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Name of Lesson: Renaissance Portfolio

Grade Level: 10 Subject: World History Prepared by: Daniel McIlhenney Overview and Purpose: By the time students are done with this assignment, students will have learned about some of the major contributions artists have made to the Renaissance and learned about the impact the Renaissance has had on history. They will also practice skills they will need in their own lives, such as the ability to draft a resume and cover letter. Educational Standards 4.3.5 Western Europe to 1500 Explain the workings of feudalism, manoralism, and the growth of centralized monarchies and city-states in Europe including the cultural and social impact of the Renaissance on Western and Northern Europe

Objectives: Specify skills/information that will be learned

Students will be able to retrieve and identify key accomplishments from a prominent Renaissance figure. Students will be able to summarize the careers of a significant Renaissance figure. Students will be able to interpret the meaning of important works of Renaissance art. Students will be able to create a full portfolio with cover letter, resume, and samples of work for a Renaissance artists.

Materials Needed: Access to the internet and the Dropbox App Information: Give and/or demonstration necessary information

1. See attached assignment sheet, models, and rubric 2. On day 1, explain the assignment, randomly assign figures to students, field
questions, remind them about the Dropbox App and give them time in the lab to begin finding sources. 3. 2 - 3 days later, make a rough draft due. The kids can save everything using Dropbox. Walk around and give critiques to the students on their drafts. Make the assignemnt due another 2-3 days after offering feedback.

Verification: Steps to check for student understanding

1. The assignment will be collected (digitally using Dropbox) and graded using the
attached rubric. Activity: Describe activity that will reinforce the lesson Students will be given access to each others applications via the Dropbox App. They will read through them and vote as to which 5 figures they believe deserve a place. This will give the students a broader understanding of the contributions of Renaissance artists beyond the one artists they chose.

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