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Bell @ Speas Discovery Zone Trip Details Staff Pairings

Cluster Himbry Whitmire C. Smith Bridges Wilson Mayfield Bonham Peatross Lowey West Fisher K.Smith Staff Underhill Porter C. Smith Hardy Roman Mayfield S. West Treadwell Barahona Long Wunker Crumpler Staff Chaperone Butner/Hailey Warner Speas Heath/Chaperone* Lorieal Shinault/Chaperone* Lorieal Sub D. Gordon Chaperone Barker Lowery Morgan Fisher Wright

* At the time of the confirmation parent was not sure which cluster Lorrieal was in. Chaperone will stay with whichever cluster Lorieal is in. Itinerary 8:10- All staff members that support the cafeteria in the morning should report to the cafeteria. All car rider staff should report to the car rider area. 8:15- We will open cafeteria for breakfast. 8:15-8:40- Scholars will eat breakfast and go to class- no community time 9:00- Clusters should do attendance and wait with scholars in classrooms to be called to buses 9:15- Depart Speas 10:45- Arrive in Charlotte 11:00 K-2 Lunch at Discovery Place Caf 11:30- Snacks (crackers and water) for 3-5 will be available at Discovery Place Caf (group leaders can decide if snack is necessary) 1:00- 3-5 Lunch at Discovery Place Caf 1:30- K-2 snack (crackers and water) will be available at Discovery Place Caf (group leaders can decide if snack is necessary) 2:00- Board Buses 3:30- Arrive at Speas **The lunch area is on the first floor near the IMAX theater. Bus Assignments in order of place bus holds in bus line


Coolers, K. Smith Himbry, Whitmire C. Smith, Bridges Wilson, Mayfield Bonham, Peatross Lowery, West *Fisher- if we have 7 buses, if not, will go with Fisher on 5, will go with Wunker on 6

Communication Plan The following teachers will have walkie talkies to communicate with Mr. Johnson when buses arrive in Charlotte- Crumpler, Shinault, Wunker Lunches Cafeteria Lunches will be packed and taken with us. We will have containers for student/staff lunches on the way to the bus lot. Please pay close attention to labels for K-2 containers and 3-5 containers. Gentle Reminders Teachers please stress to students that scholars should be respectful of the museum and represent us well. Scholars should be coached to walk at all times Scholars should be coached to use manners at all times Scholars should be reminded about proper bus behavior before the buses leave the lot

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