh.3.
prtakla uhi kai raghunth, mtu pit guru nvahi

yasu mgi karahi

pura kj, dekhi carita haraai mana rj.4.

Calling his half-brothers and playmates r Rma would take them with Him and
go out to the forest for hunting everyday. He would deliberately kill only holy game and
brought and showed the daily bag to the king. The beasts that were killed by r Rma's
shaft went straight to heaven after death. He took His meals with His younger brothers
and companions and obeyed the orders of His parents. He would always contrive means
to delight the people of the city. He would listen to the Vedas and Puras with rapt
attention and would Himself expound the truths contained therein to His younger
brothers. Rising at break of day the Lord of Raghus would bow His head to His parents
and preceptor and, obtaining their permission, busied Himself with the affairs of the city.
The king was glad at heart to see His noble acts. (14)
r t fn r =
na a rr ff a fr + ~+
Do.: bypaka akala anha aja nirguna nma na rupa,
bhagata hetu nn bidhi karata caritra anupa.205.
The Lord, who is all-pervading, indivisible, desireless, unbegotten, attributeless
and without name or form, performed marvellous acts of various kinds for the sake of His
devotees. (205)
0 fa r nr; rfnf r r;+
ftrfr rf rt f ff r>r rt+ {+
rn f t fa rt rf zt+
a fr rf f s f rf+ +
nrfa far rt f f f ff rt+
a f t- frr as f rr+ -+
f r; f fat r rs r;+
r frn n r r f r+ +
Cau.: yaha saba carita kah mai

g, gili kath sunahu mana l.

bisvmitra mahmuni gyn, basahi

bipina subha rama jn.1.


japa jagya joga muni karah

, ati mrca subhuhi arah

dekhata jagya niscara dhvahi

, karahi

upadrava muni dukha pvahi

gdhitanaya mana cit byp, hari binu marahi

na nisicara pp.
taba munibara mana knha bicr, prabhu avatareu harana mahi bhr.3.

misa dekhau pada j, kari binat nau

dou bh.
gyna birga sakala guna ayan, so prabhu mai

dekhaba bhari nayan.4.

All this story has been sung by me; now hear attentively what followed. The great
enlightened hermit Vivmitra lived in a forest knowing it to be a sacred spot. There he
practised Japa (muttering of sacred formulas) and Yoga (contemplation) and performed
sacrifices; but he was much afraid of the demons Mrca and Subhu. For as soon as
they saw a sacrifice they would hasten to desecrate it to the great chagrin of the sage,
who felt disturbed in his mind and thought that the wicked Rkasas could not be
disposed of without r Hari. The great sage then said to himself, The Lord has already
taken birth in order to relieve the earth of its burden. Let me make the outrage of the
demons an excuse of seeing His feet and after due entreaty bring the two brothers here.
I will regale my eyes with the sight of Him who is the abode of knowledge, dispassion
and all virtues." (14)
0ff a r ra rfn f r
f n r+ +
Do.: bahubidhi karata manoratha jta lgi nahi

kari majjana sarau jala gae bhupa darabra.206.
Indulging in expectation of various kinds the sage took no time in reaching his
destination. Bathing in the stream of the Sarayu he went to the royal court. (206)
0f rn r rr f ns f rr+
f za ff rt f r rf- rt+ {+
rf tf- fa r r r - f r+
ff rfa r rr f z fa rr+ +
f f a rt r f f frt+
n a rr r f rr+ -+
a f r f r tf- r+
f r rn arrr r a rs rr+ +
arf rt r rs art+
a rr rr ff r rr+ ~+
Cau.: muni gamana sun jaba rj, milana gayau lai bipra samj.
kari daavata munihi sanamn, nija sana baihrenhi n.1.
carana pakhri knhi ati puj, mo sama ju dhanya nahi

d uj.
bibidha bh

ti bhojana karavv, munibara hdaya

haraa ati pv.2.
puni caranani mele suta cr, rma dekhi muni deha bisr.
bhae magana dekhata mukha sobh, janu cakora purana sasi lobh.3.
taba mana harai bacana kaha r u, muni asa kp na knhihu ku.
kehi krana gamana tumhr, kahahu so karata na lvau br.4.
asura samuha satvahi

moh, mai

jcana yau npa toh.

anuja sameta dehu raghunth, nisicara badha mai

hoba santh.5.
When the king heard of the sage's visit he went out to meet him with a party of
Brhmaas. Prostrating himself on the ground the king reverently brought him in and
seated him on his own throne. Then, washing the sage's feet, he paid him great honours
and said, "No one else is so blessed as I am today." The king next entertained him with
various kinds of food and the great sage was much delighted at heart. He then placed
his four sons on the latter's feet. At the sight of r Rma the sage forgot all about
himself. He was enraptured as he gazed on the beauty of r Rma's countenance even
as the Cakora bird is enamoured of the full moon. Gladdened at heart, the king then
addressed the following words to him, "Reverend sir, you have never shown such grace
to me before. Tell me what brings you here; I will carry out your order without delay."
"Hosts of demons molest me, O king; I have therefore come to ask something of you.
Let me have the Lord of Raghus, r Rma, with His younger brother (Lakmaa); with
the extermination of the demons I will feel secure. (15)
0 fa a r r
ar ;- fa rr+ +
Do.: dehu bhupa mana haraita tajahu moha agyna,
dharma sujasa prabhu tumha kau inha kaha

ati kalyna.207.
Entrust them to me, O king, with a cheerful heart; let no infatuation or ignorance
stand in your way. You will earn religious merit and fair renown thereby, and your sons
will be highly blessed." (207)
0f rr fa f rt z fa rt+
rs a rt f f frt+ {+
rn f rr s r rr+
r a f rt rs f s ff rt+ +
a f rf r f r; r a f ; nrr;+
ff fa rrr rr a frr+ -+
f fnr rt z rr f rt+
a fr ff rrr r rr+ +
fa r rs a rr z r; rfa fr+
r r a r ar f far r f r+ ~+
Cau.: suni rj ati apriya bn, hdaya kapa mukha duti kumuln.
cauthe pana pyau

suta cr, bipra bacana nahi

kahehu bicr.1.
mgahu bhumi dhenu dhana kos, sarbasa deu ju saharos.
deha prna te priya kachu nh

, sou muni deu nimia eka mh

saba suta priya mohi prna ki n

, rma deta nahi

banai gos


nisicara ati ghora kahor, kaha

sudara suta parama kisor.3.
suni npa gir prema rasa sn, hdaya

haraa mn muni gyn.
taba basiha bahubidhi samujhv, npa sadeha nsa kaha

ati dara dou tanaya bole, hdaya

li bahu bh

ti sikhe.
mere prna ntha suta dou, tumha muni pit na nahi

ko u.5.
Hearing this most unwelcome demand the king's heart quivered and the brightness
of his countenance faded. He said, "I have been blessed with these four sons in my old
age. You have, therefore, made your demand without due consideration, holy sir. Ask of
me land, cattle, goods and treasure; I will gladly give all I have without delay. Nothing is
dearer than ones body and life; even these I would part within a second. All my sons are
dear to me as life; but I cannot unasme we an away sroo Rma, my lord. My lovely boys,
who are yet too young, are no match for the most hideous and relentless demons." The
enlightened hermit Vivmitra felt delighted at heart to hear the king's reply, steeped as it
was in the nectar of love. Then Vasiha pleaded with the king in manifold ways and all
his doubts were gone. Most politely he sent for the two boys and pressing them to his bosom
admonished them in many ways. Turning to the sage he then said, "My lord, the two boys
are my very life. You are their only father now, holy sir; there is no one to look after them."
0 fff a ff ; t
t n r; t+ c (+
0=f rs t f f
rf fat f ft r + c (+
Do.: sau pe bhupa riihi suta bahubidhi dei assa,
janan bhavana gae prabhu cale ni pada ssa.208(A).
So.: puruasiha dou bra harai cale muni bhaya harana,
kpsidhu matidhra akhila bisva krana karana.208(B).
Invoking various blessings on the boys the king committed them to the care of the
sage; then they called at the mother's apartment and bowing their head at her feet departed.
The two heroes, lions among men, oceans of compassion, resolute of purpose and the
ultimate cause of the whole universe, gladly proceeded to rid the sage of his fear. (208A-B)
= s r frr t a tr arr+
f ta rr =f r r rr+ {+
tr n rs r; ftrfr rff r;+
zr- rr rf ffa far as nrr+ +
ra f tf- r; f arzr r f r;+
f r r f t-r t rf af f t-r+ -+
a ff f rf f t-t furff fur t-t+
ra rn r frr a fa a a rr+ +
Cau.: aruna nayana ura bhu bisl, nla jalaja tanu syma taml.
kai paa pta kase bara bhth, rucira cpa syaka duhu hth.1.
syma gaura sudara dou bh, bisvmitra mahnidhi p.
prabhu brahmanyadeva mai

jn, mohi niti pit tajeu bhagavn.2.

cale jta muni dnhi dekh, suni tRak krodha kari dh.

bna prna hari lnh, dna jni tehi nija pada dnh.3.
taba rii nija nthahi jiya cnh, bidynidhi kahu bidy dnh.
jte lga na chudh pips, atulita bala tanu teja praks.4.
The Lord had reddish eyes, a broad chest and long arms; His body was dark as
the blue lotus or the Tamla tree. With a beautiful quiver fastened at His back with a
yellow piece of cloth wrapped round His waist, He held in His two hands a lovely bow
and arrow respectively. In the two pretty boys, one of whom was dark and the other fair,
Vivmitra secured a great treasure. "I have now realized," said he to himself, "that the
Lord is a votary of the Brhmaas; on my account He has left His own father." While
on the way the sage pointed out the demoness Tak, who on hearing their voice
rushed up in a fury. With a single shaft the Lord took her life and recognizing her as
deserving of compassion bestowed His own state on her. Then the seer Vivmitra,
while recognizing his lord as the fountain of knowledge, imparted to Him a sacred formula
which armed Him against hunger and thirst and endowed Him with unequalled strength
of body and a glow of vigour. (14)
0r f f r>r rf
r t- nfa fa rf+ +
Do.: yudha sarba samarpi kai prabhu nija rama ni,
kada mula phala bhojana dnha bhagati hita jni.209.
Making over to Him every kind of weapon the sage took the Lord to his own
hermitage and devoutly gave Him bulbs, roots and fruits to eat, perceiving in Him his
greatest friend. (209)
0ra r f rrr; f ar r;+
r rn f rrt r t rt+ {+
f rt fr rt r rr frt+
f r r af rr a r nr rn rr+ +
r r f rr fr rrrr+
rf f frt tafa f f rrt+ -+
a f f rr rr tf- f- rr+
nfa a r rr f uf rr+ +
a f r r rr; fa f r;+
f rr rr f f rr+ ~+
r>r t n rt n n t a a rt+
r ff fr t r f r ft+ +
Cau.: prta kah muni sana raghur, nirbhaya jagya karahu tumha j.
homa karana lge muni jhr, pu rahe makha k

suni mrca niscara kroh, lai sahya dhv munidroh.
binu phara bna rma tehi mr, sata jojana g sgara pr.2.
pvaka sara subhu puni mr, anuja niscara kaaku sa ghr.
mri asura dvija nirbhayakr, astuti karahi

deva muni jhr.3.


puni kachuka divasa raghury, rahe knhi bipranha para dy.
bhagati hetu bahu kath purn, kahe bipra jadyapi prabhu jn.4.
taba muni sdara kah bujh, carita eka prabhu dekhia j.
dhanuajagya suni raghukula nth, harai cale munibara ke sth.5.
rama eka dkha maga mh

, khaga mga jva jatu taha


puch munihi sil prabhu dekh, sakala kath muni kah bise.6.
At daybreak the Lord of Raghus said to the sage, You may now go and perform
your sacrifice without any fear of molestation. All the sages then started offering
oblations into the sacred fire, while r Rma Himself guarded the sacrifice. On hearing
of it the furious demon Mrca, a great enemy of hermits, rushed with his army. r Rma
struck him with a headless shaft and he fell at a distance of eight hundred miles beyond
the sea-shore. The Lord next despatched Subhu with an arrow of fire; while His
younger brother, Lakmaa, exterminated the demon host. Having killed the demons in
this way the Lord rid the Brhmaas of their fear; the whole company of gods and sages
offered praises to Him. The Lord of Raghus stayed there a few days more and showed
His grace to the Brhmaas. Even though the Lord knew everything, the Brhmaas out
of their devotion repeated to Him many legends from the Puras. The sage then politely
said to Him in a pleading tone, My lord, let us go and witness a performance. Hearing
of a bow-sacrifice, the Lord of Raghus gladly accompanied the noble sage. On the way
they saw a hermitage without bird, beast or any other living creature. Observing a slab
of stone lying there the Lord inquired of the sage about it, and the latter in reply told Him
in detail the whole history behind it. (16)
0na rf >rr s f t
rfa r rrt+ {+
Do.: gautama nri rpa basa upala deha dhari dhra,
carana kamala raja chati kp karahu raghubra.210.
Gautamas consort, having assumed the form of a stone under a curse,
seeks with patience the dust of Your lotus feet; show mercy to her, O Hero of
U0a r r r n ; a t
a rr r r r; rf t+
fa tr tr f r; t
fa z rnt f- rnt n r t+ {+
t t-r t-r rr fa r nfa r;
fa f rt tafa rt rnr rrr;+
rf r n r r f r;
rt fr r rf rf f r; + +
f >rr r t-r fa t-r n rr
s f r f r ;; r rr+
fat rt fa rt r rns rr
rnr rnr rr+ -+
f far tar n ; f t t
r; f a f s r t+
f rfa frt na rt r r f t
r fa rr r = rr n far t+ +
Cha.: parasata pada pvana soka nasvana pragaa bha tapapuja sah,
dekhata raghunyaka jana sukhadyaka sanamukha hoi kara jori rah.
ati prema adhr pulaka sarr mukha nahi

vai bacana kah,

atisaya baRabhg carananhi lg jugala nayana jaladhra bah.1.
dhraju mana knh prabhu kahu

cnh raghupati kp

bhagati p,
ati nirmala bn

astuti hn gynagamya jaya raghur.


nri apvana prabhu jaga pvana rvana ripu jana sukhad,

rjva bilocana bhava bhaya mocana phi phi saranahi

muni rpa jo dnh ati bhala knh parama anugraha mai


bhari locana hari bhavamocana ihai lbha sakara jn.
binat prabhu mor mai

mati bhor ntha na mgau

bara n,
pada kamala parg rasa anurg mama mana madhupa karai pn.3.

pada surasarit parama punt pragaa bha siva ssa dhar,

so pada pakaja jehi pujata aja mama sira dhareu kpla har.
ehi bh

ti sidhr gautama nr bra bra hari carana par,

jo ati mana bhv so baru pv gai patiloka anada bhar.4.
At the very touch of His holy feet, which drive away sorrow, emerged Ahaly, a true
embodiment of austerity. Beholding the Lord of Raghus, the delight of His servants, she
stood before Him with joined palms. Her heart being overwhelmed with love, the hair on
her body stood on their end and she was unable to utter a word. The most blessed Ahaly
cleaved to His feet and tears streamed from both her eyes. Recovering herself she
recognized the Lord and by the grace of r Rma attained devotion to His feet. In a
guileless speech she began to praise the Lord, Glory to the Lord of Raghus, who is
accessible through spiritual knowledge. I am an impure woman, while the Lord is able to
sanctify the whole world and is the delight of His servants. O lotus-eyed enemy of
Rvaa, You rid Your devotees of the fear of rebirth; therefore, I have taken refuge in
You. Pray save me, save me. My consort (Gautama) did well in pronouncing a curse on
me, and I have deemed it the greatest favour. I have feasted my eyes on r Hari
(Yourself), who liberated from the bondage of worldly existence. Lord akara deems
Your sight as the only blessing worth the name. Lord, I am dull witted; I have only one
request to make. I seek no other boon from You, my Master; I only crave that my mind
may ever continue to enjoy the love of Your feet-dust even as a bee sucks the honey
from a lotus. The merciful Lord r Hari placed on my head the same lotus feet from which
issued the most holy Gag (the heavenly river)which is borne by iva on His head
and which are adored by Brahm (the Creator). Having thus praised r Hari and falling
again and again at His feet Gautamas consort (Ahaly) took leave of the Lord; and
securing a boon, which she held most dear to her heart, she went to her husbands abode
full of joy. (14)
0 t f r fa r
afr af rfz r+ {{+
Do.: asa prabhu dnabadhu hari krana rahita dayla,
tulasidsa saha tehi bhaju chRi kapaa jajla.211.
The Lord r Hari is such a great friend of the humble and compassionate
beyond ones deserts. Adore Him, O foolish Tulasdsa, giving up all deceit and
wily wrangling. (211)
0 r f f nr n r n rf nnr+
nrf r r; f r f f r;+ {+
a ff- a r ff r ff- r+
f f rr fn f n frr+ +
rar r t a ft+
rt fa rr f r f rrr+ -+
na -r nr a fnr+
f rar frf t r rar+ +
Cau.: cale rma lachimana muni sag, gae jah

jaga pvani gag.

gdhisunu saba kath sun, jehi prakra surasari mahi .1.
taba prabhu riinha sameta nahe, bibidha dna mahidevanhi pe.
harai cale muni bda sahy, begi bideha nagara niary.2.
pura ramyat rma jaba dekh, harae anuja sameta bise.

kupa sarita sara nn, salila sudhsama mani sopn.3.

gujata maju matta rasabhg, kujata kala bahubarana bihag.
barana barana bikase bana jt, tribidha samra sad sukhadt.4.
r Rma and Lakmaa accompanied the sage and reached the bank of the
Gag, the stream of which purifies the whole universe. The son of Gdhi, Vivmitra,
related the whole legend how the celestial stream had come down upon earth. The Lord
then performed His ablutions with all the sages, and the Brhmaas received gifts of
various kinds. Accompanied by a troop of hermits the Lord gladly proceeded further and
quickly drew near to the capital of the Videhas, Mithil. When r Rma beheld the
beauty of the city, He as well as His younger brother were much delighted. There were
many big and small wells, rivers and tanks with water as sweet as nectar and reached
by flights of steps made of jewels. Bees, drunk with honey, made a sweet humming
sound and birds of various hues softly cooed. Lotuses of different colours opened their
petals; while a cool, soft and fragrant breeze ever delighted the soul. (14)
0 rfr rn f fn fr
a a ra ra r+ {+
Do.: sumana bik bga bana bipula bihaga nivsa,
phulata phalata supallavata sohata pura cahu psa.212.
The city was adorned on all sides with flower-gardens,orchards and groves, the
haunt of innumerable birds, full of blossoms, fruits and charming leaves. (212)
0; a n fr; r r; a; rr;+
r= r= ffr rt f ff t rt+ {+
f f rr ta rr+
nt r; aa f n fr;+ +
n f ffra far fa+
rf n f ar t rt nar+ -+
fa fr ff f frf fr+
ra fa fa r frt rr rt+ +
Cau.: banai na baranata nagara nik, jah

ji mana taha i

cru bajru bicitra a br, manimaya bidhi janu svakara sa vr.1.
dhanika banika bara dhanada samn, baihe sakala bastu lai nn.
cauhaa sudara gal

suh, satata rahahi

sugadha si

magalamaya madira saba kere , citrita janu ratintha citere .
pura nara nri subhaga suci sat, dharamasla gyn gunavat.3.
ati anupa jaha

janaka nivs u, bithakahi

bibudha biloki bils u.

hota cakita cita koa bilok, sakala bhuvana sobh janu rok.4.
The beauty of the city surpassed description; every inch of it was soul-captivating.
There was a lovely bazar and gorgeous balconies made of jewels, fashioned as it were,
by the Creator with his own hands. Wealthy and good merchants, who vied with Kubera
(the god of wealth), sat with all their various goods. Beautiful crossings of roads and
charming streets were constantly sprinkled with scented waters. The houses of all were
abodes of bliss and contained beautiful wall-paintings portrayed, as it were, by Ratis lord
(Cupid) himself. The people of the city, both men and women, were good-looking, pious,
saintly, virtuous, wise and accomplished. The palace of King Janaka was most marvellous,
the sight of whose splendour astounded even gods. Even the fortification wall filled the
mind with wonder; it seemed as if it had enclosed within its limits the beauty of the whole
universe. (14)
0 r f rrfa rr rfa
f fr rr ff f rfa+ {-+
Do.: dhavala dhma mani puraa paa sughaita nn bh

siya nivsa sudara sadana sobh kimi kahi jti.213.
White palaces were screened here and there by bejewelled gold tapestries of
various beautiful designs; while the exquisite palace where St lived was far too lovely
for words to describe. (213)
0n r f rr t rn rr+
t fr rf n rr n rr+ {+
f a n f +
r fa tr sa a f tr+ +
f r; r rfa r;+
f s r rr ;r f rrt rr+ -+
f r f rfar sa a f ar+
ftrfr rf r rr ffrfa r+ +
Cau.: subhaga dvra saba kulisa kap, bhupa bhra naa mgadha bh.
ban bisla bji gaja sl, haya gaya ratha sakula saba kl.1.
sura saciva senapa bahutere, npagha sarisa sadana saba kere.
pura bhera sara sarita samp, utare jaha


bipula mahp.2.
dekhi anupa eka a var, saba supsa saba bh

ti suh.
kausika kaheu mora manu mn, ih

rahia raghubra sujn.3.


ntha kahi kpniket, utare taha munibda samet.
bisvmitra mahmuni e, samcra mithilpati pe.4.
The entrances to the palace were all beautiful and hard like thunder bolt (or made
of diamond). They were always thronged with feudatory princes, dancers, panegyrists and
bards. There were spacious stables and stalls for elephants, which were crowded at all
times with steeds, elephants and chariots. The king had a number of brave ministers and
generals. They all owned mansions that vied with the royal palace. In the outskirts of the
city by the side of lakes and rivers numerous princes had encamped here and there. On
seeing a fine mango-grove, which was comfortable and agreeable in everyway, the sage
Kauika (Vivmitra) said, O wise hero of Raghus race, I like this orchard; let us
stay here. Very well, my lord ! answered the gracious Lord, and encamped there with
all the hermits train. When the king of Mithil got the news that the great sage Vivmitra
had come. (14)
0n f f f n rfa
f frf fa rs f rfa+ {+
Do.: saga saciva suci bhuri bhaa bhusura bara gura gyti,
cale milana muninyakahi mudita ru ehi bh

He took with him his faithful ministers, a number of warriors, noble Brhmaas, his
family preceptor (atnanda) and the chief of his kinsmen, and thus went forth rejoicing
to meet the formost among sages. (214)
t- r f rr tf- t fa frr+
f r rf r z rs + {+
t f rf rr ftrfr f rr+
af r rs r; n r;+ +
tr n frr r ft fa rr+
s rrfa r ftrfr f r+ -+
t f rs rar rf fr fa nrar+
fa r t s f f ft+ +
Cau.: knha pranmu carana dhari mth, dnhi assa mudita muninth.
biprabda saba sdara bade, jni bhgya baRa ru anade.1.
kusala prasna kahi brahi

br, bisvmitra npahi baihr.

tehi avasara e dou bh, gae rahe dekhana phulav.2.
syma gaura mdu bayasa kisor, locana sukhada bisva cita cor.
uhe sakala jaba raghupati e, bisvmitra nikaa baihe.3.
bhae saba sukh dekhi dou bhrt, bri bilocana pulakita gt.
murati madhura manohara dekh, bhayau bidehu bidehu bise.4.
Placing his head on the sages feet the king made obeisance to him; while the lord
of the sages, Vivmitra, gladly gave him his blessing. The king then respectfully saluted
the Brhmaas and congratulated himself on his good fortune (in being able to receive
them). Inquiring again and again about his welfare, Vivmitra led the king to a seat. At that
very time arrived the two half-brothers, who had gone to see the garden. One dark and the
other fair, the two lads were yet tender of age. The delight of all eyes, they stole the heart
of the whole world. All those present there rose when the Lord of Raghus came; and Vivmitra
seated Him by his side. They were all delighted to see the two brothers: tears rushed to their
eyes and the hair on their body bristled with joy. Beholding r Rmas lovely and charming
form, King Videha* (Janaka) was particularly beside himself with joy. (14)
* There is a pun on the word Videha in the original. The kings of Mithil enjoyed the hereditary title
of Videha because they ruled over the territory of Videha (Mithil). King Janaka was also a man of wisdom
and had, therefore, no feeling of self-identification with the body. At the sight of r Rma, however, he was
completely out of his body and therefore justified his name (Videha) in a special degree.
0 n rf f f f t
rs f r; f= nn fnr nt+ {~+
Do.: prema magana manu jni npu kari bibeku dhari dhra,
boleu muni pada ni siru gadagada gir gabhra.215.
Finding his heart overwhelmed with love the king recovered himself by recourse
to reason and, bowing his head at the sages feet, spoke the following pregnant words
in a voice choked with emotion: (215)
0 r rs r f fa f r+
zr r fn fa f nrr s f t r; rr+ {+
frn= rr fa ra ff rr+
ara s far r f r+ +
;-f fra fa rnr zrf -rnr+
f ff tr arr r; tr+ -+
f f r fn rt rf r f rt+
rr f r fa rfn r+ +
Cau.: kahahu ntha sudara dou blaka, munikula tilaka ki npakulaplaka.
brahma jo nigama neti kahi gv, ubhaya bea dhari k soi v.1.
sahaja birgarupa manu mor, thakita hota jimi cada cakor.
tte prabhu puchau satibhu, kahahu ntha jani karahu duru.2.
inhahi bilokata ati anurg, barabasa brahmasukhahi mana tyg.
kaha muni bihasi kahehu npa nk, bacana tumhra na hoi alk.3.
Ye priya sabahi jah

lagi prn, mana musukhi

rmu suni bn.

raghukula mani dasaratha ke je, mama hita lgi naresa pahe.4.
Tell me, my lord: are these two pretty boys the ornament of a sages family or the
proteetors of some royal dynasty? Or, is it that Brahma (the Absolute), whom the Vedas
describe in negative terms such as Not that (Neti), has appeared in a dual form? My
mind, which is dispassion itself in its natural form, is enraptured at their sight even as the
Cakora bird is transported with joy at the sight of the moon. Therefore, Sir, I earnestly
inquire of you: tell me the truth, my Lord; hide nothing from me. Deeply attached to them
at their very sight, my mind has perforce renounced the joy of absorption into Brahma.
The sage smilingly answered, You have spoken well, O king; your words can never be
untrue. Whatever living beings there are in this world, they all love these boys. r Rma
smiled within Himself on hearing these words. They are the sons of King Daaratha, the
jewel of Raghus race; the king has sent them for my cause. (14)
0r rs = t r
rs rf n fa nr+ {+
Do.: rmu lakhanu dou badhubara rupa sla bala dhma,
makha rkheu sabu skhi jagu jite asura sagrma.216.
These two noble brothers, Rma and Lakmaa, are the embodiments of beauty,
virtue and strength. The whole world knows that they conquered the demons in battle and
protected my sacrifice from harm. (216)
0f a f r f s f - r+
tr n rs rar r r rar+ {+
;- tfa rf f r; r rf+
r fa f zr t ; + +
f f f fa r nra s f sr+
ff f r; t s r; n t+ -+
rr ar r t- rr+
f r ff r; ns rs n fr r;+ +
Cau.: muni tava carana dekhi kaha r u, kahi na sakau

nija punya prabhu.
sudara syma gaura dou bhrt, na dahu ke na da dt.1.
inha kai prti parasapara pvani, kahi na ji mana bhva suhvani.
sunahu ntha kaha mudita bidehu, brahma jva iva sahaja sanehu.2.
puni puni prabhuhi citava naranh u, pulaka gta ura adhika uchhu.
munihi prasasi ni pada ssu, caleu lavi nagara avansu.3.
sudara sadanu sukhada saba kl, tah

bsu lai dnha bhul.

kari puj saba bidhi sevak, gayau ru gha bid kar.4.
When I behold your feet, O sage,added the king, I cannot tell what a great merit
I have earned in the past. These two brothers, one of whom is dark of hue and the other
fair, are the delight of delight itself. Their guileless affection for each other is beyond
description; it is so agreeable and soul-ravishing. Listen to me, my lord, continued King
Videha rejoicing, they have natural affinity for each other like the one existing between
Brahma (the Supreme Spirit) and Jva (the individual soul). The king gazed upon the
Lord over and over again; the hair on his body stood on end and his heart overflowed
with joy. Extolling the sage and bowing his head at the latters feet, the king escorted him
to his capital, and lodged the sage in a beautiful palace which was comfortable at all
times. Then, after further homage and rendering all kinds of service to him, the king took
leave of the sage and returned to his own palace. (14)
0f n rr f f r f>rr
rar fa f r f r+ {+
Do.: riaya saga raghubasa mani kari bhojanu birmu,
baihe prabhu bhrt sahita divasu rah bhari jmu.217.
Having dined with the seers and rested awhile, Lord r Rma, the Jewel of
Raghus race, sat down by His brothers side, a quarter of the day still remained. (217)
0 z rr ft r; r; t+
f ff rt n f f rt+ {+
r t nfa rt na ar f rt+
fta f r; r n r r;+ +
r = t r z n t+
rs r r n r; aa r+ -+
f t tat r ar r tat+
a r a r arar f rar+ +
Cau.: lakhana hdaya

llas bise, ji janakapura ia dekh.
prabhu bhaya bahuri munihi sakuch

, pragaa na kahahi



rma anuja mana k gat jn, bhagata bachalat hiya

parama binta sakuci musuk, bole gura anussana p.2.
ntha lakhanu puru dekhana cahah

, prabhu sakoca ara pragaa na kahah

jau rura yasu mai

pvau , nagara dekhi turata lai vau .3.
suni munsu kaha bacana saprt, kasa na rma tumha rkhahu nt.
dharama setu plaka tumha tt, prema bibasa sevaka sukhadt.4.
Lakmaa felt in his heart a great longing to go and see Janakas capital. He was,
however, afraid of the Lord and stood in awe of the sage; therefore he did not openly
declare it and smiled within himself. r Rma understood what was passing in His
younger brothers mind; and His heart overflowed with a kindly feeling for His devotee.
Taking leave of His preceptor to speak, He smilingly spoke with much diffidence in most
polite terms, My lord, Lakmaa longs to see the city, but out of fear and respect for
you he does not make it known to you. If I have your permission, I will take him round
the city and quickly bring him back. Hearing this the chief of sages, Vivmitra, replied
in affectionate terms, It is no wonder, Rma, that You should respect good manners.
You are the upholder of the moral code, my son, and bring joy to Your servants out of
love for them. (14)
0r; f r n= fr rs r;
r;+ {c+
Do.: ji dekhi vahu nagaru sukha nidhna dou bhi,
karahu suphala saba ke nayana sudara badana dekhi.218.
Go, blissful pair of brothers, and having seen the city come back. Bless the eyes
of all by showing them your charming countenance. (218)
f f rs rar r r rar+
r f fa rr n n r rr+ {+
ta f f rr r= r ra rr+
a a rt tr n r rt+ +
f r frr s fa =f rnf rr+
n r t= r arr r+ -+
rf- f t faa faf rf t+
faf r= f rt fa rr rt+ +
Cau.: muni pada kamala badi dou bhrt, cale loka locana sukha dt.
blaka bda dekhi ati sobh, lage saga locana manu lobh.1.
pta basana parikara kaibhth, cru cpa sara sohata hth.
tana anuharata sucadana khor, symala gaura manohara jor.2.
kehari kadhara bhu bisl, ura ati rucira ngamani ml.
subhaga sona sarasruha locana, badana mayaka tpatraya mocana.3.
knanhi kanaka phula chabi deh

, citavata citahi cori janu leh

citavani cru bhkui bara b

k, tilaka rekha sobh janu c

Saluting the lotus-feet of the sage the two brothers, the delight of the eyes of the
whole world, departed. Beholding the exquisite beauty of the two brothers troops of boys
followed them, their eyes and mind being enamoured of it. Clad in yellow garments they
had a quiver fastened at their back, with a cloth (of the same colour) wrapped round their
waist; their hands were adorned with a graceful bow and arrow respectively. The
beautiful pair, one of whom was dark and the other fair, had streaks of (red or white)
sandalwood paste painted on their body so as to match the complexion. With a neck as
well-built as the lions and long arms they had on their bosom an exquisite string of pearls
obtained from the forehead of elephants. Their lovely eyes resembled the red lotus; and
the moon-like face relieved the threefold agony. Their ears were adorned with pendants
of gold, which stole as it were, the heart of those who looked on them. They cast a
bewitching glance and had a pair of arched and shapely eyebrows; the lines of the
sectarian mark on the forehead looked as if beauty had been sealed there. (14)
0=f at n f fa
f rs rr + {+
Do.: rucira cautan

subhaga sira mecaka kucita kesa,

nakha sikha sudara badhu dou sobh sakala sudesa.219.
Their beautiful head was covered with a charming rectangular cap and dark curly
locks. The two brothers were lovely from head to foot; the beauty of every limb was as
it should be. (219)
0 n= a r rr rf- r+
r r r -rnt ff rnt+ {+
ff rs r; rf t r r;+
at rrf- rnt ff r = rnt+ +
f tat f ;- rf r f tat+
rn f rt rr f ffa rt+ -+
fr rf ff rt f rt+
s rs rt f t af rt+ +
Cau.: dekhana nagaru bhupasuta e, samcra purabsinha pe.
dhe dhma kma saba tyg, manahu raka nidhi l uana lg.1.
nirakhi sahaja sudara dou bh, hohi

sukh locana phala p.


bhavana jharokhanhi lg

, nirakhahi

rma rupa anurg


parasapara bacana saprt, sakhi inha koi kma chabi jt.

sura nara asura nga muni mh

, sobh asi kahu suniati nh

binu cri bhuja bidhi mukha cr, bikaa bea mukha paca purr.
apara deu asa kou na h, yaha chabi sakh paataria jh.4.
When the citizens received the news that the two princes had come to see the
town, they all left their business and ran out of their homes as if paupers were out to grab
a valuable property. Beholding the natural grace of two brothers, they were glad at heart
and attained the consummation of their eyes. Sticking to the air-holes of their houses
young ladies lovingly scanned r Rmas beauty. They fondly spoke to one another in
the following words: O friend, He has surpassed in beauty millions of Cupids. Nowhere
among gods, men, demons, Ngas or sages do we hear of such beauty. God Viu is
endowed with four arms, Brahm has four face, while iva, the Slayer of Tripura, has
a frightful garb and five faces. O friend, there is no other god who could stand
comparison with this beauty. (14)
0 fr r tr n r
n n rff rf rf a r+ +
Do.: baya kisora suam sadana syma gaura sukha dhma,
aga aga para vriahi

koi koi sata kma.220.

The two lads, one dark and the other fair, are yet of tender age and are
repositories of beauty and abodes of bliss. Millions and hundreds of millions of Cupids
are worth sacrificing to each one of their limbs. (220)
t r art r r = frt+
rs rt rt r r r rt+ {+
r rr r rf- rr+
f f r f- f fr r+ +
tr nra fr r rt r+
rr a r rt r r r rt+ -+
n fr r r r r+
f r r rr rar f ar frr rar+ +
Cau.: kahahu sakh asa ko tanudhr, jo na moha yaha r upa nihr.
kou saprema bol mdu bn, jo mai

sun so sunahu sayn.1.

e dou dasaratha ke ho, bla marlanhi ke kala jo.
muni kausika makha ke rakhavre, jinha rana ajira niscara mre.2.
syma gta kala kaja bilocana, jo mrca subhuja madu mocana.
kausaly suta so sukha khn, nmu rmu dhanu syaka pn.3.
gaura kisora beu bara kche , kara sara cpa rma ke pche .
lachimanu nmu rma laghu bhrt, sunu sakhi tsu sumitr mt.4.
Tell me, friend, what embodied being is there that would not be charmed to see
such beauty? One of them lovingly said in gentle tones, Hear, my dear, what I have
been told. These two lads, a beautiful pair of cygnets as it were, are sons of King Daaratha;
they are the protectors of Kauikas sacrifice, and have slain demons in the field of battle.
He who has a swarthy form and has charming lotus-like eyes and who has quelled the
pride of Mrca and Subhu, wielding a bow and shaft in His hands, is Kausalys son,
Rma by name, the very fountain of bliss. The fair youth in gallant attire, who is closely
following r Rma, a bow and arrow in hand, is the latters younger brother and is named
Lakmaa. Sumitr, friend, is his mother, you must know. (14)
0fr f rs n f srf
r r f t rf+ {+
Do.: biprakju kari badhu dou maga munibadhu udhri,
e dekhana cpamakha suni hara

saba nri.221.
Having accomplished the object of the Brhmaa, Vivmitra, and redeeming the
sages wife, Ahaly, on the way, the two brothers have come here to witness the bow-
sacrifice. All the ladies were delighted to hear this. (221)
0f r f rs ; rn rff = ;+
f ;-f r ff f ; fr+ {+
rs fa fr f a r r+
f a rs a; ff f ff ;+ +
rs ; frar f sfa rar+
a rff fff = rf rf ;r + -+
ff rn a a- r; rn+
f rfa fa ara rf f ra+ +
Cau.: dekhi rma chabi kou eka kaha, jogu jnakihi yaha baru aha.

sakhi inhahi dekha naranh u, pana parihari hahi karai bibh u.1.
kou kaha e bhupati pahicne, muni sameta sdara sanamne.
sakhi paratu panu ru na taja, bidhi basa hahi abibekahi bhaja.2.
kou kaha jau bhala ahai bidht, saba kaha

sunia ucita phaladt.
tau jnakihi milihi baru ehu, nhina li ih

sadeh u.3.
jau bidhi basa asa banai sa jog u, tau ktaktya hoi saba log u.
sakhi hamare rati ati tte , kabahu ka e vahi

ehi nte .4.

Beholding r Rmas beauty someone said, Here is a bridegroom worthy of
Princess Jnak. If the king does but see him, friend, I am sure he will abandon his vow
and insist upon their marriage. Said another, The king has come to know them and has
received them as well as the sage with all honour. But the king, my dear, refuses to give
up his vow and, as Fate would have it, persists in his folly. Yet another said, If
providence is good and, as we are told, gives every man his due, then Jnak is sure
to have him as her bridegroom. About this, my dear, there can be no doubt. If such a
union is brought about by Providence, everyone will have realized ones object. My
impatience, friend, is augmented by the thought that this alliance will impel him to visit this
place again. (14)
0rf a f ;- f
rr a r; - ra f+ +
Do.: nhi

ta hama kahu sunahu sakhi inha kara darasanu duri,

yaha saghau taba hoi jaba punya purkta bhuri.222.
Otherwise, my dear, it is out of question for us, I tell you, to see Him again. Such
an event can take place only when we have a rich stock of merit accumulated in previous
existences. (222)
0rt f tr f fr fa fa t r+
rs r rr tr nra frr+ {+
; rt f ; rt+
f ;- rs rs t z rs a rr t+ +
f r t at rr a rr t+
r f ff f f ar atfa ff r+ -+
f ff f t rt af tr = s frt+
ar f rt ; rs f rt+ +
Cau.: bol apara kahehu sakhi nk, ehi

biha ati hita sabah k.

kou kaha sakara cpa kahor, e symala mdugta kisor.1.
sabu asamajasa ahai sayn, yaha suni apara kahai mdu bn.
sakhi inha kaha

kou kou asa kahah

, baRa prabhu dekhata laghu ahah

parasi jsu pada pakaja dhur, tar ahaly kta agha bh ur.
so ki rahihi binu sivadhanu tore , yaha pratti pariharia na bhore .3.

biraci raci sya sa vr, tehi

symala baru raceu bicr.

tsu bacana suni saba haran

, aisei hou kahahi

mdu bn

Someone else said, Friend, you have spoken well. This union will be conducive
to the best interests of all. Still another said, Sakaras bow is hard to bend, while this
swarthy lad is of delicate frame. Everything, my dear, is out of place, Hearing this,
another said in a soft voice, Friend, with regard to this lad I have heard some people
say that, though small in appearance, He wields a great power. Touched by the dust of
His lotus-feet Ahaly, who had perpetrated a great sin, attained salvation. He will,
therefore, surely break ivas bow; one should never commit the mistake of giving up
this faith. The same Creator, who fashioned St with great skill, has preordained for her
this dark-complexioned bridegroom. Everyone was pleased to hear the words of this
lady and softly exclaimed Amen! (14)
0f f f f rf
rf r rs a a r+ -+
Do.: hiya



sumana sumukhi sulocani bda,




badhu dou taha


In their gladness of heart troops of fair-faced, bright-eyed dames rained flowers on
the princes. Wherever the two brothers went, there was supreme joy. (223)
0 ff n rs r; fa f r;+
fa ftar r= n rt f fr =f rt+ {+
ff frr r f frr+
af r t rr zt frr+ +
f rfa r; f n rn r;+
fa- f fr r r r+ -+
f rt r rn f rt+
r f f r r f rf r+ +
Cau.: pura puraba disi ge dou bh, jaha

dhanumakha hita bhumi ban.
ati bistra cru gaca hr, bimala bedik rucira sa vr.1.

disi kacana maca bisl, race jah


tehi pche sampa cahu ps, apara maca maal bils.2.
kachuka u

ci saba bh

ti suh, baihahi

nagara loga jaha

tinha ke nikaa bisla suhe, dhavala dhma bahubarana bane.3.

baihe dekhahi

saba nr, jath jogu nija kula anuhr.

pura blaka kahi kahi mdu bacan, sdara prabhuhi dekhvahi

The two brothers reached the eastern quarter of the city, where the arena for the
bow-sacrifice had been got ready. In the midst of a beautiful and spacious paved area a
spotless altar was richly adorned. On the four sides of this altar were erected elevated
and broad seats of gold to be occupied by the princes. Not far behind and surrounding them
on all sides shone another circular tier of raised seats, which was of somewhat greater
height and beautiful in everyway, and where the people of the city might come and take
their seat. Close to these were constructed spacious and beautiful gallaries of glistening
white, painted in diverse colours, whence ladies might view the spectacle seated in their
appropriate places according to their family rank. The children of the town politely showed
the Lord all the preparations speaking to Him in gentle words. (14)
0 f f f f r nra
a f fa f f f rs ra+ +
Do.: saba sisu ehi misa premabasa parasi manohara gta,
tana pulakahi

ati harau hiya

dekhi dekhi dou bhrta.224.
Thus finding an occasion for touching their charming limbs all the children were
overwhelmed with love, experienced a thrill all over their body and their heart overflowed
with joy on seeing the two brothers again and again. (224)
0f r r tfa a fa r+
f f =f f rr; fa rf rs r;+ {+
r rf f r f r r+
f frr ; r r rr+ +
nfa a r; trr faa fa rr+
a f n = rt rf f rr rt+ -+
r rr z z r; rs ra r;+
f ra r; f fr r fr;+ +
Cau.: sisu saba rma premabasa jne, prti sameta niketa bakhne.
nija nija ruci saba lehi

bol, sahita saneha jhi

dou bh.1.
rma dekhvahi

anujahi racan, kahi mdu madhura manohara bacan.

lava nimea mah~u
bhuvana niky, racai jsu anussana my.2.
bhagati hetu soi dnadayl, citavata cakita dhanua makhasl.
kautuka dekhi cale guru ph

, jni bilabu trsa mana mh

jsu trsa ara kahu ara ho, bhajana prabhu dekhvata so.
kahi bte mdu madhura suh

, kie bid blaka bari

Finding all the children under the spell of affection, r Rma lovingly extolled the
places shown by them. All of them would call the two brothers wherever they pleased
and the two brothers went to them out of loving kindness. r Rma showed to His
younger brother the arrangements that had been made there, speaking to him in soft,
sweet and agreeable words. He in obedience to whose fiat My brings forth multitudes
of universes in the quarter of a second, the same gracious Lord, conquered by devotion,
looks with amazement on the arena for the bow-sacrifice. Having seen the whole show
the two brothers returned to their Guru; but the thought of their being late disturbed their
mind. The Lord, whose sublimity inspires terror into Terror itself thus manifests the glory
of devotion. With many kind and courteous phrases they took leave of the youngsters
much against the latters will. (14)
0 fta fa fa rs r;
n r; f r r;+ ~+
Do.: sabhaya saprema binta ati sakuca sahita dou bhi,
gura pada pakaja ni sira baihe yasu pi.225.
Meekly and most submissively, with a mingled feeling of awe and love the two
brothers bowed their head at the lotus feet of the preceptor (Vivmitra) and sat down
with his permission. (225)
0ff f r t-r t r t-r+
a r ;far rt =f f n r frt+ {+
f tf- a r; n r rs r;+
f- r= rnt a ff rn frnt+ +
a; rs ta n ra ta+
r r f r t-t rr r; a t-t+ -+
ra s r r+
f f r arar f s rar+ +
Cau.: nisi prabesa muni yasu dnh, sabah

sadhybadanu knh.
kahata kath itihsa purn, rucira rajani juga jma sirn.1.
munibara sayana knhi taba j, lage carana cpana dou bh.
jinha ke carana saroruha lg, karata bibidha japa joga birg.2.
tei dou badhu prema janu jte, gura pada kamala paloata prte.
bra bra muni agy dnh, raghubara ji sayana taba knh.3.
cpata carana lakhanu ura le , sabhaya saprema parama sacu pe .
puni puni prabhu kaha sovahu tt, pauRhe dhari ura pada jalajt.4.
At the approach of night the sage (Vivmitra) gave the word and all performed
their evening devotions; and while the sage recited old legends and narratives, two
watches of the beautiful night passed. The chief of the sages, Vivmitra, then retired to
his bed; and the two brothers began to shampooed his legs. The couple whose lotus legs
are sought by men of dispassion muttering various sacred formulae and practising
different kinds of Yoga (means of union with God) lovingly rubbed the lotus-like feet of
their Guru, conquered as it were by his love. When the sage asked Him again and again,
the Chief of Raghus race went to bed only then. Lakmaa pressed the Lords feet to
his bosom and shampooed them with reverence and love deriving supreme joy from this
service. It was only when the Lord repeatedly said, Retire now, my brother, that he laid
himself down cherishing his Brothers lotus feet in his heart. (14)
0s ff fna f =fr f r
n a ff nafa rn r r+ +
Do.: uhe lakhanu nisi bigata suni arunasikh dhuni kna,
gura te pahilehi

jagatapati jge rmu sujna.226.

Towards the close of night, at the craway of cock, got up Lakmaa. The Lord of
the universe, the all-wise r Rma, also woke before His preceptor. (226)
0 f r; r f- frf ff f r+
rf n r r; rs r;+ {+
rn s r; a fa t rr;+
rn f r rr f farr+ +
r r f fa = r+
ra rf t rr a fn a rr+ -+
rn = r rr f rr ffr rr+
f f f nr n a na nr+ +
Cau.: sakala sauca kari ji nahe, nitya nibhi munihi sira ne.
samaya jni gura yasu p, lena prasuna cale dou bh.1.
bhupa bgu bara dekheu j, jaha

basata ritu rah lobh.
lge biapa manohara nn, barana barana bara beli bitn.2.
nava pallava phala sumana suhe, nija sapati sura r ukha laje.
ctaka kokila kra cakor, kujata bihaga naata kala mor.3.
madhya bga saru soha suhv, mani sopna bicitra banv.
bimala salilu sarasija bahurag, jalakhaga kujata gujata bhg.4.
Having performed all the customary acts of purification, they went and finished
their ablutions; and having gone through their daily routine of devotions etc., they
bowed before the sage. When the time came, the two brothers took leave of the
preceptor and went out to gather flowers. Having gone out they saw the lovely royal
garden, enamoured of whose beauty the vernal season had taken its permanent abode
there. It was planted with charming trees of various kinds and overhung with beautiful
creepers of different colours. Rich in fresh leaf, fruit and flower they put to shame even
kalpavka trees by their affluence. The feathered choir of the Ctakas, cuckoos, parrots
and Cakoras warbled and peacocks beautifully danced. In the centre of the garden a
lovely lake shone bright with flights of steps made of many-coloured gems. Its limpid water
contained lotuses of various colours and was vocal with the cooing of aquatic birds and
the humming of bees. (14)
0rn azrn frf a
r rr r rf a+ +
Do.: bgu taRgu biloki prabhu harae badhu sameta,
parama ramya rmu yahu jo rmahi sukha deta.227.
Both the Lord and His brother were delighted to behold the garden with its
lake. Most lovely must have been that garden which delighted even r Rma (lit., the
delighter of all) ! (227)
0 ff fa; f rtn n fa +
af tar a r; fnfr f r;+ {+
n t n rt nrf nta r rt+
t fnfr n rr f r; f rr+ +
r f f- ar n; fa nf far+
r tf- f rnr f = n = rnr+ -+
t f n fr; n; t r;+
af rs fr r; f tar f r;+ +
Cau.: cahu

disi citai p u

chi mlgana, lage lena dala phula mudita mana.

tehi avasara st taha , girij p ujana janani pah.1.
saga sakh

saba subhaga sayn

, gvahi

gta manohara bn

sara sampa girij gha soh, barani na ji dekhi manu moh.2.
majjanu kari sara sakhinha samet, ga mudita mana gauri niket.
puj knhi adhika anurg, nija anurupa subhaga baru mg.3.
eka sakh siya sagu bih, ga rah dekhana phulav.

dou badhu biloke j, prema bibasa st pahi

After looking all about, and with the consent of the gardeners, the two brothers
began in high glee to gather leaves and flowers. On that very occasion St too arrived
there, having been sent by Her mother to worship Girij. She was accompanied by Her
girl-companions, who were all lovely and intelligent. They sang melodies in an enchanting
voice. Close to the lake stood a temple, sacred to Girij, which was beautiful beyond
description, and captivated the mind of those who looked at it. Having taken a dip into
the lake with Her companions, St went with a glad heart to Girijs temple. She offered
worship with great devotion and begged of the Goddess a handsome match worthy of
Her. One of Her companions had strayed away from Her in order to have a look at the
garden. She chanced to behold the two brothers and returned to St overwhelmed
with love. (14)
0ar r t f- nra
r f f + c+
Do.: tsu das dekh sakhinha pulaka gta jalu naina,
kahu kranu nija haraa kara puchahi

saba mdu baina.228.

When her companions saw her condition, her body thrilling all over and her eyes
full of tears, they all asked her in gentle tones, Tell us what gladdens your heart. (228)
0 rn ; r fr rfa r+
tr n ff rt fnr f rt+ {+
f t t rt f f fa sar rt+
; a a; rt f n r rt+ +
f- f = rt zrt t- t n rt+
a f a rn f ff rn+ -+
ar fa ff rr rfn r r+
t n f f f r; tfa ra ; r;+ +
Cau.: dekhana bgu kua ra dui e, baya kisora saba bh

ti suhe.
syma gaura kimi kahau bakhn, gir anayana nayana binu bn.1.
suni hara

saba sakh

sayn, siya hiya

ati utakah jn.
eka kahai npasuta tei l, sune je muni sa ga e kl.2.
jinha nija rupa mohan r, knhe svabasa nagara nara nr.
baranata chabi jaha


saba logu, avasi dekhiahi

dekhana jog u.3.

tsu bacana ati siyahi sohne, darasa lgi locana akulne.
cal agra kari priya sakhi so, prti purtana lakhai na ko.4.
Two princes have come to see the garden, both of tender age and charming in
everyway, one dark of hue and the other fair; how shall I describe them ? For speech
is sightless, while the eyes are mute. All the clever maidens were delighted to hear this.
Perceiving the intense longing in Sts bosom one of them said,They must be the two
princes, my dear, who, I was told, arrived yesterday with the sage (Vivmitra), and who
have captivated the heart of men and women of the city by casting the spell of their
beauty. All are talking of their loveliness here, there and everywhere. We must see them,
for they are worth seeing. The words of this damsel highly pleased St; Her eyes were
restless for the sight of the princes. With that kind friend to lead the way She followed;
no one knew that Hers was an old love. (14)
0ff t r st tfa ta
fa frfa ff f nt ta+ +
Do.: sumiri sya nrada bacana upaj prti punta,
cakita bilokati sakala disi janu sisu mg sabhta.229.
Recollecting Nradas words She was filled with innocent love; and with anxious
eyes She gazed all round like a startled fawn. (229)
0 fff f f a r z nf+
r t t-t r ft f t-t+ {+
f ff fa af rr f f rr+
fr r= f ff a fn+ +
f t rr rr z ra rr+
ff f fr; ff ft nf r;+ -+
ar ; fn tfr ;+
sr f rt f a frt+ +
Cau.: kakana kikini nupura dhuni suni, kahata lakhana sana rmu hdaya


madana dudubh dnh, manas bisva bijaya kaha

asa kahi phiri citae tehi or, siya mukha sasi bhae nayana cakor.
bhae bilocana cru acacala, manahu

sakuci nimi taje digacala.2.
dekhi sya sobh sukhu pv, hdaya

sarhata bacanu na v.
janu biraci saba nija nipun, biraci bisva kaha

pragai dekh.3.
sudarat kahu sudara kara, chabigha

dpasikh janu bara.
saba upam kabi rahe juhr, kehi


Hearing the tinkling of bangles, the small bells tied round the waist and
the anklets r Rma thought within Himself and then said to Lakmaa, It seems
as if Cupid has sounded his kettledrum with intent to conquer the universe. So saying,
He looked once again in the same direction (whence the sound came); and lo !
His eyes feasted themselves on Sts countenance even as the Cakora bird gazes
on the moon. His charming eyes became motionless, as if Nimi* (the god of
winking) had left the eyelids out of shyness. r Rma was filled with rapture to
behold Sts beauty; He admired it in His heart, but utterance failed Him. He felt
as if the Creator had put his whole creative skill in visible form and demonstrated
it to the world at large. She lends charm to charm itself, He said to Himself, and
looks as if a flame of light is burning in a house of beauty. The similes already
employed by the poets are all stale and hackneyed; to whom shall I liken the
daughter of Videha? (14)
0f rr f f rf r frf
r f rf+ -+
Do.: siya sobh hiya

barani prabhu pani das bicri,
bole suci mana anuja sana bacana samaya anuhri.230.
Thus describing to Himself Sts loveliness and reflecting on His own condition
the Lord innocently spoke to His younger brother in terms appropriate to the
occasion: (230)
0ara ar r; f r r;+
nf t r; a r f; r;+ {+
r frf f rr ta r rr+
r r r frar f n rar+ +
rrf- r n ; r+
rf fa atfa t f rf t+ -+
* Nimi was a forbear of King Janaka. On his death his spirit obtained a seat on the eyelids of human
beings and has ever since remained there. The poet here figuratively attributes the motionlessness of r
Rmas eyelids to the sudden departure therefrom of Nimi, who as a forbear of Janaka is described as loth to
witness this exchange of pure love between Rma and St.
f- f f tt f rf fa ztt+
n f f- rt a r n rt+ +
Cau.: tta janakatanay yaha so, dhanuajagya jehi krana ho.
pujana gauri sakh


, karata praksu phirai phulav

jsu biloki alaukika sobh, sahaja punta mora manu chobh.
so sabu krana jna bidht, pharakahi

subhada aga sunu bhrt.2.

raghubasinha kara sahaja subh u, manu kupatha pagu dharai na ku.
mohi atisaya pratti mana ker, jehi


paranri na her.3.
jinha kai lahahi

na ripu rana ph, nahi


paratiya manu h.
magana lahahi

na jinha kai nh

, te narabara thore jaga mh

Brother, she is no other than the daughter of King Janaka, for whom the bow-
sacrifice is being arranged. She has been escorted by her girl-companions to worship
Goddess Gaur and is moving about in the garden diffusing light all about her. My heart
which is naturally pure, is agitated by the sight of Her transcendent beauty. The reason of
all this is known to God alone; but I tell you, brother, my right limbs are throbbing, which
is an index of coming good fortune. It is a natural trait with the race of Raghu that they
never set their heart on evil courses. As for myself I am fully confident of My mind, which
has never sought anothers wife even in a dream. Rare in this world are those noble men
who never turn their back on the foe in battle nor give their heart to or cast an amorous
glance on anothers wife, and from whom no beggar meets with a rebuff. (14)
0a at f = rr
r f ; ; r+ -{+
Do.: karata batakah anuja sana mana siya rupa lobhna,
mukha saroja makarada chabi karai madhupa iva pna.231.
While r Rma was talking to His younger brother in this strain, His mind, which
was enamoured of Sts beauty, was all the time drinking in the loveliness of Her
countenance, like a bee sucking the nectar from a lotus. (231)
0fafa fa ff tar n fr far+
fr n r t a f fa >rt+ {+
ar r a f- r tr n fr r+
f = r r f ff fr+ +
rrfa f f- ft f+
f rt ff fa rt+ -+
r n rf s rt t- r rt+
f f- rt f f rt+ +
Cau.: citavati cakita cahu

disi st, kaha

gae npakisora manu cit.
jaha biloka mga svaka nain, janu taha

barisa kamala sita ren.1.
lat oa taba sakhinha lakhe, symala gaura kisora suhe.
dekhi rupa locana lalacne, harae janu nija nidhi pahicne.2.
thake nayana raghupati chabidekhe , palakanhih u


nimee .
adhika saneha deha bhai bhor, sarada sasihi janu citava cakor.3.
locana maga rmahi ura n, dnhe palaka kapa sayn.
jaba siya sakhinha premabasa jn, kahi na sakahi

kachu mana sakucn.4.

St looked surprsingly all round; Her mind was at a loss as to where the princes
had gone. Wherever the fawneyed princess cast Her glance, a continuous stream of white
lotuses seemed to rain there. Her companions then pointed out to Her the two lovely
brothers, the one dark, the other fair of hue, standing behind a fence of creepers. Beholding
the beauty of the two princes Her eyes were filled with greed; they rejoiced as if they had
discovered their longlost treasure. The eyes became motionless at the sight of r Rmas
loveliness; the eyelids too forgot to fall. Due to excess of love Her body-consciousness
began to fail; it looked as if a Cakora bird were gazing at the autumnal moon. Receiving
r Rma into the heart through the passage of the eyes, She cleverly shut Him up there
by closing the doors of Her eyelids. When Her girl-companions found St overpowered
with love, they were too much abashed to utter a word. (14)
0ar a n af rs r;
f n f f fnr;+ -+
Do.: latbhavana te pragaa bhe tehi avasara dou bhi,
nikase janu juga bimala bidhu jalada paala bilagi.232.
At that very moment the two brothers emerged from a bower. It looked as if a pair
of spotless moons had shone forth tearing the veil of cloud. (232)
0rr t n rs tr t ta r tr+
r f ra t n- t f t + {+
r fa >rf r >r n f r+
f f rrrrr r r ar+ +
r= f rfr rr r fr a rr+
f f r; rf rt r frf r rt+ -+
s f r ntr r tr+
a r rr r t f rr+ +
Cau.: sobh sva

subhaga dou br, nla pta jalajbha sarr.
morapakha sira sohata nke, guccha bca bica kusuma kal ke.1.
bhla tilaka ramabidu suhe, ravana subhaga bh uana chabi che.
bikaa bhkui kaca gh ugharavre, nava saroja locana ratanre.2.
cru cibuka nsik kapol, hsa bilsa leta manu mol.
mukhachabi kahi na ji mohi ph

, jo biloki bahu kma lajh

ura mani mla kabu kala gv, kma kalabha kara bhuja balas

sumana sameta bma kara don, sva ra kua ra sakh suhi lon.4.
The two gallant heroes were the very perfection of beauty; their bodies resembled
in hue a blue and a yellow lotus respectively. Charming peacock-feathers adorned their head,
which had bunches of flower-buds stuck here and there. A sectarian mark and beads
of perspiration glistened on their brow; while graceful pendants shed their lustre on their
ears. With arched eyebrows and curly locks, eyes red as a lotus-bud and a lovely chin,
nose and cheeks their gracious smile was soul-enthralling. The beauty of their countenance
was more than I can describe; it would put to shame a myriad Cupids. They had a string of
jewels on their breast; their lovely neck resembled a conch-shell in its spiral shape; while
their mighty arms vied with the trunk of a young elephant, who was the very incarnation of
Cupid. With a cup of leaves full of flowers in His left hand the dark-hued prince, my dear, is
most charming. (14)
0f f ta r t fr
f rf fr f- r+ --+
Do.: kehari kai paa pta dhara suam sla nidhna,
dekhi bhnukulabhuanahi bisar sakhinha apna.233.
Beholding the Ornament of the solar race, who had a slender waist like that of a
lion and was clad in yellow, and who was the very embodiment of beauty and amiability,
Sts companions forgot their very existence. (233)
0f t rf rt tar rt nf rt+
f nf r fr f f + {+
f t a srrr rs rrfrr fr+
f f r rr ff far fa rr+ +
f- t tar s n= f tar+
f rs f fr rt f ft rt+ -+
n fnr f f rt s f ra rt+
f fz t r s r ft s fa r+ +
Cau.: dhari dhraju eka li sayn, st sana bol gahi pn.
bahuri gauri kara dhyna kareh u, bhupakisora dekhi kina lehu.1.
sakuci sya

taba nayana ughre, sanamukha dou raghusigha nihre.
nakha sikha dekhi rma kai sobh, sumiri pit panu manu ati chobh.2.
parabasa sakhinha lakh jaba st, bhayau gaharu saba kahahi

puni uba ehi beri

kl, asa kahi mana bihas eka l.3.

guRha gir suni siya sakucn, bhayau bilabu mtu bhaya mn.
dhari baRi dhra rmu ura ne, phir apanapau pitubasa jne.4.
Recovering herself, one of Her clever companions grasped St by the hand and
said to Her, Meditate on Gaur afterwards; why not behold the princes just now ? St
then bashfully opened Her eyes and saw the two lions of Raghus race opposite Herself.
Surveying r Rmas beauty from head to foot in the reverse order,* and remembering
Her fathers vow she felt much perturbed. When Sts companions saw Her thus
* Girls in India are coy by their very nature and would not have the audacity to look straight into the
eyes of a suitor. St, who is the very embodiment of feminine virtues and the ideal of Indian womanhood, is,
therefore, depicted here as beginning Her survey of r Rmas beauty from His feet and gradually passing
Her eyes to His head. It is unidiomatic in English to speak of one scanning a person from foot to head; hence
the order had to be reversed in the rendering. It was, however, necessary to point out this radical difference
between the Western and Indian cultures; and hence the words in the reverse order have been added to
keep the sense of the original intact while taking care not to allow the English idiom to suffer.
overcome with love, they all cried in alarm: We are already late . Let us come again
at this very hour tomorrow ! So saying one of them smiled within herself. St blushed
at this pregnant remark. She got afraid of Her mother; for she felt it was already late.
Recovering Herself with considerable effort she received r Rma into Her heart and
conscious of Her dependence on Her sire returned home. (14)
0 f n fn a= f; rf rf
ff ff rrt f r; tfa rf+ -+
Do.: dekhana misa mga bihaga taru phirai bahori bahori,
nirakhi nirakhi raghubra chabi bRhai prti na thori.234.
Under pretence of looking at a deer, bird or tree She turned again and again; and each
time She gazed on the beauteous Hero of Raghus race, Her love waxed not a little. (234)
0rf f fr ffa t rf s tr fa+
ra rt rt rr n rt+ {+
f t-t r= f-r tat ff t-t+
n; rt rt f rt rt+ +
fnfr frt rt+
n zr rar na f rff fa nrar+ -+
f a rf rr fa rs f rr+
f r rff ft frf t frff+ +
Cau.: jni kahina sivacpa bisurati, cal rkhi ura symala m urati II
prabhu jaba jta jnak jn, sukha saneha sobh guna khn II
parama premamaya mdu masi knh, cru citta bht

likhi lnh II
ga bhavn bhavana bahor, badi carana bol kara jor II
jaya jaya giribararja kisor, jaya mahesa mukha cada cakor II
jaya gajabadana anana mt, jagata janani dmini duti gt II

tava di madhya avasn, amita prabhu bedu nahi

jn II
bhava bhava bibhava parbhava krini, bisva bimohani svabasa bihrini II
Drooping at the thought of the unyielding bow of iva, She proceeded with the
image of the swarthy form in Her heart. When the Lord perceived that Janakas
Daughter, a fountain of bliss, affection, grace and goodness, was going, He sketched
Her on the sheet of His heart with the soft ink of supreme love. St then sought
Bhavns temple and, adoring Her feet, prayed to Her with joined palms: Glory, all glory
to You, O Daughter of the mountain-king ! Glory to You, who gaze on the countenance
of the great Lord iva as a Cakora bird on the moon. Glory to You, O Mother of the
elephant-headed Gaea and the six-faced Krtikeya and mother of the universe with
limbs shining as lightning. You have no beginning, middle or end; Your infinite glory is a
mystery even to the Vedas. You are responsible for the birth, maintenance and
destruction of the universe; You enchant the whole universe and carry on Your sports
independently of others. (14)
0faar at ra a
fr fa f f rr + -~+
Do.: patidevat sutya mahu mtu prathama tava rekha,
mahim amita na sakahi

kahi sahasa srad sea.235.

Of all good women who adore their husband as a god, Mother, You rank foremost. Your
immeasurable greatness is more than a thousand rads and eas could tell. (235)
0a arf rt rt rf frt+
f f arr f rf r+ {+
r r r t r s t +
t-s n r at f n t+ +
f ; rt t r fa rt+
r f r f rt nf f + -+
f - t rt ff rr arrt+
r r f rr r = fff rf rr+ +
Cau.: sevata tohi sulabha phala cr, baradyan purri pir.
debi puji pada kamala tumhre, sura nara muni saba hohi

mora manorathu jnahu nke , basahu sad ura pura sabah ke .
knheu pragaa na krana teh

, asa kahi carana gahe baideh

binaya prema basa bha bhavn, khas mla m urati musukn.
sdara siya prasdu sira dhare u, bol gauri harau hiya

bhare u.3.
sunu siya satya assa hamr, p ujihi mana kman tumhr.
nrada bacana sad suci sc, so baru milihi jhi

manu rc.4.
The fourfold rewards of life (viz., religious merit, worldly riches, sensuous enjoyment
and Liberation) are easily attainable through Your service, O bestower of boons, beloved
of iva (the Slayer of Tripura)! All who adore Your lotus feet, O Shining One, attain
happiness, be they gods, men or sages. You know well my hearts longing since You
ever dwell in the town of every heart. That is why I have refrained from openly declaring
it. With these words Videhas Daughter clasped the feet of the image. Bhavn was
overcome by Her meekness and devotion; the wreath on the image dropped and the idol
smiled. St reverently placed the divine gift on Her head. Gaurs heart was filled with
delight while She spoke, Hear, St, my infallible blessing: Your hearts desire shall be
accomplished. Nradas words are ever faultless and true; the suitor on whom Your
heart is set shall, indeed, be Yours. (14)
U0 rf rs fff r = rr
=r fr r t ra rr+
f rfa nf t f f fa f t t
at rff f f f fa f t+
Cha.:manu jhi

rceu milihi so baru sahaja sudara s

karun nidhna sujna slu sanehu jnata rvaro.
ehi bh

ti gauri assa suni siya sahita hiya hara

tulas bhavnihi puji puni puni mudita mana madira cal.
The dark-complexioned and naturally handsome suitor of whom You are enamoured
shall, indeed, be Yours. The gracious and omniscient Lord is aware of your fidelity and
love. St and all Her companions were delighted at heart to hear this blessing from
Gaurs lips. Worshipping Goddess Bhavn again and again St, says Tulasdsa,
returned to Her abode, rejoicing in Her heart.
0rf nf f f r; f
n r n n+ -+
So.: jni gauri anukula siya hiya harau na ji kahi,
majula magala mula bma aga pharakana lage.236.
Finding Gaur favourably disposed towards Her, St was more glad of heart than
words can tell. Her left limbs began to throb, indicating Her source of good fortune. (236)
0z ra t rr; n t n rs r;+
r r f rt rs a rt+ {+
r; f r t-t f t r;- t-t+
r r arr r f r+ +
f r f frt n r rt+
fna f n= r r; r rs r;+ -+
rt ff f ss rr f f f rr+
f fr= t- rt t f rt+ +
Cau.: hdaya sarhata sya lon, gura sampa gavane dou bh.
rma kah sabu kausika ph

, sarala subhu chuata chala nh

sumana pi muni puj knh, puni assa duhu bhinha dnh.
suphala manoratha hohu tumhre, rmu lakhanu suni bhae sukhre.2.
kari bhojanu munibara bigyn, lage kahana kachu kath purn.
bigata divasu guru yasu p, sadhy karana cale dou bh.3.
prc disi sasi uyau suhv, siya mukha sarisa dekhi sukhu pv.
bahuri bicru knha mana mh

, sya badana sama himakara nh

Inwardly praising Sts beauty, the two brothers returned to their Guru (Vivmitra).
r Rma related everything to Kauika; for He was innocent of heart and free from all
guile. Having got the flowers the sage performed his devotions and then blessed the two
brothers, saying, May your hearts desire be accomplished. Rma and Lakmaa were
glad to hear the benediction. After finishing his meals the great and illumined hermit,
Vivmitra, began to recite old legends. The day was thus spent; and obtaining the
Gurus permission the two brothers proceeded to say their evening prayers. In the
meantime the charming moon rose in the eastern horizon; perceiving that her orb
resembled Sts face r Rma felt happy. The Lord then reasoned within Himself. The
queen of night bears no resemblance to St. (14)
0 f f f f t
f ar r ff rr + -+
Do.: janamu sidhu puni badhu biu dina malna sakalaka,
siya mukha samat pva kimi cadu bpuro raka.237.
Born of the ocean (with its salt water), with poison for her brother, dim and obscure
by the day and with a dark spot in her orb, how can the poor and wretched moon be
matched with Sts countenance ?* (237)
0rr; ; fff r; n; r f ff r;+
r r rt n a r art+ {+
t a t- r; r z fa t-+
f f f r rt n f fr fz rt+ +
f f r rr r r; t- f>rrr+
fna fr rrr rn frf rn+ -+
ss = r arar r r rar+
r rf n rt rs rt+ +
Cau.: ghaai baRhai birahini dukhad, grasai rhu nija sadhihi

koka sokaprada pakaja droh, avaguna bahuta cadram toh.1.
baideh mukha paatara dnhe, hoi dou baRa anucita knhe.
siya mukhachabi bidhu byja bakhn, gura pahi

cale nis baRi jn.2.

kari muni carana saroja pranm, yasu pi knha birm.
bigata nis raghunyaka jge, badhu biloki kahana asa lge.3.
uyau aruna avalokahu tt, pakaja koka loka sukhadt.
bole lakhanu jori juga pn, prabhu prabhu sucaka mdu bn.4.
Again, the moon waxes and wanes; she is the curse of lovesick damsels and is
devoured by Rhu when she crosses the latters orbit. She causes anguish to the
Cakravka (the ruddy goose) and withers the lotus. O moon, there are numerous faults
in you. One would incur the blame of having done a highly improper act by comparing
you with the countenance of Videhas daughter. Thus finding in the moon a pretext for
extolling the beauty of Sts countenance and perceiving that the night had far advanced,
r Rma returned to His Guru; and bowing at the sages lotus feet and receiving his
permission He retired to rest. At the close of night the Lord of Raghus woke; and looking
towards His brother He began to speak thus, Lo, brother, the day has dawned to the
delight of the lotus, the Cakravka and the whole world. Joining both of his palms
Lakmaa gently spoke the following words indicative of the Lords glory: (14)
0=r szn rfa t
ff arr rn f fa t+ -c+
Do.: arunodaya sakuce kumuda uagana joti malna,
jimi tumhra gamana suni bhae npati balahna.238.
* The moon is one of the fourteen jewels (treasures of the world) that were churned out of the ocean
by the joint efforts of the gods and demons at the dawn of creation. It is to this Paurika legend that the Lord
refers to above. The very first product of this churning was poison, which was swallowed by Lord iva. It is in
this sense that the moon is spoken of as having poison for a brother.
The day having dawned, the lily has faded and the brightness of the stars is
dimmed, just as at the news of Your arrival all the princes (assembled here) have
grown faint. (238)
0 a f sfrt rf f r a rt+
r n rr fr rr+ {+
f na arr r;f r+
ss r f >r a rr a n a rr+ +
f f s r rrrr ar - frr+
a fr srrrt nt frr frt+ -+
f r r; f ta r+
f-fr f n= f r r n f r+ +
ar a rr f f f aa r+
f fa- r; r; rf f rs r;+ ~+
Cau.: npa saba nakhata karahi

ujir, ri na sakahi

cpa tama bhr.

kamala koka madhukara khaga nn, harae sakala nis avasn.1.

prabhu saba bhagata tumhre, hoihahi

ue dhanua sukhre.
uyau bhnu binu rama tama ns, dure nakhata jaga teju praks.2.
rabi nija udaya byja raghury, prabhu pratpu saba npanha dikhy.
tava bhuja bala mahim udagh, praga dhanu bighaana parip.3.
badhu bacana suni prabhu musukne, hoi suci sahaja punta nahne.
nityakriy kari guru pahi

e, carana saroja subhaga sira ne.4.

satnadu taba janaka bole, kausika muni


turata pahe.
janaka binaya tinha i sun, harae boli lie dou bh.5.
Though twinkling like stars, all the princes put together are unable to lift the thick
darkness in the form of the bow. And just as lotuses and bees and the Cakravka and
various other birds rejoice over the termination of night, even so, my lord, all Your
devotees will be glad when the bow is broken. Lo, the sun is up and the darkness has
automatically disappeared; the stars have vanished out of sight and light flashes upon
the world. Under pretence of its rising, O Lord of Raghus, the sun has demonstrated
to all the princes the glory of my lord (Yourself). It is in order to reveal the might of
Your arms that the process of breaking the bow has been set into operation. The Lord
smiled at these remarks of His brother. He who is pure by His very nature then
performed the daily acts of purification and bathed, and after finishing the daily routine
of prayer etc., called on His Guru and the two brothers bowed their graceful heads at
his lotus feet. Meanwhile King Janaka summoned his preceptor atnanda and sent
him at once to the sage Kauika. atnanda communicated to Vivmitra Janakas
humble submission and Vivmitra gladly sent for the two brothers. (15)
0ar f n f r;
ara f s a r rr;+ -+
Do.: satnada pada badi prabhu baihe gura pahi

calahu tta muni kaheu taba pahav janaka boli.239.
Adoring atnandas feet the Lord went and sat down by His Guru; the sage then
said, Come on, my son: Janaka has sent for us. (239)
0t t= f r; ; rf ; zr;+
r r r; r r a r r;+ {+
f f rt tf- t f rt+
f f a rr rr+ +
nf r rs r; f f rf- r;+
n r frt r r rt+ -+
t t rt f f rt+
aa rn- f r r sfa r+ +
Cau.: sya svayabaru dekhia j, su khi dhau dei baR.
lakhana kah jasa bhjanu so, ntha kp tava jpara ho.1.
harae muni saba suni bara bn, dnhi assa sabahi

sukhu mn.
puni munibda sameta kpl, dekhana cale dhanuamakha sl.2.
ragabhumi e dou bh, asi sudhi saba purabsinha p.
cale sakala gha kja bisr, bla jubna jaraha nara nr.3.
dekh janaka bhra bhai bhr, suci sevaka saba lie ha kr.
turata sakala loganha pahi

jhu, sana ucita dehu saba khu.4.

Let us go and see how St elects her husband; we have yet to see whom
Providence chooses to honour. Said Lakmaa, He alone deserves glory, my lord, who
enjoys your favour. The whole company of hermits rejoiced to hear these apt words and
with a delighted heart they all gave their blessing to him. Accompanied by the whole
throng of hermits the gracious Lord then proceeded to visit the arena intended for the
bow-sacrifice. When the inhabitants of the town got the news that the two brothers had
reached the arena, they all sallied forth, oblivious of their homes and dutiesmen and
women, young and old and even children. When Janaka saw that a huge crowd had
collected there, he sent for all his trusted servants and said, Go and see all the people
at once and marshal them to their proper seats. (14)
0f fta fa- r rf
s-r t rr f f rf+ +
Do.: kahi mdu bacana binta tinha baihre nara nri,
uttama madhyama nca laghu nija nija thala anuhri.240.
Addressing soft and polite words to the citizens, the servants seated them all,
both men and women, in their appropriate places, whether noble or middling, humble
or low. (240)
0r af r rar a r+
n rn rn tr tr n tr+ {+
r r fra = szn n f +
f- t rr t fa fa- t at+ +
f = r tr t tr+
z f f frt r fa rt+ -+
rf r fa- n r r+
rf- rs r; r r;+ +
Cau.: rjakua ra tehi avasara e, manahu manoharat tana che.
guna sgara ngara bara br, sudara symala gaura sarr.1.
rja samja birjata r ure, uagana mahu janu juga bidhu pure.
jinha ke rah bhvan jais, prabhu m urati tinha dekh tais.2.

rupa mah ranadhr, manahu bra rasu dhare sarr.

are kuila npa prabhuhi nihr, manahu bhaynaka m urati bhr.3.
rahe asura chala chonipa be, tinha prabhu pragaa klasama dekh.
purabsinha dekhe dou bh, narabhuana locana sukhad.4.
Meanwhile there arrived the two princes, the very abodes of beauty as it were,
both ocean of goodness, polished in manners and gallent heroes, charming of forms,
the one dark and the other fair. Shining bright in the galaxy of princes, they looked like
two full moons in a circle of stars. Everyone looked on the Lords form according to
the conception each had about Him. Those who were surpassingly staunch in battle
gazed on His form as though He was the heroic sentiment personified. The wicked
kings trembled at the sight of the Lord as if He had a most terrible form. The demons,
who were cunningly disguised as princes, beheld the Lord as Death in visible form,
while the citizens regarded the two brothers as the ornaments of humanity and the
delight of their eyes. (14)
0rf frf f f f f =f =
ra fnr f fa + {+
Do.: nri bilokahi

harai hiya nija nija ruci anurupa,

janu sohata sigra dhari murati parama anupa.241.
With joy in their heart the women saw Him according to the attitude of mind each
had towards Him, as if the erotic sentiment itself had appeared in an utterly incomparable
form. (241)
0f- fr tr n r tr+
rfa rf n f rnf + {+
fa f frf rt f tfa rfa rt+
rfn- a- rr ra q rr+ +
fna- rs rar ;y ; rar+
rf fa r f tr r f tr+ -+
s fa f r r f r+
f ff r rf r af a s rr+ +
Cau.: biduanha prabhu biramaya ds, bahu mukha kara paga locana ss.
janaka jti avalokahi

kaise , sajana sage priya lgahi

jaise .1.
sahita bideha bilokahi

rn, sisu sama prti na jti bakhn.

joginha parama tattvamaya bhs, sta suddha sama sahaja praks.2.
haribhagatanha dekhe dou bhrt, iadeva iva saba sukha dt.
rmahi citava bhya jehi sy, so sanehu sukhu nahi

ura anubhavati na kahi saka sou, kavana prakra kahai kabi kou.
ehi bidhi rah jhi jasa bhu, tehi

tasa dekheu kosalaru.4.

The wise saw the Lord in His cosmic form, with many faces, hands, feet, eyes
and heads. And how did He appear to Janakas kinsmen? Like ones own beloved
relation. The queen, no less than the king, regarded Him with unspeakable love like a
dear child. To the Yogs (those ever united with God) He shone forth as no other than
the highest truth, placid, unsullied, equipoised, and resplendent by its very nature. The
devotees of r Hari beheld the two brothers as their beloved deity, the fountain of all
joy. The emotion of love and joy with which t gazed on r Rma was ineffable. She
felt the emotion in Her breast, but could not utter it; how, then, can a poet describe it ?
In this way everyone regarded the Lord of Ayodhy according to the attitude of mind
each had towards Him. (14)
0ra r r rr fr
tr n a ft fr r+ +
Do.: rjata rja samja mahu kosalarja kisora,
sudara symala gaura tana bisva bilocana cora.242.
Thus shone in the assembly of kings the two lovely princes of Ayodhy, the one
dark and the other fair of form, catching the eyes of the whole universe. (242)
0 r fa r rf r sr rr r+
f t t ra t + {+
faf r= r t rfa z rfa f t+
r >rfa z rr f rr+ +
f r r t f r rr+
r fr fa rrt frf f f rt+ -+
ta at ff- r; t f t r;+
=f ntr fr r t tr+ +
Cau.: sahaja manohara murati dou, koi kma upam laghu sou.
sarada cada nidaka mukha nke, nraja nayana bhvate j ke.1.
citavani cru mra manu haran, bhvati hdaya jti nahi

kala kapola ruti kuala lol, cibuka adhara sudara mdu bol.2.
kumudabadhu kara nidaka h

s, bhku bikaa manohara ns.

bhla bisla tilaka jhalakh

, kaca biloki ali avali lajh

pta cautan

siranhi suh

, kusuma kal

bica bca ban

rekhe rucira kabu kala gv

, janu tribhuvana suam k sv

Both were embodiments of natural grace; even millions of Cupids were a poor
match for them. Their charming faces mocked the autumnal moon, and their lotus-like
eyes were soul-ravishing. Their winning glances captivated the heart of even Cupid;
they were so unspeakably endearing. With beautiful cheeks, ears adorned with
swinging pendants, a charming chin and lips and a sweet voice, their smile ridiculed
the moonbeams. With arched eyebrows and a beautiful nose, the sacred mark shone
on their broad forehead, and their locks of hair put to shame a swarm of bees. Yellow
caps of a rectangular shape, which were embroidered here and there with figures of
flower-buds, adorned their heads. Their necks, which vied in their spiral form with a
conch-shell bore a triple line, which constituted as it were the high watermark of beauty
in all the three worlds. (14)
0 f r fa sf- afr r
f f ff r fr+ -+
Do.: kujara mani kah kalita uranhi tulasik mla,
babha kadha kehari havani bala nidhi bhu bisla.243.
Their breast was adorned with necklace of pearls found in elephants foreheads
and wreaths of Tulas. With shoulders resembling the lump of a bull they stood like lions
and had mighty long arms. (243)
0f at ta r r r+
ta sta r f rf r+ {+
f rn r r a ar+
f rs r; f n a r;+ +
f fat f r r; n f ff r;+
rf r a a fa fa r+ -+
f f = rf r rs r fr+
f r f rr fa r + +
Cau.: kai tunra pta paa b

dhe , kara sara dhanua bma bara k

dhe .
pta jagya upabta suhe, nakha sikha maju mahchabi che.1.
dekhi loga saba bhae sukhre, ekaaka locana calata na tre.
harae janaku dekhi dou bh, muni pada kamala gahe taba j.2.
kari binat nija kath sun, raga avani saba munihi dekh.
jaha jaha jhi

kua ra bara dou, taha taha cakita citava sabu kou.3.

nija nija rukha rmahi sabu dekh, kou na jna kachu maramu bise.
bhali racan muni npa sana kahe u, rj

mudita mahsukha lahe u.4.

They bore at their back a quiver secured with a yellow cloth wrapped round their
waist, and held an arrow in their right hand; while a bow and a charming sacred thread,
also of yellow tint, were slung across their left shoulder. In short, the two princes were
lovely from head to foot and were the very embodiments of great charm. Everyone who
saw them felt delighted; people gazed at them with unwinking eyes and their pupils too did
not move. King Janaka himself rejoiced to behold the two brothers; presently he went and
clasped the sages lotus-feet. Paying him homage he related to him his story and showed
him round the whole arena. Whithersoever the two elegant princes betook themselves,
all regarded them with wonder. Every man found r Rma facing himself; but none could
perceive the great mystery behind it. The sage told the king that the arrangements were
splendid; and the king was highly satisfied and pleased to hear this. (14)
0 - a f fr
f a rs a r fr+ +
Do.: saba macanha te macu eka sudara bisada bisla,
muni sameta dou badhu taha baihre mahipla.244.
Of all the tiers of raised seats one was beautiful, bright and capacious above all
the rest; the king seated the two brothers alongwith the sage thereon. (244)
0f f f r r s ar+
f atfa rt r r ar rt+ {+
f frr ff t r s rr+
frf n rr r; ar a nr;+ +
f f rt f frt+
ar r nrr f ar r f frr+ -+
r rs f r f fa fa r+
f f r t fna r+ +
Cau.: prabhuhi dekhi saba npa hiya hre, janu rkesa udaya bhae tre.
asi pratti saba ke mana mh

, rma cpa toraba saka nh

binu bhajehu bhava dhanuu bisl, melihi s ya rma ura ml.
asa bicri gavanahu ghara bh, jasu pratpu balu teju gav

bihase apara bhupa suni bn, je abibeka adha abhimn.
torehu dhanuu byhu avagh, binu tore ko kua ri bih.3.
eka bra klau kina hou, siya hita samara jitaba hama sou.
yaha suni avara mahipa musukne, dharamasla haribhagata sayne.4.
All the kings were disheartened at the sight of the Lord, just as stars fade away
with the rising of the full moon. For they all felt inwardly assured that Rma would
undoubtedly break the bow; or, even if the huge bow of iva proved too strong for Him,
that St would still place the garland of victory round His neck. They therefore, said to
one another, Realizing this, brothers, let us turn homewards, casting to the winds all
glory, fame, strength and pride. Other princes, who were blinded with ignorance and
pride, laughed at this and said, Union with the princess is a far cry for Rma even if he
succeeds in breaking the bow; who, then, can wed her without breaking it ? Should
Death himself for once come forth against us, even him we would conquer in battle for
Sts sake. At this other princes, who were pious and sensible and devoted to r Hari,
smiled and said: (14)
0t frf r n f f -
tfa r nr r+ ~+
So.: sya bihabi rma garaba duri kari npanha ke,
jti ko saka sagrma dasaratha ke rana b

Rma will certainly marry St to the discomfiture of these arrogant princes; for who
can conquer in battle the valiant sons of Daaratha? (245)
0 f nr r; rf- f ar;+
f rf f tar nr r f tar+ {+
na far rrfaf frt f r f frt+
n rt rs s rt+ +
r t fr; n ff a r;+
r; r r; rr a r rr+ -+
f rn = fr rn+
f frr f f nrr+ +
Cau.: byartha marahu jani gla baj, mana modakanhi ki bhukha but.
sikha hamri suni parama punt, jagadab jnahu jiya st.1.
jagata pit raghupatihi bicr, bhari locana chabi lehu nihr.
sudara sukhada sakala guna rs, e dou badhu sabhu ura bs.2.
sudh samudra sampa bih, mgajalu nirakhi marahu kata dh.
karahu ji j kahu joi bhv, hama tau ju janama phalu pv.3.
asa kahi bhale bhupa anurge, rupa anupa bilokana lge.

sura nabha caRhe bimn, baraahi

sumana karahi

kala gn.4.
Do not thus brag unnecssarily: hunger cannot be satiated with imaginary
sweets. Listen to this my most salutary advice; be inwardly assured that St is no other
than the Mother of the universe. And recognizing the Lord of Raghus as the father of
the universe, feast your eyes to their fill on His beauty. Fountains of joy and
embodiments of all virtues, these two charming brothers have their abode in ambhus
heart. Leaving an ocean of nectar, which is so near, why should you run in pursuit
of a mirage and court death? Or else do whatever pleases you individually; we for our
part have reaped today the fruit of our human birth. So saying the good kings turned
to gaze with affection on the picture of incomparable beauty; while in heaven the gods
witnessed the spectacle from their aerial cars, and raining down flowers sang in
melodious strains. (14)
0rf = t a ; rr;
a t r t r;+ +
Do.: jni suavasaru sya taba paha janaka boli,
catura sakh

sudara sakala sdara cal

Finding it an appropriate occasion Janaka then sent for t; and Her companions,
all lovely and accomplished, escorted Her with due honour. (246)
0f rr f r; rt nfr = n rt+
sr rf rr rnt ra rf n rnt+ {+
f f a; sr ; f r; r ;+
af at tr n f fa r tr+ +
fnr a rt fa fa fa a fa rt+
f r=t f t f r ff t+ -+
f r rff r; = - r;+
rr = fnr= rf f r=+ +
Cau.: siya sobh nahi

ji bakhn, jagadabik rupa guna khn.

upam sakala mohi laghu lg

, prkta nri aga anurg

siya barania tei upam de, kukabi kahi ajasu ko le.
jau paataria tya sama sy, jaga asi jubati kah

gir mukhara tana aradha bhavn, rati ati dukhita atanu pati jn.
bia brun badhu priya jeh, kahia ramsama kimi baideh.3.
jau chabi sudh payonidhi ho, parama r upamaya kacchapu so.
sobh raju madaru sigru, mathai pni pakaja nija mr u.4.
Sts beauty defies all description, Mother of the universe that She is and an
embodiment of charm and excellence. All comparisons seem to me too poor; for they
have affinity with the limbs of mortal women. Proceeding to depict St with the help of
those very similes why should one earn the title of an unworthy poet and court ill-repute?
Should St be likened to any woman of this material creation, where in this world shall
one come across such a lovely damsel? The goddess of speech (Sarasvat), for
instance, is a chatterer; while Bhavn possesses only half a body (the other half being
represented by her lord, iva). And Rati (Loves consort) is extremely distressed by the
thought of her husband being without a form. And it is quite out of the question to
compare Videhas Daughter with Ram, who has poison and spirituous liquor for her
dear brothers. Supposing there was an ocean of nectar in the form of loveliness and the
tortoise serving as a base for churning it was an embodiment of consummate beauty,
and if splendour itself were to take the form of a cord, the erotic sentiment should
crystallize and assume the shape of Mount Mandara and the god of love himself were
to churn this ocean with his own hands (14)
0f ff s f- ar
af r a f f t a+ +
Do.: ehi bidhi upajai lacchi jaba sudarat sukha mula,
tadapi sakoca sameta kabi kahahi

sya samatula.247.
And if from such churning were to be born a Lakm, who was the source of
all loveliness and joy, the poet would even then hesitatingly declare her as analogous
to St. (247)
0t n t rt nra nta r rt+
r a rt na f afa f rt+ {+
r n n f f- r+
nf f n rt f = r rt+ +
f - t r; f r nr;+
rf r r rr fa rr+ -+
t fa fa rf rr r rr+
f t rs r; n f r ff r;+ +
Cau.: cal

saga lai sakh

sayn, gvata gta manohara bn.

soha navala tanu sudara sr, jagata janani atulita chabi bhr.1.
bhuana sakala sudesa suhe, aga aga raci sakhinha bane.
ragabhumi jaba siya pagu dhr, dekhi rupa mohe nara nr.2.
harai suranha dudubh


, barai prasuna apachar g

pni saroja soha jayaml, avacaa citae sakala bhul.3.
sya cakita cita rmahi ch, bhae mohabasa saba naranh.
muni sampa dekhe dou bh, lage lalaki locana nidhi p.4.
Sts clever companions escorted Her to the arena, singing songs in a charming
voice. A beautiful Sr (covering for the body) adorned Her youthful frame; the Mother of
the universe was incomparable in her exquisite beauty. Ornaments of all kinds had been
beautifully set in their appropriate places, each limb having been decked by Her
companions with great care. When St stepped into the arena, men and women alike
were fascinated by Her charms. The gods gladly sounded their kettledrums, while
celestial damsels rained down flowers in the midst of songs. In Her lotus-like hands
sparkled the wreath of victory, as She cast a hurried glance at all the princes. While St
looked for r Rma with anxious heart, all the princes found themselves in the grip of
infatuation. Presently St discovered the two brothers by the side of the sage, and Her
eyes greedily fell on them as on a long-lost treasure. (14)
0n r r z f t rf
rfn fr f- a rrtf s rf+ c+
Do.: gurajana lja samju baRa dekhi sya sakucni,
lgi bilokana sakhinha tana raghubrahi ura ni.248.
Out of natural bashfulness that She felt in the presence of elders and at the sight
of the vast assemblage, St shrank into Herself; and drawing the Hero of Raghus race
into Her heart She turned Her eyes towards Her companions. (248)
0r = = f f rf- ft f+
rf a rt ff f f rt+ {+
= ff fn zar; fa rf f f r;+
f fr af r t r fr+ +
n ff r r t- a s r+
f rr n rn = rr rt rn+ -+
a t rr ffrt a f r+
r; rr r f rr+ +
Cau.: rma rupu aru siya chabi dekhe , nara nrinha parihar

nimee .

sakala kahata sakuch

, bidhi sana binaya karahi

mana mh

haru bidhi begi janaka jaRat, mati hamri asi dehi suh.
binu bicra panu taji naranhu, sya rma kara karai bibhu.2.
jagu bhala kahihi bhva saba khu, haha knhe atahu ura dh u.


magana saba logu, baru s

varo jnak jog u.3.

taba badjana janaka bole, biridval kahata cali e.
kaha npu ji kahahu pana mor, cale bha hiya harau na thor.4.
Beholding r Rmas beauty and Sts loveliness, men and women alike forgot
to close their eyelids. All of them felt anxious in their heart but hesitated to speak;
they inwardly prayed to the Creator, Quickly take away, O Creator, Janakas stupidity
and give him right understanding like ours, so that the king without the least scruple
may abandon his vow and give St in marriage to Rma. The world will speak well
of him and the idea will find favour with all. On the other hand, if he persists in his folly,
he shall have to rue it in the end. Everyone is absorbed in the ardent feeling that the
dark-complexioned youth is a suitable match for Janakas daughter. Then Janaka
summoned the heralds, and they came eulogizing his race. The king said, Go round
and proclaim my vow. Forthwith they proceeded on their mission; there was not a little
joy in their heart. (14)
0r t fr
f f r sr; fr+ +
Do.: bole bad bacana bara sunahu sakala mahipla,
pana bideha kara kahahi

hama bhuj uhi bisla.249.

The heralds then uttered these polite words, Listen all princes: with our long arms
uplifted we announce to you King Videhas vow: (249)
0 f f r n= r ffa r+
r r r r f r nf fr+ {+
r; rf rz rr r r r r; arr+
fr a t ff fr ; f at+ +
f fr rt fa r+
f rf s r; ;y- f r;+ -+
af arf af f t s; rf rfa t+
f- fr= rt r t t rt+ +
Cau.: npa bhujabalu bidhu sivadhanu rh u, garua kahora bidita saba khu.
rvanu bnu mahbhaa bhre, dekhi sarsana gava hi

soi purri kodau kahor, rja samja ju joi tor.
tribhuvana jaya sameta baideh, binahi

bicra barai hahi teh.2.

suni pana sakala bhupa abhile, bhaamn atisaya mana mkhe.
parikara b

dhi uhe akul, cale iadevanha sira n.3.

tamaki tki taki sivadhanu dharah

, uhai na koi bh

ti balu karah

jinha ke kachu bicru mana mh

, cpa sampa mahpa na jh

The might of arm of the various princes stands as the moon, while ivas bow
is the planet Rhu as it were; it is massive and unyielding, as is well-known to all. Even
the great champions Rvaa and Bsura quietly slipped away as soon as they saw
the bow. Whoever in this royal assembly breaks today the yonder unbending bow of iva
shall be unhesitatingly and insistently wedded by Videhas daughter and shall triumph
over all the three worlds. Hearing the vow all the princes were filled with longing, while
those who prided on their valour felt very indignant. Girding up their loins they rose
impatiently and bowing their heads to their chosen deity went ahead. They cast an angry
look at ivas bow, grapled with it with steady aim and exerted all their strength; but the
bow refused to be lifted. Those princes, however, who had any sense at all did not even
approach the bow. (14)
0af f s; f r;
r; r f f n=r;+ ~+
Do.: tamaki dharahi

dhanu muRha npa uhai na calahi

manahu pi bhaa bhubalu adhiku adhiku garui.250.
Those foolish kings indignantly strained at the bow and retired in shamefrlly when
it refused to leave its position, as though it grew more and more wughty by absorbing
the might of arm of each successive warrior. (250)
0 f rr n sr ; rr+
zn; r rt at + {+
rn srt f frn -rt+
tfa f tar rt r rt+ +
>rta rf f rr f f r; rr+
- frf r r r r+ -+
t t fa rr r f r rr+
f tr f t r tr+ +
Cau.: bhupa sahasa dasa ekahi br, lage uhvana arai na r.
agai na sabhu sarsanu kaise , km bacana sat manu jaise .1.
saba npa bhae jogu upahs, jaise binu birga sanys.
krati bijaya brat bhr, cale cpa kara barabasa hr.2.
rhata bhae hri hiya rj, baihe nija nija ji samj.
npanha biloki janaku akulne, bole bacana roa janu sne.3.
dpa dpa ke bhupati nn, e suni hama jo panu hn.
deva danuja dhari manuja sarr, bipula bra e ranadhr.4.
Ten thousand kings then proceeded all at once to raise it; but it baffled all attempts
at moving it. ambhus bow did not stir in the same way as the mind of a virtuous lady
refuses to yield to the words of a gallant. All the princes made themselves butts of
ridicule like a recluse without dispassion. Helplessly forfeiting their fame, glory and great
valour to the bow they returned. Confused and disheartened, the kings went and sat in
the midst of their own company. Seeing the kings thus frustrated, King Janaka got
impatient and spoke words as if in anger; Hearing the vow made by me many a king
has come from diverse parts of the globe; gods and demons in human form and many
other heroes, staunch in fight, have assembled. (14)
0f r f fz tfa fa t
rfr ff s t+ ~{+
Do.: kua ri manohara bijaya baRi krati ati kamanya,
pvanihra biraci janu raceu na dhanu damanya.251.
A lovely bride, a grand triumph and splendid renown are the prize; but Brahm,
it seems, has not yet created the man who may break the bow and win the above
rewards. (251)
0 rf r rr r r rr+
s rs ar r; fa f f zr;+ {+
f rs r rt t ft t rt+
a r f f n r fr ff f fr+ +
a r; f f rf s r +
as f f r; a f ras r;+ -+
f rt f rff rt+
r f ; a f+ +
Cau.: kahahu khi yahu lbhu na bhv, khu na sakara cpa caRhv.
rahau caRhuba toraba bh, tilu bhari bhumi na sake chaR.1.
aba jani kou mkhai bhaa mn, bra bihna mah mai

tajahu sa nija nija gha jhu, likh na bidhi baidehi bibh u.2.
suktu ji jau panu parihara u

, kua ri kuri rahau k kara u

jau janateu binu bhaa bhubi bh, tau panu kari hoteu na ha s.3.
janaka bacana suni saba nara nr, dekhi jnakihi bhae dukhr.
mkhe lakhanu kuila bhai

bhau he , radapaa pharakata nayana risau he .4.

