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Location notes Sixth form common room As a group, we thought that it would be a good idea to shoot our opening

scene where our main character, Joe, is socialising with his friends in the common room. This is because a sixth form common room is a place for socialising, and this will also make Joes age clear to our product consumers. The common room is also very big, so we can use as much space as we want to.

Boys sixth form block toilets/C block boys toilets We decided that it would be a good idea to base our main film idea in the toilets; this is because we believe that this will add a substantial amount of humour to our media product. We decided to use two different toilets, as this will keep our product consumers interested, and it will make our media product longer.

Private study As a group, we established that it would be good to film our scene where Joe gets called to a detention session in the private study room. This is because the private study room looks very much like a dull, boring, classroom, and is also a room where absolute silence is a must. Another reason why we decided to use the private study room is because it is

conveniently located in the sixth form block where we are filming most of our media product. This means that we will not have to keep moving around to different locations, apart from when we are filming the scene in the toilets located in C block.

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