Summer Training Report - Structure

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Summer Training Report Structure

Cover page Certificate from Industry (On Letter Head) Certificate from Faculty Mentor along with declaration of student. Acknowledgement Table of contents List of tables (if any) List of graphs (if any) Chapters

Chapter I Executive Summary (A summarized document of the entire project) (1 Page) Chapter II Introduction to Topic (Up to 5 Pages) Chapter III Company Profile: This section for the summer training report would mean writing about the ways in which the organizational realities are similar or different from theory. An attempt should be made to develop a linkage between the management theories/ strategies studied and their application in corporate world. The management theory dealt with in the report must be written in detail. The chapter should cover the below mentioned points (10-15 Pages) Company Background Promoters Its Vision and Mission. Organizational Structure Product line and Value Chain Industry Analysis a. Porters Five Forces Model Competitive Analysis Marketing strategies a. Positioning of the Company vs. a vs. Competitors SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats ) HR Policies

Chapter IV About the project (assignment or topic) taken in the organization. (5 Pages) IMPORTANT: Chapter V-VII can be written either in pure research format i.e Including Literature Review, Research Methodology, Data Analysis and Findings OR Alternatively, the student can provide a detailed analysis of the Functional Processes/ Functional Products of

the Organization including a detailed report on the business department and the processes and products he/she has studied and any improvements in the processes made thereon. Chapter V Literature Review (5-10 Pages) Chapter VI Research Methodology (5 Pages) a. Problem definition b. Approach to the problem c. Type of research design d. Sources of data collection: *Secondary sources *Primary sources e. Sampling techniques Chapter VII Data Analysis and Findings (Up to 20 Pages) Alternatively Chapter V: Report on Business Unit (Up to 5 pages) In which department of the company was the Internship taken? Please describe the business unit, its business concentration and objectives. How was the department interlinked with the other departments of the organization?

Chapter VI Understanding of Functional Processes/ Products (20 -25 Pages) Provide a detailed study on the functional processes/products Provide a diagrammatic representation of the functional processes using flow charts. In case of financial companies, student can study the products offered in detail and also provide competitive positioning What were the processes followed in the organization. For example, if HR- What were the various HR functions/processes which the trainee had a chance to understand.

Chapter VII Improvements in Processes (5 Pages) Did the student suggest and implement any improvements in the processes undergone? What new concepts, ideas, approaches etc did the student learn during the Internship?

Chapter VIII Key Learnings/ Conclusion (Students Experience and Learnings) (10-20 Pages). Chapter IX Recommendations (if any) (Up to 5 Pages)

Bibliography (According to Reference Work) Appendix/ Annexure (According to Reference Work)

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