Tell me, who would not have this prize? But none could string the bow. Let alone
stringing or breaking it, there was not one of you, brothers, who could stir it even a inch
breadth from its place. Now no one who prides on his valour should feel offended if I assert
that there is no hero left on earth to my mind. Give up all hope and go back to your homes.
It is not the will of Providence that St should be married. All my religious merits shall be
gone if I abandon my vow. The princess must remain a maid; what can I do? Had I known,
brothers, that there are no more heroes in the world, I would not have made myself a
laughing-stock by undertaking such a vow. All who heard Janakas words, men and women
alike, felt distressed at the sight of Jnak. Lakmaa, however got incensed: his eyebrows
were knit, his lips quivered and his eyes shot fire. (14)
0f a rrt z n r
r; r f= r fnr r+ ~+
Do.: kahi na sakata raghubra ara lage bacana janu bna,
ni rma pada kamala siru bole gir pramna.252.
For fear of r Rma he could not speak, though Janakas words pierced his heart
like an arrow; yet at last, bowing his head at r Rmas lotus-feet he spoke words which
were impregnated with truth: (252)
0rrf- rs r; af r ; r;+
t f fa rt fur rr f rt+ {+
r r s rs fr+
arrf r r ; zr rz sr+ +
r rr ff zr rt s = ff art+
a ar fr nrr r rr fr rr+ -+
r rf r r a frf r+
r ff r r r a r rr+ +
Cau.: ragubasinha mahu jaha kou ho, tehi

samja asa kahai na ko.

kah janaka jasi anucita bn, bidyamna raghukula mani jn.1.
sunahu bhnukula pakaja bhn u, kahau subhu na kachu abhimnu.
jau tumhri anussana pvau , kaduka iva brahma uhvau .2.
kce ghaa jimi rau phor, sakau meru m ulaka jimi tor.
tava pratpa mahim bhagavn, ko bpuro pinka purn.3.
ntha jni asa yasu hou, kautuku karau bilokia so u.
kamala nla jimi cpa caRhvau , jojana sata pramna lai dhvau .4.
In an assembly where any one of Raghus race is present no one would dare
speak such scandalous words as Janaka has spoken, even though conscious of the
presence of r Rma, the Jewel of Raghus race. (Turning towards his brother, he
added) Listen, O Delighter of the solar race, I sincerely tell You, without any vain
boasting: if I but have Your permission, I will lift the round world like a ball and smash
it like an ill-baked earthen jar; and by the glory of Your majesty, O blessed Lord,
I can break Mount Meru like a radish. What, then, is this wretched old bow? Realizing
this, my Lord, let me have Your command and see what wonders I work; I will string
the bow as though it were a lotus-stalk and run with it not less than eight hundred
miles. (14)
0ar r z ff a ar r
r+ ~-+
Do.: torau chatraka daa jimi tava pratpa bala ntha,
jau na karau prabhu pada sapatha kara na dharau dhanu bhtha.253.
By the might of Your glory, O Lord, I will snap it like the stalk of a mushroom. Or,
if I fail, I swear by Your feet, never to handle a bow or quiver again. (253)
0 r r znnrf f fn zr+
rn zr f f r+ {+
n rrfa f rt fa f f rt+
f rrfa r a f r+ +
ftrfr rt r fa rt+
s r rr ara farr+ -+
f n= f= rr fr s rr+
r sf r f r nr r+ +
Cau.: lakhana sakopa bacana je bole, agamagni mahi diggaja ole.
sakala loga saba bhupa erne, siya hiya harau janaku sakucne.1.
gura raghupati saba muni mana mh

, mudita bhae puni puni pulakh


raghupati lakhanu nevre, prema sameta nikaa baihre.2.

bisvmitra samaya subha jn, bole ati sanehamaya bn.
uhahu rma bhajahu bhavacp, meahu tta janaka paritp.3.
suni guru bacana carana siru nv, harau bidu na kachu ura v.
hRhe bhae uhi sahaja subhe ,havani jub mgarju laje .4.
As Lakmaa spoke these angry words, the earth shook and the elephants
supporting the quarters tottered. The whole assembly, including all the princes, was
struck with terror; St felt delighted at heart, while Janaka blushed. The preceptor
(Vivmitra), the Lord of Raghus and all the hermits were glad of heart and thrilled all
over again and again. affectionately r Rma checked Lakmaa and made him sit
beside Him. Perceiving that it was a propitious time, Vivmitra said in most endearing
terms, Up, Rma, break the bow of iva and relieve Janaka, my boy, of his anguish.
On hearing the Gurus words r Rma bowed His head at his feet; there was no joy or
sorrow in His heart. He stood up in all His native grace, putting to shame a young lion
by His elegant carriage. (14)
0sfa sfnf rr ran
f a r r n+ ~+
Do.: udita udayagiri maca para raghubara blapataga,
bikase sata saroja saba harae locana bhga.254.
As the Chief of the Raghus rose on His elevated seat like the morning sun rising
on the mountain, all the saints were delighted like so many lotuses and their eyes were
glad as bees at the return of day. (254)
0- f rr ff rt a t rt+
rt f r t s r+ {+
fr r f r ff rf r+
n f fa rnr r f- r rnr+ +
f n trt -r nrt+
a r rt f a rt+ -+
f fa a r - rs r+
a f r t r; ar r n nrr;+ +
Cau.: npanha keri s nisi ns, bacana nakhata aval na praks.
mn mahipa kumuda sakucne, kapa bhupa uluka lukne.1.
bhae bisoka koka muni dev, barisahi

sumana janvahi

gura pada badi sahita anurg, rma muninha sana yasu mg.2.

cale sakala jaga svm, matta maju bara kujara gm.

calata rma saba pura nara nr, pulaka puri tana bhae sukhr.3.
badi pitara sura suktasa bhre, jau kachu punya prabhu hamre.
tau sivadhanu mnla k n

, torahu rmu ganesa gos

The hopes of the rival kings vanished as night and their boasts died away like the
serried stars. The arrogant princes shrivelled up like the lilies and the false kings shrank
away like owls. Sages and gods, like the Cakravka bird, were rid of their sorrow and
rained down flowers in token of their homage. Affectionately reverencing the Gurus feet
r Rma asked leave of the Munis. The Lord of all creation then stepped forth in His
natural grace with the tread of a noble and beautiful elephant in rut. As r Rma moved
ahead all men and women of the city rejoiced and thrilled all over their body. Invoking
the manes and gods and recalling their own past good deeds they prayed: If our religious
merits are of any value, O Lord Gaea may Rma snap the bow of iva as it were a
lotus-stalk. (14)
0rf a f f- t rr;
tar ra ; fr;+ ~~+
Do.: rmahi prema sameta lakhi sakhinha sampa boli,
st mtu saneha basa bacana kahai bilakhi.255.
Lovingly gazing on r Rma and bidding her companions draw near, Sts mother
spoke words full of anguish out of affection: (255)
0f a fr s ra fa r+
rs rr; ; n rt r f f rt+ {+
r r r f rr r f rr+
r r t r r f t+ +
r frt f ff nfa rfa rt+
rt a t rt aa rr nf rt+ -+
f rr rs rr+
f z a rr rnr s ar fa a rnr+ +
Cau.: sakhi saba kautuku dekhanihre, jeu kahvata hitu hamre.
kou na bujhi kahai gura ph

, e blaka asi haha bhali nh

rvana bna chu nahi

cp, hre sakala bhupa kari dp.

so dhanu rjakua ra kara deh

, bla marla ki madara leh

bhupa saynapa sakala sirn, sakhi bidhi gati kachu jti na jn.
bol catura sakh mdu bn, tejavata laghu gania na rn.3.
kaha kubhaja kaha sidhu apr, soeu sujasu sakala sasr.
rabi maala dekhata laghu lg, udaya tsu tibhuvana tama bhg.4.
Who even those are called our friends, dear ones, are mere spectators of a show;
no one urges the preceptor (Vivmitra) and tells him that the two princes are yet boys
and that such insistence on his part is not desirable. Knowing that Rvaa and Bsura did
not even touch the bow and that all other kings were worsted in spite of all their boasts,
strange that he should give the same bow into the hands of this young prince; can cygnets
ever lift Mount Mandara? Good sense has taken leave of the king; and unknown are the
dispensation of Providence, dear ones, One of her sharp-witted companions gently replied,
The glorious are not to be lightly regarded, O queen. What comparison is there between the
sage Agastya, who was born of a jar, and the vast ocean? Yet the sage drained it dry, and
his good fame has spread throughout the world. The orb of the sun is so small to look at, but
the moment it rises the darkness of all the three worlds disappears. (14)
0r rr r ff f
r-r nr + ~+
Do.: matra parama laghu jsu basa bidhi hari hara sura sarba,
mahmatta gajarja kahu basa kara akusa kharba.256.
A sacred formula, indeed, is very small, although it has under its sway Brahm,
Hari, Hara and all other gods. A tiny goad governs the mightiest and most furious
elephant. (256)
0r r t- t-+
f af s rt r rt+ {+
t f atat fr fr t fa tat+
a rf frf t z ffa f at+ +
t r rt r - rt+
rf r; f fa r n=r;+ -+
nr r r r n tf-s a r+
r r fat f rt r n=ar fa rt+ +
Cau.: kma kusuma dhanu syaka lnhe, sakala bhuvana apane basa knhe.
debi tajia sasau asa jn, bhajaba dhanuu rma sunu rn.1.
sakh bacana suni bhai paratt, mi bidu baRh ati prt.
taba rmahi biloki baideh, sabhaya hdaya binavati jehi teh.2.

mana manva akuln, hohu prasanna mahesa bhavn.

karahu saphala pani sevak, kari hitu harahu cpa garu.3.
gananyaka baradyaka dev, ju lage knhiu tua sev.
bra bra binat suni mor, karahu cpa gurut ati thor.4.
Armed with a bow and arrows of flowers Cupid has brought the whole universe
under subjection. Realizing this, O good lady, give up all doubt; Rma, O Queen, will
assuredly break the bow, I tell you. The queen felt reassured at these words of her
companion; her despondency was gone and her love for r Rma grew. Then, casting
a glance towards r Rma, Videhas daughter implored with anxious heart each god in
turn. She inwardly prayed in a distressed state of mind: Be gracious to me. O great Lord
iva and Bhavn, and reward my services by lightening the weight of the bow out of
affection for me. O god Gaea, the chief of ivas attendants, O bestower of boons, it
is for this day that I have adored You. Listening to my repeated supplication, therefore,
reduce the weight of the bow to a mere trifle. (14)
0f f rrt a r f t
fr rt t+ ~+
Do.: dekhi dekhi raghubra tana sura manva dhari dhra,
bhare bilocana prema jala pulakval sarra.257.
Gazing repeatedly on the person of r Rma and summoning courage St
prayed to gods. Her eyes were filled with tears of love and the hair on Her body stood
on their end. (257)
0t ff f rr fa ff f rr+
ara r=f rt ra f r rt+ {+
f f ; r; r z fa r;+
f rf rr tr nra frr+ +
ff f rfa s tr f f tr+
r fa rt rf r nfa art+ -+
f zar rn- zrt rf = rrfaf frt+
fa far t rt f n rt+ +
Cau.: nke nirakhi nayana bhari sobh, pitu panu sumiri bahuri manu chobh.
ahaha tta druni haha hn, samujhata nahi

kachu lbhu na hn.1.

saciva sabhaya sikha dei na ko, budha samja baRa anucita ho.
kaha dhanu kulisahu chi kahor, kaha symala mdugta kisor.2.
bidhi kehi bh

ti dharau ura dhr, sirasa sumana kana bedhia hr.

sakala sabh kai mati bhai bhor, aba mohi sabhucpa gati tor.3.
nija jaRat loganha para r, hohi harua raghupatihi nihr.
ati paritpa sya mana mh

, lava nimea juga saya sama jh

She feasted Her eyes to their fill on r Rmas beauty; but then the thought of Her
fathers vow agitated Her mind. She said to Herself. Alas, my father has made a terrible
resolve having no regard to good or evil consequences. The ministers are afraid; therefore
none of them gives him good counsel. It is all the more pity that it should be so in a
conclave of wise men. While on this side stands the bow harder than adamant, on the
other side we find that dark-complexioned prince of delicate frame and tender age. How
then, O god, can I maintain my balance of mind? Is a diamond ever pierced with the
pointed end of a ira flower? The sense of the whole assembly has become dull; hence
my only hope now lies in you, O ambhus bow. Imparting your heaviness to the assembly
grow light yourself at the sight of (in proportion to the size of) r Rma. St felt much
agitated at heart; an instant hung heavy on Her as a hundred Yugas. (14)
0f fa; f fa f ra r r
a f t n f z zr+ ~c+
Do.: prabhuhi citai puni citava mahi rjata locana lola,
khelata manasija mna juga janu bidhu maala ola.258.
Gazing now at the Lord and now at the ground, Her restless eyes sparkled as if
two Cupids fish disported themselves in the pail-like orb of the moon. (258)
fnr ff rt n r fr rt+
r r rr rr+ {+
t rar fz rt f t atfa s rt+
a r rr rrfa r fa rr+ +
a nr s rt ff rf rr rt+
f f - r af f; + -+
a fa; a rr rfr r rr+
ff frf as fa n== rr rf + +
Cau.: gir alini mukha pakaja rok, pragaa na lja nis avalok.
locana jalu raha locana kon, jaise parama kpana kara son.1.
sakuc bykulat baRi jn, dhari dhraju pratti ura n.
tana mana bacana mora panu sc, raghupati pada saroja citu rc.2.
tau bhagavnu sakala ura bs, karihi mohi raghubara kai ds.
jehi ke jehi para satya saneh u, so tehi milai na kachu sadehu.3.
prabhu tana citai prema tana hn, kpnidhna rma sabu jn.
siyahi biloki takeu dhanu kaise , citava garuru laghu bylahi jaise .4.
Held captive within Her lotus-like mouth Her bee-like speech did not stir out for fear
of the night of modesty. Tears remained confined within the corner of Her eyes,* just as
the gold of a stingy miser remains buried in a nook of his house. St felt abashed when
She perceived Her great agitation of mind; summoning up courage in Her heart, therefore,
She confidently said to Herself, If I am true to my vow in thought, word and deed, and
if my mind is really attached to the lotus-feet of r Rma, I am sure God, who dwells
in the heart of all, will make me r Rmas bondslave; for one gets united without doubt
with him for whom one cherishes true love. Casting a glance at the Lord She resolved
to love Him even at the cost of Her life. r Rma, the embodiment of compassion,
understood it all; looking at St He glanced at the bow as Garua (the king of birds )
would gaze on a poor little snake. (14)
0 s rrf ars rz
f nra r rf zr rz+ ~+
Do.: lakhana lakheu raghubasamani tkeu hara kodau,
pulaki gta bole bacana carana cpi brahmu.259.
When Lakmaa perceived that the Jewel of Raghus race had cast a glance at
the bow of Hara, the hair on his body stood erect and he uttered the following words
pressing the crust of the earth under his foot: (259)
0ff f rr f f t zrr+
r f arr r n f r rr+ {+
* Shedding of tears is regarded in India as an ill-omen; therefore, on auspicious occasions Indian
women would take particular care not to allow tears to drop from their eyes.
r t r r rf- a r+
s = r t- fr+ +
nfa f n n=r; f- f r;+
f r farr rf- r= rr+ -+
r z rfa r; r; n r;+
r r f r= a r= f rs zr=+ +
Cau.: disikujarahu kamaha ahi kol, dharahu dharani dhari dhra na ol.
rmu cahahi

sakara dhanu tor, hohu sajaga suni yasu mor.1.

cpa sampa rmu jaba e, nara nrinha sura sukta mane.
saba kara sasau aru agyn u, mada mahpanha kara abhimnu.2.
bhgupati keri garaba garu, sura munibaranha keri kadar.
siya kara socu janaka pachitv, rninha kara druna dukha dv.3.
sabhucpa baRa bohitu p, caRhe ji saba sagu ban.
rma bhubala sidhu apr u, cahata pru nahi

kou kaRahru.4.
O elephants guarding the cardinal points, O divine tortoise*, O serpent-king, and
O divine boar*, steadily hold the earth that it may not shake. r Rma seeks to break the
bow of akara; therefore, listen to my command and be ready. When Rma drew near
to the bow, men and women present there invoked in His behalf the help of gods as well
as of their past good deeds. The doubts and ignorance of all who had assembled there,
the arrogance of the foolish kings, the proud pretensions of Paraurma (the Chief of
Bhrgus race), the apprehension of gods and the great sages, the distress of St, King
Janakas remorse and the fire of the queens terrible agonyall these boarded together the
great bark of ambhus bow, with whose help they sought to cross the boundless ocean
of r Rmas strength of arm; but there was no helmsman to steer the ship. (14)
0r fr rn fr f f
fa; t ra rt f ff+ +
Do.: rma biloke loga saba citra likhe se dekhi,
cita sya kpyatana jn bikala bisei.260.
Rma first looked at the crowd of spectators and found them motionless as the
figures of a drawing. The gracious Lord then turned His eyes towards St and perceived
Her in deep distress. (260)
0t f f t ff fra at+
afa rf f r a -rnr ; r r azrnr+ {+
r r t r f r far+
f rf rt t f tfa ft+ +
nf r f t-r fa rrr sr; t-r+
s rff ff f z + -+
* The divine tortoise referred to here is the same who served as the base for churning the ocean of
milk at the dawn of creation. And the divine boar refers to the manifestation of the Lord as a boar in order to lift
the earth out of the waters in which the demon Hirayka had submerged it. The tortoise as well as the boar
are represented here as ever holding the earth, conjointly with the serpent-king, the one on its back and the
other on its tusks.
a ra a nr r r r+
af r arr f rrr rr+ +
Cau.: dekh bipula bikala baideh, nimia bihta kalapa sama teh.
tita bri binu jo tanu tyg, mue karai k sudh taRg.1.
k bara saba k sukhne , samaya cuke puni k pachitne .
asa jiya jni jnak dekh, prabhu pulake lakhi prti bise.2.
gurahi pranmu manahi

mana knh, ati lghava uhi dhanu lnh.

damakeu dmini jimi jaba laya u, puni nabha dhanu maala sama bhaya u.3.
leta caRhvata khai

cata gRhe , khu na lakh dekha sabu hRhe .

tehi chana rma madhya dhanutor, bhare bhuvana dhuni ghora kahor.4.
He found Videhas Daughter greatly agitated; every moment that passed hung on
Her as a whole life-time of the universe. If a thirsty man dies for want of water, of what
avail is a lake of nectar after death. What good is a shower when the whole crop is dried
up; what use repenting over an opportunity lost? Thinking thus within Himself the Lord
looked at Janakas Daughter and thrilled all over to perceive Her singular devotion. He
inwardly made obeisance to His preceptor (Vivmitra), and took up the bow with great
agility. The bow gleamed like a flash of lightning as He grasped it in His hand. And then
it appeared like a circle in the sky. No one knew when He took it in His hands, strung
it and drew it tight; everyone only saw Him standing (with the bow drawn). Instantly r
Rma broke the bow in halves; the awful crash resounded through all the spheres.
U0 rrr r f rf af rn
faf fn zr f f r = +
f r t- f frt
rz zs r at fa srt+
Cha.: bhare bhuvana ghora kahora rava rabi bji taji mragu cale,

diggaja ola mahi ahi kola kuruma kalamale.

sura asura muni kara kna dnhe sakala bikala bicrah

kodaa khaeu rma tulas jayati bacana ucrah

The awful crash reached through the spheres; the horses of the sun-god strayed
from their course; the elephants of the quarters trumpeted, the earth shook; the serpent-
king, the divine boar and the divine tortoise fidgeted about, Gods, demons and sages put
their hands to their ears, and all began anxiously to ponder the cause; but when they
learnt, says Tulasdsa, that r Rma had broken the bow, they uttered shouts of
0 r r rn= rr r
z r r r r f r + {+
So.: sakara cpu jahju sgaru raghubara bhubalu,
buRa so sakala samju caRh jo prathamahi

moha basa. 261.

The bow of akara was the bark and Rmas strength of arm was the ocean to
be crossed with its aid. The whole host (of which we have spoken above), that had
boarded the ship out of ignorance, was drowned (with the bark). (261)
0 rs rz f zr f rn r+
f= rff r rf nr r+ {+
r= r frt a tf rf rt+
r nn frr rf f nrr+ +
zrrf fq tr f f f tr+
ff n rr nrf f nta rr+ -+
t f rt n f ra rt+
fa f a rt s r rt+ +
Cau.: prabhu dou cpakhaa mahi re, dekhi loga saba bhae sukhre.
kausikarupa payonidhi pvana, prema bri avaghu suhvana.1.
rmarupa rkesu nihr, baRhata bci pulakvali bhr.
bje nabha gahagahe nisn, devabadhu ncahi

kari gn.2.
brahmdika sura siddha muns, prabhuhi prasasahi



sumana raga bahu ml, gvahi

kinara gta rasl.3.

rah bhuvana bhari jaya jaya bn, dhanuabhaga dhuni jta na jn.
mudita kahahi

jaha taha nara nr, bhajeu rma sabhudhanu bhr.4.

The Lord tossed on ground the two broken pieces of the bow, and everyone
rejoiced at the sight. Vivmitra stood as the holy ocean, full of the sweet and
unfathomable water of love. Beholding r Rmas beauty, which represented the full
moon, the sage felt an increasing thrill of joy, which may be compared to a rising tide in
the ocean. Kettledrums sounded with great noise in the heavens; celestial damsels sang
and danced. Brahm and the other gods, Siddhas and great sages praised the Lord and
gave Him blessings raining down wreaths and flowers of various colours; the Kinnaras
(a class of demigods) sang melodious strains. The shouts of victory re-echoed throughout
the universe; the crash that followed the breaking of the bow was drowned in it.
Everywhere men and women in their joy kept saying that Rma had broken the massive
bow of ambhu. (14)
0t rn an f= f fat
f frf rn n f t+ +
Do.: bad mgadha sutagana biruda badahi


nichvari loga saba haya gaya dhana mani cra.262.

Talented bards, minstrels and panegyrists sang praises; and everybody gave
away horses, elephants, riches, jewels and raiments as an act of invocation of Gods
blessings on the youthful champion. (262)
0rrfr n r; f r t r;+
rf r r a fa- n nr+ {+
f- fa t fa rt a r r rt+
s r fr; a r r;+ +
>rta f t f +
t f f f r at rat r; trat+ -+
rf fra ff r fr +
ar a r t-r tar n r f t-r+ +
Cau.: jh

jhi mdaga sakha sahan, bheri hola dudubh suh.


bahu bjane suhe, jaha taha jubatinha magala ge.1.

sakhinha sahita hara ati rn, sukhata dhna par janu pn.
janaka laheu sukhu socu bih, pairata thake thha janu p.2.
rhata bhae bhupa dhanu ue, jaise divasa dpa chabi chue.
sya sukhahi barania kehi bh

t, janu ctak pi jalu svt.3.

rmahi lakhanu bilokata kaise , sasihi cakora kisoraku jaise .
satnada taba yasu dnh, st

gamanu rma pahi

There was a crash of cymbals and tabors, conches and clarionets, drums and
sweet-sounding kettledrums, both large and small; and many other charming instruments
also played. Everywhere young women sang auspicious strains. The queen with her
companions was much delighted, as though a withering crop of paddy had been
refreshed by a shower. King Janaka was now care-free and felt gratified as if a tired
swimmer had reached a shallow. The kings countenance fell at the breaking of the bow,
just as a lamp is dimmed at dawn of day. Sts delight could only be compared to that
of a female Ctaka* bird on receiving a rain-drop when the sun is in the same longitude
as the constellation named Svt * (Arcturus). Lakmaa fixed his eyes on Rma as the
young of a Cakora bird gazes on the moon. atnanda then gave the word and St
advanced towards Rma. (14)
0n t a nrf nr
nt r r nfa r n r+ -+
Do.: saga sakh

sudara catura gvahi

gavan bla marla gati suam aga apra.263.
Accompanied by Her fair and talented companions, who were singing festal
songs, She paced like a cygnet, Her limbs possessing infinite charm. (263)
0f- f rfa fn rf +
r r r; ft f rr f r;+ {+
a r sr n f ; r+
r; t r f t f f fr t+ +
* According to the Indian tradition a Ctaka bird would slake its thirst only with a rain-drop obtained
when the sun is in the same longitude as the Arcturus (which is generally in the month of October, a month
when showers are of rare occurrence).
a t f r rr; fr r r;+
a n r sr; f fr; r;+ -+
ra n rr ff ta a rr+
nrf f rf t f r r s t+ +
Cau. : sakhinha madhya siya sohati kaise , chabigana madhya mahchabi jaise .
kara saroja jayamla suh, bisva bijaya sobh jehi

tana sakocu mana parama uchhu, guRha premu lakhi parai na khu.
ji sampa rma chabi dekh, rahi janu kua ri citra avarekh.2.
catura sakh

lakhi kah bujh, pahirvahu jayamla suh.

sunata jugala kara mla uh, prema bibasa pahiri na j.3.
sohata janu juga jalaja sanl, sasihi sabhta deta jayaml.

chabi avaloki sahel, siya jayamla rma ura mel.4.

In the midst of Her companions St shone as a personification of supreme beauty
among other embodiments of beauty. She held in Her lotus hands the fair wreath of
victory, resplendent with the glory of triumph over the whole universe. While Her body
shrank with modesty, Her heart was full of rapture; Her hidden love could not be
perceived by others. As She drew near and beheld r Rmas beauty, Princess St
stood motionless as a portrait. A clever companion, who perceived Her in this condition,
exhorted Her saying, Invest the bridegroom with the beautiful wreath of victory. At this
She raised the wreath with both of Her hands, but was too overwhelmed with emotion
to garland Him. In this act Her uplifted hands shone as if a pair of lotuses with their stalks
were timidly investing the moon with a wreath of victory. At this charming sight Her
companions broke into a song, while St placed the wreath of victory round r Rmas
neck so as to adorn His breast. (14)
0rr s r f ff
r frf f n+ +
So.: raghubara ura jayamla dekhi deva barisahi

sakuce sakala bhula janu biloki rabi kumudagna.264.
Witnessing the wreath of victory resting on r Rmas bosom, gods rained down
flowers; while the kings all shrank in confusion like lillies at the rising of the sun. (264)
0 = r r r f r r+
f rn tr f f tr+ {+
rf nrf f t r r rf t+
a f f t t ffrf srt+ +
f rar r rr r t f s rr+
f rat rt f frf f-r frt+ -+
rfa t r rt f fnr= rt+
t f n tar fa fa tar+ +
Cau.: pura aru byoma bjane bje, khala bhae malina sdhu saba rje.
sura kinara nara nga muns, jaya jaya jaya kahi dehi



bibudha badhu

, bra bra kusumjali chu

jaha taha bipra bedadhuni karah

, bad biridvali uccarah

mahi ptla nka jasu byp, rma bar siya bhajeu cp.

rat pura nara nr, dehi

nichvari bitta bisr.3.

sohati sya rma kai jor, chabi sigru manahu eka hor.


prabhupada gahust, karati na carana parasa ati bht.4.
There was music both in the city and in the heavens; while the wicked were
downcast, the virtuous beamed with joy. Gods, Kinnaras, men, Ngas and great sages
uttered blessings with shouts of victory. Celestial dames danced and sang and handfuls
of flowers were showered again and again. Here and there the Brhmaas recited the
Vedas, while panegyrists sang praises. The glad tidings spread throughout the earth, the
subterranean regions and heaven that r Rma had broken the bow and won the hand
of St. The people of the city waved lights round the pair in order to ward off evil; and
regardless of their means they scattered gifts in profusion as an act of invocation of
Divine blessings on the couple. The pair of r Rma and St shone as if beauty and
the sentiment of Love had met together in human form. Her companions urged Her,St,
clasp your lords feet. But St was too much afraid to touch His feet. (14)
0na fa nfa fa f f fa n rf
f rrf tfa f rf+ ~+
Do.: gautama tiya gati surati kari nahi

parasati paga pni,

mana bihase raghubasamani prti alaukika jni.265.
Remembering the fate of the sage Gautamas wife, Ahaly, She would not touch
His feet with Her hands; the Jewel of Raghus race inwardly smiled to perceive Her
transcendent love. (265)
0a f f fr a r+
sf sf ff r rn a nr r rn+ {+
zr; t r f r r r+
ar rz f ; ta f f r ;+ +
f r; ta fa rs r;+
r r f rt rrf r rt+ -+
ar tar zr; r frf n fr;+
r; ar f r; f f a ff f r;+ +
Cau.: taba siya dekhi bh upa abhile, kura kaputa muRha mana mkhe.
uhi uhi pahiri sanha abhge, jaha taha gla bajvana lge.1.
lehu chaRi sya kaha kou, dhari b

dhahu npa blaka dou.

tore dhanuu cRa nahi

sara, jvata hamahi kua ri ko bara.2.

jau bidehu kachu karai sah, jtahu samara sahita dou bh.
sdhu bhupa bole suni bn, rjasamjahi lja lajn.3.
balu pratpu brat baR, nka pinkahi saga sidh.
soi surat ki aba kahu p, asi budhi tau bidhi muha masi l.4.
Then, as they looked on St, a few princes were filled with longing for her; those
wicked, degenerate fools grew indignant. Rising from their seats one after another and
donning their armour the wretches began to brag about. Someone said, Carry off St
by force and capturing the two princes hold them in bondage. No purpose will be served
by merely breaking the bow; for who shall marry the princess while we still live? Should
Janaka come forward to help them, rout him in battle alongwith the two brothers. When
the good kings heard these words, they said, Shame itself feels shy in approaching this
assembly of princes. Your might, glory, valour, fame and honour have been shattered
alongwith the bow. Is it the same valour of which you are boasting, or have you since
acquired it anew from somewhere else? It is because such is your mentality that God
has blackened your faces. (14)
0 rf f af ;fr r
r r rf f r+ +
Do.: dekhahu rmahi nayana bhari taji iri madu kohu,
lakhana rou pvaku prabala jni salabha jani hohu.266.
Giving up jealousy, arrogance and anger, therefore, feast your eyes upon Rma;
and knowing Lakmaas wrath to be a blazing fire, do not allow yourselves to be
consumed by it like a moth. (266)
0a f ff rn ff rn f rn+
ff r rt r frt+ {+
rt r tfa ; ar f rt ;+
f f nfa rr a arr r rr+ +
rr f t rt t r; n; rt+
r r n = rt f a rt+ -+
rf- fa r tr fff r tr+
f ;a sa at r z rf t+ +
Cau.: bainateya bali jimi caha kg u, jimi sasu cahai nga ari bhgu.
jimi caha kusala akrana koh, saba sapad cahai sivadroh.1.
lobh lolupa kala krati caha, akalakat ki km laha.
hari pada bimukha parama gati ch, tasa tumhra llacu naranh.2.
kolhalu suni sya sakn, sakh

lavi ga

jaha rn.
rmu subhya cale guru ph

, sya sanehu baranata mana mh

rninha sahita socabasa sy, aba dhau bidhihi kha karany.
bhupa bacana suni ita uta takah

, lakhanu rma ara boli na sakah

As a crow should seek an offering set apart for Garua (the king of birds), as a
rabbit should covet the share of a lion, as a man who is angry without any cause should
expect happiness, as an enemy of iva should crave for riches of all kinds, as a greedy
and covetous man should long for good fame and as a gallant should aspire to be free
from scandal, and as one who is averse to r Haris feet, should hanker after the highest
destiny (Liberation), your longing, O princes, (for St) is of the same category. When
St heard the tumult, She got afraid and Her companions took Her to the queen; while
r Rma advanced to His Guru, easy in mind and inwardly praising Her affection. The
queens as well as St were filled with anxiety and wondered what Providence had in
store for them. On hearing the words of the princes Lakmaa looked hither and thither;
for fear of Rma, however, he could not speak. (14)
0= t f faa - r
-r nn ff frrfrf r+ +
Do.: aruna nayana bhku kuila citavata npanha sakopa,
manahu matta gajagana nirakhi sighakisorahi copa.267.
With fiery eyes and knitted brows he cast an angry look at the kings, as though,
at the sight of a herd of wild elephants in rut, a lions whelp were eager to pounce on
them. (267)
0= f f rt ff f t- nrt+
af f f nr rs n anr+ {+
f t r r r r r+
nf t fa rr r fr frz frr+ +
t r f rr f = r; rr+
t f f ra faa fra+ -+
s r frr r= s r nrr+
f f a ; r r= r+ +
Cau.: kharabharu dekhi bikala pura nr

, saba mili dehi

mahpanha gr


avasara suni siva dhanu bhag, yau bhgukula kamala patag.1.

dekhi mahpa sakala sakucne, bja jhapaa janu lav lukne.
gauri sarra bhuti bhala bhrj, bhla bisla tripua birj.2.
ssa ja sasibadanu suhv, risabasa kachuka aruna hoi v.
bhku kuila nayana risa rte, sahajahu citavata manahu riste.3.
babha kadha ura bhu bisl, cru janeu mla mgachl.
kai munibasana tuna dui b

dhe , dhanu sara kara kuhru kala k

dhe .4.
Seeing the uproar the women of the city were all distressed and joined in cursing the
princes. The very moment arrived the sage Paraurma, a very sun to the lotus-like race
of Bhgu, led by the news of the breaking of the bow. At his very sight the kings all cowered
down even as a quail would shrink beneath the swoop of a hawk. A coat of ashes looked
most charming on his fair body; his broad forehead was adorned with a Tripura (as
peculiar mark consisting of three horizontal lines, sacred to iva). Having matted locks on
the head, his handsome moonlike face was a bit reddened with anger; with knitted brows
and eyes inflamed with passion, his natural look gave one the impression that he was
enraged. He had well-built shoulders like those of a bull and a broad chest and long arms;
he was adorned with a beautiful sacred thread, rosary and deerskin. With an anchorites
covering about his loins and a pair of quivers fastened by his side, he held a bow and
arrows in his hands and an axe upon his fair shoulder. (14)
0ra t f f r; =
f fa t rs + c+
Do.: sta beu karan kahina barani na ji sarupa,
dhari munitanu janu bra rasu yau jaha saba bhupa.268.
Though serene in attire, he had a cruel record of deeds; his appear, therefore,
defied description. It looked as if the heroic sentiment had taken the form of a hermit and
arrived where the kings had assembled. (268)
0a nfa rr s f rr+
fa a f f f rr n z rr+ {+
f r faf fa rt r r; r; rt+
rf r; f= rr t rr; r rr+ +
rf tf- t rt f r n; rt+
ftrfr f f r; r rs r;+ -+
r rr tf- t f rr+
rf fa; f r = r r r+ +
Cau.: dekhata bhgupati beu karl, uhe sakala bhaya bikala bhul.
pitu sameta kahi kahi nija nm, lage karana saba daa pranm.1.
jehi subhya citavahi

hitu jn, so jnai janu i khun.

janaka bahori i siru nv, sya boli pranmu karv.2.
sia dnhi sakh


, nija samja lai ga


bisvmitru mile puni , pada saroja mele dou bh.3.
rmu lakhanu dasaratha ke ho, dnhi assa dekhi bhala jo.
rmahi citai rahe thaki locana, rupa apra mra mada mocana.4.
Beholding the frightful figure of Paraurma the kings all rose in consternation; and
mentioning his own as well as his fathers name, each fell prostrate on the ground before
him. Even he on whom Paraurma cast a friendly look in a natural way thought the
sands of his life had run out. Then came Janaka and bowed his head; and sending for
St he made Her pay homage to the sage. Her companions rejoiced when he bestowed
his blessing on Her, and cleverly took Her where the other ladies were. Next came
Vivmitra, who met him and placed the two brothers at his lotus feet, saying that they
were King Daarathas sons, Rma and Lakmaa by name; seeing the well-matched
pair, he blessed them. His eyes were rivetted on r Rmas incomparable beauty, which
would humble the pride of Cupid himself. (14)
0f frf f r fa t
a rf r ff rs r t+ +
Do.: bahuri biloki bideha sana kahahu kha ati bhra,
puchata jni ajna jimi bypeu kopu sarra.269.
Then he looked round, and though knowing everything, he asked Videha, like one
ignorant, Tell me, what has attracted all this crowd here? And as he spoke thus wrath
took possession of his whole being. (269)
0rr f r f r t r+
a ff a fr rz f zr+ {+
fa f r rr z arr+
fn rs a r ss f f a r+ +
fa z= sa= a rt f rt+
f rn n rt rf rr s rt+ -+
farfa t art ff t ra fnrt+
nfa rs f tar f tar+ +
Cau.: samcra kahi janaka sune, jehi krana mahpa saba e.
sunata bacana phiri anata nihre, dekhe cpakhaa mahi re.1.
ati risa bole bacana kahor, kahu jaRa janaka dhanua kai tor.
begi dekhu muRha na ta ju, ulaau mahi jaha lahi tava rj u.2.
ati aru utaru deta npu nh

, kuila bhupa harae mana mh

sura muni nga nagara nara nr, socahi

sakala trsa ura bhr.3.

mana pachitti sya mahatr, bidhi aba sa var bta bigr.
bhgupati kara subhu suni st, aradha nimea kalapa sama bt.4.
Janaka narrated to him the whole history, mentioning what had brought all the
kings there, on hearing this reply Paraurma turned round, and looking in the other
direction he espied the fragments of the bow lying on the ground. Flying into a rage he
spoke in harsh tones,Tell me, O stupid Janaka, who has broken the bow ? Show him
at once, or this very day I will overthrow the whole tract of land over which your
dominion extends. In his excess of fear, the king would make no answer; and the
wicked kings were glad of heart. Gods, sages, Ngas and the people of the city were
all filled with anxiety; their hearts were much agitated. Sts mother lamented within
herself, saying, Alas ! God has sported the game. When St heard of Paraurmas
temperament, even half a moment passed to Her like a whole life-time of the universe.
0 fr rn rf rt t=
z fr r >rtrrt=+ +
Do.: sabhaya biloke loga saba jni jnak bhru,
hdaya na harau bidu kachu bole rraghubru.270.
When the Hero of Raghus race saw everyone seized with panic and perceived
Jnaks anxiety, He interposed; there was neither joy nor sorrow in His heart. (270)
0r frr r;f s r arrr+
r r f f rt f fr; r f rt+ {+
r r r; f t f f r;+
r f f arr r r f rr+ +
r fnrs fr; rr a r f rr+
f f r r f r+ -+
t art fr; f f tf- nrr;+
f ar f a f fr; na+ +
Cau.: ntha sabhudhanu bhajanihr, hoihi keu eka dsa tumhr.
yasu kha kahia kina moh, suni risi bole muni koh.1.
sevaku so jo karai sevak, ari karan kari karia lar.
sunahu rma jehi

sivadhanu tor, sahasabhu sama so ripu mor.2.

so bilagu bihi samj, na ta mre jaihahi

saba rj.
suni muni bacana lakhana musukne, bole parasudharahi apamne.3.
bahu dhanuh



, kabahu na asi risa knhi gos

ehi dhanu para mamat kehi het u, suni risi kaha bhgukulaketu.4.
My lord, it must be some one of your servants who has broken the bow of iva.
What is your command? Why not tell me? At this the furious sage was all the more
incensed, and said, A servant is he who does service; having played the role of an
enemy, one should give battle, Listen. O Rma; whoever has broken ivas bow is my
enemy no less than the thousand-armed Krtavrya. Let him stand apart, leaving this
assembly; or else everyone of these kings shall be slain. Hearing the sages words
Lakmaa smiled and said insulting Paraurma (the wielder of an axe), I have broken
many a small bow in my childhood; but you never grew so angry, my lord. Why should
you be so fond of this particular bow? At this the Chief of Bhgus race burst out in
a fury: (14)
0 r r ra arf r
t farf ffa r+ {+
Do.: re npa blaka kla basa bolata tohi na sa bhra,
dhanuh sama tipurri dhanu bidita sakala sasra.271.
O young prince, being in the grip of death you have no control over your
speech. Would you compare to a small bow the mighty bow of iva, that is known
throughout the world? (271)
0 r f rr rr+
r fa r ar r r r+ {+
a rrfa r f f r f a r+
r fa; t rr f rs rr+ +
r rf s f art f z rf rt+
r zrrt fa rt ft ffa fr rt+ -+
f f t-t f r f- t-t+
r frr fr trr+ +
Cau.: lakhana kah ha si hamare jn, sunahu deva saba dhanua samn.
k chati lbhu juna dhanu tore , dekh rma nayana ke bhore .1.
chuata ua raghupatihu na dosu, muni binu kja karia kata rosu.
bole citai parasu k or, re saha sunehi subhu na mor.2.
blaku boli badhau nahi

toh, kevala muni jaRa jnahi moh.

bla brahmacr ati koh, bisva bidita chatriyakula droh.3.
bhujabala bhumi bhupa binu knh, bipula bra mahidevanha dnh.
sahasabhu bhuja chedanihr, parasu biloku mahipakumr.4.
Said Lakmaa with a smile, Listen, holy Sir: to my mind all bows are alike. What
gain or loss can there be in the breaking of a worn-out bow ? r Rma mistook it for
a new one, and at His very touch it broke in two; the Lord of Raghus, therefore, was not
to blame for it either. Why, then, be angry, reverend sir, for no cause? Casting a glance
at his axe, Paraurma replied, O foolish child, have you never heard of my temper ?
I slay you not because, as I say, you are a child yet; do you take me for a mere
anchorite, O dullard? I have been a celibate from my very boyhood, but also an irascible
one; and I am known throughout the world as a sworn enemy of the Katriya race. By
the might of my arm I made the earth kingless and bestowed it time after time upon the
Brhmaas. Look at this axe, which lopped off the arms of Sahasrabhu (the thousand-
armed Krtavrya), O youthful prince. (14)
0ra faf f r f tfr
n- r fa rrr+ +
Do.: mtu pitahi jani socabasa karasi mahsakisora,
garbhanha ke arbhaka dalana parasu mora ati ghora.272.
Do not bring woe to your parents, O princely lad, My most cruel axe has
exterminated even unborn offspring in the womb. (272)
0ff r rt r t r rt+
f f rf r r= a szr f r=+ {+
;r rzfar rs rt at f f rt+
f r= r rr r fa frr+ +
na fr s frt r s f rt+
f f = nr; ;- r;+ -+
r tfa r ra r f arr+
rf f arrr r rr+ +
Cau.: bihasi lakhanu bole mdu bn, aho munsu mah bhaamn.
puni puni mohi dekhva kuhr u, cahata uRvana ph u

ki pahr u.1.

kumhaRabatiy kou nh

, je tarajan dekhi mari jh

dekhi kuhru sarsana bn, mai

kachu kah sahita abhimn.2.

bhgusuta samujhi janeu bilok, jo kachu kahahu sahau risa rok.
sura mahisura harijana aru g, hamare kula inha para na sur.3.
badhe ppu apakrati hre , mratahu

p paria tumhre .
koi kulisa sama bacanu tumhr, byartha dharahu dhanu bna kuhr.4.
Lakmaa smilingly retorted in a mild tone, Ah, the great sage considers himself
an extraordinary warrior! He flaunts his axe before me again and again, as if he would
blow away a mountain with a mere puff of breath. Here there is no pumpkin in the bud
that would wither away as soon as an index finger is raised against it. It was only when
I saw you armed with an axe and a bow and arrows that I spoke with some pride. Now
that I understand you are a descendant of Bhgu and perceive a sacred thread on your
person, I suppress my anger and put up with whatever you say. In our family valour is
never shown against gods, the Brhmaas, devotees of r Hari and the cow; for by
killing any of these we incur sin while a defeat at their hands will bring disrepute on us.
We should throw ourselves at your feet even if you strike us. Every word of yours is as
incisive as millions of thunderbolts; the bow and arrows and the axe are, therefore, an
unnecessary burden to you. (14)
0r frf fa s rf t
f r nf r fnr nt+ -+
Do.: jo biloki anucita kaheu chamahu mahmuni dhra,
suni saroa bhgubasamani bole gir gabhra.273.
Pardon me, O great and illumined hermit, if I have said anything unseemly at the
sight of your weapons. Hearing this, the jewel of Bhgus race furiously rejoined in a
deep voice: (273)
0f r f r f rrr+
r r f f + {+
r r;f rt s rf rf rf rt+
ar srr f ar r rr+ +
s f arrr arf a r rr+
ar rf t r rfa t+ -+
f ar a f f f rf +
tat ar t rr nrt a r rr+ +
Cau.: kausika sunahu mada yahu blaku, kuila klabasa nija kula ghlaku.
bhnu basa rkesa kalak u, nipaa nirakusa abudha asaku.1.
kla kavalu hoihi chana mh

, kahau pukri khori mohi nh

tumha haakahu jau cahahu ubr, Kahi pratpu balu rou hamr.2.
lakhana kaheu muni sujasu tumhr, tumhahi achata ko baranai pr.
apane mu ha tumha pani karan, bra aneka bh

ti bahu baran.3.

satou ta puni kachu kahah u, jani risa roki dusaha dukha sahahu.
brabrat tumha dhra achobh, gr deta na pvahu sobh.4.
Listen, O Vivmitra: this boy is stupid and perverse. He is in the grip of death
himself and will bring destruction on his whole family. A dark spot on the moon-like solar
race, he is utterly unruly, senseless and reckless. The very next moment he shall find
himself in the jaws of death; I proclaim it at the top of my voice and none should blame
me for it. Forbid him if you would save him, telling him of my glory, might and fury. Said
Lakmaa, Holy sir, so long as you live who else can expatiate on your bright glory ?
With your own lips you have recounted your exploits in diverse ways more than once.
If you are not yet satisfied, tell us something more; do not undergo a severe trial by
putting any restraint upon your anger. You have assumed the role of a hero and are
resolute and imperturbable; it is unbecoming of you to pour abuses. (14)
0 t f f rf r
fur r; f r f ar+ +
Do.: sura samara karan karahi

kahi na janvahi

bidyamna rana pi ripu kyara kathahi

Heroes perform valiant deeds in fight, but never indulge in self-advertisement.
Finding before them a foe in battle, it is cowards who boast of their own glory. (274)
0ar a r r rr r r rf rfn rrr+
a rr rf s rrrr+ {+
f ; r rf rn rt r rn+
r frf a rr fr r rr+ +
f r f r r r n nf r+
r = rt rn rt n=rt+ -+
sa a rzs f r f t arr+
a f rf r r nf sf ras >r r+ +
Cau.: tumha tau klu h

ka janu lv, bra bra mohi lgi bolv.

sunata lakhana ke bacana kahor, parasu sudhri dhareu kara ghor.1.
aba jani dei dosu mohi logu, kaubd blaku badhajogu.
bla biloki bahuta mai

c, aba yahu maranihra bh s

kausika kah chamia apardh u, bla doa guna ganahi

na sdhu.
khara kuhra mai

akaruna koh, ge apardh gurudroh.3.

utara deta choRau binu mre , kevala kausika sla tumhre .
na ta ehi ki kuhra kahore , gurahi urina hoteu rama thore .4.
You seem to have Death at your beck and call and summon him again and
again for my sake! Hearing Lakmaas harsh words Paraurma closed his hand
upon his terrible axe. After this let no one blame me; this sharp-tongued boy deserves
his death. I have spared him long on account of his being a child; he is now surely
going to die. Said Vivmitra, Pardon his offence; holy men take no notice of the
merits and demerits of a child. Sharp-edged is my axe, while I am pitiless and furious;
and here stands before me an offender and an enemy of my Guru. Even though he
gives a retort, I spare his life solely out of regard for you, O Vivmitra. Or else,
hacking him to pieces with this cruel axe, I would have easily repaid the debt I have
owed to my Guru. (14)
0nrf z f ff f; r
rz r r+ ~+
Do.: gdhisunu kaha hdaya ha si munihi hariarai sujha,
ayamaya kh

Ra na ukhamaya ajahu na bujha abujha.275.

Said Gdhis son (Vivmitra) smiling within himself,Everything looks green to the
sage (Paraurma); it is, however, the steel sword that he is faced with and not with
sugar extracted from a sugar-cane (that one could easily gulp). It is a pity that he does
not understand and still persists in his ignorance.* (275)
0s f t arrr r f r ffa rr+
rar faf sf t n f r r z t+ {+
r f r rr f f n r z rr+
rf fr rt aa s t rt+ +
f r rr r r r rr+
n r rt f frf s rt+ -+
f nr f ar rrf r+
fa f rn r rrfa f r+ +
Cau.: kaheu lakhana muni slu tumhr, ko nahi

jna bidita sasr.

mt pitahi urina bhae nke , gura rinu rah socu baRa jke .1.
so janu hamarehi mthe kRh, dina cali gae byja baRa bRh.
aba nia byavahari bol, turata deu mai

thail khol.2.
suni kau bacana kuhra sudhr, hya hya saba sabh pukr.
bhgubara parasu dekhvahu moh, bipra bicri bacau npadroh.3.
mile na kabahu subhaa rana gRhe, dvija devat gharahi ke bRhe.
anucita kahi saba loga pukre, raghupati sayanahi

lakhanu nevre.4.
Said Lakmaa, Is there anyone, O good sage, who is not aware of your gentle
disposition, so well known throughout the world? You have fully paid the debt you owed
to your parents; the only debt which now remains to be paid by you is the one you owe
to your Guru, and that has been vexing your mind not a little. It looks as if you had
incurred the debt on our account; and since a considerable time has now elapsed a
heavy interest has accumulated thereon. Now you get the creditor here and I will at once
rapay him from my own purse. Hearing these sarcastic remarks Paraurma grasped
his axe and the whole assembly cried Alack ! Alack !! O chief of Bhgus, you are still
threatening me with your axe; but I am sparing you only because I hold you to be a
Brhmaa, O enemy of princes. You have never met champions staunch in fight; You
have grown important in your own little home, O holy Brhmaa. Everyone exclaimed, This
is wholly undesirable! The Lord of Raghus now becked Lakmaa to stop. (14)
* This has reference to a popular saying A man who loses his eyesight in the month of rvaa
(corresponding roughly to August), when the whole landscape is green, visualizes everything as green.
Vivmitra thereby suggests that Paraurma was blind so far as the greatness of r Rma is concerned and
imagined that the latter was as easy to handle as the other Katriyas whom he could easily vanquish in battle.
Again there is a pun on the word Kh

a in the original, which means both a sword and sugar.

There is a sarcastic allusion here to two notable incidents in Paraurmas life. We are told in the
Puras how Paraurma killed his own mother at the bidding of his father Jamadagni, who had got
incensed at her returning from a river rather late. Pleased with his obedience Jamadagni insisted on his
asking for a boon. At this Paraurma prayed for the restoration of his mothers life and his prayer was
immediately granted. His mother was brought to life again and did not even remember the cruel act of her
son. On another occasion, Paraurmas father Jamadagni was slain by the followers of king Sahasrabhu
in order to avenge themselves of their leaders death at Paraurmas hands and the latter retaliated by
extirpating not only the descendants of Sahasrrjuna but the whole Katriya race gradually.
0 sa rfa f n r r
a f r rrr+ +
Do.: lakhana utara huti sarisa bhgubara kopu ksnu,
baRhata dekhi jala sama bacana bole raghukulabhnu.276.
Perceiving the flames of Paraurmas passion grow with the pouring of oblation
in the form of Lakmaas rejoinder, the Sun of Raghus race spoke words like
water. (276)
0r r r f r+
rs rr a f rf a rr+ {+
fr nf t n fa ra r t+
f r f rt ar t t f rt+ +
r f zr f f r+
a f f f rt r ar rar z rt+ -+
n t tr rt r rt+
; art t t rt+ +
Cau.: ntha karahu blaka para choh u, sudha dudhamukha karia na kohu.
jau pai prabhu prabhu kachu jn, tau ki barbari karata ayn.1.
jau larik kachu acagari karah

, gura pitu mtu moda mana bharah

karia kp sisu sevaka jn, tumha sama sla dhra muni gyn.2.
rma bacana suni kachuka juRne, kahi kachu lakhanu bahuri musukne.
ha sata dekhi nakha sikha risa byp, rma tora bhrt baRa pp.3.
gaura sarra syma mana mh

, klakuamukha payamukha nah

sahaja eRha anuharai na toh, ncu mcu sama dekha na moh.4.
My Lord, have compassion on a child; and wreak not your wrath on this guileless
youngster (lit., who has the mothers milk still on its lips). If he had any idea of your might,
how could he be so foolish as to affront you? If children play some pranks, their teacher
and parents are in raptures at it; therefore, take pity on him, knowing him to be a child and
your servant. For you are an even-minded, good-tempered, forbearing and illumined anchorite.
On hearing r Rmas words Paraurma cooled down a little; but uttering something
Lakmaa smiled again. Seeing him smile, Paraurma flushed all over with rage and
said, Rma, your brother is too wicked. Though fair of hue, he is black at heart; he has deadly
poison, and not the mothers milk on his lips. Perverse by nature, he does not take after you,
nor does this vile imp regard me as the very image of Death. (14)
0 s f f r r
f fa f f ft fa + +
Do.: lakhana kaheu ha si sunahu muni krodhu ppa kara mula,
jehi basa jana anucita karahi


bisva pratikula.277.
Lakmaa smilingly said, Listen, holy sir: passion is the root of sin. Swayed by
it men perpetrate unseemly acts and indulge in misanthropic activities. (277)
0 arr frr ff r f rr+
r f ff fr f r;f r fr+ {+
fa f a f sr; rf rs z nt rr;+
ra f zrt y fa rt+ +
rf rt r r r z rt+
nfa f f f rt f a ; r; rt+ -+
r rf ; frr s frf rr arr+
t a f r rr + +
Cau.: mai

tumhra anucara muniry, parihari kopu karia aba dy.

ua cpa nahi

jurihi risne, baihia hoihi

pya pirne.1.
jau ati priya tau karia up, joria kou baRa gun bol.
bolata lakhanahi

janaku erh

, maa karahu anucita bhala nh

thara thara k


pura nara nr, choa kumra khoa baRa bhr.

bhgupati suni suni nirabhaya bn, risa tana jarai hoi bala hn.3.
bole rmahi dei nihor, bacau bicri badhu laghu tor.
manu malna tanu sudara kaise , bia rasa bhar kanaka ghau jaise .4.
I am your servant, O Chief of sages; put away your wrath and show mercy upon me.
Anger will not mend the broken bow. Pray sit down; your legs must be aching. If you are very
fond of it, let us devise some means to mend it by calling in some expert. Janaka was
frightened at Lakmaas words and said, Pray be quiet; it is not good to transgress the limits
of propriety. The people of the city trembled like aspen leaves; they said to themselves. The
younger prince is really very naughty. As the chief of Bhgus heard the fearless words of
Lakmaa, his whole body burnt with rage and his strength diminished. In a condescending
manner he said to Rma,I am sparing the boy because I know he is your younger brother.
So fair without and foul within, he resembles a jar of gold full of poison. (14)
0f f f f a r
n t n f ff rt r+ c+
Do.: suni lachimana bihase bahuri nayana tarere rma,
gura sampa gavane sakuci parihari bn bma.278.
At this Lakmaa laughed again, but r Rma cast an angry look on him. Therefore,
putting away all petulance of speech he submissively went up to his Guru. (278)
fa fta ta rt r r rf n rt+
r ar rr r f f rr+ {+
r r ;-f a ff r+
af rt r fnrr rt r arrr+ +
r r nrr; r f r t r;+
f fn f ff f r; fr r; sr;+ -+
f r r; f a fa +
f r= t-r a r r f t-r+ +
Cau.: ati binta mdu stala bn, bole rmu jori juga pn.
sunahu ntha tumha sahaja sujn, blaka bacanu karia nahi

bararai blaku eku subh u, inhahi na sata biduahi

k u.


kachu kja bigr, apardh mai

ntha tumhr.2.
kp kopu badhu ba dhaba gos

, mo para karia dsa k n

kahia begi jehi bidhi risa j, muninyaka soi karau up.3.
kaha muni rma ji risa kaise , ajahu anuja tava citava anaise .
ehi ke kaha kuhru na dnh, tau mai

kha kopu kari knh.4.

Joining both His palms together and speaking in most humble, gentle and placid
tones r Rma said, I pray you, my lord: wise as you are by nature, pay no heed to
the words of a child. A wasp and a child have alike disposition; saints never find fault
with them. Besides, the boy has done you no harm; it is I, my lord, who have offended
you. Therefore, your reverence, deal to me as your servant whatever you please,
whether it be a favour or frown, death or captivity. Tell me quickly the means, O chief
of sages, by which your anger may be appeased; I shall do accordingly. Said the sage,
How can my passion be pacified, O Rma, when your younger brother is still looking
mischievously at me. So long as I do not cut his throat with my axe, my wrath is
ineffectual. (14)
0n nf f f f r nfa rrr
a s fa t fr+ +
Do.: garbha sravahi

avanipa ravani suni kuhra gati ghora,

parasu achata dekhau jiata bair bhupakisora.279.
At the very news of the cruel doings of my axe the consorts of kings miscarry.
To think that having the same axe still at my service I should see this princeling, my
enemy, alive ! (279)
0; r ; f rat r r= fa rrrat+
s r ff fs r r z r f r+ {+
r r rr f ffr ff f= rr+
rs r fa r ra ra r+ +
r ff f nrar r a r frar+
f r t- a z n+ -+
fn f rf- rr a r r rr+
f r rt rf a rs rt+ +
Cau.: bahai na hthu dahai risa cht, bh kuhru kuhita npaght.
bhayau bma bidhi phireu subh u, more hdaya kp kasi k u.1.
ju day dukhu dusaha sahv, suni saumitri bihasi siru nv.
bu kp murati anuk ul, bolata bacana jharata janu phul.2.
jau pai kp


muni gt, krodha bhae tanu rkha bidht.

dekhu janaka hahi blaku ehu, knha cahata jaRa jamapura gehu.3.
begi karahu kina

khinha o, dekhata choa khoa npa ho.

bihase lakhanu kah mana mh

, mude

khi katahu kou nh

My hand moves not, though passion consumes my breast; while this axe, which
has slain kings without number, has gone blunt. Fate has turned against me; that is why
I find my nature changed. Otherwise compassion at any time is unknown to my heart.
My tenderness of feeling has imposed on me a severe strain today. On hearing this the
son of Sumitr bowed his head with a smile. The breeze of your benevolence is so
befitting your frame; the words you speak appear as though blossoms drop from a tree.
O reverend sir, when compassion sets your whole frame on fire, God help you when you
are angry. Look here, Janaka, this stupid boy in his perversity intends to migrate to the
region of Death. Why not put him out of my sight ? Though small to look at, the princeling
is yet so wicked ! Lakmaa smilingly said to himself, Shut your eyes and the whole
world will vanish out of your sight. (14)
0r a r fa r s fa r
r arf f r r+ c+
Do.: parasurmu taba rma prati bole ura ati krodhu,
sabhu sarsanu tori saha karasi hamra prabodhu.280.
Then Paraurma spoke to Rma, his heart boiling with rage, Having broken
ambhus bow, O wretch, do you now teach me? (280)
0 ; a ar a f f r+
= far r nrr rf a rz rs rr+ {+
af f = f rt fa a rs art+
nfa f r sr rf r f r + +
n r a r; a z r+
rf ; r f n; r+ -+
r s f af tr r= rn tr+
f f r; f r; trt rf rf r nrt+ +
Cau.: badhu kahai kau samata tore , tu chala binaya karasi kara jore .
karu paritou mora sagrm, nhi

ta chRa kahuba rm.1.

chalu taji karahi samaru sivadroh, badhu sahita na ta mrau toh.
bhgupati bakahi

kuhra uhe , mana musukhi

rmu sira ne .2.

gunaha lakhana kara hama para ro u, katahu sudhihu te baRa dou.
eRha jni saba badai kh u, bakra cadramahi grasai na rhu.3.
rma kaheu risa tajia muns, kara kuhru ge yaha ss.

risa ji karia soi svm, mohi jnia pana anugm.4.

It is with your connivance that your brother addresses such pungent words to me;
while you make false entreaties with joined palms. Either give me satisfaction in combat,
or forswear your name of Rma. Give battle to me. O enemy of iva, without taking
recourse to any wily trick; or else I will despatch you and your brother both. While the
chief of Bhgus thus raved with his axe raised on high, r Rma smiled within Himself,
bowing His head to the sage, While the fault is Lakmaas, the sages wrath is against
me. Sometimes meekness too begets much evil. A crooked man is reverenced by all;
the crescent moon is not devoured by the demon Rhu. Said Rma, Cease from wrath,
O lord of sages; the axe is in your hand, while my head is before you. Do that, my lord,
which may pacify your anger; know me to be your servant. (14)
0f f = a f r
fr f r f r+ c{+
Do.: prabhuhi sevakahi samaru kasa tajahu biprabara rosu,
beu biloke kahesi kachu blakahu nahi

How can there be any duel between a master and his servant? Give up your
anger, O great Brhmaa; it is only because he saw you in the garb of a warrior that the
boy said something to you and he cannot be blamed for it. (281)
0f r r rt ff f t= frt+
r r arf t-r r sa= af t-r+ {+
ar a f t r; f f a nrr;+
ra t f f s r rrt+ +
f arf ff f rr r rr+
r rr rr r rr fa z r arrr+ -+
n r n ta arr+
r ar r f r r+ +
Cau.: dekhi kuhra bna dhanu dhr, bhai larikahi risa bru bicr.
nmu jna pai tumhahi na cnh, basa subhya utaru tehi

jau tumha autehu muni k n

, pada raja sira sisu dharata gos

chamahu cuka anajnata ker, cahia bipra ura kp ghaner.2.
hamahi tumhahi saribari kasi nth, kahahu na kah

carana kaha mth.

rma mtra laghu nma hamr, parasu sahita baRa nma tohr.3.
deva eku gunu dhanua hamre , nava guna parama punta tumhre .
saba prakra hama tumha sana hre, chamahu bipra apardha hamre.4.
Seeing you equipped with an axe, arrows and bow, the boy took you for a champion
and got excited. Although he knew you by name, he did not recognize you in person and
answered you according to his lineage. If you had come as a sage, the child, O holy sir,
would have placed the dust of your feet on his head. Forgive the error of one who did not
know you; a Brhmaa should have plenty of mercy in his heart. What comparison, my
lord, can there be between you and me? Tell me if there is any affinity between the head
and feet. Mine is a small name consisting of the single word Rma; where as yours is a
long one, having the word Parau prefined to Rma. O lord, whereas there is only one
merit in me and that is my bow while you have got nine most auspicious characteristics
such as; tranquillity, restraint, penance, purity, forbearance, straight forwardness, knowledge,
supreme knowledge and faith in God. I am thus inferior to you in everyway; therefore, O
holy sir, forgive my faults. (14)
0r r f f r r r
r nfa = f a r+ c+
Do.: bra bra muni biprabara kah rma sana rma,
bole bhgupati sarua hasi tahu

badhu sama bma.282.

Again and again did Rma address His namesake as a sage and as a great
Brhmaa, till the chief of Bhgus exclaimed in his fury, You are as perverse as your
younger brother! (282)
0ff f f rf rt f rs art+
r nr rfa r r r fa rrr r+ {+
ff an r; r t r;+
f rf f t- rf- t-+ +
r rs ffa f ar rf ff f r+
s r r z rr ffa tfa n rr+ -+
r r f frt f fa fz rr rt+
af fr rr f a frr+ +
Cau.: nipaahi

dvija kari jnahi moh, mai

jasa bipra sunvau toh.

cpa sruv sara huti jnu, kopu mora ati ghora ksnu.1.
samidhi sena caturaga suh, mah mahpa bhae pasu .


parasu ki bali dnhe, samara jagya japa koinha knhe.2.

mora prabhu bidita nahi

tore , bolasi nidari bipra ke bhore .

bhajeu cpu dpu baRa bRh, ahamiti manahu jti jagu hRh.3.
rma kah muni kahahu bicr, risa ati baRi laghu cuka hamr.

ua pinka purn, mai

kehi hetu karau abhimn.4.

You know me to be a mere Brhmaa; I tell you what kind of a Brhmaa I am.
Know that the bow is my sacrificial ladle, the arrows my oblation and my wrath the blazing
fire; the brilliant fourfold forces (consisting of the horse, the elephant, the chariots and foot-
soldiers) are the fuel; and mighty princes have served as victims, whom I have cut to
pieces with this very axe and offered as sacrifice. In this way I have performed millions of
sacrifices in the shape of armed conflicts, accompanied by the muttering of sacred formulas
in the shape of war-cries. My glory is not known to you; that is why you address me in
contemptuous terms mistaking me for a mere Brhmaa. Since you have broken the bow,
your arrogance has transgressed all limits; in your self-esteem you stand as if you have
conquered the whole world. Said Rma, O sage, think before you speak; your anger is
out of all proportions with my error, which is a trifling one. Worn out as it was, the bow broke
at my mere touch. What reason have I to be proud? (14)
0 ff f f - nr
a r n f rf r+ c-+
Do.: jau hama nidarahi

bipra badi satya sunahu bhguntha,

tau asa ko jaga subhau jehi bhaya basa nvahi

Hear the truth, O lord of the Bhgus; if, as you say, I treat you with disrespect
because you are a Brhmaa, who is that gallant warrior in this world to whom I would
bow my head out of fear? (283)
0 fa rr f rs rr+
f r r f r f r+ {+
fr a f rr af r rr+
s rs f t r zf rrt+ +
f f ar; r; r arf zr;+
f n rrfa srr fa + -+
r rfa f r +
a r rf f n r f + +
Cau.: deva danuja bhupati bhaa nn, samabala adhika hou balavn.
jau rana hamahi pacrai kou, larahi

sukhena klu kina hou.1.
chatriya tanu dhari samara sakn, kula kalaku tehi pva ra n.
kahau subhu na kulahi prasas, klahu arahi

na rana raghubas.2.
biprabasa kai asi prabhut, abhaya hoi jo tumhahi er.
suni mdu guRha bacana raghupati ke, ughare paala parasudhara mati ke.3.
rma rampati kara dhanu lehu, khai

cahu miai mora sadeh u.

deta cpu puhi

cali gaya u, parasurma mana bisamaya bhayau.4.
A god, a demon, a king or a body of warriors, whether My equal in strength or
more powerful than myselfshould any of these challenge me to combat, I would
gladly fight with him, no matter if it is Death himself. For he who is born as a Katriya,
and is yet afraid of fighting, is a veritable wretch and has brought a slur on his lineage.
I tell you in my natural way and not by way of a tribute to my race: Raghus
descendants are not afraid of even death in battle. Such is the glory of the Brhmaa
race that he who is afraid of you (Brhmaas) is rid of all fear. When he heard these
soft yet profound words of r Rma, Paraurmas mind was disillusioned. O Rma,
take this bow of Rams lord and draw it, so that my doubts may be cleared.* As
Paraurma offered his bow it passed into Rmas hands of its own accord, and
Paraurma felt amazed at this. (14)
0rr r rs a fa nra
rf rf r z ra+ c+
Do.: jn rma prabhu taba pulaka praphullita gta,
jori pni bole bacana hdaya na premu amta.284.
He then recognized r Rmas might and his whole frame was thrilled with joy and
his hair stood on end. Joining his palms together he addressed the following words to
r Rma, his heart bursting with emotion: (284)
0 rr r n r+
f fart r r rt+ {+
* Paraurma had got this bow from God Viu Himself, who had told that when the Lord descended
on the earth in the form of r Rma, his own lifes work would have ended and the bow would pass into the
hands of r Rma.
f t =r n rn fa r fa rn+
n nr t f rf nr+ +
r r r r+
fa a s rar rf rs rar+ -+
f rra nfa n f a a+
f t zr a r nf r+ +
Cau.: jaya raghubasa banaja bana bhn u, gahana danuja kula dahana ksnu.
jaya sura bipra dhenu hitakr, jaya mada moha koha bhrama hr.1.
binaya sla karun guna sgara, jayati bacana racan ati ngara.
sevaka sukhada subhaga saba ag, jaya sarra chabi koi anag.2.
karau kha mukha eka prasas, jaya mahesa mana mnasa has.
anucita bahuta kaheu agyt, chamahu chammadira dou bhrt.3.
kahi jaya jaya jaya raghukulaket u, bhgupati gae banahi tapa hetu.
apabhaya kuila mahpa erne, jaha taha kyara gava hi

Glory to r Rma, who delights Raghus line even as the sun delights a cluster
of lotuses ! Glory to the Fire that consumes the forest of the demon race ! Glory to the
Benefactor of gods, Brhmaas and cows ! Glory to Him who takes away pride,
ignorance, passion and delusion ! Glory to Him who is an ocean of humility, amiability,
compassion and goodness and a pastmaster in the art of speech. Glory to the
Delighter of His servants and to Him who is graceful of every limb and whose form
possesses the beauty of millions of Cupids ! How can I with one tongue utter Your
praises? Glory to Him who sports in the mind of the great Lord iva as a swan in the
Mnasarovara lake ! In my ignorance I have said much that was unseemly; therefore
pardon me, both brothers, abodes of forgiveness that You are. Glory, glory, all glory
to the Chief of Raghus race ! So saying, the lord of Bhgus withdrew to the forest to
practise penance. The wicked kings were all seized with imaginary fears and the
cowards quietly fled in all directions. (14)
0- t-t t f
rf ft r + c~+
Do.: devanha dnh


prabhu para baraahi

harae pura nara nri saba mi mohamaya sula.285.
The gods sounded their kettledrums and rained down flowers on the Lord. All the
people of the city rejoiced and their hearts agony, born of ignorance, disappeared. (285)
0fa nn r r f r n r+
ff f t f nr rft+ {+
f f r; -f ff r;+
fna rr ; t rt f s rrt+ +
t- ff rr r s rr+
rf a- t- r; r sfa r f nrr;+ -+
f r tr r fr r rtr+
at s fr rn ffa r+ +
Cau.: ati gahagahe bjane bje, sabahi

manohara magala sje.

jutha jutha mili sumukhi sunayan

, karahi

gna kala kokilabayan

sukhu bideha kara barani na j, janmadaridra manahu nidhi p.
bigata trsa bhai sya sukhr, janu bidhu udaya cakorakumr.2.
janaka knha kausikahi pranm, prabhu prasda dhanu bhajeu rm.
mohi ktaktya knha duhu bh

, aba jo ucita so kahia gos

kaha muni sunu narantha prabn, rah bibhu cpa dhn.

dhanu bhayau bibhu, sura nara nga bidita saba khu.4.

There was a tumultuous clash of musical instruments and everyone displayed
charming and auspicious objects. Troops of fair-faced, bright-eyed damsels sang
melodious songs in chorus, their voice resembling the notes of the cuckoo. Janakas joy
was beyond description, as that of a born beggar who has found a treasure. St was
rid of Her fears and was as glad as a young of a Cakora bird at the rising of the moon.
Janaka made obeisance before Kauika and said, It is due to your grace, my lord, that
r Rma has been able to break the bow. I am blessed by the pair of brothers; pray tell
me now, reverend sir, what it behoves me to do. Said the sage, Listen, wise king: the
marriage depended on the bow, and took place directly the bow broke, as is well-known
to all, including gods, human beings and Ngas. (14)
0af r; ar r r=
fr f q n ffa rr=+ c+
Do.: tadapi ji tumha karahu aba jath basa byavahru,
bujhi bipra kulabddha gura beda bidita cru.286.
Nevertheless you now go and perform according to the family usage whatever
practices are prescribed in the Veda, after consulting the Brhmaas, the elders of your
family, and your own preceptor (atnanda). (286)
0a r; rf f rr;+
fa rs f f rr a rf af rr+ {+
f r rr r; f- r f r+
r r f rr n= r rf rr+ +
f f f n r f fr rf r+
ffr far r; f f r;+ -+
rf nt fa- rr far ff rr+
fff f fa- t- r f f r+ +
Cau.: duta avadhapura pahavahu j, nahi

npa dasarathahi bol.
mudita ru kahi bhalehi

kpl, pahae duta boli tehi kl.1.

bahuri mahjana sakala bole, i sabanhi sdara sira ne.
ha ba madira surabs, nagaru sa vrahu crihu ps.2.
harai cale nija nija gha e, puni paricraka boli pahe.
racahu bicitra bitna ban, sira dhari bacana cale sacu p.3.
pahae boli gun tinha nn, je bitna bidhi kusala sujn.
bidhihi badi tinha knha arabh, birace kanaka kadali ke khabh.4.
Go and despatch to the city of Ayodhy messengers who may invite King
Daaratha and bring him here. Janaka gladly responded, Very well, gracious sir, and
summoning the messengers despatched them that very moment. He then summoned the
leading citizens, and they all came and respectfully bowed their head.Decorate the
bazars, streets, houses, temples and the whole city on all its four sides, was the royal
command. They returned in joy, each to his own house. The king then sent for his own
servants and instructed them: Erect pavilions of all kinds with due care. Bowing to the
kings orders they returned glad of heart, and sent for a number of clever artisans skilled
in erecting pavilions. Invoking Brahm they set to work and made pillars of gold in the
shape of plantain trees (14)
0fa f- r rn
r f ffr fa ff + c+
Do.: harita maninha ke patra phala padumarga ke phula,
racan dekhi bicitra ati manu biraci kara bhula.287.
With leaves and fruits of emeralds and blossoms of rubies; seeing this most
marvellous specimen of art the Creator himself was lost in bewilderment. (287)
0 fa f t- f f t-+
fa ff r; f f ; r;+ {+
af f f r f f ar r r+
rf a f frr tf rf f rr+ +
f n n f nr n f f nr+
far nf rt n f rt+ -+
rfa r; f f r;+ +
Cau.: benu harita manimaya saba knhe, sarala saparaba parahi


kanaka kalita ahibeli ban, lakhi nahi

parai saparana suh.1.

tehi ke raci paci badha bane, bica bica mukut dma suhe.
mnika marakata kulisa piroj, cri kori paci race saroj.2.
kie bhga bahuraga bihag, gujahi


pavana prasag.
sura pratim khabhana gaRhi kRh

, magala drabya lie saba hRh

cauke bh

ti aneka pur

, sidhura manimaya sahaja suh

The bamboo sticks were made of emeralds; they were so straight and knotted
that they could not be distinguished from real ones. Creepers known by the name
of Piper-betle (the leaves of which are chewed in India with areca-nut parings) were
artistically fashioned in gold and looked so charming with their leaves that they could
not be marked as artificial. These creepers were intertwined into so many cords (for
holding the bamboos together) with beautiful strings of pearls inserted here and
there. After much cutting, carving and inlaying they made lotuses of rubies, emeralds,
diamonds and turquoises. They also fashioned bees and birds of varied plumage, which
buzzed and whistled in the restling breeze. On the pillars they sculptured images
of gods, all standing with articles of good omen in their hands. Squares were drawn
on the floor in various naturally charming devices and filled in with elephant pearls.
0 n f f tf rf
a rrf a r zrf+ cc+
Do.: saurabha pallava subhaga suhi kie nlamani kori,
hema baura marakata ghavari lasata pamaya ori.288.
They made most lovely mango-leaves of graven sapphires with blossoms of gold
and bunches of emerald fruits glistening on silken cords. (288)
0 =f fr r r+
n r ar r+ {+
t r f rr r; f ffr farr+
f z ff t r f fa f t+ +
r = n rn r far fa r srn+
rr t n n fa f at+ -+
f afa af frt af rr nf rt+
r r t n rr r frf r rr+ +
Cau.: race rucira bara badanivre, manahu manobhava phada sa vre.
magala kalasa aneka bane, dhvaja patka paa camara suhe.1.
dpa manohara manimaya nn, ji na barani bicitra bitn.

maapa dulahini baideh, so baranai asi mati kabi keh.2.

dulahu rmu rupa guna sgara, so bitnu tihu loka ujgara.
janaka bhavana kai sobh jais, gha gha prati pura dekhia tais.3.

terahuti tehi samaya nihr, tehi laghu lagahi

bhuvana dasa cr.
jo sapad nca gha soh, so biloki suranyaka moh.4.
They further made charming and excellent festoons, which looked like so many
nooses prepared as it were by Cupid. They also put up many auspicious vases as well
as beautiful flags and banners, curtains and chowries. The marvellous pavilion with a
number of beautiful lamps consisting of brilliant gems was beyond description. What
poet has the wit wherewith to describe the pavilion which is going to shelter Videhas
Daughter as the bride? The canopy which is going to hold r Rma, the ocean of beauty
and perfection, as the bridegroom, must be the glory of all the three worlds. The
splendour that belonged to King Janakas palace was to be seen in every house of that
city; to him who beheld Tirahuta (Janakas capital) during that time, all the fourteen
spheres* appeared of small account. The prosperity that reigned in the house of the
humblest citizen was enough to fascinate even the lord of celestials. (14)
0; n f f- f rf
af rr a f r + c+
Do.: basai nagara jehi

lacchi kari kapaa nri bara beu,
tehi pura kai sobh kahata sakucahi

srada seu.289.
The magnificence of the city wherein dwelt Goddess Lakm in the charming
disguise of a mortal woman made even rad (the goddess of eloquence) and (the
thousand-tongued) ea falter in describing it. (289)
0 a r r n frf r+
r fa- f r; f f rr;+ {+
f r fa- rat t-t fa t r sf t-t+
rf fr ra rat nra r; f rat+ +
r s tt f n a rt tt+
f f t frr rt t r ra f rt+ -+
a ar f r; r a fa fa r;+
a fa r; ara r a rat r;+ +
Cau.: pahu ce duta rma pura pvana, harae nagara biloki suhvana.
bhupa dvra tinha khabari jan, dasaratha npa suni lie bol.1.
kari pranmu tinha pt dnh, mudita mahpa pu uhi lnh.
bri bilocana b

cata pt, pulaka gta bhari cht.2.

rmu lakhanu ura kara bara ch, rahi gae kahata na kh mh.
puni dhari dhra patrik b

c, hara sabh bta suni s

khelata rahe tah

sudhi p, e bharatu sahita hita bh.

puchata ati saneha sakuc, tta kah

te pt .4.
Janakas messengers arrived at r Rmas sacred birth-place and rejoiced to
behold the charming city. They sent in word at the entrance of the royal palace; hearing
of their arrival King Daaratha summoned them to his presence. With due reverence they
delivered the letter; and the king in his joy rose to receive it in person. As he read the
letter, tears rushed to his eyes; the hair on his body stood erect and his heart was full.
With Rma and Lakmaa in his heart and the valuable letter in his hand, he remained
mute and could not utter a word, either good or bad. Then recovering himself, he read
out the letter, and the court rejoiced to hear the authentic news. Obtaining the news at
the very spot where he had been playing about, Bharata came with his playmates and
brother (atrughna), and with the utmost modesty and affection asked,Father,where has
the letter come from? (14)
* According to Hindu scriptures the universe is divided into fourteen spheres, seven higher and seven
lower. In their ascending order the seven higher spheres are named as Bhu, Bhuva, Sva, Maha, Jana,
Tapa and Satyam; while the lower seven are in their descending order named as Atala, Vitala, Sutala,
Taltala, Mahtala, Rastala and Ptla.
0 rf rs f f
f r rt f + +
Do.: kusala prnapriya badhu dou ahahi

kahahu kehi

suni saneha sne bacana bc bahuri naresa.290.
Are my two beloved brothers doing well and in what land do they happen to be ?
On hearing these words steeped in love the king read the letter over again. (290)
0f rat rs rar f ra nrar+
tfa ta a t r s ft+ {+
a a f r r sr+
r rs r ar t f fr+ +
tr n rr fr f f rr+
fr ar r f f f r+ -+
r f a f n r; a a r rf f r;+
f ff r f f a r+ +
Cau.: suni pt pulake dou bhrt, adhika sanehu samta na gt.
prti punta bharata kai dekh, sakala sabh

sukhu laheu bise.1.

taba npa duta nikaa baihre, madhura manohara bacana ucre.
bhaiy kahahu kusala dou bre, tumha nke nija nayana nihre.2.
symala gaura dhare dhanu bhth, baya kisora kausika muni sth.
pahicnahu tumha kahahu subh u, prema bibasa puni puni kaha ru.3.
j dina te muni gae lav, taba te ju s

ci sudhi p.
kahahu bideha kavana bidhi jne, suni priya bacana duta musukne.4.
On hearing the letter the two brothers experienced a thrill of joy; their whole frame
was bursting with an excess of emotion. The whole court was particularly delighted to see
Bharatas unalloyed love. The king then seated the messengers close by him and spoke
to them in sweet and winning tones: Tell me, friends, are the two boys well? Have you
seen them well with your own eyes? The one dark and the other fair of hue, they are
equipped with bow and quiver and are of tender age and accompanied by the sage Kauika.
Do you recognize them? If so, tell me something about their temperament. Overwhelmed
with love the king asked thus again and again. From the day the sage took them away it
is only today that I have obtained authentic news about them. Tell me how King Videha was
able to know them. At these fond words the messengers smiled. (14)
0 tfa f ar - rs
r f- a ft f rs+ {+
Do.: sunahu mahpati mukua mani tumha sama dhanya na kou,
ramu lakhanu jinha ke tanaya bisva bibhuana dou.291.
Listen, O crest-jewel of kings: there is no one so blessed as you, who have for
your sons Rma and Lakmaa, the two ornaments of the universe. (291)
0 rn a arr =frr fa sfr+
f- ar rn f t f ta rn+ {+
fa- f r ff t- f f f t t-+
t t r f a r+ +
r r rr r t frr+
atf r rt fa rt+ -+
; sr; r = rs f rf ns f =+
f a f srr rs af r rs rr+ +
Cau.: puchana jogu na tanaya tumhre, puruasigha tihu pura ujire.
jinha ke jasa pratpa ke ge, sasi malna rabi stala lge.1.
tinha kaha kahia ntha kimi cnhe, dekhia rabi ki dpa kara lnhe.
sya svayabara bhupa anek, samie subhaa eka te ek.2.
sabhu sarsanu khu na r, hre sakala bra barir.
tni loka maha je bhaamn, sabha kai sakati sabhu dhanu bhn.3.
sakai uhi sarsura meru, sou hiya hri gayau kari pher u.

kautuka sivasailu uhv, sou tehi sabh

parbhau pv.4.
No enquiry is needed in respect of your sons, who are lions among men and the
light of the universe, and before whose renown and glory the moon looks dim and the
sun appears cool. About them, my lord, you ask how they came to be recognized ! Does
one take a lamp in ones hand to see the sun ? On the occasion of Sts self-election
of her husband had assembled numerous princes, each one of whom was a greater
champion than the rest; but not one of them could stir ambhus bow and all the mighty
heroes failed. The might of all those who were proud of their valour in the three worlds
was crushed by it. Even the demon Ba, who could lift Mount Meru, lost heart and
retired after pacing round the bow; and even he (Rvaa) who had lifted up Mount
Kailsa (the abode of iva) in mere sport was worsted in that assembly. (14)
0ar r rr f f r fr
s r r f ff n r+ +
Do. : tah

rma raghubasa mani sunia mah mahipla,

bhajeu cpa praysa binu jimi gaja pakaja nla.292.
On that occasion, we submit, O great king, r Rma the jewel of Raghus race,
snapped the bow without the least exertion even as an elephant would break the stalk
of a lotus. (292)
f r nr r a rfa fa- rf r+
f r f t-r f f n t-r+ {+
r r a a fr f a+
f fra r ff n f fr ar+ +
f a r r rf a ra r+
a r f rnt ar t rnt+ -+
r a rs rn a- frf rn+
f tfa a f rr frf f rr+ +
Cau.: suni saroa bhgunyaku e, bahuta bh

ti tinha

khi dekhe.
dekhi rma balu nija dhanu dnh, kari bahu binaya gavanu bana knh.1.
rjana rmu atulabala jaise , teja nidhna lakhanu puni taise .

bhupa bilokata jke , jimi gaja hari kisora ke tke .2.

deva dekhi tava blaka dou, aba na

khi tara vata ko u.

duta bacana racan priya lg, prema pratpa bra rasa pg.3.
sabh sameta ru anurge, dutanha dena nichvari lge.
kahi anti te mudahi

kn, dharamu bicri sabahi

sukhu mn.4.
Hearing the news the chief of Bhgus came in a fury and indulged in much brow-
beating. But seeing r Rmas strength he handed his bow to the latter and after much
supplication withdrew to the woods. Even as Rma, O king, is unequalled in strength,
Lakmaa too is a mine of glory, at whose very sight the kings trembled as elephants
at the gaze of a young lion. Now that we have seen your two sons, my lord, no one
catches our eye any longer. The messengers eloquent speech, which was full of love,
glorifying and expressive of the heroic sentiment, attracted all. The king and his whole
court were overwhelmed with emotion and began to offer lavish gifts to the messengers.
They, however, closed their ears in protest crying, This is ethical ! Everyone was
delighted to note their sense of propriety.* (14)
0a sf fy tf- frr r;
r r; nf r a rr;+ -+
Do.: taba uhi bhupa basia kahu dnhi patrik ji,
kath sun gurahi saba sdara duta boli.293.
The king then rose going up to Vasiha, gave the letter to him, and sending for
the messengers with due courtesy related the whole story to his preceptor. (293)
f r n fa r; - = f r;+
ff far rn rt uf arf rr rt+ {+
faf fa ff rr t f rf r+
ar n f t af ta rr t+ +
at ar r n rt s rs rs rt+
ar a f - z r r r f a r+ -+
t fta a rt n rn r rt+
ar r rrr ra r; frr+ +
* In India not only the blood relations but even servants and co-villagers of a bride consider it sinful
to accept even food or water, much less any gift or present, from the house of the bridegroom; for it is
customary in this country to give the hand of a girl as a sacred gift and one is naturally reluctant to accept
anything in return from him on whom a gift is made. This kind of sentiment prevails even in those cases
where a marriage alliance has only been stipulated and not yet brought into actual effect. The messengers,
in the above context, are actuated with a similar sentiment in refusing the gifts offered to them by King
Daaratha, who happened to be the father of the champion who had won the hand of Princess Jnak, their
masters daughter.
Cau.: suni bole gura ati sukhu p, punya purua kahu mahi sukha ch.
jimi sarit sgara mahu jh

, jadyapi thi kman nh

timi sukha sapati binahi

bole , dharamasla pahi


subhe .
tumha gura bipra dhenu sura seb, tasi punta kausaly deb.2.
sukt tumha samna jaga mh

, bhayau na hai kou honeu nh

tumha te adhika punya baRa kke , rjana rma sarisa suta jke .3.
bra binta dharama brata dhr, guna sgara bara blaka cr.
tumha kahu sarba kla kalyn, sajahu barta baji nisn.4.
The Guru was highly pleased to hear the news and said, To a virtuous man
the world abounds in happiness. As rivers run into the sea, although the latter has
no craving for them, so joy and prosperity come unasked and of their own accord
to a pious soul. Just as you are given to the service of your preceptor, the Brhmaas
and cows as well as of gods, Queen Kausaly is no less devout than you. A pious
soul like you there has never been, nor is, nor shall be in this world. Who can be
more blessed than you, O king, who have a son like Rma, and whose four worthy
children are all valiant, submissive, true to their vow of piety and oceans of goodness.
You are blessed indeed for all time; now, prepare the marriage procession to the sound
of kettledrums. (14)
0 fn f n f r f= r;
fa n a a- r r;+ +
Do. : calahu begi suni gura bacana bhalehi

ntha siru ni,
bhupati gavane bhavana taba dutanha bsu devi.294.
And proceed quickly. On hearing these words of the preceptor the king bowed
his head and said, Very well, my lord! and after assigning lodgings to the messengers
returned to his palace. (294)
0rr fr rr; frr rf r;+
f rt r rt+ {+
fa rf rt fff f rf rt+
fa t f n rt fa r n art+ +
f t fa f rat z nr; zrf rat+
r tfa t rf r t+ -+
f r f r fr rf- a f rr+
f r r ar f rf ar+ +
Cau.: rj sabu ranivsa bol, janaka patrik bci sun.
suni sadesu sakala haran

, apara kath saba bhupa bakhn

prema praphullita rjahi

rn, manahu sikhini suni brida bn.

mudita assa dehi

gura nr

, ati nada magana mahatr


paraspara ati priya pt, hdaya lagi juRvahi

rma lakhana kai krati karan, brahi

bra bhupabara baran.3.

muni prasdu kahi dvra sidhe, rninha taba mahideva bole.
die dna nada samet, cale biprabara sia det.4.
The king then called all the ladies of the gynaeceum and read aloud Janakas letter
to them. All rejoiced to hear the message and the king himself related the other tidings
which he had heard from the lips of the messengers. Bursting with emotion the queens
shone like pea-hens rejoicing at the rumbling of clouds. The preceptors wife and the
wives of other elders in their joy invoked the blessings of heaven and the mothers of the
four brothers were overwhelmed with ecstasy. They took the most beloved letter from
each other and pressing it to their bosom cooled their burning heart. The great king
recounted again and again the glory and exploits of both Rma and Lakmaa, saying
that it was all due to the sages grace he went out of doors. The queens then sent for
the Brhmaas and joyfully bestowed gifts on them. And the Brhmaas returned to
their home uttering blessings. (14)
0r f rf tf- frf rf ff
f= t a rf fa - + ~+
So.: jcaka lie ha kri dnhi nichvari koi bidhi,
ciru jvahu suta cri cakrabarti dasarattha ke.295.
Next they called the beggars and lavished innumerable kinds of gifts on them.
Long live the four sons of Emperor Daaratha! (295)
0a f rr f nn frr+
rr rn- r rn rr rr r r+ {+
rf r sr ar rrt fr+
f r rn rn n n nt r rn+ +
uf rf r t n rf+
af tfa tfa r; n r t r;+ -+
ar r r= rr ffr r=+
ar f rr f -a rr+ +
Cau.: kahata cale pahire paa nn, harai hane gahagahe nisn.
samcra saba loganha pe, lge ghara ghara hona badhe.1.
bhuvana cri dasa bhar uchh u, janakasut raghubra bihu.
suni subha kath loga anurge, maga gha gal

sa vrana lge.2.
jadyapi avadha sadaiva suhvani, rma pur magalamaya pvani.
tadapi prti kai prti suh, magala racan rac ban.3.
dhvaja patka paa cmara cr u, chv parama bicitra bajru.
kanaka kalasa torana mani jl, harada duba dadhi acchata ml.4.
Thus they shouted as they left, attired in raiment of various kinds; there was a
jubilant and tempestuous clash of kettledrums. When the news spread among all the
people, festivities were started in every house. All the fourteen spheres were filled with
joy at the news of the forthcoming wedding of Janakas daughter with the hero of
Raghus race. The citizens were enraptured to hear the glad tidings and began to
decorate the streets, houses and lanes. Although the city of Ayodhy is ever charming,
being the blessed and sacred abode of r Rma, it was adorned with beautiful festal
decorations because of the love the people bore towards the very embodiment of love.
Flags and banners, curtains and graceful chowries canopied the bazars in a most
marvellous fashion. With vases of gold, festal arches, festoons of netted gems, turmeric,
blades of Durv grass, curds, unbroken rice and wreaths of flowers (14)
0n f f rn- r;
tt tt a r= r;+ +
Do.: magalamaya nija nija bhavana loganha race bani,

caturasama cauke cru puri.296.

The people decorated their respective houses, which were already full of
blessings; the lanes were sprinkled over with water, mixed with the fourfold pastes of
sandal, saffron, musk and camphor and the squares in front of their houses were filled
in with tasteful designs. (296)
0 a ff rff f e fa rff+
ft n r rf f = fa r frf+ {+
nrf n rt f f rt+
ff r; rr ft fr s farr+ +
n r rr ra ra f frr+
a ff t srt a f t+ -+
nrf f n ntar r r = tar+
a sr fa rr r sfn r rr+ +
Cau.: jaha taha jutha jutha mili bhmini, saji navasapta sakala duti dmini.

mga svaka locani, nija sar upa rati mnu bimocani.1.


magala majula bn

, suni kalarava kalakahi lajn.

bhupa bhavana kimi ji bakhn, bisva bimohana raceu bitn.2.
magala drabya manohara nn, rjata bjata bipula nisn.
katahu birida bad uccarah

, katahu beda dhuni bhusura karah


sudari magala gt, lai lai nmu rmu aru st.

bahuta uchhu bhavanu ati thor, mnahu umagi cal cahu or.4.
Collected here and there troops of ladies, all brilliant as the lightning, with moon-like
face and eyes resembling those of a fawn and beauty enough to rob Loves consort (Rati)
of her pride, and who had practised all the sixteen kinds of female adornment,* sang
auspicious strains with voice so melodious that the female cuckoo was put to shame on
hearing the sweet sound ! How is the kings palace to be described; the pavilion set up
there would dazzle the whole universe. Various articles of good omen and charming in
appearance were displayed and a number of kettledrums were sounded. Here were
panegyrists singing the family glory and here were Brhmaas chanting the Vedas; while
pretty women carolled festive songs, many times repeating the names of Rma and St.
* According to the standard works on poetics the sixteen forms of female adornment are as follows:
(1) rubbing and cleansing the body with fragrant unguents, (2) ablution, (3) putting on a new attire, (4) dyeing
the sides of ones feet with red lag, (5) dressing the hair, (6) adorning the parting line of the hair with red
lead, (7) painting the forehead with streaks of sandal-paste, (8) dotting the chin with a small black spot,
(9) colouring the palms of ones hands and the soles of ones feet with the reddish dye extracted from the
leaves of the Mehad plant, (10) an inting ones body with perfumed unguents, (11) adorning the body with
bejewelled ornaments, (12) beautifying the hair etc., with wreaths of flowers, (13) perfuming and dyeing ones
mouth by chewing betel-leaves etc., (14) colouring the teeth, (15) painting the lips and (16) applying collyrium
to ones eyes.
There was an excess of joy all round, while the palace was too small to contain it; it
seemed, therefore, as if it overflowed on all sides. (14)
0rr ; r f r
r t f r t- ar+ +
Do.: sobh dasaratha bhavana kai ko kabi baranai pra,

sakala sura ssa mani rma lnha avatra.297.

What poet can describe the splendour of Daarathas palace in which Rma, the
crest-jewel of all divinities, had taken birth? (297)
0 a f f rr; n t r r;+
fn rrt rar a rs rar+ {+
a rt rr r t- fa sf r+
f =f t an fa- r rf fr+ +
n f t ; a a n t+
rr rfa rf r ff a szr+ -+
fa- rr a f rrr+
rt r a f rt+ +
Cau.: bhupa bharata puni lie bol, haya gaya syadana sjahu j.
calahu begi raghubra bart, sunata pulaka pure dou bhrt.1.
bharata sakala shan bole, yasu dnha mudita uhi dhe.
raci ruci jna turaga tinha sje, barana barana bara bji birje.2.
subhaga sakala suhi cacala karan, aya iva jarata dharata paga dharan.
nn jti na jhi

bakhne, nidari pavanu janu cahata uRne.3.

tinha saba chayala bhae asavr, bharata sarisa baya rjakumr.
saba sudara saba bh uanadhr, kara sara cpa tuna kai bhr.4.
The king next called Bharata and said, Go and prepare the horses, elephants and
chariots and start at once in procession for Rmas marriage. The two brothers were
thrilled to hear this command. Bharata sent for the officers in charge of the stables and
issued necessary instructions; the latter rose in joy and hastened to execute the orders.
They equipped the horses with gorgeous saddles; gallant steeds of different colours
stood there in their majesty. They were all beautiful and surpassingly swift-footed; they
trod the ground as lightly as though it were red-hot iron. They belonged to different
breeds, which were more than one could tell; they would fly in the air, as it were,
outstripping the wind itself. Gallant princes, who were of the same age as Bharata,
mounted them. The princes were all handsome and adorned with jewels and had a bow
and arrow in their hands and a well-equipped quiver fastened at their side. (14)
0 t r t
n r fa fr t+ c+
Do.: chare chable chayala saba sura sujna nabna,
juga padacara asavra prati je asikal prabna.298.
They were elegant blithesome youths, chosen and skilled warriors all; and with
each knight were two footmen, clever at sword-play. (298)
0r f t nr ff r r+
f a an nfa rr f f f frr+ {+
rf- ffr r ar f r+
r= fff f t r r rr t+ +
r nfa ra a fa- - rf- ra+
a r f-f fra f r+ -+
f f t r; r z n fr;+
tr tr r r; t rf- f rr;+ +
Cau.: b

dhe birada bra rana gRhe, nikasi bhae pura bhera hRhe.

catura turaga gati nn, haraahi

suni suni panava nisn.1.
ratha srathinha bicitra bane, dhvaja patka mani bhuana le.
cava ra cru kikini dhuni karah

, bhnu jna sobh apaharah

sva karana aganita haya hote, te tinha rathanha srathinha jote.
sudara sakala alakta sohe, jinhahi bilokata muni mana mohe.3.
je jala calahi

thalahi k n

, pa na buRa bega adhik

astra sastra sabu sjuban, rath srathinha lie bol.4.
The champions, who were all great fighters and had taken a vow of chivalry, sallied
forth and halted outside the city. The clever fellows put their steeds through various paces
and rejoiced to hear the clash of tabor and drum. The charioteers had made their cars
equally gorgeous with flags and banners, gems and ornaments. They were also provided
with elegant chowries and tinkling bells, and outdid in splendour the chariot of the sun-
god. The king owned numberless horses with dark ears,* which the charioteers yoked to
their chariots. They were all beautiful and looked so charming with their ornaments that
even sages would be enraptured at the sight. They skimmed the surface of water even
as dry land and would not sink even hoof-deep; so marvellous was their speed. Having
provided the chariots with missiles and weapons and every other equipment the
charioteers called their masters. (14)
0f f r n rnt ra
ra n f r f r ra+ +
Do. : caRhi caRhi ratha bhera nagara lg jurana barta,
hota saguna sudara sabahi jo jehi kraja jta.299.
Mounting the chariots the processionists began to collect outside the city. On
whatever errand one went, each was greeted by auspicious omens. (299)
fa ff- t rt f rf f rfa rt+
-r n rr frt n r rr rt+ {+
r frr ffr n r rr+
fa- f f r a >rfa r+ +
* A rare and invaluable breed of horses, milk white all over and dark only in the ears, which were
considered specially suitable for a horse-sacrifice.
rn a f nnr r f r f r+
rat ta f nfa rat+ -+
rf- rf rr ff ta r rr+
r; f f r r r;+ +
Cau.: kalita karibaranhi par

a br

, kahi na jhi

jehi bh

ti sa vr

cale matta gaja ghaa birj, manahu subhaga svana ghana rj.1.
bhana apara aneka bidhn, sibik subhaga sukhsana jn.
tinha caRhi cale biprabara bd, janu tanu dhare sakala ruti chad.2.
mgadha suta badi gunagyaka, cale jna caRhi jo jehi lyaka.
besara u

a babha bahu jt, cale bastu bhari aganita bh

koinha k

vari cale kahr, bibidha bastu ko baranai pr.

cale sakala sevaka samud, nija nija sju samju ban.4.
On magnificent elephants were mounted splendid seats with canopies wrought in
a manner beyond all description. Elephants in rut, adorned with clanging bells, headed
like beautiful (rumbling) clouds in the rainy month of rvaa (roughly corresponding to
August). There were various kinds of other vehicles, such as charming palanquins,
sedans etc., on which rode companies of noble Brhmaas, incarnations, as it were, of
all the hymns of the Vedas. Genealogists, bards, panegyrists and rhapsodists too rode
on vehicles appropriate to their respective rank; while mules, camels and oxen of various
breeds carried on their backs commodities of innumerable kinds. Millions of porters
marched with burdens slung across their shoulders; who could enumerate the varieties
of goods they carried? Crowds of servants also proceeded on the journey equipping
themselves in their own way and forming batches of their own. (14)
0 s f fa t
f f f r rs t+ -+
Do. : saba ke ura nirbhara harau purita pulaka sarra,

dekhibe nayana bhari rmu lakhanu dou bra.300.
Each had boundless joy in his heart and a thrill ran through the bodies of all. They
whispered to one another, When shall we feast our eyes on the two heroes, Rma
and Lakmaa? (300)
0nf n rrr f rrrr rf f rr+
ff rrf rrrf frr f r; f rr+ {+
r t fa r r; r; r r+
t rf- f rt f rat n rt+ +
nrf nta r rr fa r r; rr+
a r ; t rt ra f f rt+ -+
rs =f f r f r f rf r+
r r rr a fa rr+ +
Cau.: garajahi

gaja gha dhuni ghor, ratha rava bji hisa cahu or.
nidari ghanahi ghurmmarahi

nisn, nija pari kachu sunia na kn.1.

mah bhra bhupati ke dvre , raja hoi ji pana pabre .
caRh arinha dekhahi


, lie rat magala thr


gta manohara nn, ati nadu na ji bakhn.
taba sumatra dui syadana sj, jote rabi haya nidaka bj.3.
dou ratha rucira bhupa pahi

ne, nahi

srada pahi


rja samju eka ratha sj, dusara teja puja ati bhrj.4.
The elephants trumpeted and their bells clanged with a terrific din; on all sides there
was a creaking of wheels and a neighing of horses. The clash of kettledrums would drown
the peal of thunder; no one could hear ones own words, much less of others. At the
entrance of the kings palace, there was such an enormous crowd that a stone thrown
there would be trodden into dust. Women viewed the sight from house-tops, carrying festal
lights in salvers used on auspicious occasions, and carolled melodious strains of various
kinds in an ecstasy of joy beyond description. Then Sumantra (King Daarathas own
charioteer and trusted counsellor) got ready a pair of chariots and yoked them with steeds
that would outrun even the horses of the sun-god, and brought them in all their splendour
before the king; their beauty was more than goddess rad could describe. One of them
was equipped with the royal paraphernalia while the other was a mass of splendour and
shone brightly. (14)
0af =f f f r;
r s t ff n nf n+ -{+
Do.: tehi

ratha rucira basiha kahu harai caRhi naresu,
pu caRheu syadana sumiri hara gura gauri ganesu.301.
This magnificent chariot the king joyfully caused Vasiha to mount, and then
himself ascended the other, with his thoughts fixed on Lord Hara, his preceptor
(Vasiha), goddess Gaur and the god Gaea. (301)
fa f r n n +
f tfa ff r f f rfa r+ {+
ff r n r r; tfa r;+
f frf rar f n rar+ +
s rr n nr r ra r r+
rf n nr; rn rf r;+ -+
rr rrf f f rt f r; rt+
f f a rr r nr rr+ +
Cau.: sahita basiha soha npa kaise , sura gura saga puradara jaise .
kari kula rti beda bidhi r u, dekhi sabahi saba bh

ti ban u.1.
sumiri rmu gura yasu p, cale mahpati sakha baj.
harae bibudha biloki bart, baraahi

sumana sumagala dt.2.

bhayau kolhala haya gaya gje, byoma barta bjane bje.
sura nara nri sumagala g

, sarasa rga bjahi


ghaa ghai dhuni barani na jh

, sarava karahi

pika phaharh


biduaka kautuka nn, hsa kusala kala gna sujn.4.

