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Verb to be

O verb to be corresponde aos verbos ser e estar. Caractersticas As suas conjugaes so irregulares (no seguem um paradigma), e devem ser prontamente aprendidas; Ele um verbo auxiliar na formao de alguns tempos e aspectos verbais (vide abaixo). Isso significa que, para formar as formas negativas, voc deve pospor ao verbo a palavra not; para fazer as perguntas, deve antepor o prprio verbo ao sujeito da orao.

Conjugao do verb to be (ser, estar) tempos e aspectos

Present simple (verbo auxiliar) Affirmative form I am you are he is Negative form I'm not you aren't he isn't Question form am I...? are you...? is he...?

she is it is we are you are they are

she isn't it isn't we aren't you aren't they aren't

is she...? is it...? are we...? are you...? are they...?

Past simple (verbo auxiliar) Affirmative form I was you were he was she was it was we were you were they were Negative form I wasn't you weren't he wasn't she wasn't it wasn't we weren't you weren't they weren't Question form was I...? were you...? was he...? was she...? was it...? were we...? were you...? were they...?

Present perfect (verbo principal) Affirmative form I have been you have been he has been she has been Negative form I haven't been you haven't been he hasn't been she hasn't been Question form have I been...? have you been...? has he been...? has she been...?

it has been we have been you have been they have been

it hasn't been we haven't been you haven't been

has it been...? have we been...? have you been...?

they haven't been have they been...?

Past perfect (verbo principal) Affirmative form I had been you had been he had been she had been it had been we had been you had been they had been Negative form I hadn't been you hadn't been he hadn't been she hadn't been it hadn't been we hadn't been you hadn't been they hadn't been Question form had I been...? had you been...? had he been...? had she been...? had it been...? had we been...? had you been...? had they been...?

Future simple (verbo principal) Affirmative form I will be you will be he will be she will be it will be Negative form I won't be you won't be he won't be she won't be it won't be Question form will I be...? will you be...? will he be...? will she be...? will it be...?

we will be you will be they will be

we won't be you won't be they won't be

will we be...? will you be...? will they be...?

Future be going to (verbo auxiliar) Affirmative form Negative form Question form

I am going to be I'm not going to be am I going to be...? you're going to be he's going to be she's going to be it's going to be we're going to be you're going to be they're going to be you aren't going to are you going to be be...? he isn't going to be she isn't going to be we aren't going to be is he going to be...? is she going to be...? are we going to be...?

it isn't going to be is it going to be...?

you aren't going to are you going to be be...? they aren't going to be are they going to be...?

Conditional (verbo principal) Affirmative form I would be Negative form I wouldn't be Question form would I be...?

you would be he would be she would be it would be we would be you would be they would be

you wouldn't be he wouldn't be she wouldn't be it wouldn't be we wouldn't be you wouldn't be they wouldn't be

would you be...? would he be...? would she be...? would it be...? would we be...? would you be...? would they be...?

Conditional perfect (verbo principal) Affirmative form I would have been you would have been he would have been she would have been it would have been we would have been you would have been Negative form I wouldn't have been you wouldn't have been he wouldn't have been she wouldn't have been it wouldn't have been we wouldn't have been you wouldn't have been Question form would I have been...? would you have been...? would he have been...? would she have been...? would it have been...? would we have been...? would you have been...?

they would have they wouldn't have would they have been been been...?

Present participle Past participle

Leia tambm: Tutorial sobre verbos auxiliares Como fazer perguntas em ingls Tabela de Tempos Verbais

being been

Copyright 2005-2006 Helcio Domingues

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