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Written by Robert Hall and Mathieu Munoz

Thunderous applause and loud cheers began to erupt from the large audience as George Baselton walked out on the lighted catwalk. The adulation of the masses was music to his ears. He loved an audience, and thats why he was so good at what he did for a living. George Baselton was a handsome man in his late fifties. He was born to be on stage, being the star in several school plays. He took Drama in high school, and he quickly achieved his goal as an actor. At the same time, however, he was gaining a career in science. He was a professor until finally being employed by a small company known as BioSyn, in 1993. He was hired as a spokesperson and his first assignment was to improve the companys image. It was in the year 1993 when he first joined, the time BioSyn needed him most. The company was involved with illegal confrontations with another company named InGen He was in charge of covering things up, which he did by strategic advertisements, bribing, and evidence disposal. He found it a difficult job. It was as if he was living two separate lives. He quite liked the spokesperson job, but his other job was where the real money was. What kind of company was BioSyn? It was a biotech company, dealing with products made in the field of genetics. The fad of biotech companies began in the late 70s, and it became quite popular by the 1990s. The technology began intertwine with everyday life. Organs became easy to synthesize and replace, cloning became a way to replenish many endangered species. There had been the cat-sized cockroach in 1996, although it wasnt very popular, it proved that there were ways to make a living out of genetic engineering. In the year 1992, a biotech company called Revolution Genetics Inc. created a piece of technology that was, well, revolutionary. It was first used as a surgery, to regrow skin and organs faster and easier. Then BioSyn began to copy the invention, and a heated rivalry began. Soon, however, the technology was being used in hospitals, being made by smaller companies. This put pressure on RevoGen and BioSyn. BioSyn took an interesting move. They needed to bring in a new brand of consumer. In 2018, they changed their target clientele from sick and injured people to men and women who were dissatisfied with their personal appearance and desired makeovers. RevoGen quickly followed suit after observing Biosyns move. George Baselton was walking to the other end of the catwalk, listening to the cheers of the audience, to advertise the technology. It had already replaced plastic surgery, but there was always room to convince others to try the technology. So, as

he stood at the end of the catwalk with a microphone in his hands and staring at the audience, he began explaining this revolutionary new advance. Welcome ladies and gentleman!, said Baselton, as the applause went quiet, I can say on behalf of BioSyn Incorporated, we are very glad all of you could make it tonight. Its absolutely fantastic that there are so many people interested in our work. Its a pleasure to have you with us, and vice-versa. Were glad we could set this show up for you all to enjoy. BioSyn is all about your enjoyment and happiness Happiness is the main goal with this. Personal happiness. Not immediate funny, entertaining happiness, but the kind of happiness that comes from finding your true self. Something that not all people get to do. That is what we want to accomplish. How does one find theyre true self? There are many ways, but for some people, they find that they are not comfortable from the outside because they feel that theyre body is not theyre true self. Im not talking about a sex change, although we have that available, but something on a much more emotional level. Here at BioSyn, we understand that youd like your dream body, and that youll do anything for a new one for whatever reason. Imagine you are a caterpillar, As he said this, the audience began whisper and smile in interest, A small green caterpillar. Only you dont care for being a caterpillar. You hate it. Youre constantly afraid of being eaten by birds. What do you do? You make a cocoon. Youre in that cocoon, and you change. When youre done, you come out of the cocoon, completely different. Youre now this fast, beautiful, butterfly. You can now fly fast enough to outrun these birds. If youre the caterpillar, its the final stage of your life cycle. In your case, itll be the final stage of your happiness. The Cocoon is the name of the machine, its name taken from the butterfly. Its self-explanatory, the Cocoon. You will be given a choice from hundreds of different versions to choose from. Whichever one you choose will be your body for the rest of your life. We can change anything in your body besides your brain and the spine. Besides that, we can change your appearance entirely. Youll be put into the Cocoon, and within a month, youll wake up in your new beautiful body. You will become very much a butterfly He had finished his speech, and everyone began to formally applaud, some cheered. Many of the people just loved to hear Baselton talk, due to his charisma. He raised his hands in the air as if to submit to the cheers. The show wasnt over; he had yet to show them the evidence of his claims. This would be the crucial part for the audience. It would seal the deal for anyone who was considering going through the Cocooning process. Now, as I said, there are versions. Ive brought a few of our patients who have been through the Cocoon process themselves. Would anyone want to see

that? As he said it, cheers began to burst out. Baselton smiled. Alright, here we go! Versions Brandon and Britney! A man and woman came out from the curtains onto the stage, with some sort of techno music playing in the background. Photos began and they walked on the catwalk, posing for everybody. The man had dark blonde hair, green eyes, and slightly tanned skin. He had a perfect smile and prominent chin. The women were going all over him. The woman was a bit snotty looking, but with wonderful hair and an attractive thin body. She didnt have the same effect on the men that the women had on the man model. The man and the woman went back behind the curtains, and the audience applauded once more. Baselton waited for the applause to fade. When it did, Baselton was ready for the next round, The other two models we have to show you today are part of our new series. Give it up for versions Brad and Angelina! A man and a woman came out of the curtains and did the same dance as the other couple. Walking back and forth, posing for pictures. The woman mirrored actress Angelina Jolie, although a little bit shorter. The man looked almost exactly like actor Brad Pitt. The audience went crazy when they noticed the similarities. Baselton grinned and laughed, clapping with audience. He was pretending to clap with them, but in reality he was clapping because he knew he had the audience hooked. If they look familiar to you, well, they should be! Weve gotten a hold of the DNA of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, with their permission of course. So, you can even look like these famous actors. Who wouldnt want to walk around with an attractive body like that? And dont worry; he was more celebrities in our new celebrity series. Baselton turned to the audience again as the models left. This was only a sample of the wonders that Biosyn has in store. He took a dramatic pause as he stared out at the crowd, and dropped his voice to a low whisper. Others proclaim that they make the future. But I tell you today, that this is not true. For here at Biosyn, we are the future. The audience exploded into applause and adulation. The audience was filled with people who were obsessed with their body and how they appeared. They were too self-conscious and self-absorbed. They thought of themselves as fat and ugly. Those people, Baselton knew, would be the future customers of BioSyn. Baselton found it hard not to grin at the aspect.

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