In the company of Vasiha the king shone forth as Indra (the lord of celestials) by
the side of his preceptor (Bhaspati). After performing all the rites sanctioned by family
usage or prescribed by the Vedas and seeing everyone fully equipped for the journey,
he sallied forth to the blast of the conch-shell after receiving the permission of his
preceptor and with his thoughts fixed on r Rma. The immortals rejoiced to see the
marriage procession and rained down flowers full of auspicious blessings. There was a
confused din of horses neighing, elephants trumpeting and music playing both in the
heavens and in the procession. Human and celestial dames alike sang festal melodies,
while clarionets played in sweet accord. There was an indescribable clamour of bells,
both large and small. The footmen leaped and danced, displaying exercises of various
kinds. Jesters, proficient in pleasantry and expert in singing melodious songs, practised
all kinds of buffoonery. (14)
0an rf f n fr
rn faf fa znf ar r+ -+
Do. : turaga nacvahi

kua ra bara akani mdaga nisna,

ngara naa citavahi

cakita agahi

na tla ba dhna.302.
Gallant princes made their steeds cruvet to the measured beat of tabors and
kettledrums; accomplished dancers noted with surprise that they never made a step out
of time. (302)
; a t rar rf n rar+
rr r r ff ; n f ;+ {+
rf rn a rr r rr+
r frf rt rr r r rt+ +
rr ff ff rr t ff frr+
nrr ff rff r; n n tf- r;+ -+
t ft trr r a= t+
rs f = tr ta ; f tr+ +
Cau.: banai na baranata ban bart, hohi

saguna sudara subhadt.

cr cu bma disi le, manahu sakala magala kahi de.1.
dhina kga sukheta suhv, nakula darasu saba khu

snukula baha tribidha bayr, saghaa sabla va bara nr.2.
lov phiri phiri darasu dekhv, surabh sanamukha sisuhi piv.
mgaml phiri dhini , magala gana janu dnhi dekh.3.
chemakar kaha chema bise, sym bma sutaru para dekh.
sanamukha yau dadhi aru mn, kara pustaka dui bipra prabn.4.
The splendour of the marriage procession was more than one could describe. Fair
and auspicious omens occurred. The blue-necked jay picked up food on the left and
announced as it were all good fortune. On a fair field in the right appeared a cow, and a
mongoose was seen by all. A soft, cool and fragrant breeze was blowing in a favourable
direction; a blessed (unwidowed) woman appeared with a pitcher and a child in her arms. A
fox turned round and showed himself again and again and a cow suckled its calf in front of
the procession; a herd of deer came round to the right, as if good omens appeared in visible
form. A Brahmani-kite promised great blessings; and a ym bird was observed on an
auspicious tree to the left. A man bearing curds and fish and two learned Brhmaas each
with a book in his hand came from the opposite direction. (14)
0n rr fa rar
r r fa n r+ --+
Do.: magalamaya kalynamaya abhimata phala dtra,
janu saba sce hona hita bhae saguna eka bra.303.
All kinds of blessed and auspicious omens and those conducive of desired results
occurred all at once as if to fulfil themselves. (303)
0n n n ar n zr a r+
r f = ff tar t tar+ {+
f r n r t- ff r+
f ff t- ra rr n nrf frr+ +
ra rf r a faf- r a+
t t r r f r r+ -+
r rf f f r+
fa a f rfa- f + +
Cau.: magala saguna sugama saba tke , saguna brahma sudara suta jke .
rma sarisa baru dulahini st, samadh dasarathu janaku punt.1.
suni asa byhu saguna saba nce, aba knhe biraci hama s

ehi bidhi knha barta payn, haya gaya gjahi

hane nisn.2.
vata jni bhnukula ket u, saritanhi janaka ba dhe set u.
bca bca bara bsa bane, surapura sarisa sapad che.3.
asana sayana bara basana suhe, pvahi

saba nija nija mana bhe.

nita nutana sukha lakhi anuk ule, sakala bartinha madira bhule.4.
Auspicious omens easily occur to him who has God with form as his own son. In
the marriage which was going to take place, the bridegroom was no other than r Rma
and St Herself was the bride; while the pious Daaratha and Janaka were the parents
of the bridegroom and the bride respectively; hearing of this marriage all good omens
danced and said, It is now that the Creator has justified us. In this way the procession
set forth amidst the neighing of horses, the trumpeting of elephants and the clash of
kettledrums. Learning that the chief of the solar race, King Daaratha, was already on
the way, King Janaka had the rivers bridged, and got beautiful rest-houses erected at
different stages, which vied in magnificence with the city of immortals (Amarvat), and
in which members of the bridegrooms party were supplied with excellent food, beds and
clothing each according to his own taste. Finding ever new pleasures agreeable to
themselves all the members of the bridegrooms party forgot their own home. (14)
0ra rf ra f nn fr
f n an nr+ -+
Do.: vata jni barta bara suni gahagahe nisna,
saji gaja ratha padacara turaga lena cale agavna.304.
When it was learnt that the procession of the bridegrooms party was approaching
and the tempestuous clash of the kettledrums was heard, a deputation went out to
receive it with elephants, chariots, footmen and horses duly equipped. (304)
0 f r rr r fa rr+
r r rr rfa rf r+ {+
ta r; f fa r;+
rf rr n n n ff rr+ +
n n n r a rfa fr r+
f fsr sr rr f f rf rr+ -+
nr- tf rar s r nrar+
f r fa nrr fa rfa- frr+ +
Cau.: kanaka kalasa bhari kopara thr, bhjana lalita aneka prakr.
bhare sudhsama saba pakavne, nn bh

ti na jhi

phala aneka bara bastu suh

, harai bhea hita bhupa pah

bhuana basana mahmani nn, khaga mga haya gaya bahu bidhi jn.2.
magala saguna sugadha suhae, bahuta bh

ti mahipla pahe.
dadhi ciur upahra apr, bhari bhari k

vari cale kahr.3.

agavnanha jaba dkhi bart, ura nadu pulaka bhara gt.
dekhi banva sahita agavn, mudita bartinha hane nisn.4.
Jars of gold full of sweet and cold drinks and trays and salvers and beautiful dishes
of various kinds laden with confections of indescribable variety and delicious as ambrosia,
with luscious fruit and many other delightful articles were sent as an offering by King
Janaka in his joy. The king also sent ornaments, wearing apparel, valuable gems of every
variety, birds, antelopes, horses, elephants, vehicles of every description, charming
aromatic substances of an auspicious nature and various articles of good omen; and a
train of porters marched with their loads of curds, parched rice and presents of endless
variety slung across their shoulders. When the deputation saw the bridegrooms party,
their mind was filled with rapture and a thrill ran through their frame. Seeing the deputation
equipped in everyway the members of the bridegrooms party had their drums beaten in
great joy. (14)
0f f fa n
r ; fa fr; + -~+
Do.: harai parasapara milana hita kachuka cale bagamela,
janu nada samudra dui milata bihi subela.305.
A batch from each side joyfully marched at a gallop in order to meet each other and
the two parties met as two oceans of bliss that had transgressed their bounds. (305)
0f f nrf fa t rf+
ta rt rn f tf- fa- fa rn+ {+
a r t-r t rf- t-r+
f r r-ar zr; r r;+ +
ffr rz t f ft+
fa t-s rr rfa rr+ -+
rt f ra r; f fr nf r;+
z ff ffq rr; ; r;+ +
Cau.: barai sumana sura sudari gvahi

, mudita deva dudubh


bastu sakala rkh

npa ge , binaya knhi tinha ati anurge .1.

prema sameta rya sabu lnh, bhai bakassa jcakanhi dnh.
kari puj mnyat baR, janavse kahu cale lav.2.
basana bicitra p

vaRe parah

, dekhi dhanadu dhana madu pariharah

ati sudara dnheu janavs, jaha saba kahu saba bh

ti sups.3.
jn siya barta pura , kachu nija mahim pragai jan.
hdaya sumiri saba siddhi bol

, bhupa pahuna karana pah

Celestial damsels rained down flowers and sang, while the glad gods sounded
kettledrums. The members of the deputation placed all the offerings before King
Daaratha and supplicated him with an affectionate address. The king lovingly accepted
everything and distributed the offerings as presents among his own people, or
bestowed them as alms on the beggars. After due homage, reverence and courtesy
the deputation conducted the bridegrooms party to the lodgings set apart for them.
Gorgeous cloths were spread as carpets for the royal guests to tread upon, on seeing
which Kubera (the god of wealth) was no longer proud of his wealth. Magnificent were
the quarters assigned to the bridegrooms party, which provided every kind of comfort
for each guest. When St learnt that the bridegrooms party had arrived in the city, She
manifested Her glory to a certain extent. By Her very thought She summoned all the
Siddhis (miraculous powers personified) and despatched them to wait upon the king
and his party. (14)
0ff f r f n; r r
f r rn fr+ -+
Do. : sidhi saba siya yasu akani ga


lie sapad sakala sukha surapura bhoga bilsa.306.
Hearing Sts command they repaired to the guests apartments, taking with them
every kind of riches, comforts as well as the enjoyments and luxuries of heaven. (306)
0f f r frf rat rat+
f rs rr f rr+ {+
f fr rrr rt z a frt+
fa rn a rs r; z fa r r;+ +
- f a n= rt fa r rt+
ftrfr f fz t sr s ar ft+ -+
f rs z nr n r+
r r r as fr+ +
Cau.: nija nija bsa biloki bart, sura sukha sakala sulabha saba bh

bibhava bheda kachu kou na jn, sakala janaka kara karahi

siya mahim raghunyaka jn, harae hdaya hetu pahicn.
pitu gamanu sunata dou bh, hdaya na ati nadu am.2.
sakucanha kahi na sakata guru ph

, pitu darasana llacu mana mh

bisvmitra binaya baRi dekh, upaj ura satou bise.3.
harai badhu dou hdaya lage, pulaka aga abaka jala che.
cale jah

dasarathu janavse, manahu sarobara takeu pise.4.

Each member of the bridegrooms party found in his own apartment all the
enjoyments of heaven ready at hand in everyway. No one, however, had an inkling of
the mystery behind this untold splendour; everyone sang Janakas praises. Rma alone
recognized Sts influence and was glad at heart to discern Her love . When the two
brothers heard of their fathers arrival, they could not contain themselves for joy, but were
too modest to speak to their Guru, though their heart longed to see their sire. Vivmitra
felt much gratified at heart to perceive this great humility. In his joy he pressed the two
brothers to his bosom; a thrill ran through his limbs, while tears rushed to his eyes. They
proceeded to the guests apartments, where King Daaratha was, as though a lake
sought to visit a thirsty soul. (14)
0 fr f f ra a- a
s f f r t a+ -+
Do.: bhupa biloke jabahi

muni vata sutanha sameta,

uhe harai sukhasidhu mahu cale thha s leta.307.
When the king saw the sage coming with the two princes, he rose in joy and
advanced to meet them like a man who feels his footing in an ocean of bliss. (307)
0ff za t- tr r r f tr+
f rs f s r; f t t r;+ {+
f za a rs r; f fa s r;+
a f r; a t r + +
f f f fa- r fa f s r+
f r; rat t r;+ -+
a r t- rr f sr; r; s rr+
f rs rar f ffa nrar+ +
Cau.: munihi daavata knha mahs, bra bra pada raja dhari ss.
kausika ru lie ura l, kahi assa puch kusal.1.
puni daavata karata dou bh, dekhi npati ura sukhu na sam.
suta hiya li dusaha dukha mee, mtaka sarra prna janu bhee.2.
puni basiha pada sira tinha ne, prema mudita munibara ura le.
bipra bda bade duhu bh

, manabhvat asse p

bharata sahnuja knha pranm, lie uhi li ura rm.
harae lakhana dekhi dou bhrt, mile prema paripurita gt.4.
The king prostrated himself before the sage, placing the dust of the latters feet on
his head again and again. Kauika pressed the king to his bosom, blessed him and
inquired after his welfare. When King Daaratha saw the two brothers prostrating
themselves, he could not contain himself for joy. Pressing the boys to his bosom he
allayed the unbearable pangs of separation and looked like a dead body restored to life.
Rma and Lakmaa then bowed their head at Vasihas feet and the great sage
embraced them in the ecstasy of love. The two brothers next saluted all the Brhmaas
and in turn received their welcome blessings. Bharata and his younger half-brother
(atrughna) greeted Rma, who lifted them and embraced them. Lakmaa rejoiced to
see the two brothers (Bharata and atrughna) and as he embraced them his limbs were
throbbing with emotion. (14)
0 f rfa r rt ta
f rff f r fta+ -c+
Do.: purajana parijana jtijana jcaka matr mta,
mile jathbidhi sabahi prabhu parama kpla binta.308.
The most gracious and unassuming Lord greeted everyone else including the
citizens, attendants, kinsmen, beggars, ministers and friends in a manner befitting the
rank of each. (308)
0rf f ra zrt tfa f tfa rfa rt+
t rf a rt rf art+ {+
a- a f t fa n rf ft+
ff f frr rt rf f nrr+ +
ar = f f n rn a f t+
fa ra rs rr r rfn f nrr+ -+
ra n a r; ara r fr;+
zrr rn t f ff ff t+ +
Cau.: rmahi dekhi barta juRn, prti ki rti na jti bakhn.
npa sampa sohahi

suta cr, janu dhana dharamdika tanudhr.1.

sutanha sameta dasarathahi dekh, mudita nagara nara nri bise.
sumana barisi sura hanahi

nisn, nkana


kari gn.2.
satnada aru bipra saciva gana, mgadha suta bidua badjana.
sahita barta ru sanamn, yasu mgi phire agavn.3.
prathama barta lagana te , tte pura pramodu adhik.
brahmnadu loga saba lahah

, baRhahu divasa nisi bidhi sana kahah

The sight of r Rma was so soothing to the guests; the ways of love are beyond
description. Beside the king his four sons looked like incarnations as it were, of the four
ends of human endeavour, viz., riches, religious merit etc. The people of the city were
delighted beyond measure to see King Daaratha with his sons. The gods rained down
flowers and beat their drums; the nymphs of heaven danced and sang. atnanda (King
Janakas family preceptor) and the other Brhmaas and ministers of State, as well as
the genealogists, minstrels, jesters and rhapsodists, who formed the deputation, paid due
honour to the king and his party and returned with their permission. The bridegrooms
party had arrived earlier than the day fixed for the wedding: there was great rejoicing in
the city on this account . Everyone enjoyed transcendent bliss and prayed to the Creator
that the days and nights might be lengthened. (14)
0r t rr f a f rs r
a f ff rf r+ -+
Do.: rmu sya sobh avadhi sukta avadhi dou rja,
jaha taha purajana kahahi

asa mili nara nri samja.309.

Rma and St are the perfection of beauty, and the two kings (Daaratha and
Janaka) the perfection of virtue! Thus would observe the men and women of the city
wherever they happened to meet. (309)
a fa t a r t+
;- r f r r ;- r r+ {+
;- rs s n rt f a rs rt+
a rt n f rt+ +
f- rt r f t r at f ft+
f rrt fr t ff r r+ -+
f rft f fr z r t+
z rn ff ra r; faf r;f rs r;+ +
Cau.: janaka sukta murati baideh, dasaratha sukta rmu dhare deh.
inha sama khu na siva avardhe, khu na inha samna bhala ldhe.1.
inha sama kou na bhayau jaga mh

, hai nahi

katah u

honeu nh

hama saba sakala sukta kai rs, bhae jaga janami janakapura bs.2.
jinha jnak rma chabi dekh, ko sukt hama sarisa bise.
puni dekhaba raghubra bihu, leba bhal bidhi locana lhu.3.

parasapara kokilabayan

, ehi biha baRa lbhu sunayan

baRe bhga bidhi bta ban, nayana atithi hoihahi

dou bh.4.
Vaideh (St) is the incarnation of Janakas merit, and Rma is Daarathas
virtue personified. No one has worshipped iva with such devotion as these two kings,
nor has anyone obtained such a reward as they have. No one has equalled them in
this world, nor is there anyone to equal them anywhere nor shall be. We are all
storehouses of all kinds of merits in that we have been born in this world as residents
of Janakas capital. Who is so highly blessed as we, who have beheld the beauty of
Jnak (St) and Rma? And we will witness r Rmas wedding and shall thereby
richly reap the benefit of havingour eyes. Damsels with voice as sweet as the notes
of the cuckoo whispered to one another, O bright-eyed friends, we shall gain much by
this union. By our great good-luck Providence has ordained things well: the two brothers
shall often delight our eyes. (14)
0rf r rrs t
r;f rs rf r t+ -{+
Do.: brahi

bra saneha basa janaka boluba sya,

lena ihahi

badhu dou koi kma kamanya.310.

Time after time out of affection Janaka will send for St (from Ayodhy); and
the two brothers, charming as millions of Cupids put together, will come to take
her back. (310)
ff rfa r;f r; f rf r r;+
a a r f frt r;f rn rt+ {+
f r rr a; n ; rr+
tr n n r a f f r+ +
r r fr ff f r r+
a rt t rt r f f rt+ -+
r =r f a n r+
rf f rt sr fr rs rt+ +
Cau.: bibidha bh

ti hoihi pahun, priya na khi asa ssura m.

taba taba rma lakhanahi nihr, hoihahi

saba pura loga sukhr.1.

sakhi jasa rma lakhana kara jo, taisei bhupa saga dui ho.
syma gaura saba aga suhe, te saba kahahi

dekhi je e.2.
kah eka mai

ju nihre, janu biraci nija htha sa vre.

bharatu rmah k anuhr, sahas lakhi na sakahi

nara nr.3.
lakhanu satrusudanu ekar up, nakha sikha te saba aga anup.
mana bhvahi

mukha barani na jh

, upam kahu tribhuvana kou nh

There will be hospitality of every kind; who, dear one, would not love to stay at
such a father-in-laws. On each such occasion all the people of the city will be happy to
behold r Rma and Lakmaa. King Daaratha, my friends, has brought with him two
other lads exactly resembling the pair of Rma and Lakmaa. One dark, the other fair,
but both charming of every limb: so declare all those who have seen them. Said another,
I saw them today: it appeared to me as though the Creator had fashioned them with his
own hands. Bharata is an exact copy of Rma; no man or woman could distinguish them
at first sight. Lakmaa and atrusudana (atrughna) are indistinguishable from each
other, peerless in every limb from head to foot. The four brothers attract the mind but
cannot be described in words; for they have no match in all the three worlds. (14)
U0sr rs r at a f rf
f fur t rr f ;- ; +
rf rf fff rt
rf rfs r; f n nrt+
Cha.:upam na kou kaha dsa tulas katahu kabi kobida kahai

bala binaya bidy sla sobh sidhu inha se ei ahai

pura nri sakala pasri acala bidhihi bacana sunvah

byhiahu criu bhi ehi

pura hama sumagala gvah

Says Tulasdsa: They have no comparison anywhere, so declare the poets and
wise men. Oceans of strength, modesty, learning, amiability and beauty, they are their
own Compeers. Spreading out the skirt of their garment (as a beggar would while asking
for alms) all the women of the city made entreaties to the Creator, May all the four
brothers be married in this city and may we sing charming nuptial songs!
0f t rf rf fr a
f rf - rff rs+ -{{+
So.: kahahi

paraspara nri bri bilocana pulaka tana,

sakhi sabu karaba purri punya payonidhi bhupa dou.311.
Said the damsels to one another, with tears in their eyes and the hair on their body
standing erect, Friends, the Slayer of the demon Tripura will accomplish everything: the
two kings are of such boundless merit. (311)
0f ff r t r sfn sfn s t+
t t r f fa- r+ {+
a r f frr f f n frr+
n tfa f f r at fa rat+ +
n n f rr f fa n r rr+
n faf a rn r= n rf ff t- fr=+ -+
tf- r r; nt n- r;+
t rn- rar f rfat rf frar+ +
Cau.: ehi bidhi sakala manoratha karah

, na da umagi umagi ura bharah

je npa sya svayabara e, dekhi badhu saba tinha sukha pe.1.
kahata rma jasu bisada bisl, nija nija bhavana gae mahipl.
gae bti kachu dina ehi bh

t, pramudita purajana sakala bart.2.

magala mula lagana dinu v, hima ritu agahanu msu suhv.
graha tithi nakhatu jogu bara br u, lagana sodhi bidhi knha bicru.3.
pahai dnhi nrada sana so, gan janaka ke ganakanha jo.
sun sakala loganha yaha bt, kahahi

joti hi

In this way they all prayed and a flood of joy inundated their heart. The princes
who had come thus some days rejoiced to see the four brothers and returned each to his
own home extolling r Rmas widespread and spotless fame. Thus a few days elapsed
to the delight alike of the citizens and all the members of the bridegrooms party. At length
the blessed day of wedding arrived; it was the delightful month of Mrgara and the
beginning of the cold season. Having carefully examined and determined the propitious
nature of the planets, date, asterism, the conjunction of the stars, the day of the week
and the hour of the wedding the Creator despatched the note concerning the hour of the
wedding through Nrada; it was just the same that Janakas astrologers had already
determined. When all the people heard of this, they observed, The astrologers of this place
are so many creators as it were. (14)
0f r f n
f- s f rf n + -{+
Do.: dhenudhuri bel bimala sakala sumagala mula,
bipranha kaheu bideha sana jni saguna anukula.312.
The most auspicious and sacred hour before sunset (which is the time when cows
generally return home from pasture, and is consequently marked by clouds of dust
raised by their hoofs) arrived; perceiving propitious omens, the Brhmaas apprised King
Videha of its approach. (312)
0srfaf s rr f r rr+
ar a f rr n rf rr+ {+
fr r n n r+
n rff nrf ntar f f f tar+ +
r f r at n r r rat+
rfa f r fa rr rn fa-f r+ -+
s s rf r f r frf rrr+
nf f f ff rr n f r rr+ +
Cau.: uparohitahi kaheu naranh, aba bilaba kara kranu kh.
satnada taba saciva bole, magala sakala sji saba lye.1.
sakha nisna panava bahu bje, magala kalasa saguna subha sje.
subhaga susini gvahi

gt, karahi

beda dhuni bipra punt.2.

lena cale sdara ehi bh

t, gae jah

janavsa bart.
kosalapati kara dekhi samju, ati laghu lga tinhahi surarj u.3.
bhayau samau aba dhria pu, yaha suni par nisnahi

gurahi puchi kari kula bidhi rj, cale saga muni sdhu samj.4.
The king asked the family priest (atnanda), What is the cause of delay now?
atnanda then summoned the ministers, who came equipped with all auspicious
articles. A number of conches, drums and tabors sounded. Festal vases and articles of
good omen (such as curds, turmeric and blades of Durv grass) were displayed.
Graceful women (whose husbands were alive) sang songs, and holy Brhmaas
chanted Vedic texts. In this manner they proceeded to invite the bridegrooms party
with due honour and called at the latters lodgings. When they witnessed King Daarathas
glory, Indra (the lord of celestials) looked very small to them. The hour has come; be
good enough to start now, they submitted. At this the drums gave a thundering beat.
After consulting his preceptor and going through the family rites King Daaratha sallied
forth with a host of sages and holy men. (14)
0r f f zr rf
n r rf f rf+ -{-+
Do.: bhgya bibhava avadhesa kara dekhi deva brahmdi,
lage sarhana sahasa mukha jni janama nija bdi.313.
Witnessing King Daarathas good fortune and glory and believing their birth as
fruitless, Brahm and the other gods began to extol him with a thousand tongues. (313)
0- n = rr f r; frr+
f zrrf f =r frf- rr r+ {+
a z sr fr r fr+
f = rn f f r f rr rn+ +
faf fa ffr farr r f rr+
n rf = frr rr t rr+ -+
fa-f f rt a f sfrt+
fff s r ft f t a t+ +
Cau.: suranha sumagala avasaru jn, baraahi

sumana baji nisn.

siva brahmdika bibudha bar uth, caRhe bimnanhi nn juth.1.
prema pulaka tana hdaya uchh u, cale bilokana rma bihu.
dekhi janakapuru sura anurge, nija nija loka sabahi

laghu lge.2.

cakita bicitra bitn, racan sakala alaukika nn.

nagara nri nara rupa nidhn, sughara sudharama susla sujn.3.
tinhahi dekhi saba sura suranr

, bhae nakhata janu bidhu ujir

bidhihi bhayau caraju bise, nija karan kachu katahu na dekh.4.
The gods perceived that it was a fit occasion for happy rejoicings; hence they
rained down flowers and beat their drums. iva, Brahm and hosts of other gods
mounted aerial cars in several groups. Their frames thrilling over with emotion and
their hearts overflowing with joy they proceeded to witness r Rmas wedding. The
gods felt so enraptured to see Janakas capital that their own realms appeared to
them as of small account. They gazed with amazement at the wonderful pavilion and
all the different works of art which were of a transcendental character. The people
of the city, both men and women, were so many mines of beauty, well-formed, pious,
amiable and wise. In their presence all the gods and goddesses appeared like stars
in a moonlit night. The Creator (Brahm) was astounded above all; for nowhere did
he find his own handiwork. (14)
0f rr f r r
z fr t f f rrt fr+ -{+
Do.: siva samujhe deva saba jani caraja bhulhu,
hdaya bicrahu dhra dhari siya raghubra bihu.314.
iva admonished all the gods saying, "Be not lost in wonder; calmly ponder in your
heart that it is the wedding of St and the Hero of Raghu's race." (314)
0f- r a n rt n rt+
a rf r rt a; f r s rrt+ {+
f ff - rrr f rn rr+
- rar rr fa nrar+ +
r r n f r a f r+
ra r n a rt n art+ -+
a rt f - tfa rt+
f rf frf f f rf fa- + +
Cau.: jinha kara nmu leta jaga mh

, sakala amagala mula nash

karatala hohi

padratha cr, tei siya rmu kaheu kmr.1.

ehi bidhi sabhu suranha samujhv, puni ge bara basaha calv.
devanha dekhe dasarathu jt, mahmoda mana pulakita gt.2.
sdhu samja saga mahidev, janu tanu dhare karahi

sukha sev.
sohata stha subhaga suta cr, janu apabaraga sakala tanudhr.3.
marakata kanaka barana bara jor, dekhi suranha bhai prti na thor.
puni rmahi biloki hiya harae, npahi sarhi sumana tinha barae.4.
"At the very mention of whose name all evil is uprooted and the four ends of
human existence are brought within one's grasp, such are St and Rma," said the
Destroyer of Cupid, akara. In this way ambhu admonished the divinities, and then
spurred on His noble bull. The gods beheld Daaratha marching (to Janaka's palace)
with his heart full of rapture and the hair on his body standing erect. The assemblage of
holy men and Brhmaas accompanying the king appeared like joys incarnate ministering
to him. By his side shone forth the four handsome princes, incarnations as it were of the
four types of final beatitude.* The gods were greatly inspired with love to see two lovely
pairs, one possessing the hue of emeralds and the other of golden hue. They were
particularly delighted at heart to see Rma; and extolling the king they rained down
flowers on him. (14)
0r = f n rf r frf
nra r sr a rf+ -{~+
Do.: rma rupu nakha sikha subhaga brahi

bra nihri,
pulaka gta locana sajala um sameta purri.315.
As Um and the Slayer of the demon Tripura gazed again and again at r Rma's
charming beauty from head to foot, the hair on Their body stood erect and Their eyes
were bedewed with tears. (315)
0f fa tr nr afza ff nr+
r f ff r n rfa r+ {+
f f r rt r+
f ar; f r; t r;+ +
* The four types of final beatitude as enumerated in the scriptures are as follows:(1) Slokya
(residence in the same heaven as the Supreme Deity), (2) Sr upya (attaining a form similar to that of
the Deity), (3) Smpya (living in close proximity with the Deity), and (4) Syujya (complete absorption
into the Deity).
r rf nr ra ra anr+
r rf rf ff rf+ -+
f an r fr nfa frf nr r+
f r; r fa rr rf r rr+ +
Cau.: keki kaha duti symala ag, taRita binidaka basana surag.
byha bibhuana bibidha bane, magala saba saba bh

ti suhe.1.
sarada bimala bidhu badanu suhvana, nayana navala rjva lajvana.
sakala alaukika sudarat, kahi na ji manah

mana bh.2.
badhu manohara sohahi

sag, jta nacvata capala turag.

rjakua ra bara bji dekhvahi

, basa prasasaka birida sunvahi

jehi turaga para rmu birje, gati biloki khaganyaku lje.
kahi na ji saba bh

ti suhv, bji beu janu kma banv.4.

His swarthy form possessed the glow of a peacock's neck, while His bright yellow
raiment outshone the lightning. Wedding ornaments of every kind, all auspicious and
graceful in everyway, adorned His person. His countenance was as delightful as the
moon in a cloudless autumnal night; while His eyes put to shame a blooming pair of
lotuses. The elegance of His form was transcendent in all its details; yet enrapturing
the mind, it defied description. Beside Him shone forth His lovely brothers, who rode
curveting their restive steed. The other princes too displayed the pace of their horses
and the family bards recited the glories of their line. Even the king of birds, Garua,
blushed for shame to note the speed of the steed that Rma bestrode; it was charming
beyond description in everyway; it seemed as though Cupid himself had taken the form
of horse. (14)
U0 rf r; f r fa fa r;
r = n nfa fr;+
nna t r rfa rfa f rf n
fff r nr fa frf f n+
Cha.: janu bji beu bani manasiju rma hita ati soha,
pane baya bala rupa guna gati sakala bhuvana bimoha.
jagamagata jnu jarva joti sumoti mani mnika lage,
kikini lalma lagmu lalita biloki sura nara muni hage.
It seemed as if Cupid himself had appeared with all his charm in the disguise of
a horse for the sake of r Rma and fascinated the whole universe with its youth and
vigour, form and virtues as well as with its pace. A bejewelled saddle, thick set with
beautiful pearls, gems and rubies shone on his back; the exquisite band with small
tinkling bells and the lovely bridle, dazed gods, men and sages alike.
0 f t a rf f r
fa szn afza rr f r+ -{+
Do.: prabhu manasahi

layalna manu calata bji chabi pva,

bhuita uRagana taRita ghanu janu bara barahi nacva.316.
Marching with its mind completely merged in the Lord's will, the horse looked most
beautiful, as though a cloud irradiated by stars and the fitful lightning had mounted a
peacock and made it dance. (316)
0f rf r rr af rs rr+
= r = rn fa f rn+ {+
f fa fa r r r a rfa r+
ff r f ff r r; rf far+ +
s a sr ff a z r r+
rf fa rr na >rr fa rr+ -+
faf frt r rs rt+
fa n rf t r ft+ +
Cau.: jehi

bara bji rmu asavr, tehi sradau na baranai pr.

sakaru rma rupa anurge, nayana pacadasa ati priya lge.1.
hari hita sahita rmu jaba johe, ram sameta rampati mohe.
nirakhi rma chabi bidhi harane, hai nayana jni pachitne.2.
sura senapa ura bahuta uchh u, bidhi te evaRha locana lhu.
rmahi citava suresa sujn, gautama srpu parama hita mn.3.
deva sakala surapatihi sihh

, ju puradara sama kou nh

mudita devagana rmahi dekh, npasamja duhu harau bise.4.
Even rad is unable to describe the noble steed on which r Rma rode.
akara (who has five faces, with three eyes each) was enamoured of r Rma's
beauty and congratulated himself on His possessing as many as fifteen eyes. When r
Hari (Viu) fondly gazed on Rma, both Ram and Her lord were equally enchanted.
(The four-faced) Brahm too was delighted to behold r Rma's beauty; but he felt
sorry to think that he had only eight eyes. The generalissimo of the heavenly host (the
six-faced Krtikeya) exulted over the fact of his possessing one and a half as many eyes
as Brahm. When the wise lord of celestials gazed on r Rma (with his thousand
eyes), he thought Gautama's curse as the greatest blessing. All the gods envied Indra
and observed, "No one can vie with Purandara (Indra) today." The whole host of
heavenly beings rejoiced to behold r Rma and there was joy beyond measure in the
court of both the monarchs. (14)
U0fa rr ff t rf rrt
f f f fa rrt+
f rfa rf ra ra r rt
rt rff rf ff a n rt+
Cha.:ati harau rjasamja duhu disi dudubh



sumana sura harai kahi jaya jayati jaya raghukulaman.
ehi bh

ti jni barta vata bjane bahu bjah

rn susini boli parichani hetu magala sjah

There was great rejoicing in the court of both the kings and a tempestuous clash
of kettledrums on both sides; the gods rained down flowers, shouting in their joy, "Glory,
glory, glory to the Jewel of Raghu's race!" In this way when it was known that the
marriage procession was approaching, all sorts of music began to play; while Queen
Sunayan (St's mother) summoned married women whose husbands were alive and
prepared with their help auspicious materials for the ceremony of waving lights round
the bridegroom.
0f rat ff n rf
t fa ff nnrff rf+ -{+
Do.: saji rat aneka bidhi magala sakala sa vri,

mudita parichani karana gajagmini bara nri.317.

Kindling lights of various kinds and collecting all other articles of good omen, a
bevy of graceful women, who possessed the charming gait of an elephant, proceeded
joyfully to perform the ceremony of waving lights round the bridegroom. (317)
0ft nrf f a f fa rf+
f tr f tr+ {+
n n r f nr f r+
fff rf rf frf r n rf+ +
rf r ff rr = n nrr+
t rr r rt fa f rt+ -+
rf r; ft frf r;+
f nr n rt f r rt+ +
Cau.: bidhubadan

saba saba mgalocani, saba nija tana chabi rati madu mocani.
pahire barana barana bara cr, sakala bibhuana saje sarr.1.
sakala sumagala aga bane , karahi

gna kalakahi laje .

kakana kikini nupura bjahi

, cli biloki kma gaja ljahi


bjane bibidha prakr, nabha aru nagara sumagalacr.

sac srad ram bhavn, je suratiya suci sahaja sayn.3.
kapaa nri bara bea ban, mil

sakala ranivsahi


gna kala magala bn

, haraa bibasa saba khu na jn

They all had moon-like faces, and eyes like those of a gazelle; by the elegance
of their form they robbed Rati (Love's consort) of all self-conceit. Attired in costly
garments of various colours they had adorned their person with all kinds of ornaments.
They had further beautified all their limbs with auspicious materials, and sang melodies
that put to shame even a female cuckoo. Bracelets, small bells round their waistband as
well as anklets made a jingling sound as they moved and even Love's elephants blushed
for shame to see their gait. All kinds of music played and there were festive axtivt both
in the heavens and in the city. ac (Indra's consort), rad, Ram, Bhavn and other
goddesses, who were pure-hearted and clever by nature, assumed the disguise of lovely
women and joined the royal gynaeceum. They sang festal songs in a melodious voice; and
as everyone was overcome with joy no one could recognize them. (14)
U0 r r f r zr f t
nr fr f rr t+
r frf f fa ;
r sfn n rf ;+
Cha.:ko jna kehi nada basa saba brahmu bara parichana cal,
kala gna madhura nisna baraahi

sumana sura sobh bhal.

nadakadu biloki dulahu sakala hiya haraita bha,
abhoja abaka abu umagi suaga pulakvali cha.
Who should recognize whom, when everyone in the gynaeceum proceeded in her
ecstatic joy to join the ceremony of waving lights round the bridegroom, who was no other
than the Supreme Spirit incarnate. Melodious songs were being sung and kettledrums
gently sounded; the gods rained down flowers and everything looked most charming. All
the women were delighted at heart to behold the bridegroom, who was the fountain of joy;
tears of love rushed to their lotus-like eyes and the hair on their pretty limbs stood erect.
0r r f ra f r
r f f a rr + -{c+
Do.: jo sukhu bh siya mtu mana dekhi rma bara beu,
so na sakahi

kahi kalapa sata sahasa srad seu.318.

The joy which St's mother felt in her heart on beholding r Rma in the attire
of a bridegroom was more than a thousand rads and eas could not tell in a
hundred Kalpas. (318)
0 t= f n rt ff f fa rt+
ffa = rr= t- t ff r=+ {+
f n nrr rz f ff rr+
f rat rr fa- t-r r n z a t-r+ +
fa r fr f frf rfa r+
f r rfa f f r+ -+
= n rr r; rf ; r;+
f ff r zf r rr ; r r+ +
Cau.: nayana nru hai magala jn, parichani karahi

mudita mana rn.

beda bihita aru kula cr u, knha bhal bidhi saba byavahru.1.
paca sabada dhuni magala gn, paa p

vaRe parahi

bidhi nn.
kari rat araghu tinha dnh, rma gamanu maapa taba knh.2.
dasarathu sahita samja birje, bibhava biloki lokapati lje.
samaya samaya sura baraahi

phul, sti paRhahi

mahisura anukul.3.
nabha aru nagara kolhala ho, pani para kachu sunai na ko.
ehi bidhi rmu maapahi

e, araghu dei sana baihe.4.

Restraining her tears out of regard for the auspicious occasion, Queen Sunayan
performed the ceremony of waving lights with a gladdened heart, and duly completed all
the rites prescribed by the Vedas as well as by family usage. The five kinds of music*
were being played, accompanied by five varieties of other sounds and festal songs;
carpets of different sorts were spread on the way. After waving lights the queen offered
water to r Rma for washing His hands with and the latter then proceeded to the
pavilion. Daaratha shone in all his glory with his followers; his magnificence put to
shame the guardians of the different worlds. From time to time the gods rained down
flowers; and the Brhmaas recited propitiatory texts appropriate to the occasion. There
was such a great uproar in the heavens as well as in the city that no one could hear
one's own words, much less of others. In this way r Rma entered the pavilion; after
offering Him water to wash His hands with, He was conducted to His seat. (14)
U0 rf r rat f ff = rt
f f rf rf n nrt+
zr rf f r; a t
rf rr f f t t+
Cha.:baihri sana rat kari nirakhi baru sukhu pvah

mani basana bhuana bhuri vrahi

nri magala gvah

brahmdi surabara bipra bea bani kautuka dekhah

avaloki raghukula kamala rabi chabi suphala jvana lekhah

When Rma was installed on the seat reserved for Him, lights were waved round
Him and everyone rejoiced to behold the bridegroom, scattering about Him gems and
raiments and ornaments in profusion; while women sang festal songs. Brahm and the
other great gods witnessed the spectacle disguised as Brhmaas; and as they gazed
on the beauty of r Rma, who delighted Raghu's race even as the sun brings joy to
the lotuses, they regarded this privilege as the fulfilment of their life.
0r rt r r frf r;
fa tf r; f z r;+ -{+
Do.: nu br bha naa rma nichvari pi,
mudita assahi

ni sira harau na hdaya sami.319.

* The five kinds of music referred to above are those produced from:(1) V or the lute, (2) the
clapping of hands, (3) the clashing of a pair of cymbals, (4) the beating of a kettledrum and (5) the blowing of
a trumpet of any other wind instrument.
The five varieties of other sounds are: (1) Vedadhvani (the murmuring of Vedic texts), (2) Vandidhvani
(the praises sung by family bards), (3) Jayadhvani (shouts of victory), (4) akhadhvani (the blast of
conches), and (5) Dundubhidhvani (beat of drums).
Having gathered the offerings scattered about r Rma, the barbers, torchbearers,
family bards and dancers bowed their head and gladly invoked blessings on Him with a
heart overflowing with joy. (319)
0f fa tat f f f tat+
fa r rs r fr sr rf rf f r+ {+
t a rf f rt ;- ; sr s rt+
r f rn f nr rn+ +
n ff srr a r a a+
rfa r r t r+ -+
fnr f rt tfa f ff rt+
a rz rr r r zf rr+ +
Cau.: mile janaku dasarathu ati prt

, kari baidika laukika saba rt

milata mah dou rja birje, upam khoji khoji kabi lje.1.
lah na katahu hri hiya mn, inha sama ei upam ura n.
smadha dekhi deva anurge, sumana barai jasu gvana lge.2.
jagu biraci upajv jaba te , dekhe sune byha bahu taba te .
sakala bh

ti sama sju samju, sama samadh dekhe hama ju.3.

deva gir suni sudara s

c, prti alaukika duhu disi mc.

deta p

vaRe araghu suhe, sdara janaku maapahi

Having observed every custom that derived its authority from the Vedas or from
popular tradition the two kings Janaka and Daaratha, embraced each other with great
love. The two monarchs while embracing each other presented a glorious spectacle;
poets made repeated efforts to find a suitable analogy but felt abashed at their failure.
Finding no comparison anywhere, they felt baffled and concluded that the pair could be
likened to themselves alone. The gods were enraptured to see the tie of love between
the two kings embracing each other; raining down flowers they began to sing the glories
of both. "Ever since Brahm created the world, we have witnessed and heard of many
a marriage; but it is only today that we have seen the pomp and grandeur on both sides
so well-balanced in every respect and the fathers of the bride and the bridegroom so well-
matched." Hearing the above voice from heaven, which was so charming yet so true, there
was a flood of transcendent love on both sides. Unrolling beautiful carpets on the way
and offering water to wash his hands with, Janaka himself conducted Daaratha to the
pavilion with all honour. (14)
U0z frf ffr r =far f
f rf r rf frrr +
;y f fy f f rf t
ff a tfa f tfa a t+
Cha.: maapu biloki bicitra racan


muni mana hare,

nija pni janaka sujna saba kahu ni sighsana dhare.
kula ia sarisa basia puje binaya kari sia lah,
kausikahi pujata parama prti ki rti tau na parai kah.
The marvellous art of the pavilion and its charm captivated the heart even of
sages; yet wise Janaka fetched and placed with his own hands thrones for all the
honoured guests. He worshipped the sage Vasiha as if he were his own family deity
and supplicating before him, received his blessings; while the supreme devotion with
which he paid his homage to Kauika was something too great for words.
0r rf f fa t
f f r f t t+ -+
Do.: bmadeva dika riaya puje mudita mahsa,
die dibya sana sabahi saba sana lah assa.320.
King Janaka gladly adored Vmadeva (another family preceptor of King Daaratha)
and the other Ris as well; he gave hem all gorgeous seats and received blessings from
all of them in return. (320)
0f tf- rfa r rf ; rs r+
tf- rf f zr; f f r f ar;+ {+
fa rat t r rat+
r sfa f r r sr+ +
ra rt r r fat rt+
ff f = fffa fr rf rrt r+ -+
f r a f fa r+
r f r f fr+ +
Cau.: bahuri knhi kosalapati puj, jni sa sama bhu na duj.
knhi jori kara binaya baR, kahi nija bhgya bibhava bahut.1.
puje bhupati sakala bart, samadh sama sdara saba bh

sana ucita die saba kh u, kahau kha mukha eka uchhu.2.
sakala barta janaka sanamn, dna mna binat bara bn.
bidhi hari haru disipati dinaru, je jnahi

raghubra prabh u.3.

kapaa bipra bara bea bane , kautuka dekhahi

ati sacu pe .
puje janaka deva sama jne , die susana binu pahicne .4.
thereafter he adored the King of Ayodhy, taking him to be the peer of iva
and none other; and mentioning how his fortune and rank had been enhanced
through relation with King Daaratha, he made humble supplication to the latter and
extolled him with joined palms. King Janaka worshipped all the members of the
bridegroom's party with the same honour in every respect as he had paid to the
bridegroom's father, and assigned appropriate seats to them all. How am I to describe
with my one tongue the warmth of his feeling? Janaka honoured the whole bridegroom's
party with gifts, polite behaviour, supplication and sweet words. Brahm, Hari, Hara, the
guardians of the eight quarters of the world* and the sun-god, all of whom had knowledge
* The guardians of the eight quarters of the world are: (1) Indra (the lord of celestials), of the east;
(2) Agni (fire-god), of the south-east; (3) Yama (the god dispensing the fruit of ones good or evil actions), of the
of r Rma's glory, disguised themselves as noble Brhmaas and witnessed the
spectacle with great delight. Janaka worshipped them as on a par with gods and, though
he recognized them not, assigned them exalted seats. (14)
U0fr r f r f r f rt ;
r frf s ff r ;+
r r rf r
rf t rs r f fa +
Cha.:pahicna ko kehi jna sabahi apna sudhi bhor bha,
nada kadu biloki dulahu ubhaya disi na da ma.
sura lakhe rma sujna puje mnasika sana dae,
avaloki slu subhu prabhu ko bibudha mana pramudita bhae.
Who should recognize and whom should one know, when everyone had forgotten
one's own self? As they gazed on the bridegroom, who was Bliss personified, joy was
diffused on both sides (in the bridegroom's party as well as in the court of Janaka). The
all-wise Rma recognized the gods, worshipped them mentally and assigned them seats
of His own fancy. And the immortals were delighted at heart to perceive the congenial
manners and gentle disposition of the Lord.
0r f r r= r
a r r r r+ -{+
Do.: rmacadra mukha cadra chabi locana cru cakora,
karata pna sdara sakala premu pramodu na thora.321.
The graceful eyes of all fondly drank in the beauty of r Rmacandra's
countenance with the utmost love and rapture even as the Cakora bird feeds on the
moon's rays. (321)
0s frf f rr r ar f r+
fn f r r; fa f r r;+ {+
rt f srfa rt fa f- a rt+
f q rr; f tfa n nr;+ +
rf rr r t trr+
fa-f f rf rt f frf r a trt+ -+
r r rf rt sr r r rt+
t rf r r; fa zf t r;+ +
Cau.: samau biloki basiha bole, sdara satnadu suni e.
begi kua ri aba nahu j, cale mudita muni yasu p.1.
south; (4) Nirrti (the god of death), of the south-west; (5) Varua (the god of water), of the west; (6) Vyu (the wind-
god), of the north-west; (7) Kuvera (the god of riches), of the north; and (8) na (iva), of the north-east.
rn suni uparohita bn, pramudita sakhinha sameta sayn.
bipra badhu kulabddha bol

, kari kula rti sumagala g

nri bea je sura bara bm, sakala subhya sudar sym.
tinhahi dekhi sukhu pvahi


, binu pahicni prnahu te pyr

bra bra sanamnahi

rn, um ram srada sama jn.

sya sa vri samju ban, mudita maapahi


Perceiving that the time of wedding had arrived, Vasiha sent for atnanda with
all the honour due to him, and on hearing the call the latter came with all reverence.
"Kiindly go and bring the bride quickly now." Receiving the sage's order he gladly left.
The wise queen with her associates was highly pleased to hear the priest's message;
she sent for a few Brhmaa ladies and the elder ladies of the family, who performed the
family rites and sang charming festal songs. The consorts of the principal gods, who
were disguised as mortal women, were all naturally lovely and in the prime of their youth.
The ladies of Janaka's household were delighted to see them and, even though none
recognized them, the ladies held them dearer than their life. The queen honoured them
again and again treating them on a par with Um, Ram and rad. After adorning St
and forming a circle about Her they joyously conducted Her to the pavilion. (14)
U0f rr; taf t r f n rft
e r t -r nrft+
nr f f r -rnf r rf rt
t fa ar nfa rt+
Cha.:cali lyi stahi sakh

sdara saji sumagala bhmin

navasapta sje sudar

saba matta kujara gmin

kala gna suni muni dhyna tygahi

kma kokila ljah

majra nupura kalita kakana tla gati bara bjah

Equipping themselves with auspicious materials St's companions and other
ladies conducted Her to the pavilion with due honour; each of them was lovely of form
and had all the sixteen forms of adornment and moved with the grace of an elephant in
rut. At the sound of their melodious strains the sages felt obliged to give up their
meditation, and love's own cuckoos were abashed. Their ornaments for the toes and
ankles and the charming bangles on their wrists produced a delightful sound keeping tune
with their songs.
0rfa far rf t
f r n r fa t+ -+
Do.: sohati banit bda mahu sahaja suhvani sya,
chabi lalan gana madhya janu suam tiya kamanya.322.
St in Her native loveliness shone forth among the bevy of ladies as a charming
personification of Beauty in the midst of the Graces. (322)
0f ar f r; rr fa a rar;+
ra tf rfa- tar = rf rfa tar+ {+
f f f rr f r rr+
a- ar f r; s r ar+ +
r f ff r f t f n r+
nr fr rr rt r n rt+ -+
f ff t zf r; fa rfa f fr;+
af ff r= n t- r=+ +
Cau.: siya sudarat barani na j, laghu mati bahuta manoharat.
vata dkhi bartinha st, rupa rsi saba bh

ti punt.1.
sabahi manahi

mana kie pranm, dekhi rma bhae puranakm.

harae dasaratha sutanha samet, kahi na ji ura na du jet.2.
sura pranmu kari barisahi

phul, muni assa dhuni magala mul.

gna nisna kolhalu bhr, prema pramoda magana nara nr.3.
ehi bidhi sya maapahi

, pramudita sti paRhahi

tehi avasara kara bidhi byavahr u, duhu kulagura saba knha acru.4.
St's elegant form baffles all description: so poor is my wit and so surpassing
Her charm. When the members of the bridegroom's party saw St approach, a
veritable storehouse of beauty and spotless in everyway, all greeted Her from the core
of their heart. At the sight of Jnak Rma had His heart's desire fulfilled. King
Daaratha with all his other sons was filled with delight; the joy of their heart could not
be expressed. The gods made obeisance and rained down flowers; while the sages
uttered their benedictions, which were the source of all blessings. The songs that the
ladies sang, combined with the sound of kettledrums, produced a loud symphony; men
and women both were lost in love and rejoicing. In this manner St entered the
pavilion, while great sages recited propitiatory texts in great joy. The two family
preceptors (Vasiha and atnanda) performed all the religious rites and ceremonies
and observed the family customs. (14)
U0rr= f n nf nfa fa f rt
nf r f f t fa rt+
n r f f
r r a ff fr + {+
tfa tfa a f f a r fr
f rfa r; taf n frrr fr+
f r rf r f
fq rt nr n f + +
Cha.:cru kari gura gauri ganapati mudita bipra pujvah

sura pragai puj lehi


assa ati sukhu pvah

madhuparka magala drabya jo jehi samaya muni mana mahu cahai

bhare kanaka kopara kalasa so taba liehi

paricraka rahai

kula rti prti sameta rabi kahi deta sabu sdara kiyo,
ehi bh

ti deva puji stahi subhaga sighsanu diyo.

siya rma avalokani parasapara premu khu na lakhi parai,
mana buddhi bara bn agocara pragaa kabi kaise karai.2.
Having observed the family customs the Gurus (Vasiha and atnanda) in great
joy are geting Gauri, Gansa and Brahamanas; the gods accepted the homage in visible
form and gave their blessing with great delight. Whatever auspicious article such as a
mixture of honey* etc., the sages mentally sought at any particular moment, attendants
stood ever ready with gold trays and pitchers full of that substance. The sun-god himself
lovingly pointed out the family usages, which were all scrupulously observed. Having thus
caused St to worship the gods, the sages assigned Her a beautiful throne. The mutual
love with which St and Rma regarded each other could not be perceived by anyone.
It was beyond the reach of the best mind, intellect and speech; how then, could the poet
express it? (1-2)
0r a f fa rfa f
f f f fr ff f+ --+
Do.: homa samaya tanu dhari analu ati sukha huti lehi

bipra bea dhari beda saba kahi bibha bidhi dehi

While oblations were offered to the sacred fire, the fire-god in person accepted the
offerings with great delight; and the Vedas in the guise of Brhmaas directed the
procedure of the nuptial ceremony. (323)
0 rft n rt t ra ff r; rt+
a ar; f ff t r;+ {+
s rf f- rr; a rff r rr;+
r ff r r ffnf n t r+ +
f r = f n n +
f fa r = rt r rn rt+ -+
f f n rt nn rf = rt+
= frf fa rn r ta r rn+ +
Cau.: janaka pamahi jaga jn, sya mtu kimi ji bakhn.
sujasu sukta sukha sudarat, saba samei bidhi rac ban.1.
samau jni munibaranha bol

, sunata susini sdara ly

janaka bma disi soha sunayan, himagiri saga ban janu mayan.2.
kanaka kalasa mani kopara r ure, suci sugadha magala jala pure.
nija kara mudita rya aru rn, dhare rma ke ge n.3.

beda muni magala bn, gagana sumana jhari avasaru jn.

baru biloki dapati anurge, pya punta pakhrana lge.4.
* The mixture referred to above, which is known by the name of Madhuparka, is usually composed of
curds, clarified butter, water, honey and sugar. It is a respectful offering made to a guest or to the bridegroom
on his arrival at the door of the brides father.
What words can describe the world-renowned queen-consort of Janaka and St's
mother? The Creator had exhausted in fashioning her all the bright glory, virtue, joy and
beauty. Perceiving the appropriate time, the great sages sent for her; and in response to
their call married women whose hasbands were alive brought her with due honour. Queen
Sunayan shone forth to Janaka's left even as Main beside Himavn (the mountain-
king). The king and queen joyfully brought and placed with their own hands gold vases
and beautiful trays of jewels filled with holy, scented and auspicious water before r
Rma. The sages recited the Veda in joyous tones and at the proper time flowers rained
down from the heavens. The royal couple were enraptured to behold the Bridegroom and
began to wash His holy feet. (14)
U0rn r r a rt
n nr fr f sfn ff t+
r r f s frt
a fa far f rt + {+
f ffar t nfa t r ra;
f- r f far f ;+
f f rfn ; fa nfa
a ra rr + +
f a rf rrr= rs n
r rfn frf ff f r +
f fa a tr fr
f r fr -rr fr+ -+
fa ff fnfr f ff >rt rn ;
faf rf f t ft tfa ; +
r f f fr f fa rt
f r ffa nrf rt r rnt rt+ +
Cha.:lge pakhrana pya pakaja prema tana pulakval,
nabha nagara gna nisna jaya dhuni umagi janu cahu disi cal.
je pada saroja manoja ari ura sara sadaiva birjah

je sakta sumirata bimalat mana sakala kali mala bhjah

je parasi munibanit lah gati rah jo ptakama,
makaradu jinha ko sabhu sira sucit avadhi sura barana.
kari madhupa mana muni jogijana je sei abhimata gati lahai

te pada pakhrata bhgyabhjanu janaku jaya jaya saba kahai

bara kua ri karatala jori skhocru dou kulagura karai

bhayo pnigahanu biloki bidhi sura manuja muni na da bharai

sukhamula dulahu dekhi dapati pulaka tana hulasyo hiyo,
kari loka beda bidhnu kanydnu npabhuana kiyo.3.
himavata jimi girij mahesahi harihi r sgara da,
timi janaka rmahi siya samarap bisva kala krati na.
kyo karai binaya bidehu kiyo bidehu murati sva r

kari homu bidhivata g

hi jor hona lg

bhva r

They began to love r Rma's lotus-feet; their whole frame was thrilled with
emotion. The sounds of singing and kettledrums and shouts of victory in the heavens as
well as in the city overflowed as it were in all direction . The lotus-feet that ever sparkle
in the lake of iva's bosom, by thinking of which even for once the mind gets purified
and all the impurities of the Kali age are driven away, by whose touch the sage
Gautama's wife, who was full of sin, attained salvation, whose nectar in the form of the
river Gag adorns ambhus head and is declared by the gods as the holiest of the
holy, and by resorting to which with their bee-like minds sages and mystics attain the
goal of their liking, it is those very feet that the most lucky Janaka washed amidst shouts
of victory from all corners. Joining the palms of the Bride and the Bridegroom, both the
family priests recited the genealogy of the two families; and perceiving that the
Bridegroom had accepted the Bride's hand, Brahm and the other divinities as well as
men and sages were filled with delight. As the king and queen gazed on the Bridegroom,
who was the very fountain of joy, the hair on their body stood erect, while their heart was
filled with rapture. And having gone through all the rites sanctioned either by the Vedas
or by family usage, the glorious King Janaka gave his Daughter to the Bridegroom. As
Himavn gave away Girij to the great Lord iva, and the deity presiding over seas
bestowed r on Hari, so did Janaka give St to Rma and thereby earned fair renown
of an unprecedented character. King Videha (Janaka) was unable to make any supplication,
since that Prince (r Rma) of swarthy complexion had justified his name (Videha) by
making him forget everything about his body. When oblations had been offered to the
sacred fire with due rite, the ends of garments of the Bride and the Bridegroom were tied
together (as a token of their indissoluble union) and the couple began to circumambulate
the fire (in order to show that the two had been united in the presence of the fire-god as
a witness). (14)
0 f t f n nr fr
f f f f a= r+ -+
Do.: jaya dhuni bad beda dhuni magala gna nisna,
suni haraahi


bibudha surataru sumana sujna.324.

At the sound of the huzzas, the praises sung by the bards, the recitation of the
Vedic texts, the din of the festal songs and the beating of kettledrums the wise immortals
rejoiced and rained down flowers from the trees of paradise. (324)
0= f rf t r r t+
r; f r rt r sr r rt+ {+
r t fart nnra f rt+
fa f =r a r frr r+ +
rr rt na a rf rt+
n fr r r fr+ -+
fa f- rt t nfa tfa ft+
r t f t rr f rfa ff t+ +
= rn f t ff f r t +
f f tf- r = ff r+ ~+
Cau.: kua ru kua ri kala bhva ri deh

, nayana lbhu saba sdara leh

ji na barani manohara jor, jo upam kachu kahau so thor.1.
rma sya sudara pratichh

, jagamagta mani khabhana mh

manahu madana rati dhari bahur up, dekhata rma bihu anup.2.
darasa llas sakuca na thor, pragaata durata bahori bahor.
bhae magana saba dekhanihre, janaka samna apna bisre.3.
pramudita muninha bh



, negasahita saba rti niber

rma sya sira sedura deh

, sobh kahi na jti bidhi keh

aruna parga jalaju bhari nke , sasihi bhua ahi lobha am ke .
bahuri basiha dnhi anussana, baru dulahini baihe eka sana.5.
The Bride and Bridegroom performed the circumambulation with charming paces;
while all present feasted their admiring gaze on the spectacle. The lovely couple was
beyond description; whatever comparison might be suggested would fall short of the
reality. Lovely images of Rma and St were reflected on the pillars of jewels and shone
as if Love and his consort, Rati, witnessed r Rma's matchless wedding appearing in
numerous forms. Their curiosity and bashfulness were equally great; that is why they
revealed themselves and went out of sight again and again. All the spectators were
enraptured; like Janaka they forgot all about themselves. Joyously the sages bade the
Bride and Bridegroom pace round the fire and accomplished all the rites including the
ceremonial gifts, r Rma applied the vermilion to St's forehead, a sight the charm of
which was altogether beyond description. It seemed as if with a lotus surcharged with
reddish pollen a serpent thirsting for nectar decorated the moon. Then Vasiha gave the
direction and the Bride and Bridegroom sat together on the same seat. (15)
U0 r r rf fa
a f f f a a= +
f r sr r fr r t r
f rfa f fra r n r+ {+
a r; f r r r rf
rzt >ratfa sfr f ; rf +
a -r r n t rr;
tfa tfa a f r rf af ;+ +
rt rr fnt f frf rf
r a t-t rf f ff rf +
f r >ratfa rf f n rnt
r ; ff fa = t srnt+ -+
= ff t f f t
fa ar rf n t+
t - z rt
t s rfs tr f fa frt+ +
Cha.:baihe barsana rmu jnaki mudita mana dasarathu bhae,
tanu pulaka puni puni dekhi apane sukta surataru phala nae.
bhari bhuvana rah uchhu rma bibhu bh sabah

kehi bh

ti barani sirta rasan eka yahu magalu mah.1.

taba janaka pi basiha yasu byha sja sa vri kai,
mav rutakrati uramil kua ri la

ha kri kai.
kusaketu kany prathama jo guna sla sukha sobhma,
saba rti prti sameta kari so byhi npa bharatahi da.2.
jnak laghu bhagin sakala sudari siromani jni kai,
so tanaya dnh byhi lakhanahi sakala bidhi sanamni kai.
jehi nmu rutakrati sulocani sumukhi saba guna gar,
so da ripusudanahi bhupati rupa sla ujgar.3.
anur upa bara dulahini paraspara lakhi sakuca hiya haraah

saba mudita sudarat sarhahi

sumana sura gana baraah


sudara baranha saha saba eka maapa rjah

janu jva ura criu avasth bibhuna sahita birjah

r Rma and Princess Jnak sat together on a costly seat and King Daaratha
was glad of heart to see them. Joy thrilled along his veins again and again as he perceived
the wish-yielding tree of his meritorious deeds bear new fruits. There was rejoicing all over
the universe; everyone proclaimed that r Rma's wedding had been accomplished . With
one tongue how could anyone describe in full the joy which knew no bounds? Then,
receiving Vasiha's order, Janaka sent for the other three princesses, Mav, rutakrti
and Urmil, each clad in a bride's attire. The eldest daughter of his younger brother Kuaketu,
who was an embodiment of goodness, virtue, joy and beauty, he gave in marriage to
Bharata after performing every rite with love. Jnak's younger sister (Urmil), whom
he knew to be the crest-jewel of charming girls, Janaka gave in marriage to Lakmaa
with all honour. Finally the bright-eyed and fair-faced princess rutakrti, who was a
mine of all virtues and was well-known for her beauty and amiability, the king gave to
Ripusudana. When each pair of bride and bridegroom saw that they were well-
matched with each others*, they felt shy, but rejoiced in their heart of hearts; everyone
* Rma and Bharata, who had a swarthy complexion were united with St and Mav respectively
(who were both fair in complexion); while Lakmaa and atrughna (who were fair of hue) were married with
Urmil and rutakrti (both of whom were swarthy of complexion).
joyfully applauded the beauty of each pair, while the gods rained down flowers. All the
lovely brides with their handsome bridegrooms shone forth in the same pavilion as it the
faer states (wadeing, sreaming, soe slelp the state) alary with their fore lard (visva Tajas
prasya and Brahme) are e within the seva. (14)
0fa fa a - a frf
r fr f f- fa rf+ -~+
Do.: mudita avadhapati sakala suta badhunha sameta nihri,
janu pe mahipla mani kriyanha sahita phala cri.325.
The king of Ayodhy was delighted to see his four sons with their brides, as though
that jewel of monarchs had realized the four ends of life, (viz., worldly riches,
religious merit, sensuous enjoyment and Liberation) alongwith the four processes of their
realization (viz., sacrificial performances, piety, practice of Yoga and spiritual exercise).
0f rrt r ff t r af t+
f r; r; t r f z t+ {+
ffr r rfa rfa r r+
n an r = rt a rr t+ +
ta f ff r f r; rf f- r+
rr rf fr t- fa r+ -+
t- rf- r f rr sr r rf rr+
a rf rt r ra rt+ +
Cau.: jasi raghubra byha bidhi baran, sakala kua ra byhe tehi

kahi na ji kachu dija bhur, rah kanaka mani maapu pur.1.
kabala basana bicitra paore, bh

ti bh

ti bahu mola na thore.

gaja ratha turaga dsa aru ds, dhenu alakta kmaduh s.2.
bastu aneka karia kimi lekh, kahi na ji jnahi

jinha dekh.
lokapla avaloki sihne, lnha avadhapati sabu sukhu mne.3.
dnha jcakanhi jo jehi bhv, ubar so janavsehi

taba kara jori janaku mdu bn, bole saba barta sanamn.4.
All the other princes were married according to the same rites as have been
described in the case of r Rmas marriage. The richness of the dowry was beyond
description; the whole pavilion was packed with gold and jewels. There were a number
of shawls, linen and silk of various colours and designs and of immense value, elephants,
chariots, horses, men-servants and maid-servants and cows adorned
with ornaments and vying with the cow of plenty and many other things which were
more than one could count and defied description. They alone who saw the dowry
could have some idea of it; even the guardians of the different realms regarded it with
envy. The king of Ayodhy gladly accepted it all and gave to the beggars whatever
they liked; only that which was left was taken to the lodgings of the bridegroom's party.
Then with joined palms Janaka honoured the whole bridegroom's party and spoke in
gentle tones. (14)
U0rf ra r r f zr;
fa r f f zr; +
f= r; r; a f
r ra rs f f ar f f+ {+
rf rf a rr r
r r rf t r r+
r r z ff
f r r a rf f n + +
rfr frfr f rft =r ;
r fr rf a tvr ;+
f r r ff t f
f rfa f fat t f f+ -+
rr n ff rs rf
t f f n a +
a t n nr a t r r;
ff- fa f t r rr; + +
Cha.:sanamni sakala barta dara dna binaya baRi kai,
pramudita mah muni bda bade puji prema laRi kai.
siru ni deva mani saba sana kahata kara sapua kie ,
sura sdhu chata bhu sidhu ki toa jala ajali die .1.
kara jori janaku bahori badhu sameta kosalarya so ,
bole manohara bayana sni saneha sla subhya so .
sabadha rjana rvare hama baRe aba saba bidhi bhae,
ehi rja sja sameta sevaka jnibe binu gatha lae.2.
e drik paricrik kari plib

karun na,
apardhu chamibo boli pahae bahuta hau hyo ka.
puni bhnukulabh uana sakala sanamna nidhi samadh kie,
kahi jti nahi

binat paraspara prema paripurana hie.3.

bdrak gana sumana barisahi

ru janavsehi cale,
dudubh jaya dhuni beda dhuni nabha nagara kautuhala bhale.
taba sakh

magala gna karata munsa yasu pi kai,

dulaha dulahininha sahita sudari cal

kohabara lyi kai.4.

Having honoured the whole bridegroom's party with courtesy, gifts, supplication and
compliments, King Janaka joyfully paid his homage to and greeted the great sages after
bestowing his loving attention on them. Bowing his head and invoking the gods he
addressed them all with joined palms, "Gods and holy men seek one's love alone; can
the ocean be propitiated by offering as much water as can be held within one's palms?"
Again, with joined palms Janaka and his younger brother (Kuaketu) submitted to the
King of Kosala in winning words full of affection, courtesy and sincerity, "By our
connection with you, O king, we have now been exalted in every respect; alongwith this
kingdom and all that we possess, pray, look upon us both as your slaves purchased
without any consideration. Taking these girls as your hand-maidens foster them with
your unremitting kindness. Pardon me my offence; it was too presumptuous on my part
to have called you here." The ornament of the solar race, King Daaratha, in his turn
flooded the bride's father with all kinds of honour. The courtesy they showed to each
other was past all telling; for their hearts overflowed with love. Hosts of gods rained down
flowers and King Daaratha proceeded to the palace where he and his party had been
lodged amidst the crash of kettledrums, voces of victory and the chanting of Vedic texts.
There was much rejoicing both in the heavens and in the city. Then, receiving orders from
the chief of sages, Vasiha, the lovely companions of the brides conducted them
alongwith the bridegrooms to the apartment where the guardian deities of the family, had
been installed for worship during the wedding days. (14)
0 f f rf fa f fa
a r t f fr + -+
Do.: puni puni rmahi citava siya sakucati manu sakucai na,
harata manohara mna chabi prema pise naina.326.
Again and again did St gaze on r Rma and shrink out of modesty; her heart
however, refused to shrink. Her charming eyes, athirst with love, outshone the fish.(326)
0tr t= r r rr rf r r+
r a r f a f- r+ {+
ta ta r rat fa r f rff rat+
fff f r r r fr f + +
ta s rf ; fr rf fa ;+
ra r r r s ra s r+ -+
f sr rrrat rf- n f rat+
z rr frr+ +
f r rr r fa =far frr+
ra = r r n ar f nr+ ~+
Cau.: syma sarru subhya suhvana, sobh koi manoja lajvana.
jvaka juta pada kamala suhe, muni mana madhupa rahata jinha che.1.
pta punta manohara dhot, harati bla rabi dmini jot.
kala kikini kai sutra manohara, bhu bisla bibhuana sudara.2.
pta janeu mahchabi de, kara mudrik cori citu le.
sohata byha sja saba sje, ura yata urabhuana rje.3.
piara uparan kkhsot, duhu

caranhi lage mani mot.

nayana kamala kala kuala kn, badanu sakala saudarja nidhn.4.
sudara bhkui manohara ns, bhla tilaku rucirat nivs.
sohata mauru manohara mthe, magalamaya mukut mani gthe.5.
Rma's swarthy form was naturally graceful; His beauty put to shame millions of
Cupids. Dyed with red lac, His lotus-feet, which ever attracted the bee-like minds of
sages, looked most lovely. His sacred and charming yellow loin-cloth outshone the rising
sun as well as the lightning. The girdle round His waist together with the sweet-sounding
small bells was soul-enchanting; His long arms were adorned with beautiful ornaments.
The yellow sacred thread greatly enhanced His charm; while the ring on His finger would
ravish all hearts. Beautified with all sorts of wedding adornments He looked most
charming; His broad chest was adorned with appropriate ornaments. He had a yellow
scarf with fringes of pearls and gems slung partly under His right armpit and partly
across His left shoulder. He had a pair of lotus-like eyes and beautiful pendants dangling
from the lobes of his ears; while His countenance was a storehouse of all comeliness.
He had lovely eyebrows and a charming nose; while the sacred mark on His forehead
was an abode of loveliness. And His head was adorned with a beautiful wedding crown
which had auspicious pearls and gems strung together and woven into it. (15)
0 nr rf n fa rt
rf t f frf fa art+
f rf rfa f n nrt
ff a rn f rt+ {+
rf r f rff- r;
fa tfa f tfa rnt n nr; +
f nf fr rf t r
fr r fr - r + +
f rf f ffa fa =fr t
rfa t frf f rt+
a fr r r; f rf t
f t r; rf t+ -+
af f t a n r r
f= f rt r= rvr fa t r+
rnt fq t frf f t
f f f f r t+ +
Cha.: gthe mahmani maura majula aga saba cita corah

pura nri sura sudar

barahi biloki saba tina torah

mani basana bhuana vri rati karahi

magala gvah

sura sumana barisahi

s uta mgadha badi sujasu sunvah


ne kua ra kua ri susininha sukha pi kai,

ati prti laukika rti lg

karana magala gi kai.

lahakauri gauri sikhva rmahi sya sana srada kahai

ranivsu hsa bilsa rasa basa janma ko phalu saba lahai

nija pni mani mahu dekhiati murati surupanidhna k,
clati na bhujaball bilokani biraha bhaya basa jnak.
kautuka binoda pramodu premu na ji kahi jnahi


bara kua ri sudara sakala sakh

lavi janavsehi cal

tehi samaya sunia assa jaha taha nagara nabha na du mah,
ciru jiahu jor

cru cryo mudita mana sabah

jogdra siddha munsa deva biloki prabhu dudubhi han,
cale harai barai prasuna nija nija loka jaya jaya jaya bhan.4.
Precious gems had been strung together and woven into the lovely wedding crown
and each of His limbs ravished the heart. At the sight of the bridegroom (r Rma) the
women of the city as well as pretty celestial ladies all tore blades of grass (in order to avert
the evil eye). After scattering about Him gems, raiment and ornaments they waved lights
around Him and sang festal songs. The gods rained down flowers; while bards, panegyrists
and rhapsodists uttered His praises. Married women, whose husbands were alive, happily
brought the brides and bridegrooms to the apartment reserved for the tutelary deities, and
with festal songs they most lovingly began to perform customary rites. Goddess Gaur
Herself taught Rma how to offer a morsel of food to St; while rad urged St to do
likewise with Rma. The whole gynaeceum was absorbed in the delight of merry-making;
everyone enjoyed the fruit of her birth. In the gems on Her hand Jnak saw the reflection
of r Rma, the repository of beauty; hence She dared not move Her arm or eyes for fear
of losing sight of Him. The rapture and love that characterized the gaiety and mirth of the
occasion surpassed all telling; St's companions alone knew them. They escorted all the
four charming couples to the palace assigned to King Daaratha and his party. At that
moment blessings might be heard on all sides and there was great exultation in the city as
well as in the heavens. Everyone exclaimed with a delighted heart, "Long live the four
lovely couples!" Great Yogs, Siddhas, eminent sages and divinities sounded their kettledrums
on beholding the Lord; and raining down flowers and crying "Victory, victory, victory" they
gladly returned, each to his own realm. (14)
0fa f- a r fa r
rr n r f sns r+ -+
Do.: sahita badhuinha kua ra saba taba e pitu psa,
sobh magala moda bhari umageu janu janavsa.327.
Then all the four princes with their brides approached their father. It appeared
at that time as if the lodgings of the bridegroom's party overflowed with beauty, felicity
and joy. (327)
0f r ; rat rr; rat+
a rz r a- a n fr r+ {+
r r r rrn t- r+
r fa r t r; f r+ +
f r r z nr+
atfs r; r rt r f rt+ -+
r sfa f t- rf rt t-+
r n r t f r r+ +
Cau.: puni jevanra bha bahu bh

t, pahae janaka boli bart.

parata p

vaRe basana an up, sutanha sameta gavana kiyo bhup.1.

sdara saba ke pya pakhre, jathjogu pRhanha baihre.
dhoe janaka avadhapati caran, slu sanehu ji nahi

bahuri rma pada pakaja dhoe, je hara hdaya kamala mahu goe.
tniu bhi rma sama jn, dhoe carana janaka nija pn.3.
sana ucita sabahi npa dnhe, boli supakr saba lnhe.
sdara lage parana panavre, kanaka kla mani pna sa vre.4.
Then there was a banquet with a rich variety of dishes, to which Janaka invited
all the members of the bridegroom's party. Carpets of incomparable beauty were spread
on the way as King Daaratha sallied forth with his sons. The feet of all were reverently
washed and then they were seated on wooden seats according to their rank. Janaka
laved the feet of Daaratha, King of Ayodhy; his courtesy and affection were past
telling. He then bathed r Rma's lotus-feet, that are enshrined in the lotus-like heart
of iva. Similarly he washed with his own hands the feet of the other three brothers also,
treating them on a par with r Rma. King Janaka assigned an appropriarte seat to each
guest and sent for all the cooks (for service). Leaves joined together so as to serve for
plates were set before the guests with due reverenceleaves which were made of
precious stones and had been joined with gold pins. (14)
0r t f tr ta
=f n a r fta+ -c+
Do.: supodana surabh sarapi sudara svdu punta,
chana mahu saba ke parusi ge catura sura binta.328.
Clever and polite cooks passed round, and in a trice they served all with curry and
boiled rice mixed with clarified butter extracted from cows' milk, all of which were
pleasing and delicious and had been cooked with purity. (328)
0 f rn nrf nr f fa rn+
rfa r r f f rf r+ {+
= n r rr f ff r r rr+
rf rfa r ff nr; ff f r;+ +
=f f rat nfa rat+
a f f nrt r = = rt+ -+
rf nrf frr a rs f fa rr+
f ff t r t-r r fa r t-r+ +
Cau.: paca kavala kari jevana lge, gri gna suni ati anurge.

ti aneka pare pakavne, sudh sarisa nahi


parusana lage sura sujn, bijana bibidha nma ko jn.
cri bh

ti bhojana bidhi g, eka eka bidhi barani na j.2.

charasa rucira bijana bahu jt, eka eka rasa aganita bh

jeva ta dehi

madhura dhuni gr, lai lai nma purua aru nr.3.

samaya suhvani gri birj, ha sata ru suni sahita samj.
ehi bidhi sabah

bhojanu knh, dara sahita camanu dnh.4.

Taking the five initial morsels as an oblation for the five vital airs the guests
commenced dining, and were enraptured to hear songs full of raillery. Confections of
various kinds, sweets as ambrosia and more delicious than one could describe, were
served to them. Expert cooks then began to serve a variety of seasoned articles which
were too numerous to be named. Of the four categories of food mentioned in the
scriptures (viz., 1. that which can be directly swallowed, 2. that which must be
masticated before it can be gulped, 3. that which can be licked with the tongue and
4. that which can be sucked) each comprised an indescribable variety of dishes.
Similarly there were seasoned dishes of various kinds, having six different flavours, each
flavour being exhibited in numberless varieties. As the dinner was in progress, women
railed in melodious strains at men and women both, mentioning each by name. Even
raillery at an opportune time is agreeable and welcome; King Daaratha and his whole
party felt amused to hear it. In this way the whole party dined and in the end they were
all reverently supplied with water to rinse their mouth with. (14)
0; r fa r
rf n fa far+ -+
Do.: dei pna puje janaka dasarathu sahita samja,
janavsehi gavane mudita sakala bhupa siratja.329.
Offering betel-leaves in due form, Janaka paid his homage to King Daaratha and
his company; and the crown of all monarchs, Daaratha, retired to his own apartments
with a cheerful heart. (329)
0fa a n rt ff f f rff rt+
z r faf rn r n n nr rn+ {+
f - ar ff f ra r ar+
rafr f n n= rt r r rt+ +
f r r rt r fnr f rt+
art r frr s r rr+ -+
f rr; nrr; rfa r;+
f n f fr zr; f f rr;+ +
Cau.: nita nutana magala pura mh

, nimia sarisa dina jmini jh

baRe bhora bhupatimani jge, jcaka guna gana gvana lge.1.
dekhi kua ra bara badhunha samet, kimi kahi jta modu mana jet.
prtakriy kari ge guru ph

, mah pramodu premu mana mh

kari pranmu puj kara jor, bole gir amia janu bor.
tumhar kp

sunahu munirj, bhayau ju mai

p uranakj.3.
aba saba bipra boli gos

, dehu dhenu saba bh

ti ban

suni gura kari mahipla baR, puni pahae muni bda bol.4.
Everyday there was a new festival in the city; days and nights passed like a
moment. The jewel of king, Daaratha, woke up at a very early hour; and mendicants
began to sing his praises. As he gazed upon the princes with their beautiful brides, the
rapture of his soul was beyond all telling. Having finished his morning routine he called
on his Guru with a heart full of exultation and love. Making obeisance to him and paying
him his homage the king with joined palms addressed him in a voice steeped as it were
in nectar, "Listen, O chief of sages: by your grace I have realized all my ambitions today.
Now summoning all the Brhmaas, O holy sir, present them with cows adorned in
everyway." On hearing these words the preceptor applauded the king and then sent for
the troops of sages. (14)
0rs = ff rtf rrf
r f f a frf arf+ --+
Do.: bmadeu aru devarii blamki jbli,
e munibara nikara taba kausikdi tapasli.330.
Then came Vmadeva, the celestial sage Nrada, Vlmki, Jbli, Vivmitra and
hosts of other great sages given to austerities. (330)
0z r f t- f r t-+
rf - nr; rf t r;+ {+
ff a t-t fa f f- t-t+
a f ff r s r nt r+ +
r; t t r f rf f r r+
f n t f fr =f f+ -+
a nra n nrr f rr+
f ff r fr sr ; f r+ +
Cau.: daa pranma sabahi npa knhe, puji saprema barsana dnhe.
cri laccha bara dhenu mag

, kmasurabhi sama sla suh

saba bidhi sakala alakta knh

, mudita mahipa mahidevanha dnh.

karata binaya bahu bidhi naranhu, laheu ju jaga jvana lh u.2.
pi assa mahsu anad, lie boli puni jcaka bd.
kanaka basana mani haya gayasyadana, die b ujhi ruci rabikulanadana.3.
cale paRhata gvata guna gth, jaya jaya jaya dinakara kula nth.
ehi bidhi rma biha uchhu, sakai na barani sahasa mukha jhu.4.
The king threw himself upon the ground before them all and worshipping them with
love offered them seats of honour. Next he sent for four lakhs of cows, all as gentle and
beautiful as the cow of plenty; and adorning them all in every possible way he gladly
bestowed them upon the Brhmaas. The king supplicated them in many ways and said,
"It is only today that I have attained the fruit of my existence." The delight of the solar
race was glad to receive their blessings and then sent for beggars and bestowed on
them, according to their liking, gold, wearing apparel, jewels, horses, elephants and
chariots. Singing the king's praises and saying, "Glory, glory, all glory to the lord of the
solar race!" they all went away. In this way the rejoicing in connection with r Rma's
wedding was more than the thousand-mouthed serpent-king could tell. (14)
0r r f t r; rs
fr a r r- rs+ --{+
Do.: bra bra kausika carana ssu ni kaha ru,
yaha sabu sukhu munirja tava kp kaccha pasu.331.
Again and again the king bowed his head at the feet of Kauika and said, "All this
joy, O chief of sages, is a gift of your gracious looks." (331)
0 t aat rfa r fat+
f sf fr fa rnr rf fa rnr+ {+
fa a r= fr; f fa rfa r;+
fa n sr n rr; r+ +
a f ta f r at rat+
f ar a r; r f f rr;+ -+
r uf rfz +
f r f f rr f t t fa- r+ +
Cau.: janaka sanehu slu karat ut, npu saba bh

ti sarha bibh ut.

dina uhi bid avadhapati mg, rkhahi

janaku sahita anurg.1.

nita nutana daru adhik, dina prati sahasa bh

ti pahun.
nita nava nagara anada uchh u, dasaratha gavanu sohi na khu.2.
bahuta divasa bte ehi bh

t, janu saneha raju ba dhe bart.

kausika satnada taba j, kah bideha npahi samujh.3.
aba dasaratha kaha yasu dehu, jadyapi chRi na sakahu sanehu.

ntha kahi saciva bole, kahi jaya jva ssa tinha ne.4.
King Daaratha extolled in everyway Janaka's affection, amiability, affluence and
doings. Every morning the King of Ayodhy asked leave to return home; but each time
Janaka would lovingly detain him. The royal guest received greater and enhanced
attentions from day to day and was entertained in a thousand ways each day. The city
witnessed a new rejoicing and festivity everyday; no one liked Daaratha's departure. In
this way a number of days passed, as though members of the bridegrooms' party were
tied by cords of love. The sages Kauika and atnanda then called on King Videha and
advised him saying, "Now you must let Dearatha go, even though you may not be able
to part with him out of love." Very well, my lord", replied the king, and sent for his
ministers, who came and bowed their heads saying, "May you be victorious, may you
live long!" (14)
0r ra ta rs
f f f r rs+ --+
Do.: avadhanthu chata calana bhtara karahu janu,
bhae premabasa saciva suni bipra sabhsada ru.332.
"The King of Ayodhy longs to depart: make this known in the gynaeceum." At
these words the ministers, Brhmaas, courtiers as well as the king himself were
overwhelmed with emotion. (332)
0rt f ff rar ra f t rar+
- n f fr rr f r+ {+
ra rat a a fq r rat+
ff rfa r rr r r r; rr+ +
f f r rr ; rr+
an r tr r = tr+ -+
-r f r f-f f ff r+
f f f rr ft ta ff rr+ +
Cau.: purabs suni calihi bart, bujhata bikala paraspara bt.
satya gavanu suni saba bilakhne, manahu s

jha sarasija sakucne.1.

jaha jaha vata base bart, taha taha siddha cal bahu bh

bibidha bh

ti mev pakavn, bhojana sju na ji bakhn.2.

bhari bhari basaha apra kahr, paha

janaka aneka susr.

turaga lkha ratha sahasa pacs, sakala sa vre nakha aru ss.3.
matta sahasa dasa sidhura sje, jinhahi dekhi disikujara lje.
kanaka basana mani bhari bhari jn, mahi

dhenu bastu bidhi nn.4.

When the people of the city heard that the bridegrooms' party was leaving, they
anxiously asked one another if it were a fact. When they learnt that the departure of the
guests was certain, they were all sad in the same way as lotuses get shrivelled up in
the evening. Provisions of various kinds were sent to all those places where the
bridegrooms' party had halted while coming from Ayodhy. Dry fruits and confections of
all kinds and other articles of food too numerous to be mentioned were sent by Janaka
on the back of oxen and through numberless porters alongwith a number of beautiful
bedsteads. He also sent 1,00,000 horses and 25,000 chariots, all decorated from top
to bottom, 10,000 adorned elephants in rut, that put to shame the elephants guarding the
eight quarters, besides cartloads of gold, wearing apparel and jewels and even so she-
buffaloes, cows and many other articles of various kinds. (14)
0r; fa f f t- f rf
r ra rfa r r rf+ ---+
Do.: dija amita na sakia kahi dnha bideha bahori,
jo avalokata lokapati loka sapad thori.333.
In this way King Videha gave once more a dowry which was immeasurable and
beyond all telling, and before which the wealth possessed by the lords of the different
worlds looked small. (333)
0 r f rfa r; t- r;+
ff ra a rt f tn rr rt+ {+
f f t nr f t ; t fr t+
r aa ff frt f= fra t rt+ +
r n r fa = f r +
fa t rt rf ff rt+ -+
r f rr; rf- r r s r;+
f f f art f ff t a rt+ +
Cau.: sabu samju ehi bh

ti ban, janaka avadhapura dnha pah.

calihi barta sunata saba rn

, bikala mnagana janu laghu pn.1.

puni puni sya goda kari leh, dei assa sikhvanu deh

hoehu satata piyahi pir, ciru ahibta assa hamr.2.
ssu sasura gura sev karehu, pati rukha lakhi yasu anusarehu.
ati saneha basa sakh

sayn, nri dharama sikhavahi

mdu bn.3.
sdara sakala kua ri samujh

, rninha bra bra ura l

bahuri bahuri bheahi


, kahahi

biraci rac

kata nr

Having got all the equipage arranged in the order mentioned above, Janaka had
everything despatched to Ayodhy. When the queens heard that the bridegrooms' party
was about to start, they all felt miserable even as fish when faced with shortage of water.
Again and again they took St in their lap and blessed and exhorted her in the following
words: "May you be ever beloved of your lord, and may you live long with him: this is
our blessing. Serve the parents of your husband and other elders and do the bidding of
your lord according to his pleasure." In their excess of love St's clever companions too
taught her the duties of a housewife in soft accents. The queens politely admonished all
the other princesses too and clasped them to their bosom again and again; and as the
mothers embraced their daughters time and again, they exclaimed, "Why did Brahm ever
create a woman?" (14)
0af r;- fa r r a
f fa fr r a+ --+
Do.: tehi avasara bhinha sahita rmu bhnu kula ketu,
cale janaka madira mudita bid karvana hetu.334.
That very moment did Rma, the chief of the solar race, gladly proceeded
alongwith His brothers to Janakas palace to take the brides along with them. (334)
0rfs r; r r n rf r+
rs a f r t- f fr r+ {+
f = frt f r a rt+
r r f a rt faf t- ff rt+ +
t ff r fr a= r+
r rt f ;- a+ -+
ff r rr s f f fa f +
f ff f ar n r far+ +
Cau.: criu bhi subhya suhe, nagara nri nara dekhana dhe.
kou kaha calana cahata hahi

ju, knha bideha bid kara sju.1.

lehu nayana bhari rupa nihr, priya phune bhupa suta cr.
ko jnai kehi

sukta sayn, nayana atithi knhe bidhi n.2.

maranaslu jimi pva piu, surataru lahai janama kara bhukh.
pva nrak haripadu jaise , inha kara darasanu hama kaha taise .3.
nirakhi rma sobh ura dharahu, nija mana phani murati mani karahu.
ehi bidhi sabahi nayana phalu det, gae kua ra saba rja niket.4.
The people of the city, both men and women, ran to see the four brothers, who
were naturally lovely. Said one, "They intend leaving today; King Videha has made all
arrangements for their farewell. So let your eyes drink in their beauty; the four princes
have been our most welcome guests. Who knows, friend, what virtuous deed we have
perfomed, in return for which Providence has unexpectedly brought them before our
eyes? Even as a dying man should stumble on nectar or he who has been starving all
his life should be able to discover a wish-yielding tree or as one of the damned in hell
should attain to the abode of r Hari, even so have we been blessed with their sight.
Gaze on r Rma's beauty and treasure it in your heart; let your mind fondly cherish
His image even as a serpent loves the gem in its hood." Thus delighting the eyes of all,
the four princes went to the royal palace. (14)
0= f f f sr fr
f frf rat r fa r+ --~+
Do.: rupa sidhu saba badhu lakhi harai uh ranivsu,

nichvari rat mah mudita mana ssu.335.

The ladies of the gynaeceum were transported with joy to behold the four brothers,
who were oceans of beauty as it were, and the mothers-in-law in their ecstatic mood
scattered gift and waved lights about the bridegrooms. (335)
0f r f fa rnt f f f rnt+
t r tfa s r; f ff r;+ {+
r;- fa sf -r fa a r+
r r = rt t rt+ +
rs a fr fr r ;r r+
ra fa r r rf fa + -+
a fs fr rf f r+
z nr; f t-t fa- f fat fa t-t+ +
Cau.: dekhi rma chabi ati anurg

, premabibasa puni puni pada lg

rah na lja prti ura ch, sahaja sanehu barani kimi j.1.
bhinha sahita ubai anhave, charasa asana ati hetu jev

bole rmu suavasaru jn, sla saneha sakucamaya bn.2.
ru avadhapura cahata sidhe, bid hona hama ih

mtu mudita mana yasu dehu, blaka jni karaba nita nehu.3.
sunata bacana bilakheu ranivsu, boli na sakahi

premabasa ssu.
hdaya lagi kua ri saba lnh, patinha sau pi binat ati knh.4.
Greatly moved at the sight of r Rma's beauty they affectionately fell at His feet
again and again. Their heart being rapt in love, the feeling of shyness had bid them adieu;
how could their natural affection for their sons-in-law be described? After anointing the
body of r Rma and His brothers with urguent they were given a bath and were most
lovingly entertained with dishes containing the six flavours. Finding it a suitable opportunity
r Rma spoke in accents full of amiability, affection and modesty. Our royal father
intends leaving for Ayodhy, and has sent us here to take leave of you. Therefore,
mothers, grant us permission with a cheerful mind and ever regard us with affection as
your own children." The ladies of the gynaeceum were distressed to hear these words;
the mothers-in-law were too overwhelmed with emotion to speak a word. They clasped
all the princesses to their bosom and while giving them to their lords made humble
submission to them. (14)
U0f f f rf t rf f f
f rs ara r ar ffa nfa t +
fr rf rf rf f rft
at t f f ft f rft+
Cha.: kari binaya siya rmahi samarap jori kara puni puni kahai,
bali ju tta sujna tumha kahu bidita gati saba k ahai.
parivra purajana mohi rjahi prnapriya siya jnib,
tulassa slu sanehu lakhi nija kikar kari mnib.
With humble submission Queen Sunayan committed St to Rma, and with
joined palms prayed again and again, "I offer myself as sacrifice to You, my all-wise
darling; You know what passes in the mind of all. May you know that St is dear as life
itself to the whole family, nay, to the entire population of the city, much more to me and
to her royal father. Therefore, considering her meekness and affection, O Lord of Tulas,
treat her as Your maid-servant.
0ar f r r frf rf
n nr r r =ra+ --+
So.: tumha paripurana kma jna siromani bhvapriya,
jana guna ghaka rma doa dalana karunyatana.336.
"You have Your desires ever fulfilled, You are the crest-jewel of the wise; and it
is love alone that attracts You. You perceive only the good points of Your devotees; You
eradicate their weaknesses and are an abode of mercy, Rma!" (336)
0 f t nf rt fnr rt+
f rt rt ff r r rt+ {+
r fr rna rt t- r rf rt+
r; t f f= r; r;- fa rrr;+ +
fa s rt ; ff rt+
f t f f rt r r f art+ -+
rf ff ff rt t t tfa rt+
f f fa f- fnr; r - ff r;+ +
Cau.: asa kahi rah carana gahi rn, prema paka janu gir samn.
suni sanehasn bara bn, bahubidhi rma ssu sanamn.1.
rma bid mgata kara jor, knha pranmu bahori bahor.
pi assa bahuri siru n, bhinha sahita cale raghur.2.
maju madhura murati ura n, bha

saneha sithila saba rn.

puni dhraju dhari kua ri ha kr

, bra bra bheahi


pahu cvahi

phiri milahi

bahor, baRh paraspara prti na thor.

puni puni milata sakhinha bilag, bla baccha jimi dhenu lav.4.
So saying the queen remained clinging to His feet; it seemed as if her speech had
been lost in the quicksands of love. On hearing her fine speech, which was full of
affection, r Rma honoured His mother-in-law in ways more than one. While seeking
her permission with joined palms He made obeisance to her again and again. Having
received her blessings the Lord of Raghus bowed His head once more and then
departed with His brothers. Treasuring up in their heart r Rma's lovely and beautiful
image all the queens were overcome with emotion. Then, recovering themselves, they
called their daughters and embraced them again and again. They escorted them to some
distance and then embraced them once more; the love on both sides swelled to a
considerable extent. While meeting their daughters again and again they were parted by
the companions of the princesses even as a cow who has just brought forth a calf may
be parted from the latter. (14)
0f rf f- fa fr
r t- f =r f fr+ --+
Do.: premabibasa nara nri saba sakhinha sahita ranivsu,
mnahu knha bidehapura karun

biraha nivsu.337.
All men and women including the companions of the princesses and the ladies
of the gynaeceum were overpowered by emotion; it seemed as if pathos and the parting
of lovers had taken up their abode in the capital of the Videhas. (337)
0 rfr rt r ff- rf r+
r f r t f t f; t+ {+
f n n f r at r f rat+
a a r sfn r r+ +
t frf tar rnt ra frnt+
tf- r s r; rt ft rr r t+ -+
rra f r t- fr= r+
rf r ar s r; f rt nr;+ +
Cau.: suka srik jnak jye, kanaka pijaranhi rkhi paRhe.
bykula kahahi


baideh, suni dhraju pariharai na keh.1.

bhae bikala khaga mga ehi bh

t, manuja das kaise kahi jt.

badhu sameta janaku taba e, prema umagi locana jala che.2.
sya biloki dhrat bhg, rahe kahvata parama birg.
lnhi rya ura li jnak, mi mahmarajda gyna k.3.
samujhvata saba saciva sayne, knha bicru na avasara jne.

bra sut ura l

, saji sudara plak


The parrots and mainas who had been reared by Princess Jnak and having been
kept in cages of gold had been taught to speak, cried in distress, "Where is Videha's
daughter?" On hearing their wail who would have the patience to stand the sight? When
birds and beasts were distressed in this way, how can one depict the feelings of the
human beeing. Then came King Janaka with his younger brother (Kuadhvaja); due to
excess of emotion tears rushed to his eyes. Although he was reputed to be a man of
supreme dispassion, his strength of mind took leave of him the moment he gazed on St.
The king clasped Jnak to his bosom and the great embankment of wisdom toppled
down. All his wise counsellors admonished him; and realizing that it was no occasion for
wailing, the king recovered himself. Again and again he pressed his daughters to his
bosom and ordered beautiful and well-equipped palanquins to be brought. (14)
0f fr= rf n
f r; rf- f ffq n+ --c+
Do.: premabibasa parivru sabu jni sulagana naresa,
kua ri caRh

plakinha sumire siddhi ganesa.338.

