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Prop notes

Banana skin As a group, we decided that our main character, Joe, should slip on a banana skin. In many other media products/films, characters slip on banana skins as this is believed to be funny, and to add more humour into the film/media product. This is the main reason why we decided to use a banana skin in our media product. We also believe that making our main character slip on a banana skin in front of a group of hot girls would add even more humour as he is going to obviously feel quite embarrassed.

Bottle of water Our media product is snapstick comedy. Our media product is about a boy, Joe, who drinks a bottle of water, and then suddenly needs to empty his bowels. He gets up, and proceeds to go to the toilet, yet every time he gets to the urinals in the toilet he is zapped back into the sixth form common room where he started off. This is the main reason why we need to use a bottle of water in our media sequence. Another reason why we have decided to use a bottle of water is because we believe that water is quite a simple drink, and is well known.

Mop and a mop bucket During our media sequence, we require a mop and a mop bucket for the cleaning lady. The cleaning lady is shown casually mopping the floor, and deliberately obstructing our main character from going to the toilets.

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