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Sales Letter


Sales letters are the most important written form of peruasive business communication used as an instrument to boost Sales.

Objectives of Sales Letter

1. It Creates and Maintain Goodwill among the customers 2.It keeps customer constantly in touch with the company

3.It educates the customers in selecting the right type of goods 4.It widens the market for existing product without much cost

5.Repeated apperance of tales letters has the effect of reminding customers 6.It has the immediate objective of promoting sales of a product

7.It functions as salesman wherever salesman cannot visit the customers 8.It introduces new goods in the market quickly , more effectively at low cost in a wider area

Features of Sales Letters:

1. Attention-getting opening 2. Emotionals vs Rational appeals 3. Specialised information 4. Focus on particular Class 5. Conversational Style 6. Highlighting important exciting parts of th message 7. Urging action 8. postscript 9. Promise of continued contact 10. You-attitude

Various Types of Sales Letter

There are 2 types of sales letters ; They are (i) Solicited Sales letters:

Requests for information about Services or products you sell are inquiries related to sales. Such inquiries include questions about price,terms, discounts ect. Replies to these inquiries are called Solicited sales letters or invited sales message.

(ii) unsolicited sales letters:

These letters is known as prospecting. It is initiated by the seller for various reasons and are not direct answers to inquiries Advantages of Sales letters: (i) Easy to avoid a salesman but not a sales letters

(ii) It is quite cheap

(iii) It can be brief or as long as may be necessary

(iv) General advertisement may fail to attract attention and to face competition from other advertisement in newspaper or magazine.but sales letter containing a personal message to the reader
(v) Salesman has to wait for hours to get appointment but sales letter gets direct free entry

Hints for drafting Sales Letter: 1.Begin letter in striking manner that increase the
curiosity and tempt to read further 2.Give eplanation of the product or services which offered 3.Make appeal to the reader by telling him how the articles benefits him and highlight the pluspoints, low cost ect, 4.Convince the reader by giving evidence like profit testmonials,ect 5.Induce the reader to act once by offering different types of inducements 6.Close the letter by telling the reader exactly what to do and how to do

Purchase Letter

A buyer-generated document that authorizes a purchase transaction. When accepted by the seller, it becomes a contract binding on both parties.

A purchase letter sets forth the descriptions, quantities, prices, discounts, payment terms, date of performance or shipment, other associated terms and conditions, and identifies a specific seller. Also called order.

PURCHASE ORDER [Date] [NAME, COMPANY AND ADDRESS, ex. Tom Atkinson COMANY Inc. 14 Edith Street, Hackney West, ZIP POST CODE] Dear [NAME, ex. Tom Atkinson], Please accept this purchase order for the following: QUANTITY PRODUCT UNIT PRICE TOTAL [LIST PRODUCTS AND PRICES, ex. 2 Compressor 234A $2,300.00 $4,600.00 1 Compressor 323F $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $5,800.00]

We require shipment by [DATE, ex. June 20, 1998] to:

[ADDRESS, ex. BCA Industries 1223 Second Street Tempe, AZ 85245] Please refer to this order as purchase order #[PURCHASE NUMBER]. If this order cannot be processed as requested, please contact me at XXX-XXXX at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, [YOUR NAME, ex. Tony Montana]

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