The whole family was overwhelmed with emotion; yet, perceiving that the auspicious
moment had arrived the king invoked Lord Gaea and His consort, Siddhi, and helped
the princesses to ascend the palanquins. (338)
0ff ar rr; rf tfa fr;+
rt r f a f f f + {+
t a r rt rf n n rt+
f a rr n r rr+ +
frf r r n rf rfa- r+
f rf t- r r f t-+ -+
r f f tr fa tfa r; tr+
ff nr t- rr n n rr+ +
Cau.: bahubidhi bhupa sut samujh

, nridharamu kularti sikh


dsa die bahutere, suci sevaka je priya siya kere.1.

sya calata bykula purabs, hohi

saguna subha magala rs.

bhusura saciva sameta samj, saga cale pahu cvana rj.2.
samaya biloki bjane bje, ratha gaja bji bartinha sje.
dasaratha bipra boli saba lnhe, dna mna paripurana knhe.3.
carana saroja dhuri dhari ss, mudita mahpati pi ass.
sumiri gajnanu knha payn, magalamula saguna bhae nn.4.
King Janaka admonished his daughters in various ways more than one, and
instructed them in the duties of a woman as well as in family customs. He bestowed upon
St a good many men-servants and maid-servants who had been her trusted and
favourite attendants. As She proceeded on Her journey the citizens felt miserable; while
good omens, which were all fountains of blessings, appeared. Accompanied by a crowd
of Brhmaas and his counsellors the king himself followed his daughters to escort them.
When it was found that the time of departure had come, music began to play and the
members of the bridegrooms' party made ready their chariots, elephants and horses.
King Daaratha sent to all the Brhmaas and sated them with gifts and courtesy. The
king placed the dust of their lotus-feet on his head and was glad to receive their
benediction. Invoking the elephant-headed Gaea he set out on his journey, when many
good omens, which were the roots of felicity, occurred. (14)
0 f f f r nr
fa fa r; fr+ --+
Do.: sura prasuna baraahi

harai karahi

apachar gna,
cale avadhapati avadhapura mudita baji nisna.339.
The gods gladly rained down flowers and heavenly nymphs sang, as the lord of
Ayodhy joyfully set forth for his capital amidst the clash of kettledrums. (339)
0 f f r r rn +
rf n t- rf r t-+ {+
r r ffrf rt f rf s rt+
f f rfa t f t+ +
f fa r ff t f fz r+
rs rf saf r r fr r+ -+
a f r rt r rt+
ff f r; rr rf tf- zr;+ +
Cau.: npa kari binaya mahjana phere, sdara sakala mgane ere.
bhuana basana bji gaja dnhe, prema poi hRhe saba knhe.1.
bra bra biridvali bh, phire sakala rmahi ura rkh.
bahuri bahuri kosalapati kahah

, janaku premabasa phirai na cahah

puni kaha bhupati bacana suhe, phiria mahsa d uri baRi e.
ru bahori utari bhae hRhe, prema prabha bilocana bRhe.3.
taba bideha bole kara jor, bacana saneha sudh

janu bor.
karau kavana bidhi binaya ban, mahrja mohi dnhi baR.4.
King Daaratha politely persuaded the respectable citizens to retire and having
reverently called all the mendicants he bestowed on them ornaments and clothes as well
as horses and elephants and satiating them with love he made them all self-supporting.
Glorifying the king again and again they all returned with r Rma in their heart. The Lord
of Ayodhy importuned King Janaka over and over again; but out of affection for his
relative the latter would not turn back. Once more King Daaratha addressed him in
polite terms, "I beg you to turn back, O king; you have already come far enonsh." At last
King Daaratha got down from his chariot and remained standing, while his eyes overflowed
with torrents of love. Then spoke King Videha with joined palms and in accents imbued
with the nectar of love, "How and in what words should I make my supplication to you?
You have conferred such high honour on me, O great king." (14)
0rfa t r rfa
ff f fa tfa z rfa+ -+
Do.: kosalapati samadh sajana sanamne saba bh

milani parasapara binaya ati prti na hdaya samti.340.
The king of Kosala showed every respect to the father of the bride and his relative,
Janaka. The embrace in which they held each other was characterized by utmost
humility and their heart could not contain the love they felt. (340)
0f zff f= rr rfr f rr+
r f rrar = t n ff rar+ {+
rf = rf r r r+
r f rfa r f r r+ +
f rn rnt f rnt r r ar -rnt+
r zr frt fr fn nrt+ -+
a f r rt af f rt+
fr fn fa f ; r fa r ;+ +
Cau.: muni maalihi janaka siru nv, sirabdu sabahi sana pv.
sdara puni bhe e jmt, rupa sla guna nidhi saba bhrt.1.
jori pakaruha pni suhe, bole bacana prema janu je.
rma karau kehi bh

ti prasas, muni mahesa mana mnasa has.2.


joga jog jehi lg, kohu mohu mamat madu tyg.

bypaku brahmu alakhu abins, cidnadu niraguna gunars.3.
mana sameta jehi jna na bn, taraki na sakahi

sakala anumn.
mahim nigamu neti kahi kaha, jo tihu kla ekarasa raha.4.
King Janaka bowed his head to the throng of sages and received blessings from
them all. Next he reverently embraced his sons-in-law, the four brothers, each a mine
of beauty, amiability and goodness; and joining his graceful lotus hands he spoke in
accents begotten of love as it were, "How can I extol You, O Rma, sporting as You do
in the hearts of sages as well as of the great Lord iva like a swan in the Mnasarovara
lake. That for whose sake Yogs (those given to contemplation) practise Yoga (contemplation)
renouncing anger, infatuation, the feeling of meum and pride, the all-pervading Brahma
(Absolute) who is imperceptible and imperishable, the embodiment of consciousness and
bliss, attributeless and simultaneously possessing divine qualities, who is beyond the ken
of speech and mind, who is past all speculation, but is only inferred by all and who is
the same at all times (14)
0 f r s r ta
; r n t ; + -{+
Do.: nayana biaya mo kahu bhayau so samasta sukha mula,
sabai lbhu jaga jva kaha bhae su anukula.341.
"That souree of all joy has appeared before my eyes! Everything is easy of access
in this world to a living being when God is propitious. (341)
0f rfa rf tf- z r; f rf t- r;+
rf r r f rf f r+ {+
r r rs n nrr f frf rrrr+
s r ar tr f r+ +
r r rns r f f r+
f r r r far+ -+
f f r fa f f r+
fat f a t-t ff f rf t-t+ +
Cau.: sabahi bh

ti mohi dnhi baR, nija jana jni lnha apan.


sahasa dasa srada se, karahi

kalapa koika bhari lekh.1.

mora bhgya rura guna gth, kahi na sirhi

sunahu raghunth.

kachu kahau eka bala more , tumha rjhahu saneha suhi thore .2.
bra bra mgau kara jore , manu pariharai carana jani bhore .
suni bara bacana prema janu poe, puranakma rmu paritoe.3.
kari bara binaya sasura sanamne, pitu kausika basiha sama jne.
binat bahuri bharata sana knh, mili saprem puni sia dnh.4.
"You have exalted me in everyway and accepted me as Your own servant. If there
were ten thousand rads and eas, and if they were to count for millions of Kalpas,
the tale of my good fortune, I tell You, and the record of Your virtues, could not be
exhausted, O Lord of Raghus. I make bold to say something on the strength of my
conviction that You are pleased with the slightest devotion. I repeatedly beseech You
with joined palms that my mind may never be deluded into deserting Your feet." On
hearing these polite words saturated with love r Rma who had all His desires fulfilled,
felt gratified. With the greatest courtesy the latter honoured His father-in-law treating him
on a par with His own father, Kauika or Vasiha. The king then humbly approached
Bharata and embracing him with affection gave him his blessings. (14)
0f ff tf- t t
ff ff rf t+ -+
Do.: mile lakhana ripusudanahi dnhi assa mahsa,
bhae parasapara premabasa phiri phiri nvahi

Next the king embraced and blessed Lakmaa and Ripusudana; overpowered by
emotion they bowed their heads to one another again and again. (342)
0r r f f zr; rrfa n r;+
n f r; f - r;+ {+
t ar n atfa r+
r rfa t a r a t+ +
r rf trt ff a nrt+
tf- f f f f= r; f t rfr r;+ -+
t ra fr r; fa r z r;+
rf ff nr rt r; rf rt+ +
Cau.: bra bra kari binaya baR, raghupati cale saga saba bh.
janaka gahe kausika pada j, carana renu sira nayananha l.1.
sunu munsa bara darasana tore , agamu na kachu pratti mana more .
jo sukhu sujasu lokapati cahah

, karata manoratha sakucata ahah

so sukhu sujasu sulabha mohi svm, saba sidhi tava darasana anugm.
knhi binaya puni puni siru n, phire mahsu si p.3.
cal barta nisna baj, mudita choa baRa saba samud.
rmahi nirakhi grma nara nr, pi nayana phalu hohi

Paying his respectful compliments to Janaka again and again the Lord of
Raghus set out on His journey with His three brothers. Janaka approached Kauika,
clasped his feet and put the dust of the same on his head and eyes. He said, "Listen,
O lord of sages: to him who has been blessed with your sight nothing is unattainable;
such is my marrige party conviction. The joy and the bright renown which the regional
lords of the universe long to have, but feel too diffident to expectsuch a joy and glory
has been brought within my reach; and all achievements follow on seeing you." In these
words King Janaka made humble submission to Vivmitra, bowing his head again and
again, and returned after receiving his blessings. The people started on its return
journey to the sound of kettledrums; all the sections, both big and small, were
transported with joy. Men and women of the villages, as they gazed on r Rma, felt
gratified on realizing the object of their eyes. (14)
0t t r f n rn- a
t ta f t r; a+ --+
Do.: bca bca bara bsa kari maga loganha sukha deta,
avadha sampa punta dina pahu c i janeta.343.
Halting at convenient stages in course of the journey and gladdening the people
on the roadside the marriage procession approached Ayodhy on a sacred day. (343)
0 fr r f f n nr+
rrfr f fzfzt r; rn rf r;+ {+
ra f rar fa rf nrar+
f f r r r r+ +
nt nr fr; a r= r;+
r r= r; rr ar a ar farr+ -+
n f rr r arr+
n n a= a t f rr t+ +
Cau.: hane nisna panava bara bje, bheri sakha dhuni haya gaya gje.

jhi birava iim suh, sarasa rga bjahi

pura jana vata akani bart, mudita sakala pulakvali gt.
nija nija sudara sadanasa vre, ha ba cauhaa pura dvre.2.

sakala aragaj


, jaha taha cauke cru pur

ban bajru na ji bakhn, torana ketu patka bitn.3.
saphala pugaphala kadali rasl, rope bakula kadaba taml.
lage subhaga taru parasatadharan, manimaya labla kala karan.4.
Kettledrums were beaten and good tabors sounded, accompanied by the blast of
sackbuts and conchs, and the neighing of horses and trumpeting of elephants. Similarly
there was a clash of cymbals and drums, while clarionets played sweet tunes. The
citizens were all delighted to hear the procession coming; the hair on their body stood
erect. They all decorated their own beautiful houses as well as the markets, streets,
squares and gates of the city. All the lanes were watered with perfumes; here and there
festal squares were filled in with elegant devices. The bazar was beautified beyond all
description with festal arches, flags, banners and canopies. Trees of the areca-nut, the
plantain, the mango, the Bakula, the Kadamba and the Tamla were transplanted
alongwith their fruit. The beautiful trees thus planted touched the ground (on account of
their being laden with fruits); they had basins of precious stones constructed around
them with exquisite skill. (14)
0ff rfa n n n rf
zr rf frf rr t frf+ -+
Do.: bibidha bh

ti magala kalasa gha gha race sa vri,

sura brahmdi sihhi

saba raghubara pur nihri.344.

Festal vases of various kinds were ranged in order in every house; Brahm and
the other gods were filled with envy to see the birthplace of r Rma (the Chief of
Raghus). (344)
0 af rr r f rr+
n n rar; ff ff r r;+ {+
sr r a f f n r+
a r t rr rf t+ +
ff t rff f f ff frff+
n rat nrf rat+ -+
fa rr r; r; f s r;+
rrf r art f a r frt+ +
Cau.: bhupa bhavanu tehi avasara soh, racan dekhi madana manu moh.
magala saguna manoharat, ridhi sidhi sukha sapad suh.1.
janu uchha saba sahaja suhe, tanu dhari dhari dasaratha gha che.
dekhana hetu rma baideh, kahahu llas hohi na keh.2.
jutha jutha mili cal

susini, nija chabi nidarahi

madana bilsini.
sakala sumagala saje rat, gvahi

janu bahu bea bhrat.3.

bhupati bhavana kolhalu ho, ji na barani samau sukhu so.
kausalydi rma mahatr

, premabibasa tana das bisr

The king's palace looked very charming on that occasion; its decoration captivated
the heart of Cupid himself. It looked as if auspicious omens and loveliness; affluence
and mystic powers, joys and smiling prosperity and all kinds of rejoicings had assumed
a naturally beautiful form and taken their abode in the palace of King Daaratha. Tell me
who would not feel tempted to have a look at r Rma and Videha's Daughter? Married
women, whose husbands were alive, sallied forth in troops, each eclipsing Love's
consort (Rati) by her beauty. They all carried articles of good omen and were equipped
with lights for waving round the bridegrooms. As they moved along singing all the way,
it appeared as if Goddess Bhrat (the goddess of speech) had appeared in so many
forms. The king's palace was full of hilarious tumult; the joy of the occasion was ineffable.
Kausaly and other mothers of r Rma were so overwhelmed with emotion that they
forgot their own body. (14)
0f r f- f f n rf
fa f r; r rf+ -~+
Do.: die dna bipranha bipula puji ganesa purri,
pramudita parama daridra janu pi padratha cri.345.
After worshipping Lord Gaea and the Slayer of the demon Tripura, they
bestowed enormous gifts upon the Brhmaas and were supremely delighted as an
utterly indigent man who had attained the four great prizes of life. (345)
0r r f rar f ff nrar+
r fa fa rnt ff r rnt+ {+
ff fr r r n fa frr r+
f r r r n n r+ +
-a r rr f af frr+
rr r tz r+ -+
n n rf rt n f rt+
t rat a frr fa f n nrr+ +
Cau.: moda pramoda bibasa saba mt, calahi

na carana sithila bhae gt.

rma darasa hita ati anurg

, parichani sju sajana saba lg

bibidha bidhna bjane bje, magala mudita sumitr

harada duba dadhi pallava phul, pna pugaphala magala mul.2.
acchata akura locana lj, majula majari tulasi birj.
chuhe puraa ghaa sahaja suhe, madana sakuna janu nRa bane.3.
saguna sugadha na jhi

bakhn, magala sakala sajahi

saba rn.


bahuta bidhn, mudita karahi

kala magala gn.4.

All the mothers were so overcome with joy and rapture that their feet refused to
walk and all their limbs began to droop as it were. Full of intense longing for a sight of
r Rma they began to get everything ready for the reception of their sons. Music of
every kind started playing, while Sumitr gladly got together articles of good omen such
as turmeric, blades of Durv grass, curds, ordinary leaves, flowers, betel-leaves, areca-
nuts, auspicious roots, unbroken rice, sprouts of barley, Gorocana, parched paddy and
lovely blossoms of the Basil plant. Exceedingly charming gold vases, painted with
various colours, looked like nests built by Cupid's own birds. Auspicious perfumes defied
all description. In this way all the queens prepared all sorts of auspicious articles. They
got ready rows of lights arranged in various devices for waving round their sons and with
a cheerful heart sang melodious festal strains. (14)
0 r f nf- f- f ra
t fa ff rfa nra+ -+
Do.: kanaka thra bhari magalanhi kamala karanhi lie mta,

mudita parichani karana pulaka pallavita gta.346.

Carrying in their lotus hands salvers of gold laden with articles of good omen, the
queen-mothers proceeded joyfully to greet their sons cesemoniously , every limb of their
body throbbing with emotion. (346)
0 r rr rrz +
a= r f r f f+ {+
f fr rf r r+
nf f - rff r= f rff+ +
f f rr nf rrrr r ra r rr+
n f f rt t f rt+ -+
s rf n r t-r rrf t-r+
ff fnfr nrr fa tfa fa rr+ +
Cau.: dhupa dhuma nabhu mecaka bhaya u, svana ghana ghamau janu hayau.
surataru sumana mla sura baraahi

, manahu balka avali manu karaahi

majula manimaya badanivre, manahu pkaripu cpa sa vre.


aanha para bhmini, cru capala janu damakahi

dudubhi dhuni ghana garajani ghor, jcaka ctaka ddura mor.
sura sugadha suci baraahi

br, sukh sakala sasi pura nara nr.3.

samau jni gura yasu dnh, pura prabesu raghukulamani knh.
sumiri sabhu girija ganarj, mudita mahpati sahita samj.4.
The sky became dark with the fumes of burning incense, as though overhung with
the fast gathering clouds of the month of rvaa (August). The gods rained down
wreaths of flowers from the trees of paradise, which looked like rows of herons in their
graceful flight. Lovely festoons made of Jewels looked like rainbows appearing in a row.
Charming and volatile ladies, appearing on house-tops as quickly or disappearing an alties
looked like flashes of lightning. The beat of drums resembled the crash of thunder; while
beggars were as clamorous as the Ctaka birds, frogs and peacocks. The gods poured
down showers in the form of sacred perfumes, which gladdened the crop in the form of
all the citizens. Perceiving that a propitious hour had arrived the preceptor (Vasiha) gave
the word, and the jewel of Raghu's race, King Daaratha, gladly entered the city with all
his followers, fixing his mind on Bhagavn ambhu, Goddess Prvat and Their son, Lord
Gaea. (14)
0rf n f t r;
f rf fa n nr;+ -+
Do.: hohi

saguna baraahi

sumana sura dudubh

bibudha badhu ncahi

mudita majula magala gi.347.

Good omens manifested themselves and the gods rained down flowers to the beat
of drums; while celestial dames danced for joy, singing melodious triumphal songs. (347)
0rn a f rn nrf fa r srn+
f f rt ff f n rt+ {+
f r r rn n rn rn+
rat f rt r fa rt+ +
rf- a r rr a rf r+
f frf fn tr rf fr tr+ -+
rfa f fa rt f ff rt+
ffr n rr srrrt f ff- rf rt+ +
Cau.: mgadha suta badi naa ngara, gvahi

jasu tihu loka ujgara.

jaya dhuni bimala beda bara bn, dasa disi sunia sumagala sn.1.
bipula bjane bjana lge, nabha sura nagara loga anurge.
bane bart barani na jh

, mah mudita mana sukha na samh

purabsinha taba rya johre, dekhata rmahi bhae sukhre.

nichvari manigana cr, bri bilocana pulaka sarr.3.

rati karahi

mudita pura nr, haraahi

nirakhi kua ra bara cr.

sibik subhaga ohra ughr, dekhi dulahininha hohi

Bards, minstrels, rhapsodists and skilled dancers chanted the glory of Him (r
Rma) who illumines all the three worlds. Auspicious hailiy sounds and the sacred and
melodious chanting of the Vedas were heard in all the ten directions. Musical instruments
of all kinds began to play; gods in heaven and men in the city were enraptured alike.
Members of the bridegroom's party looked smart beyond description. They were highly
delighted and could not contain themselves for joy. The people of Ayodhy then greeted
the king, and were gladdened at the very sight of r Rma. They scattered about Him
jewels and vestments; their eyes were full of tears and their body thrilled over. The women
of the city gladly waved lights around His head and rejoiced to see the four noble princes.
They were all the more gratified when they lifted the curtains of the beautiful palanquins
and beheld the brides. (14)
0f ff t a r rr
fa ra ff f - a r+ -c+
Do.: ehi bidhi sabah deta sukhu e rjadura,
mudita mtu parichani karahi

badhunha sameta kumra.348.

Thus gladdening the heart of all, they arrived at the entrance of the royal palace;
the delighted mothers waved lights over the princes and their brides. (348)
0f rat rf rr r r rr+
f rr rat f frf nfa rat+ {+
- a f a rt r n art+
f f t r f t fa n t t+ +
t t f f rt nr f f a rt+
f f r rf nrf rf r+ -+
f r rfs rt r sr rt+
a f f rr rnt t = rnt+ +
Cau.: karahi

rat brahi

br, premu pramodu kahai ko pr.

bhuana mani paa nn jt, karahi

nichvari aganita bh

badhunha sameta dekhi suta cr, paramnada magana mahatr.
puni puni sya rma chabi dekh, mudita saphala jaga jvana lekh.2.

sya mukha puni puni ch, gna karahi

nija sukta sarh.


sumana chanahi

chanadev, ncahi



dekhi manohara criu jor

, srada upam sakala ha hor

deta na banahi

nipaa laghu lg

, ekaaka rah

rupa anurg

They waved lights again and again; the love and rapture which they felt in their
heart was beyond all words. They scattered about their sons and daughters-in-law
ornaments, jewels and costumes of various kinds and numberless other articles. The
queen-mothers were enraptured to behold their four sons alongwith their brides. As they
gazed again and again on the beauty of St and Rma they felt delighted and regarded
the object of their life in this world as realized. The queen-mothers companions, as they
gazed on St's countenance over and over again, sang and extolled their good fortune.
Moment after moment the gods rained down flowers, danced and sang and offered their
homage. Seeing the four charming couples Goddess rad ransacked all her stock of
similes, but her choice fell on none; they appeared too trivial. She therefore stood gazing
with unwinking eyes, enchanted with their beauty. (14)
0fn tfa tfa f rr rz a
- fa a ff t r; fa+ -+
Do.: nigama nti kula rti kari aragha p

vaRe deta,
badhunha sahita suta parichi saba cal

lavi niketa.349.
After performing the rites prescribed by the Vedas and family usage the queen-
mothers waved lights over all the princes and their brides and conducted them to the
palace, offering water to them as a mark of respect and spreading carpets along the
way. (349)
0rf frrr r r f r r+
fa- f r r r ta r+ {+
t ff ff nff+
rf r rat t r= r f t+ +
ta frf rt t r ra rt+
rr a- rnt a s aa rnt+ -+
r rr f r r rr+
r r; r r;+ +
Cau.: cri sighsana sahaja suhe, janu manoja nija htha bane.
tinha para kua ri kua ra baihre, sdara pya punta pakhre.1.
dhupa dpa naibeda beda bidhi, p uje bara dulahini magalanidhi.

bra rat karah

, byajana cru cmara sira harah

bastu aneka nichvari hoh

, bhar

pramoda mtu saba soh

pv parama tatva janu jog

, amtu laheu janu satata rog

janama raka janu prasa pv, adhahi locana lbhu suhv.
muka badana janu srada ch, mnahu samara s ura jaya p.4.
There were four exquisitely beautiful thrones, which had been fashioned by Cupid
with his own hands as it were; the queen-mothers seated the brides and the bridegrooms
on them and reverently laved their holy feet. They then worshipped the blessed couples
in accordance with the Vedic ritual by offering them incense, light and oblations of food.
They passed lights around them again and again and waved beautiful fans and chowries
over their heads. They scattered offerings of various kinds about them; the mothers were
as full of exultation as a Yog who has realized the highest truth, or as a lifelong chronic
who has been able to lay his hands on nectar or as a born pauper who has stumbled
on a philosopher's stone, or as a blind man who has regained a good vision, or as a dumb
fellow, whose tongue has been transfused with the eloquence of rad, the goddess of
speech, or even as a hero who has triumphed in battle. (14)
0f a a rf n rf ra
r;- fa frf rr r rr+ -~ (+
r tfa t f ff rf
r fr frf z r f rf+ -~ (+
Do.: ehi sukha te sata koi guna pvahi

mtu anadu,
bhinha sahita bihi ghara e raghukulacadu.350(A).
loka rti janan


bara dulahini sakuchi

modu binodu biloki baRa rmu manahi


The mothers derived joy millions of times greater than the joys mentioned above;
for in their case it was the Delighter of Raghu's race Himself who had returned home with
His brothers duly married. As the mothers performed the traditional rites the brides and
their grooms felt shy; while r Rma smiled within Himself on perceiving the ecstasy
and merriment of the occasion. (350 A-B)
0 fa ff tt t rr t t+
f f rnf rr r;- fa r rrr+ {+
afa rf t fa ra f t+
fa rf rat t- r f t-+ +
r r; rf s rf fa n f f rf+
rf fr rr rr r n r+ -+
r rf r; r; fa rs f r; r;+
fr rr f r rr+ +
Cau.: deva pitara puje bidhi nk, puj

sakala bsan j k.
sabahi badi mgahi

baradn, bhinha sahita rma kalyn.1.

atarahita sura sia deh

, mudita mtu acala bhari leh

bhupati boli bart lnhe, jna basana mani bhuana dnhe.2.
yasu pi rkhi ura rmahi, mudita gae saba nija nija dhmahi.
pura nara nri sakala pahire, ghara ghara bjana lage badhe.3.
jcaka jana jcahi

joi jo, pramudita ru dehi

soi so.
sevaka sakala bajani nn, purana kie dna sanamn.4.
The mothers gratefully worshipped the gods and manes with due ceremony; for
all the cravings of their heart had been satisfied. Bowing to all they begged as a boon
the welfare of Rma and His brothers. The gods conferred their blessings all unseen,
and the mothers gladly received them by spreading the end of their garment. The king
sent for those who had joined the marriage party and gave them vehicles, wearing
apparel, jewels and ornaments. Having received the king's permission and enshrining
r Rma's image in their heart they joyfully returned each to his own house. All the
men and women of the city were invested with garments and jewels and there was
jubilant music in every home. The king in his exultation gave whatever the mendicants
asked for. Every attendant and every musician was sated with gifts and kind
attentions. (14)
0f t rrf nrf n n nr
a n fa n n t- r+ -~{+
Do.: dehi

assa johri saba gvahi

guna gana gtha,

taba gura bhusura sahita gha gavanu knha narantha.351.
They all saluted and invoked blessing upon the king and sang his praises, and
thereafter the king, accompanied by his preceptor and other Brhmaas, proceeded to
the palace. (351)
0r fy r t-t r ff r t-t+
t f rt r st r z rt+ {+
r rf -r f t ff r+
r r fr a t ar+ +
ff tf- nrfa r r rf - r+
tf- r fa t rf- fa tf- n t+ -+
ta t- r rna fr+
n rt tf- f s tfa rt+ +
Cau.: jo basia anussana dnh, loka beda bidhi sdara knh.
bhusura bhra dekhi saba rn, sdara uh

bhgya baRa jn.1.

pya pakhri sakala anhave, p uji bhal bidhi bh upa jev

dara dna prema paripoe, deta assa cale mana toe.2.
bahu bidhi knhi gdhisuta puj, ntha mohi sama dhanya na duj.
knhi prasas bhupati bhur, rninha sahita lnhi paga dhur.3.
bhtara bhavana dnha bara bsu, mana jogavata raha npu ranivsu.
puje gura pada kamala bahor, knhi binaya ura prti na thor.4.
Under Vasihas directions he reverently performed all the ceremonies prescribed
either by usage or by the Veda. The queens, on seeing a crowd of Brhmaas, deemed
themselves most fortunate and all rose to greet them. They laved the feet of the holy
ones and helped them all perform their ablutions; while the king duly worshipped and
entertained them at meal. Overwhelmed with the host's civility, gifts and love, they
departed glad of heart invoking blessings on him. To Gdhi's son (Vivmitra) he paid
homage in various ways and said, "My lord, there is no one so blessed as I am." The
king lavished his praises on him and with his queens took the dust of his feet. He assigned
the sage a fine quarter in his own palace, while the king and his whole gynaeceum kept
a vigilant eye on his wants even though unexpressed. Again he adored the lotus feet of
his preceptor (Vasiha) and made humble submission to him with great affection in his
heart. (14)
0- a r rf- fa t
f f a n a t t+ -~+
Do.: badhunha sameta kumra saba rninha sahita mahsu,
puni puni badata gura carana deta assa munsu.352.
All the princes with their brides and the king with his queens bowed to the preceptor's
feet again and again, while the great sage invoked blessings on them all. (352)
0f tf- s fa rn a r rf rn+
n rfn fr t-r rfr a ff t-r+ {+
s f rf t ar f t- n n far+
f rr; r= fr;+ +
f rr; rff t-t =f frf frf t-t+
nt n rn t =f = f t+ -+
f r r fa t rfa r+
f rrt fr f f sr+ +
Cau.: binaya knhi ura ati anurge , suta sapad rkhi saba ge .
negu mgi muninyaka lnh, sirabdu bahuta bidhi dnh.1.
ura dhari rmahi sya samet, harai knha gura gavanu niket.
biprabadhu saba bhupa bol

, caila cru bhuana pahir

bahuri boli susini lnh

, ruci bicri pahirvani dnh

neg nega joga saba leh

, ruci anurupa bhupamani deh

priya phune pujya je jne, bhupati bhal bh

ti sanamne.
deva dekhi raghubra bibhu, barai prasuna prasasi uchhu.4.
With his heart overflowing with love he made entreaties to the Guru and placed his
sons and all his wealth before him. The great sage, however, asked for and accepted
only his customary due (as a family priest) for the ceremonial occasion and blessed him
in profusion. And with the image of St and Rma installed in his heart he gladly
proceeded to his own residence. The king then summoned all the Brhmaa dames, and
invested them with beautiful robes, and ornaments. He next sent for the married women
of the city (whose husbands were alive and who, though born in Ayodhy, were married
elsewhere) and presented them with garments of their liking. All those who were entitled
to receive gifts and presents on ceremonial occasions, received their dues from the jewel
of kings, who rewarded them according to their choice; and the king duly honoured those
guests whom he regarded as worthy of affection and adoration. The gods who witnessed
r Rma's wedding, rained down flowers, while applauding the jubilation (14)
0 fr r; f f r;
a r z r;+ -~-+
Do.: cale nisna baji sura nija nija pura sukha pi,
kahata parasapara rma jasu prema na hdaya sami.353.
And with beat of drum the celestials gladly proceeded each to his abode, talking
to one another of r Rma's glory with their heart overflowing with love. (353)
0 ff f f r r z f f sr+
fr ar n r fa f- fr+ {+
f nr f r ar r f ; s ar+
nr rt r r f f rt+ +
f r fa fr s fr r+
s ff s fr f f ra r+ -+
r n t zr; tfa tfa r r;+
ff r ff t rt fa f t+ +
Cau.: saba bidhi sabahi samadi naranhu, rah hdaya bhari p uri uchh u.
jaha ranivsu tah

pagu dhre, sahita bahuinha kua ra nihre.1.

lie goda kari moda samet, ko kahi sakai bhayau sukhu jet.
badhu saprema goda baihr

, bra bra hiya harai dulr

dekhi samju mudita ranivsu, saba ke ura anada kiyo bs u.
kaheu bhupa jimi bhayau bibhu, suni suni harau hota saba khu.3.
janaka rja guna slu baR, prti rti sapad suh.
bahubidhi bhupa bha jimi baran, rn saba pramudita suni karan.4.
Having shown everyone all possible honour the king, whose heart was overbrimming
with joy, visited the private apartments and beheld the princes with their brides. He gladly
took the boys in his arms and experienced a thrill of joy which nobody could tell. Similarly
he affectionately seated the brides in his lap and fondled them again and again with a
heart full of rapture. The ladies of the gynaeceum were delighted to behold this spectacle;
the heart of everyone became an abode of joy. The king related how the wedding had
taken place and everyone was delighted to hear the account. The goodness, amiability,
nobility, loving nature and the splendid wealth of King Janaka were extolled by King
Daaratha in a variety of ways even as a rhapsodist would do; and the queens were
enraptured to hear the record of his doings. (14)
0a- a r; rf f n rfa
r t- ff rrt n; rfa+ -~+
Do.: sutanha sameta nahi npa boli bipra gura gyti,
bhojana knha aneka bidhi ghar paca gai rti.354.
After bathing with his sons the king called the Brhmaas, the preceptor and his
own kinsmen and, having entertained them at meal, feasted himself on a variety of
dishes till a couple of hours of the night passed. (354)
0nnr f rff r rff+
; r r r nn n fa f r+ {+
rf f r r; f f f r;+
r fr zr; s r rar;+ +
f f a r ff n+
r ff t frn f ; f t+ -+
rfa f rt f rr; rt+
ft rr r; r t r;+ +
Cau.: magalagna karahi

bara bhmini, bhai sukhamula manohara jmini.
a cai pna saba khu

pe, sraga sugadha bhuita chabi che.1.

rmahi dekhi rajyasu p, nija nija bhavana cale sira n.
premu pramodu binodu baR, samau samju manoharat.2.
kahi na sakahi

sata srada ses u, beda biraci mahesa ganesu.

so mai

kahau kavana bidhi baran, bh umingu sira dharai ki dharan.3.
npa saba bh

ti sabahi sanamn, kahi mdu bacana bol

badhu larikan

para ghara

, rkhehu nayana palaka k n

Lovely women sang joyous songs, and the night became a source of delight and
soul-enchanting. After rinsing their mouth the king and his party were all given betel-leaves;
and adorned with garlands and sandal-paste etc., they looked most charming. Looking
once more at r Rma and having received theis permision they proceeded each to his
own house, bowing their heads. The love and rapture, meriment and magnanimity,
prosperity, splendour and loveliness that manifested there were more than could be told by
a hundred rads and eas, Vedas and Brahms, ivas and Gaeas. How, then,
can I describe them at length any more than an earthly worm could support the globe on
its head? The king then summoned the queens and, showing every honour to them all,
admonished them in gentle tones. "The brides are yet damsels and have come to a strange
house; therefore, take care of them as eyelids protect the eyes. (14)
0fr >rfa st r r;
f n f>rrn r fa r;+ -~~+
Do.: larik ramita unda basa sayana karvahu ji,
asa kahi ge birmagha rma carana citu li.355.
"The boys are tired and feeling drowsy; go and put them to bed." So saying he
retired to his own bedroom with his mind fixed on r Rma's feet. (355)
0 f r fa f n zr+
n f rr r fa at rr+ {+
s f rt nn n ff rt+
at f r= rr a ; r f rr+ +
=f f r sr a n r+
r f f r;- t-t f f fa- t-t+ -+
f tr nrar f rar+
rn ra rf rt f ff ara arzr rt+ +
Cau.: bhupa bacana suni sahaja suhe, jarita kanaka mani pala ga ase.
subhaga surabhi paya phena samn, komala kalita supet

upabarahana bara barani na jh

, sraga sugadha manimadira mh

ratanadpa suhi cru ca dov, kahata na banai jna jehi

seja rucira raci rmu uhe, prema sameta pala ga pauRhe.
agy puni puni bhinha dnh, nija nija seja sayana tinha knh.3.
dekhi syma mdu majula gt, kahahi

saprema bacana saba mt.

mraga jta bhayvani bhr, kehi bidhi tta tRak mr.4.
Hearing the sweet and loving words of the king, the queens made ready
bejewelled beds of gold and furnished them with many a rich covering, soft and white as
the froth of cow's milk, and pillows more charming than words can tell. The bed-chamber,
made of precious stones, was decked with garlands and supplied with perfumes, lamps
consisting of bright gems and a canopy lovely beyond words. He alone who saw it could
know what it was like. Having thus prepared a number of fine beds the queens took up
r Rma and lovingly laid Him down upon one of them. On being repeatedly asked by
r Rma, His brothers too retired each to his own bed. As the mothers gazed on the
swarthy limbs of r Rma, so soft and attractive, they all exclaimed in loving accents,
"How did you manage, dear child; to kill the most dreadful demoness Tak while on
your way to the forest? (14)
0rrr fr f nf f r
r fa r ff rt r+ -~+
Do.: ghora niscara bikaa bhaa samara ganahi


mre sahita sahya kimi khala mrca subhu.356.
"How were you able to slay those monstrous giants, the wicked Mrca and Subhu
and their followers, who were formidable warriors and counted none before them in
battle? (356)
0f r f ara arrt ; rt+
rt f r; n = r fur r;+ {+
ffa at na n t tfa t f t+
tf f rr r f arr+ +
ft f rf r; r rf r;+
r arr f r r+ -+
r n rr f ara f arrr+
f n arf f a ff f rf + +
Cau.: muni prasda bali tta tumhr, sa aneka karavare

makha rakhavr kari duhu bh

, guru prasda saba bidy p

munitiya tar lagata paga dhur, krati rah bhuvana bhari p ur.
kamaha phi pabi kua kahor, npa samja mahu siva dhanu tor.2.
bisva bijaya jasu jnaki p, e bhavana byhi saba bh.
sakala amnua karama tumhre, kevala kausika kp

ju suphala jaga janamu hamr, dekhi tta bidhubadana tumhr.
je dina gae tumhahi binu dekhe , te biraci jani prahi

lekhe .4.
"My darling may God bless you; it was through the grace of the sage Vivmitra
alone that God kept away a number of calamities from you. Even while you and your
brother (Lakmaa) guarded the sacrifice, you were initiated into all the secret lore. At
the mere touch of the dust from your feet the hermit's wife (Ahaly) attained salvation and
your glory filled the whole universe. In the assembly of princes you broke ivas bow, hard
though it was as a tortoise-shell or adamant or rock. You gained the glory of having
triumphed over the world and won the hand of Janaka's daughter, and then returned home
after marrying all your brothers. All your actions have been superhuman and were
accomplished only by the grace of the sage Kauika. Our birth into the world has borne
fruit today as we now behold, dear child, your moon-like face. Our prayer is that the
number of days that have been spent without seeing you, may not be reckoned by the
Creator at all." (14)
0r art ra f fta
ff n f f t + -~+
Do.: rma prato

mtu saba kahi binta bara baina,

sumiri sabhu gura bipra pada kie ndabasa naina.357.
r Rma gratified all His mothers by addressing sweet and polite words to them;
and fixing His thought on the feet of Lord ambhu, His preceptors (Vasiha and Vivmitra)
and the Brhmaas in general, He closed His eyes in order to sleep. (357)
0ts r f rr rr t= rr+
rr rr f rn rt f n nrt+ {+
t frfa rfa t rt f fr t+
- r r; f- ff s nr;+ +
ra ta r rn =z r rn+
f rnf- nn nr r rr r+ -+
f f n fa rar r; t fa rar+
f- r fr fa n r n r+ +
Cau.: ndau badana soha suhi lon, manahu s

jha sarasruha son.

ghara ghara karahi

jgarana nr

, dehi

parasapara magala gr

pur birjati rjati rajan, rn


bilokahu sajan.
sudara badhunha ssu lai so

, phanikanha janu siramani ura go

prta punta kla prabhu jge, arunacuRa bara bolana lge.
badi mgadhanhi gunagana ge, purajana dvra johrana e.3.
badi bipra sura gura pitu mt, pi assa mudita saba bhrt.
jananinha sdara badana nihre, bhupati saga dvra pagu dhre.4.
Even during sleep His most charming countenance gleamed as a red lotus, half
closed at eventide. In every house women kept vigil and railed at one another in
auspicious strains. The queens said to one another, "See, friends, how resplendent the
city is, and how splendid the night !" The mothers-in-law then slept with the lovely brides
enfolded in their arms even as serpents would clasp to their bosom the gems from their
hood. At the holy hour before dawn the Lord awoke, and the cocks commenced their
beautiful crowing. The rhapsodists and genealogists sang His praises, while the citizens
flocked to the gate to make their obeisance. The four brothers saluted the Brhmaas
and gods as well as their preceptor and parents and were glad to receive their
benedictions. The mothers reverently gazed on their countenance as the princes
repaired to the gate with the king. (14)
0tf- f fa ta r;
rafr f ara f r rfs r;+ -~c+
Do.: knhi sauca saba sahaja suci sarita punta nahi,
prtakriy kari tta pahi

e criu bhi.358.
Though pure in themselves, the four brothers performed all the purificatory acts
(such as evacuating the bowels, cleansing the privates and the hands with water and
clay, rinsing the mouth, brushing the teeth and cleansing the tongue etc.,) and bathed in
the holy river (Sarayu) and, having gone through their morning routine of prayer etc.,
returned to their sire. (358)
0 frf f s r; f r r;+
f r r zrt r r f rt+ {+
f fr f f r n rf- f r+
a- a f rn ff r rs n rn+ +
f fr ;farr f t fa frr+
f n nrfa t fa fy f ff t+ -+
r rs r t tfa fa r fa rt+
f r s r r s f sr+ +
Cau.: bhupa biloki lie ura l, baihe harai rajyasu p.
dekhi rmu saba sabh juRn, locana lbha avadhi anumn.1.
puni basiu muni kausiku e, subhaga sananhi muni baihe.
sutanha sameta puji pada lge, nirakhi rmu dou gura anurge.2.

basiu dharama itihs, sunahi

mahsu sahita ranivs.
muni mana agama gdhisuta karan, mudita basia bipula bidhi baran.3.
bole bmadeu saba s

c, krati kalita loka tihu mc.

suni nadu bhayau saba kh u, rma lakhana ura adhika uchhu.4.
The king, on seeing them, clasped them to his bosom; and the four brothers gladly
sat down on receiving his permission. The whole court was gratified to see Rma and
accounted their eyes supremely blest. Then came the sages Vasiha and Vivmitra
and were seated on splendid seats. The father and sons adored the sages and clasped
their feet and the two preceptors were enraptured to behold r Rma. The sage Vasiha
narrated sacred legends, while the king and the ladies of the gynaeceum listened. In the
course of his narration the sage gladly recounted in diverse ways the doings of Vivmitra,
that surpassed the imagination even of hermits. Vmadeva (another family preceptor of
King Daaratha) observed that whatever Vasiha said was true and that Vivmitra's
fair renown had pervaded all the three spheres. Everyone rejoiced to hear that, while r
Rma and Lakmaa were all the more delighted at heart. (14)
0n r sr fa rf f f rfa
snt f f f frfa+ -~+
Do.: magala moda uchha nita jhi

divasa ehi bh

umag avadha anada bhari adhika adhika adhikti.359.
There was constant felicity, joy and rejoicing and days rolled on in this way. The
city of Ayodhy was inundated with a tidal wave of delight, swelling higher and still
higher. (359)
0f rf r n r fr r+
fa f frt - rf ff rt+ {+
ftrfr fa t r f t+
f f n fa r f r rfr+ +
rna fr rs rn a- a r rn+
r r arrt a a rt+ -+
r f- r a f r+
f rs fa a rt s r rt+ +
tf- t f r at tfa tfa f rat+
r n r; r r; f r;+ ~+
Cau.: sudina sodhi kala kakana chore, magala moda binoda na thore.
nita nava sukhu sura dekhi sihh

, avadha janma jcahi

bidhi ph

bisvmitru calana nita cahah

, rma saprema binaya basa rahah

dina dina sayaguna bhupati bhu, dekhi sarha mahmuniru.2.
mgata bid ru anurge, sutanha sameta hRha bhe ge.
ntha sakala sapad tumhr, mai

sevaku sameta suta nr.3.

karaba sad larikanha parachohu, darasanu deta rahaba muni mohu.
asa kahi ru sahita suta rn, pareu carana mukha va na bn.4.
dnhi assa bipra bahu bh

t, cale na prti rti kahi jt.

rmu saprema saga saba bh, yasu pi phire pahu c.5.
After fixing an auspicious day the sacred strings (tied round the wrist of the brides
and bridegrooms before the wedding for warding off evil-spirits) were untied with no little
felicity, joy and merriment. The gods were filled with envy to see new rejoicings everyday
and begged of the Creator that they might be born in Ayodhy. Vivmitra intended
leaving everyday, but was detained by r Rma's affectionate entreaties. Seeing the
king's devotion to him, grow a hundredfold day after day the great sage Vivmitra was
full of praise for him. At last when he asked permission to go, the king was greatly moved
and with his sons stood before him saying, "My lord, all that I have, is yours; while I and
my sons and wives are your servants. Be ever gracious to these boys and condescend
from time to time to bless me with your sight." So saying, the king with his sons and
queens fell at his feet, and speech failed his tongue. The Brhmaa (Vivmitra) invoked
upon him every kind of blessing and departed amidst a scene of love that defied all
description. r Rma and all His brothers lovingly escorted him and returned only when
they were allowed to go back. (15)
0r = fa nfa r sr
ra ra f fa nrf+ -+
Do.: rma rupu bhupati bhagati byhu uchhu anadu,
jta sarhata manahi

mana mudita gdhikulacadu.360.

The delighter of Gdhi's race gladly went on his way praising within himself r
Rma's beauty, King Daaratha's piety, the wedding of r Rma and St and the
festivities and rejoicings connected therewith. (360)
0r rr n rt f nrfa r rt+
f f f r a r - r+ {+
rn r a- a fa n n+
a r r nrr ta r fa rr+ +
r rf r rr a ; a a+
fr s sr f f fnr fr+ -+
f t r rt r t n rt+
af a r rt ta a f rt+ +
Cau.: bmadeva raghukula gura gyn, bahuri gdhisuta kath bakhn.
suni muni sujasu manahi

mana ru, baranata pana punya prabhu.1.
bahure loga rajyasu bhayau, sutanha sameta npati gha gaya u.
jaha taha rma byhu sabu gv, sujasu punta loka tihu chv.2.
e byhi rmu ghara jaba te , basai anada avadha saba taba te .
prabhu bibha jasa bhayau uchhu, sakahi

na barani gir ahinhu.3.

kabikula jvanu pvana jn, rma sya jasu magala khn.
tehi te mai

kachu kah bakhn, karana punta hetu nija bn.4.

Vmadeva and the wise preceptor of Raghu's race, Vasiha, once more narrated
the story of Vivmitra (Gdhi's son). On hearing the sage's bright glory the king praised
to himself the value of his stock of merits (which attracted the sage to his house and won
for him his favour). At the royal command the people dispersed, while the king with his
sons returned to his palace. Everywhere the people sang the story of r Rma's
wedding, and His holy and fair fame was diffused through all the three spheres. From the
day r Rma came home duly married, every kind of joy took its abode in Ayodhy. The
festivities that followed the Lord's wedding were more than the goddess of speech or the
Lord of serpents, ea, could tell. I know that the glory of r Rma and St is the very
life and sanctifier of the race of poets and a mine of blessings; that is why I have said
something about it just to hallow my speech. (14)
U0f fnr rf r r at nr
rrt fa r rff r= f n r+
sta r sr n f r nrt
f r r a r rt+
Cha.: nija gir pvani karana krana rma jasu tulas

raghubra carita apra bridhi pru kabi kaune lahyo.
upabta byha uchha magala suni je sdara gvah

baidehi rma prasda te jana sarbad sukhu pvah

For the purpose of hallowing his speech has Tulasdsa sung r Rma's glory;
otherwise the story of r Rma is a limitless ocean, which no poet has ever been able
to cross. Those men who reverently hear or sing the tale of the auspicious festivities
attendant on r Rma's investiture with the sacred thread and marriage shall ever be
happy by the grace of Videha's Daughter and r Rma.
0f rrt fr nrf f
fa- r sr nra r + -{+
So.: siya raghubra bibhu je saprema gvahi


tinha kahu sad uchhu magalyatana rma jasu.361.
Those who lovingly sing or hear the story of St and Rma's marriage shall ever
rejoice; for r Rma's glory is an abode of felicity. (361)
;fa >rtrfar ff rr re
iti rmadrmacaritamnase sakalakalikaluavidhvasane prathama sopna sampta.
Thus ends the first descent into the Mnasa lake of r Rma's exploits,
that eradicates all the impurities of the Kali age.
Kevaa Ke Bhgya
fa r sfn rnr r r rnr+

r Rmacaritamnasa
(The Mnasa lake containing the exploits of r Rma)
Descent Two

tr frfa ar rnr ta
r rfn n trf rr
r fafr rf r
r na fr rfrf >rtr ra r+.{+
yasyke ca vibhti bhudharasut devpag mastake
bhle blavidhurgale ca garala yasyorasi vylar,
soya bhutivibhuaa suravara sarvdhipa sarvad
arva sarvagata iva ainibha rakara ptu mm.1.
May He in whose lap shines forth the Daughter of the mountain-king, who carries
the celestial stream on His head, on whose brow rests the crescent moon, whose throat
holds poison and whose breast is the support of a huge serpent, and who is adorned by
the ashes on His body, may that Chief of gods, the Lord of all, the Destroyer of the
universe, the omnipresent iva, the moon-like akara, ever protect me. (1)
-ar r narfatar r ra
rr>rt rr-t rta r =y r+.+
prasannat y na gatbhiekatastath na mamle vanavsadukhata,
mukhmbujar raghunandanasya me sadstu s majulamagalaprad.2.
May the splendour of r Rmas lotus-like face, which neither grew brighter at the
prospect of His being installed on the throne of Ayodhy nor was dimmed by the painful
experience of exile in the woods, ever bring sweet felicity to me. (2)
trrrrry tarrrfarrn
rr rrr=r rf r rrrr+.-+
nlmbujaymalakomalga stsamropitavmabhgam,
pau mahsyakacrucpa nammi rma raghuvaantham.3.
I adore r Rma, the Lord of Raghus race, whose limbs are as dark and soft as
a blue lotus, who has St enthroned on His left side and who holds in His hands a
mighty arrow and a graceful bow. (3)
0>rtn= r f = rf
s rr f r r rf+
Do.: rguru carana saroja raja nija manu mukuru sudhri,
baranau raghubara bimala jasu jo dyaku phala cri.
Cleansing the mirror of my mind with the dust from the lotus feet of the revered
Guru, I sing r Rmas untarnished glory, that bestows the four rewards of human life.
0 a r rf rr r fa n r r+
rf rt a rr f rt+ {+
ff ff fa t r; sfn f r;+
fn rf rat f r rat+ +
f r; n fat af ff aat+
ff rn rt r frt+ -+
fa ra t t fa frf r t+
r = n t r fa r; f f r+ +
Cau.: jaba te rmu byhi ghara e, nita nava magala moda badhe.
bhuvana cridasa bhudhara bhr, sukta megha baraahi

sukha br.1.
ridhi sidhi sapati nad

suh, umagi avadha abudhi kahu .

manigana pura nara nri sujt, suci amola sudara saba bh

kahi na ji kachu nagara bibhut, janu etania biraci karat ut.
saba bidhi saba pura loga sukhr, rmacada mukha cadu nihr.3.
mudita mtu saba sakh

sahel, phalita biloki manoratha bel.

rma rupu guna slu subh u, pramudita hoi dekhi suni ru.4.
From the day r Rma returned home duly married, there was new festivity and
jubilant music everyday. The fourteen spheres were like huge mountains on which clouds
in the shape of meritorious deeds poured showers of joy. The water thus discharged
formed into gorgeous rivers of affluence, success and prosperity, that rose in spate and
flowed into the ocean of Ayodhy. The men and women of the city were like jewels of a
fine quality, bright, priceless and charming in everyway. The splendour of the capital was
beyond description; it seemed as if the Creators workmanship had been exhausted there.
Gazing on the moon-like face of r Rmacandra the citizens were all happy in everyway.
All the mothers with their companions and maids were delighted to see the creeper of their
hearts desire bear fruit. The king was particularly enraptured when he saw or heard of r
Rmas beauty, goodness, amiability and genial disposition. (14)
0 s fr f r;
r a r rf s + {+
Do.: saba ke ura abhilu asa kahahi

mani mahesu,
pa achata jubarja pada rmahi deu naresu.1.
All cherished in their heart a common desire and said in their prayer to the great Lord
iva, Would that the king in his own life-time appointed r Rma as his regent. (1)
0 fa rr rr rrr frr+
a fa r r f faf sr+ {+
f r fr r f tfa = r+
fa atf r n rt f rn rt+ +
n r a r r f r ar+
r r = t-r frf t-r+ -+
>r t fa r sr+
r r t r f + +
Cau.: ek samaya saba sahita samj, rjasabh

raghurju birj.
sakala sukta murati naranh u, rma sujasu suni atihi uchhu.1.
npa saba rahahi

kp abhile , lokapa karahi

prti rukha rkhe .

tibhuvana tni kla jaga mh

, bhuri bhga dasaratha sama nh

magalamula rmu suta jsu, jo kachu kahia thora sabu tsu.
rya subhya mukuru kara lnh, badanu biloki mukuu sama knh.3.
ravana sampa bhae sita kes, manahu jarahapanu asa upades.
npa jubarju rma kahu dehu, jvana janama lhu kina lehu.4.
One day the Chief of Raghus sat with all his court in the state assembly hall.
Himself the embodiment of all virtues, the king was overjoyed to hear of r Rmas fair
renown. Every monarch solicited his favour, and the very guardians of the world
cultivated his friendship while respecting his wishes. In all the three spheres of the
universe and in all timepast, present or futurenone could be found so abundantly
blessed as Daaratha. Of him who had for his son Rma, the root of all bliss, whatever
might be said, would fall short of the truth. The king casually took a mirror in his hand
and looking at his face in the mirror, set his crown straight. The hair beside his ears had
turned grey; it seemed as if old age were whispering into his ears, O king, make Rma
your regent and thereby realize the object of your life and birth in this world. (14)
0 fr= s rf f = r;
f a fa nf rs r;+ +
Do.: yaha bicru ura ni npa sudinu suavasaru pi,
prema pulaki tana mudita mana gurahi sunyau ji.2.
Entertaining this idea in his mind and finding an auspicious day and a suitable
opportunity the king communicated it to his Guru (Vasiha) with his body thrilling over
with emotion and his mind filled with rapture. (2)
0; r f fr r ff r+
f rt r f fr srt+ {+
f r f f ff rt t a f rt+
f fa fr nrr; f r ff r;+ +
n f t a f t+
rf s rs rf + -+
fr r ff r n ar+
f - f s r + +
Cau.: kahai bhulu sunia muninyaka, bhae rma saba bidhi saba lyaka.
sevaka saciva sakala purabs, je hamre ari mitra uds.1.
sabahi rmu priya jehi bidhi moh, prabhu assa janu tanu dhari soh.
bipra sahita parivra gos

, karahi

chohu saba raurihi n

je gura carana renu sira dharah

, te janu sakala bibhava basa karah

mohi sama yahu anubhayau na duje , sabu pyau raja pvani p uje .3.
aba abhilu eku mana more , pujihi ntha anugraha tore .
muni prasanna lakhi sahaja sanehu, kaheu naresa rajyasu dehu.4.
Said the king, Listen, O chief of sages: Rma is now accomplished in everyway.
Servants and ministers, nay, all the people of the city and others who are either my
enemies or friends or neutrals, hold Rma as dear as I do. It seems your benediction
itself has incarnated in his lovely form. What more, my lord, all the Brhmaas and
their families cherish the same love for him as you do. Those who place on their head
the dust from the Gurus feet acquire mastery as it were, over all fortune. No one has
realized it as I have done; I have obtained everything by adoring the holy dust from
your feet. Now there remains only one longing in my heart and that too will be realized
by your grace, my lord. The sage was delighted to perceive his artless devotion and
said, O king, give me your commands. (14)
0r rs r fa rar
nrt f f fr arr+ -+
Do.: rjana rura nmu jasu saba abhimata dtra,
phala anugm mahipa mani mana abhilu tumhra.3.
O king, your very name and glory grant all ones desires. The object of your
hearts desire, O jewel of monarchs, is accomplished even before you entertain the
desire. (3)
0 ff n= - f rt rs rs f rt+
r r ff r f r f f r+ {+
rf a r; sr f rn r r+
r f ; frt rr rt+ +
f r a s f r f r; r far+
f f r n r r+ -+
r f fart r f f rt+
s arr a r; trt r ta nrt+ +
Cau.: saba bidhi guru prasanna jiya jn, boleu ru raha si mdu bn.
ntha rmu kariahi

jubarju, kahia kp kari karia samju.1.

mohi achata yahu hoi uchhu, lahahi

loga saba locana lh u.

prabhu prasda siva sabai nibh

, yaha llas eka mana mh

puni na soca tanu rahau ki ju, jehi

na hoi pche pachit u.

suni muni dasaratha bacanasuhe, magala moda mula mana bhe.3.
sunu npa jsu bimukha pachith

, jsu bhajana binu jarani na jh

bhayau tumhra tanaya soi svm, rmu punta prema anugm.4.
When the king was assured in his heart of the Guru being so favourably disposed
in everyway, he cheerfully said in gentle tones, My lord, let Rma be invested with regal
powers; pray, command me so that necessary preparations may be set on foot. Let this
happy event take place during my life-time so that all people may attain the reward of their
eyesight. By the Lords blessing iva has allowed everything to pass smoothly; this is the
only longing that I have in my mind. Then I will not mind whether this body survives or not,
so that I may not have to repent afterwards. The sage was pleased to hear these
agreeable words of Daaratha, which were the very fountain of felicity and joy. He said,
Listen, O king: aversion to r Rma makes one repent, while His adoration is the only
means of soothing the agony of ones heart; nay, He follows like a shadow where there is
unadulterated love; the same Lord r Rma has been born as a son to you. (14)
0fn f f rf ; r
f n af r rf r+ +
Do.: begi bilabu na karia npa sjia sabui samju,
sudina sumagalu tabahi

jaba rmu hohi

O king, let there be no delay, and make every preparation quickly. That day itself
is auspicious and full of blessings, when Rma it proclaimed regent. (4)
0fa tfa f r f r rr+
f t t fa- r n r+ {+
rf a rn tr f f rf tr+ +
rt fa a f rt fa f s rt+
fat f f rt f nafa f rt+ -+
n n r frr fn r r; rr+
f r f f rr a z t rr+ +
Cau.: mudita mahpati madira e, sevaka saciva sumatru bole.
kahi jayajva ssa tinha ne, bhupa sumagala bacana sune.1.
jau p

cahi mata lgai nk, karahu harai hiya rmahi k.2.

matr mudita sunata priya bn, abhimata birava pareu janu pn.
binat saciva karahi

kara jor, jiahu jagatapati barisa karor.3.
jaga magala bhala kju bicr, begia ntha na lia br.
npahi modu suni saciva subh, baRhata bau Ra janu lah suskh.4.
The king returned rejoicing to his palace and summoned his servants and
counsellors including Sumantra. They bowed their heads saying, Victory to you may
you live long; and the king placed before them the most auspicious proposal. If this
proposal finds favour with you all, instal r Rma on the throne with a cheerful heart.
The counsellors were glad to hear these agreeable words, which fell like a shower on the
young plant of their desire. The ministers prayed with joined palms: May you continue
to live for millions of years, O sovereign of the world. You have thought out a good plan
which is a source of happiness to the whole world; therefore, lord, make haste and lose
no time. The king was pleased to hear the encouraging words of the ministers; it looked
as if a growing creeper had obtained the support of a strong bough. (14)
0s fr r; r; r r;
r r f fa fn r; r;+ ~+
Do.: kaheu bhupa munirja kara joi joi yasu hoi,
rma rja abhieka hita begi karahu soi soi.5.
Said the king, Whatever orders the great sage Vasiha may be pleased to give
in connection with r Rmas coronation should be promptly carried out. (5)
0f t s rt r at rt+
rr r nf n rr+ {+
r r at r r nfa rat+
fn n ta r r n rn fr+ +
ffa f frr s ff farr+
r n r r tf- r+ -+
f r= r fn r=+
nfa n r ff f r+ +
Cau.: harai munsa kaheu mdu bn, nahu sakala sutratha pn.
auadha mula phula phala pn, kahe nma gani magala nn.1.
cmara carama basana bahu bh

t, roma pa paa aganita jt.

manigana magala bastu anek, jo jaga jogu bhupa abhiek.2.
beda bidita kahi sakala bidhn, kaheu racahu pura bibidha bitn.
saphala rasla pugaphala ker, ropahu bthinha pura cahu pher.3.
racahu maju mani cauke cr u, kahahu banvana begi bajru.
pujahu ganapati gura kuladev, saba bidhi karahu bhumisura sev.4.
The great sage Vasiha gladly said in soft accents, Fetch water from all principal
sacred places. And then he enumerated by name a number of auspicious objects such
as herbs, roots, flowers, fruits, leaves, chowries, deerskins, and draperies of various
kinds including countless varieties of woollen and silken textiles, jewels and numerous
other articles of good omen which were considered useful in this world for the coronation
of a king. Detailing all the procedure laid down in the Vedas he said, Erect canopies of
all sorts in the city and transplant in the streets on all sides trees of the mango, arecanut
and plantain with fruits. Paint beautiful designs on the floors filling them with costly jewels
and tell the people to decorate the bazar promptly. Worship Lord Gaea and your
preceptor as well as the tutelary deity and render service in every form to the
Brhmaas, the very gods on earth. (14)
0 ar ar an rn
f f f f f rf rn+ +
Do.: dhvaja patka torana kalasa sajahu turaga ratha nga,
sira dhari munibara bacana sabu nija nija kjahi

Prepare flags and banners, festal arches and vases as well as horses, chariots
and elephants. Bowing to these orders of the great sage (Vasiha) all concerned
applied themselves to their own work. (6)
0r t f r t-r r af r t-r+
f r a rr a r fa n rr+ {+
a r f rr r nrn rr+
r t a n r f n n r+ +
f t a rn t+
a f fa t n atfa f t+ -+
a f f r n rt ;; n rt+
rf r f rat zf- zs f rat+ +
Cau.: jo munsa jehi yasu dnh, so tehi

kju prathama janu knh.

bipra sdhu sura pujata rj, karata rma hita magala kj.1.
sunata rma abhieka suhv, bja gahgaha avadha badhv.
rma sya tana saguna jane, pharakahi

magala aga suhe.2.

pulaki saprema parasapara kahah

, bharata gamanu sucaka ahah

bhae bahuta dina ati avaser, saguna pratti bhe a priya ker.3.
bharata sarisa priya ko jaga mh

, ihai saguna phalu dusara nh

rmahi badhu soca dina rt, aanhi kamaha hdau jehi bh

With whatever duty the great sage charged any man, the latter accomplished it so
promptly as if it had been done by him beforehand. The king adored Brhmaas, holy men
and gods, and performed auspicious rites for the sake of r Rmas welfare. As soon as
the delightful news of r Rmas installation reached the ears of the people, the whole of
Ayodhy resounded with festal music. Good omens manifested themselves in the person
of r Rma and St; Their graceful lucky limbs began to throb. Experiencing a thrill of joy
they lovingly said to one another, The omens prognosticate Bharatas return. Many days
have passed and our heart longs to meet him. Auspicious omens assure us of our meeting
with a beloved friend, and in this world there is no one so dear as Bharata; the good omens
can thus have but one meaning. r Rma anxiously remembered His half-brother (Bharata)
day and night, even as a turtle has its heart fixed on its eggs. (14)
0f n f s fr
ra f f a rff tf fr+ +
Do.: ehi avasara magalu parama suni raha seu ranivsu,
sobhata lakhi bidhu baRhata janu bridhi bci bilsu.7.
That very time the ladies of the palace were delighted to hear this most auspicious
news, even as the waves of the ocean commence their lovely sport on perceiving the
waxing moon. (7)
0 r; f- r f fa- r+
f a rnt n rnt+ {+
r= frr t f ff rfa fa =t+
r n r art f r f rt+ +
t nrf rnr s rf frnr+
f ff r; r rr r f r r+ -+
nrf n rft ft nrt+ +
Cau.: prathama ji jinha bacana sune, bhuana basana bhuri tinha pe.
prema pulaki tana mana anurg

, magala kalasa sajana saba lg

cauke cru sumitr

pur, manimaya bibidha bh

ti ati r ur.
na da magana rma mahatr, die dna bahu bipra ha kr.2.

grmadebi sura ng, kaheu bhori dena balibhg.

jehi bidhi hoi rma kalyn u, dehu day kari so baradnu.3.

magala kokilabayan

, bidhubadan


Those who broke the news first were richly rewarded with ornaments and costumes. With
their body thrilling over with emotion and heart full of rapture all the queens started preparing
festal vases. Queen Sumitr painted with coloured meal lovely diagrams in various charming
designs and filled them with jewels. Overwhelmed with delight r Rmas mother (Kausaly)
sent for the Brhmaas and gave them gifts profusely. She worshipped female deities of the
village and other gods and Ngas and vowing them further offerings said to them, In your
mercy grant me a boon which may ensure r Rmas welfare. Moon-faced and fawn-eyed
ladies sang festal strains in a voice as sweet as the notes of a cuckoo. (14)
0r r f f f rf
n n ff frf+ c+
Do.: rma rja abhieku suni hiya harae nara nri,
lage sumagala sajana saba bidhi anukula bicri.8.
Men and women rejoiced in their heart to hear of r Rmas installation on the
throne; and thinking God to be favourably disposed towards them all began to make
preparations. (8)
0a r fr rr rr f r+
n rn a rrrr r r; rs rr+ {+
r rr ; rr r r rfa f r+
n f fa rt r r rt+ +
trf rn n n +
af sfa rf tat ; r r f tat+ -+
ar af t- s ta r n+
r r; r nrr; ; trf r;+ +
Cau.: taba naranha bsihu bole, rmadhma sikha dena pahe.
gura gamanu sunata raghunth, dvra i pada nyau mth.1.
sdara aragha dei ghara ne, soraha bh

ti p uji sanamne.
gahe carana siya sahita bahor, bole rmu kamala kara jor.2.
sevaka sadana svmi gamanu, magala mula amagala damanu.
tadapi ucita janu boli saprt, pahaia kja ntha asi nt.3.
prabhut taji prabhu knha sanehu, bhayau punta ju yahu gehu.
yasu hoi so karau gos

, sevaku lahai svmi sevak

The king then called Vasiha and sent him to r Rmas apartments for tendering
opportune advice. The moment the Lord of Raghus, r Rma, heard of the Gurus
arrival, He repaired to the door and, bowed His head at his feet. Reverently offering him
water to wash his hands with He ushered the sage and paid him honour by worshipping
him in the sixteen prescribed modes.* Then clasping his feet with St, r Rma spoke
with His lotus palms joined, A masters visit to his servants house is the root of all
blessings and a panacea for all evils; yet it would have been more fitting, my lord, for the
master to have lovingly sent for the servant and charged him with a duty; for such is the
right course. Since, however, my lord has laid aside his authority and showed his affection
to me (by calling on me) my house has been hallowed today. I am ready to do what I
am bid, holy sir; for a servant is benefited only by serving his master. (14)
0f r f rrf
r ar a+ +
Do.: suni saneha sne bacana muni raghubarahi prasasa,
rma kasa na tumha kahahu asa hasa basa avatasa.9.
On hearing these words, steeped in affection as they were, the sage applauded
the Chief of Raghus, r Rma, and said, It is but meet, O Rma, that you should say
so, the ornament of the solar race that you are. (9)
0f r n t r r f fr+
s f r ra arf r+ {+
r r ff fr r+
n= f ; r f n r z fs + +
n r; r f fr;+
sta frr n n srr+ -+
f fa fr; zf f+
farf r; s na fr;+ +
Cau.: barani rma guna slu subh u, bole prema pulaki munir u.
bhupa sajeu abhieka samju, chata dena tumhahi jubarju.1.
* The sixteen modes of worship prescribed in Tantric works consist in offering the following:(1)
sana (seat), (2) Pdya (water for washing the feet), (3) Arghya (water for washing the hands), (4) camanya
(water to drink), (5) Snnya (water for ablution), (6) Gandha (sandal-paste), (7) Vastra (raiment), (8) Pupa
(flowers), (9) Dhupa (burning incense), (10) Dpa (light), (11) Naivedya (food), (12) camanya (water for
rinsing the mouth), (13) Tmbula (betel-leaves), (14) Daki (a gift in coins), (15) Pradaki (circumambu-
lation), and (16) Nrjana (waving lights).
rma karahu saba sajama aju, jau bidhi kusala nibhai kj u.
guru sikha dei rya pahi

gayau, rma hdaya asa bisamau bhaya u.2.

janame eka saga saba bh, bhojana sayana keli larik.
karanabedha upabta bih, saga saga saba bhae uchh.3.
bimala basa yahu anucita eku, badhu bihi baRehi abhieku.
prabhu saprema pachitni suh, harau bhagata mana kai kuil.4.
Extolling r Rmas goodness, amiability and noble disposition, the lord of sages,
Vasiha, said, thrilling over with emotion, The king has made preparations for the
installation ceremony; he would invest You with regal powers. Rma, You should observe
religious austerity today so that God may bring this affair to a happy conclusion. Having
admonished Him in this way the Guru returned to the king; while r Rma felt uneasy in
His heart and said to Himself, My brothers and myself were all born together and together
have we dined, slept and played in our childhood; the piercing of our ear-lobes, (one of the
sixteen sacraments incumbent on a Hindu), our investiture with the sacred thread, wedding
and all other ceremonies have been gone through together. The only unseemly practice in
this spotless line is that the eldest should be installed on the throne to the exclusion of his
younger brothers. May this loving and graceful expression of regret on the part of the Lord
drive away all crookedness from the mind of His devotees. (14)
0af r n r
r f f rr + {+
Do.: tehi avasara e lakhana magana prema nada,
sanamne priya bacana kahi raghukula kairava cada.10.
On that very occasion came Lakmaa steeped in love and rapture; r Rma,
who delighted Raghus race even as the moon delights a lily flower, greeted him with
endearing words. (10)
0rf r ff frr r f r; rr+
a rn rf r fn rf+ {+
r r rr nt r; f rn rnr;+
rf n f fa rr ff ff fr rr+ +
frrr t ar f r r; fa ar+
f r;f rt frr rf rt+ -+
fa-f rr; rr rf ff rfa rr+
r rf f t rf r r t+ +
Cau.: bjahi

bjane bibidh bidhn, pura pramodu nahi

ji bakhn.
bharata gamanu sakala manvahi

, vahu begi nayana phalu pvahi

ha ba ghara gal


, kahahi

parasapara loga log

kli lagana bhali ketika br, p ujihi bidhi abhilu hamr.2.
kanaka sighsana sya samet, baihahi

rmu hoi cita cet.

sakala kahahi

kaba hoihi kl, bighana manvahi

deva kucl.3.
tinhahi sohi na avadha badhv, corahi cadini rti na bhv.
srada boli binaya sura karah

, brahi

bra pya lai parah

There was a sound of music of various kinds, and the rejoicing in the city was
beyond words. All prayed for Bharatas return (from his maternal uncles) and said to one
another, Would that Bharata came with expedition and obtained the reward of his eyes.
In every bazar, street, house, lane and place of resort men and women talked to one
another, When will that blessed hour start tomorow; during which God will fulfil our
desire, when with St beside Him r Rma will take His seat on the throne of gold and
when the object of our desire will be accomplished? They all said, When will the morrow
come? While the wicked gods prayed that some trouble might brew in the meantime.
The rejoicing that was going on in Ayodhy did not please them even as a moonlit night
is not liked by a thief. Invoking rad the gods supplicated her and laying hold of her
feet fell at them again and again. (14)
0ffa rf frf fz ra f r; r
r rf r af r; r+ {{+
Do.: bipati hamri biloki baRi mtu karia soi ju,
rmu jhi

bana rju taji hoi sakala surakju.11.

Perceiving our grave calamity, O Mother, manipulate things in such a way today
that r Rma may retire into the forest, relinquishing His throne, and the object of us
immortals may be wholly accomplished. (11)
0f f rf farat ;s r ff frat+
f f f frt ra arf f rfs rt+ {+
f fa rrr ar r r r+
t rnt r; fa rnt+ +
r r nf rt t frf f fa rt+
fr tf aat f f r; fat+ -+
rfn r frf rt ff r f rt+
f z r; n r r;+ +
Cau.: suni sura binaya hRhi pachitt, bhaiu saroja bipina himart.
dekhi deva puni kahahi

nihor, mtu tohi nahi

thoriu khor.1.
bisamaya haraa rahita raghura u, tumha jnahu saba rma prabhu.
jva karama basa sukha dukhabhg, jia avadha devahita lg.2.
bra bra gahi carana sa koc, cal bicri bibudha mati poc.

ca nivsu nci karat ut, dekhi na sakahi

pari bibh ut.3.

gila kju bicri bahor, karihahi

cha kusala kabi mor.
harai hdaya dasaratha pura , janu graha das dusaha dukhad.4.
Hearing this prayer of the divinities goddess rad stood still and was grieved at
the thought that she was going to play the same role with reference to the people of
Ayodhy as a wintry night does with respect to a bed of lotuses. Seeing her downcast
the gods spoke again in a suppliant tone, Mother, not the least blame will attach to you;
for the Lord of Raghus is above sorrow and joy alike. You are fully acquainted with r
Rmas glory. As for the people, every embodied soul is subject to pleasure and pain
according to its fate. Therefore, you should go to Ayodhy for the good of the celestials.
Clasping her feet again and again they exerted great pressure on her till she yielded and
set out, considering the gods as mean-minded. She said to herself, Though their abode
is on high, their doings are mean; they cannot see others prosperity. Again, reflecting
on the role she was destined to perform in the days to come, when worthy poets would
seek her favour, she came with a cheerful heart to the capital of Daaratha like the
intolerably evil influence of a planet. (14)
0r r fa t ; f
rt arf f n; fnr fa f+ {+
Do.: nmu mathar madamati cer kaikai keri,
ajasa per thi kar ga gir mati pheri.12.
Now Kaikey (Bharatas mother) had a dull-witted servant-maid, Manthar by
name; having perverted her reason and making her a receptacle of ill-repute, the
goddess of speech returned to her abode. (12)
0t r n= rr n r rr+
f rn- r sr r fa f r s r+ {+
; fr= fq rat r; r f ff rat+
f rfn f frat ff n a; s f rat+ +
a ra f n; frt r f f f rt+
a= ; ; sr rf fa f r; r+ -+
f rf nr z ar t- f r+
a r f fz rff rz; tr rf rff+ +
Cau.: dkha mathar nagaru banv, majula magala bja badhv.
puchesi loganha kha uchh u, rma tilaku suni bh ura dh u.1.
karai bicru kubuddhi kujt, hoi akju kavani bidhi rt.
dekhi lgi madhu kuila kirt, jimi gava takai leu kehi bh

bharata mtu pahi

gai bilakhn, k anamani hasi kaha ha si rn.

utaru dei na lei uss u, nri carita kari hrai

s u.3.
ha si kaha rni glu baRa tore , dnha lakhana sikha asa mana more .
tabahu na bola ceri baRi ppini, chRai svsa kri janu s

Manthar saw the city decorated and festal music melodiously playing; she,
therefore, asked the people, What is all this rejoicing about? When she heard of r
Rmas coming installation, she felt distressed in her heart. That evil-minded and low-
born woman pondered how mischief might be created overnight, even as a wily Bhla
woman who has seen a honeycomb hanging from a tree schemes how to get hold of
the honey. Pulling a long face she approached Bharatas mother. What makes you
look so grave? the queen smilingly asked. She made no answer, but only heaved
deep sigh, and adopting the way of women shed crocodile tears. Said the queen
laughing, You are a most saucy girl; what I suspect, therefore, is that Lakmaa has
taught you a lesson. Even then the most wicked servant-maid would not speak and
merely hissed like a black cobra. (14)
0 rf f f r fr
a f f r t s r+ {-+
Do.: sabhaya rni kaha kahasi kina kusala rmu mahiplu,
lakhanu bharatu ripudamanu suni bh kubar ura slu.13.
Apprehensive of misfortune as she was, the queen said to her, How is it that you
do not speak? I hope Rma and his royal father, Lakmaa, Bharata and Ripudamana
(atrughna) are all well? The hump backed woman (Manthar) was pained at heart to
hear these words. (13)
0a f ; f rs r; nr f r;+
rf rfz f r f ; r+ {+
s ff ff fa rf a n a s rf+
r; rr r rf r rr+ +
a f r arr rfa r r+
t a f ar; ar;+ -+
f f f rt rt rf nrt+
f f rrrt a f t rs art+ +
Cau.: kata sikha dei hamahi kou m, glu karaba kehi kara balu p.
rmahi chRi kusala kehi ju, jehi janesu dei jubarju.1.
bhayau kausilahi bidhi ati dhina, dekhata garaba rahata ura nhina.
dekhahu kasa na ji saba sobh, jo avaloki mora manu chobh.2.
putu bidesa na socu tumhre , jnati hahu basa nhu hamre .
nda bahuta priya seja tur, lakhahu na bhupa kapaa catur.3.
suni priya bacana malina manu jn, jhuk rni aba rahu aragn.
puni asa kabahu kahasi gharaphor, taba dhari jbha kaRhvau tor.4.
Why should anyone, O mother, give me a lesson? And on whose strength shall
I be cheeky? Who is happy today, except Rma, whom the king is going to invest with
regal powers? Providence has turned most favourable to Kausaly; seeing this she
cannot contain the pride of her bosom. Why not go and se for yourself all the splendour,
the sight of which has agitated my mind? Your son is away; while you are complacent
under the notion that your lord is under your thumb. You are excessively fond of sleeping
on a cushioned bed and are unable to detect the deceitful cunning of the king. Hearing
these affectionate words, yet knowing her malicious mind the queen angrily said, Keep
quiet now. If you ever speak thus again, expert as you are in sowing seeds of discord
in a family, I will have your tongue pulled out. (14)
0r r f rt rf
fa ff f f f ara rf+ {+
Do.: kne khore kubare kuila kucl jni,
tiya bisei puni ceri kahi bharatamtu musukni.14.
The one-eyed, the lame and the hump-backed, know these to be perverse and
wicked, more so if they come of women folk and particularly those belonging to the menial
class! said Bharatas mother and smiled. (14)
0frff f tf-s art ar r rt+
f n r r; ar r f f r;+ {+
trf rr r; f tfa r;+
r fa r rt s rn ra rt+ +
rr art rf r frt+
r f ft f tfa tr t+ -+
ff ; f r r r f a ar+
r a f r f r fa- fa r ar+ +
Cau.: priyabdini sikha dnhiu toh, sapanehu to para kopu na moh.
sudinu sumagala dyaku so, tora kah phura jehi dina ho.1.
jeha svmi sevaka laghu bh, yaha dinakara kula rti suh.
rma tilaku jau s

cehu kl, deu mgu mana bhvata l.2.

kausaly sama saba mahatr, rmahi sahaja subhya pir.
mo para karahi

sanehu bise, mai

kari prti parch dekh.3.

jau bidhi janamu dei kari choh u, hohu rma siya p uta putoh u.
prna te adhika rmu priya more , tinha ke tilaka chobhu kasa tore .4.
O sweet-tongued one, I have said all this to you by way of advice; otherwise I cannot
even dream of being angry with you. That day alone will be auspicious and a bestower of
good fortune, when your words will come to be true. The eldest brother should be the lord
and the younger ones his servants: such is the blessed custom prevailing in the solar race.
If r Rmas coronation is really taking place tomorrow, ask of me, my friend, what pleases
your mind and I will grant it. By his innate disposition Rma loves all his mothers as dearly
as Kausaly. He is particularly fond of me; I have had occasions to test his love. Should God
in His mercy vouchsafe to me a human birth again, may Rma and St be my son and
daughter-in-law respectively. Rma is dearer to me than life; how is it that you have got
perturbed at the news of his coronation? (14)
0a arf - ff rs
fs f r rf rs+ {~+
Do.: bharata sapatha tohi satya kahu parihari kapaa duru,
haraa samaya bisamau karasi krana mohi sunu.15.
I adjure you in Bharatas name to tell me the truth putting away all deceit and
reservation. Let me know the reason why you should grieve on an occasion of
rejoicing. (15)
0f r r t t f t+
r rn r= rnr s a sf rnr+ {+
f rf f ra r; a f arf =; r;+
f rrat rf a f rat+ +
f = ff t-r r r f f r t-r+
rs rs f r rt f rfz r f rt+ -+
r rn rs rr f r; arrr+
ara ra rt f f fz rt+ +
Cau.: ekahi

bra sa saba p uj, aba kachu kahaba jbha kari duj.

phorai jogu kapru abhg, bhaleu kahata dukha raurehi lg.1.

jhuhi phuri bta ban, te priya tumhahi karui mai

hamahu kahabi aba hakurasoht, nh

ta mauna rahaba dinu rt.2.

kari kurupa bidhi parabasa knh, bav so lunia lahia jo dnh.
kou npa hou hamahi k hn, ceri chRi aba hoba ki rn.3.
jrai jogu subhu hamr, anabhala dekhi na ji tumhr.
tte kachuka bta anusr, chamia debi baRi cuka hamr.4.
I have had all my ambitions fulfilled as a result of my speaking only once; I shall
now speak again with another tongue. My wretched head surely deserves to be smashed
since you get offended even at my well-meaning words. Those alone who speak unctuous
words, minding not what is true and what is false, are your favourites, while I am
disagreeable to you. From this day onward I too will utter only that which is palatable to
my mistress, or else will keep mum all the twenty-four hours. God has given me a
misshapen body and made me dependent on others; one must reap as one has sown
and must get what one has given. Whoever may be the ruler, I lose nothing thereby; for
shall I cease to be a servant and become a queen now? Damnable is my nature in that I
cannot bear to see harm come to you. That is why I just broached the topic. But it was a
great blunder on my part; therefore, pardon me, O venerable lady. (14)
0n f f at f rf
rr fff z rf farf+ {+
Do.: guRha kapaa priya bacana suni tya adharabudhi rni,
suramy basa bairinihi suhda jni patini.16.
Hearing these pregnant and agreeable deceitful words, the queen, who was a
woman with an unstable mind and was dominated by the celestial My, reposed her
faith in an enemy mistaking her for a friend. (16)
0r f f fa rt t nr nt rt+
af fa ft ; f rt t f rrra rt+ {+
ar a z r r rrrt r+
f atfa ff nf rt rrat a rt+ +
f f r r ar rt rf ar f r f rt+
r a f ta s f f rf fta+ -+
r rfrr f rf ; r; rr+
f arrf fa srt = f srs rt+ +
Cau.: sdara puni puni pu

chati oh, sabar gna mg janu moh.

tasi mati phir ahai jasi bhb, rahas ceri ghta janu phb.1.
tumha pu

chahu mai

kahataer u

, dharehu mora gharaphor nu

saji pratti bahubidhi gaRhi chol, avadha sRhast taba bol.2.
priya siya rmu kah tumha rn, rmahi tumha priya so phuri bn.
rah prathama aba te dina bte, samau phire ripu hohi

bhnu kamala kula poanihr, binu jala jri karai soi chr.
jari tumhri caha savati ukhr, r u

dhahu kari upu bara br.4.

Again and again the queen politely questioned Manthar, hyptonized as she was
by the latters guileful words like a doe fascinated by the music of a Bhla woman. Her
mind was changed according to the decree of fate and the servant-maid was pleased to
find her plan succeed. She replied, While you persist in questioning me, I am afraid to
open my lips, since you have given me the name of a feud creator in the family. Thus
working up the queens faith and manipulating her according to her own liking in everyway,
Manthar, who spelt disaster for Ayodhy like the evil influence exerted by the planet
Saturn for a period of seven and a half years (according to Indian Astrology), then spoke,
You said just now, O queen, that St and Rma were dear to you and that you had
endeared yourself to Rma; this assertion of yours is true. This is, however, a thing of
the past; those days have now gone by. When the tide turns even friend become foes.
The sun fosters the family of lotuses; but in the absence of water it burns them to ashes.
Your co-wife (Kausaly) would strike at your very root; protect it by means of a good fence
in the form of a remedy. (14)
0arf r rrn f r rs
t t rs rs+ {+
Do.: tumhahi na socu sohga bala nija basa jnahu ru,
mana malna muha mha npu rura sarala subhu.17.
You are free from anxiety on the strength of your husbands love and know him
to be under your sway. The king, however, is malicious of mind, though sweet of tongue;
while you possess a guileless nature. (17)
0a nt r art t r; f ra rt+
a fs r ra a r s+ {+
f fa rf t nfa a ra t +
r arr ff r; a f r; r;+ +
rf ar ft fa rs ; f t+
f f r; r fa fa n r;+ -+
sfa r tr f rr; rf f tr+
rfnf ra fr z= rt s s ff r rt+ +
Cau.: catura ga bhra rma mahatr, bcu pi nija bta sa vr.
pahae bharatu bhupa naniaure , rma mtu mata jnaba raure .1.

sakala savati mohi nke , garabita bharata mtu bala p ke .

slu tumhra kausilahi m, kapaa catura nahi

hoi jan.2.
rjahi tumha para premu bise, savati subhu sakai nahi

raci prapacu bhupahi apan, rma tilaka hita lagana dhar.3.
yaha kula ucita rma kahu k, sabahi sohi mohi suhi nk.
gili bta samujhi aru moh, deu daiu phiri so phalu oh.4.
Rmas mother (Kausaly) is clever and deep; finding a suitable opportunity she
has turned it to account. You must know it is at the suggestion of Rmas mother that
the king has sent away Bharata to his maternal grandfathers. She says to herself, All
my other co-wives serve me well, only Bharatas mother (yourself) is proud, because of
her influence with her lord. It is therefore, O mother, that you rankle in Kausalys heart;
but she is too crafty to disclose her mind. The king is particularly fond of you; but due
to the jealousy to which a co-wife is naturally subject, Kausaly cannot tolerate it. That
is why by resorting to machination and winning over the king she has prevailed on him
to fix a date for Rmas installation on the throne. The coronation of Rma is in accord
with the traditions of the family; it is liked by all and is quite to my taste. I, however,
shudder to think of the consequences; may heaven so ordain that the mischief may
recoil on her own head. (14)
0f f rf f t-f r
ff r a fa f ff r fr+ {c+
Do.: raci paci koika kuilapana knhesi kapaa prabodhu,
kahisi kath sata savati kai jehi bidhi bRha birodhu.18.
Inventing and injecting many a mischievous formula Manthar put the queen of
the scent and told her a hundred and one stories of co-wives so as to foment her
jealousy. (18)
0rt atfa s r; rf f r;+
r ar rr f fa fa frr+ {+
s r f a r ar r; f rf r+
r; ff r arr - f r r+ +
- r; a ff ;f f r;+
rf fa rf ar ffa t ff + -+
r; s rt rff ; ; rt+
a fa r; a rr r sr;+ +
Cau.: bhv basa pratti ura , pu

cha rni puni sapatha dev.

k p u

chahu tumha abahu na jn, nija hita anahita pasu pahicn.1.

bhayau pkhu dina sajata samju, tumha p sudhi mohi sana j u.
khia pahiria rja tumhre , satya kahe nahi

dou hamre .2.

jau asatya kachu kahaba ban, tau bidhi deihi hamahi saj.
rmahi tilaka kli jau bhaya u, tumha kahu bipati bju bidhi baya u.3.
rekha kha ci kahau balu bh, bhmini bhaihu dudha kai mkh.
jau suta sahita karahu sevak, tau ghara rahahu na na up.4.
As fate would have it, the queen felt assured in her heart of Manthars fidelity;
adjuring her by her own life she questioned Manthar once more, What is it that you
inquire about? It is strange that you should not understand things even now! Even a
quadruped knows what is good or bad for it. Preparations have been going on for the last
fortnight; while you have got the news from me today. I get food and clothing under your
tutelage; hence I cannot be blamed for speaking the truth. If I tell a lie giving it the colour
of truth, God will punish me for the same. Should Rmas coronation take place tomorrow,
God will have sown the seed of adversity for you. I swear and tell you most emphatically,
O lady, that you have been discarded now as a fly from a cup of milk. If you and your
son accept the role of servants, then alone you will be allowed to stay in the house; and
in no other circumstance. (14)
0 faf t- arf fr
a fn ;f r + {+
Do.: kadru

binatahi dnha dukhu tumhahi kausil

bharatu badigha seihahi

lakhanu rma ke neba.19.

Kadru (the progenitress of the serpent race) persecuted her co-wife Vinat*
coronation; so will Kausaly tyrannize over you. Bharata will rot in prison, while Lakmaa
will be Rmas lieutenant. (19)
0ar a rt f ; f rt+
a s t ff rt t t a rt+ {+
f f rf rt t rff rt+
fr f rfn rt ff r; rf rt+ +
r ra f art ff rf fa ; rt+
f fa s rfa s arf r + -+
r f r rf r rs r+ +
Cau.: kaikayasut sunata kau bn, kahi na sakai kachu sahami sukhn.
tana paseu kadal jimi k

p, kubar

dasana jbha taba c

kahi kahi koika kapaa kahn, dhraju dharahu prabodhisi rn.
phir karamu priya lgi kucl, bakihi sarhai mni marl.2.
sunu mathar bta phuri tor, dahini

khi nita pharakai mor.

dina prati dekhau rti kusapane, kahau na tohi moha basa apane.3.
kha karau

sakhi sudha subhu, dhina bma na jnau k u.4.

* The names Kadru and Vinat take us back to the beginning of creation. The Puras (a class of
sacred literature dealing with the history of the entire cosmos and wrongly supposed by modern critics both
in India and abroad to be works on mythology) declare that the different species of living beings from
celestials down to the tiniest insect took their common descent from the sage Kayapa through different
mothers. Of them Kadru gave birth to the race of serpents, while Vinat brought forth the winged creation.
Once there was a controversy between the two ladies about the colour of the tail of the celestial horse
Uccairav. Vinat insisted that the horse was white in colour while Kadru maintained that it was dark. It was
mutually agreed that the lady whose version proved untrue should serve the other as a handmaid for the rest
of her life. When Kadru came to know that the horses were really white in colour, she managed to hoodwink
the guileless Vinat by asking her sons (the cobra race) to cover the tail of Uccairav by their own dark
forms and thus lending it a dark hue. Vinat was thus made to serve her co-wife for a number of years and
suffered great persecution at her hands, till she was liberated by Garua (Vinats powerful son and the
celebrated vehicle of Bhagavn Viu). The story is told at length in the diparva of the Mahbhrata.
Hearing these unpleasant remarks, Kekayas daughter (Kaikey) shrivelled with fear
and could not utter a word. Her body was wet with perspiration and shook like a plantain
stalk. The humpback then bit her tongue (for fear lest the gloomy picture drawn by her
might break Kaikeys heart). Telling her one after another many a story of wiles Manthar
comforted the queen and asked her to be of good cheer. At last the tide turned and
Kaikey conceived a fondness for mischief; she applauded a heron mistaking it for a swan.
Listen, O Manthar; what you say is quite true. My right eye ever throbs and I have an
evil dream every night; but in my folly I did not tell you. I cannot help it, my friend; I am
so guileless by nature. I cannot distinguish a friend from a foe. (14)
0 a r fn r t-
f rr f r rf t-+ +
Do.: apane calata na ju lagi anabhala khuka knha,

agha ekahi bra mohi daia dusaha dukhu dnha.20.

Never to this day have I done an evil turn to anybody during my ascendancy.
I wonder for what offence has Providence subjected me to such terrible suffering all
at once. (20)
0 = r; fa f fa r;+
f s fra rt t af t rt+ {+
t ff rt f t farr rt+
rf r rrn ar f r+ +
f rs fa arr r; r;f frr+
a a r trff r t rff+ -+
s nf- fa- rt a r rf rt+
rff a sr art r r+ +
Cau.: naihara janamu bharaba baru j, jiata na karabi savati sevak.
ari basa daiu jivata jh, maranu nka tehi jvana ch.1.
dna bacana kaha bahubidhi rn, suni kubar

tiyamy hn.
asa kasa kahahu mni mana un, sukhu sohgu tumha kahu dina dun.2.

rura ati anabhala tk, soi pihi yahu phalu paripk.

jaba te kumata sun mai

svmini, bhukha na bsara nda na jmini.3.

p u

cheu guninha rekha tinha kh

c, bharata bhula hohi

yaha s

bhmini karahu ta kahau upu, hai tumhar

sev basa r u.4.

I would fain go and spend the rest of my life at my fathers but would on no
account serve a co-wife so long as there is life in me. For him whom heaven allows so
survive as a dependant of an enemy, death is preferable to life. The queen uttered many
such words of despondency; at this the humpback resorted to the wily ways of a woman.
Why should you speak in this strain, donot lose heart? Your happiness and good-luck
will be ever on the increase. Whoever has contemplated such gross mischief to you shall
eventually reap its fruit. Ever since I heard of this plot, my lady, I have felt no appetite
during the day and have had no wink of sleep at night. I consulted the astrologers and
they declared in positive terms: Bharata shall be the king; this much is certain. If you
act up to it, O good lady, I will offer a suggestion to you; the king is under an obligation
to you. (14)
0s a s a fa -rfn
f r f z fa rfn+ {+
Do.: parau kupa tua bacana para sakau puta pati tygi,
kahasi mora dukhu dekhi baRa kasa na karaba hita lgi.21.
At your suggestion I would throw myself down a well and can even forsake my
son and husband. When you tell me to do something in view of my dire distress, why
should I not comply with it in my own interest? (21)
0t f t ; t s r ;+
; rf f ; fa fa f + {+
a ra a rt fa r rrrt+
; f f ; f rt trff f r rf rt+ +
; r rat rn r zr rat+
af r rf r fa r+ -+
fa r ; a rn f ;+
r; r r ff ta r f r t a+ +
Cau.: kubar

kari kabul kaike, kapaa chur ura phana e.

lakhai na rni nikaa dukhu kaise , carai harita tina balipasu jaise .1.
sunata bta mdu ata kahor, deti manahu madhu mhura ghor.
kahai ceri sudhi ahai ki nh

, svmini kahihu kath mohi ph

dui baradna bhupa sana tht, mgahu ju juRvahu cht.
sutahi rju rmahi banabs u, dehu lehu saba savati hulsu.3.
bhupati rma sapatha jaba kara, taba mgehu jehi

bacanu na ara.
hoi akju ju nisi bte , bacanu mora priya mnehu j te .4.
When she made Kaikey and treating her as an offering accepted for sacrifice the
humpback whetted the knife of trickery on the stone of her heart. The queen, however,
like a sacrificial beast who nibbled the green turf, did not foresee the impending calamity.
Agreeable to hear, yet painful in consequence, were the words she spoke; it seemed as
if she was administering honey mixed with poison. Said the maid-servant, Do you, or
do you not, remember the incident you once told me, my lady? You have in reserve with
the king a couple of boons that he once promised you.* Ask for them today and soothe
* It is stated in Vlmkis Rmyaa that King Daaratha was once engaged in a combat with the
demon king ambara on behalf of the gods. The king was mortally wounded and fell unconscious in his
chariot, while his charioteer also fell. The valiant Queen Kaikey, who had accompanied her royal husband to
the field of battle assumed the role of a charioteer and removed the king to a safe retreat. When the king
regained his consciousness and came to know of the timely help rendered by the queen he was immensely
pleased and offered her a couple of boons. The queen, however, kept them in reserve and did not ask for
anything on that occasion.
The Adhytma-Rmyaa (forming part of the Brahma-Pura), however, tells a different story.
There we are told that while King Daaratha was once fighting with the demons on behalf of the gods the axle
your heart. Bestow sovereignty on your son and an abode in the forest on Rma and rob
your co-wives of all their joy. When the king swears by Rma, ask the boons only then,
so that the former may not go back upon his word. The scheme will fail if this night is
allowed to pass; cherish my words as dearer than life. (14)
0z rrra f raff f rn r
r r n r f far+ +
Do.: baRa kughtu kari ptakini kahesi kopagha jhu,
kju sa vrehu sajaga sabu sahas jani patihu.22.
Having thus hatched her very cruel design against the queen the wretch said,
Betake yourself to the sulking-room. Manage the whole affair discreetly and be not too
ready to believe. (22)
0ff rf rf rt r r fz fq rt+
arf fa r rr ra ; ;f rr+ {+
ff r rt arf af rt+
ff ff r= ; r nt ;+ +
ffa t r fa t ; ; fa ; t+
r; rr rs frr+ -+
r r rf r; r a f fa fnr;+
rs n rr r; rf r r;+ +
Cau.: kubarihi rni prnapriya jn, bra bra baRi buddhi bakhn.
tohi sama hita na mora sasr, bahe jta kai bhaisi adhr.1.
jau bidhi puraba manorathu kl, karau tohi cakha p utari l.
bahubidhi cerihi daru de, kopabhavana gavan kaike.2.
bipati bju bara ritu cer, bhui

bhai kumati kaika ker.
pi kapaa jalu akura jm, bara dou dala dukha phala parinm.3.
kopa samju sji sabu so, rju karata nija kumati bigo.
rura nagara kolhalu ho, yaha kucli kachu jna na ko.4.
Holding the humpback dear as life the queen applauded her uncommon shrewdness
again and again. I have no such friend as you in the whole world, she said. You have
served as a prop to one who was drifting along a stream. If God fulfils my hearts desire
tomorrow, I will cherish you, my dear, as the apple of my eye. Thus lavishing every term
of endearment on her maid-servant, Kaikey retired to the sulking-room. Discord was the
seed and the servant-girl (Manthar) the rainy season; while the evil mind of Kaikey
served as the soil. Fed by the water of wiliness the seed took root and sprouted with the
two boons as its leaves and will eventually bear the fruit of adversity. Gathering about her
every token of resentment, Kaikey lay down on the floor in the sulking-room; while enjoying
of the wheels of his chariot got loosened and was about to fall when Queen Kaikey, who had accompanied
the king to the battlefield, perceived it and inserting her own arm in place of the axle prevented the chariot from
toppling down and held her arm in that position till her husband was able to vanquish his foe. The king was
filled with admiration and gratitude when he marked this heroic feat of his queen and offered her two boons,
which the queen prudently reserved for a future occasion.
sovereignty, she was betrayed by her wicked mind. There was a great flutter in the
gynaeceum as well as in the city; nobody had any inkling of this evil design. (14)
0fa rf f nr
ff fnf t r+ -+
Do.: pramudita pura nara nri saba sajahi

eka prabisahi

eka nirgamahi

bhra bhupa darabra.23.

In their ecstasy of joy all the citizens, both men and women, busied themselves
with festive preparations and the entrance to the royal palace was flooded with a
continuous stream of people going in and coming out. (23)
0r r f f rt ff r r f rt+
rf frt f rt+ {+
ff f r r; a r zr;+
r rrt f rr t frfrr+ +
f f rf t a a ; s t+
trt fr rs ra r fr+ -+
fr n r ar z fa r+
r nfa r; r; ; t a ar;+ +
Cau.: bla sakh suni hiya harah

, mili dasa p

ca rma pahi


prabhu darahi

premu pahicn, pu


kusala khema mdu bn.1.


bhavana priya yasu p, karata parasapara rma baR.

ko raghubra sarisa sasr, slu sanehu nibhanihr.2.


joni karama basa bhramah

, taha taha su deu yaha hamah

sevaka hama svm siyanh u, hou nta yaha ora nibhu.3.
asa abhilu nagara saba kh u, kaikayasut hdaya ati dh u.
ko na kusagati pi nas, rahai na nca mate catur.4.
Delighted at the news a few of r Rmas boy-companions called on Him in a
body; and sensible of their affection the Lord received them kindly, and politely enquired
after their health and welfare. After receiving the permission of their beloved friend they
returned home speaking highly of Him to one another. Is there anyone in this world so
amiable and constant in his affection as Rma? In whichever species we may be born
from time to time as a result of our actions, may God grant us that Sts spouse may
be our lord and we his servants, and that this relation between us may continue till the
end. Everyone in the city cherished the same desire; but there was intense agony in
Kaikeys heart. Who is not ruined by evil company? Man loses his wit by following the
counsel of vile men. (14)
0rr r ns ; n
n far f f f + +
Do.: s

jha samaya snada npu gayau kaika geha ,

gavanu nihurat nikaa kiya janu dhari deha saneha .24.
At eventide the king joyously visited Kaikeys palace; it looked as if love incarnate
had called on harshness personified. (24)
0r f s r nz ; r+
fa ; r r fa f = ar+ {+
r f fa f ns r; r ar zr;+
f f nfr a far r+ +
fr f n f r r= +
f r rr f zrf a rr+ -+
faf f ar rt fra rt+
r; f rt rfr f a frt+ +
Cau.: kopabhavana suni sakuceu r u, bhaya basa agahuRa parai na pu.
surapati basai bha bala jke , narapati sakala rahahi

rukha tke .1.

so suni tiya risa gayau sukh, dekhahu kma pratpa baR.
sula kulisa asi a gavanihre, te ratintha sumana sara mre.2.
sabhaya naresu priy pahi

gaya u, dekhi das dukhu druna bhayau.

bhumi sayana pau moa purn, die ri tana bhuana nn.3.
kumatihi kasi kubeat phb, ana ahivtu suca janu bhb.
ji nikaa npu kaha mdu bn, prnapriy kehi hetu risn.4.
The king was taken aback when he heard of the sulking-room. His feet refused
to advance on account of fear. He under whose powerful arm the lord of celestials
dwelt secure and whose goodwill was even sought by all king was stunned at the news
of his wifes anger: look at the mighty power of sexual love. Even those who have
endured the blows of a spear, thunderbolt or sword, have been overcome with the
flower shafts of Ratis lord (the god of Love). The king timidly approached his beloved
queen and was terribly distressed to perceive her condition. She was lying on the
floor in old and coarse attire having cast away all the ornaments of her person. Her
wretched garb so eminently befitted her, prognosticating as it were, her impending
widowhood. Drawing close to her the king asked in soft accents, Why are you angry,
my souls delight? (14)
U0f a rf frf a rf faf r;
r r n rff f rfa fr;+
rs rr r r= ;.
at fa aar r a ;+
Cha.:kehi hetu rni risni parasata pni patihi nevra,
mnahu saroa bhuaga bhmini biama bh

ti nihra.
dou bsan rasan dasana bara marama hharu dekha,
tulas npati bhavatabyat basa kma kautuka lekha.
As the king touched her with his hand saying Why are you angry, my queen?
Kaikey threw it aside and flashed upon him a furious glance like an enraged serpent with
the two (above-mentioned) cravings of her heart for its bifurcated tongue and the boons
(that had been promised to her by the king) for its fangs, spying out a vital part. As fate
would have it, says Tulas, the king took it all as an amorous sport.
0r r rs f rf ff
r rf rs nnrff f r +.~+
So.: bra bra kaha ru sumukhi sulocani pikabacani,
krana mohi sunu gajagmini nija kopa kara.25.
Said the king again and again, Tell me the cause of your anger, O fair-faced,
bright-eyed dame with a voice melodious as the notes of a cuckoo and a gait resembling
that of an elephant. (25)
0fa ar fr ; t-r f ; f f t-r+
f f f f fr + {+
s ar f s rt r t rt+
rf r rs r= a r r=+ +
fr r a r f r ar+
f art rff r a rt+ -+
ff rn rfa rar f r nrar+
rrt rrt fr f fn fr ff + +
Cau.: anahita tora priy kei

knh, kehi dui sira kehi jamu caha lnh.

kahu kehi rakahi karau nares u, kahu kehi npahi niksau des u.1.
sakau tora ari amarau mr, kha ka bapure nara nr.
jnasi mora subhu baror u, manu tava nana cada cakoru.2.
priy prna suta sarabasu more , parijana praj sakala basa tore .
jau kachu kahau kapau kari toh, bhmini rma sapatha sata moh.3.
bihasi mgu manabhvati bt, bhuana sajahi manohara gt.
ghar kughar samujhi jiya dekh u, begi priy pariharahi kubeu.4.
Who is it, my dear, that has harmed you? Who is there with a head to spare and who
is it that is courted by death? Tell me what pauper I should exalt to the position of a king and
what monarch I should banish from his kingdom? I could slay even an immortal, were he
your enemy; of what account, then, are men and women, who are mere worms as it were?
You know my disposition, O beautiful lady; my mind is enamoured of your face as the
Cakora bird is of the moon. O my beloved, my people and my family and all that I possess,
my sons, nay, my life itself are all at your disposal. If I tell you anything insincerely, O good
lady, I should be guilty of falsely swearing by Rma a hundred times. Ask with a cheerful
countenance whatever pleases your mind and adorn your charming limbs with jewels.
Distinguish within yourself between an opportune and inopportune hour and give up, my
darling, this unbecoming attire at once. (14)
0 f nf fz ff st fa
fa frf n frfaf + +
Do.: yaha suni mana guni sapatha baRi bihasi uh matimada,
bhuana sajati biloki mgu manahu kirtini phada.26.
On hearing this and considering the great oath the dull-witted Kaikey smilingly
arose and began to put on her ornaments; it seemed as if a huntress was laying the trap
at the sight of a deer. (26)
0f rs z f rt f rt+
rff s ar rr rr rr n rr+ {+
rf s rf r f rf n r+
f ss f zs r= ; ns r ar=+ +
fs t ff af nr; r rf ff nf r;+
f ar; rf f f n= r;+ -+
uf tfa f r rffa ff nr+
r; rt rt ff rt+ +
Cau.: puni kaha ru suhda jiya jn, prema pulaki mdu majula bn.
bhmini bhayau tora manabhv, ghara ghara nagara anada badhv.1.
rmahi deu kli jubarju, sajahi sulocani magala sju.
dalaki uheu suni hdau kahor u, janu chui gayau pka baratoru.2.
aisiu pra bihasi tehi

go, cora nri jimi pragai na ro.


na bhupa kapaa catur, koi kuila mani gur u paRh.3.

jadyapi nti nipuna naranh u, nricarita jalanidhi avaghu.
kapaa sanehu baRhi bahor, bol bihasi nayana muhu mor.4.
Thinking her reconciled, the king spoke again in soft and winning accents his whole
frame thrilling over with emotion, Your hearts desire, O good lady, is accomplished; every
house in the city is a picture of joy and felicity. Tomorrow, I am installing Rma as the prince-
regent; therefore, O bright-eyed dame, put on a festive garb. The queens heart, hard though
it was, cracked at these words; it seemed as if abscess quite ripe,hadunwarily touched had
been unwarily touched. Even such (heart-rending) agony was disguised by her under the
cloak of a smile. Just as a thiefs wife does not openly weep (on seeing her husband suffer
punishment lest she should be made to share his lot). The king was unable to detect her wily
designs, tutored as she was by a teacher (Manthar) who ranked foremost among millions
of villains. Although the king was skilled in statesmanship, the ways of a woman are like an
unfathomable ocean. Again, with a greater show of false affection she smilingly said with a
graceful movement of her face and eyes: (14)
0rn rn f
r ; as ra + +
Do.: mgu mgu pai kahahu piya kabahu na dehu na lehu,
dena kahehu baradna dui teu pvata sadehu.27.
You do repeat the word Ask, ask, but never actually give anything. You
promised me a couple of boons; but I am yet doubtful about their implementation. (27)
0rs rs f ; arf rr f ;+
rat rf rfn r ff ns rf r r+ {+
r f r f ; rf rfn +
rr tfa r f r; r r = r;+ +
f - ra r fnf rf f rf nr+
- a r r ffa nr+ -+
af r f r; a f rrr;+
ra r; fa f rt a fn rt+ +
Cau.: jneu maramu ru ha si kaha, tumhahi kohba parama priya aha.
tht rkhi na mgihu ku, bisari gayau mohi bhora subhu.1.
jhuhehu hamahi dou jani dehu, dui kai cri mgi maku leh u.
raghukula rti sad cali , prna jhu baru bacanu na j.2.

asatya sama ptaka puj, giri sama hohi

ki koika guj.
satyamula saba sukta suhe, beda purna bidita manu ge.3.
tehi para rma sapatha kari , sukta saneha avadhi raghur.
bta dRhi kumati ha si bol, kumata kubihaga kulaha janu khol.4.
I have now understood the whole mystery, said the king with a smile; You are
extremely fond of being angry. You kept the boons in reserve and never asked for
them; as for myself, I forgot all about them, being oblivious by nature. Pray do not level
a false charge against me; you might as well ask four boons instead of two. It has
always been the rule with the race of Raghus that ones plighted word must be
redeemed even at the cost of ones life. Even a multitude of sins cannot be matched
with a lie. Can millions of tiny Guj seeds ever stand comparison with a mountain?
Veracity is the root of all noble virtues, as is well-known in the Vedas and Puras and
has been declared by Manu (the first law-giver of the world, the author of Manusmti).
Over and above this I have unwittingly sworn by Rma, the Lord of Raghus, who is
the very perfection of virtue and the highest embodiment of affection. Having thus
bound him to his word the evil-minded queen smilingly said, removing as it were the
cap from the eyes of her hawk-like plot.* (14)
0 r n fn r
ffrf ff rz fa = r+ c+
Do.: bh upa manoratha subhaga banu sukha subihaga samju,
bhillini jimi chRana cahati bacanu bhayakaru bju.28.
The kings desire (to see Rma installed as the prince-regent of Ayodhy)
represented a lovely grove and the joy (that prevailed everywhere) stood for a host of
charming birds. Queen Kaikey, who resembled a Bhla woman, sought to release a
fierce falcon in the form of her piercing words. (28)
* Fowlers who maintain a hawk with them generally keep its eyes covered by a leather cap so that it
may not attack any and every bird it sees indiscriminately, and uncover its eyes only when they intend it to
attack its prey.
0 rf ra t r af tr+
rns rt r r rt+ {+
ar ff srt f r rt+
f f r f a f ff r+ +
ns f f f rr r rs rr+
f s f r rff s a= ar+ -+
r r f rs r a f r rn r+
r r a= r a ff ff as r+ +
srf tf- ; tf-f ffa ;+ ~+
Cau.: sunahu prnapriya bhvata j k, dehu eka bara bharatahi k.
mgau dusara bara kara jor, puravahu ntha manoratha mor.1.
tpasa bea bisei uds, caudaha barisa rmu banabs.
suni mdu bacana bhupa hiya sok u, sasi kara chuata bikala jimi kok u.2.
gayau sahami nahi

kachu kahi v, janu sacna bana jhapaeu lv.
bibarana bhayau nipaa narapl u, dmini haneu manahu taru tl u.3.
mthe htha mudi dou locana, tanu dhari socu lga janu socana.
mora manorathu surataru phul, pharata karini jimi hateu sam ul.4.
avadha ujri knhi kaike

, dnhisi acala bipati kai ne

Hear, my beloved lord, that which pleases my heart; vouchsafe to me for one
boon the installation of Bharata (as the prince-regent of Ayodhy). And for the second
boon I ask with joined palmspray accomplish my desire, my lord: let Rma dwell in the
woods for fourteen years in the garb of a hermit and wholly detached from the world.
The king was grieved at heart to hear these gentle words even as a Cakravka bird is
filled with agony at the mere touch of a moonbeam. He felt dismayed and could not utter
a word, like a partridge in the woods at the swoop of a falcon. The king turned altogether
pale as a palm tree struck by lightning; with his hands to his forehead and closing both
his eyes he began to mourn like Grief personified. The celestial tree of my desire, that
had already blossomed, has been torn up with its roots by the elephant-like Kaikey just
when it was about to bear fruit. She has desolated Ayodhy and laid the foundation of
everlasting misfortune. (15)
0 r s ns rf ftr
rn ffq ff faf fur r+ +
Do.: kavane avasara k bhayau gayau nri bisvsa,
joga siddhi phala samaya jimi jatihi abidy nsa.29.
An inauspicious thing has happened at an auspicious moment; and I am
doomed by putting trust in a woman like a striving Yog who has been undone by
nescience at a time when his practice of Yoga was just going to bear fruit in the form
of Realization. (29)
0f ff rs f rr r f rfa fa rr+
a f rs a r t r r rf f rt+ {+
r f = rn arr r r r+
sa= f rt - ar rr rt+ +
f = a - n +
- rf = r r ;f rfn r+ -+
ff tf f r rr a as rr+
fa fa ; r r ;+ +
Cau.: ehi bidhi ru manahi

mana jh

kh, dekhi kubh

ti kumati mana mkh.

bharatu ki rura puta na hoh, nehu mola beshi ki moh.1.
jo suni saru asa lga tumhre , khe na bolahu bacanu sa bhre .
dehu utaru anu karahu ki nh

, satyasadha tumha raghukula mh

dena kahehu aba jani baru dehu, tajahu satya jaga apajasu lehu.
satya sarhi kahehu baru den, jnehu leihi mgi caben.3.
sibi dadhci bali jo kachu bh, tanu dhanu tajeu bacana panu rkh.
ati kau bacana kahati kaike, mnahu lona jare para de.4.
In this way the king moaned within himself. Seeing his bad plight the wicked queen
sulked within her heart and said, Is Bharata not your son? And have you bought me in
consideration of money? If my words pierced you like arrows the moment they entered
your ears, why should you not make promises after careful thought? Either say yes to
my proposal or decline. You are true to your promise (more than anyone else) in the race
of Raghu. Refuse the boons you promised me; abandon truth and court infamy in the
world. Loud in your praise of truth you promised me a couple of boons, imagining of
course that I would ask for a handful of parched grain. ibi,* Dadhci

and Bali

* King ibi was noted for his piety and large-heartedness. Once upon a time the gods deputed Indra
and Agni (the god of fire) to put his generosity to the test. Agni took the form of a pigeon and Indra appeared
as a hawk. While the king was sitting in his court the pigeon flew into the hall and hid in his lap. The hawk too
followed him; and while the pigeon sought his protection against the hawk, the latter insisted that the pigeon
was its lawful spoil and should be made over to it. The king, who knew his duty, resolved to save the pigeons
life at all costs; for as a true Katriya he could not betray one who had sought shelter with him. At the same time
he recognized the validity of the hawks claim and did not want to rob it of food which it had fairly won and
without which it would die of starvation. The king offered the hawk anything else that it chose to name; but the
hawk would be satisfied with nothing short of an equal weight of the kings own flesh. Scales were accordingly
brought; and while the pigeon was put in one balance the king chopped his flesh with his own hands and put
it in the other. But even though the monarch hacked and hewed large pieces of flesh from his muscular body,
the pigeon outweighed them all. The king at last bodily mounted the balance and was just going to sever his
head when Indra and Agni appeared in their own celestial forms, and interposed. They blessed the king and
made him whole again.

When Indra and the other gods were hard pressed by the demon Vtra, they approached Bhagavn
Viu and sought His protection. God Viu told them that there was a great saint named Dadhci practising
penance in the Naimia forest, and that if he would let them have his bones they could be made into weapon,
before which no enemy could stand. Dadhci, as soon as he heard what they wanted, gave up his ghost and
out of his bones Vivakarm, the artisan of the gods, made a thunderbolt with which Indra easily dispatched

The demon-king Bali was so powerful that he acquired dominion over all the three worlds and
custed the gods from heaven. The mother of the gods, Aditi, prayed to Lord Viu for relief and the latter was
born as a son to Aditi in the form of a dwarf (Vmana). The dwarf appeared before Bali and as a Brhmaa boy
asked for alms. The demon-king promised to give him whatever He asked. Bhagavn Vmana said He
wanted only as much land as could be measured in three strides. King Bali, who was noted for his generosity,
granted the Brhmaas request at once. The divine Dwarf now assumed colossal dimensions; in one stride
redeemed their plighted word maintaining whatever they said even at the cost of their life
and possessions. In this way Kaikey uttered most pungent words as though applying
salt to a burn. (14)
0 t f srrr r
f= f tf- sr f rf rf r+ -+
Do.: dharama dhuradhara dhra dhari nayana ughre rya ,
siru dhuni lnhi ussa asi mresi mohi kuhya .30.
A champion of righteousness, the king took courage and opened his eyes, and
beating his head sighed out, She has attacked me (created an em not to allow me
anyway out of it) . (30)
0rn tf a f rt r arf srrrt+
f fq r fr; t t r r;+ {+
t t r rr - f t ;f rr+
r rs f f rat rt f ar rrat+ +
fr f rat t atfa tfa f rat+
r a r ; rt - s f = rt+ -+
f a ; rar f fn a rs rar+
f rf r r; s a r r;+ +
Cau.: ge dkhi jarata risa bhr, manahu roa taravri ughr.
muhi kubuddhi dhra nihur, dhar kubar

sna ban.1.
lakh mahpa karla kahor, satya ki jvanu leihi mor.
bole ru kahina kari cht, bn sabinaya tsu soht.2.
priy bacana kasa kahasi kubh

t, bhra pratti prti kari h

more bharatu rmu dui

kh, satya kahau kari sakaru skh.3.

avasi dutu mai

pahaiba prt, aihahi

begi sunata dou bhrt.

sudina sodhi sabu sju saj, deu bharata kahu rju baj.4.
He saw her standing before him burning with rage, as if it were Furys own sword
drawn from the sheath, with a malicious mind for its hilt and remorselessness for its
edge, whetted on the grindstone in the shape of the humpback (Manthar). The king saw
that the sword was dreadful and inflexible and said to himself, Is it really going to take
my life? Then, steeling his heart, he politely spoke to her in endearing terms, My darling,
why should you utter such unbecoming words, casting all confidence and affection to the
winds, O timid lady? Bharata and Rma are my two eyes; I vouch for it calling akara
as my witness. I will positively despatch a messenger at daybreak, and the two brothers
(Bharata and atrughna) will speedily come on hearing the message. Then, after fixing
an auspicious date and making all preparations I will solemnly bestow the kingdom on
Bharata. (14)
He measured the whole earth and covered heaven with another. For the third step Lord Vmana planted His
foot on the blessed demon and sent him down to the subterranean region known by the name of Sutala, of
which he became the sovereign. Won by his unique self-sacrifice and adherence to truth Bhagavn Vmana
ever waits as a porter at his door. King Bali will be installed as Indra in the next Manvantara.
0r rf r a a tfa
z r frf f a s tfa+ -{+
Do.: lobhu na rmahi rju kara bahuta bharata para prti,

baRa choa bicri jiya karata raheu npanti.31.

Rma has no greed of sovereignty and is deeply attached to Bharata. I was only
going to follow the usage obtaining among the princes, considering the seniority and
juniority of the two princes. (31)
0r a s r rra s r+
t- arf f af a s r + {+
f f= n r f n a r+
f ra rf rnr rnr+ +
zs a af r r f fr f r rr+
af r r r rs ; r f r+ -+
a rf f f rf s +
r rs ff r r ff ff ra far+ +
Cau.: rma sapatha sata kahau subh u, rmamtu kachu kaheu na ku.

sabu knha tohi binu pu

che , tehi te pareu manorathu chuche .1.

risa pariharu aba magala sju, kachu dina gae bharata jubarj u.
ekahi bta mohi dukhu lg, bara dusara asamajasa mg.2.

hdau jarata tehi

c, risa parihsa ki s

cehu s

kahu taji rou rma apardh u, sabu kou kahai rmu suhi sdhu.3.

sarhasi karasi saneh u, aba suni mohi bhayau sadehu.

jsu subhu arihi anuk ul, so kimi karihi mtu pratik ul.4.
I sincerely tell you, swearing by Rma a hundred times, that his mother
(Kausaly) never said a word to me in this connection. No doubt I arranged everything
without consulting you and that is why my cherished desire has not been realized. Now
give up your anger and put on a festal garb; a few days hence Bharata will be the prince-
regent. Only one thing has caused me pain; the second boon that you have asked for
is something incongruous. My heart is still burning with the agony caused by it. Is it anger
or jest, or is it all really true? Tell me with a cool mind r Rmas guilt; everybody says
Rma is extremely well-behaved. You too spoke well of him and loved him. Hearing now
what you have asked, I have begun to suspect (whether your profession of love was
genuine). How could he whose temperament was congenial even to an enemy act
contrary to the will of his own mother?
0fr r f ff rn frf f
f f a r f+ -+
Do.: priy hsa risa pariharahi mgu bicri bibeku,

dekhau aba nayana bhari bharata rja abhieku.32.

No more of jesting or anger, my darling; make a reasonable and thoughtful
request, so that I may now regale my eyes on the sight of Bharatas installation on the
throne. (32)
0f t = rf ftr f f f f tr+
s rs rt t r r f rt+ {+
fr f fr tr t r rtr+
f fa fa ; rfa rra ;+ +
; f rf srr ;r rfnf rsf rr+
f f rt rf a rrt+ -+
r r ar r r rra f fr+
fr r arr a s-f s f rr+ +
Cau.: jiai mna baru bri bihn, mani binu phaniku jiai dukha dn.
kahau subhu na chalu mana mh

, jvanu mora rma binu nh

samujhi dekhu jiya priy prabn, jvanu rma darasa dhn.
suni mdu bacana kumati ati jara, manahu anala huti ghta para.2.
kahai karahu kina koi upy, ih

na lgihi ruri my.

dehu ki lehu ajasu kari nh

, mohi na bahuta prapaca sohh

rmu sdhu tumha sdhu sayne, rmamtu bhali saba pahicne.
jasa kausil

mora bhala tk, tasa phalu unhahi deu kari sk.4.

A fish may rather survive even without water and a serpent may drag on a
miserable and wretched existence without the gem in its head. But I tell you sincerely
with a guileless heart that I cannot live without Rma. Be assured in your mind, my wise
darling, that my very existence depends on the sight of r Rma. Hearing these soft
words the evil-minded queen blazed up like the fire on which has fallen an oblation of
clarified butter. She said, You might as well try millions of devices; but your stratagem
shall not avail with me. Either grant my request or earn a bad reputation by refusing it;
I am not fond of much wiles. Rma is virtuous, you too are virtuous and wise and no less
virtuous is Rmas mother (Kausaly); I have known all of you. I will repay with a
vengeance the benefit she has sought to confer upon me. (14)
0ra ra f f r rf
r rs fr rf+ --+
Do.: hota prtu munibea dhari jau na rmu bana jhi

mora maranu rura ajasa npa samujhia mana mhi

If Rma does not retire to the woods assuming the garb of a hermit as soon as
the day breaks, death for me and ill-repute for you will be the result; bear this in mind,
O king. (33)
0 f f ; sf rt r r afnf rt+
r r n ; r; t r r; r;+ {+
rs f rr t rr+
ra = a= r t ffa rff r+ +
t ra f rt fa f t t rt+
nf f t- rt f f rf rt+ -+
rn r t s art r f f rf rt+
r r f af r at rf a ff f rat+ +
Cau.: asa kahi kuila bha uhi hRh, mnahu roa taragini bRh.
ppa pahra pragaa bhai so, bhar krodha jala ji na jo.1.
dou bara kula kahina haha dhr, bhava ra k ubar bacana pracr.
hhata bhuparupa taru mul, cal bipati bridhi anukul.2.
lakh naresa bta phuri s

c, tiya misa mcu ssa para nc.

gahi pada binaya knha baihr, jani dinakara kula hosi kuhr.3.
mgu mtha abah

deu toh, rma biraha jani mrasi moh.

rkhu rma kahu jehi tehi bh

t, nhi

ta jarihi janama bhari cht.4.

So saying, the wicked woman rose and stood up as though it were a swollen
stream of fury that had issued from the mountain of sin and, overflowing with the water
of anger, was too terrible to look at. The two boons she had asked for represented its
banks, her inexorable obstinacy corresponded to its (swift) current and the impelling
force of Manthars words stood for its eddies; uprooting the king like a tree the river
headed towards the ocean of adversity. The king now perceived that the demand of the
queen was really true, and that it was death itself which was dancing over his head in
the disguise of his own consort. Clasping her feet he persuaded her to sit down and
implored her, Pray do not play the axe with respect to the solar race. Ask of me my
own head and I will forthwith give it to you; but kill me not by tearing Rma from me.
Retain Rma by any means whatsoever, or your bosom will burn with anguish all your
life. (14)
0t rf r s f f r
a ra r r rrr+ -+
Do.: dekh bydhi asdha npu pareu dharani dhuni mtha,
kahata parama rata bacana rma rma raghuntha.34.
When the king saw the malady uncontrollable he dropped on the ground
beating his head and sobbing out in most piteous tones, Rma, O Rma, O Lord of
Raghus! (34)
0r rs ff nrar ff a= frar+
r rt rt t f rt+ {+
f r ; rrr r ;+
a a rn rn ar f + +
; f r; rr r; rs nrr+
rf rs = r; r; f ar;+ -+
rz f t f r ff =r +
a fa a r t - a t+ +
Cau.: bykula ru sithila saba gt, karini kalapataru manahu nipt.
kahu sukha mukha va na bn, janu phnu dna binu pn.1.
puni kaha kau kahora kaike, manahu ghya mahu mhura de.
jau atahu asa karatabu raheu, mgu mgu tumha kehi

bala kahe u.2.

dui ki hoi eka samaya bhul, ha saba hahi phuluba gl.
dni kahuba aru kpan, hoi ki khema kusala raut.3.
chRahu bacanu ki dhraju dharahu, jani abal jimi karun karah u.
tanu tiya tanaya dhmu dhanu dharan, satyasadha kahu tna sama baran.4.
The king was stricken with grief and his limbs began to droop; it looked as if a wish-
yielding tree had been knocked down by a female elephant. His throat was dry and
speech failed his lips; he felt miserable like a fish out of water. Kaikey plied him once
more with pungent and harsh words, injecting poison as it were into his wound, If this
was what you intended doing in the long run, what emboldened you to say Ask, ask?
Can both these things happen at the same time, O sovereign of the earthto laugh a
boisterous laugh and to look grave, to enjoy the reputation of being generous and yet be
stingy? Is it possible to remain unscathed while playing the hero? Either go back upon
your word or forbear; pray do not wail like a woman. Life and wife, sons, home, wealth
and land have been spoken of as no better than a straw in the eyes of a man who is
true to his word. (14)
0 f rs r ar
rns arf fr ff r ra r+ -~+
Do.: marama bacana suni ru kaha kahu kachu dou na tora,
lgeu tohi pisca jimi klu kahvata mora.35.
On hearing these poignant words the king exclaimed, Say what you will; you are
not to blame for it. It is my doom which has possessed you like a devil and is using you
as its mouthpiece. (35)
0a a af r ff fa t f ar+
r r r fr s r f ff r+ {+
ff ff r; n r r ar;+
ff r; r; r;f fa r zr;+ +
ar r far fff r;f r+
arf t rn = r; r r nr;+ -+
fn fr s rt a fn f f rt+
ff faf a rnt rf nr; r= rnt+ +
Cau.: cahata na bharata bh upatahi bhore , bidhi basa kumati bas jiya tore .
so sabu mora ppa parinmu, bhayau kuhhara jehi

bidhi bm u.1.
subasa basihi phiri avadha suh, saba guna dhma rma prabhut.

bhi sakala sevak, hoihi tihu pura rma baR.2.

tora kalaku mora pachit u, muehu na miihi na jihi k u.
aba tohi nka lga karu so, locana oa baihu muhu go.3.
jaba lagi jiau kahau kara jor, taba lagi jani kachu kahasi bahor.
phiri pachitaihasi ata abhg, mrasi gi nahr u lg.4.
Bharata would never covet sovereignty even unwittingly. By the decree of fate,
however, evil counsel has taken possession of your mind. All that is the outcome of my
sins, due to which the tide has turned against me at an inopportune moment. Beautiful
Ayodhy shall flourish again under the sovereignty of Rma, the abode of all virtues. All
his brothers shall serve him and his fame shall spread through all the three spheres of
creation. The stain on your reputation and my remorse shall not disappear even after our
death and shall never go till eternity. Now do whatever pleases you; only keep out of my
sight hiding your face. So long as I live, I beseech you with joined palms, pray speak
not a word to me again. You will repent in the end, O hapless woman, that you killed a
cow for the sake of gut. (14)
0s rs f rf ff r f fr
rf fa rnfa r+ -+
Do.: pareu ru kahi koi bidhi khe karasi nidnu,
kapaa sayni na kahati kachu jgati manahu masnu.36.
Thus arguing with her in numberless way the king dropped on the ground crying.
Why do you bring ruin to all? But a pastmaster in wiles the queen did not utter a
word as though busy in prpraley avilsprit in a crematorium (to acquire control over
ghosts). (36)
0r r f r f fn r+
z r r= f r; rf r; f r;+ {+
ss f f rr n frf r;f s+
tfa ; fr; s f ff t r;+ +
fa f s frr tr f rr+
f r n nrf nr a f rnf r+ -+
n rrf nrfff f +
af ff t t f r r rr sr+ +
Cau.: rma rma raa bikala bhulu, janu binu pakha bihaga behlu.
hdaya manva bhoru jani ho, rmahi ji kahai jani ko.1.
udau karahu jani rabi raghukula gura, avadha biloki sula hoihi ura.
bhupa prti kaikai kahin, ubhaya avadhi bidhi rac ban.2.
bilapata npahi bhayau bhinusr, bn benu sakha dhuni dvr.

bha guna gvahi

gyaka, sunata npahi janu lgahi

magala sakala sohhi

na kaise , sahagminihi bibhuana jaise .


nisi nda par nahi

kh u, rma darasa llas uchhu.4.

Stricken with grief the king repeated the word Rma again and again and felt
miserable like a bird that has been shorn of its wings. He prayed in his heart, May the
day never dawn nor may anyone go and tell Rma. Rise not, O sun-god, the progenitor
of Raghus race; for you will be pained at heart to see the plight of Ayodhy. The kings
affection and the relentlessness of Kaikey both were the highest of their kind in Gods
creation. While the king was yet wailing, the day broke and the music of lute, flute and
conch was heard at his door. Bards extolled him and minstrels sang his praises; they,
however, pierced the king like shafts as he heard them. These and other tokens of
rejoicing pleased him not even as ornaments repel a widow who has decided to
accompany her deceased husband to the other world. None could have a wink of sleep
that night since everyone was eagerly longing for a sight of r Rma. (14)
0r t f f sfa f f
rns fa r ff+ -+
Do.: dvra bhra sevaka saciva kahahi

udita rabi dekhi,

jgeu ajahu na avadhapati kranu kavanu bisei.37.
At the door waited a crowd of servants and ministers, who said to one another at
the sight of the risen sun, The Lord of Ayodhy has not yet woken up, what special
reason can there be? (37)
0f fa rnr r f z rnr+
r r nr r; tf r r r;+ {+
n r a rs rt f r ra zrt+
r; r; r; r r ffa fr r+ +
rs a= ; n f ;+
f t f= r; f nfa ns r;+ -+
r f f f r f+
fs ta ; f t rt t t+ +
Cau.: pachile pahara bhupu nita jg, ju hamahi baRa acaraju lg.
jhu sumatra jagvahu j, kjia kju rajyasu p.1.
gae sumatru taba rura mh

, dekhi bhayvana jta erh

dhi khi janu ji na her, mnahu bipati bida baser.2.
puche kou na utaru de, gae jehi

bhavana bh upa kaike.

kahi jayajva baiha siru n, dekhi bhupa gati gayau sukh.3.
soca bikala bibarana mahi pare u, mnahu kamala m ulu parihare u.
saciu sabhta sakai nahi

puch, bol asubha bhar subha chuch.4.

The king used to wake up during the last watch of the night everyday; his
behaviour today appears most strange to us. Getting into the palace, O Sumantra, you
go and rouse him; on receiving his orders we may proceed with our work. Sumantra
then entered the gynaeceum; but it wore such a dismal appearance that he was afraid
to advance. It looked like a monster that would spring on him and devour him; its sight
was so repelling. It seemed to be the very abode of calamity and sorrow. Since nobody
answered his questions he proceeded to the apartment where the king and Queen
Kaikey were. Greeting the king with the salutory words Jaya Jivan! and bowing his head,
he sat down. He turned pale to behold the condition of the king, who lay on the ground
distracted with grief and colourless like a lotus stalk torn from its roots. The minister being
too alarmed to ask any question, Kaikey, who was full of evil and void of all good, broke
the silence. (14)
0t rf t ff a r nt
r r f r= f ; t+ -c+
Do.: par na rjahi nda nisi hetu jna jagadsu,
rmu rmu rai bhoru kiya kahai na maramu mahsu.38.
The king had no sleep last night: Heaven alone knows the reason. He has been
simply repeating Rma, Rma till daybreak and refuses to disclose the secret. (38)
0r rf fn rr; rr a r;+
s r r = rt t rf tf- rt+ {+
r f n ; r rf rf ff r r+
s f t ns r f f r+ +
rr f r t r ns r f tr+
r rf ra r r= t- far r+ -+
ff f r; rrtf s r;+
r rfa f n rt f rn a frt+ +
Cau.: nahu rmahi begi bol, samcra taba pu

chehu .
caleu sumatru rya rukha jn, lakh kucli knhi kachu rn.1.
soca bikala maga parai na pu, rmahi boli kahihi k r u.
ura dhari dhraju gayau dure , pu


sakala dekhi manu mre .2.

samdhnu kari so sabah k, gayau jah

dinakara kula k.
rma sumatrahi vata dekh, daru knha pit sama lekh.3.
nirakhi badanu kahi bhupa raj, raghukuladpahi caleu lev.
rmu kubh

ti saciva sa ga jh

, dekhi loga jaha taha bilakhh

Therefore, call on Rma and bring him soon; thereafter, when you have come
back, you may ask further details. Judging (from his masters looks) that the king
approved of this idea, Sumantra left; he concluded that the queen had contrived some
evil design. He felt so distressed with anxiety that his legs refused to move ahead. What
will the king speak to Rma after calling him? he wondered. Recovering himself he
repaired to the gate; and seeing him disconsolate all began to question him. He, however,
reassured them all and proceeded to the apartment where the Ornament of the solar race
(r Rma) was. When r Rma saw Sumantra coming, He received him with honour,
treating the minister on an equal footing with His father. Looking r Rma in the face,
Sumantra conveyed to Him the royal command and returned with the Light of Raghus
race (r Rma). r Rma followed the minister in an unbecoming manner: people here
and there were grieved to see this. (14)
0r; t rrf fa f r
f s f ffrrff q nr+ -+
Do.: ji dkha raghubasamani narapati nipaa kusju,
sahami pareu lakhi sighinihi manahu bddha gajarju.39.
The Jewel of Raghus race went and saw the king in an utterly wretched state like
an aged elephant who had dropped down in terror at the sight of a lioness. (39)
0f ; n t ft n+
= t tf ; r t rrt nf ;+ {+
=r r r t r r+
af t f s frt t art+.+
rf ra ara r f a f r; fr+
r r rf ar a + -+
f- rf ; rr rns r rf rrr+
r f s s r rfz f arr r+ +
Cau.: sukhahi

adhara jarai sabu agu, manahu dna manihna bh uag u.

sarua sampa dkhi kaike, mnahu mcu ghar

gani le.1.
karunmaya mdu rma subh u, prathama dkha dukhu sun na ku.
tadapi dhra dhari samau bicr, pu

ch madhura bacana mahatr.2.

mohi kahu mtu tta dukha krana, karia jatana jehi

hoi nivrana.
sunahu rma sabu krana ehu, rjahi tumha para bahuta sanehu.3.
dena kahenhi mohi dui baradn, mgeu jo kachu mohi sohn.
so suni bhayau bhupa ura soc u, chRi na sakahi

tumhra sa koc u.4.

His lips got parched and his whole frame burned; he looked like a helpless snake
bereft of the gem. The Lord beheld by the side of His father angry Kaikey, who stood
there like Death personified counting the last minutes of his life. r Rma was
compassionate and soft by nature; He witnessed sorrow for the first time in His life, He
had never heard of it before. Yet, recovering Himself as the occasion demanded,
addressed His step-mother in the following sweet words, Tell me, dear mother, the
cause of my fathers distress, so that an attempt may be made to remove it. Listen,
Rma; the sole cause is this: the king is very fond of you. He had promised me two
boons of my choice and I asked whatever I liked. The king, however, was stricken with
grief to hear my requests; for he cannot shake off the hesitation on your score. (14)
0a ;a sa s
a r f f + +
Do.: suta sanehu ita bacanu uta sakaa pareu naresu,
sakahu ta yasu dharahu sira meahu kahina kalesu.40.
Love for his son on one side and his plighted word on the other: The king is
placed on the horns of a dilemma. Obey his command if you can, and rid him of a severe
mental torture. (40)
0f f ; rt a far fa rt+
t r rr f - rr+ {+
r t= f; fur t=+
n rrfaf r; f a f fr;+ +
r; r r r r fr+
r fna rn f+ -+
t r; a zrnt r fa ra rnt+
a ra fa arfrr f rr+ +
Cau.: nidharaka baihi kahai kau bn, sunata kahinat ati akuln.
jbha kamna bacana sara nn, manahu mahipa mdu laccha samn.1.
janu kahorapanu dhare sarr u, sikhai dhanuabidy bara bru.
sabu prasagu raghupatihi sun, baihi manahu tanu dhari nihur.2.
mana musuki bhnukula bhnu, rmu sahaja nada nidhnu.
bole bacana bigata saba d uana, mdu majula janu bga bibhuana.3.
sunu janan soi sutu baRabhg, jo pitu mtu bacana anurg.
tanaya mtu pitu toanihr, durlabha janani sakala sasr.4.
Kaikey unhesitatingly spoke these pungent words, which callousness itself was
sore distressed to hear. With the tongue for a bow, and words for so many shafts and
with the king for a delicate target as it were, it looked as hard heartedness had assumed
the form of a great hero and practised bowmanship. Having communicated the whole
incident to the Lord of Raghus (r Rma). She sat like the very incarnation of
heartlessness. The Sun of the solar dynasty, r Rma, the natural fountain of joy, smiled
within Himself and spoke words which were free from all blemish and were so sweet and
agreeable that they seemed to be the very ornaments of speech; Listen, mother: That
son alone is blessed, who is devoted to the words of his parents. A son who gratifies his
father and mother is rare in this whole world, mother. (14)
0fn f ff f rfa fa r
af fa r f a t ar+ {+
Do.: munigana milanu bisei bana sabahi bh

ti hita mora,
tehi maha pitu yasu bahuri samata janan tora.41.
In the forest I shall get more opportunities of meeting hermits, which will be
beneficial to me in everyway. On top of it I have my fathers command and your approval
to boot, mother. (41)
0a rf rf r ff ff rf r+
rs rr nf rf rr+ {+
f z a= -rnt ff a f f rnt+
as r; s rt frf ra rt+ +
rf ft f f r t+
rff ra faf rt rfa atfa rf art+ -+
rs t n sf nr r rf a z r+
ra rf a r rf arf fa r+ +
Cau.: bharatu prnapriya pvahi

rj u, bidhi saba bidhi mohi sanamukha ju.

jau na ju bana aisehu kj, prathama gania mohi muRha samj.1.

ara u kalapataru tyg, parihari amta lehi

biu mg.
teu na pi asa samau cukh

, dekhu bicri mtu mana mh

aba eka dukhu mohi bise, nipaa bikala naranyaku dekh.

bta pitahi dukha bhr, hoti pratti na mohi mahatr.3.

ru dhra guna udadhi agdhu, bh mohi te kachu baRa apardhu.
jte mohi na kahata kachu ru, mori sapatha tohi kahu sati bhu.4.
Again, Bharata, who is dear to me as life, will get the sovereignty: God is
propitious to me in every respect today. If I refuse to proceed to the woods even under
such circumstances, I should be reckoned foremost in an assembly of fools. Those who
nurture a castor-oil plant leaving the tree of paradise and barter away nectar for poison,
they too will not lose an opportunity like this should they ever get it: ponder this fact in
your mind and realize it, mother. Only one thing pains me most, mother; I am grieved to
see the king sore distressed. That my father should be so overwhelmed with grief over
a trifling matter is more than I can believe, dear mother. The king is stout of heart and
a fathomless ocean of goodness; I must have committed some great offence, which
prevents the king from speaking out his mind to me. I adjure you, therefore, to tell me
the truth. (14)
0 rr fa f f r
; r nfa uf f r+ +
Do.: sahaja sarala raghubara bacana kumati kuila kari jna,
calai joka jala bakragati jadyapi salilu samna.42.
The words of r Rma (the Chief of Raghus) were artless and straight-forward,
yet the evil-minded Kaikey took then to be otherwise. A leech must always move obliquely
even though the water on which it moves has a smooth surface. (42)
0t rf r = r; rt r;+
arr a rr a rr+ {+
ar r rn f arar t rar+
r - r ar fa ra a + +
faf rr; f r; f r;+
ar a f t- sfa ar fr= t-+ -+
rnf n nrf at +
rf ra r ff f na f r+ +
Cau.: rahas rni rma rukha p, bol kapaa sanehu jan.
sapatha tumhra bharata kai n, hetu na dusara mai

kachu jn.1.
tumha apardha jogu nahi

tt, janan janaka badhu sukhadt.

rma satya sabu jo kachu kahah u, tumha pitu mtu bacana rata ahahu.2.
pitahi bujhi kahahu bali so, cauthepana jehi

ajasu na ho.
tumha sama suana sukta jehi

dnhe, ucita na tsu nirdaru knhe.3.


kumukha bacana subha kaise, magaha gaydika tratha jaise.

rmahi mtu bacana saba bhe, jimi surasari gata salila suhe.4.
The queen rejoiced to find r Rma acquiescing to her proposal and said with a
false show of affection, I swear by yourself and Bharata that no other cause of the kings
affliction is known to me. You are not supposed to do any offence, dear son, a source
of delight that you are to your parents and brothers. What you say is all true; you are
devoted to the words of your father and mother. I adjure you to argue with your father
that he may not incur opprobrium in the evening of his life. It is hardly desirable for him
to disregard the virtues (truthfulness etc.) that have fetched him a son like you. These
polite words adorned her detestable mouth even as sacred spots just as Gay is situted
in the accursed land of Magadha (South Bihar). All these words from His stepmother
sounded pleasant to Rma in the same way as waters of all kinds are hallowed through
their confluence with the holy Gag. (14)
0n; =r rf ff ff t-
f r rn f f t-+ -+
Do.: gai muruch rmahi sumiri npa phiri karavaa lnha,
saciva rma gamana kahi binaya samaya sama knha.43
The kings spell of unconsciousness now left him; he remembered Rma and then
changed sides. And the minister (Sumantra) informed him of r Rmas arrival and made
humble submission to him in words appropriate to the occasion. (43)
0f f r n r f t a srrr+
f rf rs r a r fr+ {+
f f s r; n f f ff r;+
rf fa; s r r fr rf r+ +
r f rr z nra rf rr+
fff r rs rt f rrr r rt+ -+
ff f ; frt fat rf rt+
rar ar rt rfa t rt+ +
Cau.: avanipa akani rmu pagu dhre, dhari dhraju taba nayana ughre.
saciva sa bhri ru baihre, carana parata npa rmu nihre.1.
lie saneha bikala ura l, gai mani manahu phanika phiri p.
rmahi citai raheu naranhu, cal bilocana bri prabhu.2.
soka bibasa kachu kahai na pr, hdaya lagvata brah br.
bidhihi manva ru mana mh

, jehi

raghuntha na knana jh

sumiri mahesahi kahai nihor, binat sunahu sadsiva mor.
sutoa tumha avahara dn, rati harahu dna janu jn.4.
Hearing that r Rma had come, the king recovered himself and opened his eyes.
The minister (Sumantra) helped his sovereign to a sitting posture, when the latter beheld
Rma falling at his feet. Overwhelmed with emotion the king clasped Him to his bosom
as though a serpent had regained its lost gem. The monarch kept gazing on r Rma
and a torrent of tears streamed forth from his eyes. Overpowered with grief he could not
utter a word and pressed the prince to his heart again and again. He inwardly prayed to
God that the Lord of Raghus (r Rma) might not be able to proceed to the woods.
Invoking the mighty Lord iva he solicited Him saying, Hear my prayer, O ever-blissful
Lord! Quickly pleased and indiscreetly generous as You are, pray, relieve my affliction
knowing me to be in distress. (14)
0ar z r fa rf
r af f rr ff t + +
Do.: tumha preraka saba ke hdaya so mati rmahi dehu,
bacanu mora taji rahahi

ghara parihari slu sanehu.44.

Dwelling as You do in the heart of all as the prompter of actions, so inspire Rma
that he may flout my word and stay at home casting to the wind all sense of propriety
and filial affection. (44)
0 rs n r = = r+
r rt r r r f rt+ {+
n; rs f rr t ra f zrr+
rrfa faf rt f ff ra rt+ +
r rt r fta frt+
ara s s f r; fa rf fr;+ -+
fa rr ra rfn rr r rf f rr+
f nrr;f fs rar f n ta nrar+ +
Cau.: ajasu hou jaga sujasu nas u, naraka parau baru surapuru j u.
saba dukha dusaha sahvahu moh, locana oa rmu jani hoh.1.
asa mana gunai ru nahi

bol, ppara pta sarisa manu ol.

raghupati pitahi premabasa jn, puni kachu kahihi mtu anumn.2.
desa kla avasara anusr, bole bacana binta bicr.
tta kahau kachu karau hih, anucitu chamaba jni larik .3.
ati laghu bta lgi dukhu pv, khu na mohi kahi prathama janv.
dekhi gosi

hi pu

chiu mt, suni prasagu bhae stala gt.4.

Let world-wide disrepute be my lot and let my good name perish; I would fain be
damned to perdition and forgo heaven (the abode of immortals). Subject me to all severe
hardships; but let not Rma be screened from my view. The king thus prayed within his
heart but did not open his lips; his mind quivered like an aspen leaf. Perceiving that His
father was overpowered with affection, and apprehending that mother Kaikey might utter
something again, the Lord of Raghus (r Rma) spoke after due deliberation, words
which were not only humble but also suited to the place, time and circumstances. Dear
father, I make bold to submit something; pray forgive this impropriety on my part knowing
that I am yet tender of age. You have suffered for a most trifling matter; and the pity of
it is that nobody apprized me of it before. When I saw you I asked mother Kaikey, and
was consoled to hear what she has told me. (14)
0n r ff ara
r ; f f f nra+ ~+
Do.: magala samaya saneha basa soca pariharia tta,
yasu deia harai hiya kahi pulake prabhu gta.45.
Grieve not out of affection at a time of rejoicing, dear father, and command me
with a glad heart. The Lord felt a thrill of joy all over his body as He spoke these
words. (45)
0- nata ar faf r fa f r+
rf r a ar f fa ra r r+ {+
r rf r; s fnf rs r;+
fr ra rs rnt fs f f n rnt+ +
f r n a t-r r sa= t-r+
n rf n; ra att a t a tt+ -+
f f rt f f ff f rt+
r ; ; f= r; z fr f t r;+ +
Cau.: dhanya janamu jagattala ts u, pitahi pramodu carita suni js u.
cri padratha karatala tke , priya pitu mtu prna sama jke .1.
yasu pli janama phalu p, aihau begihi

hou raj.
bid mtu sana vau mg, calihau banahi bahuri paga lg.2.
asa kahi rma gavanu taba knh, bhupa soka basa utaru na dnh.
nagara bypi gai bta sutch, chuata caRh janu saba tana bch.3.
suni bhae bikala sakala nara nr, beli biapa jimi dekhi davr.
jo jaha sunai dhunai siru so, baRa bidu nahi

dhraju ho.4.
Blessed is his birth on the surface of this earth, whose father is rejoiced to hear
of his doings. He has in his hand all the four prizes of life, (viz., religious merit, material
riches, sensuous gratification and final beatitude), to whom his parents are dear as life.
After carrying out your order and having obtained the reward of my life I shall come back
soon; therefore be pleased to command me. In the meantime I shall ask leave of mother
Kausaly and return forthwith; then I shall proceed to the woods after throwing myself
once more at your feet. So spoke r Rma and then departed; while the king was too
overpowered with grief to make any answer. This most unwelcome news spread
throughout the city as though the sting of a scorpion had circulated its poison throughout
the body. Every man and woman who heard this was distressed even as trees and
creepers are blasted at the very sight of a forest fire. Whoever heard it beat his head
wherever he happened to be; the grief was too great to be borne. (14)
0 rf r nf r z r;
= ; sat r;+ +
Do.: mukha sukhhi

locana sravahi

soku na hdaya sami,

manahu karuna rasa kaaka utar avadha baji.46.
Their mouths were parched, their eyes streamed and their heart could not contain
their sorrow; it seemed as though the army of Pathos had openly pitched its camp at
Ayodhy. (46)
0ff rr ff ra nrt a f ;f nrt+
f rfff fr r r; r + {+
f rf tr zrf r f ra tr+
f r fq rnt ; rr rnt+ +
r f z f rr r r f rr+
r r f r rr r f rr+ -+
- f f rf r ff n nr r+
f faf = nf r; rf r; rf nfa r;+ +
Cau.: milehi mjha bidhi bta begr, jaha taha dehi

kaikaihi gr.
ehi ppinihi bujhi k pareu, chi bhavana para pvaku dhareu.1.
nija kara nayana kRhi caha dkh, ri sudh biu chata ckh.
kuila kahora kubuddhi abhg, bhai raghubasa benu bana g.2.
plava baihi peRu ehi

k, sukha mahu soka hu dhari h.

sad rmu ehi prna samn, krana kavana kuilapanu hn.3.
satya kahahi

kabi nri subhu, saba bidhi agahu agdha duru.
nija pratibi

bu baruku gahi j, jni na ji nri gati bh.4.

When everything was ready, God upset the whole plan! Everywhere people
abused Kaikey. What sense could there be in this wicked woman having set fire to a
house that had been newly thatched! She seeks to perceive after tearing out her eyes
with her own hands, and wishes to taste poison throwing away nectar. This crooked
hard-hearted and evil-minded wretch has appeared as fire to burn the cluster of bamboos
in the shape of Raghus race. Sitting on a twig she has hewn the tree itself; in the midst
of joy she has raised a structure of sorrow. r Rma had always been dear to her as
life: What has led her to resort to such perversity? Seers have truly said that a womans
mind is altogether incomprehensible, unfathomable and shrouded in mystery. Sooner man
may catch his own reflection but to know the ways of a woman is impossible. (14)
0r r rf r r;
r r f n r r;+ +
Do.: kha na pvaku jri saka k na samudra sami,
k na karai abal prabala kehi jaga klu na khi.47.
What is there that fire cannot consume; what is there that cannot be engulfed by
the ocean? What is there that a powerful woman, miscalled powerless (Abal) in
common parlance, cannot accomplish and what creature is there in this perishable world,
that death cannot devour? (47)
0r r; ff r rr r r; r rr+
f t-r = frf f faf t-r+ {+
r f s r r f r n nr +
ffa fr f r f f r+ +
ff tf f rt f rt+
a a t sr r f t+ -+
r f nf tr f ra tr+
a rf a arr r a rfr+.+
Cau.: k suni bidhi kha sunv, k dekhi caha kha dekhv.
eka kahahi

bhala bhupa na knh, baru bicri nahi

kumatihi dnh.1.
jo hahi bhayau sakala dukha bhjanu, abal bibasa gynu gunu g janu.
eka dharama paramiti pahicne, npahi dosu nahi


sibi dadhci haricada kahn, eka eka sana kahahi

eka bharata kara samata kahah

, eka udsa bhya suni rahah

kna mudi kara rada gahi jh, eka kahahi

yaha bta alh.
sukta jhi

asa kahata tumhre, rmu bharata kahu prnapire.4.
Having first ordained one thing the Creator has now ordained quite the reverse
of it; having shown us one spectacle he would now show us quite another. Some people
said, The king has not done well; he has not been discreet in granting the wicked
woman her request, whereby he has wilfully courted all this tragedy. By allowing himself
to be ruled by a woman he has lost his wisdom and goodness as it were. Others who
were saner did not blame the king, recognizing as they did his high standard of morality.
They repeated at length to one another the narratives of ibi, Dadhci and Haricandra*.
Some suggested Bharatas connivance, while still others passively heard what their
companions said. Others stopped their ears with their hands and bit their tongue as they
exclaimed, This is untrue. All your merits will be destroyed as you utter these words:
r Rma is dear to Bharata as his own life. (14)
0 = r r; fa
f f a r fa+ c+
Do.: cadu cavai baru anala kana sudh hoi biatula,
sapanehu kabahu na karahi

kichu bharatu rma pratikula.48.

Sooner shall the moon rain sparks of fire or nectar have the same effect as poison
than Bharata ever dream of doing anything prejudicial to the interests of r Rma. (48)
0 fraf t r r; t- f t+
= n r r r s fr sr+ {+
f r- t f ; t+
nt f t rt r rnf art+ +
* Haricandra, son of Triaku, was a king of Ayodhy and the twenty-eighth in descent from Ikvku,
the founder of the solar dynasty. In order to satisfy the claims of the sage Vivmitra, who wanted to test his
integrity, he parted with his kingdom and all that he had, sold his wife and only son and hired himself out as
the employee of a pariah who kept a burning Gha. Whenever a dead body was brought for cremation there,
Haricandra used to recover the toll and make it over to his master. One day it so happened that a snake bit
his only son, Rohita, and the ex-queen brought the dead prince for cremation to the same Gha. Even
though the ex-king recognized them to be his own wife and child, he would not allow the child to be burnt
without recovering the usual toll. At last the penniless woman offered to part with the rag with which she had
covered her shame and the heartless ex-monarch was going to strip her naked when the gods interposed
and restored the pious king to his throne and all his former prosperity.
a rf f r rr r n rr+
r f r r + -+
f fa r tfa atfa r +
rr r fnrr ar f rfn r rr+ +
Cau.: eka bidhtahi duanu deh

, sudh dekhi dnha biu jeh

kharabharu nagara socu saba khu, dusaha dhu ura mi uchhu.1.
biprabadhu kulamnya jaher, je priya parama kaika ker.

dena sikha slu sarh, bacana bnasama lgahi

bharatu na mohi priya rmasamn, sad kahahu yahu sabu jagu jn.
karahu rma para sahaja sanehu, kehi

apardha ju banu dehu.3.
kabahu na kiyahu savati resu, prti pratti jna sabu des u.

aba kha bigr, tumha jehi lgi bajra pura pr.4.

Some blamed the Creator, who had offered nectar but actually given them poison.
The whole city was astir and everyone felt distressed. There was deep agony in their
heart and their briskness was gone. Brhmaa matrons and other venerable and elderly
ladies of the royal family and such other ladies as were most dear to Kaikey began to
expostulate with her praising her amiability; but their words pierced her like shafts. You
have always said, and the whole world knows it, that Bharata is not so dear to you as
Rma. You have borne natural affection towards Rma; for what offence do you exile
him to the woods today? You have never harboured jealousy towards your co-wives;
your loving disposition and credulity are known throughout the land. What wrong has
Kausaly done to you now due to which you should have hurled this thunderbolt against
the whole city. (14)
0t f f n fff f ff r
r f a f f;f f r+ +
Do.: sya ki piya sa gu pariharihi lakhanu ki rahihahi

rju ki bhu

jaba bharata pura npu ki jiihi binu rma.49.

Will St forgo the company of r Rma or Lakmaa choose to stay at
home? Will Bharata enjoy the sovereignty of Ayodhy or the king survive without
Rma? (49)
0 frf s rz r r rf f r+
af f r r r r r+ {+
rf r r t f =+
n n r af n = + +
f fn r f rfnf r arr+
fr tf- r; a f n r r;+ -+
r f a r rn r ff f ar rn+
s fn r; sr; f ff r r;+ +
Cau.: asa bicri ura chRahu kohu, soka kalaka kohi jani hohu.
bharatahi avasi dehu jubarju, knana kha rma kara kju.1.
nhina rmu rja ke bhukhe, dharama dhurna biaya rasa rukhe.
gura gha basahu rmu taji gehu, npa sana asa baru dusara lehu.2.
jau nahi

lagihahu kahe hamre, nahi

lgihi kachu htha tumhre.
jau parihsa knhi kachu ho, tau kahi pragaa janvahu so.3.
rma sarisa suta knana jogu, kha kahihi suni tumha kahu log u.
uhahu begi soi karahu up, jehi bidhi soku kalaku nas.4.
Pondering thus banish anger from your breast nor make yourself a storehouse of
grief and infamy. By all means instal Bharata as the Prince-Regent; but what need is
there for exiling Rma to the forest? Rma is not covetous of sovereignty; he is a
champion of righteousness and has no relish for sensuous pleasures. Let Rma
abandon his home and live with his preceptor; ask this of the king as your second boon.
In case you do not follow our advice, you will gain nothing. If you have only played some
joke, let us know by openly declaring it. Does a son like Rma deserve to be exiled to
the woods? What will the world say about you when they hear of it? Up quickly and
devise some means to avert grief and obloquy. (14)
U0f rfa r r; sr f rt
f = rf ra f ra f rt+
ff r f f r f a f ff rft
faf atr f fr f rft+
Cha.: jehi bh

ti soku kalaku ji upya kari kula plah,

hahi pheru rmahi jta bana jani bta dusari clah.
jimi bhnu binu dinu prna binu tanu cada binu jimi jmin,
timi avadha tulasdsa prabhu binu samujhi dhau jiya bhmin.
Devise some means to avert grief and infamy and save your family. Forcibly
dissuade Rma from proceeding to the woods and make no other suggestion. As the day
without the sun, as the body without life and the night without the moon, so the city of
Ayodhy without the Lord of Tulasdsa, r Rma! just consider this, O irascible lady.
0f- fr t- a fr fa
a; r t- f rt t+ ~+
So.: sakhinha sikhvanu dnha sunata madhura parinma hita,

kachu kna na knha kuila prabodh kubar.50.

The advice that Kaikeys friends gave her was agreeable to hear and salutary in
consequence. But she gave no ear to it, tutored as she was by the mischievous
humpback. (50)
0sa= ; f =t fn- fa rfrrf t+
rf rf rf fa- -rnt t a fa rnt+.{+
r a fnr; t-f ; r;+
f ff ff rt f rff rf nrt+.+
f f f srr f r f t rr+
f frn r rt n a rt+ -+
fa fr rn rnr; n ra f r nrr;+
- fa n r fr r f r r+ +
Cau.: utaru na dei dusaha risa rukh, mginha citava janu bghini bhukh.
bydhi asdhi jni tinha tyg, cal

kahata matimada abhg.1.

rju karata yaha daia bigo, knhesi asa jasa karai na ko.
ehi bidhi bilapahi

pura nara nr

, dehi

kuclihi koika gr


biama jara lehi

uss, kavani rma binu jvana s.

bipula biyoga praj akuln, janu jalacara gana sukhata pn.3.
ati bida basa loga log

, gae mtu pahi

rmu gos

mukha prasanna cita cauguna cu, mi socu jani rkhai ru.4.
She gave no reply and wore a sullen look due to anger that could not be easily
curbed. She stared at them as a hungry tigress would gaze on a herd of does. Finding
her disease incurable, her friends left her saying as they went, Wretched fool ! Fate could
not brook her sovereignty and has betrayed her. She has done what nobody else would
do. Men and women of the city thus lamented and showered numberless abuses on the
wicked woman. They burned with terrible agony and sighed. There can be no hope of
life without Rma, they said. The people were disconcerted at the thought of long
separation even as aquatic creatures get disturbed when water in which they live begins
dry. Men and women alike were overcome with excessive grief. In the meantime Lord r
Rma called on His mother (Kausaly). He wore a cheerful look and had fourfold joy in
his heart; He no longer feared lest the king should detain him. (14)
0 n rrt r r r
rf n f s fr+ ~{+
Do.: nava gayadu raghubra manu rju alna samna,
chua jni bana gavanu suni ura anadu adhikna.51.
The mind of r Rma (the Hero of Raghus race) resembled a young elephant
(newly caught) with kingship for its chain. When He heard of the proposal for exiling Him
to the forest He took Himself as freed and felt overjoyed in His heart. (51)
0rrfa rf rs rr fa ra rs rr+
tf- t r; s t- frf t-+ {+
r r fa rar fa nrar+
nr rf f z nr na r+ +
r f r; t r;+
r frt rt art+ -+
ara t frt f n nrt+
a t t r; r ; f rrr;+ +
Cau.: raghukulatilaka jori dou hth, mudita mtu pada nyau mth.
dnhi assa li ura lnhe, bhuana basana nichvari knhe.1.
bra bra mukha cubati mt, nayana neha jalu pulakita gt.
goda rkhi puni hdaya lage, sravata premarasa payada suhe.2.
premu pramodu na kachu kahi j, raka dhanada padab janu p.
sdara sudara badanu nihr, bol madhura bacana mahatr.3.
kahahu tta janan balihr, kabahi

lagana muda magalakr.
sukta sla sukha sva suh, janama lbha kai avadhi agh.4.
The Crown of Raghus race, r Rma, joined both His palms and cheerfully bowed
His head at His mothers feet. She blessed Him and clasped Him to her bosom and
scattered jewels and raiment around Him (in order to protect Him from evil). The mother
kissed Him again and again with tears of affection in her eyes and her limbs thrilling over
with joy. Seating Him in her lap she pressed Him once more to her heart, while milk flowed
from her graceful breasts due to excess of love. Her affection and joy were altogether
beyond description; it seemed as if a pauper had attained the position of Kubera (the god
of riches). Fondly regarding His lovely countenance the mother spoke to Him in endearing
terms; Tell me, dear childI beseech you;when will be that delightful and auspicious
hour, the beautiful culmination of piety, virtue and joy and the highest reward of human
birth, (14)
0f ra rf fa ra f rfa
ff ra raf afa fy fa trfa+ ~+
Do.: jehi chata nara nri saba ati rata ehi bh

jimi ctaka ctaki tita bi sarada ritu svti.52.
And for which all men and women long as anxiously as a thirsty pair of Ctaka
birds for an autumnal shower during the brief period when the sun is in the same
longitude as the constellation named Svt (the Arcturus)? (52)
0ara rs f fn r r r r+
fa t a r r ; fz r r; f r+ {+
ra f fa r a= r+
f>rr ff r = r+ +
t nfa rt s ra fa rt+
far t- rf r r rfa r z r+ -+
r f fa rar f n r rar+
f zf r r n ar+ +
Cau.: tta ju bali begi nahh u, jo mana bhva madhura kachu khhu.
pitu sampa taba jehu bhai, bhai baRi bra ji bali mai.1.
mtu bacana suni ati anuk ul, janu saneha surataru ke phul.
sukha makarada bhare riyamul, nirakhi rma manu bhava ru na bhul.2.
dharama dhurna dharama gati jn, kaheu mtu sana ati mdu bn.

dnha mohi knana rju, jaha saba bh

ti mora baRa kj u.3.

yasu dehi mudita mana mt, jehi

muda magala knana jt.
jani saneha basa arapasi bhore , na du aba anugraha tore .4.
I adjure you, my darling, to bathe quickly and take some sweet dish of your choice.
See your father after that, my boy; for I protest it is already too late. Even on hearing
these most agreeable words of His mother, which were blossoms as it were, of the
celestial tree of affection, laden with the honey of joy and fountains of worldly prosperity,
the bee of r Rmas mind could not be lured by their charm. A champion of
righteousness that He was, He clearly discerned the path of duty and spoke to His mother
in exceedingly polite terms. Father has bestowed on me the kingdom of the forest, where
there will be great opportunities for me in everyway. Therefore, grant me leave with a
cheerful heart, so that my journey to the forest may be attended with joy and blessing.
Be not obsessed with erroneous fears due to affection, dear mother; by your goodwill I
shall be ever happy. (14)
0 rf ff f f fa r
r; r f fs f f r+ ~-+
Do.: baraa cridasa bipina basi kari pitu bacana pramna,
i pya puni dekhihau manu jani karasi malna.53.
Spending four years and ten in the forest and having obeyed fathers commands
I will come back and behold your feet again; be not sad at heart. (53)
0 fta rr n ra s +
f f f taf rt ff r r rt+ {+
f r; z fr nt f f r+
a rt rf r; t rt+ +
f t a frt nn fa art+
ara faf ar rfr f fa fa fa arr+ -+
r f rr s r f rr+
ara r rf fr r f s r+ +
Cau.: bacana binta madhura raghubara ke, sara sama lage mtu ura karake.
sahami sukhi suni stali bn, jimi javsa pare pvasa pn.1.
kahi na ji kachu hdaya bidu, manahu mg suni kehari nd u.
nayana sajala tana thara thara k

p, mjahi khi mna janu mp.2.

dhari dhraju suta badanu nihr, gadagada bacana kahati mahatr.
tta pitahi tumha prnapire, dekhi mudita nita carita tumhre.3.
rju dena kahu subha dina sdh, kaheu jna bana kehi

tta sunvahu mohi nidnu, ko dinakara kula bhayau ksnu.4.
The gentle and sweet words of r Rma (the Chief of the Raghus) pierced the
mothers heart and rankled there. Alarmed to hear His serene speech she turned pale in
the same way as the Yavsaka plant is blasted by a shower in the monsoon. The agony
of her heart was beyond description like that of a doe that has heard a lions roar. Her
eyes were wet with tears and her body violently shook like a fish that had got inebriated
by sucking the scum raised by the first monsoon shower. Recovering herself and looking
her son in the face the mother spoke in faltering accents, My boy, you are dear as life
to your father, to whom it is a constant delight to watch your day to day doings from .
He had got an auspicious day fixed for installing you as the prince-regent; for what offence
has he asked you to proceed to the woods? Let me know the reason, my darling; who
is it that has served as fire to consume the solar race? (14)
0ff r = fa r s rr;
f n f ff r f f r;+ ~+
Do.: nirakhi rma rukha sacivasuta kranu kaheu bujhi,
suni prasagu rahi muka jimi das barani nahi

Reading in r Rmas eyes His tacit consent Sumantras son (who had obviously
accompanied the Prince) explained the reason. The mother was struck dumb as it were
to hear the episode; the state of her mind could not be described in words. (54)
0rf ; f r rfa s r= r+
fa r nr ff r ff nfa r r r+ {+
s fa rrt ; nfa r f t+
rs af s r r; = fr+ +
s r a fz rt r f ; rt+
f fr fa rt r a rs a rt+ -+
rs r art rt t f rt+
ara rs f t- tr fa r tr+ +
Cau.: rkhi na sakai na kahi saka jhu, duhu


ti ura druna dh u.
likhata sudhkara g likhi rh u, bidhi gati bma sad saba khu.1.
dharama saneha ubhaya mati gher, bhai gati s

pa chuchudari ker.
rkhau sutahi karau anurodh u, dharamu ji aru badhu birodhu.2.
kahau jna bana tau baRi hn, sakaa soca bibasa bhai rn.
bahuri samujhi tiya dharamu sayn, rmu bharatu dou suta sama jn.3.
sarala subhu rma mahatr, bol bacana dhra dhari bhr.
tta ju bali knhehu nk, pitu yasu saba dharamaka k.4.
She could neither detain her Son nor yet say Go; she felt terrible agony in her
heart in either event. It seemed as though one was going to write moon and wrote
Rhu (the demon who is believed by the Hindus to devour the moon during a lunar
eclipse) instead through a slip of the pen, she said to herself. The ways of the Creator
(Brahm) are always adverse to all, she concluded. Kausalys judgment was swayed
on the one hand by her sense of duty and on the other by her affection. She found herself
on the horns of a dilemma like a snake that has caught hold of a musk-rat*. If I press
my son and detain him, the moral code will be violated and bad blood created between
brothers. And if I allow him to proceed to the woods, it will be a grievous loss. The queen
thus found herself faced with an embarrassing situation and was overwhelmed with grief.
Again, realizing the duty of a woman and remembering that both Rma and Bharata were
* It is popularly believed in India that if a snake once catches hold of a musk-rat mistaking it for an
ordinary rat and latter discovers its identity, it can neither devour it nor disgorge it. For if it devours it, it is sure
to die; and if it disgorges it, it goes blind.
equally her sons the prudent Kausaly (r Rmas mother), who had a guileless
disposition, spoke as follows with great courage, You have done well, my child, I swear;
a fathers command is the most sacred of all obligations. (14)
0r f t- rf r
ar f af faf f z + ~~+
Do.: rju dena kahi dnha banu mohi na so dukha lesu,
tumha binu bharatahi bhupatihi prajahi pracaa kalesu.55.
That having promised to bestow on you the kingdom of Ayodhy your father has
now decided to exile you to the woods does not make me the least sorry. But your
absence from our midst will mean a terrible ordeal to Bharata, to the king himself and to
the people. (55)
0 fa r arar a f r rf fz rar+
fa ra s rr a r a rr+ {+
fa ra t n n r= t+
a sfa f r frf f r; r+ +
zrnt rnt r rrfa ar -rnt+
a n rf ar z r; + -+
a f ar t r r t t +
a ar ra r f f far+ +
Cau.: jau kevala pitu yasu tt, tau jani jhu jni baRi mt.
jau pitu mtu kaheu bana jn, tau knana sata avadha samn.1.
pitu banadeva mtu banadev, khaga mga carana saroruha sev.
atahu ucita npahi banabs u, baya biloki hiya hoi har

s u.2.
baRabhg banu avadha abhg, jo raghubasatilaka tumha tyg.
jau suta kahau saga mohi lehu, tumhare hdaya hoi sadeh u.3.
puta parama priya tumha sabah ke, prna prna ke jvana j ke.
te tumha kahahu mtu bana ju

, mai

suni bacana baihi pachitu

In any case if it be your fathers command alone, my boy, then go not, remembering
that a mother ranks higher than ones father. If, on the other hand, both father and mother
have asked you to proceed to the woods then, of course, the forest will equal a hundred
cities like Ayodhy, with the sylvan gods for your father, the sylvan goddesses for your
mother and the birds and beasts to wait upon your lotus feet. At all events it is but proper
for a king to dwell in a forest in the evening of his life; it is your tender age which fills my heart
with agony. How blessed is the forest and how luckless Ayodhy, that will be deserted by
you, O crown of Raghus line! If I ask you, my boy, to take me with you, your mind will be
filled with doubt. You are supremely dear to all, my child; you are the life of our life, the
vitality of our soul. As such you say, Mother, I go to the forest! while I remain rooted to my
seat even on hearing these words and repent. (14)
0 frf f s r r;
rf ra ra f fa ff f r;+ ~+
Do.: yaha bicri nahi

karau haha jhuha sanehu baRhi,

mni mtu kara nta bali surati bisari jani ji.56.
Realizing this I do not press my suit exaggerating my false love. I only pray that
remembering me as a mother you should not allow me to slip out of your mind. (56)
0 fa arf nrr; r t r;+
f f f tr ar =r tr+.{+
frf r; sr; f fa f r;+
r f f r f r f nr+.+
r a tar s r r ftar+
ff ff rt rfnf rf rt+.-+
r= r s rr f rf fr rr+
r sr; ra s r; f f rr;+.+
Cau.: deva pitara saba tumhahi gos

, rkhahu palaka nayana k n

avadhi abu priya parijana mn, tumha karunkara dharama dhurn.1.
asa bicri soi karahu up, sabahi jiata jehi

bhe ahu .
jhu sukhena banahi bali j u

, kari antha jana parijana gu

saba kara ju sukta phala bt, bhayau karla klu bipart.
bahubidhi bilapi carana lapan, parama abhgini puhi jn.3.
druna dusaha dhu ura byp, barani na jhi

bilpa kalp.
rma uhi mtu ura l, kahi mdu bacana bahuri samujh.4.
May all the gods and manes protect you, O lord of the earth, as the eyelids protect
the eyes. The term of exile is like water, while your near and dear ones resemble the fish
that live on it; as for yourself you are a fountain of mercy and a champion of virtue.
Remembering this please devise some means to see that you come back in time to find
them all alive. I adjure you to proceed to the woods in good cheer abandoning your
servants, family and the whole city. The fruit of everyones meritorious deeds is exhausted
today and the tide of fortune has turned against us, assuming a sullen aspect. Thus wailing
in many ways mother Kausaly clung to r Rmas feet accounting herself the most
unlucky woman. Her heart was filled with terrible and deep agony and the profusion of
wailings was beyond all description. r Rma lifted His mother and pressed her to His
bosom, and then comforted her with soothing words. (14)
0rr af f t st r;
r; r n f f f= r;+ ~+
Do.: samcra tehi samaya suni sya uh akuli,
ji ssu pada kamala juga badi baihi siru ni.57.
That very moment St heard the news and rose in great agitation. She approached
Her mother-in-law, reverenced her lotus feet and sat down bowing Her head. (57)
0tf- t r rt fa rf f rt+
f fa rfa tar = rf fa tar+.{+
a tr f at r;f r+
t a r f rr ff a r; rr+.+
r= fa t f t+
fat t f t f ft+.-+
fr rfa rt rt f r art+
ara f fa rt r ff frt+.+
Cau.: dnhi assa ssu mdu bn, ati sukumri dekhi akuln.
baihi namitamukha socati st, r upa rsi pati prema punt.1.
calana cahata bana jvananthu, kehi sukt sana hoihi sthu.
k tanu prna ki kevala prn, bidhi karatabu kachu ji na jn.2.
cru carana nakha lekhati dharan, nupura mukhara madhura kabi baran.
manahu prema basa binat karah

, hamahi sya pada jani pariharah

maju bilocana mocati br, bol dekhi rma mahatr.
tta sunahu siya ati sukumr, ssu sasura parijanahi pir.4.
The mother-in-law blessed Her in gentle accents and felt distressed when she
regarded Her most delicate frame. With Her head bent low St, who was beauty
personified and cherished unalloyed love towards Her Lord, sat reflecting, The lord of
my life would depart to the forest; it has yet to be seen who will have the good fortune
to accompany Himmy body and soul together or my soul alone. What God intends
to do cannot be foreseen even partly. As She scratched the ground with the lovely
nails of Her toes, Her anklets produced a musical sound, as ifso declare the poets
they lovingly prayed that Sts feet may never abandon them. Seeing Her shed tears
from Her charming eyes, r Rmas mother broke the silence: Listen, my dear child:
St is exceedingly delicate and the pet of her father-in-law and mothers-in-law and the
whole family. (14)
0far r f r r
fa f ff f n = fr+ ~c+
Do.: pit janaka bhupla mani sasura bhnukula bhnu,
pati rabikula kairava bipina bidhu guna rupa ndhnu.58.
She has for her father Janaka, the jewel among princes, while her father-in-law
is no other than the sun of the solar race (your father); as for her lord (yourself), he
is a veritable moon for the lily-like progeny of the sun-god and a repository of goodness
and beauty. (58)
0 f r f r; = rf n t r;+
af f tfa r; rs r rff r;+.{+
f ff ff rt tf f fart+
a a s ff rr rf r; r frr+.+
n t af nr fzrr f t- n f rr+
ff ff rna t rfa f r +.-+
r; f fa rr r r r; rrrr+
f f rt f = ; ff rt+ +
Cau.: mai

puni putrabadhu priya p, rupa rsi guna sla suh.

nayana putari kari prti baRh, rkheu prna jnakihi

kalapabeli jimi bahubidhi ll, sci saneha salila pratipl.
phulata phalata bhayau bidhi bm, jni na ji kha parinm.2.
pala ga pha taji goda hor, siya na dnha pagu avani kahor.
jianamuri jimi jogavata raha u

, dpa bti nahi

rana kaha u

soi siya calana cahati banasth, yasu kha hoi raghunth.
cada kirana rasa rasikacakor, rabi rukha nayana sakai kimi jor.4.
Again I have found in her a beloved daughter-in-law, who is amiable and
accomplished, and beauty personified. I have treated her as the very apple of my eye
and loved her ever more; nay, my very life is centred in Jnak. I have fostered her in
many ways as a celestial creeper and nourished her by feeding her with the water of
affection. Just when the creeper was about to blossom and bear fruit God turned against
me and there is no knowing what will be the consequence. Borne invariably on a
bedstead, seat, swing or my own lap St has never set her foot on hard ground. I have
been tending her like a life-giving herb and never ask her even to stir the wick of a lamp.
The same St would accompany you to the woods, and awaits your orders, O Lord of
the Raghus! How can a female Cakora bird, who loves to feed on the nectar borne on
the rays of the moon, bear to fix her gaze on the sun? (14)
0f f ff f y a f
f rfr f r a n tf f+ ~+
Do.: kari kehari nisicara carahi

dua jatu bana bhuri,

bia bik

ki soha suta subhaga sajvani muri.59.

Hosts of wild elephants, lions, demons and other fell creatures roam about in the
woods. Can a beautiful life-giving herb fit in with a poison-wood, my boy? (59)
0 fa r fra frt t ff f rt+
rf ff f r fa-f r r+.{+
ar fa r rn f- a a ar rn+
f ff ara f r at frffa f f zrat+.+
n rt zr rn f rt+
frf r r; f s rff r;+.-+
f r rf r; a r+
f rrt ra f rt t r rt+.+
Cau.: bana hita kola kirta kisor, rac

biraci biaya sukha bhor.
phanakmi jimi kahina subhu, tinhahi kalesu na knana ku.1.
kai tpasa tiya knana jogu, jinha tapa hetu taj saba bhogu.
siya bana basihi tta kehi bh

t, citralikhita kapi dekhi ert.2.

surasara subhaga banaja bana cr, bara jogu ki hasakumr.
asa bicri jasa yasu ho, mai

sikha deu jnakihi so.3.

jau siya bhavana rahai kaha ab, mohi kaha hoi bahuta avalab.
suni raghubra mtu priya bn, sla saneha sudh

janu sn.4.
For residing in the forest God has created Kola* and Kirta* girls, who are foreign
to sensuous pleasures. Adamantine by nature like the insect living on stone, they never
experience any hardship in the woods. Another class fit for the forest are the hermit
women, who have renounced all pleasures for the sake of penance. But how, my son,
will St live in the forest;she who is frightened to see even the picture of a monkey?
Is a female cygnet, who disports in the lovely lotus-beds of the Mnasa lake, fit for a
muddy puddle? First ponder this; then as you order I will instruct Janakas daughter. If
she stays at home, the mother continued, that will mean a great solace to me. When
r Rma (the Hero of Raghus race) heard this endearing speech of His mother, imbued
as it were with the nectar of grace and affection (14)
0f f f tf- ra far
n r rff nf ff n r+ +
Do.: kahi priya bacana bibekamaya knhi mtu paritoa,
lage prabodhana jnakihi pragai bipina guna doa.60.
He comforted her by addressing tender and wise words to her; and then He
started admonishing Jnak by disclosing to Her the advantages and disadvantages of
forest life. (60)
0ra t a rt r s fr rt+
rrf fr r rfa f f n+.{+
r r t r rf n +
r r r r; ff rff r;+.+
f a f f r r r r+
ra ff f rt r;f f fa rt+.-+
a a ar f r rt f rr rt+
s r a rt f ra fa rs art+.+
Cau.: mtu sampa kahata sakuch

, bole samau samujhi mana mh

rjakumri sikhvanu sunah u, na bh

ti jiya jani kachu gunah u.1.

pana mora nka jau cahah u, bacanu hamra mni gha rahahu.
yasu mora ssu sevak, saba bidhi bhmini bhavana bhal.2.
ehi te adhika dharamu nahi

duj, sdara ssu sasura pada puj.

jaba jaba mtu karihi sudhi mor, hoihi prema bikala mati bhor.3.
taba taba tumha kahi kath purn, sudari samujhehu mdu bn.
kahau subhya sapatha sata moh, sumukhi mtu hita rkhau toh.4.
* The names of two well-known hilly tribes.
Even though He hesitated in speaking to Her in the presence of His mother, He
realized within Himself the emergency of the situation and said, Listen to my advice, O
princess, and do not misunderstand me. If you wish well of me as well as of yourself,
please accept my suggestion and stay at home. You will be obeying my order and
rendering service to your mother-in-law; by remaining at home, O good lady, you will be
benefited in everyway. For a woman there is no other duty more sacred than reverently
adoring the feet of her husbands parents. Whenever my mother thinks of me and feeling
disconsolate due to her love for me loses her balance of mind, do you console her, my
love, with soothing words by narrating old legends to her. I tell you sincerely and
solemnly; it is for my mothers sake, O charming lady, that I leave you here. (14)
0n >rfa a r; ff
nr + {+
Do.: gura ruti samata dharama phalu pia binahi

haha basa saba sakaa sahe glava nahua naresa.61.
(By staying at home in deference to my wishes) you will easily obtain the
reward of virtue approved of by ones elders and the Vedas; whereas by giving
themselves over to obduracy the sage Glava,* King Nahua and all others suffered
great hardships. (61)
0 f f r fa rt fn f f rt+
f ra f rfnf rr f f rr+.{+
rr a a r rs frr+
r f = rt rrr rrr f rf rt+.+
n r rr rf f rrr+
arr rn n f r+.-+
r t r n nr rf fr+
r rrr f rnr f r f t rnr+.+
*Glava was a pupil of the celebrated sage Vivmitra. When he was about to leave his Guru after
completing his studies, he requested the latter to ask something by way of the preceptors fee (Gurudaki).
Vivmitra would ask nothing; but Glava persisted in importuning him. At last, in order to get rid of his
obstinate student, the sage Vivmitra ordered him to get for him a thousand snow-white horses with dark
ears. Glava had to experience a good deal of trouble in procuring this rare breed of horses.
King Nahua was a pious and illustrious ruler. When Indra, the lord of paradise, slew the demon Vtra
(who was a Brhmaa by birth) he incurred the sin of having killed a Brhmaa and out of shame hid himself
in the Mnasarovara lake. Finding themselves without a king the gods installed King Nahua on the throne of
Indra and proclaimed him as their ruler. Nahua once beheld Indras wife and, enamoured of her beauty,
longed to take her to wife. ac, who was noted for her fidelity to her husband, did not approve of Nahuas
overtures and approached the sage Bhaspati (the preceptor of gods) for protection. The gods and sages
thereupon expostulated with Nahua and tried to dissuade him but in vain. According to Bhaspatis advice
ac then offered to accept Nahua as her husband if the latter rode to her on a palanquin carried by sages.
Nahua, who was blinded by passion and was bent on having her as his wife at all costs, gladly agreed and
prevailed on the sages to carry him on their shoulders. As the sages, who got tired very soon, were
proceeding rather slowly, Nahua spurred them on and while doing so kicked the sage Agastya and the latter
pronounced a curse upon him that he should take the form of a python.
Cau.: mai

puni kari pravna pitu bn, begi phiraba sunu sumukhi sayn.
divasa jta nahi

lgihi br, sudari sikhavanu sunahu hamr.1.

jau haha karahu prema basa bm, tau tumha dukhu puba parinm.
knanu kahina bhayakaru bhr, ghora ghmu hima bri bayr.2.
kusa kaaka maga k

karann, calaba pydehi

binu padatrn.
carana kamala mdu maju tumhre, mraga agama bhumidhara bhre.3.
kadara khoha nad

nada nre, agama agdha na jhi

bhlu bgha bka kehari ng, karahi

nda suni dhraju bhg.4.

As for myself listen, O fair and sensible lady: I will soon return after redeeming
my fathers word. Days will steal away quickly; therefore, heed my advice, O charming
lady. If on the other hand, you persist in your obstinacy due to your affection for me, O
pretty one, you will eventually come to grief. The forest is rugged and most dreadful with
its terrible heat, cold, rain and blasts. The tracks are beset with prickly grass and thorns
and stones of various kinds and you will have to tread them without any shoes. Your lotus-
like feet are delicate and lovely, while the paths are most difficult and intercepted by huge
mountains, caves and chasms, streams, rivers and rivulets that are unapproachable,
unfathomable and terrible to look at. Bears and tigers, wolves, lions and elephants raise
such a cry as staggers ones presence of mind. (14)
a f r f ff ; + +
Do.: bhumi sayana balakala basana asanu kada phala mula,
te ki sad saba dina milahi

sabui samaya anukula.62.

The ground will be your couch and the bark of trees, your raiment; while bulbs,
fruits and roots will be your food. And do you think even these latter will be available to
you all the year round? You will get everything according to its season. (62)
0 r t t ff rf t+
rn; fa r rt ff ffa f r; rt+.{+
r r fn rrrr ff f rf rr+
zf t n f r nrf ar t= r+.+
nf ar f rn f rf ;f rn+
r f r fart f; f rf rt+.-+
r ftr r f rf ff tr+
z frt f r rt+.+
Cau.: nara ahra rajancara carah

, kapaa bea bidhi koika karah

lgai ati pahra kara pn, bipina bipati nahi

ji bakhn.1.
byla karla bihaga bana ghor, nisicara nikara nri nara cor.

dhra gahana sudhi e , mgalocani tumha bhru subhe .2.
hasagavani tumha nahi bana jogu, suni apajasu mohi deihi logu.
mnasa salila sudh

pratipl, jiai ki lavana pyodhi marl.3.

nava rasla bana biharansl, soha ki kokila bipina karl.
rahahu bhavana asa hdaya bicr, cadabadani dukhu knana bhr.4.
Man-eating demons roam about in the woods and assume all sorts of deceptive
forms. The water of the hills is exceedingly unwholesome; the hardships of the forest
are beyond all description. There are terrible serpents and fierce wild birds and
multitudes of demons who steal both man and woman. The boldest shudder at the very
thought of the forest; while you, O fawn-eyed lady, are timid by nature. You are not fit
for the woods, O fair lady; the world will revile me when they hear that I am taking you
to the forest. Can a female cygnet who has been brought up in the nectarean water of
the Mnasa lake, live in the salt water of the ocean? Can a cuckoo that has made merry
in a young mango grove, have its appropriate place in a thicket of Karla bushes?
Pondering this in your heart stay at home, O moon-faced lady; the hardships of the
forest are great. (14)
0 z n trf f r ; f rf
r far; rrr; s f r; fa rf+ -+
Do.: sahaja suhda gura svmi sikha jo na karai sira mni,
so pachiti aghi ura avasi hoi hita hni.63.
He who does not reverently follow the advice of a disinterested friend, preceptor
and master has to repent fully at heart and surely harms himself. (63)
0f r f r fa f +
ta f r ; ;f ff +.{+
sa= r f t a a f trf t+
rf fr rt f t s frt+.+
rfn r n rt f f fz f rt+
tf- rfa rf f r; f ff r fa r;+.-+
f fr tf rt f frn n rt+.+
Cau.: suni mdu bacana manohara piya ke, locana lalita bhare jala siya ke.
stala sikha dhaka bhai kaise , cakaihi sarada cada nisi jaise .1.
utaru na va bikala baideh, tajana cahata suci svmi saneh.
barabasa roki bilocana br, dhari dhraju ura avanikumr.2.
lgi ssu paga kaha kara jor, chamabi debi baRi abinaya mor.
dnhi prnapati mohi sikha so, jehi bidhi mora parama hita ho.3.

puni samujhi dkhi mana mh

, piya biyoga sama dukhu jaga nh

When St heard these soft and winning words of Her beloved lord, Her lovely
eyes filled with tears. His soothing advice proved as scorching to Her as a moon-lit
autumnal night to a female Cakravka bird. Videhas Daughter could make no answer.
She was filled with agony to think that Her pious and loving lord would leave Her behind.
Perforce restraining Her tears Earths Daughter took courage and throwing Herself at
Her mother-in-laws feet spoke to her with Her two palms joined together, Forgive,
O venerable lady, my great impudence. The lord of my life has tendered me only such
advice as is conducive to my best interests. I have, however, pondered within myself
and realized that there is no calamity in this world as great as being torn away from ones
beloved lord. (14)
0rr =ra r
ar f rr f r+ +
Do.: prnantha karunyatana sudara sukhada sujna,
tumha binu raghukula kumuda bidhu surapura naraka samna.64.
O lord of my life, O abode of mercy, handsome, genial and wise, O moon for the
lily-like race of Raghu, without you heaven would be as obnoxious as hell. (64)
0ra far fnt f r; f fr= z r;+
r n r; a t r;+.{+
fn r = ra f f faf af a ara+
a r f r fa ft r r+.+
rn rn r= rar f r=+
rr ar f n rt r a rt+.-+
f f t f rt af r = f rt+
r r arr f f fr+.+
Cau.: mtu pit bhagin priya bh, priya parivru suhda samud.
ssu sasura gura sajana sah, suta sadara susla sukhad.1.
jaha lagi ntha neha aru nte, piya binu tiyahi taranihu te tte.
tanu dhanu dhmu dharani pura rju, pati bihna sabu soka samju.2.
bhoga rogasama bhuana bhr u, jama jtan sarisa sasru.
prnantha tumha binu jaga mh

, mo kahu sukhada katahu kachu nh

jiya binu deha nad binu br, taisia ntha purua binu nr.
ntha sakala sukha stha tumhre , sarada bimala bidhu badanu nihre .4.
Father and mother, sisters and dear brothers, beloved kinsmen and friends,
father-in-law and mother-in-law, preceptor and relatives, allies and even sons, however
good-looking, well-behaved and congenialnay, whatever ties of affection and kinship
there existto a woman bereft of her beloved lord they are far more tormenting than the
scorching sun. Life, riches, house, land, city and kingdomall these are mere
accoutrements of woe to a woman bereft of her lord. Luxury to her is loathsome like a
disease and ornaments a burden; while the world is like the torments of hell. Without you,
O lord of my life, nothing in this world is delightful to me. As the body without a soul, and
a river without water, even so, my lord, is a woman without her husband. In your
company, my lord, I shall be happy in everyway so long as I behold your countenance
resembling the cloudless moon of an autumnal night. (14)
0n n f n= f
r r r + ~+
Do.: khaga mga parijana nagaru banu balakala bimala dukula,
ntha stha surasadana sama paranasla sukha mula.65.
Birds and beasts will be my kindred; the forest, my city and the bark of trees, my
spotless robes. And a hut of leaves in the company of my lord will be as comfortable as
the abode of gods. (65)
0t srr ff r rr+
f rt r; n r ar;+.{+
f r= r a f r=+
f f frt fs fa f ff rt+.+
r a fr far rr+
frn rr ff rf rfrr+.-+
f rf r frf ; n rf rfz f+
fat a r trt =r s art+.+
Cau.: banadeb

banadeva udr, karihahi

ssu sasura sama sr.
kusa kisalaya sthar suh, prabhu sa ga maju manoja tur.1.
kada mula phala amia ahr u, avadha saudha sata sarisa pahru.
chinu chinu prabhu pada kamala bilok, rahihau mudita divasa jimi kok.2.
bana dukha ntha kahe bahutere, bhaya bida paritpa ghanere.
prabhu biyoga lavalesa samn, saba mili hohi

na kpnidhn.3.
asa jiya jni sujna siromani, leia saga mohi chRia jani.
binat bahuta karau k svm, karunmaya ura atarajm.4.
The generous-hearted sylvan gods and goddesses will take care of me like my
own father-in-law and mother-in-law. A charming litter of grass and tender leaves will in
the company of my lord vie with Cupids own lovely cushion. Bulbs, roots and fruits will
be my ambrosial food; while mountains will be as good as a hundred royal mansions of
Ayodhy. Gazing on the lotus feet of my lord every moment I shall remain as cheerful
as a female Cakravka bird during the daytime. You have mentioned a number of
hardships and perils, woes and afflictions attendant with forest life; but all these put
together will hardly compare with an iota of the pangs of separation from my lord, O
fountain of mercy! Bearing this in mind, O crest-jewel of wise men, take me with you;
pray do not leave me behind. I refrain from making a lengthy submission, my lord,
knowing as I do that you are all-merciful and have access to the hearts of all. (14)
0rf r f fn a ff r
t t fr+ +
Do.: rkhia avadha jo avadhi lagi rahata na janiahi

dinabadhu sudara sukhada sla saneha nidhna.66.
If you leave me in Ayodhy till the expiry of your exile, you may rest assured that
I shall not survive, O friend of the afflicted, O handsome and congenial lord. O
storehouse of amiability and affection! (66)
0rf n a r;f rt f f r frt+
f rfa f r f rn fa >r f+.{+
r rf f a= rt fs rs fa rt+
>r fa tr a s rfa +.+
f a a=r zrt r rff ff rt+
r r fa rt rfnf ara rf rt+.-+
r n rf fafrr frrf ff frr+
rf r rn arf sfa a r rn+.+
Cau.: mohi maga calata na hoihi hr, chinu chinu carana saroja nihr.
sabahi bh

ti piya sev karihau , mraga janita sakala rama harihau .1.

pya pakhri baihi taru chh

, karihau bu mudita mana mh

rama kana sahita syma tanu dekhe , kaha dukha samau prnapati pekhe .2.
sama mahi tna tarupallava s, pya paloihi saba nisi ds.
bra bra mdu murati joh, lgihi tta bayri na moh.3.
ko prabhu sa ga mohi citavanihr, sighabadhuhi jimi sasaka sir.

sukumri ntha bana jogu, tumhahi ucita tapa mo kahu bhogu.4.
As I walk along the road I shall know no fatigue gazing on your lotus feet all the
while. I shall render all sorts of service to my beloved lord (yourself) and shall relieve him
of all the toil occasioned by the journey. Laving your feet and resting in the shade of a
tree I shall fan you with a cheerful heart. Beholding your swarthy form bedewed with
sweat and casting a look on the lord of my life I can have no occasion for grief.
Spreading grass and leaves of trees on an even patch of ground this handmaid of yours
will knead your feet overnight. Even as I gaze on your tender form again and again hot
winds will have no effect on me. Who can dare look at me, when I am by the side of my
lord, any more than a hare or jackal would regard a lioness? How true it is that I am
delicate of body while my lord is fit to bear the hardships of a forest life, that it behoves
you to undergo penance while it is worth while for me to loll in luxuries! (14)
0s r f zs fnr
a f frn ff r r+ +
Do.: aiseu bacana kahora suni jau na hdaya bilagna,
tau prabhu biama biyoga dukha sahihahi

pva ra prna.67.
When my heart did not resent even on hearing such cruel words, I am sure my
wretched self shall live to bear the terrible pangs of separation from my lord! (67)
0 f t f ; rt frn t rt+
f r rrfa f rr f r f rff rr+.{+
s r rrr ff r rr+
f fr = r fn n r+.+
f f fr rr; n ra rf r;+
fn r r; t f ff f r;+.-+
fff r ff f f rt fs r rt+
f rrt ara r;f t fa f r;f+.+
Cau.: asa kahi sya bikala bhai bhr, bacana biyogu na sak sa bhr.
dekhi das raghupati jiya jn, hahi rkhe nahi

rkhihi prn.1.
kaheu kpla bhnukulanth, parihari socu calahu bana sth.

bida kara avasaru ju, begi karahu bana gavana samju.2.
kahi priya bacana priy samujh, lage mtu pada sia p.
begi praj dukha meaba , janan nihura bisari jani j.3.
phirihi das bidhi bahuri ki mor, dekhihau nayana manohara jor.
sudina sughar tta kaba hoihi, janan jiata badana bidhu joihi.4.
So saying St was overwhelmed with distress; she could not bear Her lords
separation even in words. Seeing Her condition the Lord of Raghus was convinced in
His heart of hearts that if left behind against Her will She would not survive. The all-
merciful Lord of the solar race, therefore, said: Give up lamentation and accompany me
to the forest. Grief is out of season today. Prepare yourself for the journey to the woods
at once. Consoling His beloved Consort with these endearing words the Lord threw
Himself at His mothers feet and received her blessings. Pray return soon and relieve
the peoples distress and see that your heartless mother is not forgotten. Shall the tide
of my fortune ever turn, O goodness, that I may behold the charming pair with my eyes
again ? When, my dear son, will arrive the auspicious day and blessed hour that your
mother shall live to see your moon-like countenance? (14
0f - f r f rrfa rr ara
f rr; nr; f f ffs nra+ c+
Do.: bahuri baccha kahi llu kahi raghupati raghubara tta,

boli lagi hiya harai nirakhihau gta.68.

When again shall I call you my darling, my pet child, O Lord of Raghus, O
Chief of Raghus race, my boy, and summoning you clasp you to my bosom and gaze
upon your limbs with delight? (68)
0f raf art r f ; rt+
r r t- ff rr s r; rr+.{+
a rt r n rnt f r rnt+
r t-r r r t-r+.+
a r f rfz r f r r+
f f r rt r f ff rt+.-+
rf r r; s t-t f t f rf t-t+
rs fra arrr fn nn rr+.+
Cau.: lakhi saneha ktari mahatr, bacanu na va bikala bhai bhr.
rma prabodhu knha bidhi nn, samau sanehu na ji bakhn.1.
taba jnak ssu paga lg, sunia mya mai

parama abhg.
sev samaya daia banu dnh, mora manorathu saphala na knh.2.
tajaba chobhu jani chRia choh u, karamu kahina kachu dosu na mohu.
suni siya bacana ssu akuln, das kavani bidhi kahau bakhn.3.

bra li ura lnh, dhari dhraju sikha sia dnh.

acala hou ahivtu tumhr, jaba lagi gaga jamuna jala dhr.4.
Seeing that His mother was too overwhelmed with emotion to speak any more and
was greatly agitated, r Rma consoled her in various ways; the gravity of the occasion
and the intensity of affection was more than one could describe. Janakas Daughter then
threw Herself at Her mother-in-laws feet and said, I tell you, mother: I am most unluckly
in that at a time when I should have served you heaven has exiled me to the forest and
has refused to grant my desire. Pray be not perturbed any more but at the same time
cease not to entertain kindly feelings towards me. Relentless is fate and there is no fault
of mine either. The mother-in-law was so distressed to hear Sts words that I have no
words to describe her condition. Again and again she pressed her Daughter-in-law to her
breast and recovering herself admonished and blessed Her: May the blessed state of
your wifehood (the longevity of your husband) know no break and endure so long as the
streams of the Gag and Yamun continue to flow. (14)
0taf r t f tf- r
t r; f= fa fa rf r+ +
Do.: stahi ssu assa sikha dnhi aneka prakra,
cal ni pada paduma siru ati hita brahi

bra .67.
The mother-in-law blessed and admonished St in various ways and the
latter parted from her, most affectionately bowing Her head at her lotus feet again and
again. (69)
0rr f r r f sf r+
a tr n fa tr+.{+
f a faa r t t a r+
r z ff r rfrr a fr rr+.+
r r rrrr ff f f rr+
r frf r n a ar+.-+
r r rn t rn+
ara f r fr z fr sr+.+
Cau.: samcra jaba lachimana pe, bykula bilakha badana uhi dhe.
kapa pulaka tana nayana sanr, gahe carana ati prema adhr.1.
kahi na sakata kachu citavata hRhe, mnu dna janu jala te kRhe.
socu hdaya bidhi k honihr, sabu sukhu suktu sirna hamr.2.
mo kahu kha kahaba raghunth, rakhihahi

bhavana ki lehahi

rma biloki badhu kara jore , deha geha saba sana tnu tore .3.
bole bacanu rma naya ngara, sla saneha sarala sukha sgara.
tta prema basa jani kadarh u, samujhi hdaya parinma uchh u.4.
When Lakmaa got the news he started up in confusion and ran with a doleful
face. Trembling all over with his hair standing on end and eyes full of tears he clasped
r Rmas feet much excited with emotion. He was unable to speak and stood gazing
piteously like a fish taken out of water. There was anxiety in his heart. What is going
to happen, O good heavens? he said to himself. All my joy and merits are over now.
What will the Lord of Raghus command me to do? Will he leave me at home or take me
with him? When r Rma saw His brother with joined palms having renounced his home
and reckless about his own body, He addressed him in the following words, well-versed
as He was in the rules of correct behaviour and an ocean of amiability, love, artlessness
and joy: Pray do not lose your balance of mind out of affection, dear brother, and be
convinced in your heart of hearts that the end will be a happy one. (14)
0ra far n= trf f f f f r
s r fa- a= n r+ +
Do.: mtu pit guru svmi sikha sira dhari karahi

subhya ,
laheu lbhu tinha janama kara nataru janamu jaga jya .70.
Those who reverently and unconstrainedly follow the advice of their father and
mother, preceptor and master have reaped the fruit of their birth or else their coming into
this world has been in vain. (70)
0 f rf f r; ra fa r;+
a f rt rs q rt+.{+
rs arf ; rr r; f ff rr+
n= fa ra r fr= ; r=+.+
far a= ara r;f z r+
r r f r rt r f frt+.-+
ara f tfa frt a r rt+
f f n a af ar +.+
Cau.: asa jiya jni sunahu sikha bh, karahu mtu pitu pada sevak.
bhavana bharatu ripusudanu nh

, ru bddha mama dukhu mana mh


bana ju tumhahi lei sth, hoi sabahi bidhi avadha anth.

guru pitu mtu praj parivr u, saba kahu parai dusaha dukha bhru.2.
rahahu karahu saba kara parito u, nataru tta hoihi baRa dou.
jsu rja priya praj dukhr, so npu avasi naraka adhikr.3.
rahahu tta asi nti bicr, sunata lakhanu bhae bykula bhr.
siare bacana sukhi gae kaise , parasata tuhina tmarasu jaise .4.
Bearing this in mind, brother, listen to my advice and wait upon the feet of our
father and mothers. Bharata and Ripusudana (atrughna) are not at home, while the king
is aged and full of grief for my sake. If I proceed to the woods taking you with me,
Ayodhy will be rendered completely masterless and the preceptor and parents, the
people as well as the family, all will be subjected to a spell of terrible suffering. Stay, then,
to comfort all; otherwise, brother, we shall incur great sin. A king whose reign brings
suffering to his beloved people surely deserves an abode in hell. Bearing in mind this
maxim, dear brother, stay at home. Hearing this, Lakmaa felt much distressed. He
turned pale at these soothing words in the same way as a lotus is blasted when touched
by frost. (14)
0sa= ra n r;
r r trf ar a a r r;+ {+
Do.: utaru na vata prema basa gahe carana akuli,
ntha dsu mai

svmi tumha tajahu ta kha basi.71.

Overwhelmed with emotion he could not answer, but clasped his Brothers feet
in anguish, My lord, I am your slave and you my master; if you abandon me, what
help! (71)
0tf- rf f tf nrr; rfn n t r;+
t rt fn tfa a frt+.{+
f farr = = f f rr+
n fa ra rs r s rs r far+.+
fn na nr; tfa atfa fn f nr;+
r ; ar trt t s art+.-+
tfa sf art tfa fa nfa f rt+
a r; rf ff f r;+.+
Cau.: dnhi mohi sikha nki gos

, lgi agama apan kadar

narabara dhra dharama dhura dhr, nigama nti kahu te adhikr.1.

sisu prabhu saneha pratipl, madaru meru ki lehi

gura pitu mtu na jnau kh u, kahau subhu ntha patihu.2.
jaha lagi jagata saneha sag, prti pratti nigama niju g.
more sabai eka tumha svm, dnabadhu ura atarajm.3.
dharama nti upadesia th, krati bh uti sugati priya jh.
mana krama bacana carana rata ho, kpsidhu pariharia ki so.4.
My lord, you have given me a sound advice; but due to my faintheartedness it
sounds impracticable to me. Only those noble men who are self-possessed and
champion the cause of virtue, are fit to be taught the gospel of the Vedas and moral
philosophy. I am a mere child fostered by your loving care; can a cygnet lift Mount
Mandara or Meru? I know no preceptor nor father nor mother; I tell you sincerely;
believe me, my lord. Whatever ties of affection, love and confidence exist in the world
as declared by the Vedasfor me they are all centred in you and you alone, my lord.
O friend of the afflicted, O knower of the innermost heart of all ! Piety and propriety
should be taught to him who is fond of glory, fortune and a noble destiny. He, however,
who is devoted to your feet in thought, word and deedshould he be abandoned, O
ocean of grace? (14)
0=rf f fta
rr s r; rf ta+ +
Do.: karunsidhu subadhu ke suni mdu bacana binta,
samujhe ura li prabhu jni saneha sabhta.72.
Hearing these soft and polite words of His noble brother, the all-compassionate
Lord clasped him to His bosom and consoled him, perceiving that he had lost his nerve
through love. (72)
0rn fr ra r; r fn r;+
fa f rr rt s r z n; fz rt+.{+
fa z ra f r ff r r+
r; f n rs rr rr rf rr+.+
ra f t t r ft+
n; f f rr nt f rr+.-+
s r r f r+
rna fr rt r; n ff ff f rt+.+
Cau.: mgahu bid mtu sana j, vahu begi calahu bana bh.
mudita bhae suni raghubara bn, bhayau lbha baRa gai baRi hn.1.
haraita hdaya mtu pahi

e, manahu adha phiri locana pe.

ji janani paga nyau mth, manu raghunadana jnaki sth.2.

che mtu malina mana dekh, lakhana kah saba kath bise.
ga sahami suni bacana kahor, mg dekhi dava janu cahu or.3.
lakhana lakheu bh anaratha ju, ehi

saneha basa karaba akju.

mgata bid sabhaya sakuch

, ji saga bidhi kahihi ki nh

Go and ask leave of your mother; then quickly return and accompany me to the
woods. Lakmaa rejoiced to hear these words from the Chief of Raghus; great was his
gain and a mighty loss was averted. He went up to his mother delighted at heart as a
blind man who had regained his lost vision. Approaching her he bowed his head at her
feet, while his heart was with r Rma (the Delighter of Raghus race) and Janakas
Daughter. Finding him depressed in spirit the mother inquired the reason, when Lakmaa
related at length the whole incident. Sumitr was shocked to hear this cruel report as a
doe on finding wild fire all about her. Lakmaa apprehended that things would take a
wrong turn that day and that his mother would frustrate his plans due to her affection.
He, therefore, felt nervous and hesitated in asking leave of her; for he thought within
himself, Good God, will she allow me to accompany r Rma or not? (14)
0fr frr r f = t rs
f s f= rff t- rs+ -+
Do.: samujhi sumitr

rma siya rupu suslu subhu,

npa sanehu lakhi dhuneu siru ppini dnha kudu.73.
Remembering the beauty, amiability and noble disposition of r Rma and St
and considering the kings affection for Them, Sumitr beat her head as she perceived
that the wicked queen (Kaikey) had played him foul. (73)
0t s rt z rt rt+
ara arrf ra t far r rfa t+.{+
ar r fr a; f r r+
t r rt arr r rt+.+
n fa ra r; ;f r t r;+
r rf t t tr fa r t +.-+
t f r a rff r ra+
f rf n r ara n t r+.+
Cau.: dhraju dhareu kuavasara jn, sahaja suhda bol mdu bn.
tta tumhri mtu baideh, pit rmu saba bha ti saneh.1.
avadha tah

jaha rma nivsu, taha i

divasu jaha bhnu praks u.


pai sya rmu bana jh

, avadha tumhra kju kachu nh

gura pitu matu badhu sura s

, seiahi

sakala prna k n

rmu pranapriya jvana j ke, svratha rahita sakh sabah ke.3.
pujanya priya parama jah

te , saba mniahi

rma ke nte .
asa jiya jni saga bana jhu, lehu tta jaga jvana lhu.4.
Perceiving that the time was unpropitious to them, she collected herself and,
possessing as she did a naturally good heart, spoke in gentle words, My dear son,
Videhas daughter is your mother while Rma, who loves you in everyway, is your
father. Ayodhy is there where Rma dwells; there alone is the day where there is
sunlight. If St and Rma are really proceeding to the woods, you have no business
in Ayodhy. Ones preceptor, parents, brother, gods and masterall these should be
tended as ones own life. Rma, however is dearer than life, the soul of our soul and
the disinterested friend of all. Whosoever are worthy of adoration and most dear to us
should be accounted as such only in so far as they are related to Rma. Bearing this
in mind, accompany him to the forest and derive, my boy, the benefit of your existence
in the world. (14)
0f rn r rf a f rs
ar rfz t- r rs+ +
Do.: bhuri bhga bhjanu bhayahu mohi sameta bali ju ,
jau tumhare mana chRi chalu knha rma pada hu .74.
It is your great good fortune as well as mine, I solemnly declare, that your mind
has sincerely taken up its abode in Rmas feet. (74)
0rat at n r; rrfa na r a r;+
a= rr f rf frt r f a a fa rt+.{+
arf rn r rt a ara rt+
a z r t +.+
rn r ;fr r f ;- r+
r fr fr; r;+.-+
ar rfa r n fa ra r f r+
f r f a r; ;; s+.+
Cau.: putravat jubat jaga so, raghupati bhagatu jsu sutu ho.
nataru b

jha bhali bdi bin, rma bimukha suta te hita jn.1.


bhga rmu bana jh

, dusara hetu tta kachu nh

sakala sukta kara baRa phalu ehu, rma sya pada sahaja sanehu.2.
rgu rou iri madu mohu, jani sapanehu inha ke basa hohu.
sakala prakra bikra bih, mana krama bacana karehu sevak.3.
tumha kahu bana saba bh

tisupsu, sa ga pitu mtu rmu siya js u.


na rmu bana lahahi

kalesu, suta soi karehu ihai upadesu.4.

That woman alone can be said to have borne a male issue, whose son is a
devotee of Rma (the Lord of Raghus). Otherwise she had better remain issueless; for
she who deems herself fortunate in having a son hostile to Rma has yeaned in vain.
It is due to your good fortune that Rma is proceeding to the forest; there is no other
ground for his doing so, my boy. The highest reward of all meritorious acts is verily
thisto have spontaneous love for the feet of St and Rma. Never give way even
in a dream to passion, anger, jealousy, arrogance or infatuation. Giving up all sorts of
morbid feelings serve them in thought, word and deed. You will be happy in everyway
in the forest since you will have with you your father and mother in Rma and St.
Take care, my son, that Rma may be put to no trouble in the woods: that is my
admonition to you. (14)
U0s f ara ar r f rt
fa ra f fr fa frt+
at f f ; r t- f rf ;.
fa rs f f rrt fa fa ;+
Cha.:upadesu yahu jehi

tta tumhare rma siya sukha pvah

pitu mtu priya parivra pura sukha surati bana bisarvah

tulas prabhuhi sikha dei yasu dnha puni sia da,
rati hou abirala amala siya raghubra pada nita nita na.
My admonition to you, dear child, is this: it is up to you to see that Rma and St
lead a happy life in the forest through your good offices and forget their father and
mother, near and dear ones as well as the amenities of city life. Having thus
admonished the Lord of Tulasdsa (Lakmaa) Sumitr granted him leave (to accompany
r Rma) and then invoked her blessing on him: May your devotion to the feet of St
and the Hero of Raghus race be constant and untainted and ever new.
0ra f= r; aa fa z
rn f arr; rn n rn +.~+
So.: mtu carana siru ni cale turata sakita hdaya ,
bgura biama tori manahu bhga mgu bhga basa.75.
Bowing his head at his mothers feet Lakmaa left at once with a timid heart
apprehending any further development that might bulk his plans and interfere with his
accompanying (r Rma to the forest); it looked as if a deer had luckily succeeded in
bursting a strong snare and made good his escape. (75)
0n rfr fa r; f r+
f r f r n f r+.{+
f rt f r; ff ra fnrt+
a t f rt t+.+
tf f= f fart f fn rt+
; fz t rr f r; fr rr+.-+
f sr; rs r f f r n r+
f a rs a frt r s ffa rt+.+
Cau.: gae lakhanu jaha jnakinth u, bhe mana mudita pi priya sth u.
badi rma siya carana suhe, cale saga npamadira e.1.

parasapara pura nara nr, bhali bani bidhi bta bigr.

tana ksa mana dukhu badana malne, bikala manahu mkh madhu chne.2.
kara mjahi

siru dhuni pachith

, janu binu pakha bihaga akulh

bhai baRi bhra bhupa darabr, barani na ji bidu apr.3.
sciva uhi ru baihre, kahi priya bacana rmu pagu dhre.
siya sameta dou tanaya nihr, bykula bhayau bhumipati bhr.4.
Lakmaa went straight to where the Lord of Jnak (Janakas Daughter) was; he
was glad at heart to find himself in the company of his beloved Brother. Bowing to the
charming feet of r Rma and St he accompanied Them to the kings palace. The men
and women of the city said to one another, How strange that God wellnigh fulfilled our
hopes and then shattered them! With emaciated bodies, a sorrowful heart and doleful
face they felt miserable as a bee that has been robbed of its honey. They wrung their
hands, beat their heads and lamented like birds that had been clipt of their wings and
were restless without them. A huge crowd had collected at the entrance of the royal
palace and there was untold grief which knew no bounds. The minister (Sumantra) raised
the king and seated him communicating to him the agreeable news that r Rma had
come. When he saw his two sons with St, his distress was profound. (14)
0t fa a n rs f f r;
rf r rs ; s r;+ +
Do.: sya sahita suta subhaga dou dekhi dekhi akuli,

bra saneha basa ru lei ura li.76.

The king felt much agitated as he gazed on his two sons with St. Overwhelmed
with emotion he pressed them to his bosom again and again. (76)
0; rf f r r fa s r= r+
r; t fa rnr sf rrt fr a rnr+.{+
fa t r rf t fs a t+
ara f f r n r; r; r+.+
f sf rr r rrfa nf rr+
ara ar f t r r r t+.-+
= rt ; ; z frt+
; r r r; fn tfa f r;+.+
Cau.: sakai na boli bikala naranhu, soka janita ura druna dhu.
ni ssu pada ati anurg, uhi raghubra bid taba mg.1.
pitu assa yasu mohi djai, haraa samaya bisamau kata kjai.
tta kie priya prema pramdu, jasu jaga ji hoi apabd u.2.
suni saneha basa uhi naranh

, baihre raghupati gahi bh

sunahu tta tumha kahu muni kahah

, rmu carcara nyaka ahah

subha aru asubha karama anuhr, su dei phalu hdaya bicr.
karai jo karama pva phala so, nigama nti asi kaha sabu ko.4.
The king was too restless to speak; there was terrible agony in his heart due to
excess of grief. Most affectionately bowing His head at His fathers feet, the Hero of
Raghus race then arose and asked his permission to proceed to the woods: Father,
give me your blessings and commands; why should you be sorrowing at this hour of
jubilation? By swerving from the path of duty due to attachment for a beloved object, dear
father, ones reputation is lost and obloquy incurred. Hearing this the king got up in his
love and holding r Rma (the Lord of Raghus) by the arm he made Him sit down and
said, Listen, my boy: of You the sages declare that Rma is the Lord of the entire
creation, both animate and inanimate. God requites our actions according as they are
good or bad, weighing them in the scale of His judgment. He alone who does an act
reaps its consequences: such is the law of the Vedas and so declare all. (14)
0= r rs r rn
fa ffr na nfa r n r rn+ +
Do.: auru karai apardhu kou aura pva phala bhogu,
ati bicitra bhagavata gati ko jaga jnai jogu.77.
But in this case we find that one commits the offence and another reaps the
fruit. Highly mysterious are the ways of God: no one in this world is competent to
know them. (77)
0r r r fa rnt a sr f -rnt+
t r = a r t r+.{+
a t r; s t-t fa fa a rfa f t-t+
f r r fa rr+.+
f r rnr rr= n f rnr+
s f t rr; f f ff ffa fr;+.-+
f rf n rf rt fa f rt+
ar a t- r r f n r+.+
Cau.: rya rma rkhana hita lg, bahuta upya kie chalu tyg.
lakh rma rukha rahata na jne, dharama dhuradhara dhra sayne.1.
taba npa sya li ura lnh, ati hita bahuta bh

ti sikha dnh.
kahi bana ke dukha dusaha sune, ssu sasura pitu sukha samujhe.2.
siya manu rma carana anurg, gharu na sugamu banu biamu na lg.
aurau sabahi

sya samujh, kahi kahi bipina bipati adhik.3.

saciva nri gura nri sayn, sahita saneha kahahi

mdu bn.
tumha kahu tau na dnhabanabs u, karahu jo kahahi

sasura gura ssu.4.

The king sincerely tried every means to detain r Rma. But he discovered r
Rmas intention and came to know that He was not going to stay, a champion of
righteousness, strong-minded and foresighted as He was. The king thereupon clasped
St to his bosom and most lovingly admonished Her in many ways. He described the
terrible hardships of forest life and explained to Her the comforts She would enjoy if She
chose to stay with Her husbands parents or Her own father. Sts mind, however, was
attached to r Rmas feet; hence neither home seemed attractive to Her nor the forest
repulsive. Everyone else too expostulated with St dwelling on the many miseries of the
forest. The ministers (Sumantras) wife as well as the preceptors (Vasihas) and other
prudent ladies fondly urged Her in gentle tones: Nobody has exiled you to the forest:
therefore, do as your husbands parents and preceptor bid you. (14)
0f taf fa f taf rrf
ff na ; rf+ c+
Do.: sikha stali hita madhura mdu suni stahi na sohni,
sarada cada cadini lagata janu caka akulni.78.
This advice, soothing, friendly, agreeable and tender as it was, did not sound
pleasing to Sts ears. It seemed as if the touch of the rays of the autumnal moon had
made a female Cakravka bird restless. (78)
0t sa= ; r f af st ;+
f r rt rn f rt rt+.{+
f rf ar rrtr t rfzf tr+
a r r arf r ff r+.+
frf r; r rr r f f f rr+
f r rn f r r rn+.-+
rn f =fa r r f r r+
r aa f r; ff f= r;+.+
Cau.: sya sakuca basa utaru na de, so suni tamaki uh kaike.
muni paa bhuana bhjana n, ge dhari bol mdu bn.1.
npahi prnapriya tumha raghubr, sla saneha na chRihi bhr.
suktu sujasu paraloku nas u, tumhahi jna bana kahihi na ku.2.
asa bicri soi karahu jo bhv, rma janani sikha suni sukhu pv.
bhupahi bacana bna sama lge, karahi

na prna payna abhge.3.

loga bikala muruchita naranhu, kha karia kachu sujha na khu.
rmu turata muni beu ban, cale janaka jananihi siru n.4.
St was too modest to give any reply. But Kaikey flared up on hearing their talk.
She brought hermits robes, ornaments and vessels and, placing them before r Rma,
addressed Him in soft accents, You are dear as life to the king, O Hero of Raghus line;
he is too soft to shake off his scruple and attachment for you. He would sooner forfeit
his virtue, good reputation and his happiness in the other world than ask you to proceed
to the woods. Bearing this in mind do as you please. r Rma rejoiced to hear His
stepmothers admonition; but her words pierced the king like shafts. Will my wretched
life never depart, he said to himself. The people felt much distressed while the king
fainted; no one knew what to do. r Rma presently dressed Himself as a hermit and
bowing His head to His parents departed. (14)
0f r r far a
f f n f f a+ +
Do.: saji bana sju samju sabu banit badhu sameta,
badi bipra gura carana prabhu cale kari sabahi aceta.79.
Having completed all the equipment and preparations for a journey to the woods
the Lord with His Spouse and brother bowed to the feet of the Brhmaas and the
preceptor (Vasiha) and departed, leaving everyone in bewilderment. (79)
0ff f r r rn f r+
f f rr f rrt rr+.{+
n f r t- r r f t-+
r r r ar ta ta far+.+
rt r rr; rt nf f r rt+
r r nrr; f t t r;+.-+
rf r rf n rt a r rt+
r; rfa r fart f a r rt+.+
Cau.: nikasi basiha dvra bhae hRhe, dekhe loga biraha dava dRhe.
kahi priya bacana sakala samujhe, bipra bda raghubra bole.1.
gura sana kahi barasana dnhe, dara dna binaya basa knhe.
jcaka dna mna satoe, mta punta prema paritoe.2.

dsa boli bahor, gurahi saupi bole kara jor.

saba kai sra sa bhra gos

, karabi janaka janan k n


bra jori juga pn, kahata rmu saba sana mdu bn.
soi saba bh

ti mora hitakr, jehi te rahai bhula sukhr.4.

Issuing out of the palace the party halted at Vasihas door and found the people
scorched with the fire of impending separation. The Hero of Raghus race comforted all
with soothing words and then summoned hosts of Brhmaas. He requested His preceptor
to give them subsistence for a year and captivated their hearts through courtesy, gift and
humility. He gratified mendicants with gifts and attentions and sated His friends with pure
love. He then called His men-servants and maid-servants and entrusting them to the
care of His Guru spoke to him with joined palms, My lord, pray look after them and tend
them as their own father and mother. Again and again, with joined palms, r Rma
addressed each one present there in soft accents, He alone is friendly to me in every
way, through whose good offices the king derives solace. (14)
0ra r f f rf t
r; srs ar t+ c+
Do.: mtu sakala more biraha jehi

na hohi

dukha dna,
soi upu tumha karehu saba pura jana parama prabna.80.
Take care all of you, my most clever citizens, to see that none of my mothers is
smitten with the pangs of separation from me. (80)
0f ff r f rrr n f f= rr+
nfa nf fnt r; t r; rrr;+.{+
r a fa s fr f r; ra r+
n fa r fr f r+.+
n; =r a fa rn rf r rn+
r r rt f rfn a a rt+.-+
f a r rr r r; af a rr+
f f t ; r n r ar r+.+
Cau.: ehi bidhi rma sabahi samujhv, gura pada paduma harai siru nv.
ganapati gauri girsu man, cale assa pi raghur.1.
rma calata ati bhayau bidu, suni na ji pura rata nd u.
kusaguna laka avadha ati sok u, haraa bida bibasa suraloku.2.
gai muruch taba bhupati jge, boli sumatru kahana asa lge.
rmu cale bana prna na jh

, kehi sukha lgi rahata tana mh

ehi te kavana byath balavn, jo dukhu pi tajahi

tanu prn.
puni dhari dhra kahai naranh u, lai rathu saga sakh tumha jh u.4.
In this way r Rma consoled all and cheerfully bowed His head at the lotus feet
of His preceptor. Invoking Lord Gaapati, Goddess Gaur (Prvat) and the Lord of
Kailsa and receiving the blessings of His Guru, the Lord of Raghus proceeded further.
There was great lamentation as He sallied forth; the piteous wail of the citizens was
revolting to the ears. Evil omens appeared in Lak and Ayodhy was plunged in grief,
while the abode of gods was overcome with a mixed feeling of joy and sorrow. When the
spell of unconsciousness broke, the king woke and calling Sumantra thus began, Rma
has left for the woods, but my life refuses to depart. I wonder what joy it seeks after by
clinging to this body! What agony more severe than this can I have, that will draw my
breath out of my body? Then, recovering himself, the king said, Follow him, my friend,
with your chariot. (14)
0f r r rs ar rf
r; r; f n f rf+ c{+
Do.: suhi sukumra kumra dou janakasut sukumri,
ratha caRhi dekhari banu phirehu gae dina cri.81.
Too tender-bodied are the two princes and delicate of frame is Janakas
daughter. Pick them up on the chariot, show them round the forest and return after three
or four days. (81)
0 f ff t rs r; - a rrr;+
a ar f rt f fffrt+.{+
f r f zr; rf f = r;+
r s fr ff a +.+
fan rt r =f r; arrt+
f ff sr r f; a r; r r+.-+
rf a r frr r; ff rr+
f =f r f r r f rf r+.+
Cau.: jau nahi


dhra dou bh, satyasadha dRhabrata raghur.

tau tumha binaya karehu kara jor, pheria prabhu mithilesakisor.1.
jaba siya knana dekhi er, kahehu mori sikha avasaru p.
ssu sasura asa kaheu sa des u, putri phiria bana bahuta kalesu.2.
pitugha kabahu kabahu sasurr, rahehu jah

ruci hoi tumhr.

ehi bidhi karehu upya kadab, phirai ta hoi prna avalab.3.

ta mora maranu parinm, kachu na basi bhae bidhi bm.

asa kahi muruchi par mahi r u, rmu lakhanu siya ni dekhu.4.
If the two strong-minded brothers refuse to returnfor the Lord of Raghus is true
to his word and firm of resolvethen do you entreat him with joined palms: My lord,
kindly send back the daughter of Mithils king. When St gets frightere at the sight of
the jungle, avail yourself of that opportunity and tell her my advice in the following words.
The parents of your husband have sent this message to you: Please return home, my
daughter; there is much hardship in the forest. Now with your parents and now in your
husbands homestay wherever you please. In this way try all possible means; if she
comes back, there will be a support to my life. Otherwise all this will end in my death;
nothing can avail against an adverse fate. So saying the king dropped unconscious on
the ground exclaiming: Bring Rma, Lakmaa and St and show them to me! (14)
0r; r r; f= fa n r;
ns r r n t fa rs r;+ c+
Do.: pi rajyasu ni siru rathu ati bega bani,
gayau jah

bhera nagara sya sahita dou bhi.82.

Receiving the kings command Sumantra bowed his head to him and having got
ready a most swift chariot went to the outskirts of the city, where St and the two
princely brothers were. (82)
0a r r f fat r r+
f t fa rs r; z f f= r;+.{+
a r f rr f rn rn rr+
rf ff rrf ff f ff rf+.+
rnfa rf rt r rrfa frt+
rrr a rt zf f frt+.-+
rr r f ar a fa ta ar+
rn- f f frrt fa r f rt+.+
Cau.: taba sumatra npa bacana sune, kari binat ratha rmu caRhe.
caRhi ratha sya sahita dou bh, cale hdaya avadhahi siru n.1.
calata rmu lakhi avadha anth, bikala loga saba lge sth.
kpsidhu bahubidhi samujhvahi

, phirahi

prema basa puni phiri vahi

lgati avadha bhayvani bhr, mnahu klarti a dhir.
ghora jatu sama pura nara nr, arapahi

ekahi eka nihr.3.

ghara masna parijana janu bh ut, suta hita mta manahu jamad ut.
bganha biapa beli kumhilh

, sarita sarobara dekhi na jh

Then Sumantra delivered to them the kings message and with humble submission
persuaded r Rma to ascend the chariot. Having mounted the chariot St and the
two brothers set out on their journey mentally bowing their head to Ayodhy. Finding
Ayodhy masterless with the departure of r Rma all those who had assembled there
followed in their wake with an agitated mind. r Rma remonstrated in many ways, an
ocean of compassion that He was; and the crowd turned homewards. But dragged by
the affection they bore for Him they came back and joined the party once more.
Ayodhy presented a most dismal appearance as though it were the dark night of final
dissolution of the universe. The men and women of the city looked like ghastly
creatures and were frightened to see one another. Their houses appeared like so many
crematories, their retainers like ghosts, and their sons, relations and friends like
messengers of death. Trees and creepers in the gardens withered, while streams and
ponds repelled the eyes. (14)
0 n rf- fn ra r
f rn rfr r r+ c-+
Do.: haya gaya koinha kelimga purapasu ctaka mora,
pika rathga suka srik srasa hasa cakora.83.
The numberless horses and elephants, animals kept for pleasure, urban cattle,
Ctaka birds, peacocks, cuckoos, Cakravkas, parrots and Mains, cranes, swans and
Cakoras (83)
0r frn f r a fr ff r+
n= n rt n n f rt+.{+
ff ; frfaf t-t f ff t-t+
f rr frnt rn r rnt+.+
f fr= t- rt r f f rt+
r r a ; r f rrt f r+.-+
r r r; fr; +
r f f-t f rn f f fa-t+ +
Cau.: rma biyoga bikala saba hRhe, jaha taha manahu citra likhi kRhe.
nagaru saphala banu gahabara bhr, khaga mga bipula sakala nara nr.1.
bidhi kaika kirtini knh, jehi

dava dusaha dasahu disi dnh.

sahi na sake raghubara birahg, cale loga saba bykula bhg.2.

bicru knha mana mh

, rma lakhana siya binu sukhu nh


rmu taha sabui samju, binu raghubra avadha nahi

kj u.3.
cale stha asa matru dRh, sura durlabha sukha sadana bih.
rma carana pakaja priya jinhah, biaya bhoga basa karahi

ki tinhah.4.
All stood restless due to their separation from r Rma; they looked like so many
pictures drawn here and there. The city resembled an extensive and thick forest full of
fruits and the many men and women residing therein represented so many birds and
beasts. God assigned Kaikey the role of a Bhla woman who set the whole forest in a
fierce blaze. The people could not bear the fire of separation from the Chief of Raghus
and they all ran away in distress. They all came to this conclusion in their mind: There
can be no happiness without Rma, Lakmaa and St. The whole community will live
where Rma takes up his abode; without the Hero of Raghus race we have no business
in Ayodhy. Having thus firmly resolved they followed Him forsaking their happy homes,
which were the envy of gods. Can the pleasures of sense overpower those who hold the
lotus feet of r Rma dear to their heart? (14)
0r q fr; n n rn r
ar at fr f f rrr+ c+
Do.: blaka bddha bihi gha lage loga saba stha,
tamas tra nivsu kiya prathama divasa raghuntha.84.
Leaving the children and aged people in their homes all the citizens accompanied
r Rma. And the Lord of Raghus made His first days halt on the bank of the
Tamas. (84)
0rrfa r t z s ft+
=r rrr nrr ; fn r;f t r;+.{+
f r ff r rn rr+
f s rr rn ff +.+
t rfz f r; rrr;+
rn rn >r n r; rr fa r;+.-+
f r n rff tat r f s tat+
r rf r arar r sr ff f rar+.+
Cau.: raghupati praj premabasa dekh, sadaya hdaya dukhu bhayau bise.
karunmaya raghuntha gos

, begi piahi

pra par.1.
kahi saprema mdu bacana suhe, bahubidhi rma loga samujhe.
kie dharama upadesa ghanere, loga prema basa phirahi

na phere.2.
slu sanehu chRi nahi

j, asamajasa basa bhe raghur.

loga soga rama basa gae so, kachuka devamy

mati mo.3.

jma juga jmini bt, rma saciva sana kaheu saprt.

khoja mri rathu h

kahu tt, na upya banihi nahi

When the Lord of Raghus saw His people overwhelmed with love, His tender
heart was much afflicted. Lord r Rma, who is all compassion, is readily touched by
others, pain. Addressing them in affectionate, soft and agreeable tones, He comforted all
in ways more than one. He also gave them varied instructions in their moral duty; but
overmastered by love they would not turn back even though urged to return. r Rma
could not afford to take leave of His amiable disposition and loving nature; the Lord of
Raghus thus found Himself in a fix. Overpowered by grief and toil the people fell asleep
and the deluding potency of gods further helped to benumb their mind. When two watches
of the night had passed, r Rma addressed the minister in endearing terms, Father,
drive the chariot in such a way as to leave no tree; by no other means can our object
be accomplished. (14)
0r f r f f= r;
f rs aa ;a sa r r;+ c~+
Do.: rma lakhana siya jna caRhi sabhu carana siru ni,
saciva calyau turata rathu ita uta khoja duri.85.
Bowing their head to the feet of Lord ambhu (iva) r Rma, Lakmaa and St
mounted the car; and the minister (Sumantra) immediately drove the chariot now in one
direction and now in another, thus confusing the tracks. (85)
0rn rn r= n rrr s fa r=+
r a f rf r r f ff rf+.{+
rfff z r s f z f r+
f f s a r rf +.+
ff r rf tr fn t rrt ftr+
f frn ff t-r a rn t-r+.-+
f ff a r rr r farr+
f frn r; rr f r rf rr+.+
Cau.: jge sakala loga bhae bhoru, ge raghuntha bhayau ati soru.
ratha kara khoja katahu nahi

rma rma kahi cahu disi dhvahi

manahu brinidhi buRa jahju, bhayau bikala baRa banika samju.
ekahi eka dehi

upades u, taje rma hama jni kales u.2.


pu sarhahi

mn, dhiga jvanu raghubra bihn.

jau pai priya biyogu bidhi knh, tau kasa maranu na mge dnh.3.
ehi bidhi karata pralpa kalp, e avadha bhare paritp.
biama biyogu na ji bakhn, avadhi sa saba rkhahi

All the people woke up at daybreak. The Lord of Raghus has gone! they loudly
exclaimed. Nowhere could they find the tracks of the chariot and ran about in all
directions crying Rma, O Rma! It seemed as if a bark had foundered in the ocean,
as a result of which the party of merchants that had boarded it felt much agitated.
Everyone explained to the other how Rma had forsaken them perceiving their distress.
They condemned themselves and praised the fish (that died as soon as they were taken
out of water), and said to one another; A curse on our life without the Hero of Raghus
race! If God has torn us from our beloved, why did He not vouchsafe death to us on our
asking? Thus wailing in a variety of ways they all returned to Ayodhy full of remorse.
The anguish of parting was terrible beyond words. Everyone survived in the hope of
seeing Rma on the expiry of the term of exile. (14)
0r fa a n rf
r rt t ft arf+ c+
Do.: rma darasa hita nema brata lage karana nara nri,
manahu koka kok kamala dna bihna tamri.86.
Men and women alike started religious observances and fasts for ensuring r
Rmas return. They were as miserable as the male and female Cakravka birds and the
lotus flower are in the absence of the sun. (86)
0tar f fa rs r; n r;+
sa r f t t- za ft+.{+
f f f rr f fa rs rr+
nn n r f f r+.+
f f rf r nr r frf nn anr+
ff f ff r; f t fr fr;+.-+
r t- >r n f fa fa +
fa rf f; >r r= af >r f r=+.+
Cau.: st saciva sahita dou bh, sgaberapura pahu ce j.
utare rma devasari dekh, knha daavata harau bise.1.
lakhana saciva siya kie pranm, sabahi sahita sukhu pyau rm.
gaga sakala muda magala mul, saba sukha karani harani saba sul.2.
kahi kahi koika kath prasag, rmu bilokahi

gaga tarag.
sacivahi anujahi priyahi sun, bibudha nad mahim adhik.3.
majjanu knha patha rama gaya u, suci jalu piata mudita mana bhayau.
sumirata jhi miai rama bhr u, tehi rama yaha laukika byavahru.4.
Accompanied by St and the minister the two brothers arrived at gaverapura.
Beholding the celestial stream, Gag, r Rma alighted from His car and fell prostrate
on the ground with great joy. Lakmaa, St and the minister too made obeisance and
r Rma rejoiced in common with them all. A fount of all joys and blessings, the Gag
brings all delight and drives away all sorrow. Narrating numerous anecdotes connected
with it, r Rma gazed on the waves of the Gag and told the minister, His younger
brother (Lakmaa) and His beloved Consort the transcendent glory of the celestial
stream. They took a plunge in the river and the fatigue of the journey was gone; and their
hearts rejoiced when they drank of its holy water. That He whose very thought relieves
the great toil of transmigration should feel fatigued shows that He imitated the ways of
the world. (14)
0q frr r a
fa a a fa rn a+ c+
Do.: suddha saccidnadamaya kada bhnukula ketu,
carita karata nara anuharata sasti sgara setu.87.
The Glory of Raghus race, who is a fountain of pure existence, knowledge and
bliss, performed actions similar to those of a human being, and which constitute a bridge
to cross the ocean of mundane existence. (87)
0 f n fr r; fa f f rr;+
f f rr f s f rr+.{+
f za f rn f fra fa rn+
f rrr; t f r;+.+
r s rnr +
f r arrr t fa frr+.-+
r f rf r rf rn fr+
- r rr rf t- fa r rr+.+
Cau.: yaha sudhi guha nida jaba p, mudita lie priya badhu bol.
lie phala mula bhe a bhari bhr, milana caleu hiya harau apr.1.
kari daavata bhe a dhari ge , prabhuhi bilokata ati anurge .
sahaja saneha bibasa raghur, pu

ch kusala nikaa baih.2.

ntha kusala pada pakaja dekhe , bhayau bhgabhjana jana lekhe .
deva dharani dhanu dhmu tumhr, mai

janu ncu sahita parivr.3.

kp karia pura dhria pu, thpia janu sabu logu sihu.
kahehu satya sabu sakh sujn, mohi dnha pitu yasu n.4.
When Guha, the Nida,* got this news, he gladly called together his near and
dear ones and taking by way of presents fruits and roots in baskets slung across their
shoulders, he proceeded to meet the Lord with infinite joy in his heart. Prostrating himself
on the ground and placing the presents before the Lord he gazed on Him with great
affection. The Lord of Raghus, who is won by natural affection, seated him by His side
and inquired about his welfare. The sight of your lotus feet, my lord, is the root of all
welfare; I can now count myself as a blessed man. My land, house and fortune are yours,
holy sir; my family and myself are your humble servants. Do me the favour of visiting my
town and confer dignity on me. Let everyone envy my lot. Everything you have said is
true; my wise friend; but my father has commanded me otherwise. (14)
0 rf r f a r=
nr r f sfa f nf s r=+ cc+
Do.: baraa cridasa bsu bana muni brata beu ahru,
grma bsu nahi

ucita suni guhahi bhayau dukhu bhru.88.

* A low-born tribe in India tracing their descent from a Brhmaa through a udra woman.
For four years and ten my home shall be in the woods and my mode of life, dress
and food shall be that of a hermit. Hence my staying in a village would be hardly
advisable. Guha was deeply distressed to hear this. (88)
0r f = frt f nr rt+
a fa ra f f- r +.{+
f fa t-r r r f ff t-r+
a frfa s rr a= fr r rr+.+
rrrf rs rr s r rfa rr+
f rr= rr r rr r fr+.-+
n rf rt zr; f r;+
f rt rr f f rf rt+.+
Cau.: rma lakhana siya rupa nihr, kahahi

saprema grma nara nr.

te pitu mtu kahahu sakhi kaise, jinha pahae bana blaka aise.1.
eka kahahi

bhala bhupati knh, loyana lhu hamahi bidhi dnh.

taba nidapati ura anumn, taru sisup manohara jn.2.
lai raghunthahi hu dekhv, kaheu rma saba bh

ti suhv.
purajana kari johru ghara e, raghubara sadhy karana sidhe.3.
guha sa vri s

thar as, kusa kisalayamaya mdula suh.

suci phala mula madhura mdu jn, don bhari bhari rkhesi pn.4.
Beholding the beauty of r Rma, Lakmaa and St, men and women of the
village feelingly said, What sort of parents, O friend, can they be who have sent such
children to the forest? Other people said, The king has done well in that God has
thereby rewarded our eyes. The Chief of the Nidas then pondered within himself
and perceived a charming Aoka tree. He took the Lord of Raghus to the spot and
showed it to Him, when r Rma declared that the place was beautiful in every way. The
people of the town then returned home after paying their respects to Him, while the
Chief of Raghus retired for performing His evening devotions. In the meantime Guha
prepared a soft and beautiful bed of Kua grass and tender leaves and spread it on
the ground. He also placed besides Him cups of leaves sacred, delicious and soft full
of fruits, roots and water. (14)
0f r rar fa r;
t- rrf r ra r;+ c+
Do.: siya sumatra bhrt sahita kada mula phala khi,
sayana knha raghubasamani pya paloata bhi.89.
Having partaken of the bulbs, roots and fruits alongwith St, Sumantra and His
brother (Lakmaa), the Jewel of Raghus race lay down to sleep, while His brother
kneaded His feet. (89)
0s ra rt f ff r rt+
f f r r rn n f tr+.{+
n rr; r= atat r r r fa tat+
r f s r; f rt r r;+.+
ra f frf fr s z fr+
a fa r ; ;+.-+
fa r rr fa a rr+
f fa r= r fafa f r r+.+
Cau.: uhe lakhanu prabhu sovata jn, kahi sacivahi sovana mdu bn.
kachuka duri saji bna sarsana, jgana lage baihi brsana.1.
guha boli pharu pratt, hva hva rkhe ati prt.
pu lakhana pahi

baiheu j, kai bhth sara cpa caRh.2.

sovata prabhuhi nihri nidu, bhayau prema basa hdaya bid u.
tanu pulakita jalu locana baha, bacana saprema lakhana sana kaha.3.
bhupati bhavana subhya suhv, surapati sadanu na paatara pv.
manimaya racita cru caubre, janu ratipati nija htha sa vre.4.
When Lakmaa perceived that his lord had fallen asleep, he rose and asked the
minister in soft accents to retire. As for himself he got ready his bow and arrows and
sitting at some distance in the posture of a hero he kept watch. Guha called his trusted
watchmen and stationed them at different points with great love; while he himself went
and took his seat beside Lakmaa with a quiver fastened to his waist and an arrow
fitted to his bow. When the Nida chief saw his lord lying (on a bed of grass and leaves)
he felt great sorrow in his heart due to excess of love; the hair on his body bristled, tears
flowed from his eyes and he addressed the following affectionate words to Lakmaa:
The kings palace is naturally charming; even Indras residence can hardly stand
comparison with it. Its beautiful attics are built of precious gems and are so lovely as
though the god of love has constructed them with his own hands. (14)
0f ffr rn n r
n ft ff r+ +
Do.: suci subicitra subhogamaya sumana sugadha subsa,
pala ga maju manidpa jaha saba bidhi sakala supsa.90.
Free from impurities, exceedingly marvellous of design, abounding in exquisite
luxuries and scented with the fragrance of flowers, they are furnished with lovely beds
and lighted with gems and are full of amenities of every description. (90)
0ff sr ar; t f r;+
a f r ff t f f fa r t+.{+
a f r rt r >rfa f rf r+
ra far f rt r t r = rt+.+
rnf f-f r t r; f ra a; r nrr;+
far n ffa r r rrr+.-+
r fa r t ra f ff r t+
f rrt f r rn r - rn+.+
Cau.: bibidha basana upadhna tur

, chra phena mdu bisada suh

taha siya rmu sayana nisi karah

, nija chabi rati manoja madu harah

te siya rmu sthar

soe, ramita basana binu jhi

na joe.
mtu pit parijana purabs, sakh susla dsa aru ds.2.

jinhahi prna k n

, mahi sovata tei rma gos

pit janaka jaga bidita prabhu, sasura suresa sakh raghuru.3.
rmacadu pati so baideh, sovata mahi bidhi bma na keh.
siya raghubra ki knana jogu, karama pradhna satya kaha logu.4.
Again they are equipped with coverlets and sheets, pillows and cushions of various
kindsall soft, white and charming as the froth of milk. It is in such attics that St and
Rma used to sleep at night and humbled by their beauty the pride of Rati and her
consort, the god of love. Those very St and Rma are now lying on a pallet, exhausted
and uncovered, a sight one cannot bear to see. The same Lord Rma whom his father
and mother, his own family and the people of the city, his good-natured companions, men-
servants and maid-servants, all cherished as their own life, sleeps on the ground! Nay,
St, whose father Janaka is famed throughout the world, whose father-in-law is King
Daaratha, the chief of Raghus and an ally of Indra (the lord of immortals) and whose
spouse is Rmacandra, is lying on the ground! An adverse fate spares none. Do St and
the Hero of Raghus race deserve to be exiled to the woods? They rightly say: Fate is
supreme. (14)
0ff fa f f t-
f rr rff t-+ {+
Do.: kaikayanadini madamati kahina kuilapanu knha,

raghunadana jnakihi sukha avasara dukhu dnha.91.

The foolish daughter of Kekaya has wrought a cruel mischief in that she has
brought trouble on St and the Delighter of Raghus race at a time of enjoyment. (91)
0; f f rt fa t- ft rt+
s fr frf rt r t f frt+.{+
r rt r frn nfa rt+
r rs rar f a rn rar+.+
rn frn rn r fa fa r+
fn n r fa ffa = r+.-+
f r fr= n fn r=+
f f nf rt r r rt+.+
Cau.: bhai dinakara kula biapa kuhr, kumati knha saba bisva dukhr.
bhayau bidu nidahi bhr, rma sya mahi sayana nihr.1.
bole lakhana madhura mdu bn, gyna birga bhagati rasa sn.
khu na kou sukha dukha kara dt, nija kta karama bhoga sabu bhrt.2.
joga biyoga bhoga bhala mad, hita anahita madhyama bhrama phad.
janamu maranu jaha lagi jaga jlu, sapati bipati karamu aru klu.3.
dharani dhmu dhanu pura parivru, saragu naraku jaha lagi byavahru.
dekhia sunia gunia mana mh

, moha mula paramrathu nh

The wicked woman has played the axe in felling the tree of the solar race and
plunged the whole universe in woe. The Nida chief was sore distressed to see Rma
and St sleeping on the ground. Lakmaa spoke to him sweet and gentle words imbued
with the nectar of wisdom, dispassion and devotion: No one is a source of delight or pain
to another; everyone reaps the fruit of ones own actions, brother. Union and separation,
pleasurable and painful experiences, friends, foes and neutralssnares of delusion are
these. Even so birth and death, prosperity and adversity, destiny and time and all the
illusion of the world; lands, houses, wealth, town and family, heaven and hell, and all the
phenomena of the world; nay, whatever is seen, heard or thought of with the mind has
its root in ignorance: nothing exists in reality. (14)
0 r; frf rfa r;
rn r rf faf f r;+ +
Do.: sapane hoi bhikhri npu raku nkapati hoi,
jge lbhu na hni kachu timi prapaca jiya joi.92.
Suppose in a dream a king becomes a pauper and apauper becomes lord of
paradise ; on waking, the one does not gain nor does the other lose anything. So must
you look upon this world. (92)
0 frf f tf r rf rf ; r+
r fr rfrr f rr+.{+
f n rff rnf rnt rt frnt+
rf af t n rnr f fr frnr+.+
r; f r rnr a rrr rnr+
r r r +.-+
r zr r =r fna rf r+
fr fa nar f fa fa f=f r+.+
Cau.: asa bicri nahi

kjia ros u, khuhi bdi na deia dosu.

moha nis

sabu sovanihr, dekhia sapana aneka prakr.1.


jaga jmini jgahi

jog, paramrath prapaca biyog.

jnia tabahi

jva jaga jg, jaba saba biaya bilsa birg.2.

hoi bibeku moha bhrama bhg, taba raghuntha carana anurg.
sakh parama paramrathu ehu, mana krama bacana rma pada nehu.3.
rma brahma paramratha r up, abigata alakha andi anup.
sakala bikra rahita gatabhed, kahi nita neti nirupahi

Reasoning thus be not angry nor blame anyone in vain. Everyone is slumbering
in the night of delusion, and while asleep one sees dreams of various kinds. In this
night of mundane existence it is Yogs (mystics) alone who keep awakeYogs who
are in quest of the highest truth and remain aloof from the world. A soul should be
deemed as having awoke from the night of the world only when he develops and
aversion for the enjoyments of the world of sense. It is only when right understanding
comes that the error of delusion disappears and then alone one develops love for the
feet of r Rma (the Lord of Raghus). O friend, the highest spiritual goal is this: to be
devoted to the feet of r Rma in thought, word and deed. r Rma is no other than
Brahma (God), the supreme Reality, unknown, imperceptible, beginningless,
incomparable, free from all change and beyond all diversity. The Vedas ever speak of
Him in negative terms (not this). (14)
0na f f fa rfn r
a fa f a a ff n r+ -+
Do.: bhagata bhumi bhusura surabhi sura hita lgi kpla,
karata carita dhari manuja tanu sunata miahi

jaga jla.93.
For the sake of His devotees, Earth, the Brhmaas, cows and gods, the
gracious Lord takes the form of a man and performs actions by hearing of which the
snares of the world are broken asunder. (93)
0r fr ff r f rrt a r+
a r n r frr rn n n rr+.{+
f r rr f r t nrr+
fa f r r f r r+.+
z r fa tr rf fa tr+
r s rrr r r rr+.-+
r; f -r; r f fn rs r;+
r f r t r ft+.+
Cau.: sakh samujhi asa parihari mohu, siya raghubra carana rata hohu.
kahata rma guna bh bhinusr, jge jaga magala sukhadr.1.
sakala sauca kari rma nahv, suci sujna baa chra magv.
anuja sahita sira ja bane, dekhi sumatra nayana jala che.2.
hdaya dhu ati badana maln, kaha kara jori bacana ati dn.
ntha kaheu asa kosalanth, lai rathu jhu rma ke sth.3.
banu dekhi surasari anhav, nehu pheri begi dou bh.
lakhanu rmu siya nehu pher, sasaya sakala sa koca niber.4.
Realizing this, O friend, shed all infatuation and be devoted to the feet of St and the
Hero of Raghus race. While Lakmaa was yet recounting r Rmas virtues, the day
dawned and the Joy and Delighter of the world woke up. After finishing all purificatory acts
r Rma, who was all pure and wise, performed His ablutions and sent for some milk of the
banyan tree. He as well as His brother then matted the hair on their heads, a sight which
filled the eyes of Sumantra with tears. With great agony in his heart and a doleful face he
joined his palms and spoke in most piteous accents, The king of Kosala, my lord, charged
me thus: Take the chariot and go with Rma; let him see the forest and bathe in the Gag
and then speedily bring the two brothers back. Setting at rest all their doubts and scruples
do bring Lakmaa, Rma and St back to their home. (14)
0 s nrr; ; f r;
f fat r- s t- r ff r;+ +
Do.: npa asa kaheu gosi

jasa kahai karau bali soi,

kari binat pyanha pareu dnha bla jimi roi.94.
The king has commanded me thus; I shall, however, do as my lord bids me, I
assure you. Having supplicated in this way Sumantra fell at the Lords feet and wept like
a child. (94)
0ara r f tf r; ra r r;+
frf r sr; rr ara a ar rr+.{+
ff t f r fa rf r+
fa f rr s f rr+.+
- rr rn fn r rr+
r; f rr a fa rr+.-+
rfa r rf r= r+
ar ara a r f sa= ff ra +.+
Cau.: tta kp kari kjia so, jte avadha antha na ho.
matrihi rma uhi prabodh, tta dharama matu tumha sabu sodh.1.
sibi dadhca haricada nares, sahe dharama hita koi kales.
ratideva bali bhupa sujn, dharamu dhareu sahi sakaa nn.2.
dharamu na dusara satya samn, gama nigama purna bakhn.

soi dharamu sulabha kari pv, taje tih u

pura apajasu chv.3.

sabhvita kahu apajasa lhu, marana koi sama druna dhu.
tumha sana tta bahuta k kahau

, die utaru phiri ptaku laha u

Have compassion, my darling, and take steps to see that Ayodhy is not left
without a master. r Rma raised the minister and thus admonished him; Dear one,
you have investigated the truths of religion in their entirety. ibi, Dadhci and King
Haricandra suffered untold hardships for the sake of virtue. The wise kings Rantideva*
and Bali upheld virtue even through many trials. There is no virtue equal to truthfulness:
so declare the gamas (Tantras), Vedas and Puras. That virtue I have found by an
easy road; by abandoning it I shall be reviled in all the three worlds. To a man who is
* King Rantideva was a most generous-hearted ruler. He gave away his riches every now and then.
Having parted with all that he possessed, he and his family had to remain without food and water for full forty-
eight days on one occasion. He did nothing to earn his livelihood and depended on whatever he got unasked.
Prolonged starvation had reduced him to a skeleton and he was lying in a semi-conscious state with his wife
and children, counting his days. On the 49th day he got some rice boiled in milk, another sweet dish and water.
He was just going to share it with his family when a stranger, who was a Brhmaa by caste, appeared before
him. The king gladly and devoutly gave away what was served before him to the Brhmaa, and dividing the
rest among themselves was about to partake of his own share when another newcomer, who happened to be
a udra, turned up. The king entertained the udra as well out of the stock he had in hand. In the meantime
a low-born man came with his dogs and asked food for himself and his dogs. The king gave away the remaining
food to these strangers. He had now left with him water barely sufficient to slake the thirst of a single soul. As
the king was about to quench his thirst thereby a pariah made his appearance and piteously begged for water.
Moved by his entreaties King Rantideva parted even with his water and went without it himself.
highly esteemed, infamy causes agony as terrible as a million deaths. ser, what more shall
I say to you? By urging something in reply I shall incur sin. (14)
0fa nf f rf fa f rf
far f ra ara f f rf+ ~+
Do.: pitu pada gahi kahi koi nati binaya karaba kara jori,
cit kavanihu bta kai tta karia jani mori.95.
Clasping the feet of my father and conveying my repeated obeisances to him pray
to him with joined palms: Be not troubled in anyway on my account, dear father. (95)
0ar f fa fa fa r fat s ara r+
ff r; a arr r fa r r+.{+
f rrr f r s f f fr+
f t rt z fa rt+.+
f r f r; f f r;+
r f f ff f ff +.-+
f ff r ff tr r; rrf arf tr+
a= f ftr f ff f tr+.+
Cau.: tumha puni pitu sama ati hita more , binat karau tta kara jore .
saba bidhi soi karatabya tumhre , dukha na pva pitu soca hamre .1.
suni raghuntha saciva sabd u, bhayau saparijana bikala nidu.
puni kachu lakhana kah kau bn, prabhu baraje baRa anucita jn.2.
sakuci rma nija sapatha dev, lakhana sa desu kahia jani j.
kaha sumatru puni bhupa sa des u, sahi na sakihi siya bipina kalesu.3.
jehi bidhi avadha va phiri sy, soi raghubarahi tumhahi karany.
nataru nipaa avalaba bihn, mai

na jiaba jimi jala binu mn.4.

You too are extremely kind to me as my own father. Hence I pray with joined
palms, sire, do everything in your power to see that my father does not feel miserable
on account of grief for us. Hearing this conversation between the Lord of Raghus and
the minister (Sumantra) the Nida chief and his people felt much distressed. Thereafter
Lakmaa made some poignant remarks; but the Lord stopped him knowing his words
to be highly objectionable. Feeling shy r Rma adjured Sumantra by his own self not
to convey Lakmaas words. Sumantra then reproduced the kings message: St will
not be able to endure the hardships of the forest; therefore, both Rma (the Chief of
Raghus) and yourself (Sumantra) should endeavour to see that St returns to Ayodhy.
Otherwise, left entirely without any support, I shall not survive even as a fish without
water. (14)
0; f r r
a a ff f fn ffa fr+ +
Do.: maike sasure sakala sukha jabahi


manu mna,
taha taba rahihi sukhena siya jaba lagi bipati bihna.96.
There is very comfort both in her parents home as well as with the parents of her
lord (i.e., ourselves); therefore, St can live at ease wherever she pleases at a particular
time till this adversity ends. (96)
0fat t- f rat rfa tfa r f rat+
fa f rfrr ff t- f rf frr+.{+
r n f fr= f a f r=+
f fa fa t rfa t+.+
=r ft a af fa r ff t+
r r; r fr; fr af r;+.-+
faf f r; fa f fnr r;+
ar fa f fart sa= s ff fa rt+.+
Cau.: binat bhupa knha jehi bh

t, rati prti na so kahi jt.

pitu sa desu suni kpnidhn, siyahi dnha sikha koi bidhn.1.
ssu sasura gura priya parivr u, phirahu ta saba kara miai khabhru.
suni pati bacana kahati baideh, sunahu prnapati parama saneh.2.
prabhu karunmaya parama bibek, tanu taji rahati ch

ha kimi che k.
prabh ji kaha bhnu bih, kaha cadrik cadu taji j.3.
patihi premamaya binaya sun, kahati saciva sana gir suh.
tumha pitu sasura sarisa hitakr, utaru deu phiri anucita bhr.4.
The piteousness and affection with which the kings entreaty was attended
cannot be expressed in words. On hearing His fathers message the All-merciful
Lord admonished St in countless ways. If you return, the affliction of your mother-
in-law and father-in-law, your preceptor and all your near and dear ones will cease.
In response to Her lords advice King Videhas Daughter said, Listen, most loving
lord of my life, my all-compassionate and supremely wise master: can a shadow
be torn away from its substance? The sunlight can never exist apart from the sun
nor can the radiance of the moon leave the moon. Having submitted Her loving
entreaty to Her Lord, She spoke these charming words to the minister: You are just
like my own father or father-in-law; it is therefore most undesirable that I should urge
something in reply. (14)
0rfa ;s fn r ara
ra f rf r fn ra+ +
Do.: rati basa sanamukha bhaiu bilagu na mnaba tta,
rajasuta pada kamala binu bdi jah

lagi nta.97.
It is due to grief that I am constrained to address you*; do not take offence at it,
sire. In the absence of the lotus feet of my lord all other ties of kinship are of little
account. (97)
* It is unmannerly on the part of a Hindu woman to open her lips before the male elders of her
0fa fr ztr f ffa tr+
fr fa n r f ft r r+.{+
a; rr rf n r+
rn r; f fa ; frrr r ;+.+
ar fr f fr= ra r+
f rrfa rnr rf s rnr+.-+
n f rr f f fa rr+
r fra n f nr rf rfa nr+.+
Cau.: pitu baibhava bilsa mai

h, npa mani mukua milita pada ph.

sukhanidhna asa pitu gha more , piya bihna mana bhva na bhore .1.
sasura cakkavai kosalar u, bhuvana cridasa pragaa prabhu.
ge hoi jehi surapati le, aradha sighsana sanu de.2.
sasura etdsa avadha nivs u, priya parivru mtu sama ssu.
binu raghupati pada paduma parg, mohi keu sapanehu sukhada na lg.3.
agama patha banabhumi pahr, kari kehari sara sarita apr.
kola kirta kuraga bihag, mohi saba sukhada prnapati sag.4.
I have witnessed the glory of my fathers fortune; his footstool is kissed by the
crowns of the greatest monarchs. Bereft of my Lord, my parents home, which is such
an abode of bliss, does not attract my mind even in an unguarded moment. My father-
in-law is no less a personage than the King of Kosala, the suzerain lord of the entire
globe, whose glory is manifest in all the fourteen spheres comprising the universe. Even
Indra (the lord of celestials) goes ahead to receive him and seats him beside himself on
his own throne. Such is my father-in-law, Ayodhy is my abode, agreeable is my family
and my mothers-in-law love me as my own mother. But without the dust from the lotus
feet of my husband (the Lord of Raghus) none affords me pleasure even in a dream. On
the other hand, impassable roads, forest regions and hills, elephants and lions, lakes and
streams that cannot be crossed, wild tribes such as Kolas and Bhlas, deer and birds
all these are delightful to me in the company of my beloved lord. (14)
0r rf fa f f f r
r r f f t r+ c+
Do.: ssu sasura sana mori hu ti binaya karabi pari pya ,
mora socu jani karia kachu mai

bana sukh subhya .98.

Falling at the feet of my father-in-law and mother-in-law request them on my
behalf not to grieve the least for me; for I feel naturally happy in the woods. (98)
0rr f rr t t rr+
f n >r r rf fn r f f r+.{+
f r f taf rt s f f f rt+
r f ; rr f ; fa rr+.+
r r t- r at af rfa f taf rat+
a r fa t- sfa sa rr t-+.-+
f r; f r r; f nfa r;+
r f f= r; fs f ff nr;+.+
Cau.: prnantha priya devara sth, bra dhurna dhare dhanu bhth.

maga ramu bhramu dukha mana more , mohi lagi socu karia jani bhore .1.
suni sumatru siya stali bn, bhayau bikala janu phani mani hn.
nayana sujha nahi

sunai na kn, kahi na sakai kachu ati akuln.2.

rma prabodhu knha bahu bh

t, tadapi hoti nahi

stali cht.
jatana aneka stha hita knhe, ucita utara raghunadana dnhe.3.
mei ji nahi

rma raj, kahina karamagati kachu na bas.

rma lakhana siya pada siru n, phireu banika jimi mura gav

I have by my side the lord of my life as well as his younger brother, the foremost
of heroes; both carrying a bow and a quiver full of arrows with them. My mind does not
feel the toil of the journey, and there is no giddiness or sorrow; therefore, pray grieve not
on my account even unwittingly. On hearing these soothing words from Sts lips,
Sumantra felt uneasy as a serpent at the loss of its gem. He saw not with his eyes and
heard not with his ears; and he was too agitated to speak. r Rma comforted him in
many ways; yet his heart would not be pacified. He made many efforts even to
accompany the Lord; but the Delighter of Raghus gave him suitable replies each time.
r Rmas command could not be violated either. Cruel was the turn Fate had taken;
there was no help. Bowing his head at the feet of r Rma, Lakmaa and St, he
turned back as a merchant who had lost his capital. (14)
0 rs r a f f ffrf
f fr fr f t farf+ +
Do.: rathu h

keu haya rma tana heri heri hihinhi

dekhi nida bidabasa dhunahi

ssa pachithi

As he drove the chariot the horses turned their eyes towards r Rma and
neighed. Overcome with grief at this sight, the Nidas (Guhas men) beat their heads
and lamented. (99)
0r frn f r ra fa f;f +
r r r f at r a r+.{+
rnt r rr ; arr rr+
; r f f ;+.+
a fr ; rf r; r a r fr;+
afs f rrft r; r; r ; rf r szr;+.-+
f fars fr= f rs s r=+
r f nr rf r +.+
Cau.: jsu biyoga bikala pasu aise , praj mtu pitu jiihahi

kaise .
barabasa rma sumatru pahe, surasari tra pu taba e.1.
mg nva na kevau n, kahai tumhra maramu mai

carana kamala raja kahu sabu kaha, mnua karani muri kachu aha.2.
chuata sil bhai nri suh, phana te na kha kahin.
taraniu muni gharin hoi j, ba parai mori nva uR.3.

pratiplau sabu parivru, nahi

jnau kachu aura kabru.

jau prabhu pra avasi g cahah u, mohi pada paduma pakhrana kahah u.4.
When even beasts felt so miserable on being torn away from Him how could His
subjects and His father and mother hope to live without Him? r Rma dismissed
Sumantra against the latters will and Himself arrived at the bank of the heavenly stream
(Gag) immediately afterwards. He called for a boat, but the ferryman would not bring
it. The latter said, I know your secret; about the dust of your lotus-feet everyone says
it is some drug possessing the quality of turning things into human beings. By its very
touch a rock was transformed into a charming woman* and wood is not harder than
stone. If my boat itself gets converted into a hermits wife (like Ahaly), I shall be robbed
of the very means of my subsistence in that my boat will disappear. It is by means of
this boat that I maintain the whole of my family; I know no other trade. If, therefore, my
lord, you must cross the river, permit me to lave your lotus-feet. (14)
U0 r; r; r r sar; .
rf r rsf r rt +
= at r fn r rf.
a fn atr r r r= sarf+
Cha.:pada kamala dhoi caRhi nva na ntha utar cahau ,
mohi rma ruri na dasaratha sapatha saba sc kahau .
baru tra mrahu lakhanu pai jaba lagi na pya pakhrihau ,
taba lagi na tulasdsa ntha kpla pru utrihau .
I will let you board the boat only when I have bathed your lotus-feet; I seek no
toll from you. I swear by you, O Rma, as well as by King Daaratha, that what I tell
you is all true. Let Lakmaa shoot me with his arrows if he will; but until I have washed
your feet I will not, O gracious lord of Tulasdsa, ferry you across.
f =r fa; rt a+ {+
So.: suni kevaa ke baina prema lapee aapae,
bihase karunaina citai jnak lakhana tana.100.
On hearing these words of the ferryman, mysterious though imbued with love, the
all-merciful Lord looked at Janakas Daughter and Lakmaa and smiled. (100)
0rf r r; r; = f a r r;+
fn r r r= ra f sarf r=+.{+
* The boatman evidently refers here, in his own rustic yet humorous way, to Ahaly, who had been
transformed into a rock by the curse of her husband Gautama and was restored to her human form by the very
touch of r Rmas feet (vide Blaka, Doh 210 and the Chadas immediately following it).
r r fa rr saf f rr+
r; r f frr f n f fa n a rr+.+
ff f t f r fa t+
r r rr rf ar f ; rr+.-+
fa r sfn rnr r r rnr+
f frt f - rs rt+.+
Cau.: kpsidhu bole musuk, soi karu jehi

tava nva na j.
begi nu jala pya pakhr u, hota bilabu utrahi pr u.1.
jsu nma sumirata eka br, utarahi

nara bhavasidhu apr.

soi kplu kevaahi nihor, jehi

jagu kiya tihu pagahu te thor.2.

pada nakha nirakhi devasari hara, suni prabhu bacana moha mati kara.
kevaa rma rajyasu pv, pni kahavat bhari lei v.3.
ati nada umagi anurg, carana saroja pakhrana lg.
barai sumana sura sakala sihh

, ehi sama punyapuja kou nh

The all-compassionate Lord smilingly said, Do that which may prevent the loss
of your boat. Bring water at once and lave my feet; we are getting late, take us
across. The same gracious Lord, by uttering whose Name only once men cross
the boundless ocean of mundane existence, and for whose three strides the universe
proved too small*, thus importuned an ordinary boatman. Though bewildered by the
Lords words, the celestial river (Gag) rejoiced on beholding the nails of His toes.
On receiving r Rmas command the ferryman brought a wood basin full of water.
In great joy and with a heart overflowing with love he proceeded to bathe the Lords
lotus-feet. Raining flowers on him all the gods envied his lot and said there was
none so meritorious as he. (14)
0 rf r f r fa fr
fa r= f f f fa ns ; r+ {{+
Do.: pada pakhri jalu pna kari pu sahita parivra,
pitara pru kari prabhuhi puni mudita gayau lei pra.101.
Having laved the Lords feet and drunk of the water in which they had been
immersed alongwith the other members of his family, he thereby transported the souls
of his deceased forbears across the ocean of metempsychosis and then gladly took the
Lord across the Gag. (101)
* There is an allusion here to the Lords Descent as a Dwarf and to His subsequently assuming
colossal dimensions and measuring the earth and heavens in a couple of strides. The same Lord who had
assumed the form of a Dwarf in the Satyayuga now appeared as r Rma; hence the two are identified by the
poet. It is further mentioned in the Puras that Brahm (the Creator) laved the foot of the Lord when it
reached Brahmaloka (the highest heaven) after measuring the heavens and it was this water which flowed
through the heavens and later on reached the earth in the form of the river Gag. It is also gathered from the
Puras that the river, like all other rivers and mountains etc., is presided over by a goddess of the same name
and it is this deity who is represented here as mystified by the Lords behaviour as an ordinary human being
depending on a boatman for being taken across the stream. When, however, the boatman bathed the feet of
the Lord with the water of the holy river, the goddess took no time in recognizing the source of her waters and
rejoiced to discover the Almighty Lord.
0saf r f ar t r n ar+
saf za t-r f f f t-r+.{+
f f t f rfrt f t fa sart+
s r f sar; n r;+.+
r r r rr f r rf rr+
a r tf- t r t- ff f f t+.-+
r rf r tr n ar+
fat r rf r r r r f f r+.+
Cau.: utari hRha bhae surasari ret, sya rmu guha lakhana samet.
kevaa utari daavata knh, prabhuhi sakuca ehi nahi

kachu dnh.1.
piya hiya k siya jnanihr, mani mudar mana mudita utr.
kaheu kpla lehi utar, kevaa carana gahe akul.2.
ntha ju mai

kha na pv, mie doa dukha drida dv.

bahuta kla mai

knhi majur, ju dnha bidhi bani bhali bhur.3.

aba kachu ntha na chia more , dnadayla anugraha tore .
phirat bra mohi jo deb, so prasdu mai

sira dhari leb.4.

Getting down from the boat St and Rma stood on the sands of the Gag along-
with Guha and Lakmaa. The ferryman too got down and fell prostrate before the Lord,
who felt uncomfortable at the thought that He had given nothing to the ferryman. St,
however, who could read the mind of Her beloved lord, took off Her jewelled ring with
a cheerful heart. The gracious Lord said, Take your toll. But the ferryman clasped His
feet in great distress. What have I not already received, my lord? The fire of my errors,
sorrows and indigence has been quenched today. I worked for my livelihood for a long
time; it is only today that God has given me an adequate and handsome return. By your
grace, my compassionate Lord, I want nothing now. While returning, whatever you
bestow on me I shall thankfully accept that boon. (14)
0a t- f f ;
fr t- =ra nfa f = ;+ {+
Do.: bahuta knha prabhu lakhana siya nahi

kachu kevau lei,

bid knha karunyatana bhagati bimala baru dei.102.
The Lord as well as Lakmaa and St did their utmost; but the ferryman would
accept nothing. The All-merciful Rma, therefore, dismissed him after bestowing on him
the boon of unalloyed devotion. (102)
0a r f rrrr f rf rs rr+
f ff s rt ra r sf rt+.{+
fa n rt r; f r art+
f f f rt ; a f rf rt+.+
rrt fr t a rs n ffa t+
r rf fra ar arf f ff r+.-+
ar r f fz f r; r tf- rf tf- zr;+
af f f tr r fa f rntr+.+
Cau.: taba majjanu kari raghukulanth, puji prathiva nyau mth.
siya surasarihi kaheu kara jor, mtu manoratha puraubi mor.1.
pati devara sa ga kusala bahor, i karau jehi

p uj tor.
suni siya binaya prema rasa sn, bhai taba bimala bri bara bn.2.
sunu raghubra priy baideh, tava prabhu jaga bidita na keh.
lokapa hohi

bilokata tore , tohi sevahi

saba sidhi kara jore .3.

tumha jo hamahi baRi binaya sun, kp knhi mohi dnhi baR.
tadapi debi mai

debi ass, saphala hona hita nija bgs.4.

The Lord of Raghus race then bathed in the Gag and after worshipping a newly-
made clay image of iva bowed His head to the Deity. With joined palms St addressed
the celestial river (Gag), Mother, pray accomplish my desire, that I may return with
my husband and His younger brother and worship you. In response to Sts prayer,
steeped as it was in the nectar of love, the following happy utterance came from the holy
stream: Listen, O Vaideh (Videhas Daughter), beloved Consort of r Rma (the Chief
of Raghus line): who in this world is not aware of Your glory? People become masters
of the heavens quarters the moment You look at them and all supernatural powers wait
upon You with joined palms. By addressing an humble prayer to me You have done me
a favour and exalted me. Yet, O venerable lady, bless You I must, just in order to fulfil
my speech. (14)
0rr fa rr r;
ff rr ff n r;+ {-+
Do.: prnantha devara sahita kusala kosal i,
pujihi saba manakman sujasu rahihi jaga chi.103.
With Your beloved Lord and His younger brother You shall safely return to
Ayodhy. Every wish of Your heart shall be accomplished and Your bright glory shall
spread throughout the world. (103)
0nn f n r fa t f r+
a nf s rr r a r s r+.{+
t n rt f rrf rt+
r r f r; f f rf r;+.+
f r; rrr; t f r;+
a rf f r; r; fs rrt rr;+.-+
r f ar n t- n z r+
f n rfa rf t- f far fr a t-+.+
Cau.: gaga bacana suni magala mul, mudita sya surasari anukul.
taba prabhu guhahi kaheu ghara jhu, sunata sukha mukhu bh ura dhu.1.
dna bacana guha kaha kara jor, binaya sunahu raghukulamani mor.
ntha stha rahi pathu dekh, kari dina cri carana sevak.2.

bana ji rahaba raghur, paranaku mai

karabi suh.
taba mohi kaha jasi deba raj, soi karihau raghubra doh.3.
sahaja saneha rma lakhi tsu, saga lnha guha hdaya huls u.
puni guha gyti boli saba lnhe, kari paritou bid taba knhe.4.
St rejoiced to hear these benedictory words of goddess Gag and to find
her favourably disposed. Then the Lord said to Guha, Go home. The moment he
heard this his face turned pale and there was great agony in his heart. With joined
palms Guha addressed the Lord in pathetic terms: Hear my prayer, O Jewel of
Raghus race; let me remain with you, my lord, and show you the path; after serving
you for a few days I shall prepare a beautiful hut of leaves for you in whichever
forest, O Lord of Raghus, you may go and take up your abode. Thereafter I swear
by you, O Chief of Raghus, to do as you bid me. Perceiving his natural love r
Rma took him with Him and Guha felt much joy in his heart. Then Guha summoned
all his kinsmen and having gratified them sent them away. (14)
0a nfa f ff r; ff r
r f fa n t- rrr+ {+
Do.: taba ganapati siva sumiri prabhu ni surasarihi mtha,
sakh anuja siya sahita bana gavanu knha raghuntha.104.
Then the Lord invoked the gods Gaea and iva; and bowing His head to the
celestial stream (Gag) the Lord of Raghus proceeded to the woods with His friend
(Guha), His younger brother (Lakmaa) and St. (104)
0af f s f a r r t- r+
ra raa f rrr; atr t r;+.{+
f - >rqr f rt r f ta fart+
rf r r zr= - fa r=+.+
r n n nr rr f faf-- rr+
at tr t tr+.-+
n fr f rr r f rr+
= nn anr f rf rf nr+.+
Cau.: tehi dina bhayau biapa tara bs u, lakhana sakh

saba knha supsu.

prta prtakta kari raghur, tratharju dkha prabhu j.1.
saciva satya raddh priya nr, mdhava sarisa mtu hitakr.
cri padratha bhar bha r u, punya pradesa desa ati cru.2.
chetru agama gaRhu gRha suhv, sapanehu nahi

pratipacchinha pv.
sena sakala tratha bara br, kalua anka dalana ranadhr.3.
sagamu sihsanu suhi soh, chatru akhayabau muni manu moh.
cava ra jamuna aru gaga tarag, dekhi hohi

dukha drida bhag.4.

That day He halted under a tree; Lakmaa and His friend (Guha) provided for
all His comforts. At dawn the Lord of Raghus performed His morning duties and then
the Lord proceeded further and visited Prayga, the king of holy places. This king has
Truth for his minister, sradha for his beloved consort and a beneficent friend like
Bindumdhava (the Deity presiding over Prayga). His store is replete with the four
prizes of human life, while the sacred region surrounding the confluence of the Gag
and the Yamun marks his most beautiful dominion. The holy Prayga represents his
inaccessible, strong and lovely fortress that no enemy has ever dreamt of possessing.
All the sacred spots are his chosen and valiant warriors, who are staunch in battle and
capable of crushing the host of sins. The confluence of the Gag and Yamun
constitutes his exquisite throne, while the immortal banyan tree (known by the name of
Akayavaa) represents his royal umbrella, which captivates the heart even of sages.
The waves of the Gag and Yamun constitute his chowries, whose very sight
destroys sorrow and want. (14)
0f at r f rf r
t r n f f n nr+ {~+
Do.: sevahi

sukt sdhu suci pvahi

saba manakma,
bad beda purna gana kahahi

bimala guna grma.105.

Virtuous and holy saints wait upon this king and attain all that they desire; while
the Vedas and Puras are the rhapsodists who recount his stainless virtues. (105)
0r f ; rn r nr+
atfa f rr rn rr rr+.{+
f f f f r; >rt atr zr;+
f r a rnr a ra fa rnr+.+
f ff r; frt t fa n t+
fa r; tf- f r f rff at r+.-+
a r f r a za f s r+
f r f r; zr r rf r;+.+
Cau.: ko kahi sakai prayga prabh u, kalua puja kujara mgaru.
asa trathapati dekhi suhv, sukha sgara raghubara sukhu pv.1.
kahi siya lakhanahi sakhahi sun, rmukha tratharja baR.
kari pranmu dekhata bana bg, kahata mahtama ati anurg.2.
ehi bidhi i bilok ben, sumirata sakala sumagala den.
mudita nahi knhi siva sev, p uji jathbidhi tratha dev.3.
taba prabhu bharadvja pahi

e, karata daavata muni ura le.

muni mana moda na kachu kahi j, brahmnada rsi janu p.4.
Who can describe the glory of Prayga, a lion as it were for the herd of elephants
in the shape of sins? The Chief of Raghus race, who is an ocean of bliss, was filled with
delight to see this glorious king of holy places. With His own gracious lips He told St,
Lakmaa and His friend (Guha) the greatness of Prayga. Making obeisance to this
holy place He cast a look round the groves and gardens and expatiated on its glory with
the utmost devotion. In this way he arrived at and saw the confluence of the Gag and
Yamun, the very thought of which bestows all choice blessings. After bathing in the
confluence He gladly adored Lord iva and worshipped the deities presiding over the holy
Prayga according to the prescribed ritual. The Lord then called on Bharadvja; and the
sage clasped Him to his bosom as He fell prostrate before him. The joy that the sage
felt within his heart cannot be described in words; it looked as if he had found the bliss
of oneness with Brahma incarnate. (14)
0tf- t t s fa rf
r nr a f ff rf+ {+
Do.: dnhi assa munsa ura ati anadu asa jni,
locana gocara sukta phala manahu kie bidhi ni.106.
The chief of sages, Bharadvja, invoked his blessing on the Lord. He felt great joy
in his heart to perceive that God had as it were set before him in visible form the reward
of all his virtues. (106)
0 = f r t- f f t-+
t f rf f t +.{+
t fa r fa =f r r+
fna>r r r r sr+.+
r a at -rn r rn frn+
r r r arf ra r+.-+
r f f t ar r t+
f r f f +.+
Cau.: kusala prasna kari sana dnhe, puji prema paripurana knhe.
kada mula phala akura nke, die ni muni manahu am ke.1.
sya lakhana jana sahita suhe, ati ruci rma m ula phala khe.
bhae bigatarama rmu sukhre, bharadvja mdu bacana ucre.2.
ju suphala tapu tratha tyg u, ju suphala japa joga birgu.
saphala sakala subha sdhana sju, rma tumhahi avalokata ju.3.
lbha avadhi sukha avadhi na d uj, tumhare darasa sa saba puj.
aba kari kp dehu bara ehu, nija pada sarasija sahaja sanehu.4.
After enquiring of their welfare the sage allotted seats to the royal guests and offering
homage to them sated them all with his love. He then brought and presented to them bulbs,
roots, fruits and sprouts, all sweet as ambrosia. r Rma, with St, Lakmaa and His
devotee (Guha), partook of those delicious roots and fruits with much relish. Relieved of
His toil r Rma felt much happy and Bharadvja addressed Him in gentle tones; Today
my penance, pilgrimage and renunciation have been rewarded; today my prayer, meditation
and dispassion have borne fruit; nay, all my pious practices have been rewarded by Your
very sight, O Rma. There is no culmination of gain, no culmination of joy other than this. In
beholding You all my hopes have been realized. Now be pleased to grant me this one boon,
viz., spontaneous attachment to Your lotus-feet. (14)
0 rfz fn arr
a fn t f rf sr+ {+
Do.: karama bacana mana chRi chalu jaba lagi janu na tumhra,
taba lagi sukhu sapanehu nah

kie koi upacra.107.

Until a man gets sincerely devoted to You in thought, word and deed, he cannot
even dream of happiness in spite of all his devices. (107)
0f f r r r nfa r rrr+
a rr f rr rf rfa f f rr+.{+
r z r n n n f t ar r +
f rrt t nr t+.+
f r; rn frt ar f fq srt+
r r>r r r+.-+
r r t- r fa f r r+
f t r; f ra ar;+.+
Cau.: suni muni bacana rmu sakucne, bhva bhagati nada aghne.
taba raghubara muni sujasu suhv, koi bh

ti kahi sabahi sunv.1.

so baRa so saba guna gana gehu, jehi munsa tumha dara dehu.
muni raghubra parasapara navah

, bacana agocara sukhu anubhavah

yaha sudhi pi prayga nivs, bau tpasa muni siddha uds.
bharadvja rama saba e, dekhana dasaratha suana suhe.3.
rma pranma knha saba kh u, mudita bhae lahi loyana lhu.

assa parama sukhu p, phire sarhata sudarat.4.

r Rma felt abashed to hear the words of the sage, much as He was sated with
joy by his love and devotion. The Chief of Raghus then told all in countless ways the fair
and bright renown of the sage. Great indeed is he and he the repository of all virtues,
whom, O chief of sages, you are pleased to honour. The sage (Bharadvja) and the
Hero of Raghus line thus exchanged civilities and experienced ineffable joy. On
receiving this news the people of Prayga, including religious students, ascetics,
hermits, accomplished saints and recluses, all flocked to the hermitage of Bharadvja in
order to have a look at the charming sons of King Daaratha. r Rma made obeisance
to them all, who were delighted to obtain the reward of their eyes. Deriving supreme joy
they gave their blessing and returned extolling the beauty of the royal guests. (14)
0r t- f>rr ff ra rn r;
fa f fa ff f= r;+ {c+
Do.: rma knha birma nisi prta prayga nahi,
cale sahita siya lakhana jana mudita munihi siru ni.108.
r Rma reposed (in the hermitage) overnight. At day break He bathed at
Prayga (in the confluence of the Gag and Yamun) and proceeded on His journey
with St, Lakmaa and His attendant (Guha), gladly bowing His head to the sage. (108)
0r s f rt r f f n rt+
f ff r t n n ar t+.{+
r rfn f fr rr f fa r r+
f- r rr f n t rr+.+
f rf n a t- f- a t-+
f r ff r r; fa z rrr;+.-+
nr f ff r; f rf r;+
rf r r; ff fa n r;+.+
Cau.: rma saprema kaheu muni ph

, ntha kahia hama kehi maga jh

muni mana bihasi rma sanakahah

, sugama sakala maga tumha kahu ahah

stha lgi muni siya bole, suni mana mudita pacsaka e.
sabanhi rma para prema apr, sakala kahahi

magu dkha hamr.2.

muni bau cri saga taba dnhe, jinha bahu janama sukta saba knhe.
kari pranmu rii yasu p, pramudita hdaya cale raghur.3.
grma nikaa jaba nikasahi

j, dekhahi

darasu nri nara dh.


santha janama phalu p, phirahi

dukhita manu saga pah.4.

r Rma lovingly asked the sage, Tell me, my lord, by which route we should go.
Smiling inwardly the sage replied to Rma, All paths are easy to You. The sage then
called his pupils in order that they may escort r Rma; hearing his call some fifty of them
came, glad of heart. They all cherished boundless love for r Rma and each of them
said he had seen the path. The sage then sent with the royal party four religious students
who had practised all kinds of virtues in a series of previous births. Making obeisance to
the sage and receiving his permission the Lord of Raghus proceeded with a cheerful
heart. As the party passed by some village, men and women of the village ran to have
a look at them. They felt gratified in having attained the fruit of their life and returned
disconsolate sending their heart after the strangers. (14)
0fr f f f f r; r
saf r r t tr+ {+
Do.: bid kie bau binaya kari phire pi mana kma,
utari nahe jamuna jala jo sarra sama syma.109.
With great courtesy r Rma dismissed the students, who returned having
obtained their hearts desire. The Lord then crossed the river Yamun and bathed in its
water, that was as dark as His own body. (109)
0a atrt rt r f f r frt+
r f ar; f f f r zr;+.{+
fa rr f rt rs nrs ra rt+
fa- ff r fa- f nfa r fr+.+
r fa- f r; f fa r r;+
f fr fart rt r t- rt+.-+
af ar rr a rr rr+
f fa nfa frnt r rnt+.+
Cau.: sunata trabs nara nr, dhe nija nija kja bisr.
lakhana rma siya sudarat, dekhi karahi

nija bhgya baR.1.

ati llas basahi

mana mh

, nu gu bujhata sakuch

je tinha mahu bayabiridha sayne, tinha kari juguti rmu pahicne.2.
sakala kath tinha sabahi sun, banahi cale pitu yasu p.
suni sabida sakala pachith

, rn rya knha bhala nh

tehi avasara eka tpasu v, tejapuja laghubayasa suhv.
kabi alakhita gati beu birg, mana krama bacana rma anurg.4.
Hearing of their arrival the people inhabiting the river banks ran to see them
unmindful of their duties. Beholding the beauty of Lakmaa, Rma and St they
congratulated themselves on their good luck. Their hearts were seized with intense
longing, but they felt shy in enquiring the names and residence of the newcomers. Such
of them, however, as were advanced in years and intelligent were able to identify Rma
through same device. They related to them the whole story telling them how r Rma
had proceeded to the woods in obedience to His fathers commands. They were all sad
to hear this and lamented: The king and queen have not done well. In the meantime
there arrived an ascetic who was an embodiment of spiritual glow, young in years and
charming in appearance. His ways were unknown to the poet; he was attired in the garb
of a recluse and was devoted to Rma in thought, word and deed. (14)
0 a f f ;rs frf
s z ff fa r r; rf+ {{+
Do.: sajala nayana tana pulaki nija iadeu pahicni,
pareu daa jimi dharanitala das na ji bakhni.110.
His eyes were wet with tears and a thrill ran through his body when he came to
recognize his beloved Deity (r Rma). He fell prostrate on the ground and the state of
his body and mind could not be described in words. (110)
0r f s rr r rr+
r r fa a r+.{+
f r- r; rnr t- sr; sfn rnr+
f f f f tr f rf f tf- tr+.+
t- fr za at fs fa f r t+
fa = fr fa r; ff r+.-+
a fa ra f f- r +
r f = frt rf f rt+.+
Cau.: rma saprema pulaki ura lv, parama raka janu prasu pv.
manahu premu paramrathu dou, milata dhare tana kaha sabu ko u.1.
bahuri lakhana pyanha soi lg, lnha uhi umagi anurg.
puni siya carana dhuri dhari ss, janani jni sisu dnhi ass.2.
knha nida daavata teh, mileu mudita lakhi rma saneh.
piata nayana pua rupu piy u, mudita suasanu pi jimi bhukh.3.
te pitu mtu kahahu sakhi kaise, jinha pahae bana blaka aise.
rma lakhana siya rupu nihr, hohi

saneha bikala nara nr.4.

Thrilling all over with emotion, r Rma pressed him to His bosom, he was in such
an ecstasyas though a pauper had found a philosophers stone. Everyone who saw them
suggested as though love, on the one hand, and the supreme Reality, on the other,
embraced each other in living form. Next he threw himself at the feet of Lakmaa, who
lifted him with a heart overflowing with love. Again he placed on his head the dust of Sts
feet and the Mother (St) gave him Her blessing, knowing him to be Her own child. The
Nida chief in his turn fell prostrate before the hermit, who gladly embraced him
recognizing him to be a friend of r Rma. With the cup of his eyes he drank the nectar
of r Rmas beauty and was delighted as a hungry soul who had secured excellent
food *. Tell me, friend, what are those father and mother like, that have exiled to the
woods children such as these? Beholding the beauty of r Rma, Lakmaa and St,
men and women alike were ill at ease on account of love. (14)
0a rrt ff f fr t-
r r t f n a; t-+ {{{+
Do.: taba raghubra aneka bidhi sakhahi sikhvanu dnha,
rma rajyasu ssa dhari bhavana gavanu tei

The Hero of Raghus race then admonished His friend (Guha) in ways more than
one. And bowing to r Rmas commands he left for his home. (111)
0f f r rt f t- r rt+
t fa rs r; far ; a zr;+.{+
f ff n rar f f rs rar+
r n arr f r fa z r+.+
rn rf r rfa r r r+
n fnf r rt af r rf rt+.-+
f f r; r; n f r r r;+
r r fn a r; f rf arf f= r;+.+
Cau.: puni siya rma lakhana kara jor, jamunahi knha pranmu bahor.
cale sasya mudita dou bh, rabitanuj kai karata baR.1.
pathika aneka milahi

maga jt, kahahi

saprema dekhi dou bhrt.

rja lakhana saba aga tumhre , dekhi socu ati hdaya hamre .2.
mraga calahu paydehi pe , jyotiu jhuha hamre bhe .
agamu pathu giri knana bhr, tehi maha stha nri sukumr.3.
* This episode of an ascetic has been ignored by some commentators as an interpolation and
obviously it is disconnected with the main thread of the narrative and appears to have been inserted
afterwards. All the same the lines are found in all old manuscripts. The poet was a saint of uncommon spiritual
insight. It is, therefore, difficult to say what was his intention in writing these lines. In any case the episode
cannot be dismissed as an interpolation. When the ascetic has been spoken of here as unknown even to the
poet, no one can say with any amount of certainty who he was. To our mind he is none else than the monkey-
god, r Hanumn, or a mental projection of the poet (Tulasdsa) himself.
kari kehari bana ji na jo, hama sa ga calahi

jo yasu ho.
jba jah

lagi taha pahu c, phiraba bahori tumhahi siru n.4.

Then, with joined palms, St, Rma and Lakmaa made renewed obeisance to
the Yamun. Accompanied by St the two brothers gladly proceeded further, extolling
the daughter of the sun-god as they went. Many a traveller met them on the way and
beholding the two brothers they fondly exclaimed: Finding all the marks of royalty on
your person, we are sore troubled at heart. When you wend your way on foot, the science
of astrology (which tells us that men possessing such and such features should always
be borne on some vehicle) is misleading to our mind. The path is difficult and lies through
big mountains and forests. On top of it you have a delicate lady with you. Infested with
elephants and lions the forest is too terrible to look at. We are ready to accompany you if
you enjoin us to do so. We will escort you as far as you go and will then return bowing our
heads to you. (14)
0f ff f nra
rf f fa-f f fta + {{+
Do.: ehi bidhi pu


prema basa pulaka gta jalu naina,

kpsidhu pherahi

tinhahi kahi binta mdu baina.112.

In this way they offered their services, overmastered as they were by love; a thrill
ran through their body and tears came to their eyes. The all-merciful Lord, however,
dismissed them with polite and gentle words. (112)
0 nr f n rt fa-f rn n frt+
f at f rrt r - - r+.{+
r f rt fa- r rfa rt+
- n f frt fa-f rf rt+.+
f frf rf tar fa rrtrf+
fa r nrf fa-f fa rf+.-+
f a= a f r; f a= ar zr;+
f r rnr rfa f f f rnr+.+
Cau.: je pura g

va basahi

maga mh

, tinhahi nga sura nagara sihh

kehi sukt

kehi ghar

base, dhanya punyamaya parama suhe.1.

jaha jaha rma carana cali jh

, tinha samna amarvati nh

punyapuja maga nikaa nivs, tinhahi sarhahi

je bhari nayana bilokahi

rmahi, st lakhana sahita ghanasymahi.

je sara sarita rma avaghahi

, tinhahi deva sara sarita sarhahi

jehi taru tara prabhu baihahi

j, karahi

kalapataru tsu baR.

parasi rma pada paduma parg, mnati bh umi bh uri nija bhg.4.
The hamlets and villages that lay on the road were the envy of the towns of the
Ngas and gods. The deities presiding over these towns said to one another: By what
blessed soul and at what auspicious hour were these hamlets and villages founded?
They are so lucky, meritorious and of such exquisite beauty! Even Amarvat (the city
of immortals) stood no comparison with the spots which were trodden by r Rmas feet.
The dwellers on the wayside were all embodiments of virtue; they evoked the praise of
the denizens of heaven inasmuch as they feasted their eyes on r Rma, who was dark
as a cloud, as well as on St and Lakmaa. The lakes and streams in which r Rma
bathed were the envy of the lakes and rivers of gods. The tree under which the Lord sat
was glorified by the trees of paradise. Nay, kissing the dust of r Rmas lotus- feet Earth
deemed herself most lucky. (14)
0r f rr fn f frf
a fnf fn n r n rf+ {{-+
Do.: ch

ha karahi

ghana bibudhagana baraahi

sumana sihhi

dekhata giri bana bihaga mga rmu cale maga jhi

Clouds screened Him from the sun, the gods rained flowers and regarded Him with
wistful eyes as r Rma wended His way looking at the mountains, forests, birds and
beasts. (113)
0tar fa rr r; nr f ff r;+
f r q rt f aa nr frt+.{+
r f = frt r; rf rt+
fr tr n f rs tr+.+
f r; r fa- t f - f t+
- rf f t r r t+.-+
rf f rn faa rf n rn+
n f s rt rf ff a rt+.+
Cau.: st lakhana sahita raghur, g

va nikaa jaba nikasahi

suni saba bla bddha nara nr, calahi

turata ghakju bisr.1.

rma lakhana siya rupa nihr, pi nayanaphalu hohi

sajala bilocana pulaka sarr, saba bhae magana dekhi dou br.2.
barani na ji das tinha ker, lahi janu rakanha suramani her.
ekanha eka boli sikha deh

, locana lhu lehu chana eh

rmahi dekhi eka anurge, citavata cale jhi

sa ga lge.
eka nayana maga chabi ura n, hohi

sithila tana mana bara bn.4.

Whenever St, Lakmaa and the Lord of Raghus happened to pass by some
village, all those who heard of His comingyoung and old, men and women alikecame
out at once, unmindful of their household duties. Beholding the beauty of r Rma,
Lakmaa and St they obtained the reward of their eyes and felt gratified. Their eyes
were wet with tears, a thrill ran through their body and they were all enraptured to behold
the two brothers. The state of their mind could not be described in words; it seemed as
if paupers had stumbled on a pile of cintamai. Calling their neighbours they admonished
one another: Obtain the reward of your eyes this very moment. Some were enraptured
to see Rma and went with Him gazing on Him all the time. Others took His image into
the heart through the door of their eyes and were utterly overpowered in body, mind and
speech. (14)
0 f r f zrf a ra
f nr; f >r n f f ra+ {{+
Do.: eka dekhi baa ch

ha bhali si mdula tna pta,



ia chinuku ramu gavanaba abahi

ki prta.114.
Seeing the cool shade of a banyan tree some spread soft grass and leaves
under it and said, Pray rest awhile and you may then depart either just now or preferably
next morning. (114)
0 f rf rt ; r f rt+
f f tfa fa t r r t ft+.{+
rt >rfa t rt rrf f t- rt+
fa rf f rr = rr+.+
rf rr r rr+
a= ar a rr a rf rr+.-+
rff f t f n ra t +
f f- atr rf f atr+.+
Cau.: eka kalasa bhari nahi

pn, a caia ntha kahahi

mdu bn.
suni priya bacana prti ati dekh, rma kpla susla bise.1.
jn ramita sya mana mh

, gharika bilabu knha baa chh

mudita nri nara dekhahi

sobh, rupa anupa nayana manu lobh.2.

ekaaka saba sohahi

cahu or, rmacadra mukha cada cakor.

taruna tamla barana tanu soh, dekhata koi madana manu moh.3.
dmini barana lakhana suhi nke, nakha sikha subhaga bhvate j ke.
munipaa kainha kase tunr, sohahi

kara kamalani dhanu tr.4.

Others brought a pitcher full of water and said in soft accents, My lord, rinse your
mouth. Hearing their agreeable words and seeing their extreme love, the tender-hearted
and most amiable r Rma mentally perceived that St was fatigued, and rested awhile
in the shade of the banyan tree. Men and women regarded His loveliness with great
delight; His peerless beauty captivated their eyes and mind. Standing in a circle with their
gaze fixed on the countenance of r Rmacandra they all shone like a group of Cakora
birds encircling the moon. With His graceful form possessing the hue of a young Tamla
tree He fascinated by His looks the mind of a million Cupids. Lakmaa too, who had
fair limbs bright as lightning and charming from head to foot, appeared most lovely and
attracted the mind. With the bark of trees wrapped round their loins and a quiver fastened
to their waist the two brothers carried a bow and arrow in their lotus hands. (14)
0r tf n s fr
f a t r+ {{~+
Do.: ja mukua ssani subhaga ura bhuja nayana bisla,
sarada paraba bidhu badana bara lasata sveda kana jla.115.
Their matted locks were coiled on their head in the shape of a beautiful crown and
they had a broad chest, long arms and big eyes; while their lovely faces, which resembled
the autumnal full moon, glistened with beads of sweat. (115)
0f r; r rt rr a rf fa rt+
r f ar; faf fa fa r;+.{+
rf fr nt n f fr +
t t nrfa rt a fa rt+.+
r r rnf r f r+
rrf f t fa r a zt+.-+
trff f f rt fn r rf nrt+
r rs r ;- a t fa a r+.+
Cau.: barani na ji manohara jor, sobh bahuta thori mati mor.
rma lakhana siya sudarat, saba citavahi

cita mana mati l.1.

thake nri nara prema pise, manahu mg mga dekhi di se.
sya sampa grmatiya jh

, pu

chata ati saneha sakuch

bra bra saba lgahi

pe , kahahi

bacana mdu sarala subhe .

rjakumri binaya hama karah

, tiya subhya kachu p u

chata arah

svmini abinaya chamabi hamr, bilagu na mnaba jni gav

rjakua ra dou sahaja salone, inha te lah duti marakata sone.4.
The pair was charming beyond words; their loveliness was unbounded and my
wits are too poor. Everyone gazed on the beauty of r Rma, Lakmaa and St with
their mind, intellect and reason fully absorbed. Thirsting for love the villagers, both men
and women, stood motionless even as bucks and does are dazed by light. The village
women approached St; in their extreme love they would put questions to Her but
hesitated to do so. Again and again they threw themselves at Her feet and addressed
to Her soft and guileless words which came straight from their heart: Princess, we have
a request to make to you, but due to our womanly modesty we are afraid to ask you.
Forgive our incivility, madam, and be not offended, knowing that we are after all rustic
women. Both these princes are naturally graceful in form; it is from them that emerald and
gold have borrowed their green and yellow lustre respectively. (14)
0tr n fr r
tr r= + {{+
Do.: symala gaura kisora bara sudara suam aina,
sarada sarbarntha mukhu sarada saroruha naina.116.
The one dark and the other fair, but both of tender age,which is so attractive,
handsome and all-beauteous, they have faces resembling the autumnal moon and eyes
like the autumnal lotus. (116)
0rf r rfr f r rf arr+
f rt t f rt+.{+
fa-f frf frfa t r fa t+
f r n t rt ft+.+
r n a nr r rr r+
f f rt f a fa; f rt+.-+
fat f f fa s fa-f f f+
; fa nrt - r rf t+.+
Cau.: koi manoja lajvanihre, sumukhi kahahu ko hi

suni sanehamaya majula bn, sakuc siya mana mahu musukn.1.
tinhahi biloki bilokati dharan, duhu sakoca sakucati barabaran.
sakuci saprema bla mga nayan, bol madhura bacana pikabayan.2.
sahaja subhya subhaga tana gore, nmu lakhanu laghu devara more.
bahuri badanu bidhu acala h

k, piya tana citai bhauha kari b

khajana maju tirche nayanani, nija pati kaheu tinhahi siya sayanani.

mudita saba grmabadh u

, rakanha rya rsi janu lu

Putting to shame by their comeliness millions of Cupids, tell us, O fair lady, how
stand they to you? Hearing their loving and sweet words St felt abashed and smiled
within Herself. Looking at them in the first instance She then cast Her eyes towards the
earth; the fair-complexioned lady felt a twofold delicacy. With a voice sweet as the notes
of a cuckoo the fawn-eyed princess bashfully replied in loving and sweet accents: The
one who is artless in manners and has a fair and graceful form is called Lakmaa and
is my younger brother-in-law. Again veiling Her moon-like face with an end of Her sari
She looked at Her beloved lord and then bending Her eyebrows and casting a sidelong
glance with Her beautiful eyes that resembled the Khajana bird (a species of wagtail)
in their quick movements, She indicated to them by signs that He was Her husband. All
the village women were as delighted as paupers that had been allowed free access to
hoards of riches. (14)
0fa f r f ff f t
r rrfnf r ar fn f f t+.{{+
Do.: ati saprema siya pya pari bahubidhi dehi

sad sohgini hohu tumha jaba lagi mahi ahi ssa.117.
Falling at Sts feet in their great love they invoked upon Her many a blessing and
said, May you ever enjoy a happy married life so long as the earth rests on the head
of the serpent-god (ea). (117)
0rat faf r f rz r+
f f f f rt f rn ff rt+.{+
rf f rt t t frt+
f f fart ft t rt+.+
af rr = rt s n rnf- rt+
a rf rt fa nra fr rt+.-+
fr r t ff ff t- a t+
fr nfa t t-r rf n n fa- f t-r+.+
Cau.: prabat sama patipriya hohu, debi na hama para chRaba chohu.
puni puni binaya karia kara jor, jau ehi mraga phiria bahor.1.
darasanu deba jni nija ds, lakh

sya saba prema pis.

madhura bacana kahi kahi parito

, janu kumudin




lakhana raghubara rukha jn, pu

cheu magu loganhi mdu bn.

sunata nri nara bhae dukhr, pulakita gta bilocana br.3.
mi modu mana bhae malne, bidhi nidhi dnha leta janu chne.
samujhi karama gati dhraju knh, sodhi sugama magu tinha kahi dnh.4.
Be as dear to your lord as Prvat to iva; yet cease not to be kind to us, O good
lady. Again and again we pray with joined palms: should you return by this very route,
allow us to see you, remembering us as your handmaids. St found them all athirst with
love and comforted them with many soothing words even as lilies are refreshed by
moonlight. Presently, reading r Rmas mind, Lakmaa gently asked the villagers
about the road they should take. The moment they heard this the villagers, both men and
women, became sad; a thrill ran through their body and tears rushed to their eyes. Their
joy disappeared and they felt depressed at heart as though God was snatching back the
treasure He had bestowed upon them. Reflecting on the ways of Fate they took courage
and fixing upon the easiest road they gave it out to Him. (14)
0 rt fa a n t- rrr
f f f r; r+.{{c+
Do.: lakhana jnak sahita taba gavanu knha raghuntha,
phere saba priya bacana kahi lie li mana stha.118.
Accompanied by Lakmaa and Janakas Daughter the Lord of Raghus then
proceeded on His way. (As people tried to follow Him) He sent back all with soothing
words, though He took their hearts with Him. (118)
0fa rf fa fart f r f rt+
fa fr t ff a s t+.{+
f f f f f f t- = +
= a= rn= rr af rrr+.+
;-f t- r t- rf ff rn fr+
ff n f rrr rf ff r rr+.-+
f f zrf rar n a a frar+
a= r ;-f ff t-r r f f >r t-r+.+
Cau.: phirata nri nara ati pachith

, daiahi dou dehi

mana mh

sahita bida parasapara kahah

, bidhi karataba ulae saba ahah

nipaa nirakusa nihura nisaku, jehi

sasi knha saruja sakalaku.
rukha kalapataru sgaru khr, tehi

pahae bana rjakumr.2.
jau pai inhahi dnha banabs u, knha bdi bidhi bhoga bilsu.
e bicarahi

maga binu padatrn, race bdi bidhi bhana nn.3.
e mahi parahi

si kusa pt, subhaga seja kata sjata bidht.
tarubara bsa inhahi bidhi dnh, dhavala dhma raci raci ramu knh.4.
While returning to their homes the villagers, men and women alike, grievously
lamented and blamed Providence in their heart. In doleful accents they said to one
another, The Creators doings are all perverse, He is absolutely uncontrollable, heartless
and remorseless. It is He who made the moon sickly (subject to periodical waning) and
disfigured it with a dark patch. Again, it is He who made the wish-yielding tree a member
of the vegetable kingdom and the ocean salt. It is the same Creator who has sent these
princes into the woods. If He has chosen the forest as a fit abode for them, in vain has
He provided luxuries and enjoyments. If they traverse the road bare-footed, in vain has
He created vehicles of various kinds. If they repose on the ground littered with grass and
leaves, why does God take the trouble of making lovely beds? If God has assigned them
an abode in the shade of umbrageous trees, in vain has He taken pains to errect milk-
white palaces. (14)
0 f f f r
ff rfa rf f ar+.{{+
Do.: jau e muni paa dhara jaila sudara suhi sukumra,
bibidha bh

ti bhuana basana bdi kie karatra.119.

If these handsome and most delicate boys are attired in the robes of hermits
and wear matted locks of hair, in vain has God created ornaments and costumes of
various kinds. (119)
0 rt rf rf n rt+
f r r n ff r+.{+
fn t ff t >r nr t+
rf rt = r f rt+.+
;-f f ff rnr a rn r rnr+
t- a >r r af ;fr rf r+.-+
f a rf rf - f rf+
a f - f ff f- +.+
Cau.: jau e kada mula phala khh

, bdi sudhdi asana jaga mh

eka kahahi

e sahaja suhe, pu pragaa bhae bidhi na bane.1.

jaha lagi beda kah bidhi karan, ravana nayana mana gocara baran.
dekhahu khoji bhuana dasa cr, kaha asa purua kah

asi nr.2.
inhahi dekhi bidhi manu anurg, paatara joga banvai lg.
knha bahuta rama aika na e, tehi

iri bana ni dure.3.

eka kahahi

hama bahuta na jnahi

, puhi parama dhanya kari mnahi

te puni punyapuja hama lekhe, je dekhahi


jinha dekhe.4.
If they live on bulbs, roots and fruits alone, foods such as ambrosia exist in vain.
Some people remarked: Naturally charming as they are, these princes must have
appeared on earth of their own accord and were not made by Brahm. In all the fourteen
spheres ransack if you will the entire range of Gods creation described at length in the
Vedas as perceptible by the ears, eyes and mind; but where can you find such a man
and such a woman as these? At their very sight Brahms mind got enamoured of them
and he proceeded to make their match. He toiled much, but none of his products could
even approach the prototype; and due to that jealousy he has brought these princes to
the woods and hid them. Others said, We do not claim to know much, but account
ourselves supremely blessed. They too are meritorious in our opinion, who see these
princes or have seen them or shall see them. (14)
0f ff f f f f f t
ff ff rn n f r t+.{+
Do.: ehi bidhi kahi kahi bacana priya lehi

nayana bhari nra,

kimi calihahi

mraga agama suhi sukumra sarra.120.

Making such fond remarks they filled their eyes with tears and added, Most
delicate of frame, how shall they be able to traverse such an impassable road? (120)
0rf f rt ; rr rt+
f n rt nf z f rt+.{+
a =r fa f ff z r+
nt ;-f t-r rn t-r+.+
rnr r; ff rt ff f rf- rt+
rf r fa- f r r+.-+
f = rf r; fn n r fn r;+
r; frf r; fa ff r;+.+
Cau.: nri saneha bikala basa hoh

, caka

jha samaya janu soh

mdu pada kamala kahina magu jn, gahabari hdaya kahahi

bara bn.1.
parasata mdula carana arunre, sakucati mahi jimi hdaya hamre.
jau jagadsa inhahi banu dnh, kasa na sumanamaya mragu knh.2.
jau mg pia bidhi ph

, e rakhiahi


khinha mh

je nara nri na avasara e, tinha siya rmu na dekhana pe.3.
suni surupu bujhahi

akul, aba lagi gae kah

lagi bh.
samaratha dhi bilokahi

j, pramudita phirahi

janamaphalu p.4.
Overmastered by love the women felt as uneasy as the female Cakravka bird
does at evening time. Reflecting on the tender lotus-like feet of the princes and the rough
road they were required to tread, the women said in polite phrase with their heart stirred
with deep feeling, At the touch of their soft and rosy soles the earth shrinks even as our
hearts. If the Lord of the universe chose to exile them into the woods, why did He not
at the same time strew their path with flowers? If we can secure from Heaven the boon
of our asking, let us keep these princes, O friend, within the lids of our eyes. Those men
and women, who did not come in time, were unable to behold St and Rma. Hearing
of their exquisite beauty they anxiously asked: How far, brother, must have they gone
by now? The stronger of them ran on and saw the princes, and returned triumphant,
attaining the end of their existence. (14)
0r r q tf farf
rf rn ;f r r rf+.{{+
Do.: abal blaka bddha jana kara mjahi



premabasa loga imi rmu jah

jaha jhi

Women, children and the aged, however, wrung their hands and lamented. In this
way the people were smitten with love wherever r Rma went. (121)
0nr nr r; f r +
rr f rf a rff r nrf+.{+
f fa r t- f r; r r+
f rn rnr; ra r;+.+
a fa ra - f- r - r n= r a r+
- r nr rf - r; r+.-+
rs ff f at f rfa t+
r f r r; t n r r;+.+
Cau.: gva gva asa hoi anad u, dekhi bhnukula kairava cadu.
je kachu samcra suni pvahi

, te npa rnihi dosu lagvahi


eka ati bhala naranh u, dnha hamahi joi locana lhu.


parasapara loga log

, bte sarala saneha suh

te pitu mtu dhanya jinha je, dhanya so nagaru jah

te e.
dhanya so desu sailu bana gu

, jaha jaha jhi

dhanya soi h u

sukhu pyau biraci raci teh, e jehi ke saba bh

ti saneh.
rma lakhana pathi kath suh, rah sakala maga knana ch.4.
In every village there was similar rejoicing at the sight of r Rma, who was
a moon to the lily-like solar race. Those who could get some information as to the
circumstances that had led to r Rmas banishment, blamed the king and queen.
Others said, The king is too benevolent in that he has vouchsafed to us the reward
of our eyes. Men and women talked among themselves in straight, loving and agreeable
phrases. Blessed are the parents who gave birth to these princes; and happy the town
from which they hail. Happy is the land, hill, forest, village and every spot which they
visit. Nay, the Creator must have felt happy in creating him who looks upon these
princes as his near and dear ones. The delightful story as to how r Rma and
Lakmaa travelled in the woods was broadcast all along the route and throughout
the forest. (14)
0f ff rr f n rn- a
rf a ff f ffr a+.{+
Do.: ehi bidhi raghukula kamala rabi maga loganha sukha deta,

cale dekhata bipina siya saumitri sameta.122.

Thus bringing joy to the people on the roadside, r Rma, who was a veritable
sun to the lotus-like solar race, proceeded with St and Sumitrs son (Lakmaa)
looking at the forest. (122)
0rn r r ar fra r+
s t f rfa zr t f rr +.{+
f s f f ; fa ;+
sr f s f rt f f rff rt+.+
t f tar fa n fa tar+
t r r f n rf r+.-+
r f tfa r; nr ff f r;+
n n n f f rt f rf fa r rt+.+
Cau.: ge rmu lakhanu bane pche , tpasa bea birjata kche .
ubhaya bca siya sohati kaise , brahma jva bica my jaise .1.
bahuri kahau chabi jasi mana basa, janu madhu madana madhya rati lasa.
upam bahuri kahau jiya joh, janu budha bidhu bica rohini soh.2.
prabhu pada rekha bca bica st, dharati carana maga calati sabht.
sya rma pada aka bare , lakhana calahi

magu dhina le .3.
rma lakhana siya prti suh, bacana agocara kimi kahi j.
khaga mga magana dekhi chabi hoh

, lie cori cita rma baoh

r Rma walked in front while Lakmaa followed in the rear, both conspicuous
in the robes of ascetics. Between the two St shone like My (the Divine Energy) that
stands between Brahma (God), on the one hand, and the individual soul on the other. To
illustrate Her beauty as it exists in my mind in another way, She looked like Rati (the wife
of the god of love) shining between Madhu (the spirit presiding over the vernal season)
and the god of love. Beating my brains for another illustration, let me say She shone like
Rohi* between Budha and the moon-god. St trod on the path with meticulous care
planting Her feet in the space between Her lords footprints. Avoiding the footprints of both
St and Rma, Lakmaa traversed the road always keeping them to his right. The ideal
affection of r Rma, Lakmaa and St was past telling; how can one describe it? Even
birds and beasts were enraptured to behold their beauty; their hearts were stolen by
Rma, the wayfarer. (14)
0f- f- f f f a rs r;
n n a; f >r fr;+ {-+
Do.: jinha jinha dekhe pathika priya siya sameta dou bhi,
bhava magu agamu anadu tei binu rama rahe siri.123.
* The deity presiding over the fourth lunar asterism, who was born as the daughter of Daka and was
the favourite consort of the moon-god.

The god presiding over the planet Mercury and descended from the loins of the moon-god.
Whoever saw the beloved travellers, St and the two brothers (Rma and Lakmaa),
joyously reached the end of the toilsome journey of life without any exertion. (123)
0 r s r f r r+
r r r;f r; r r f r;+.{+
a rrt >rfa f rt f f ta rt+
a f r; ra r; rrr;+.+
a r rtf r>r r+
r t f r r fnf r r+.-+
f r f na +
n n f rr t ffa fa t+.+
Cau.: ajahu jsu ura sapanehu k u, basahu lakhanu siya rmu ba u.
rma dhma patha pihi so, jo patha pva kabahu muni ko.1.
taba raghubra ramita siya jn, dekhi nikaa bau stala pn.
taha basi kada mula phala kh, prta nahi cale raghur.2.
dekhata bana sara saila suhe, blamki rama prabhu e.
rma dkha muni bsu suhvana, sudara giri knanu jalu pvana.3.
sarani saroja biapa bana phule, gujata maju madhupa rasa bhule.
khaga mga bipula kolhala karah

, birahita baira mudita mana carah

Nay, to this very day, anyone in whose heart the wayfarers Lakmaa, St and
Rma, should ever lodge even in a dream shall find the road leading to r Rmas abode
(the divine region known by the name of Sketa),the road that scarce any anchorite
may find. Then perceiving that St was tired and seeing a banyan tree and cool water
hard by, the Hero of Raghus line partook of bulbs, roots and fruits and staying there
overnight and bathing at dawn the Lord of Raghus proceeded further. And beholding
lovely woods, lakes and hills the Lord reached the hermitage of Vlmki. r Rma saw
the sages beautiful dwelling with its charming hills and forest and its sacred waters. The
lotuses in the ponds and the trees in the woods were in blossom; intoxicated with their
honey bees sweetly hummed over them. Birds and beasts made a tumultuous noise and
moved about in joy free from all animosities. (14)
0f r>r ff rf
f rr rn f rn rs + {+
Do.: suci sudara ramu nirakhi harae rjivanena,
suni raghubara gamanu muni ge yau lena.124.
The lotus-eyed Rma rejoiced to behold the sacred and lovely hermitage; and
hearing of the arrival of r Rma (the Chief of Raghus line) the sage came forth to
receive Him. (124)
0f r za t-r rfr f t-r+
f r f zr f r r>rf r+.{+
f faf rf r nr+
f ffr r r a f r>r f r+.+
rtf r rt n fa frt+
a rf rrr; r >r r;+.-+
ar frr t frr ft ff ar rr+
f r rt f f rfa t- rt+.+
Cau.: muni kahu rma daavata knh, sirabdu biprabara dnh.
dekhi rma chabi nayana juRne, kari sanamnu ramahi

munibara atithi prnapriya pe, kada mula phala madhura mage.
siya saumitri rma phala khe, taba muni rama die suhe.2.
blamki mana na du bhr, magala m urati nayana nihr.
taba kara kamala jori raghur, bole bacana ravana sukhad.3.
tumha trikla daras muninth, bisva badara jimi tumhare hth.
asa kahi prabhu saba kath bakhn, jehi jehi bh

ti dnha banu rn.4.

r Rma fell prostrate before the sage and the holy Brhmaa blessed Him in
return. The sight of r Rmas beauty gladdened his eyes and with due honour he took
the Lord into the hermitage. Finding a guest as dear to him as life itself, the holy sage sent
for delicious bulbs, roots and fruits. St, Lakmaa and Rma partook of those fruits and
the sage then assigned them beautiful quarters. Great was the joy of Vlmkis heart as he
beheld with his own eyes r Rma, who was bliss personified. Joining His lotus palms the
Lord of Raghus then spoke to him in words which were delightful to the ears. You directly
perceive everything relating to the past, present and future, O lord of sages; the whole
universe is as if berry in the palm of your hand. Saying so the Lord related to him the
whole story as to how the queen (Kaikey) had exiled Him into the woods. (14)
0ara f ra fa r; a rs
r arr - rs+ {~+
Do.: tta bacana puni mtu hita bhi bharata asa ru,
mo kahu darasa tumhra prabhu sabu mama punya prabhu.125.
Compliance with my fathers commands, gratification of my stepmother (Kaikey),
the installation of a brother like Bharata to the throne and my seeing youall this, my
lord, is the result of my meritorious acts. (125)
0f r fr arr a r+
rs r r; f sn r r;+.{+
f ar f- a t a f r t+
n f far ; rf r+.+
f rf f r; r f ffr fa r+
a f =f a rr r r rr+.-+
f rr rt r r r f rt+
rra ar r aa >rfa a+.+
Cau.: dekhi pya munirya tumhre, bhae sukta saba suphala hamre,
aba jaha rura yasu ho, muni udabegu na pvai ko.1.
muni tpasa jinha te dukhu lahah

, te naresa binu pvaka dahah

magala mula bipra paritou, dahai koi kula bhusura rou.2.
asa jiya jni kahia soi h u

, siya saumitri sahita jaha ju

taha raci rucira parana tnasl, bsu karau kachu kla kpl.3.
sahaja sarala suni raghubara bn, sdhu sdhu bole muni gyn.
kasa na kahahu asa raghukulaketu, tumha plaka satata ruti set u.4.
In beholding your feet, O king of sages, all my good deeds have been rewarded.
Now I intend to go wherever you command me to go and where no anchorite may
feel disturbed. For such monarchs as prove a source of annoyance to hermits and
ascetics are consumed without fire. While the satisfaction of Brhmaas is the root
of happiness, their wrath consumes millions of generations. Bearing this in mind pray
tell me a place to which I may proceed with St and Lakmaa (Sumitrs son), and
building a charming hut of leaves and grass may spend some time there, O good sir.
Hearing these guileless and unsophisticated words of r Rma (the Chief of Raghus
line) the enlightened sage exclaimed, Quite so, right You are. Why should You not
speak thus, O Glory of Raghus line, ever busy as You are in maintaining the laws
laid down by the Vedas? (14)
U0 >rfa a r r ar nt rr rt
r fa n rfa fa = r; rfr t+
r t t f= r t
r f r a ff t+
Cha.:ruti setu plaka rma tumha jagadsa my jnak,
jo sjati jagu plati harati rukha pi kpnidhna k.
jo sahasassu ahsu mahidharu lakhanu sacarcara dhan,
sura kja dhari nararja tanu cale dalana khala nisicara an.
While You are the custodian of the Vedic laws and the Lord of the universe, St
(Janakas Daughter) is Your My (Divine Energy) who creates, preserves and dissolves
the universe on receiving the tacit approval of Your gracious Self. As for Lakmaa he
is no other than the thousand-headed ea (the lord of serpents), the supporter of the
globe and the lord of the entire creation, both animate and inanimate. Having assumed
the form of a king for the sake of the gods You are out to crush the host of wicked
0r = arr nr fq
fna r fa fa fa fn + {+
So.: rma sarupa tumhra bacana agocara buddhipara,
abigata akatha apra neti neti nita nigama kaha.126.
Your Being, O Rma, is beyond the range of speech and beyond
conception, unknown, unutterable and infinite; the Vedas ever speak of It as not
that, not that. (126)
0n ar fr ff f rfr+
as rf arrr = arf r rfrr+.{+
r; r; f r; ra arf ar; r; r;+
arff r arf rr rf na na s +.+
fr arrt fna fr r frt+
a a rr ra rr+.-+
r f f fa arr z rf rf r+
ar r r r rf a rf rr+.+
Cau.: jagu pekhana tumha dekhanihre, bidhi hari sabhu nacvanihre.
teu na jnahi

maramu tumhr, auru tumhahi ko jnanihr.1.

soi jnai jehi dehu jan, jnata tumhahi tumhai hoi j.
tumharihi kp

tumhahi raghunadana, jnahi

bhagata bhagata ura cadana.2.

cidnadamaya deha tumhr, bigata bikra jna adhikr.
nara tanu dharehu sata sura kj, kahahu karahu jasa prkta rj.3.
rma dekhi suni carita tumhre, jaRa mohahi

budha hohi

tumha jo kahahu karahu sabu s

c, jasa kchia tasa chia nc.4.

This world is a spectacle and You are its spectator; nay, You make even Brahm
(the Creator), Viu (the Preserver) and ambhu (the Destroyer) dance to Your tune.
Even these latter know not Your secret; who else can know You? In fact, he alone can
know You, to whom You make Yourself known; and the moment he knows You he
becomes one with You. It is by Your grace, O Delighter of Raghus, that Your votaries
come to know You, O Comforter of the heart of devotees. Your body is all consciousness
and bliss and is devoid of change; it is the competent alone who realize this. It is for the
sake of saints and gods that You have assumed a human semblance and speak and act
even as worldly monarchs do. The stupid get puzzled while the wise feel delighted when
they see or hear of Your doings. All that You say or do is true; for one should play the
role one has assumed on the stage. (14)
0 rf f a rs
r a f arf r rs+ {+
Do.: pu

chehu mohi ki rahau kaha mai


chata sakucu ,
jaha na hohu taha dehu kahi tumhahi dekhvau hu .127.
You ask me: Where should I take up my residence? But I ask You with
diffidence: tell me first the place where You are not; then alone I can show You a
suitable place. (127)
0f f r f r r+
rtf f f rt rt f rt+.{+
r s far r f ar+
f- >r rr r arrf n f rr+.+
f fa rf fa- f ar n =+
r ra f- f r f fr+.-+
ff fa f rt = f rf rt+
fa- z r f rrr+.+
Cau.: suni muni bacana prema rasa sne, sakuci rma mana mahu musukne.
blamki ha si kahahi

bahor, bn madhura amia rasa bor.1.

sunahu rma aba kahau niket, jah

basahu siya lakhana samet.

jinha ke ravana samudra samn, kath tumhri subhaga sari nn.2.

niratara hohi

na pure, tinha ke hiya tumha kahu gha rure.

locana ctaka jinha kari rkhe, rahahi

darasa jaladhara abhile.3.


sarita sidhu sara bhr, rupa bidu jala hohi

tinha ke hdaya sadanasukhadyaka, basahu badhu siya saha raghunyaka.4.
On hearing the sages words, imbued as they were with love, r Rma felt
abashed and smiled within Himself. Vlmki too smiled and spoke to Him again in
words as sweet as though they were steeped in nectar: Listen, Rma: I tell You now
the places where You should abide with St and Lakmaa. The heart of those
whose ears are like the ocean, constantly replenished with a number of lovely streams
in the shape of Your stories but know no surfeit, shall be Your charming abode. Just
as cataka always longs to see the rain clounds, disdaining all big rivers, oceans and
lakes and prefers only drops of rain clouds. Similary those whose eyes are always
laying for your beautiful vision disdain all worldly comforts and always lay for a
glimpse of your beauty in their hearts there is a comfortable for you to live in along
with Lakmaa and St. (14)
0 arr r f ff tr r
ar n n ; r f ar+ {c+
Do.: jasu tumhra mnasa bimala hasini jh jsu,
mukathala guna gana cunai rma basahu hiya tsu.128.
Nay, You should dwell in the heart of him whose swan-like tongue picks up pearls
in the shape of Your virtues in the holy Mnasarovara lake of Your fame. (128)
0 r f n rr r r ; fa rr+
arf ffa r t r t+.{+
t f n= f t tfa fa f f ft+
fa f r r r r z f r+.+
r at f rt r fa- rt+
rr fa f arrr f arf fa frr+.-+
a r f ff rr f r; f rr+
ar a f nf f rt r f rt+.+
Cau.: prabhu prasda suci subhaga subs, sdara jsu lahai nita ns.
tumhahi nibedita bhojana karah

, prabhu prasda paa bhuana dharah

ssa navahi

sura guru dvijadekh, prti sahita kari binaya bise.

kara nita karahi

rma padapuj, rma bharosa hdaya nahi

d uj.2.
carana rma tratha cali jh

, rma basahu tinha ke mana mh

matrarju nita japahi

tumhr, p ujahi

tumhahi sahita parivr.3.

tarapana homa karahi

bidhi nn, bipra jev

i dehi

bahu dn.
tumha te adhika gurahi jiya jn, sakala bhya sevahi

Abide, O Rma, in the mind of those whose nose devoutly inhales everyday the
fragrance of sacred and lovely offerings (in the shape of flowers, sandal-paste, etc.,)
made to their Lord (Yourself), who eat only that which has been offered to You and put
on clothes and ornaments first dedicated to You, whose heads bow down most
submissively and lovingly at the sight of a god, preceptor or Brhmaa, whose hands
adore r Rmas feet everyday, who cherish in their heart faith in Rma and none else,
and whose feet take them to holy places sacred to Rma. Again those who are ever
engaged in muttering the Rma-Mantra (>rtrr , the king of all sacred formulas, and
worship You alongwith Your associates; who offer water to the manes and pour oblations
into the sacred fire in diverse ways, who feed the Brhmaas and bestow liberal gifts on
them and who look upon their preceptor as greater than Yourself and wait upon him with
due honour and entire devotion (14)
0 f rnf r fa rs
fa- f f rr rs+ {+
Do.: sabu kari mgahi

eka phalu rma carana rati hou,

tinha ke mana madira basahu siya raghunadana dou.129.
And who having done all this ask only one boon as their reward: Let me have
devotion to r Rmas feet!enthrone Yourself in the temple of their heart, both St
and the Delighter of Raghus (Yourself). (129)
0r r r rr r r rn rr+
f- f rr fa- z rrrr+.{+
f fart f r nrt+
f - f frt rna ra arrt+.+
arf rfz nfa f rt r fa- rt+
t rf rt r f a f rt+.-+
f fa t fa rf ffa ft+
f-f r ar rfr fa- arr+.+
Cau.: kma koha mada mna na moh, lobha na chobha na rga na droh.
jinha ke kapaa dabha nahi

my, tinha ke hdaya basahu raghury.1.

saba ke priya saba ke hitakr, dukha sukha sarisa prasas gr.

satya priya bacana bicr, jgata sovata sarana tumhr.2.

tumhahi chRi gati dusari nh

, rma basahu tinha ke mana mh

janan sama jnahi

paranr, dhanu parva bia te bia bhr.3.

je haraahi

para sapati dekh, dukhita hohi

para bipati bise.

jinhahi rma tumha prnapire, tinha ke mana subha sadana tumhre.4.
Those who have no lust, anger, arrogance, pride or infatuation, are without
greed, excitement, attraction or aversion and who are free from fraud, hypocrisy and
deceitit is in their heart that You should abide, O Chief of Raghus. Again, those
who are beloved of all and friendly to all, to whom joy and sorrow, applause and
abuse are alike and who scrupulously utter truthful and polite words, nay, who are
resigned to You whether awake or asleep and who have no support other than
Yourselfit is in their mind, O Rma, that You should dwell. Again, those who look
upon anothers wife as their own mother and to whom anothers wealth is the deadliest
of all poisons, who rejoice to see others prosperity and are particularly grieved to
see anothers distress, and to whom, O Rma, You are dear as their own life
their minds are Your blessed abodes. (14)
0trf r fa ra n f- ar ara
f fa- t fa rs ra+ {-+
Do.: svmi sakh pitu mtu gura jinha ke saba tumha tta,
mana madira tinha ke basahu sya sahita dou bhrta.130.
Nay, those to whom, my dear, You are at once master and companion, father and
mother, preceptor and everything elseit is in the temple of their mind that St and You
two brothers should reside. (130)
0n af n nt f fa t+
tfa f f- ; n tr rr arr fa- tr+.{+
n arr r; f rr f rfa arr rr+
r na f rnf t af s fa t+.+
rfa rfa zr; f fr r;+
af arf ; s r; af z rrr;+.-+
n n rr a rr+
rs r r af s zr+.+
Cau.: avaguna taji saba ke guna gahah

, bipra dhenu hita sakaa sahah

nti nipuna jinha kai jaga lk, ghara tumhra tinha kara manu nk.1.
guna tumhra samujhai nija dos, jehi saba bh

ti tumhra bharos.
rma bhagata priya lgahi

jeh, tehi ura basahu sahita baideh.2.

jti p

ti dhanu dharamu baR, priya parivra sadana sukhad.

saba taji tumhahi rahai ura l, tehi ke hdaya rahahu raghur.3.
saragu naraku apabaragu samn, jaha taha dekha dhare dhanu bn.
karama bacana mana rura cer, rma karahu tehi ke ura er.4.
Those who overlook others faults and pick out their virtues and endure hardships
for the sake of the Brhmaas and cows, nay, who have established their reputation in
the world as well-versed in the laws of proprietytheir mind is Your excellent abode.
Again, he who attributes his virtues to You and holds himself responsible for his faults, nay,
who entirely depends on You and loves r Rmas (Your) devoteesit is in his heart that
You should stay alongwith Videhas Daughter (St). He who, renouncing his caste and
kinsmen, wealth, faith and glory, his near and dear ones, his happy home and everything
else, cherishes You in his bosomin his heart You should take up Your residence, O Lord
of Raghus. Again, he to whom heaven and hell and even freedom from birth and death are
the same inasmuch as he beholds You armed with a bow and arrow here, there and
everywhere, and who is Your servant in thought, word and deedmake his heart, O
Rma, Your permanent abode. (14)
0rf rf ar
fa ar r rs f n+ {-{+
Do.: jhi na chia kabahu kachu tumha sana sahaja sanehu,
basahu niratara tsu mana so rura nija gehu.131.
Lastly, he who never wants anything and bears natural affinity to Youincessantly
dwell in his mind; for that is Your own home. (131)
0f ff f r r r+
f rr r>r s r+.{+
fr fnf fr a arr rfa r+
r r r= f f n fn fr=+.+
t ta r rt frfr f a rt+
f r rs rff r ra ra zrff+.-+
fr rf f t f rn a a t+
>r r n fnf+.+
Cau.: ehi bidhi munibara bhavana dekhe, bacana saprema rma mana bhe.
kaha muni sunahu bhnukulanyaka, rama kahau samaya sukhadyaka.1.
citrakua giri karahu nivs u, taha tumhra saba bh

ti sups u.
sailu suhvana knana cr u, kari kehari mga bihaga bihru.2.
nad punta purna bakhn, atripriy nija tapabala n.
surasari dhra nu madkini, jo saba ptaka potaka kini.3.
atri di munibara bahu basah

, karahi

joga japa tapa tana kasah

calahu saphala rama saba kara karah u, rma dehu gaurava giribarah u.4.
The eminent sage (Vlmki) thus showed Him many a dwelling place and his
loving words gladdened r Rmas soul. Listen, O Lord of the solar race, the sage
continued, I now tell You a retreat that will be delightful in the existing circumstances.
Take up Your abode on the Citrakua hill: there You will have all facilities. Charming is
the hill and lovely the forest, which is the haunt of elephants, lions and deer as well as
of birds. It has a holy river glorified in the Puras, which was brought by the sage Atris
wife by dint of her penance. It is a side stream of the Gag and is known by the name
of Mandkinwhich is quick to destroy sins even as a witch strangles infants. Many great
sages like Atri dwell there practising Yoga and muttering sacred formulas and wasting
their bodies with penance. Wend Your way thither, Rma, and reward the labours of all,
conferring dignity on this great mountain as well. (14)
0fr fr fa t rf nr;
r; r fa f a rs r;+ {-+
Do.: citrakua mahim amita kah mahmuni gi,
i nahe sarita bara siya sameta dou bhi.132.
The great sage Vlmki then described at length the infinite glory of Citrakua and
the two brothers proceeded with St and bathed in the sacred stream. (132)
0rr s rrr a r r+
t sa rr ff fs ff rr+.{+
t rr f rs rr+
fr t ; rrra r t+.+
f rs rr frf rr rr+
s r - rr fa fa rr+.-+
r fra r a r+
f rf ; rr fa rr frr+.+
Cau.: raghubara kaheu lakhana bhala gh u, karahu katahu aba hhara h u.
lakhana dkha paya utara karr, cahu disi phireu dhanua jimi nr.1.
nad panaca sara sama dama dn, sakala kalua kali suja nn.
citrakua janu acala aher, cukai na ghta mra muhabher.2.
asa kahi lakhana hu dekharv, thalu biloki raghubara sukhu pv.
rameu rma manu devanha jn, cale sahita sura thapati pradhn.3.
kola kirta bea saba e, race parana tna sadana suhe.
barani na jhi

maju dui sl, eka lalita laghu eka bisl.4.

r Rma (the Chief of Raghus line) said, Lakmaa, here is a good descent into
the river; now make arrangements for our stay somewhere. Lakmaa presently
surveyed the north bank of the Payaswin river and said, Lo! a rivulet bends round this
bank like a bow with the river itself for its string, control of the mind and senses and
charity for its arrows, and all the sins of the Kali age for its many quarries. Armed with
this bow Mount Citrakua looks like an immovable huntsman who takes unerring aim and
makes a frontal attack. With these words Lakmaa showed the spot and r Rma
was delighted to see the site. When the gods learnt that the site had captivated r
Rmas mind, they proceeded to Citrakua with Vivakarm, the chief of heavenly
architects. They all came in the guise of Kolas and Bhlas and put up beautiful dwellings
of leaves and grass. They made a pair of huts which were lovely beyond words, the one
a fine little cottage and the other larger in size. (14)
0 rt fa ra =f fa
r f fa far a+ {--+
Do.: lakhana jnak sahita prabhu rjata rucira niketa,
soha madanu muni bea janu rati riturja sameta.133.
Adorning the beautiful cottage with Lakmaa and Janakas Daughter (St) the
Lord looked as charming as the god of love accompanied by his consort, Rati, and the
deity presiding over Spring (the king of seasons) all attired as hermits. (133)
0 rn f ffrr fr r af rr+
r r t- r fa f r r+.{+
f r r r r+
f fat r fa f f fr+.+
fr rr r rr f f f r+
ra f fa fr t- za rr r+.-+
f rrf r; s t r fa rf t+
f ffr r f f r f f+.+
Cau.: amara nga kinara disipl, citrakua e tehi kl.
rma pranmu knha saba kh u, mudita deva lahi locana lhu.1.
barai sumana kaha deva samju, ntha santha bhae hama ju.
kari binat dukha dusaha sune, haraita nija nija sadana sidhe.2.
citrakua raghunadanu che, samcra suni suni muni e.
vata dekhi mudita munibd, knha daavata raghukula cad.3.
muni raghubarahi li ura leh

, suphala hona hita sia deh

siya saumitri rma chabi dekhahi

, sdhana sakala saphala kari lekhahi

Gods, Ngas, Kinnaras and the guardians of the eight quarters flocked to
Citrakua on that occasion. r Rma made obeisance to them all and the gods were glad
to obtain the reward of their eyes. Raining flowers the heavenly host exclaimed, Lord,
we feel secure today! With great supplication they described their terrible woes, and
returned joyfully to their several abodes. Hermits streamed in as they heard the news
that r Rma (the Delighter of Raghus) had taken up His abode at Citrakua. The moon
of the solar race fell prostrate when He saw the holy company coming with a cheerful
countenance. The hermits pressed r Rma (the Chief of Raghus line) to their bosom
and invoked their blessings on Him just in order to see them come true. As they gazed
on the beauty of St, Lakmaa (Sumitrs son) and Rma, they accounted all their
spiritual practices fully rewarded. (14)
0rrn rf fr f f
f rn rn a f r>rf- + {-+
Do.: jathjoga sanamni prabhu bid kie munibda,

joga japa jga tapa nija ramanhi suchada.134.

After paying them due honours the Lord dismissed the holy throng and they
practised Yoga (contemplation), Japa (muttering of prayers) and austerities and performed
sacrifices unmolested in their own retreats. (134)
0 f r fra- r; ff rr r;+
f f rr rr+.{+
fa- f- rs rar fa-f f n rar+
a a rrt fr; r; f- rrr;+.+
f rr= f rn f frf fa rn+
fr f a r t r+.-+
r n r f f r+
f rrf rf rt fta f rt+.+
Cau.: yaha sudhi kola kirtanha p, harae janu nava nidhi ghara .
kada mula phala bhari bhari don, cale raka janu luana son.1.
tinha maha jinha dekhe dou bhrt, apara tinhahi p u


magu jt.
kahata sunata raghubra nik, i sabanhi dekhe raghur.2.

johru bhe a dhari ge, prabhuhi bilokahi

ati anurge.
citra likhe janu jaha taha hRhe, pulaka sarra nayana jala bRhe.3.
rma saneha magana saba jne, kahi priya bacana sakala sanamne.
prabhuhi johri bahori bahor, bacana binta kahahi

kara jor.4.
When the Kolas and Bhlas got this news, they felt as delighted as though the nine
heavenly treasures of Kubera had found their way to their own house. With cups of
leaves full of bulbs, roots and fruits they sallied forth as paupers to gather gold as spoils.
Such of them as had already seen the two brothers were questioned about them by
others who proceeded along the same road. Describing and hearing of r Rmas
beauty they all came and beheld the Lord of Raghus. Placing their offerings before the
Lord they greeted Him and regarded Him with deep affection. They stood here and there
as so many painted figures, thrilling all over and with tears streaming from their eyes. r
Rma perceived that they were all overwhelmed with emotion and addressing kind words
to them treated them all with honour; while they in their turn greeted the Lord again and
again and with joined palms spoke to Him in polite terms: (14)
0 r r f r
rn r rn rs rr+ {-~+
Do.: aba hama ntha santha saba bhae dekhi prabhu pya,
bhga hamre gamanu rura kosalarya.135.
Having seen Your feet, O Lord, we all feel secure now. Our good-luck is
responsible for Your visit to this place, O Lord of Ayodhy. (135)
0- f rr r rs ar rr+
- fn n rrt arf frt+.{+
- fa frr t f arrr+
t- r rs frt ;r fa rt+.+
rfa r; f f f rrr r;+
z fnf rr r n n rr+.-+
a a arf rs fr rs rs+
fr ar r r ar+.+
Cau.: dhanya bhumi bana patha pahr, jaha jaha ntha pu tumha dhr.
dhanya bihaga mga knanacr, saphala janama bhae tumhahi nihr.1.
hama saba dhanya sahita parivr, dkha darasu bhari nayana tumhr.
knha bsu bhala hu bicr, ih

sakala ritu rahaba sukhr.2.

hama saba bh

ti karabasevak, kari kehari ahi bgha bar.

bana behaRa giri kadara khoh, saba hamra prabhu paga paga joh.3.
taha taha tumhahi aherakheluba, sara nirajhara jalahu dekhuba.
hama sevaka parivra samet, ntha na sakucaba yasu det.4.
Blessed is the land, forest, path and hill where You have planted Your foot, my
Lord. Fortunate are the birds and beasts of the forest, whose life has been crowned by
Your sight. And lucky are we all alongwith our family in that we have been able to feast
our eyes on Your beauty. You have chosen an excellent spot whereon to take up Your
abode; You will be comfortable here during all the seasons. We will render all sorts of
services to You keeping away elephants and lions, serpents and tigers. The dreary forest,
hills, caves and ravines have all been explored by us foot by foot, O Lord. We will take
You for hunting to the different haunts of game and will show You lakes and springs and
other reservoirs of water. We and our people are Your servants; therefore, do not hesitate
to command us, O Lord. (14)
0 f n a =r
fra- a ff fa r + {-+
Do.: beda bacana muni mana agama te prabhu karun aina,
bacana kirtanha ke sunata jimi pitu blaka baina.136.
The same gracious Lord whom Vedic texts fail to describe and the mind of hermits
cannot reach, listened to the words of the Bhlas even as a father listens to the words
of his children. (136)
0rf frr rf s r rfrr+
r a ar f fr+.{+
fr f f r; fr n a a rr r+
f ff f a rs r; f ff f r;+.+
a r; rrr a a s nr+
f f f ff rr fa f farr+.-+
a= f r r f ff r+
n a >rt frf rf ; t+.+
Cau.: rmahi kevala premu pir, jni leu jo jnanihr.
rma sakala banacara taba toe, kahi mdu bacana prema paripoe.1.
bid kie sira ni sidhe, prabhu guna kahata sunata ghara e.
ehi bidhi siya sameta dou bh, basahi

bipina sura muni sukhad.2.

jaba te i rahe raghunyaku, taba te bhayau banu magaladyaku.


biapa bidhi nn, maju balita bara beli bitn.3.

surataru sarisa subhya suhe, manahu bibudha bana parihari e.
guja majutara madhukara ren, tribidha bayri bahai sukha den.4.
Love alone attracts r Rma; let those who are curious take note of it. r Rma
then gratified all the foresters by addressing to them gentle words sweetened by love.
Dismissed by Him they bowed their head to Him and departed; and discussing the
virtues of the Lord they returned to their respective homes. In this way St and the two
brothers lived in the forest, delighting the gods and hermits. Ever since the Lord of
Raghus came and took up His abode there the forest became a fountain of blessings.
Trees of various kinds blossomed and bore fruit and lovely creepers that coiled about
them formed an excellent canopy. They were all naturally beautiful like the trees of
heaven; it seemed as if the latter had abandoned the celestial groves and migrated to that
spot. Strings of bees made an exceedingly sweet humming sound and a delightful breeze
breathed soft, cool and fragrant. (14)
0t ra a r
rfa rfa rf fn >r fa r+ {-+
Do.: nlakaha kalakaha suka ctaka cakka cakora,

ti bh

ti bolahi

bihaga ravana sukhada cita cora.137.

The blue jay, cuckoos, parrots, Ctakas, Cakravkas, Cakoras and other birds
delighted the ear and ravished the soul with their varied notes. (137)
0f f f r nr fna ff nr+
fa r f t rf fa n ft+.{+
f ff fn n rt f r frt+
f ; f -r ar nrrf -r+.+
f t rr rff f rr+
s ta fnf = r = r+.-+
fr rf a fr nrf aa+
ff fa r; >r f f zr; r;+.+
Cau.: kari kehari kapi kola kurag, bigatabaira bicarahi

saba sag.
phirata ahera rma chabi dekh, hohi

mudita mgabda bise.1.

bibudha bipina jaha lagi jaga mh

, dekhi rma banu sakala sihh

surasari sarasai dinakara kany, mekalasut godvari dhany.2.
saba sara sidhu nad

nada nn, madkini kara karahi

udaya asta giri aru kailsu, madara meru sakala surabsu.3.
saila himcala dika jete, citrakua jasu gvahi

bidhi mudita mana sukhu na sam, rama binu bipula baR p.4.
Elephants, lions, monkeys, boars and deer, all sported together, free from enmity.
Herds of deer were enraptured when they beheld the beauty of r Rma roaming about in
search of prey. All the forests of gods existing in the universe were filled with envy at the
sight of r Rmas forest. The heavenly river (Gag), Saraswat, the Sun-born Yamun,
Narmad (the daughter of Mount Mekala), the blessed Godvar and the various other
lakes, seas, streams and rivers, all extolled the Mandkin. The eastern and western hills
(from and behind which the sun is believed to emerge and disappear every morning and
evening), Mounts Kailsa (the abode of Lord iva), Mandara, Meru, all abodes of gods, and
mountains like the Himalayas, all sang praises of Citrakua. Glad was the deity presiding
over the Vindhya range*, whose delight was more than his heart could contain, to think that
he had won such great renown without much exertion. (14)
0fr fn n f f a rfa
- - f f rfa+ {-c+
Do.: citrakua ke bihaga mga beli biapa tna jti,
punya puja saba dhanya asa kahahi

deva dina rti.138.

Blessed and full of merit are all the birds and deer, creepers, trees and the
various species of herbage of Citrakua, so declare the gods day and night. (138)
0a rrf frt r; rf frt+
f rt frt+.{+
r r r n fa r r+
fr f f ff ar rn t- fr+.+
rf af fr; f r r;+
f f r f r a rf r+.-+
r f ff t zr f t+
f rt r; t rt+.+
Cau.: nayanavata raghubarahi bilok, pi janama phala hohi

parasi carana raja acara sukhr, bhae parama pada ke adhikr.1.
so banu sailu subhya suhvana, magalamaya ati pvana pvana.
mahim kahia kavani bidhi ts u, sukhasgara jaha knha nivs u.2.
paya payodhi taji avadha bih, jaha siya lakhanu rmu rahe .
kahi na sakahi

suam jasi knana, jau sata sahasa hohi

so mai

barani kahau bidhi keh

, bara kamaha ki madara leh


lakhanu karama mana bn, ji na slu sanehu bakhn.4.

Having beheld the Chief of Raghus line those who had eyes, attained the end of
their life and were rid of sorrow; whereas inanimate objects rejoiced at the touch of the
very dust of His feet and became eligible for attaining the highest state (blessedness).
The forest and hill where that Ocean of Bliss (r Rma) took up His abode were
naturally lovely; auspicious and the holiest of the holy; how could it be possible to glorify
them ? The exquisite beauty of the forest where St, Lakmaa and r Rma came and
settled, taking leave of the ocean of milk and bidding adieu to Ayodhy, could not be
described even by a hundred thousand eas (each with a thousand pairs of tongues).
How, then, can I describe it at some length any more than a tortoise living in a puddle
can lift Mount Mandara? Lakmaa waited upon r Rma in thought, word and deed with
an amiability and devotion more than one could tell. (14)
0f f f f r rf r
a fa ra fa n+ {-+
* Citrakua being a peak of the Vindhya mountains, the glory of the former is naturally shared by the
latter. It is on this account that joyfulness is attributed to the range itself.
Do.: chinu chinu lakhi siya rma pada jni pu para nehu,
karata na sapanehu lakhanu citu badhu mtu pitu gehu.139.
Gazing on the feet of St and Rma every moment and conscious of their love
for him, Lakmaa never recalled even in a dream his younger brother (atrughna),
father, mother or even his home. (139)
0r n f fa rt f n fa frt+
f f f f frt fa rrt+.{+
r fa a frt fa fa f ff rt+
f r rnr f rnr+.+
t f fa nr f fr= n fnr+
r ffa f f +.-+
r r rt r; r;+
r rf fra r af f rf f fr+.+
Cau.: rma saga siya rahati sukhr, pura parijana gha surati bisr.
chinu chinu piya bidhu badanu nihr, pramudita manahu cakorakumr.1.
nha nehu nita baRhata bilok, haraita rahati divasa jimi kok.
siya manu rma carana anurg, avadha sahasa sama banu priya lg.2.
paranaku priya priyatama sag, priya parivru kuraga bihag.
ssu sasura sama munitiya munibara, asanu amia sama kada mula phara.3.
ntha stha s

thar suh, mayana sayana saya sama sukhad.

lokapa hohi

bilokata jsu, tehi ki mohi saka biaya bils u.4.

In r Rmas company St lived a happy life, forgetting Her town (Ayodhy),
family and home. Ever watching the moonlike face of Her beloved lord She was
extremely glad like the young of a Cakora bird. Finding Her lords affection grow from
day to day She remained happy as a Cakravka bird during the day. Her mind was
so enamoured of r Rmas feet that the forest appeared to Her as dear as a thousand
Ayodhys. Dear was the hut of leaves in the company of Her most beloved lord, while
fawns and birds constituted Her beloved family. The holy hermits appeared to Her as
Her own father-in-law and their spouses as Her mother-in-law; while Her diet consisting
of bulbs, roots and fruits tasted like ambrosia. Shared with Her spouse even the lovely
litter of leaves delighted Her as hundreds of Cupids own beds. Can the charm of
sensuous enjoyments ever enchant Her whose very look confers the sovereignty of
a sphere. (14)
0fa rf af a f fr
rfr n f f r ar+ {+
Do.: sumirata rmahi tajahi

jana tna sama biaya bilsu,

rmapriy jaga janani siya kachu na caraju tsu.140.
Fixing their thoughts on r Rma, His devotees spurn the pleasures of sense as
worth no more than a piece of straw. It is no wonder, then, in the case of St, r Rmas
beloved Consort and the Mother of the universe. (140)
0t f ff t r; rrr f r; t+
f ra r rt f f fa rt+.{+
r f t a a rf fr t+
ff ra fa f r; a t r;+.+
rf rf rt t f s frt+
f f f r; rt ff =f frt+.-+
fr nfa f rr t r na s +
n r tar f f = tar+.+
Cau.: sya lakhana jehi bidhi sukhu lahah

, soi raghuntha karahi

soi kahah


purtana kath kahn, sunahi

lakhanu siya ati sukhu mn.1.

jaba jaba rmu avadha sudhi karah

, taba taba bri bilocana bharah

sumiri mtu pitu parijana bh, bharata sanehu slu sevak.2.
kpsidhu prabhu hohi

dukhr, dhraju dharahi

kusamau bicr.
lakhi siya lakhanu bikala hoi jh

, jimi puruahi anusara parichh

priy badhu gati lakhi raghunadanu, dhra kpla bhagata ura cadanu.
lage kahana kachu kath punt, suni sukhu lahahi

lakhanu aru st.4.

The Lord of Raghus would do and say only that which would please St and
Lakmaa. He would narrate old legends and stories, to which Lakmaa and St would
listen with great delight. Every time r Rma thought of Ayodhy His eyes filled with
tears. The gracious Lord became sad when He recalled His father and mother, His family
and brothers and particularly the affection, amiability and devotion of Bharata; but He
recovered Himself when He realized that the time was unpropitious. Perceiving this, St
and Lakmaa felt distressed even as the shadow of a man behaves just like him. When
He saw the condition of His beloved Consort and His brother (Lakmaa), the self-
possessed and compassionate Rma, the Delighter of Raghus and the Soother of His
devotees heart, began to narrate some sacred legends, hearing which Lakmaa and
St felt relieved. (14)
0r tar fa ra fa
ff r t a a+ {{+
Do.: rmu lakhana st sahita sohata parana niketa,
jimi bsava basa amarapura sac jayata sameta.141.
Accompanied by Lakmaa and St r Rma shone in His hut of leaves
even as Indra who dwells in Amarvat with his spouse, ac, and his son,
Jayanta. (141)
0rnf f f fr nr +
f t rrtf ff ft = tf+.{+
f ff f rt n n ar fart+
s r n rr r ff rr+.+
fs fr f r; f fa f r;+
rt f frf fr f r; s fr+.-+
r r f rt s fa r rt+
f f ff ffrt f fn rt+.+
Cau.: jogavahi

prabhu siya lakhanahi

kaise , palaka bilocana golaka jaise .


lakhanu sya raghubrahi, jimi abibek purua sarrahi.1.

ehi bidhi prabhu bana basahi

sukhr, khaga mga sura tpasa hitakr.

kaheu rma bana gavanusuhv, sunahu sumatra avadha jimi v.2.
phireu nidu prabhuhi pahu c, saciva sahita ratha dekhesi .
matr bikala biloki nidu, kahi na ji jasa bhayau bidu.3.
rma rma siya lakhana pukr, pareu dharanitala bykula bhr.
dekhi dakhina disi haya hihinh

, janu binu pakha bihaga akulh

The Lord looked after St and Lakmaa in the same way as the eyelids protect
the eyeballs; while Lakmaa in his turn waited upon St and r Rma (the Hero of
Raghus race) just as a fool (who identifies himself with his body) tends his own body.
In this way the Lord, who was as friendly to birds and fawns as to gods and ascetics,
lived happily in the forest. Thus have I told the delightful story of r Rmas journey to
the woods; now hear how Sumantra reached Ayodhy. When the Nida chief returned
after escorting the Lord, he saw the minister (Sumantra) with the chariot. The minister was
distressed to see the Nida chief; words fail to describe the agony which he felt at the
moment. Crying out Rma, Rma, St, Lakmaa he (Sumantra) dropped on the
ground utterly helpless; while the horses kept looking on to the south and neighed. They
were as restless as birds shorn of their wings. (14)
0f a f ff rf r rf
r fr rr rf frf+ {+
Do.: nahi

tna carahi

na piahi

jalu mocahi

locana bri,
bykula bhae nida saba raghubara bji nihri.142.
They would neither eat grass nor drink water; while their eyes kept shedding tears.
The whole party of Nidas was distressed to see the horses of r Rma (the Chief of
Raghus line). (142)
0f t a ; fr r f fr+
ar fza r rar t f f frar+.{+
ff r f f rt rs rt+
r ff ; r t rr f t s rt+.+
rf n f rrr n rf r+
f f ff f t r frfn f at+.-+
r r t ff ff fa f at+
rf f nfa f ff rat f f f f f rat+.+
Cau.: dhari dhraju taba kahai nidu, aba sumatra pariharahu bidu.
tumha paita paramratha gyt, dharahu dhra lakhi bimukha bidht.1.
bibidha kath kahi kahi mdu bn, ratha baihreu barabasa n.
soka sithila ratha sakai na h

k, raghubara biraha pra ura b


maga calahi

na ghore, bana mga manahu ni ratha jore.

aRhuki parahi

phiri herahi

pche , rma biyogi bikala dukha tche .3.

jo kaha rmu lakhanu baideh, hikari hikari hita herahi

bji biraha gati kahi kimi jt, binu mani phanika bikala jehi bh

Then recovering himself, the Nida said, Sumantra, cease sorrowing now. You
are a man of wisdom and a knower of the highest truth; therefore, compose yourself
realizing that Fate is unpropitious to you. Narrating various legends in soft accents,
he took him by force and seated him in the chariot. But overpowered by grief he could
not drive the chariot; the agony of separation from Rma (the Chief of Raghus line)
was severe in his heart. The horses would not move along the road; they were getting
fidgety. It seemed as if wild animals had been caught and put in harness. They would
topple down and turn to look behind, torn away from Rma and smarting with deep
anguish. If anyone mentioned the name of Rma, Lakmaa or St, (Janakas
Daughter), they would start neighing and regard him with love. How could anyone
describe the anguish of separation the horses felt; they were as restless as a snake
robbed of its gem. (14)
0s fr fr a f an
rf rf a f rt n+ {-+
Do.: bhayau nidu bidabasa dekhata saciva turaga,
boli susevaka cri taba die srath saga.143.
The Nida was overcome with grief as he beheld the minister and his horses. He
then called four trusted grooms and sent them with the charioteer (Sumantra). (143)
0n rff fs r; f fr f f r;+
; f frr rf f n frr+.{+
r r f tr fn t rrt ftr+
ff a t= s fa rrt=+.+
rr r rr a f a rr+
r z ra ; r+.-+
tf r f= f far; rf nr;+
ff rf t= r; s r;+.+
Cau.: guha srathihi phireu pahu c, birahu bidu barani nahi

cale avadha lei rathahi nid, hohi


chana magana bid.1.

soca sumatra bikala dukha dn, dhiga jvana raghubra bihn.
rahihi na atahu adhama sarru, jasu na laheu bichurata raghubru.2.
bhae ajasa agha bhjana prn, kavana hetu nahi

karata payn.
ahaha mada manu avasara c uk, ajahu na hdaya hota dui uk.3.
mji htha siru dhuni pachit, manahu kpana dhana rsi gav

birida b

dhi bara bru kah, caleu samara janu subhaa par.4.

Seeing off the charioteer, Guha returned; the agony of his separation was too deep
for words. And the Nidas drove off to Ayodhy, plunged in sorrow every moment.
Agitated and stricken with grief, Sumantra lamented: Accursed is life without the Hero
of Raghus race. This wretched body will not survive in the long run; but what a pity it
did not earn fame by perishing at the time of its parting from the Hero of Raghus race.
This life has become a sink of infamy and sin; I wonder what prevents it from departing.
Alas! this vile soul has missed its chance. Oh, that my heart does not break in twain
even now! Wringing his hands and beating his head he rued his lot like a miser who has
lost his hoard of riches. It seemed as if after assuming the role of, and posing as, an
eminent hero, a great warrior had taken to flight. (14)
0f ft f a r rfa
ff r r f r af rfa+ {+
Do.: bipra bibek bedabida samata sdhu sujti,
jimi dhokhe madapna kara saciva soca tehi bh

The minister gave himself up to grief like a discreet Brhmaa of noble descent,
who though well-versed in the Vedas and esteemed by the virtuous, has been deluded
into drinking. (144)
0ff t fa r rt faar rt+
ff r f z faf r= r+.{+
r ztf ; rt ; >r f fa rt+
f rfn rt fs r; s f rt+.+
f s r; frt r f far art+
rf nrf f rt r ff rt+.-+
r z far; r r;+
r fa ff r; ff rf fra r;+.+
Cau.: jimi kulna tiya sdhu sayn, patidevat karama mana bn.
rahai karama basa parihari nhu, saciva hdaya timi druna dh u.1.
locana sajala hi bhai thor, sunai na ravana bikala mati bhor.

adhara lgi mu ha l, jiu na ji ura avadhi kap.2.

bibarana bhayau na ji nihr, mresi manahu pit mahatr.
hni galni bipula mana byp, jamapura patha soca jimi pp.3.
bacanu na va hdaya pachit, avadha kha mai

dekhaba j.
rma rahita ratha dekhihi jo, sakucihi mohi bilokata so.4.
The minister felt in his heart agony as terrible as that of a virtuous and discreet
lady of high birth who is devoted to her lord in thought, word and deed and who is
compelled by evil destiny to live apart from her husband. His eyes were full of tears
and lacking in vision, his ears deaf and his mind was agitated and confused. Nay, his
lips were getting dry and his tongue had cleaved to the palate; yet his life-breath did
not depart, the term of exile serving as a door to prevent its departure from his heart.
He had turned pale and repelled the sight as if he had murdered his own father and
mother. Great was the despondency which preyed upon his mind as a result of the
loss he had just suffered; he looked like a sinner mourning while on his way to the
abode of Death. Words failed him and he lamented within himself: What shall I see on
reaching Ayodhy? Whoever shall find the chariot devoid of Rma will shun my sight.
0r; ff rf f n rf
sa= f a z r rf+ {~+
Do.: dhi pu


mohi jaba bikala nagara nara nri,

utaru deba mai

sabahi taba hdaya bajru baihri.145.

When the agitated citizens run to make enquiries of me, I shall answer them all
with a heavy load on my heart. (145)
0ff t fa rar r fa-f frar+
ff f art fs rt+.{+
r f r;f r; ff - ff r;+
a sa= at n r t+.+
r; ff af a= r r; r+
ff f rs tr f r rrr tr+.-+
s sa= r; rs r;+
a f r a ff a fff +.+
Cau.: puchihahi

dna dukhita saba mt, kahaba kha mai

tinhahi bidht.
puchihi jabahi

lakhana mahatr, kahihau kavana sa desa sukhr.1.

rma janani jaba ihi dh, sumiri bacchu jimi dhenu lav.

chata utaru deba mai

teh, ge banu rma lakhanu baideh.2.

joi pu

chihi tehi utaru deb, ji avadha aba yahu sukhu leb.


chihi jabahi

ru dukha dn, jivanu jsu raghuntha adhn.3.

dehau utaru kaunu muhu l, yau kusala kua ra pahu c.
sunata lakhana siya rma sa des u, tna jimi tanu pariharihi nares u.4.
When all the helpless and afflicted mothers question me, good God, what shall I
say to them? When Lakmaas mother (Sumitr) puts questions to me, what glad
tidings shall I convey to her? And when Rmas mother (Kausaly) comes running like
a cow that has recently borne a calf and has her thoughts fixed on it, the only answer
I can make to her queries will be Rma, Lakmaa and St (Videhas Daughter) have
left for the woods. Whosoever question me must be answered; this is the treat I shall
have on reaching Ayodhy. Again, when the king who is oppressed by grief and whose
life hangs on Rma, puts questions to me, with what face shall I tell him in reply that
having safely escorted the princes I have come back? The moment he hears the news
of Lakmaa, St and Rma the king will drop his body like a piece of straw. (14)
0zs fs ff fa ta t=
ra rf t- ff rar t=+ {+
Do.: hdau na bidareu paka jimi bichurata prtamu nru,
jnata hau mohi dnha bidhi yahu jtan sarru.146.
The swampy ground of my heart like a swamoy ground did not crack even though
the moisture in the shape of my most beloved Rma has left. From this I conclude that in this
very frame God has endowed me with a body* fit for suffering the tortures of hell. (146)
0f ff a farr ar at aa rr+
fr f f f frr f r f f frr+.{+
a n f r; rf n r nr;+
f f a f nrr rr a = rr+.+
t- fr rf r+
f- f- rr f r r r+.-+
frf f f rrr nf nra ff ra r+
n rf r frra t tn +.+
Cau.: ehi bidhi karata patha pachitv, tamas tra turata rathu v.
bid kie kari binaya nid, phire pya pari bikala bid.1.
paihata nagara saciva sakuc, janu mresi gura b

bhana g.
baihi biapa tara divasu gav

v, s

jha samaya taba avasaru pv.2.

avadha prabesu knha a dhire , paiha bhavana rathu rkhi dure .
jinha jinha samcra suni pe, bhupa dvra rathu dekhana e.3.
rathu pahicni bikala lakhi ghore, garahi

gta jimi tapa ore.

nagara nri nara bykula kaise , nighaata nra mnagana jaise .4.
While Sumantra was thus lamenting on the way, his chariot presently reached the
bank of the Tamas river. He politely dismissed the Nidas, who fell at his feet and
returned with a heart stricken with grief. The minister hesitated to enter the city as if he
had murdered his own preceptor, killed a Brhmaa or butchered a cow. He passed the
day sitting under a tree and found his opportunity only when it was dusk. He entered
Ayodhy in the dark and slunk into the palace leaving the chariot at the gate. All who
heard the news flocked to the entrance of the royal palace to see the chariot. When they
recognized the chariot and found the horses restless with their body wasting away as
hail in the sun, the citizens, both men and women, were sore distressed as fish when
the water runs short. (14)
0f rn a f s fr
= rn af r a fr+ {+
Do.: saciva gamanu sunata sabu bikala bhayau ranivsu,
bhavanu bhayakaru lga tehi mnahu preta nivsu.147.
The moment they heard of the ministers arrival the whole gynaeceum was
restless. To him the palace looked as dreary as though it were an abode of spirits. (147)
0fa rfa f rt sa= r f ; rt+
; >r f rr r af af rr+.{+
* It is mentioned in the scriptures that sinners who are condemned to hell are endowed with a subtle
body (known by the name of Ytan-arra), which though subjected to tortures in various forms is wonderfully
tenacious and does not perish till the sinner has served the sentence.
rf- t f fr; rr n n; r;+
r; r t rr f fa frr+.+
r f tr s fa f tr+
; sr r f r at a s rat+.-+
a r f f f rat f s rat+
r r r t f r t+.+
Cau.: ati rati saba pu


rn, utaru na va bikala bhai bn.

sunai na ravana nayana nahi

sujh, kahahu kah

npu tehi tehi bujh.1.

dsinha dkha saciva bikal, kausaly gha ga

ji sumatra dkha kasa rj, amia rahita janu cadu birj .2.
sana sayana bibhuana hn, pareu bhumitala nipaa maln.
lei ussu soca ehi bh

t, surapura te janu kha seu jajt.3.

leta soca bhari chinu chinu cht, janu jari pakha pareu sapt.
rma rma kaha rma saneh, puni kaha rma lakhana baideh.4.
In deep agony all the queens questioned him; but no reply came from him, his voice
failed him. His ears could not hear, nor could his eyes see; he asked whomsoever he
met: Tell me, where is the king? Seeing his confusion, the maid-servants conducted him
to Kausalys apartments. Arriving there Sumantra found the king as pale and lustreless
as the moon without nectar. Without a seat, couch or ornaments he lay on the ground
in a most wretched condition. Heaving a sigh he lamented even as Yayti* when he had
fallen from the abode of gods. With his heart bursting with grief every moment, he looked
like Sampt who had dropped from the heavens on account of his wings having been
singed. That great lover of Rma cried Rma, Rma and again Rma, Lakmaa and
St. (14)
0f f t f t-s z r
a ss r fa r r+ {c+
Do.: dekhi saciva jaya jva kahi knheu daa pranmu,
sunata uheu bykula npati kahu sumatra kaha rmu.148.
The minister, on seeing the king, exclaimed, salutory words jaya jva! and made
obeisance to him by falling prostrate on the ground. The moment he heard this the king
rose in bewilderment and said, Tell me, Sumantra, where is Rma? (148)
0 r t- s r; za r r;+
fa f rt a rs f rt+.{+
r r t rrr t+
r f f f fr a f r r+.+
* As a reward for the many sacrifices performed by him during his life-time King Yayti ascended to
heaven. Indra received him most courteously and encouraged him to speak highly of his own meritorious
acts. In this way he unwittingly exhausted all his merits and was hurled back to the mortal plane.
For the story of Sampt see the Caups following Doh 26 et seq in Kikindh-Ka.
r f f f r +
r = n t r ff ff s ra r+.-+
rs r; t- r f s r+
r a fa n rr r rt z rf rr+.+
Cau.: bhupa sumatru lnha ura l, buRata kachu adhra janu p.
sahita saneha nikaa baihr, pu

chata ru nayana bhari br.1.

rma kusala kahu sakh saneh, kaha raghunthu lakhanu baideh.
ne pheri ki banahi sidhe, sunata saciva locana jala che.2.
soka bikala puni pu

cha nares u, kahu siya rma lakhana sadesu.

rma rupa guna sla subh u, sumiri sumiri ura socata r u.3.
ru suni dnha banabs u, suni mana bhayau na harau har

so suta bichurata gae na prn, ko pp baRa mohi samn.4.
The king pressed Sumantra to his bosom as if a drowning man had laid hold of
some support. Seating him affectionately by his side and with his eyes full of tears the
king asked him: Apprize me of Rmas welfare, O loving friend; where are Rma (the
Lord of Raghus), Lakmaa and Videhas daughter (St)? Have you brought them back
or have they left for the woods? At these words tears rushed to the ministers eyes.
Overwhelmed with grief the king asked again, Tell me the news about St, Rma and
Lakmaa. Recalling again and again r Rmas beauty, virtues, amiability and
temperament the king sorrowed within himself: Proclaiming my intention to instal him as
Regent I exiled him to the woods; but the news neither delighted his soul nor grieved it.
But my life did not depart even though I had to part from such a son! Who can be such
a great sinner as I? (14)
0r r f ar rf rs
rf a ra r s fars+ {+
Do.: sakh rmu siya lakhanu jaha tah

mohi pahu cu,


ta chata calana aba prna kahau satibhu.149.

Take me, my friend, to the place where Rma, Sta and Lakmaa are. If not, I
sincerely tell you, my life is going to depart very soon. (149)
0f f a frf r fa r+
f r r; fn sr r f r+.{+
f t f rt rr ar fza rt+
t t r r r r ar r+.+
rnr rf r f f frnr+
r rf nrr; rfa f t r;+.-+
f z frt rs t f rt+
t f frt rfz r fart+.+
Cau.: puni puni pu

chata matrihi r u, priyatama suana sa desa sunu.

karahi sakh soi begi upu, rmu lakhanu siya nayana dekhau.1.
saciva dhra dhari kaha mdu bn, mahrja tumha paita gyn.
bra sudhra dhuradhara dev, sdhu samju sad tumha sev.2.
janama marana saba dukha sukha bhog, hni lbhu priya milana biyog.
kla karama basa hohi


, barabasa rti divasa k n

sukha haraahi

jaRa dukhabilakhh

, dou sama dhra dharahi

mana mh

dhraja dharahu bibeku bicr, chRia soca sakala hitakr.4.
Again and again the king asked the minister; Communicate to me the news of my
most beloved sons. Quickly contrive, my friend, some means whereby you may be able
to bring before my eyes Rma, Lakmaa and St. Recovering himself the minister
gently replied, Your Majesty is learned and wise. Nay, you are a leader of the brave and
courageous, my lord, and have always attended assemblies of holy men. Birth and
death, all painful and pleasurable experiences, loss and gain, union with and separation
from friendsall these, my lord, take place under the unalterable laws of time and
destiny like the succession of night and day. Fools rejoice in prosperity and mourn in
adversity; while the wise account both alike. Therefore, exercising your mature judgment
take up courage and cease sorrowing, O friend of all. (14)
0 r ar s f at
-r; r f f a rs t+ {~+
Do.: prathama bsu tamas bhayau dusara surasari tra,
nhi rahe jalapnu kari siya sameta dou bra.150.
Their first halt was made by the side of the Tamas and the next on the bank of
the celestial river (Gag). Having bathed and drunk water, St and the two brothers
remained without food that day. (150)
0 tf- a r; r rff fn nr;+
ra ra t= nrr r f t rr+.{+
r r a r nr; fr r; rrr;+
r r; r r r;+.+
f frf rf rrtr r f tr+
ara r ara r r n+.-+
f r f f rt ara f f far rt+
n n r r n - arr+.+
Cau.: kevaa knhi bahuta sevak, so jmini sigaraura gav

hota prta baa chru magv, ja mukua nija ssa banv.1.
rma sakh

taba nva mag, priy caRhi caRhe raghur.

lakhana bna dhanu dhare ban, pu caRhe prabhu yasu p.2.
bikala biloki mohi raghubr, bole madhura bacana dhari dhr.
tta pranmu tta sana kaheh u, bra bra pada pakaja gahehu.3.
karabi pya pari binaya bahor, tta karia jani cit mor.
bana maga magala kusala hamre , kp anugraha punya tumhre .4.
The Nida showed great hospitality and the party spent that night in the village
of Sigaraura (gaverapura). At daybreak they sent for the milk of the banyan tree and
the two brothers coiled up their matted hair in the shape of a crown. Then Rmas friend
(Guha) called for a boat and after helping St to board it, r Rma followed suit.
Lakmaa placed on it in an orderly way the two bows and quivers and himself boarded
the boat on receiving the Lords command. Seeing my distress the Hero of Raghus race
summoned up courage and addressed me in sweet accents: Sire, convey my obeisances
to dear father and clasp his lotus feet again and again. Then, falling at his feet submit
to him thus: Father, be not worried on my account. By your grace and goodwill and as
a reward of your meritorious acts my journey to and sojourn in the woods will be happy
and full of blessings. (14)
U0 ar n ara r ra r;
farf r r f ff r;+
t farf f f r f fat rrt
at r; a f t f r t+
Cha.:tumhare anugraha tta knana jta saba sukhu pihau ,
pratipli yasu kusala dekhana pya puni phiri ihau .

sakala paritoi pari pari pya kari binat ghan,

tulas karehu soi jatanu jehi

kusal rahahi

kosala dhan.
By your grace, dear father, I shall have all sorts of comforts on my journey and
having obeyed your commands shall come back safe to behold your lotus feet once
more. Nay, consoling all my mothers fall at their feet again and again and with profuse
entreaties make every effortsays Tulasdsato see that the lord of Ayodhy (my
father) passes his days happily.
0n r r nf
r; s f r rf fa+ {~{+
So.: gura sana kahaba sa desu bra bra pada paduma gahi,
karaba soi upadesu jehi

na soca mohi avadhapati.151.

Clasping my preceptors lotus feet again and again, give him my message: Pray,
so exhort the lord of Ayodhy that he may no longer grieve on my account. (151)
0 f frt ara r fat rt+
r; rfa r fart ra r rt+.{+
a r tfa af r r+
r f rt ra rt+.+
r fr r r; f fa ra r;+
ara rfa af r r r r f r+.-+
rr f r f rf frr+
r r f r; f ara fr;+.+
Cau.: purajana parijana sakala nihor, tta sunehu binat mor.
soi saba bh

ti mora hitakr, jte raha naranhu sukhr.1.

kahaba sa desu bharata ke e , nti na tajia rjapadu pe .
plehu prajahi karama mana bn, seehu mtu sakala sama jn.2.
ora nibhehu bhyapa bh, kari pitu mtu sujana sevak.
tta bh

ti tehi rkhaba ru, soca mora jehi

karai na k u.3.
lakhana kahe kachu bacana kahor, baraji rma puni mohi nihor.
bra bra nija sapatha dev, kahabi na tta lakhana larik.4.
Humbly approaching all the citizens and all my people, convey to them my
submission: He alone is my friend in everyway, who ensures the kings happiness.
Again, when Bharata comes, give him my message: Abandon not the path of rectitude
on assuming the office of Regent. Cherish your subjects in thought, word and deep
and serve your mothers treating them all alike. Again, brother, vindicate your
brotherliness till the last day by serving our parents and kinsmen. And last but not
the least look after the king in such a way that he may never sorrow on my account.
Here Lakmaa interposed some harsh words, but Rma checked him and then
entreated me adjuring me by himself again and again, Make no mention, dear father,
of Lakmaas childishness. (14)
0 f r f f ; ff
fa r fa + {~+
Do.: kahi pranmu kachu kahana liya siya bhai sithila saneha,
thakita bacana locana sajala pulaka pallavita deha.152.
Sending her greeting St opened her lips to say something but was
overwhelmed with emotion. Her voice failed, her eyes filled with tears and a thrill ran
through her body. (152)
0af rr = r; rf r r;+
rrfa f r at s r f f rat+.{+
r ff fa fs ; r +
f f f n rf nrf r +.+
a af r s f s r= r+
aa f r rr rr t rr+.-+
f fr rf rt r ffa ff r; rt+
f fr rnr t t rnr+.+
Cau.: tehi avasara raghubara rukha p, kevaa prahi nva cal.
raghukulatilaka cale ehi bh

t, dekhau hRha kulisa dhari cht.1.


pana kimi kahau kales u, jiata phireu lei rma sa des u.

asa kahi saciva bacana rahi gaya u, hni galni soca basa bhayau.2.
suta bacana sunatahi

naranh u, pareu dharani ura druna dhu.

talaphata biama moha mana mp, mj manahu mna kahu byp.3.
kari bilpa saba rovahi

rn, mah bipati kimi ji bakhn.

suni bilpa dukhahu dukhu lg, dhrajahu kara dhraju bhg.4.
At this moment, in response to a hint from the Chief of Raghus (r Rma), the
boatman propelled the boat towards the opposite bank. So departed the Crown of
Raghus race, while I stood looking on with a heavy load on my heart. How am I to
describe my own anguish in that I came back alive bearing Rmas message? At this
stage Sumantras speech failed him, overpowered as he was by grief and remorse due
to separation from r Rma. No sooner had he heard the charioteers speech than the
king dropped to the ground, his heart burning with deep anguish. His mind being
unhinged by excessive infatuation he tossed about like a fish that had been inebriated
by sucking the foam of early rain water (which is intoxicating to the fish). All the queens
wailed and wept; how can their great misfortune be described? At the sound of their wails
sorrow itself was sorrowful and endurance could no longer endure. (14)
0s rr fa f rs r=
f fn s ff r f r=+ {~-+
Do.: bhayau kolhalu avadha ati suni npa rura soru,
bipula bihaga bana pareu nisi mnahu kulisa kahoru.153.
Ayodhy was in great tumult at the sound of the outcry in the royal gynaeceum:
it seemed as if a cruel thunderbolt had fallen at night on a large habitat of birds. (153)
0r na s r f ft r r+
;t f ; rt f f rt+.{+
rr t rr f f s f rr+
s f t r art rt rt+.+
r fr f fr= r frn rf r=+
r ar r s f f r+.-+
t f a r; r= rf a fzf fr=+
f f f f rt r f ff rt+.+
Cau.: prna kathagata bhayau bhulu, mani bihna janu bykula bylu.

sakala bikala bhai

bhr, janu sara sarasija banu binu br.1.


npu dkha maln, rabikula rabi a thayau jiya jn.

ura dhari dhra rma mahatr, bol bacana samaya anusr.2.
ntha samujhi mana karia bicru, rma biyoga payodhi apru.
karanadhra tumha avadha jahju, caRheu sakala priya pathika samju.3.
dhraju dharia ta pia pr u, nhi

ta b uRihi sabu parivr u.

jau jiya dharia binaya piya mor, rmu lakhanu siya milahi

The life-breath of the king had now stuck to his throat; he felt uneasy like a serpent
robbed of its gem. All his senses were blighted as a cluster of lotuses in a lake that had
been left without water. When Kausaly saw the king withered and blasted, she
concluded in her mind that the sun of the solar race was about to set. Summoning up
courage, therefore, r Rmas mother spoke words appropriate to the occasion: Ponder
in your heart, my lord, and reflect that separation from Rma is a vast ocean, you are
the helmsman and Ayodhy the bark which has been boarded by our near and dear ones
as its passengers. We can hope to reach a shore only if you have patience. If not, the
whole family will be drowned. If you take to heart this entreaty of mine, my beloved lord,
we are sure to see Rma, Lakmaa and St again. (14)
0fr a fas rf srrrf
aa t t ta ta rf+ {~+
Do.: priy bacana mdu sunata npu citayau

khi ughri,
talaphata mna malna janu scata stala bri.154.
Hearing these soft words of his beloved queen, the king opened his eyes and
looked up like a writhing wretched fish that had been sprinkled with cold water. (154)
0f t sf r r r r+
r r t f r t+.{+
fa rs f r at ; n f frfa rat+
ar r f r; rf r r;+.+
s f a ;farr r fa fn t rr+
r a rf rr f r frr+.-+
r rr r fta ar f fa a f ta+
r rt r rr r fa fa fa ra +.+
Cau.: dhari dhraju uhi baiha bhulu, kahu sumatra kaha rma kpl u.

lakhanu kaha rmu saneh, kaha priya putrabadh u baideh.1.

bilapata ru bikala bahu bh

t, bhai juga sarisa sirti na rt.

tpasa adha spa sudhi , kausalyahi saba kath sun.2.
bhayau bikala baranata itihs, rma rahita dhiga jvana s.
so tanu rkhi karaba mai

kh, jehi

na prema panu mora nibh.3.

h raghunadana prna pirte, tumha binu jiata bahuta dina bte.
h jnak lakhana h raghubara, h pitu hita cita ctaka jaladhara.4.
Recovering himself the king got up and sat down. Tell me, Sumantra, where is my
gracious Rma? Where is Lakmaa and where my loving Rma? Where is my beloved
daughter-in-law, Vaideh? The restless monarch wailed in many ways; the night seemed
to him like an age and he felt as though it would never end. He was reminded of the blind
hermits curse and he narrated the whole story to Kausaly. He was filled with agony as he
related the circumstances*. Fie on the hope of surviving without Rma. What shall I gain
* The story has been told at length in the Rmyaa of Vlmki (Ayodhy-Ka, Cantos 63-64). One
day, when Daaratha was still young, he was out hunting and rode to the bank of the Sarayu in search of
game. The sun had set and the king heard at a distance what he believed to be the trumpeting of a wild
elephant. The king, who was expert at hitting an invisible mark by its sound, discharged an arrow and lo! it
struck a young hermit, ravaa by name, who had been filling a pitcher for the use of his blind and aged
parents. The king discovered to his great chagrin that what he had mistaken for the trumpeting of an elephant
had been the gurgling sound caused by the filling of the pitcher. The hermit did not mind his own death; but
he was worried about his helpless parents, who wholly depended on him. He therefore, implored the king to
carry the water to the hermitage and inform his parents of what had happened to their son. With these dying
words the hermit breathed his last and the king did as he was bid by the young anchorite. ravaas parents,
when they heard of his sad fate, begged the king to conduct them to the place where their son was and in their
excessive agony pronounced a curse on the king that he too would die of grief for the loss of a son. It is of this
incident that the king is reminded at the hour of his death.
by preserving this body, which has failed to keep my vow of love? O delighter of Raghus,
who are dear to me as life, already I have lived too long without you. Ah, Janakas daughter
and Lakmaa, Ah, Chief of Raghus line, who gladdened the loving heart of your father as
a rain-cloud delights the Ctaka bird. (14)
0r r f r f r r f r
a ff rr f rs ns r+ {~~+
Do.: rma rma kahi rma kahi rma rma kahi rma,
tanu parihari raghubara biraha ru gayau suradhma.155.
Crying Rma, Rma and again Rma and yet again Rma, Rma, Rma, the
king cast off his body in his agony of separation from the Chief of Raghus line and
ascended to the abode of gods. (155)
0f rr z rr+
fa r f frr r f f rr+.{+
r f rf rt = t a rt+
f fr rr f fa rf rr+.+
ff f r = rt rr rr = f rt+
s r r r f n = fr+.-+
nrt ;f t ft t- n t+
f ff fa f frt r rf rt+.+
Cau.: jiana marana phalu dasaratha pv, aa aneka amala jasu chv.
jiata rma bidhu badanu nihr, rma biraha kari maranu sa vr.1.
soka bikala saba rovahi

rn, rupu slu balu teju bakhn.


bilpa aneka prakr, parahi

bhumitala brahi


bikala dsa aru ds, ghara ghara rudanu karahi

a thayau ju bhnukula bhnu, dharama avadhi guna rupa nidhnu.3.

sakala kaikaihi deh

, nayana bihna knha jaga jeh

ehi bidhi bilapata raini bihn, e sakala mahmuni gyn.4.
It was King Daaratha who reaped the reward both of his life and death. His
untarnished fame spread through a number of universes; as long as he lived he gazed
on r Rmas moonlike countenance and brought glory to his death by making the
separation from r Rma his excuse for it. Stricken with grief all the queens wept and
praised his comeliness of form, amiable manners, bodily might and majesty. They
lamented in a variety of ways throwing themselves upon the ground again and again.
Men-servants and maid-servants alike wailed in anguish and there was weeping in every
house throughout the city. Today has set the sun of the solar race the perfection of
righteousness, the repository of beauty and virtues. Everyone abused Kaikey, who had
robbed the world of its very eyes. In this way they wailed till the close of night, when all
the great and enlightened hermits arrived. (14)
0a f f f ;far
r rs f f fr r+ {~+
Do.: taba basiha muni samaya sama kahi aneka itihsa,
soka nevreu sabahi kara nija bigyna praksa.156.
Then the sage Vasiha narrated a number of legends befitting the occasion and
dispersed the gloom that hung over them all by the light of his wisdom. (156)
0a r f a rr a rr; f rr+
r fn a f r f a f r+.{+
a; a r; n rr; s rs r;+
f f r r r n rf r+.+
s a n rf a a a+
f rfa r r rfn f rf r+.-+
f r; f f rr f f f ff rr+
rnf z r; ra fa f r;+.+
Cau.: tela nva bhari npa tanu rkh, duta boli bahuri asa bh.
dhvahu begi bharata pahi

jhu, npa sudhi katahu kahahu jani khu.1.

etanei kahehu bharata sana j, gura boli pahayau dou bh.
suni muni yasu dhvana dhe, cale bega bara bji laje.2.
anarathu avadha arabheu jaba te , kusaguna hohi

bharata kahu taba te .


rti bhaynaka sapan, jgi karahi

kau koi kalapan.3.

bipra jev

i dehi

dina dn, siva abhieka karahi

bidhi nn.

hdaya mahesa man, kusala mtu pitu parijana bh.4.

The sage caused a boat to be filled with oil and had the kings body placed in it
(to guard against decomposition); he then summoned envoys and spoke to them
thus, Run quickly and go to Bharata; but break not the news about the king to anyone
at any place. Approaching Bharata tell him only this much: The preceptor has sent
for you two brothers. Hearing the sages orders the couriers rushed alongwith a
speed that would put an excellent steed to shame. Ever since things began to take a
vicious turn in Ayodhy evil omens occured before Bharata. He saw fearful dreams
at night and on waking indulged in all sorts of unpleasant speculations. He would
perform consecration water over Bhagavn iva in various ways and invoking the
great Lord in his heart, begged of Him the welfare of his parents, family and half-
brothers. (14)
0f ff ra a r r;
n r >r f n r;+ {~+
Do.: ehi bidhi socata bharata mana dhvana pahu ce i,
gura anussana ravana suni cale ganesu mani.157.
While Bharata was thus passing an anxious time the courier arrived. And hearing
the Gurus commands he proceeded with an invocation to Lord Gaea. (157)
0 t n r rrra fa r+
z r z rr; rf f rs szr;+.{+
f r; f ff a n fr;+
n rf n rr f rfa a rr+.+
fr rf far f f r; a r+
>rta far rnr n= ff r rnr+.-+
n n n rf r r frn rn fnr+
n rf f rt f- fa rt+.+
Cau.: cale samra bega haya h

ke, nghata sarita saila bana b

hdaya socu baRa kachu na soh, asa jnahi

jiya ju uR.1.
eka nimea baraa sama j, ehi bidhi bharata nagara niar.
asaguna hohi

nagara paihr, raahi


ti kukheta karr.2.
khara sira bolahi

pratik ul, suni suni hoi bharata mana s ul.

rhata sara sarit bana bg, nagaru bisei bhayvanu lg.3.
khaga mga haya gaya jhi

na joe, rma biyoga kuroga bigoe.

nagara nri nara nipaa dukhr, manahu sabanhi saba sapati hr.4.
Urging the horses to run as fast as the wind he went on his journey crossing
difficult streams, hills and forests. There was such a great anxiety in his heart that
nothing would please him. He thought to himself, Would that I could fly home. Every
moment hung heavy like an year. In this way Bharata drew near to the city. Evil omens
occurred to him as he entered the city. Crows cawed in an ominous way at undesirable
places. Donkeys and jackals gave a cry that foreboded evil and which pierced Bharata
to the heart as he listened to it. Lakes and rivers, groves and gardens had lost their
charm; while the city wore a particularly dismal look. Birds and fawns, horses and
elephants were too wretched to look at, undone by the fell disease of separation from
Rma. The people of the city, both men and women, were extremely miserable as though
all of them had lost everything they had in their possession. (14)
0 ff f nf rrf rf
a f f fr rf+ {~c+
Do.: purajana milahi

na kahahi

kachu gava hi



bharata kusala pu

chi na sakahi

bhaya bida mana mhi

The citizens met him but spoke not a word; they made obeisance and quietly
passed on. Bharata too could not enquire after their welfare, his mind being obsessed
with fear and grief. (158)
0r r f r; frt ff rfn rt+
ra a f ff t f = ff+.{+
f rat fa sf r; rf f ; r;+
a fa fr= frr r af rr+.+
; fa f r at fa r; frat+
af r f r fa r+.-+
f a r; t f r;+
ara r rar f r f rar+.+
Cau.: ha ba nahi

ji nihr, janu pura daha disi lgi davr.

vata suta suni kaikayanadini, hara rabikula jalaruha cadini.1.
saji rat mudita uhi dh, dvrehi

bhe i bhavana lei .

bharata dukhita parivru nihr, mnahu tuhina banaja banu mr.2.
kaike haraita ehi bh

t, manahu mudita dava li kirt.

sutahi sasoca dekhi manu mre , pu

chati naihara kusala hamre .3.

sakala kusala kahi bharata sun, pu

ch nija kula kusala bhal.

kahu kaha tta kah

saba mt, kaha siya rma lakhana priya bhrt.4.

The bazars and the streets repelled the sight as though a wild conflagration had
broken out in the city on all sides. Kaikey, who was to the solar race what the moon is
to the lotuses, was rejoiced to hear of her sons approach. Preparing lights for waving
round his head, she sprang up and ran glad at heart, and meeting him at the very door
conducted him into her apartments. Bharata saw with wonder that while the household
wore a wretched appearance like a bed of lotuses blasted by frost, Kaikey was as
happy as a Bhla woman who had set a whole forest ablaze. Seeing her son melancholy
and depressed in spirits, she asked him: Is all well in my mothers house? Bharata
assured her that everything was well and then enquired after the health and welfare of
his own family: Tell me, where is my father and where all mothers, and where is St
and my beloved brothers, r Rma and Lakmaa? (14)
0f a t f
a >r rff rt + {~+
Do.: suni suta bacana sanehamaya kapaa nra bhari naina,
bharata ravana mana sula sama ppini bol baina.159.
On hearing her sons affectionate words the sinful woman brought crocodile tears
to her eyes and spoke words that pierced his ears and soul as so many shafts. (159)
0ara ra rt r r frt+
r ff t fnrs fa fa n rs+.{+
a a f frr s f f rr+
ara ara r ara rt fa r rt+.+
a rs art ara rf rt+
f t f s rt fa a art+.-+
f a fa ; rf r ;+
rf a rf t f r fa t+.+
Cau.: tta bta mai

sakala sa vr, bhai mathar sahya bicr.

kachuka kja bidhi bca bigreu, bhupati surapati pura pagu dhreu.1.
sunata bharatu bhae bibasa bid, janu sahameu kari kehari nd.
tta tta h tta pukr, pare bhumitala bykula bhr.2.
calata na dekhana pyau toh, tta na rmahi sau

pehu moh.
bahuri dhra dhari uhe sa bhr, kahu pitu marana hetu mahatr.3.
suni suta bacana kahati kaike, maramu p

chi janu mhura de.

dihu te saba pani karan, kuila kahora mudita mana baran.4.
I have accomplished everything for you, my son; and poor Manthar has been of
great help to me. Only God has marred our plans a little before they could be completed;
the king has departed to Indras paradise. As soon as he heard this, Bharata was
overcome with grief as an elephant who is terrified at the roar of a lion. Crying Father,
father, Ah my father! he fell to the ground much agitated. I could not see you before you
left, nor did you, my father, entrust me to the care of r Rma. Then, collecting himself
he got up with some effort and said, Tell me, mother, the cause of my fathers demise.
Hearing the words of her son she replied as one who had cut a vital part and inserted
poison into it. With a glad heart the cruel and wicked woman recounted from the very
beginning all that she had done. (14)
0af fs fa a r n
a s rf f fa f + {+
Do.: bharatahi bisareu pitu marana sunata rma bana gaunu,
hetu apanapau jni jiya thakita rahe dhari maunu.160.
Hearing of r Rmas exile to the forest Bharata forgot his fathers death; and
realizing in his heart that he was at the root of it he remained mute and stupefied. (160)
0f frf af rrfa r nrfa+
ara rs f r rn f; a t-s rn+.{+
ta r a fa fr+
rf r f fa r r +.+
f f s rr= r a rn nr=+
t f f f srr rff f rfa rr+.-+
=f t fa art a r r rt+
z rf a rs t r t f ffa rf str+.+
Cau.: bikala biloki sutahi samujhvati, manahu jare para lonu lagvati.
tta ru nahi

socai jogu, biRhai sukta jasu knheu bhogu.1.

jvata sakala janama phala pe, ata amarapati sadana sidhe.
asa anumni soca pariharah u, sahita samja rja pura karahu.2.
suni suhi sahameu rjakumr u, pke chata janu lga a gr u.
dhraja dhari bhari lehi

uss, ppini sabahi bh

ti kula ns.3.
jau pai kuruci rah ati toh, janamata khe na mre moh.
peRa ki tai

plau s

c, mna jiana niti bri ulc.4.

Observing his sons distress she comforted him like one who applied salt to a
burn. The king, my son, is not fit for lamentation. He not only reaped a rich harvest of
merit and renown but enjoyed life also. During his life-time he obtained all the rewards
of human existence and in the end ascended to the abode of Indra (the lord of immortals).
Pondering thus cease sorrowing and rule the kingdom with all its limbs (such as the
army, the exchequer, the ministers and so on). The prince was utterly dismayed to hear
these words as though a festering sore had been touched by a live coal. Recovering
himself he heaved a deep sigh and said, O wicked woman, you have brought complete
ruin to our family. If you bore such deep malice, why did you not kill me as soon as I
was born? Cutting down the tree you have watered a leaf and you have drained the pond
for keeping the fish alive. (14)
0 r r;
t a t ; ff r;+.{{+
Do.: hasabasu dasarathu janaku rma lakhana se bhi,
janan tu

janan bha bidhi sana kachu na basi.161.

Claiming my descent from the sun-god, with King Daaratha for my father and
Rma and Lakmaa for my brothers I have had you, mother, for my mother! One is
powerless against Providence. (161)
0 a fa a f z z r; zs n+
rna ; f tr nf t s tr+.{+
atfa arf ff t-t r ff fa f t-t+
ff rf z nfa rt rr n rt+.+
t a r r ff r at r+
r t a n rt f rrr rf rt+.-+
fa fa r as art r a f - rt+
r f r f f r; rf r sf f r;+.+
Cau.: jaba tai

kumati kumata jiya haya u, khaa khaa hoi hdau na gayau.

bara mgata mana bhai nahi

pr, gari na jha muha pareu na kr.1.

bhupa pratti tori kimi knh, marana kla bidhi mati hari lnh.
bidhihu na nri hdaya gati jn, sakala kapaa agha avaguna khn.2.
sarala susla dharama rata r u, so kimi jnai tya subh u.
asa ko jva jatu jaga mh

, jehi raghuntha prnapriya nh

bhe ati ahita rmu teu toh, ko tu ahasi satya kahu moh.
jo hasi so hasi muha masi l,

khi oa uhi baihahi j.4.

The moment, O malicious woman, you contrived this evil design in your mind,
how is it your heart did not break into pieces? While asking for the boons did not your
conscience pinch you, your tongue did faster nor did your mouth become free of maggot?
How did the king trust you? Surely God must have robbed him of his senses on the eve
of his death. Even the Creator has not been able to know the working of a womans heart,
the repository of all deceit, sin and vice! Simple, amiable and pious as the king was, how
could he know the nature of a woman? What living creature is there in the world, to whom
the Lord of Raghus is not dear as life itself? Yet even that Rma appeared to you as a
great enemy. Tell me the truth, therefore, to what species do you belong? Whatever you
may be, you had better bedaub your face with ink and leaving my presence remove to
some place out of my sight. (14)
0r frt z a n t- ff rf
r r r rat rf s arf+ {+
Do.: rma birodh hdaya te pragaa knha bidhi mohi,
mo samna ko ptak bdi kahau kachu tohi.162.
Nay, God has created me out of a wone kaikey hostile to Rma! Who is there so
sinful as myself? In vain, therefore, do I taunt you. (162)
0f rrr ra fr; f nra f r;+
af t a r; f ff r;+.{+
f f s rr r; a rra rfa r;+
fn ra af rr f f a rr+.+
s r= fa =f r=+
r ; r rr a t ; rr+.-+
f f f f rt n rrt f f rrt+
a rff tf- zr; rr f n rs r;+.+
Cau.: suni satrughuna mtu kuil, jarahi

gta risa kachu na bas.

tehi avasara kubar taha , basana bibhuana bibidha ban.1.
lakhi risa bhareu lakhana laghu bh, barata anala ghta huti p.
humagi lta taki kubara mr, pari muha bhara mahi karata pukr.2.
kubara ueu phua kapr u, dalita dasana mukha rudhira pracru.
ha daia mai

kha nasv, karata nka phalu anaisa pv.3.

suni ripuhana lakhi nakha sikha kho, lage ghasana dhari dhari jho.
bharata daynidhi dnhi chaR, kausaly pahi

ge dou bh.4.
When atrughna heard of mother Kaikeys wickedness, he burned all over with
rage; but there was no help. That very moment came the hunchback (Manthar) clad in
a variety of rich costumes and adorned with various ornaments. The very sight of that
woman filled Lakmaas younger brother with anger as though clarified butter had been
poured into fire. Springing forward he kicked her with such steady aim at the hump that
she fell flat on her face and screamed aloud. Her hump was smashed, her head split and
her teeth broken and her mouth emitted blood. Ah, my God! what harm have I done?
Surely this is an ill recompense for my services. Hearing this and seeing her vile from
head to foot, atrughna (the slayer of his foes) seized her by the hair on her head and
began to drag her till the merciful Bharata rescued her. The two brothers then called on
mother Kausaly. (14)
0f f f t r
f r t ar+ {-+
Do.: malina basana bibarana bikala ksa sarra dukha bhra,
kanaka kalapa bara beli bana mnahu han tusra.163.
In sordid attire, pale, agitated and oppressed with woe and with a wasted frame
she looked like a lovely celestial creeper of gold blasted by frost in the forest. (163)
0af f ra sf r; =fa f t r; r;+
a a f rt a r frt+.{+
ra ara f r; f r rs r;+
; a t n rrr f a ; r rrr+.+
f s rt r f rt+
r fa rf f rnt nfa f arf ra f rnt+.-+
fa rr a a+
fn rf s rnt r rnt+.+
Cau.: bharatahi dekhi mtu uhi dh, muruchita avani par jhai

dekhata bharatu bikala bhae bhr, pare carana tana das bisr.1.
mtu tta kaha dehi dekh, kaha siya rmu lakhanu dou bh.
kaikai kata janam jaga mjh, jau janami ta bhai khe na b

kula kalaku jehi

janameu moh, apajasa bhjana priyajana droh.

ko tibhuvana mohi sarisa abhg, gati asi tori mtu jehi lg.3.
pitu surapura bana raghubara ket u, mai

kevala saba anaratha het u.

dhiga mohi bhayau benu bana g, dusaha dha dukha duana bhg.4.
When mother Kausaly saw Bharata, she sprang up and ran to meet him; but she
felt giddy and dropped unconscious on the ground. Bharata was deeply moved to see
her plight and threw himself at her feet forgetting the condition of his own body. Mother,
show me my father. Where is St and the two brothers, r Rma and Lakmaa? Why
was Kaikey born into this world at all? And if born, why did she not remain barren instead
of bearing me, a blot on my family, a very sink of infamy and an enemy of near and dear
ones? Who in the three spheres is so wretched as I, on whose account, mother, you
have been reduced to such a plight. My father is in heaven and r Rma, the Chief of
Raghus line, is in the woods; it is I who like a shooting star am responsible for the whole
trouble. Woe be to me, who have proved to be for my family a very fire among the
bamboos and a victim of terrible agony, suffering and censure. (14)
0ra a f f st rf
f sr; nr; s r rfa rf+ {+
Do.: mtu bharata ke bacana mdu suni puni uh sa bhri,
lie uhi lagi ura locana mocati bri.164.
On hearing Bharatas tender words, Kausaly rose with a renewed effort and lifting
him clasped him to her bosom; while tears streamed from her eyes. (164)
0 r r f r fa fa r ff r+
s f rr r; r z r;+.{+
f rs a r; r ra r r;+
rar a nr r r rf sr+.+
- f t s fr r f+
f r f rf nrt r nfa rrfa rt+.-+
rf r f arar r rf ff r frar+
r a rf frr r r; r af rr+.+
Cau.: sarala subhya mya hiya le, ati hita manahu rma phiri e.
bheeu bahuri lakhana laghubh, soku sanehu na hdaya sam.1.
dekhi subhu kahata sabu ko, rma mtu asa khe na ho.

bharatu goda baihre,

su pochi mdu bacana ucre.2.

ajahu baccha bali dhraja dharahu, kusamau samujhi soka pariharahu.
jani mnahu hiya hni galn, kla karama gati aghaita jn.3.
khuhi dosu dehu jani tt, bh mohi saba bidhi bma bidht.
jo etehu dukha mohi jiv, ajahu ko jnai k tehi bhv.4.
Guileless by nature, mother Kausaly pressed him to her bosom with utmost
affection as though r Rma Himself had come back. She then embraced Lakmaas
younger brother (atrughna); her heart was too full with grief and love. Everyone who
saw her loving disposition said, Rmas mother that she is, no wonder she should be
so loving. The mother seated Bharata in her lap and wiping away his tears spoke to him
in soothing words: I adjure you, my child, to compose yourself even now; knowing this
to be an unpropitious time sorrow no more. Take not to heart the loss we have sustained
and feel no remorse for it, remembering that the course of time and fate is unalterable.
Do not blame anyone, my son; it is Providence that has turned hostile to me in every-
way. And when He makes me survive even under such trying circumstances, who
knows what may be His pleasure with regard to me even now? (14)
0fa r ara a rrt
fs z f t+ {~+
do.: pitu yasa bhuana basana tta taje raghubra,
bisamau harau na hdaya kachu pahire balakala cra.165.
At his fathers behest, dear child, the hero of Raghus line discarded his ornaments
and princely apparel and put on a hermits dress (consisting of the bark of trees) without
either sorrow or exultation. (165)
0 r n r ff f far+
ff f f n rnt ; r rnt+.{+
af sf rr f a f rrrr+
a rrfa t f= r; n f = rr r;+.+
r f f fr n;s n r r+
r ;- rf- rn as ar a t rn+.-+
rf r f frt r f a art+
f fa rr r z a f rr+.+
Cau.: mukha prasanna mana raga na ro u, saba kara saba bidhi kari paritou.
cale bipina suni siya sa ga lg, rahai na rma carana anurg.1.

lakhanu cale uhi sth, rahahi

na jatana kie raghunth.

taba raghupati sabah siru n, cale saga siya aru laghu bh.2.
rmu lakhanu siya banahi sidhe, gaiu na saga na prna pahe.
yahu sabu bh inha

khinha ge , tau na taj tanu jva abhge .3.

mohi na lja nija nehu nihr, rma sarisa suta mai

jiai marai bhala bhupati jn, mora hdaya sata kulisa samn.4.
With a cheerful countenance, and without either joy or anger, he comforted all in
everyway and proceeded to the forest. Hearing this St followed him and would not stay,
devoted as she was to Rmas feet. Lakmaa also, when he heard this, sprang up and
accompanied them; he would not be left behind even though the Lord of Raghus tried his
best to detain him. The Lord of Raghus then bowed his head to all and departed with St
and his younger brother (Lakmaa). So Rma, Lakmaa and St left for the woods,
whereas I neither accompanied them nor sent my soul after them (leaving my body
here). All this happened before these eyes and yet this wretched soul did not take leave
of the body. I am not ashamed of my love; to think that a son like Rma should have
a mother like me! The king knew well how to live and how to die; whereas my heart is
a hundred times harder than adamant. (14)
0 rr f a fa fr
r fa rn r r r+ {+
Do.: kausaly ke bacana suni bharata sahita ranivsu,
bykula bilapata rjagha mnahu soka nevsu.166.
Hearing Kausalys words, Bharata and the whole gynaeceum wailed in distress;
the kings palace seemed the very abode of sorrow. (166)
0 ff f a rs r; rr f z nr;+
rfa a rr f f r+.{+
a ra rr; f r >rfa r r;+
ft f rt r a rf n rt+.+
rr ra far a r nr; nr f r+
rr fa r t- ta tfa r t-+.-+
ra sra t f t+
a ra rf r frar r; r a rar+.+
Cau.: bilapahi

bikala bharata dou bh, kausaly

lie hdaya lag.


ti aneka bharatu samujhe, kahi bibekamaya bacana sune.1.

bharatahu mtu sakala samujh

, kahi purna ruti kath suh

chala bihna suci sarala subn, bole bharata jori juga pn.2.
je agha mtu pit suta mre , gi goha mahisura pura jre .
je agha tiya blaka badha knhe , mta mahpati mhura dnhe .3.
je ptaka upaptaka ahah

, karama bacana mana bhava kabi kahah

te ptaka mohi hohu bidht, jau yahu hoi mora mata mt.4.
Much agitated, the two brothers, Bharata and atrughna, loudly lamented and
Kausaly clasped them to her bosom. She comforted Bharata in many ways and
tendered words of wisdom to him. Bharata too in his turn consoled all his mothers,
narrating legends from the Puras and Vedas. Joining both his palms he addressed
them in guileless, innocent, simple and charming words: The sins attaching to the
murder of ones mother, father or son and to the act of setting fire to a cowpen or a village
of Brhmaas, and those incurred by slaying a woman or child and by administering
poison to a friend or a monarch, nay, all the major and minor sins of thought, word or
deed, that have been enumerated by the seers,let all such sins be mine if, my mother,
this plot has my concurrence. (14)
0 ff f f an rrr
af ; nfa rf s ff t a r+ {+
Do.: je parihari hari hara carana bhajahi

bhutagana ghora,
tehi kai gati mohi deu bidhi jau janan mata mora.167.
May Providence award me the fate of those who forsaking the feet of r Hari and
Lord iva worship frightful ghosts, if, mother, I have complicity in this plot. (167)
0f f t f r r f t+
t f f rt f ft frt+.{+
rt rrr arf rr+
r fa- nfa rrrr t a rr+.+
f rn rn r f rn+
f f a r; f-f f rr;+.-+
af >rfa r t ff n t+
fa- nfa rf t r +.+
Cau.: becahi

bedu dharamu duhi leh

, pisuna parya ppa kahi deh

kapa kuila kalahapriya krodh, beda biduaka bisva birodh.1.
lobh lapaa lolupacr, je tkahi

paradhanu paradr.
pvau mai

tinha kai gati ghor, jau janan yahu samata mor.2.

je nahi

sdhusaga anurge, paramratha patha bimukha abhge.

je na bhajahi

hari naratanu p, jinhahi na hari hara sujasu soh.3.

taji rutipathu bma patha calah

, bacaka biraci bea jagu chalah

tinha kai gati mohi sakara deu, janan jau yahu jnau bhe u.4.
If, mother, all this has my approval, let me share the terrible fate of those who sell
the Vedas, exploit their piety, are given to backbiting and expose others sins, who are
deceitful, wicked, quarrelsome and irascible, who revile the Vedas and are hostile to the
world, nay, who are greedy and lecherous and behave as the repacious do, and who
cast their eyes on others wealth and others wife. Nay, mother, if I ever knew this secret,
may Lord iva allot me the fate of those wretches who love not the company of the
virtuous, who have rejected the path leading to God-Realization, who worship not r
Hari even though blessed with a human form, and take no delight in the glory of r Hari
and Lord iva, who have abandoned the path of the Vedas and follow the contrary way,
and who are impostors and deceive the world by assuming false appearances. (14)
0ra a f r r
fa r f ara ar r r+ {c+
Do.: mtu bharata ke bacana suni s

ce sarala subhya ,
kahati rma priya tta tumha sad bacana mana kya .168.
Hearing Bharatas truthful, artless and sincere words mother Kausaly said, You,
my dear child, have always been beloved Rma in thought, word and deed. (168)
0r r a r arr ar rrfaf r a tr+
f f n f rnt r; rf rf frnt+.{+
r = f r ar rf fa r+
a arr r n t r nfa t+.+
f ra a f r nf r+
a fr a f r at f tfa n; rat+.-+
rs f a r f r rr+
f rfa a s f r +.+
Cau.: rma prnahu te prna tumhre, tumha raghupatihi prnahu te pyre.
bidhu bia cavai sravai himu g, hoi bricara bri birg.1.
bhae gynu baru miai na mohu, tumha rmahi pratik ula na hoh u.
mata tumhra yahu jo jaga kahah

, so sapanehu sukha sugati na lahah

asa kahi mtu bharatu hiya le, thana paya sravahi

nayana jala che.

karata bilpa bahuta yahi bh

t, baihehi

bti ga saba rt.3.

bmadeu basiha taba e, saciva mahjana sakala bole.
muni bahu bh

ti bharata upadese, kahi paramratha bacana sudese.4.

Rma is dearer to you than your own life, and likewise you are dearer to the Lord
of Raghus than his own life. The moon may diffuse poison (through her rays) and snow
emit fire; nay, an aquatic creature may shun water and spiritual enlightenment may fail
to eradicate error; but in no case will you turn hostile to Rma. Those in this world who
allege this plot was contrived with your connivance shall never attain happiness or
salvation even in a dream. So saying mother Kausaly clasped Bharata to her bosom;
milk began to flow from her breasts and her eyes filled with tears. In this way they
squatted away the whole night lamenting in profusion. The sages Vmadeva and
Vasiha then came and summoned all the ministers and the elite of the city. Vasiha
admonished Bharata in many ways speaking to him words of wisdom appropriate to the
occasion. (14)
0ara z t r r
s a n f s r+ {+
Do.: tta hdaya dhraju dharahu karahu jo avasara ju,
uhe bharata gura bacana suni karana kaheu sabu sju.169.
Have courage in your heart, dear son, and do what the occasion demands
today. Hearing his preceptors commands Bharata rose and asked everything to be
got ready. (169)
0a ffa -rr ffr fr rr+
nf a ra rt t rf frt+.{+
n r r fa n r+
at f far r; rr r;+.+
f ff r fr t-t ffa -r; farf t-t+
rf fa rr t- a nra frr+.-+
f r t-r a a rfa t-r+
fq f rr rf n r rr+.+
Cau.: npatanu beda bidita anhavv, parama bicitra bimnu banv.
gahi pada bharata mtu saba rkh, rah

rni darasana abhil.1.

cadana agara bhra bahu e, amita aneka sugadha suhe.
saraju tra raci cit ban, janu surapura sopna suh.2.
ehi bidhi dha kriy saba knh, bidhivata nhi tiljuli dnh.
sodhi sumti saba beda purn, knha bharata dasagta bidhn.3.
jaha jasa munibara yasu dnh, taha tasa sahasa bh

ti sabu knh.
bhae bisuddha die saba dn, dhenu bji gaja bhana nn.4.
He had the kings body washed in accordance with the Vedic rites and caused a
most splendid funeral bier to be prepared for him. Clasping the feet of his mothers
Bharata prevented them (from ascending the funeral pile); they all stayed behind in the
hope of seeing r Rma. There arrived many loads of sandal-wood and aloes and
diverse other excellent aromatic herbs of untold varieties. The pile was raised in an
artistic way on the bank of the Sarayu river, and looked like a lovely ladder reaching to
heaven. In this way all the rites of cremation were gone through and then the funeral
party bathed with due ceremony and offered a handful of water and sesame seeds to the
departed soul. After ascertaining the views of all the Smti texts, the Vedas and the
Puras Bharata performed the ceremony of Daagtra.* Whatever orders the great
sage Vasiha gave on a particular point Bharata carried out all of them in a thousand
ways. He bestowed all sorts of gifts on attaining purity. He gave away cows, horses,
elephants and conveyances of various sorts (14)
0frrr r f r
f a f f f r+ {+
Do.: sighsana bhuana basana anna dharani dhana dhma,
die bharata lahi bhumisura bhe paripurana kma.170.
And even so thrones, ornaments and costumes, foodgrains, lands, money and
houses; and the Brhmaas had all their desires fulfilled on receiving them. (170)
0fa fa a tf- f t r r r; f t+
f rf f a r f r rr+.{+
rr r; rf a rs r;+
a f f r tfa sr+.+
* The ceremony consists in offering to the departed soul a ball of boiled rice on each of the ten days
following the cremation of the deceased.
The Hindus believe that the agnates and certain other relations of a deceased remain impure for a
number of days and get purified only after the prescribed period is over.
r f t ; f tf- f t+
a - rr f a ff frr+.-+
a r n t r s fr+
f f tfa rt r n f rt+.+
Cau.: pitu hita bharata knhi jasi karan, so mukha lkha ji nahi

sudinu sodhi munibara taba e, saciva mahjana sakala bole.1.
baihe rjasabh

saba j, pahae boli bharata dou bh.

bharatu basiha nikaa baihre, nti dharamamaya bacana ucre.2.
prathama kath saba munibara baran, kaikai kuila knhi jasi karan.
bhupa dharamabratu satya sarh, jehi

tanu parihari premu nibh.3.
kahata rma guna sla subh u, sajala nayana pulakeu muniru.
bahuri lakhana siya prti bakhn, soka saneha magana muni gyn.4.
Whatever rites Bharata performed for the benefit of his father (in the other world)
were more than a hundred thousand tongues could recount. Then, after determining an
auspicious date the great sage (Vasiha) came and summoned all the ministers as well
as the elite of the city. They all repaired to the council chamber and sat there. The two
brothers, Bharata and atrughna, were also sent for. Vasiha seated Bharata by his
side and spoke to him words full of wisdom and piety. First of all the great sage repeated
the whole story of Kaikeys wily doing and paid his tribute to the vow of piety and
truthfulness of King Daaratha, who remained true to his love even at the cost of his life.
And as the great hermit spoke of r Rmas virtues, amiability and kind disposition tears
came to his eyes and a thrill ran through his body. Again, when he extolled the affection
that Lakmaa and St bore (towards Rma), the enlightened sage was overwhelmed
with grief and emotion. (14)
0 a rt ff s fr
rf r t ff r+ {{+
Do.: sunahu bharata bhv prabala bilakhi kaheu munintha,
hni lbhu jvanu maranu jasu apajasu bidhi htha.171.
Listen, Bharata: formidable is fate! the lord of sages sorrowfully exclaimed. Loss
and gain, life and death, glory and infamyall these lie in the hands of Providence. (171)
0 frf f ; r rf tf r+
ara fr= rt r rn rt+.{+
rf f r ftr af f f tr+
rf fa r tfa rr f r f r rr+.+
rf r r faf f nfa r+
rf f rt rf r nrt+.-+
rf f fa rt f f ;-rrt+
rf f a f; r f n r ;+.+
Cau.: asa bicri kehi deia dosu, byaratha khi para kjia ros u.
tta bicru karahu mana mh

, soca jogu dasarathu npu nh

socia bipra jo beda bihn, taji nija dharamu biaya layaln.
socia npati jo nti na jn, jehi na praj priya prna samn.2.
socia bayasu kpana dhanavn u, jo na atithi siva bhagati sujn u.
socia sudru bipra avamn, mukhara mnapriya gyna gumn.3.
socia puni pati bacaka nr, kuila kalahapriya icchcr.
socia bau nija bratu parihara, jo nahi

gura yasu anusara.4.

Arguing thus, whom should we blame and with whom should we be angry
without any cause? Ponder in your heart, my son, that King Daaratha is not worth
grieving for. Pitiable is the Brhmaa who is ignorant of the Vedas, and who has abandoned
his own duty and is engrossed in the pleasures of sense; pitiable the king who has no
knowledge of polity and who does not love his people as his own life: pitiable the
Vaiya (a member of the trading class) who is niggardly though rich, and who is not
perfect in hospitality nor in devotion to Lord iva; pitiable the udra (a member of the
labouring or artisan class) who is disrespectful towards the Brhmaas, loquacious
and proud of his knowledge and loves to be honoured. Pitiable, again, is the woman
who deceives her husband, is crooked and quarrelsome and follows her own will;
pitiable the religious student who breaks his vow and obeys not the orders of his
preceptor. (14)
0rf nt r r ; -rn
rf at a fna f frn+.{+
Do.: socia gh jo moha basa karai karama patha tyga,
socia jat prapaca rata bigata bibeka birga.172.
Nay, pitiable is the householder who out of ignorance forsakes the path of duty,
and pitiable the recluse who is attached to the world and lacks discretion and
dispassion. (172)
0r r; r rn a fr; f r; rn+
rf f r rt f n frt+.{+
ff rf rt f a r f rt+
rt t ff r; r rfz f r;+.+
rt f rr rf n r+
s ; rfrr a far arrr+.-+
ff f = fa ffrr f n nrr+.+
Cau.: baikhnasa soi socai jogu, tapu bihi jehi bhvai bhogu.
socia pisuna akrana krodh, janani janaka gura badhu birodh.1.
saba bidhi socia para apakr, nija tanu poaka niradaya bhr.
socanya sabah

bidhi so, jo na chRi chalu hari jana ho.2.
socanya nahi

kosalar u, bhuvana cridasa pragaa prabhu.

bhayau na ahai na aba honihr, bhupa bharata jasa pit tumhr.3.
bidhi hari haru surapati disinth, baranahi

saba dasaratha guna gth.4.
Pitiable is the anchorite who has given up penance and developed a liking for
luxuries; pitiable the backbiter who is angry without cause and an enemy of his own
parents, preceptor and brothers. Pitiable in everyway is he who harms others, cherishes
his own body and is exceedingly heartless. And pitiable in every respect is he who is not
sincerely devoted to r Hari. The lord of Kosala is not worth grieving for, his glory being
manifest through all the fourteen spheres. There never was, nor is, nor shall be hereafter,
a monarch like your father, Bharata. Brahm, Viu, iva, Indra (the lord of celestials) and
the guardians of the quarters, all sing praises of King Daaratha. (14)
0 ara f rfa rs ff zr; ar
r ar r f f r+ {-+
Do.: kahahu tta kehi bh

ti kou karihi baR tsu,

rma lakhana tumha satruhana sarisa suana suci jsu.173.
Tell me, dear child, who can glorify him who begot such pious sons as Rma,
Lakmaa, atrughna and yourself? (173)
0 r fa zrnt rf fr f af rnt+
f fr r f f f r r +.{+
r r ar t-r far rf t-r+
a r f f rnt a fs r frnt+.+
f f f f rr ara fa rr+
t f r; ; ar rfa r;+.-+
r fa r rt rt ra r rt+
a rfaf fa r rr +.+
Cau.: saba prakra bhupati baRabhg, bdi bidu karia tehi lg.
yahu suni samujhi socu pariharah u, sira dhari rja rajyasu karahu.1.
rya rjapadu tumha kahu dnh, pit bacanu phura chia knh.
taje rmu jehi

bacanahi lg, tanu parihareu rma birahg.2.

npahi bacana priya nahi

priya prn, karahu tta pitu bacana pravn.

karahu ssa dhari bhupa raj, hai tumha kaha saba bh

ti bhal.3.
parasurma pitu agy rkh, mr mtu loka saba skh.
tanaya jajtihi jaubanu daya u, pitu agy

agha ajasu na bhayau.4.

The king was blessed in everyway; it is no use mourning for him. Hearing and
realizing this, sorrow no more, and reverently obey the kings command. The king has
bestowed the kingship on you; it behoves you, therefore, to redeem the words of your
father who abandoned Rma for the sake of his word and quitted his body in his anguish
of separation from Rma. The king did not love his own life as he did his word; therefore,
dear son, redeem your fathers word. Reverently obey the kings command; this will do
you good in everyway. Paraurma executed the command of his father and killed his
own mother: the whole world will bear testimony to this fact. Yaytis son (Puru)*
* King Yayti had won the hand of Devayn, daughter of ukrcrya (preceptor of the demon kings).
Devayn having one complained to her father of the kings infidelity, ukrcrya pronounced on him a curse
as a result of which he became old and infirm before time. Having been propitiated by him through
supplication and entreaty, however, the sage allowed the king to borrow the youth of another in exchange for his
own old age should anyone be willing to part with it. The king thereupon sought the help of his sons, but the first
exchanged his own youth for the old age of his father and incurred no sin or blame
because he did so in obedience to his fathers command. (14)
0fa sfa fr= af rf fa
a r f fa + {+
Do.: anucita ucita bicru taji je plahi

pitu baina,
te bhjana sukha sujasa ke basahi

amarapati aina.174.
Those who cherish their fathers word, minding not whether it is reasonable or
otherwise, attain happiness and fair renown and dwell in the abode of Indra (the lord of
immortals). (174)
0f r r r f+
r;f far ar a f r+.{+
ffa a t r f fa ; r r; tr+
r f nrt r r fa rt+.+
f r t fa fza t+
rrf art as r rf rt+.-+
arr r rff r ff ar rff+
r r r r r+.+
Cau.: avasi naresa bacana phura karah u, plahu praj soku pariharahu.
surapura npu pihi paritou, tumha kahu suktu sujasu nahi

beda bidita samata sabah k, jehi pitu dei so pvai k.
karahu rju pariharahu galn, mnahu mora bacana hita jn.2.
suni sukhu lahaba rma baideh

, anucita kahaba na paita keh

kausalydi sakala mahatr

, teu praj sukha hohi


parama tumhra rma kara jnihi, so saba bidhi tumha sana bhala mnihi.
sau pehu rju rma ke e , sev karehu saneha suhe .4.
Therefore, you needs must redeem the kings word; cherish your subjects and
cease to grieve. The king in heaven will derive solace, while you will earn merit and good
fame and shall incur no blame. It is well known in the Vedas and has the sanction of all
that the crown goes to him on whom the father bestows it. Therefore, rule the kingdom,
feel no remorse and accept my advice as salutary. Rma and Videhas daughter (St)
will be gratified when they hear of it and no wise man will call it wrong. Kausaly and all
the other mothers too will be happy in the happiness of the people. Nay, he who will know
the supreme affinity between you and Rma, will have perfect goodwill towards you.
When Rma returns home you may hand over the kingdom to him and serve him with
ideal affection. (14)
four of them declined. It was only the fifth and youngest son, Puru, who willingly parted with his own youth and
accepted the old age of his father. After enjoying life for a few more years Yayti got disgusted with the world and
retired to the woods, returning the youth of his youngest son and crowning him king in preference to his elder
brothers, who had all disappointed him. Even though Yayti had made use of his sons youth in enjoying life with
his mother, the son incurred no sin because he had agreed to this arrangement only to please his father and
made a unique sacrifice for his sake.
0tf n r f f f rf
rrfa r sfa a a rf+ {~+
Do.: kjia gura yasu avasi kahahi

saciva kara jori,

raghupati e ucita jasa tasa taba karaba bahori.175.
The ministers submitted with joined palms: You needs must obey the order of
your preceptor. When the Lord of Raghus comes back, you may do what you think fit
then. (175)
0rr f t ; a n r ;+
r rf f fa rt af fr r nfa rt+.{+
rrfa r ar f rfa ara r+
f r f r art a r+.+
f ff r r fr; t ra f r;+
f f n r r rf f +.-+
n f f a f fa +
t rf ra rt t rt+.+
Cau.: kausaly dhari dhraju kahai, puta pathya gura yasu aha.
so daria karia hita mn, tajia bidu kla gati jn.1.
bana raghupati surapura naranh u, tumha ehi bh

ti tta kadarh u.
parijana praj saciva saba ab, tumhah suta saba kaha avalab.2.
lakhi bidhi bma klu kahin, dhraju dharahu mtu bali j.
sira dhari gura yasu anusarah u, praj pli parijana dukhu harahu.3.
gura ke bacana saciva abhinadanu, sune bharata hiya hita janu cadanu.
sun bahori mtu mdu bn, sla saneha sarala rasa sn.4.
Summoning courage Kausaly said, Salutary, my son, is your Gurus command;
the same should be respected and obeyed by you as conducive to your good. Cease
to grieve realizing the vicissitudes of life. The Lord of Raghus is in the forest and the king
is in heaven (the abode of gods); while you, my son, are thus giving way to faint-
heartedness. You, my child, are the only support of all including your family, subjects,
ministers and all your mothers. Perceiving the antipathy of God and the relentlessness
of fate, I adjure you by my life to have courage. Reverently obey your Gurus command,
cherish your subjects and relieve the affliction of your family. Bharata listened to the
advice of his preceptor and the ministers, appeal endorsing the same, which were as
soothing to his heart as sandal-paste. He further heard the mothers soft words imbued
with the nectar of amiability, affection and guilelessness. (14)
U0rt ra rt f a r
r r= na ta f s +
r r a af ft f f t
at ra r t t+
cha.: sn sarala rasa mtu bn suni bharatu bykula bhae,
locana saroruha sravata s

cata biraha ura akura nae.

so das dekhata samaya tehi bisar sabahi sudhi deha k,
tulas sarhata sakala sdara sva sahaja saneha k.
Bharata grew restless when he heard mother Kausalys speech imbued as it was
with the nectar of sincerity. His lotus eyes shed tears that watered the fresh shoots of
desolation in his heart. All those who saw his condition at that time forgot their own
existence. Everyone, says Tulasdsa; reverently extolled him as the perfection of
artless love.
0a rf t t f
f rf a sfa s-r f+ {+
So.: bharatu kamala kara jori dhra dhuradhara dhra dhari,
bacana amia janu bori deta ucita uttara sabahi.176.
Joining his lotus palms, Bharata, who was foremost among the strong-minded,
took courage and proceeded to give befitting replies to all in words steeped as it were
in nectar. (176)
0rf s t- n tr r f a t r+
ra sfa f r t-r f t f rs t-r+.{+
n fa ra trf fa rt f fa f f rt+
sfa f fa f fr= r; f ra r=+.+
ar a f r; r ra r r;+
uf ra s t af ra far t +.-+
ar f rf f rf a fr +
a= s r fa r n nf r+.+
Cau.: mohi upadesu dnha gura nk, praj saciva samata sabah k.
mtu ucita dhari yasu dnh, avasi ssa dhari chau knh.1.
gura pitu mtu svmi hita bn, suni mana mudita karia bhali jn.
ucita ki anucita kie bicru, dharamu ji sira ptaka bhru.2.
tumha tau dehu sarala sikha so, jo carata mora bhala ho.
jadyapi yaha samujhata hau nke , tadapi hota paritou na j ke .3.
aba tumha binaya mori suni lehu, mohi anuharata sikhvanu dehu.
utaru deu chamaba apardh u, dukhita doa guna ganahi

na sdhu.4.
My preceptor has given me excellent advice, which has been endorsed by my
subjects, ministers and all. Mother (Kausaly) too has enjoined on me what she has
thought fit and which I certainly wish to carry out with reverence. The advice of ones
preceptor, parents, master and friend ought to be acted upon with a cheerful heart as
conducive to ones good. By pausing to think whether it is right or wrong one fails in
ones duty and incurs a load of sin. You are surely giving me sincere advice which, if
followed, will do me good. Even though I fully realize this, my heart is not satisfied. Now
hear my request and give me advice that may suit me. Forgive me my presumption in
returning an answer to you; for good people reckon not the virtues or faults of the
distressed. (14)
0fa f r rf r
f a r r fa r z r+ {+
Do.: pitu surapura siya rmu bana karana kahahu mohi rju,
ehi te jnahu mora hita kai pana baRa kju.177.
My father is in heaven and both St and Rma are in the woods, whereas you
ask me to rule the kingdom. Do you think this will do me good or you expect some
unusual gain to yourself from this arrangement? (177)
0fa r ffa r; r f t- ra fr;+
rf t rt r sr r fa rt+.{+
r r r f r f f +
rf f r= rf ffa f zrfr=+.+
= t rf rnr f fnfa r rnr+
r t f r; rf r f rrr;+.-+
rs r f r f r r fa +
rf f r rs zar +.+
Cau.: hita hamra siyapati sevak

, so hari lnha mtu kuil


anumni dkha mana mh

, na upya mora hita nh

soka samju rju kehi lekhe , lakhana rma siya binu pada dekhe .
bdi basana binu bhuana bhru, bdi birati binu brahmabicru.2.
saruja sarra bdi bahu bhog, binu haribhagati jya japa jog.
jya jva binu deha suh, bdi mora sabu binu raghur.3.
ju rma pahi

yasu dehu, ekahi

ka mora hita eh u.
mohi npa kari bhala panacahahu, sou saneha jaRat basa kahahu.4.
My good lies in the service of r Rma, although I have been deprived of that
privilege through my mothers perversity. I have pondered in my heart and realized that
my good lies in no other way. Of what account is this kingdom, which is nothing but an
abode of sorrow, when the feet of Lakmaa, Rma and St are no longer to be seen?
A load of jewels is of no use without clothes; an enquiry about Brahma (the Absolute)
is of little use without dispassion; abundant enjoyments are of no use to a diseased body;
of little use are Japa (muttering of prayers) and Yoga (exercises of mind-control) without
devotion to r Hari. A handsome body is of no use without life and all I have is naught
without the Lord of Raghus. Grant me leave to go where Rma is; my good exclusively
lies in this. And if you urge that you seek your own good by crowning me king, you say
so only through ignorance caused by affection. (14)
0; ffa r f nar
ar ra r rf r+ {c+
Do.: kaike sua kuilamati rma bimukha gatalja,
tumha chata sukhu mohabasa mohi se adhama ke rja.178.
It is through infatuation that you expect happiness from the reign of a wretch like
me, who is Kaikeys son, of perverted intellect, hostile to Rma and lost to shame. (178)
0s r f far rf t r+
rf r f ; t r ra r;f at+.{+
rf r r rfr f fn t r r+
r r r t-r fa n t-r+.+
a ra s a+
f rrt frf r r f n sr+.-+
r ta f = r f rn +
fn r z fr; ff f f t zr;+.+
Cau.: kahau s

cu saba suni patih u, chia dharamasla naranhu.

mohi rju hahi deihahu jabah

, ras rastala jihi tabah

mohi samna ko ppanivsu, jehi lagi sya rma banabsu.
rya rma kahu knanu dnh, bichurata gamanu amarapura knh.2.

sahu saba anaratha karahetu, baiha bta saba sunau sacetu.

binu raghubra biloki absu, rahe prna sahi jaga upahsu.3.
rma punta biaya rasa rukhe, lolupa bhumi bhoga ke bhukhe.
kaha lagi kahau hdaya kahin, nidari kulisu jehi

lah baR.4.
I tell you the truth: you should all listen and believe what I say. A virtuous man
alone should be crowned as king. The moment you instal me on the throne perforce the
earth will sink into the lowest depths. Who is such an inveterate sinner as I, on whose
account St and Rma have been exiled into the forest? The king sent Rma into exile
and himself ascended to heaven the moment the latter left him. My wretched self, which
is the root of all evil, is sitting quietly and hears all talk unmoved. Even though I find the
palace without Rma, I have survived and endured the worlds jeers. Devoid of attraction
for r Rma, who is a sacred object of love, my soul is rapacious and hungers for land
(dominion) and enjoyment. I have no words to depict the cruelty of my heart that has
attained notoriety by surpassing even adamant. (14)
0r a r f r; r f r
f ft a s a r r r+ {+
Do.: krana te kraju kahina hoi dosu nahi

kulisa asthi te upala te loha karla kahora.179.
An effect is as a rule harder than its cause and I am not to blame for it. The
thunderbolt* is more formidable and harder than bone (of which it was made) and iron
than rock (from which it is quarried). (179)
* The story as to how the thunderbolt was made out of the bones of the philanthropic sage Dadhci
(who gave up his life in the interest of the gods) has been told in the account of this sage, which appears in the
footnote below the Caups following Doh 29 above.
0; a rn r r rrr; rn+
f f r f rn a rn+.{+
r f t-r ; fa fa t-r+
t- f r t-s f r ar+.+
rf t- r t- ; r+
f a r r tr a f ar tr+.-+
; f n rt rf fa rt+
rf ra fff r; r r a r;+.+
Cau.: kaike bhava tanu anurge, pva ra prna aghi abhge.
jau priya biraha prna priya lge, dekhaba sunaba bahuta aba ge.1.
lakhana rma siya kahu banudnh, pahai amarapura pati hita knh.
lnha bidhavapana apajasu pu, dnheu prajahi soku satpu.2.
mohi dnha sukhu sujasu surju, knha kaika

saba kara kj u.
ehi te mora kha aba nk, tehi para dena kahahu tumha k.3.
kaikai jahara janami jaga mh

, yaha mohi kaha kachu anucita nh

mori bta saba bidhihi

ban, praj p

ca kata karahu sah.4.

Clinging to this body born of Kaikey, my wretched life is exceedingly unfortunate.
When life has been dear to me even though I have been torn from my beloved brother,
I shall have much to see and hear yet. Kaikey has sent Lakmaa, Rma and St into
exile and has done a good turn to her husband by despatching him to the abode of
immortals; she has taken widowhood and infamy upon herself and bestowed grief and
affliction on the people; and to me she has allotted happiness, good reputation and a
thriving kingdom; in this way she has served the interests of all. I cannot expect greater
good than this at present; over and above that you proclaim your intention to crown me
king. Since I have been born into this world through Kaikeys womb, this is not at all
unbecoming of me. God Himself has accomplished everything for me; why, then, should
you all as well as the people help my cause? (14)
0n nta f ra af f tt r
af fr; r=t r sr+ {c+
Do.: graha grahta puni bta basa tehi puni bch mra,
tehi piia brun kahahu kha upacra.180.
If a man under the evil influence of planets (who is possessed by some evil spirit)
and is also affected by delirium and has been further stung by a scorpion is given a cup
of wine, tell me, what kind of treatment is this? (180)
0; rn n r; a ff t- rf r;+
a r rr r; tf- rf ff rf zr;+.{+
ar r tr r r tr+
sa= s f ff f t r =f t+.+
rf ra a fr; ff t- r;+
r f r r rt f f r rf rt+.-+
rf z r f r f r+
t ; sfa r +.+
Cau.: kaikai suana jogu jaga jo, catura biraci dnha mohi so.
dasaratha tanaya rma laghu bh, dnhi mohi bidhi bdi baR.1.
tumha saba kahahu kaRhvana k, rya rajyasu saba kaha nk.
utaru deu kehi bidhi kehi keh, kahahu sukhena jath ruci jeh.2.
mohi kumtu sameta bih, kahahu kahihi ke knha bhal.
mo binu ko sacarcara mh

, jehi siya rmu prnapriya nh

parama hni saba kaha baRa lhu, adinu mora nahi

duana khu.
sasaya sla prema basa ahah u, sabui ucita saba jo kachu kahahu.4.
God in His wisdom has ordained for me everything in this world that is worthy of
Kaikeys son. He has, however, bestowed on me in vain the honour of being a son of
king Daaratha and a younger brother of r Rma. All of you urge me to accept the
throne and the kings command is good for all. How shall I answer all individually? Let
everyone gladly say what one pleases. Barring me and my vile mother, tell me, who will
say the right thing has been done? Excepting myself who is there in the whole animate
and inanimate creation that does not love St and Rma as ones own life? What is most
baneful appears to you all as a mighty gain; this is my misfortune and none is to be
blamed for it. You are in the grip of doubt, amiability and affection; and whatever you all
say is right. (14)
0r ra f fa r ff
; r rf tar f+ {c{+
Do.: rma mtu suhi saralacita mo para premu bisei,
kahai subhya saneha basa mori dnat dekhi.181.
r Rmas mother (Kausaly) is most guileless of heart and loves me in a
special degree. Finding me in distress she has said all this under impulse of natural
affection. (181)
0n f rn n rr f-f ft rr+
r fa r r ff f f r+.{+
ff r t n rt rs ff r a rt+
r rt a t ar rt+.+
z= rf n ff f r r rf r+
; s rt rf fn f r rt+.-+
t r rr af r rr+
r rr rnt r r fars rnt+.+
Cau.: gura bibeka sgara jagu jn, jinhahi bisva kara badara samn.
mo kaha tilaka sja saja sou, bhae bidhi bimukha bimukha sabu ko u.1.
parihari rmu sya jaga mh

, kou na kahihi mora mata nh

so mai

sunaba sahaba sukhu mn, atahu kca tah

jaha pn.2.
aru na mohi jaga kahihi ki pocu, paralokahu kara nhina socu.
ekai ura basa dusaha davr, mohi lagi bhe siya rmu dukhr.3.
jvana lhu lakhana bhala pv, sabu taji rma carana manu lv.
mora janama raghubara bana lg, jhuha kha pachitu abhg.4.
My Guru (Vasiha) as all the world knows, is an ocean of wisdom; the universe
is like a plum in the palm of his hand*. Even he is making preparations for my coronation;
when Fate is adverse, everyone else turns hostile. With the exception of r Rma and
St no one in this world will say the plot did not have my approval. All this I must hear
and endure with a cheerful heart; for wherever there is water mud must be there
eventually. I shudder not to think that the world will call me vile; and I have little anxiety
about the other world either. There is one terrible anguish that plagues my heart; it is that
St and Rma are suffering hardships on my account. Lakmaa has fully reaped the
reward of his existence; discarding everything else, he has fixed his mind on r Rmas
feet. As for myself I was born for r Rmas banishment; in vain do I lament, wretched
that I am. (14)
0rf r= tar s f f= r;
f rrr f f r;+ {c+
Do.: pani druna dnat kahau sabahi siru ni,
dekhe binu raghuntha pada jiya kai jarani na ji.182.
Bowing my head to all I lay open my terrible distress before you. Unless I behold
r Rmas feet the agony of my soul shall not go. (182)
0r srs rf f rr r f rr f rr+
f r ;; rt rar fs rt+.{+
uf rt rf r srt+
af rf t f ff r ft+.+
t f r r rrr+
f t- rr f uf rr+.-+
ar r r rt r rf rt+
f f f rf rt rf f r rt+.+
Cau.: na upu mohi nahi

sujh, ko jiya kai raghubara binu bujh.


ka ihai mana mh

, prtakla calihau prabhu ph

jadyapi mai

anabhala apardh, bhai mohi krana sakala updh.

tadapi sarana sanamukha mohi dekh, chami saba karihahi

kp bise.2.
sla sakuca suhi sarala subh u, kp saneha sadana raghuru.
arihuka anabhala knha na rm, mai

sisu sevaka jadyapi bm.3.

tumha pai p

ca mora bhala mn, yasu sia dehu subn.


suni binaya mohi janu jn, vahi

bahuri rmu rajadhn.4.

* It is an idiomatic way of saying that the secrets of the world are intimately known to him.
I find no other remedy. Who else than the Chief of Raghus can know what passes
in my heart? There is only one resolve in my mind; at daybreak I must proceed to meet
the Lord. Even though I am a vile offender and am at the root of all troubles, yet when
the Lord finds me before him in a suppliant mien he will forgive all my faults and shower
his special grace on me. The Lord of Raghus is an embodiment of amiability, meekness,
extreme guilelessness of disposition, compassion and love. r Rma has never injured
even an enemy, to say nothing of me, a mere child and his servant too, though hostile
to him. Therefore, do allow me, all of you, to depart and bless me in an auspicious strain
knowing it to be for my good, so that on hearing my supplication and recognizing me as
his servant r Rma may return to his capital. (14)
0uf ra a r r
r rf -rfnf rf rrt r+ {c-+
Do.: jadyapi janamu kumtu te mai

sahu sad sadosa,

pana jni na tygihahi

mohi raghubra bharosa.183.

Though I am born of a wicked mother and am myself a rogue and ever guilty, I
am confident of Rma that he will never forsake me knowing me for his own. (183)
0a f rn r r rn+
rn frn f f rn r t a rn+.{+
ra f n rt f rt+
af f rf rt r fa a rt+.+
ara a r r r r f +
r r= t zar; arf nr; ra fr;+.-+
r rf = ar ff a far+
f rr n f f n; ; n rf ;+.+
Cau.: bharata bacana saba kaha priya lge, rma saneha sudh

janu pge.
loga biyoga biama bia dge, matra sabja sunata janu jge.1.
mtu saciva gura pura nara nr, sakala saneha bikala bhae bhr.
bharatahi kahahi

sarhi sarh, rma prema m urati tanu h.2.

tta bharata asa khe na kahah u, prna samna rma priya ahahu.
jo pva ru apan jaRat

, tumhahi sugi mtu kuil

so sahu koika purua samet, basihi kalapa sata naraka niket.
ahi agha avaguna nahi

mani gaha, harai garala dukha drida daha.4.

Bharatas words pleased all, imbued as they were with the nectar of devotion
to r Rma. The people who had been burning with the deadly poison of separation
from r Rma were roused to their senses on hearing as it were a charm against
snake poison alongwith its seed-letter.* The mothers, the ministers, the preceptor
and the people of the city, all were overwhelmed with emotion. They praised Bharata
* According to the Tantras (a sacred literature dealing with the worship of deities) there are mystic
formulas sacred to every deity, which if repeated with genuine faith and in accordance with certain prescribed
rules help the realization of that deity. Every such Mantra has also got a Bja Mantra consisting of a single
letter with m added to it. This seed-letter, if prefixed to the Mantra itself, enhances its potency.
again and again and said, Your body is the very personification of affection for r
Rma. It is no wonder that you should say so, dear Bharata, since you are dear
to Rma as his own life. The vile man who through his ignorance hates you because
of your mothers perversity, the wretch shall abide in hell for a hundred Kalpas (cycles)
with millions of his past generations. A gem on the head of a serpent is not affected
by the sins and faults of the serpent; on the other hand, it counteracts poison and
destroys burns to ashes, sorrow and indigence. (14)
0f f r a r t-
r f za f ar t-+ {c+
Do.: avasi calia bana rmu jaha bharata matru bhala knha,
soka sidhu buRata sabahi tumha avalabanu dnha.184.
Bharata, you have thought out a good plan; by all means let us proceed to the
woods where r Rma is. You have held out a helping hand to us all while we were
being drowned in an ocean of grief. (184)
0r r rr rr f f ra rr+
a ra f fs t a rf t +.{+
ff f af f= r; rr fr r;+
- a t n rt t ra rt+.+
f r z r rf r+
f rf rr rt r r; nf rt+.-+
rs f f r r ; n t r+.+
Cau.: bh saba ke mana modu na thor, janu ghana dhuni suni ctaka mor.
calata prta lakhi niranau nke, bharatu prnapriya bhe sabah ke.1.
munihi badi bharatahi siru n, cale sakala ghara bid kar.
dhanya bharata jvanu jaga mh

, slu sanehu sarhata jh


parasapara bh baRa kju, sakala calai kara sjahi

sj u.
jehi rkhahi

rahu ghara rakhavr, so jnai janu garadani mr.3.

kou kaha rahana kahia nahi

kh u, ko na cahai jaga jvana lhu.4.

Everyone felt as great a joy as when the Ctaka birds and peacocks hear a clap
of thunder. When the people came to know Bharatas welcome resolve to start the very
next morning, they all began to love him as their own life. After reverencing the sage and
bowing their head to Bharata they all took leave and proceeded to their respective homes
praising as they went his amiability and affection and exclaiming, Blessed is Bharatas
life in this world! They said to one another, A great object has been accomplished!
Everyone began to make preparations for the journey. Whomsoever they left behind
saying You should stay behind to guard the house, felt as if he was smitten on the
neck. Someone said, Nobody should be asked to remain behind; who in this world
would not have the reward of his life? (14)
0s r fa z ra fa r;
ra r r r;+ {c~+
Do.: jarau so sapati sadana sukhu suhda mtu pitu bhi,
sanamukha hota jo rma pada karai na sahasa sahi.185.
Perish that property, house, happiness, friend, father, mother or brother, who
does not gladly help one turn ones face towards r Rmas feet! (185)
0rr rr rf r rr z ra rr+
a r; rr t- fr= n= rf n zr=+.{+
fa rrfa rt f a af art+
a fr rf r; r frf r; rr;+.+
; trf fa r; rf ; f r;+
frf f r f zr+.-+
f rr r f r r af rr+
f a rf r r ra f a fr+.+
Cau.: ghara ghara sjahi

bhana nn, harau hdaya parabhta payn.

bharata ji ghara knha bicru, nagaru bji gaja bhavana bha r u.1.
sapati saba raghupati kai h, jau binu jatana calau taji th.
tau parinma na mori bhal, ppa siromani si

karai svmi hita sevaku so, duana koi dei kina ko.
asa bicri suci sevaka bole, je sapanehu nija dharama na ole.3.
kahi sabu maramu dharamu bhala bh, jo jehi lyaka so tehi

kari sabu jatanu rkhi rakhavre, rma mtu pahi

bharatu sidhre.4.
In every house they got ready vehicles of various kinds; their soul rejoiced at
the thought of starting early next morning. On reaching his own apartments Bharata
thought to himself: The city, horses, elephants, houses and the treasuryeverything
belongs to the Lord of Raghus. If I leave it unprotected, the result will not be good
for me; for disloyalty to ones master is the greatest of all sins. A servant is he who
serves the interests of his master, no matter if anyone brings millions of imputations
against him. Pondering thus he summoned faithful servants who had never dreamt
of flinching from their duty. Confiding to them all the secrets he taught them their
paramount duty and entrusted them with the work for which they were severally fit.
After making all arrangements and posting guards Bharata went to r Rmas mother
(Kausaly). (14)
0ra t rf a r
s r rt r r+ {c+
Do.: rata janan

jni saba bharata saneha sujna,

kaheu banvana plak

sajana sukhsana jna.186.

Knowing all the mothers in distress, Bharata, who understood the ways of love,
ordered palanquins to be got ready and sedan-chairs to be equipped. (186)
0a fa ff rt a ra s ra rt+
rna ff s frr a rr f rr+.{+
s fa r f f rf r+
fn f f rr aa an rn r+.+
=at = fnf r f fr+
f f r rr a a frr+.-+
n rn f f rr fr t- rr+
ffr n rf rt f f a ; rt+.+
Cau.: cakka cakki jimi pura nara nr, cahata prta ura rata bhr.
jgata saba nisi bhayau bihn, bharata bole saciva sujn.1.
kaheu lehu sabu tilaka samju, banahi

deba muni rmahi rj u.

begi calahu suni saciva johre, turata turaga ratha nga sa vre.2.
arudhat aru agini sam u, ratha caRhi cale prathama muniru.
bipra bda caRhi bhana nn, cale sakala tapa teja nidhn.3.
nagara loga saba saji saji jn, citrakua kaha knha payn.
sibik subhaga na jhi

bakhn, caRhi caRhi calata bha

saba rn.4.
Much afflicted at heart like the male and female Cakravka birds, the men and
women of the city longed for the dawn. They kept awake the whole night till it was
daybreak, when Bharata summoned his wise counsellors and said to them, Take all that
is necessary for the installations ceremony; the sage (Vasiha) will crown r Rma
even in the forest. Start expeditiously. Hearing this the ministers greeted him and had
the horses, chariots and elephants immediately equipped. Taking with him his wife,
Arundhat, and the requisites for Agnihotra* (offering oblations into the sacred fire) the
chief of sages, Vasiha, was the first to mount the chariot and led the way. Hosts of
Brhmaas, who were all repositories of austerity and spiritual glow followed in vehicles
of various kinds. The people of the city followed next; having equipped their own
conveyances they all left for Citrakua. All the queens journeyed in palanquins which
were lovely beyond words. (14)
0f n f f r r;
ff r f a a rs r;+ {c+
Do.: sau pi nagara suci sevakani sdara sakala cali,
sumiri rma siya carana taba cale bharata dou bhi.187.
Leaving the city in the charge of faithful servants and respectfully sending the
whole party ahead, the two brothers, Bharata and atrughna, started last of all,
remembering the feet of r Rma and St. (187)
0r rt f ff af rt+
f r fr rt r a rf rt+.{+
f rn rn saf n -rn+
r; t rf f zrt r ra rt rt+.+
* In ancient times, as a general rule, every Brhmaa maintained the sacred fire and kept it
perpetually alive till his death, when he was cremated with the same fire. He carried it with him wherever he
went and poured oblations into it every morning and evening.
ara f art r;f f fr= rt+
ar a ff rn r f n rn+.-+
f f f= r; f a rs r;+
ar f f r nrfa at fr+.+
Cau.: rma darasa basa saba nara nr, janu kari karini cale taki br.
bana siya rmu samujhi mana mh

, snuja bharata paydehi


dekhi sanehu loga anurge, utari cale haya gaya ratha tyge.
ji sampa rkhi nija ol, rma mtu mdu bn bol.2.
tta caRhahu ratha bali mahatr, hoihi priya parivru dukhr.
tumhare calata calihi sabu logu, sakala soka ksa nahi

maga jog u.3.

sira dhari bacana carana siru n, ratha caRhi calata bhae dou bh.
tamas prathama divasa kari bs u, d usara gomati tra nivs u.4.
Seized with a longing for the sight of r Rma, all the people, including both men
and women, headed with the same zeal as male and female elephants rush in pursuit
of water. Realizing in their heart that St and Rma were in the woods Bharata and
his younger brother journeyed on foot. Seeing their affection the people were overcome
with emotion and dismounting walked on foot, leaving their horses, elephants and
chariots. Going up to Bharata r Rmas mother (Kausaly) stopped her palanquin by
his side and spoke in soft accents, I adjure you by my life to mount the chariot, dear
child; or else all our near and dear ones will be put to trouble. If you walk on foot the
whole party will follow suit and you know they are all wasted with sorrow and hardly
fit to undertake the journey on foot. Reverently obeying her command and bowing their
head at her feet the two brothers mounted their chariot and proceeded on the journey.
They halted the first day on the bank of the Tamas* river and made the next halt on
the bank of the Gomat. (14)
0 r ff r rn
a r fa a ff rn+ {cc+
Do.: paya ahra phala asana eka nisi bhojana eka loga,
karata rma hita nema brata parihari bhuana bhoga.188.
Some of them lived on milk and some on fruits; while others took their meals by
night. Renouncing ornaments and luxuries they observed vows and fasts for the sake
of r Rma. (188)
0; at f fr n fr+
rr frr z fr ; frr+.{+
r a rt rs rt+
f rfa fr; a a t- n r;+.+
rf r rf rt s r rt+
a rtfa s rt a t rt+.-+
* The Tamas (now popularly known by the name of Tons) is a branch of Ghghar which leaves that
river about 10 miles from Ayodhy and after flowing past the town of Azamgarh falls into the Sarayu.
r f rrr rf tafrr+
r r a t f f f f t+.+
Cau.: sa tra basi cale bihne, sgaberapura saba niarne.
samcra saba sune nid, hdaya bicra karai sabid.1.
krana kavana bharatu bana jh

, hai kachu kapaa bhu mana mh

jau pai jiya na hoti kuil, tau kata lnha saga kaak.2.

snuja rmahi mr, karau akaaka rju sukhr.

bharata na rjanti ura n, taba kalaku aba jvana hn.3.
sakala sursura jurahi

jujhr, rmahi samara na jtanihr.

k caraju bharatu asa karah

, nah

bia beli amia phala pharah

Halting on the bank of the Sa* river they resumed their journey at daybreak and
the whole party drew near to gaverapura. When the Nida chief (Guha) heard the
whole story, he anxiously thought within himself: What motive can Bharata have in
journeying to the woods? He must have some evil design at heart. If he had no
mischievous intention at heart, why should he have brought an army with him? He must
have thought that after killing Rma and his younger brother (Lakmaa) he would reign
peacefully and happily. But Bharata did not take to heart the maxims of sound polity;
latterly he brought on himself stigma alone but this time he will meet a sure death. If all
the warriors among the gods and demons combine against r Rma, even they will fail
to conquer him in battle. But what wonder that Bharata should behave as he is doing;
for venomous plants, after all, can never bear fruits of ambrosia. (14)
0 frf n rfa s n r
r r af tf rrrrr+ {c+
Do.: asa bicri guha gyti sana kaheu sajaga saba hohu,

sahu borahu tarani kjia ghrohu.189.

Pondering thus Guha said to his kinsmen, Be alert all of you; collect the boats
and sink them and blockade the ghats (flight of steps leading to the river landing-
place). (189)
0r r; r rrrr r rr+
r a fa f sa +.{+
f f atr r r n tr+
a r; t z rn f r; t+.+
trf r fs rt fs rt+
as r rrr fr r r r+.-+
r r r r r na r r+
r fa n r fr= t f r=+.+
* The Sa rises about midway between the Gomat and the Gag and falls into the former 10 miles
below the city of Jaunpur.
The site of the ancient gaverapura is marked by a village bearing the same name under the
modernized form Singraur 22 miles to the north-west of Allahabad. The Gag has changed its course and
only a small branch now flows through the old channel.
Cau.: hohu sa joila rokahu gh, hahu sakala marai ke h.
sanamukha loha bharata sana leu

, jiata na surasari utarana de u

samara maranu puni surasari tr, rma kju chanabhagu sarr.
bharata bhi npu mai

jana ncu, baRe bhga asi pia mc u.2.

svmi kja karihau rana rr, jasa dhavalihau bhuvana dasa cr.
tajau prna raghuntha nihore , duhu

htha muda modaka more .3.

sdhu samja na jkara lekh, rma bhagata mahu jsu na rekh.
jya jiata jaga so mahibhru, janan jaubana biapa kuhru.4.
Equip yourself and blockade the ghats; be prepared in everyway to face death. I
will encounter Bharata in open combat and would not let him cross the Gag so long
as there is life in me. To die in battle and that too on the bank of the Gag; and to lay
down this frail body in r Rmas cause! Then Bharata is r Rmas own brother and
a king; while I am an humble servant! It is through a great good fortune that one meets
with a death like this. In the cause of my master I will fight on the battlefield and will
brighten the fourteen spheres with my glory. I am going to lay down my life for the sake
of r Rma (the Lord of Raghus) and will be a gainer either way. (If I win the battle I
will have served the cause of my master, and if I die I will attain the eternal abode of
the Lord and his constant service.) He who is not reckoned among the virtuous and is
neither counted among r Rmas devotees, lives in vain in this world; he is a veritable
burden to the earth and an axe to the tree of his mothers youth. (14)
0fna fr frfa f r; sr
ff r rns aa a r+ {+
Do.: bigata bida nidapati sabahi baRhi uchhu,
sumiri rma mgeu turata tarakasa dhanua sanhu.190.
The Nida chief, who was not the least troubled at heart, encouraged all and, fixing
his thought on r Rma, forthwith demanded his quiver, bow and coat of mail. (190)
0n r; r f r; r; r+
f r f r f r; r+.{+
fr rrf rrt =; rt+
ff r t rt rf r;f- t+.+
nt ff fz f t r r t+
fa rz r z f nn ffa rz+.-+
f f r r r; n rsaf rr r;+
f r r r r+.+
Cau.: begahu bhihu sajahu sa jo u, suni raji kadari na ko u.

ntha saba kahahi

sahara, ekahi

eka baRhvai kara.1.

cale nida johri johr, sura sakala rana rucai rr.
sumiri rma pada pakaja panah

, bhth

dhi caRhinhi dhanah

a gar pahiri k u

Ri sira dharah

, pharas b

sa sela sama karah

eka kusala ati oRana kh

Re, kudahi

gagana manahu chiti ch

nija nija sju samju ban, guha rutahi johre j.
dekhi subhaa saba lyaka jne, lai lai nma sakala sanamne.4.
Make haste, brethren, to get ready the necessary equipment; on hearing my
command, let no one shrink in fear. very well, my lord, they all joyfully responded, and
roused the spirit of one another. Greeting their chief one after another, the Nidas left;
they were all brave and loved to fight on the battlefield. Invoking the shoes of r Rmas
lotus feet they fastened their quiver and strung their bow. Nay, they donned their coat of
mail, placed the helmet on their head and straightened their axe, bludgeon and spear.
Some of them who were exceptionally clever at fencing, sprang with such agility that it
seemed they never touched the ground and moved in the air. Equipping themselves with
their weapons etc., and forming themselves into batches they all went up to their chief,
Guha, and greeted him. Seeing his gallant warriors and finding them all fit for active
service he addressed them, each by his name, and duly honoured them. (14)
0r; r r f r r z rf
f r r t t rf+ {{+
Do.: bhihu lvahu dhokha jani ju kja baRa mohi,
suni saroa bole subhaa bra adhra na hohi.191.
Dont be treacherous (spare not your life), brethren; there is a great issue before
me today. At this the gallant warriors spiritedly exclaimed, Have patience, our brave
chieftain! (191)
0r ar r ar f f f rrr+
ta rs r t =z z ff t+.{+
t frr r s rs rr r+
ar a t ; r s nf- a r+.+

n frt af ff r;f rt+
rf a r rt n ; fn rt+.-+
f n ; t r r f farf fr+
a rs t f r fz fa rf rf f r+.+
Cau.: rma pratpa ntha bala tore, karahi

kaaku binu bhaa binu ghore.

jvata pu na pche dharah

, rua muamaya medini karah

dkha nidantha bhala ol u, kaheu baju jujhu holu.
etan kahata ch

ka bhai b

e, kaheu sagunianha kheta suhe.2.

buRhu eku kaha saguna bicr, bharatahi milia na hoihi rr.
rmahi bharatu manvana jh

, saguna kahai asa bigrahu nh

suni guha kahai nka kaha buRh, sahas kari pachithi

bim uRh.
bharata subhu slu binu bujhe , baRi hita hni jni binu j ujhe .4.
Through the majesty of r Rma and by your might, my lord, we shall leave no
fighting man or horse in the enemys ranks. We shall never retrace our steps so long as
there is life in us; nay, we shall strew the earth with the trunks and heads of fallen
warriors! The Nida chief saw that he had a good band of warriors and exclaimed,
Beat the martial drum. Even as he said so someone sneezed on the left. The sooth-
sayers said, The sneeze has come from an auspicious quarter! (The issue will be a happy
one.) An old man thought over the meaning of the omen and exclaimed, Let us go and
meet Bharata; there will be no conflict. Bharata is out to persuade r Rma to return.
The omen tells us that there will be no discord. On hearing this Guha said, The old man
says aright. Fools act precipitately and repent. If we come to a clash without knowing
Bharatas intentions and ascertaining his temper and disposition, we shall be doing much
harm to our own cause. (14)
0n rrr ff s ff r;
fr fr f nfa a a fs r;+ {+
Do.: gahahu gha bhaa samii saba leu marama mili ji,
bujhi mitra ari madhya gati tasa taba karihau i.192.
Close up, all my warriors, and blockade the ghats till I meet Bharata and find out
what is in his mind. When I have ascertained his friendly, hostile or neutral attitude I shall
act accordingly after that. (192)
0 r r = tfa f ; r+
f r rn n n rn+.{+
t t rt r f f r r- r+
f r f f fr n n r+.+
f f a f f r t- tf z r+
rf rf tf- tr af s rr; tr+.-+
r r f -rnr saf sna rnr+
nrs rfa n rs r; t- rr= r f r;+.+
Cau.: lakhaba sanehu subhya suhe , bairu prti nahi


dure .
asa kahi bhe a sa jovana lge, kada mula phala khaga mga mge.1.
mna pna phna purne, bhari bhari bhra kahranha ne.
milana sju saji milana sidhe, magala mula saguna subha pe.2.
dekhi duri te kahi nija nmu, knha munsahi daa pranmu.
jni rmapriya dnhi ass, bharatahi kaheu bujhi muns.3.
rma sakh suni sadanu tyg, cale utari umagata anurg.
gau jti guha nu sun, knha johru mtha mahi l.4.
I shall test his love on the touchstone of his friendly disposition; for hatred and
love cannot be disguised even if one tries to do so. So saying he began to collect
articles for making a present and sent for bulbs, roots and fruits as well as birds and
deer. Men of the porter class also brought loads of fat and ripe fish of the Phna*
species. Thus equipping himself with presents he proceeded to meet Bharata and met
with auspicious and happy omens. As soon as he saw the chief of sages, Vasiha, he
mentioned his own name and prostrated himself before the sage from a distance. The
sage, who knew him to be a friend of r Rma, bestowed his blessing on him and told
Bharata in detail about him. Hearing that he was a friend of r Rma, Bharata alighted
* The Phna is said to be a kind of sea-fish, the Silurus Pelorius or Boalis.
from his chariot and, leaving it behind, advanced towards him with a heart overflowing
with love. Guha, on his part mentioned his village, caste and name and greeted him by
placing his head on the ground. (14)
0a za f af a t- s r;
; z r;+ {-+
Do.: karata daavata dekhi tehi bharata lnha ura li,
manahu lakhana sana bhe a bhai premu na hdaya sami.193.
When Bharata saw him falling prostrate on the ground he lifted him and pressed
him to his bosom. He felt as if he had met Lakmaa and the surging emotion of his heart
could not be repressed. (193)
0a a arf fa tat rn frf tat+
- - f n r rf af ff r+.{+
r rfaf tr r r ; ; tr+
af f r rr rar fa ffa nrar+.+
r r f rt fa-f r rt+
a r r; s t-r a n r t-r+.-+
r f ; af r t f ;+
sr r a n rr rtf zr rr+.+
Cau.: bhe ata bharatu thi ati prt, loga sihhi

prema kai rt.
dhanya dhanya dhuni magala mul, sura sarhi tehi barisahi

ph ul.1.
loka beda saba bh


nc, jsu ch

ha chui leia s

tehi bhari aka rma laghu bhrt, milata pulaka parip urita gt.2.
rma rma kahi je jamuhh

, tinhahi na ppa puja samuhh

yaha tau rma li ura lnh, kula sameta jagu pvana knh.3.
karamansa jalu surasari parai, tehi ko kahahu ssa nahi

ula nmu japata jagu jn, blamki bhae brahma samn.4.
Bharata embraced him with great affection and the people admired the mode of his
love. Raising a jubilant cry of applause the gods extolled him and rained flowers on him.
This man is low in the eyes of the world as well as from the point of view of the Vedas,
so much so that one must bathe even on crossing his shadow. Yet r Rmas younger
brother, Bharata, has met him in close embrace, his body thrilling all over with joy. Hosts
of sins turn away from them who utter the name of Rma even while yawning. As for
this man he was embraced by r Rma Himself, who thereby bestowed on him and his
family the efficacy of sanctifying the whole world. When the water of the Karmans joins
the celestial stream (the Gag) tell me who would not place it on his head ! The whole
world knows how Vlmki became as good as Brahma (God Himself) by repeating the
name (Rma) in the reverse way (as Mar). (14)
0t z r r fra
r a r ra f=ra+ {+
Do.: svapaca sabara khasa jamana jaRa pva ra kola kirta,
rmu kahata pvana parama hota bhuvana bikhyta.194.
Even a pariah*, a abara (Bhla), a Khs, the stupid barbarian and the vile Kola
and Kirta get supremely sanctified and get renowned through all the spheres by uttering
the name of Rma. (194)
0f ff n n f r; f tf- rrt zr;+
r r fr t f f rn t+.{+
rf ff a r t n r+
f a t r fr af f+.+
r rr af faa rr+
f t f rt f a rt+.-+
t fa r f t+
n ar fa rf n r+.+
Cau.: nahi aciriju juga juga cali , kehi na dnhi raghubra baR.
rma nma mahim sura kahah

, suni suni avadhaloga sukhu lahah

rmasakhahi mili bharata saprem, pu

ch kusala sumagala khem.

dekhi bharata kara slu sanehu, bh nida tehi samaya bidehu.2.
sakuca sanehu modu mana bRh, bharatahi citavata ekaaka hRh.
dhari dhraju pada badi bahor, binaya saprema karata kara jor.3.
kusala mula pada pakaja pekh, mai

tihu kla kusala nija lekh.

aba prabhu parama anugraha tore , sahita koi kula magala more .4.
It is no wonder; it has been so for ages. Who has not been exalted through contact
with the Hero of Raghus race? In this way the gods glorified r Rmas name and the
people of Ayodhy rejoiced as they heard the praise. Having thus met r Rmas friend
(Guha), Bharata lovingly enquired after his health, welfare and happiness. Seeing
Bharatas amiability and affection on that occasion the Nida forgot all about himself. His
bashfulness, love and souls delight grew; and he stood gazing at Bharata with unwinking
eyes. Collecting himself he bowed at Bharatas feet again and with joined palms lovingly
submitted, Now that I have beheld your lotus feet, which are the very fountain of
happiness, I have accounted myself blessed for all time. And now, my lord, by your
supreme grace my welfare is assured for millions of generations. (14)
0fr rf afa fr f r;
r ; rrt n ff fa r;+ {~+
Do.: samujhi mori karatuti kulu prabhu mahim jiya joi,
jo na bhajai raghubra pada jaga bidhi bacita soi.195.
Remembering my doings and my descent, on the one hand, and realizing the
* The word used in the original is vapaca (lit., one who cooks the flesh of a dog, i.e., lives on the
flesh of dogs; the Kolas and Kirtas are wild mountain tribes; the Khss are another hilly tribe inhabiting
Khasa, a hilly tract in Northern India).
Lords greatness on the other, he who does not devote himself to r Rmas feet has
been befooled in this world by Providence. (195)
0t r fa rat r r rat+
r t- r t a s at a+.{+
f tfa f f r; fs rf a rr r;+
f fr f r rt r rrt rt+.+
rf f tr f t r tr+
ff fr n rt t frt+.-+
f s f t r s r f r+
f fr f rn zr; fa ; s r;+.+
Cau.: kapa kyara kumati kujt, loka beda bhera saba bh

rma knha pana jabah te , bhayau bhuvana bhuana tabah te .1.
dekhi prti suni binaya suh, mileu bahori bharata laghu bh.
kahi nida nija nma subn

, sdara sakala johr


jni lakhana sama dehi

ass, jiahu sukh saya lkha bars.

nirakhi nidu nagara nara nr, bhae sukh janu lakhanu nihr.3.

laheu ehi

jvana lhu, bhe eu rmabhadra bhari bh u.

suni nidu nija bhga baR, pramudita mana lai caleu lev.4.
False, cowardly, evil-minded and low-born as I am and cast off from society as
well as from the fold of the Vedas in everyway, I have become the ornament of the world
ever since r Rma took me for his own. Seeing his affection and hearing his humble
submission Bharatas younger brother, atrughna, embraced him next. The Nida chief
then greeted all the dowager queens in polite and respectful terms, mentioning his name
each time. Treating him on the same footing as Lakmaa they gave him their blessing:
May you live happily for millions of years. The men and women of the city were as glad
to see the Nida chief as if they saw Lakmaa, and said, He has surely reaped the
reward of his existence in that our beloved Rma folded him in his arms. Hearing them
extol his good fortune the Nida chief led them with a cheerful heart. (14)
0r trf = r;
rr a= a rn r rf- r;+ {+
Do.: sanakre sevaka sakala cale svmi rukha pi,
ghara taru tara sara bga bana bsa banenhi ji.196.
Receiving a signal from him and learning their masters will all his attendants
dispersed; and in the houses, the foot of trees, ponds, orchards and groves they made
room for the guests to take up their lodging. (196)
0n a t n ff a+
ra f frf rn a f rn+.{+
f ff a nr tf r; n rf nnr+
rrrr t- r r n f r+.+
f r n rt fa zr rf frt+
f r rnf rt r tfa rt+.-+
a s f a +
rf rf rns t r +.+
Cau.: sgaberapura bharata dkha jaba, bhe saneha saba aga sithila taba.
sohata die nidahi lgu, janu tanu dhare binaya anurg u.1.
ehi bidhi bharata senu sabu sag, dkhi ji jaga pvani gag.
rmagha kaha knha pranmu, bh manu maganu mile janu rmu.2.

pranma nagara nara nr, mudita brahmamaya bri nihr.

kari majjanu mgahi

kara jor, rmacadra pada prti na thor.3.

bharata kaheu surasari tava renu, sakala sukhada sevaka suradhenu.
jori pni bara mgau ehu, sya rma pada sahaja sanehu.4.
When Bharata beheld the town of gaverapura, all his limbs were overpowered
with emotion. Leaning on the Nida chief he presented a goodly sight; it appeared as
if meekness and love had taken a living form. In this way Bharata with all his army went
and saw the stream of the Gag, which purifies the whole world. He made obeisance
to the ghat where r Rma had bathed and said His prayers; and his soul was
enraptured as if he had met r Rma Himself. The men and women of the city bowed
low; they were glad to see the divine stream. Taking a dip into the river they begged with
joined palms to be favoured with abundant love for r Rmacandras feet. Bharata
exclaimed, Mother Gag! your sands are delightful to all and the very cow of plenty to
your devotees. With joined palms, therefore, I ask of you only one boon; viz., spontaneous
love for the feet of St and r Rma. (14)
0f ff r a f n r r;
ra rt rf zr r;+ {+
Do.: ehi bidhi majjanu bharatu kari gura anussana pi,
mtu nahn

jni saba er cale lavi.197.

In this way after taking a dip into the Gag and receiving his Gurus commands,
and on learning that all his mothers had finished their bath he had the tents shifted. (197)
0 a rn- zr t-r a r t t-r+
r f r r; r ra f n rs r;+.{+
rf f f rt t a rt+
r;f f ra r; r frf t- rr;+.+
r r r ff t= r+
a f r rs r f zr+.-+
f r ff r a r r+
a f s fr aa ar ; ns fr+.+
Cau.: jaha taha loganha er knh, bharata sodhu sabah kara lnh.
sura sev kari yasu p, rma mtu pahi

ge dou bh.1.
carana c

pi kahi kahi mdu bn, janan

sakala bharata sanamn.

bhihi sau pi mtu sevak, pu nidahi lnha bol.2.
cale sakh kara so kara jore , sithila sarru saneha na thore .

chata sakhahi so hu dekhu, neku nayana mana jarani juRu.3.

jaha siya rmu lakhanu nisi soe, kahata bhare jala locana koe.
bharata bacana suni bhayaubidu, turata tah

lai gayau nid u.4.

The people took up their lodgings at different places and Bharata made enquiries
about all. After worshipping the gods and taking leave of them the two brothers (Bharata
and atrughna) went up to r Rmas mother (Kausaly). Bharata showed respect to
all his mothers by kneading their feet and speaking to each in polite terms. Then
entrusting his brother with the service of his mothers he himself summoned the Nida
chief and went hand in hand with him, his body overpowered with excess of love. He
asked his friend to show him the spotand thereby soothe the agony of his eyes and
soul to some extentwhere St, r Rma and Lakmaa had slept at night. Even as
he spoke the corners of his eyes were filled with tears. The Nida chief was distressed
to hear Bharatas words and presently took him to the spot (14)
0 fr ta a rr f f>rr
fa r a t-s z r+ {c+
Do.: jaha sisup punta tara raghubara kiya birmu,
ati saneha sdara bharata knheu daa pranmu.198.
Where the Chief of Raghus line had rested under a holy Aoka tree. With great
affection and reverence Bharata prostrated himself there. (198)
0 rt frf r; t- r f- r;+
rf- r; ; a tfa fr;+.{+
f ; rf r t t +
fr z nrt a r rt+.+
>rta t f fatr r rf ftr+
far s a t a rn rn n t+.-+
r r r f fra rfar+
rr rrr nrr; r z ra r r zr;+.+
Cau.: kusa s

thar nihri suh, knha pranmu pradacchina j.

carana rekha raja

khinha l, banai na kahata prti adhik.1.

kanaka bidu dui crika dekhe, rkhe ssa sya sama lekhe.
sajala bilocana hdaya galn, kahata sakh sana bacana subn.2.
rhata sya biraha dutihn, jath avadha nara nri biln.
pit janaka deu paatara keh, karatala bhogu jogu jaga jeh.3.
sasura bhnukula bhnu bhulu, jehi sihta amarvatipl u.
prnanthu raghuntha gos

, jo baRa hota so rma baR

Beholding a lovely litter of Kua grass he paced round it clockwise and made
obeisance. He also placed the dust of r Rmas footprints on his eyes with an excess
of love which could not be described in words. He saw there a few gold spangles, which
he placed on his head and treated them on a par with St. With tears in his eyes and
a heart full of remorse he spoke to his friend in sweet accents: These spangles have
lost their charm and appear lustreless due to their separation from St, even as the
people of Ayodhy, both men and women, are spent through sorrow. To whom shall I
liken her father, Janaka, who in this world is a master of asceticism and enjoyment both?
And she had for her father-in-law King Daaratha, the sun of the solar race, who was
the envy even of the lord of paradise (Indra). And her beloved lord is no other than Lord
r Rma, from whose glory all great ones derive their greatness! (14)
0fa ar at f t rt f
fa zs f f a f ff+ {+
Do.: pati devat sutya mani sya s

thar dekhi,
biharata hdau na hahari hara pabi te kahina bisei.199.
Even as I gaze on the litter used by St, the jewel among virtuous women
devoted to their lord, my heart does not break in horror; it is harder than adamant,
my God. (199)
0r rn rr r r; f r+
f fa ra r f rrtf rfr+.{+
fa r r ara rs a rn r+
a f ffa r at f rf f f rat+.+
r f n t- srn = t n rn+
f n fa rar r rs f rar+.-+
fs r zr; t rf ff f t+
r rf rf a r f f n n r+.+
Cau.: llana jogu lakhana laghu lone, bhe na bhi asa ahahi

na hone.
purajana priya pitu mtu dulre, siya raghubrahi prnapire.1.
mdu murati sukumra subh u, tta bu tana lga na k u.
te bana sahahi

bipati saba bh

t, nidare koi kulisa ehi

rma janami jagu knha ujgara, rupa sla sukha saba guna sgara.
purajana parijana gura pitu mt, rma subhu sabahi sukhadt.3.
bairiu rma baR karah

, bolani milani binaya mana harah

srada koi koi sata se, kari na sakahi

prabhu guna gana lekh.4.

"And my younger brother, Lakmaa, is so comely and worth fondling; never was
there such a brother, nor is there, nor will be. Beloved of the people and the darling of
his parents, he is dear as life to both St and the Hero of Raghu's line. Nay, he is so
delicate of frame and tender of disposition and his body has never been exposed to hot
winds; yet he is bearing hardships of every kind in the woods. Oh! my breast has
outdone millions of thunderbolts. As for r Rma he has illumined the world by being
born in it; he is such an ocean of beauty, amiability, joy and all excellences. r Rma's
disposition is the delight of the people of Ayodhy and his own family, much more of his
preceptor and parents. Even enemies praise r Rma, who steals the heart by his polite
speech, agreeable manners and modesty of behaviour. Millions of rads (goddesses
of speech) and hundreds of millions of eas (serpent-gods) are unable to reckon up the
virtues of the Lord." (14)
0t= rrf n r fr
a ra zrf f ff nfa fa r+ +
Do.: sukhasvarupa raghubasamani magala moda nidhna,
te sovata kusa si mahi bidhi gati ati balavna.200.
"That jewel of Raghu's line, who is bliss personified and a mine of joy and
blessings, sleeps on the ground spreading the Kua grass on it! The ways of Providence
are inexorable indeed." (200)
0r r r r ta= ff rn; r+
f f f r at rnf f f rat+.{+
a fa ff rt rt+
fn ; n r ;f r fa far+.+
fn fn rr sf rnt sara s f rnt+
f s frar r;r rf t- rar+.-+
f rr fr r f a rf fr+
r arf f ar f rf fr r ff rf+.+
Cau.: rma sun dukhu kna na k u, jvanataru jimi jogavai ru.
palaka nayana phani mani jehi bh

t, jogavahi

janani sakala dina rt.1.

te aba phirata bipina padacr, kada mula phala phula ahr.
dhiga kaika amagala mul, bhaisi prna priyatama pratikul.2.

dhiga dhiga agha udadhi abhg, sabu utaptu bhayau jehi lg.
kula kalaku kari sjeu bidht

, si

doha mohi knha kumt

suni saprema samujhva nidu, ntha karia kata bdi bidu.
rma tumhahi priya tumha priya rmahi, yaha nirajosu dosu bidhi bmahi.4.
"r Rma had never heard any mention of sorrow; the king (our father) tended him
like the tree of life. Nay, all the mothers cherished him day and night even as the eyelids
protect the eyes or a serpent guards the gem on its head. The same Rma now wanders
through the forest on foot living on bulbs, roots, fruits and flowers. Accursed is Kaikey
(my mother), the root of evil, who turned hostile to him (her own husband) who was the
dearest object of her life. And twice accursed is my own wretched self, the ocean of sin
and the occasion of all trouble. While God created me as a blot on my family, my wicked
mother has made me the enemy of my master." Hearing this the Nida chief lovingly
comforted him: "Why should you lament in vain? r Rma is dear to you, and you are
dear to Rma: this is a settled fact, and the blame rests with an adverse fate." (14)
U0ff r t t f f ra t-t rt
af rfa f f f r r rt+
at ar r r ta a f
fr n rf rf t f+
cha.: bidhi bma k karan kahina jehi

mtu knh bvar,

tehi rti puni puni karahi

prabhu sdara sarahan rvar.

tulas na tumha so rma prtamu kahatu hau sau he kie ,
parinma magala jni apane nie dhraju hie .
"Cruel indeed are the doings of an adverse fate, which drove mother Kaikey mad.
The Lord reverently praised you again and again that night. There is no one, says
Tulasdsa, so supremely dear to r Rma as you are: I declare this on oath. Therefore,
be assured that all will be well in the end and take courage in your heart."
0art r ra
f f f>rr frf rf + {+
So.: atarajm rmu sakuca saprema kpyatana,
calia karia birmu yaha bicri dRha ni mana.201.
"r Rma knows the heart of all; nay, He is an embodiment of tenderness,
affection and compassion. Considering this and summoning courage in your heart,
please go and take rest." (201)
0r f s f tr r fa rrtr+
f r; n rt fr ra rt+.{+
fr f f rr f ;f rf frr+
f f rf fr t r fraf t+.+
rf a rs fa frs +
ff r rf frf r f ; fr frf+.-+
f ff rfa rn rnr r fr nrr rnr+
nf r r; r; ; r ra r;+.+
z rf r rr saf a a f rr+.~+
Cau.: sakh bacana suni ura dhari dhr, bsa cale sumirata raghubr.
yaha sudhi pi nagara nara nr, cale bilokana rata bhr.1.
paradakhin kari karahi

pranm, dehi

kaikaihi khori nikm.
bhari bhari bri bilocana leh

, bma bidhtahi duana deh

eka sarhahi

bharata saneh u, kou kaha npati nibheu nehu.

pu sarhi nidahi, ko kahi sakai bimoha bidahi.3.
ehi bidhi rti logu sabu jg, bh bhinusra gudr lg.
gurahi sunva caRhi suh

, na

nva saba mtu caRh

daa cri maha bh sabu pr, utari bharata taba sabahi sa bhr.5.
Bharata took comfort at the words of his friend and proceeded towards his
lodgings with his thoughts directed towards the Hero of Raghu's race. On receiving this
news the men and women of the city sallied forth to see the place (where r Rma had
slept one night) much distressed at heart. Pacing round the spot clockwise they made
obeisance to it and blamed Kaikey to their heart's content. Tears rushed to their eyes
again and again and they reproached cruel Fate. Some would praise Bharata's love, while
others said the king had vindicated his affection. They would reproach themselves and
praise the Nida chief; who can describe their confusion and woe? In this way they all
kept vigil overnight and at daybreak the passage across the river began. The Guru was
put on a good and handsome boat, and all the mothers on another newly-built one. In
an hour and a half everyone was taken across. When Bharata had alighted, he made sure
that all had come. (15)
0rafr f ra f nf f= r;
rn f fr n t-s r;+ +
Do.: prtakriy kari mtu pada badi gurahi siru ni,
ge kie nida gana dnheu kaaku cali.202.
Having finished the morning duties Bharata adored his mothers' feet and bowed
his head to the preceptor, and keeping a party of the Nidas ahead started the whole
host. (202)
0fs frr nr; ra rt r;+
r rr; r; rr t-r f - fa n n t-r+.{+
r ff t- r f fa f r+
n a rf r ra n rf zrfr+.+
f rf rr r; r t rr+
r rf r fr n rf r+.-+
f rs sfa rr a rr+
f a nfa f rt n nf nrt+.+
Cau.: kiyau nidanthu agu

, mtu plak

sakala cal

stha boli bhi laghu dnh, bipranha sahita gavanu gura knh.1.
pu surasarihi knha pranm u, sumire lakhana sahita siya rmu.
gavane bharata paydehi

pe, kotala saga jhi


susevaka brahi

br, hoia ntha asva asavr.

rmu paydehi pya sidhe, hama kaha ratha gaja bji bane.3.
sira bhara ju ucita asa mor, saba te sevaka dharamu kahor.
dekhi bharata gati suni mdu bn, saba sevaka gana garahi

He made the Nida chief lead the van and then started the palanquins carrying
the queen-mothers, and summoning his younger brother (atrughna) told him off as
their escort. The Guru proceeded next alongwith the other Brhmaas. He himself then
made obeisance to the celestial river, invoked St, Rma and Lakmaa and set
forth on foot; Horse while empty saddle wise led by the bridle alongwith him. Again and
again his faithful servants said, "Be pleased, sire,to mount your horse." "r Rma
has gone on foot; while chariots, elephants and horses are intended for me! What
behoves me is that I should walk on my head; most diflicaly for of servan." Seeing his
behaviour and hearing his polite speech all his servants melted out of a feeling of self-
disparagement. (14)
0a at t- rn
a r f r f sfn sfn rn+ -+
Do.: bharata tsare pahara kaha knha prabesu prayga,
kahata rma siya rma siya umagi umagi anurga.203.
Bharata entered the limits of Prayga (the area surrounding the confluence of the
Gag and Yamun near Allahabad) in the afternoon; overflowing with love he cried
"Rma, St!" "Rma, St!" even as he went. (203)
0rr ra r- r r +
a rf r r s fa f r+.{+
f t- rn r t- r frff r+
ff farfa t r f r f r+.+
a tr r f t a r+
r atr ffa n n r+.-+
rns t -rfn f ra r ; +
f rf r rt f n r rt+.+
Cau.: jhalak jhalakata pyanha kaise , pakaja kosa osa kana jaise .
bharata paydehi

e ju, bhayau dukhita suni sakala samju.1.

khabari lnha saba loga nahe, knha pranmu tribenihi

sabidhi sitsita nra nahne, die dna mahisura sanamne.2.
dekhata symala dhavala halore, pulaki sarra bharata kara jore.
sakala kmaprada trathar u, beda bidita jaga pragaa prabhu.3.
mgau bhkha tygi nija dharamu, rata kha na karai kukaramu.
asa jiya jni sujna sudn, saphala karahi

jaga jcaka bn.4.

The blisters on the soles of his feet glistened like dew-drops on a lotus bud. The
whole company was grieved to hear that Bharata had made the day's march on foot.
After ascertaining that all had finished their ablutions, he repaired to the confluence of
the Gag, Yamun and Sarasvat and did homage to it. He bathed in white and dark
waters with due ceremony and honoured the Brhmaas bestowing gifts on them. As
he watched the coming of the dark and white waves Bharata felt a thrill of joy over his
body and he joined his palms in prayer: "You are the bestower of all desired objects,
O king of sacred places; your glory is known to the Vedas and manifest throughout the
world. Abandoning the course of conduct prescribed for a Katriya I beg alms of you
as what vile act is there that an afflicted soul would not stoop to? Realizing this in their
heart of hearts the wise and generous donors accomplish in this world the prayer of the
suppliant. (14)
0 r =f nfa s fr
fa r r r+ +
Do.: aratha na dharama na kma ruci gati na cahau nirabna,
janama janama rati rma pada yaha baradnu na na.204.
"I have no liking for wealth nor for religious merit nor for sensuous enjoyment nor
again do I seek the state of perfect and perpetual calm. Birth after birth let me have
devotion to r Rma's feet: this is the only boon I ask and nought else." (204)
0r r f f rt rn s n rf rt+
tar r fa r f s n ar+.{+
f fa frs ra f r zrs+
ra f rr rrf r; rfa r;+.+
f r ; ff r faf fa fr+
a f rr frt ; rf n t+.-+
ara a ar ff r r rn nr+
rf nrf rt ar rf rs f rt+.+
Cau.: jnahu rma kuila kari moh, loga kahau gura shiba droh.
st rma carana rati more , anudina baRhau anugraha tore .1.
jaladu janama bhari surati bisrau, jcata jalu pabi phana rau.
ctaku raani ghae ghai j, baRhe premu saba bh

ti bhal.2.

bna caRhai jimi dhe , timi priyatama pada nema nibhe .

bharata bacana suni mjha triben, bhai mdu bni sumagala den.3.
tta bharata tumha saba bidhi sdh u, rma carana anurga agdhu.
bdi galni karahu mana mh

, tumha sama rmahi kou priya nh

"Let r Rma take me for a wicked fellow, and let the people call me an enemy
of my preceptor and master. All the same by your grace may my devotion to the feet of
St and r Rma grow day by day. The cloud may neglect the Ctaka bird all its life
and on its asking water may discharge thunderbolt and hail. But the bird will fall in the
estimation of others if it ceases to call out to the cloud. It will gain in everyway only by
intensifying its love for the latter. Just as gold gets brighter by being put into the fire, even
so the lover shines by sticking to his vow of devotion to the feet of his most beloved
lord." In response to Bharata's prayer there came a sweet and benedictory utterance
from the midst of the Trive: "Dear Bharata, you are pious in everyway and your love
for r Rma's feet is unbounded. In vain do you harbour depressing thoughts in your
mind; there is no one so dear to Rma as you are." (14)
0a s f f f
a - f - fa f + ~+
Do.: tanu pulakeu hiya harau suni beni bacana anukula,
bharata dhanya kahi dhanya sura haraita baraahi

A thrill ran through Bharata's body and his soul rejoiced to hear the agreeable
words of the (deity presiding over) Trive. Exclaiming "Bharata is praiseworthy, all praise
to him!" the gods joyfully rained flowers. (205)
0fa atr frt r nt srt+
f ff r r a t f rr+.{+
a r n nr r r f f r+
z r a f faa r f +.+
r; sr; r; s t- tf- t ar t-+
r t- r; f= a n f +.-+
f z r r ff f t r+
a f r; ff a f r;+.+
Cau.: pramudita tratharja nivs, baikhnasa bau gh uds.

parasapara mili dasa p

c, bharata sanehu slu suci s

sunata rma guna grma suhe, bharadvja munibara pahi

daa pranmu karata munidekhe, m uratimata bhgya nija lekhe.2.
dhi uhi li ura lnhe, dnhi assa ktratha knhe.
sanu dnha ni siru baihe, cahata sakuca gha janu bhaji paihe.3.
muni pu

chaba kachu yaha baRa soc u, bole rii lakhi slu sa koc u.
sunahu bharata hama saba sudhi p, bidhi karataba para kichu na bas.4.
The inhabitants of Prayga (the king of sacred places), including anchorites,
religious students, householders and recluses, were transported with joy. same persons
gathered together and said to one another, "Bharata's affection and amiability are
artless and genuine." Hearing of r Rma's charming virtues he came to the great
sage Bharadvja. The sage saw him falling prostrate before him and looked upon him
as his own good-luck personified. Running up and lifting him the sage clasped him to
his bosom and gratified him by bestowing his blessing on him. Offered a seat by the
sage he sat down with his head bent low, as if he would run away and hide his face
in a den of bashfulness. He felt much perturbed at the thought that the sage might
ask him any question. Seeing his amiability and confusion of mind the sage said to
him, "Listen, Bharata! I have already heard everything; but we have no control over the
doings of Fate. (14)
0ar nrf f f fr ra afa
ara ;f r f n; fnr fa fa+ +
Do.: tumha galni jiya jani karahu samujhi mtu karatuti,
tta kaikaihi dosu nahi

ga gir mati dhuti.206.

"Be not distressed at heart by the thought of what your mother has done. It is no
fault of Kaikey, dear child; it was the goddess of speech who deluded her mind." (206)
0s a ff r r a r+
ara arr f nr; r;f rs zr;+.{+
r a ; f fa ; r r ;+
rs -a arf rr; a r zr;+.+
r n r r f ft ; r+
r rt rf rt f rf a fart+.-+
as arr r r r r+
a r a arf r rf ra a ar+.+
Cau.: yahau kahata bhala kahihi na kou, loku bedu budha samata dou.
tta tumhra bimala jasu g, pihi lokau bedu baR.1.
loka beda samata sabu kaha, jehi pitu dei rju so laha.
ru satyabrata tumhahi bol, deta rju sukhu dharamu baR.2.
rma gavanu bana anaratha mul, jo suni sakala bisva bhai sul.
so bhv basa rni ayn, kari kucli atahu pachitn.3.
taha u tumhra alapa apardh u, kahai so adhama ayna asdhu.
karatehu rju ta tumhahi na dou, rmahi hota sunata satou.4.
"Nobody would approve of it even if I said so; for the wise recognize worldly
opinion as well as the judgment of the Vedas. By singing your unsullied glory, however,
the world and the Vedas both will be exalted. The world as well as the Vedas admit it
and everyone says that of king's sons he alone gets the throne on whom his father
bestows it. The king, who was above all true to his vow, would have called you and
bestowed the kingdom on you; and this would have brought him joy, religious merit and
glory. But the root of all trouble was Rma's exile to the forest and the whole universe
was pained to hear of it. It was, however, as fate would have it; much as the foolish
queen (Kaikey) did wrong, she now repents for it. But he who lays the least blame for
it on you is vile, ignorant and wicked. Even if you accepted the sovereignty no blame
would attach to you and even Rma would have been gratified to hear of it." (14)
0 fa t- a arf sfa a
n n rr + +
Do.: aba ati knhehu bharata bhala tumhahi ucita mata ehu,
sakala sumagala mula jaga raghubara carana sanehu.207.
"But what you have done now is excellent; your standpoint is quite justified. For
devotion to r Rma's feet is the root of all choice blessings in the world." (207)
0r arr t rr frn r arf rr+
arr r arar r f rar+.{+
a rr rt rr ar rs rt+
r taf fa tat ff arf ra tat+.+
rr ra rnr n rf ar rnr+
ar rr t n z +.-+
f rrt zr; a r rrr;+
ar a a r a r +.+
Cau.: so tumhra dhanu jvanu prn, bhuribhga ko tumhahi samn.
yaha tumhra caraju na tt, dasaratha suana rma priya bhrt.1.
sunahu bharata raghubara manamh

, pema ptru tumha sama kou nh

lakhana rma stahi ati prt, nisi saba tumhahi sarhata bt.2.
jn maramu nahta prayg, magana hohi

tumhare anurg.
tumha para asa sanehu raghubarake , sukha jvana jaga jasa jaRa nara ke .3.
yaha na adhika raghubra baR, pranata kuuba pla raghur.
tumha tau bharata mora mataehu, dhare deha janu rma saneh u.4.
"And that is your wealth and life, nay, your vital breath. Who is, then, so highly
blessed as you? This is, however, not to be wondered at in your case, who are a son
of King Daaratha and a beloved brother of Rma. I tell you, Bharata, there is no one
held so dear in his heart by the Chief of Raghu's line as you. Lakmaa, Rma and St
most fondly praised you the whole night. I came to know the secret only when they were
bathing at Prayga; they would feel overwhelmed with love for you. The Chief of Raghu's
line cherishes the same love for you as a fool does for a life of ease in this world. This
is, however, no great tribute to the Hero of Raghu's race, who cherishes the whole family
of the suppliant. As for yourself, Bharata, my opinion is that you are the very incarnation
of love for Rma." (14)
0ar a s
r nfa ffq fa r s n+ c+
Do.: tumha kaha bharata kalaka yaha hama saba kaha upadesu,
rma bhagati rasa siddhi hita bh yaha samau ganesu.208.
What, to your mind, constitutes a slur on you is a lesson to us all. The
present occasion has proved very propitious for preparing elixir in the form of
devotion of Rma." (208)
0 f f ara arr rr f rr+
sfa r ;f r rrff n f f r+.{+
r far tfa fa ft ar f ff ft+
ff f r r nff ; a r+.+
r fr n r r f r+
rna f rrr t- r r+.-+
nt f rt fa n rt+
n n f rt f r f n rt+.+
Cau.: nava bidhu bimala tta jasu tor, raghubara kikara kumuda cakor.
udita sad a thaihi kabahu

n, ghaihi na jaga nabha dina dina dun.1.

koka tiloka prti ati karih, prabhu pratpa rabi chabihi na harih.
nisi dina sukhada sad saba kh u, grasihi na kaikai karatabu rhu.2.
purana rma supema piyu, gura avamna doa nahi

d u.
rmabhagata aba amia aghh u

, knhehu sulabha sudh basudhhu

bhupa bhagratha surasari n, sumirata sakala sumagala khn.
dasaratha guna gana barani najh

, adhiku kah jehi sama jaga nh

"Your glory, dear child, is a new type of spotless moon as it were; while Rma's
devotees are like so many water-lilies (that open only in moonlight) and Cakora birds
(that are equally fond of the moon). It shall always remain above the horizon and shall
never set; nay, it shall never wane and shall ever wax in the heavens of this world. The
Cakravka bird in the shape of the three worlds shall cherish great love for it, while the
sun in the shape of the Lord's glory shall never rob it of its splendour. It shall ever
delight everyone by day as well as by night and the demon Rhu in the form of
Kaikey's doings shall never eclipse it. It is full of nectar in the form of ideal love for
Rma and is untarnished by any stain resulting from a wrong done to the Guru.* Let
Rma's devotees now enjoy nectar to their heart's content since you have made it so
easy of access even on earth. Of your forbears King Bhagratha brought down the
celestial river, the very thought of which is a fountain of all choice blessings. As for
Daaratha's virtues they are more than one can describe. In the world there is none else
even equal to you how then any one can be superior to you. (14)
0r r r n r;
f f f t rrr;+ +
Do.: jsu saneha sakoca basa rma pragaa bhae i,
je hara hiya nayanani kabahu nirakhe nah

"Won by his affection and meekness r Rma Himself appeared on earthRma
whom even iva always saw him with his mental eyes but never satiated." (209)
0tfa f ar t- r r n=r+
ara nrf f r z ff r r+.{+
a r t srt ar t+
r rr r f rr+.+
* It is mentioned in the Puras that Bhaspati, the preceptor of the gods, on one occasion, when he
was returning from a bath in the Gag, found his wife, Tr, with the moon-god and threw his dripping robe
at him and hit him in the face, thus causing the spots that are still to be seen there.
The descent of the celestial river, Gag, to the earth is associated with the name of King
Bhagratha, who is said to have practised austere penance for 1000 years and eventually succeeded in
bringing down the stream. The Puras tell us how King Sagara, an ancestor of the illustrious Bhagratha,
performed a horse sacrifice. The horse released by the king prior to the sacrifice was.
King Sagara's sons, 60,000 in number, went out in quest of the horse and dug the earth on all sides.
While digging the earth in the north-east they found the horse by the side of the divine sage Kapila, who sat
absorbed in meditation in the nether regions. The foolish and haughty princes took the sage for a thief and
abusing him right and left ran to assault him. The sage now opened his eyes and lo! as a result of their offence
the princes were instantly reduced to ashes by a fire which emanated from their body.
King Sagara had another son, Asamajasa by name. His son, Aumn, who was much devoted to
his grandfather, proceeded in search of the horse under orders of the king, and found the animal near the
ashes of his uncles. He also beheld the great sage Kapila and supplicated to him. The sage, who was
pleased with his prayer, told him that the horse belonged to his grandfather and asked him to take it back. The
sage further told him about the death of his uncles and added that the latter could attain salvation only if their
remains could be washed by the Gag . Aumn took the horse to his grandfather, who duly performed the
horse sacrifice and then retired to the woods after installing his grandson on the throne of Ayodhy.
King Aumn and his son Dilpa successively practised austere for a number of years with a view to
bringing the Gag down to the mortal plane, but in vain Dilpa's son, Bhagratha, at last succeeded in
bringing the stream to the earth and took it to the place, where his uncles had lain in the form of ashes. The
moment the water of the Gag touched their remains their spirits were absolved from the sin of insulting a
holy sage and ascended to heaven. Such is the glory of the Gag, which is stated to have emanated from the
feet of Bhagavn Viu Himself.
af arrr fa rn rn rr+
a - ar n f n f +.-+
f f r r rf +
- - f nn rnr f f a n rnr+.+
Cau.: krati bidhu tumha knha anup, jaha basa rma pema mgar up.
tta galni karahu jiya je , arahu daridrahi prasu pe .1.
sunahu bharata hama jh uha nakahah

, udsna tpasa bana rahah

saba sdhana kara suphalasuhv, lakhana rma siya darasanu pv.2.
tehi phala kara phalu darasatumhr, sahita payga subhga hamr.
bharata dhanya tumha jasu jagujayau, kahi asa pema magana muni bhayau.3.
suni muni bacana sabhsadaharae, sdhu sarhi sumana sura barae.
dhanya dhanya dhuni gaganapayg, suni suni bharatu magana anurg.4.
"You have created the peerless moon of your glory, which bears on it the figure
of a deer* in the shape of love for Rma. You feel distressed at heart, dear son, for no
purpose: you fear poverty even though you have found the philosopher's stone. Listen,
BharataI tell no falsehood, I am an ascetic dwelling in the forest and having no concern
with the worldI obtained the happy and excellent reward of all spiritual practices when
I saw Lakmaa, Rma and St. The reward of that reward itself is your sight, It is great
fortune for prayaga as well as all of us. Bharata, you deserve all praise since by your
glory you have conquered the whole world. As he concluded his speech the sage was
overwhelmed with love. Those who were assembled there rejoiced to hear the sages
words, while the gods acclaimed Bharata and rained flowers on him. Even as Bharata
heard the shouts of applause in the heavens as well as in Prayga he was overwhelmed
with emotion. (14)
0 nra f r f r=
f r f zff r nn + {+
Do.: pulaka gta hiya rmu siya sajala saroruha naina,
kari pranmu muni maalihi bole gadagada baina.210.
Experiencing a thrill of joy all over his body, with his heart full of St and Rma
and his lotus eyes wet with tears he made obeisance to the conclave of sages and thus
spoke in a voice choked with emotion: (210)
0f r = atr rf rrr; r+
f f f r; f f rr r;+.{+
ar s far s art rrr+
rf ra a r f f n rff r+.+
rf z= fnff r fa rf r+
a f r f r f a r+.-+
* The spot in the moon is represented by the Hindus as a deer even as it is presented in European
nurseries as the form of a man.
r f af a n r n+
r f f n t f f ff t+.+
Cau.: muni samju aru tratharj u, s

cihu sapatha aghi akj u.

ehi thala jau kichu kahia ban, ehi sama adhika na agha adham.1.
tumha sarbagya kahau satibhu, ura atarajm raghuru.
mohi na mtu karataba kara socu, nahi

dukhu jiya jagu jnihi poc u.2.

nhina aru bigarihi paraloku, pitahu marana kara mohi na soku.
sukta sujasa bhari bhuana suhe, lachimana rma sarisa suta pe.3.
rma biraha taji tanu chanabhagu, bhupa soca kara kavana prasagu.
rma lakhana siya binu paga panah

, kari muni bea phirahi

bana banah

"Here is an assembly of sages and we stand at a place which is known as the king
of sacred places. Great harm will come to a man if he states even a fact on oath at such
a place. And if one tells a lie there will be no greater sin and depravity. I speak out the
truth knowing as I do that you are all-wise, while the Lord of Raghus has access to the
inmost recesses of one's heart. Do not mind I am not semful for what my mother has done
nor am I troubled at heart over the thought that the world will look upon me as mean.
I fear not lest I should spoil my future life nor do I grieve over my father's death, whose
meritorious deeds and fair renown shine forth throughout the universe, who had sons like
Lakmaa and r Rma, and who quitted his frail body as a result of his separation from
r Rma. Thus there is hardly any occasion for lamentation on his account. What pains
me is that dressing themselves as hermits r Rma, Lakmaa and St roam from forest
to forest without shoes on their feet. (14)
0f f zrf ra
f a= a fa a f ra r ra+ {{+
Do.: ajina basana phala asana mahi sayana si kusa pta,
basi taru tara nita sahata hima tapa bara bta.211.
"Clad in deerskin, living on bare fruits, reposing on the ground overspread with
Kua grass and leaves and halting under trees they ever endure cold and sunshine, rain
and storm!" (211)
0f r ; f rat r t rat+
f rn rt rs ft rt+.{+
ra a ; rr r af r fa t- r+
f r t- r nrfz f f f r+.+
rf fn r af rr rrrf n rrr+
f; rn r ff r ; f r sr+.-+
a f f r; f tf- rfa zr;+
ara f r ft fff r n t+.+
Cau.: ehi dukha dha dahai dina cht, bh ukha na bsara nda na rt.
ehi kuroga kara auadhu nh

, sodheu sakala bisva mana mh

mtu kumata baRha agha mul, tehi

hamra hita knha ba s ul.

kali kukha kara knha kujatr u, gRi avadhi paRhi kahina kumatru.2.
mohi lagi yahu kuhu tehi

h, ghlesi saba jagu brahab.

miai kujogu rma phiri e , basai avadha nahi

na upe .3.
bharata bacana suni muni sukhu p, sabahi

knhi bahu bh

ti baR.
tta karahu jani socu bise, saba dukhu miihi rma paga dekh.4.
"It is this burning agony which is ever consuming my breast, so that I feel no appetite
by day and get no sleep at night. For this fell disease there is no remedy: I have mentally
ransacked the whole world. My mother's evil counsel was like a sinful carpenter, who used
my interests as an adze and fashioned out of the inauspicious wood of discord a destructive
magical contrivance and muttering the terrible malevolent spell of (r Rma's) exile for a
fixed term (of fourteen years) planted it (in the soil of Ayodhy).* It is for my sake that she
employed this infamous contrivance and brought ruin on the whole world. This calamity will
cease only when r Rma returns; by no other means can Ayodhy thrive again." The
sage (Bharadvja) was gratified to hear Bharata's words and everyone applauded him in
ways more than one. "Grieve not much, dear child; all your woes will disappear the moment
you behold r Rma's feet." (14)
0f r f s faf f r
f f r+ {+
Do.: kari prabodhu munibara kaheu atithi pemapriya hohu,
kada mula phala phula hama dehi

lehu kari chohu.212.

After comforting him (thus) the chief of the sages, Bharadvja, said, "Be my
beloved guest and deign to accept the bulbs, roots, fruits and flowers that we may
offer you." (212)
0f f a f r s f r+
rf n=; n fnr rt f r rt+.{+
f f r f arrr r rr+
a f r f f f rr+.+
rf tf- a r; r r;+
f r f fa- f r fa f f r fr+.-+
ff r r z ar af r rf ar+
f ff ff frf r; r r; r f nrr;+.+
Cau.: suni muni bacana bharata hiya soc u, bhayau kuavasara kahina sa koc u.
jni garui gura gir bahor, carana badi bole kara jor.1.
sira dhari yasu karia tumhr, parama dharama yahu ntha hamr.
bharata bacana munibara mana bhe, suci sevaka sia nikaa bole.2.
chia knhi bharata pahun, kada mula phala nahu j.

ntha kahi tinha sira ne, pramudita nija nija kja sidhe.3.
munihi soca phuna baRa nevat, tasi p uj chia jasa devat.
suni ridhi sidhi animdika

, yasu hoi so karahi


* This evidently refers to a magical contrivance, intended to drive out an enemy from his home, in
which wood is cut during a particular period from the tree known as the helleric myrobalan and after
fashioning a pin out of it the same is planted in the enemy's house with the recitation of some spells. This is
believed to bring the desired result.
On hearing the sage's words Bharata was troubled at heart; for he was faced with
a hard puzzle at a difficult time. Then, realizing the the importance of what the elder's say
he adored the sage's feet and replied with joined palms, "Your orders must be respectfully
obeyed; this is my paramount duty, my lord." Bharata's reply pleased the great sage
(Bharadvja), who called his trusty servants and pupils by his side. "Bharata ought to be
entertained; therefore, go and bring bulbs, roots and fruits." They bowed their heads with
the words 'very well, sir!' and most gladly proceeded to take charge of their respective
duties. The sage anxiously thought that he had invited a distinguished guest and that a
deity must be worshipped according to his or her rank. Hearing of this riches of various
kinds (R
iddhis) and supernatural powers (Siddhis) like Aim (the power of assuming
atomic size) appeared (in a visible form) and said, "We are prepared to do your bidding,
O lord." (14)
0r f r a r fa r
r; f >r r fa fr+ {-+
Do.: rma biraha bykula bharatu snuja sahita samja,
pahun kari harahu rama kah mudita munirja.213.
"Bharata as well as his younger brother (atrughna) and the whole company are
distressed due to their separation from Rma. Entertain them and relieve them of their
fatigue," the great sage gladly said. (213)
0ff ff f f f rt zrfnf rf rt+
f ff r; afa faf r rr r;+.{+
f f f r; r r; t r r+
f s =f n rr f frf frf frr+.+
rn ffa f f r a f-f fr+
rt r r t- rna f f t-+.-+
r f ff rt rt+
f r f t r =f t+.+
Cau.: ridhi sidhi sira dhari munibara bn, baRabhgini puhi anumn.

parasapara sidhi samud, atulita atithi rma laghu bh.1.

muni pada badi karia soi ju, hoi sukh saba rja samju.
asa kahi raceu rucira gha nn, jehi biloki bilakhhi

bhoga bibhuti bhuri bhari rkhe, dekhata jinhahi amara abhile.

dsa sju saba lnhe , jogavata rahahi

manahi manu dnhe .3.

saba samju saji sidhi pala mh

, je sukha surapura sapanehu nh


bsa die saba keh, sudara sukhada jath ruci jeh.4.

The riches and supernatural powers in their embodied forms bowed to the
command of the great sage and deemed themselves highly favoured. The Siddhis said
to one another, "r Rma's younger brother (Bharata) is a guest beyond compare.
Bowing at the sage's feet let us do that which may gratify the whole of the royal party.
So saying they erected beautiful dwellings of various patterns, which put to shame by their
appearance the aerial cars of gods. They were replete with abundant luxuries and
splendours, which were coveted by immortals. Equipped with necessaries of all kinds
men-servants and maid-servants remained in attendance focussing their attention on the
pleasure of the guests. The Siddhis provided in an instant all the amenities which cannot
be dreamt of even in heaven. First of all they assigned to each of the guests quarters
that were charming and comfortable and suited to the taste of the occupant. (14)
0f f a ff r t-
ff f r f f a t-+ {+
Do.: bahuri saparijana bharata kahu rii asa yasu dnha,
bidhi bisamaya dyaku bibhava munibara tapabala knha.214.
Thereafter Bharata and his family were assigned quarters; for such were the
instructions given by the sage. By dint of his penance the great sage pravede wealth that
astonished the Creator (Brahm) himself. (214)
0f rs a frr rr n rfa rr+
r f r; rt a ffa frf rt+.{+
r farr rfr fn n rr+
f f rr f r ff frr+.+
r f f t f rn ra t +
t a= t f fr t +.-+
fa a frf rt r rt+
n farf rnr f f rnr+.+
Cau.: muni prabhu jaba bharata bilok, saba laghu lage lokapati lok.
sukha samju nahi

ji bakhn, dekhata birati bisrahi

sana sayana subasana bitn, bana bik bihaga mga nn.
surabhi phula phala amia samn, bimala jalsaya bibidha bidhn.2.
asana pna suci amia am se, dekhi loga sakucta jam se.
sura surabh surataru sabah ke , lakhi abhilu suresa sac ke .3.
ritu basata baha tribidha bayr, saba kaha sulabha padratha cr.
sraka cadana banitdika bhog, dekhi haraa bisamaya basa log.4.
When Bharata beheld the sage's power, the realms of all the rulers of the spheres
looked small in his eyes. The luxuries were more than one could describe; the wise
would forget their dispassion on seeing them. There were seats and couches, drapery,
canopies, groves and gardens, birds and beasts of different species, sweet-scented
flowers and fruits tasting like ambrosia, many a lake and pond of limpid water, foods and
drinks of an undefiled and innocent character, which were more delicious than nectar
and ambrosia, and which the guests would hesitate to accept like so many ascetics.
Every house was supplied with a celestial cow (the cow of plenty) and a tree of paradise;
Indra (the king of gods) and his consort, ac, grew covetous at their sight. It was the
vernal season and a cool, fragrant and gentle breeze was blowing. Everyone had all the
four prizes of life (viz., religious merit, worldly riches, sensuous enjoyment and final
beatitude) within ones easy reach. At the sight of luxuries like garlands, sandal-paste
and women the guests were overcome by a mixed feeling of joy and sorrow (joy at the

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