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The e-School Management System This system consists of the following modules: Student information system E-Attendance system

Admission system Examination system Accounts management system Details Student Information System This module consists of web site and a back end system to manage this web site. Clerks (under the supervision of an administrator) will input all information of a student in the database and the web site connected to this database will reflect this information on the internet. Public and private concept is there i.e. web site will only display the public information and public information is the one which you will decide to be public. Web Site (Student information systems part I) This web site will be the official web site of your school / college by which you can advertise and let the public know that there is a school / college which cares. Student information shown on the web site Attendance status of student Class and section of the student Class teacher's information Subject information Test results Examination results and status Notes and materials available to download Class schedules (Time table) Fee status (if the accounts module is purchased) Fee payment schedules and dues (if the accounts module is purchased) Notice boards Daily / Weekly / Monthly announcements Books and course details Admission policies and procedures Warnings Student rewards and achievements Other activities

Every parent will be given a user id and a password from the school using which they will log on to the web site can see the overall status of their child (including the above listed information). Administrators of this site in the school can change any information at any time and the site will be updated with in 3 to 5 minutes. Local system (Student information systems part II) Part II is a local system which will run in the branches developed using advance technologies with totally user friendly screens. This system will automate the following systems currently running in your school / college. Search any student by admission date, name, father name, ID, class section etc. Search teachers Display student reports Display students status Display students fee records Display students test and exam results Online testing (computer based exams) Electronic attendance system Electronic time table (computerized time table) At any time see any information of a student Class reports Class status Course status Course management

E Attendance Every student will have a (new) ID card that will contain a magnetic bar behind it (like credit / debit cards) which will hold the information of this student. A card control machine will be installed near the assembly hall or in the way to enter school into which every student will zap his/her ID card and that machine will enter the attendance information of that student in the database. Benefit of which is that every teacher will save 15 to 20 minutes in which he / she marks the attendance. As this attendance is recorded in the database it can be reflected to the web site, and can be printed to show the presents record of any student at any time. Admission System A computerized admission office which will automate every task which are being performed while giving admission to new students. No more files required to log students details no more queues infornt of the administrators desk. Admission system is totally synchronized with the accounting system i.e. as the student will be given an admission from the admission office accounts system will know automatically that there is a new student admitted and fee has to be collected. Admission system provides the following facilities Computerized admission forms Data directly entering in the database Admission officer will not require any file or paper to write anything Admission system will automatically identify that which section is to be given Admission system will strictly maintain the given number of students per class

A diagrammatic presentation of the new admission flow


Enter students informati on

Search the number of available seats in the required class

If seat is available


Assign the seat to the student

Update information

Update accounting system for a new admission

NO Close and discard informartion E End

Enter an admissio n request

Examination system The examination system will maintain all the examination records such as: Exam schedules Exams time table Students who can not appear in the exam with reason Exams attendance Marks of each students Teachers remarks

This information will also be available on the web site of your school / college. Accounting system Accounting system will maintain all the accounts for: Students Sales Purchase Inventory management Fee collection (complete fee management) Examination fee collection Expenses Reports o Financial reports o Students account reports o Sales report o Purchase report o Statistical reports o Analysis reports o Assets report Ledgers Bank reconciliation Accounts receivable Accounts payable Liabilities

This accounting system will increase the work flow speed by almost 10 times faster than the current system. Every accountant will be computerized i.e. on a click of mouse you will able to see the status of any thing related to the account. System will automatically track the fee collection of every student i.e. right after the admission of a student system will plan full schedule of fee collection for the student for one full year and will notify the accounts department if there is a delay in the payment

and according the late fee policy in your school / college system will automatically calculate the amount to be calculated at any given date. Accounting system is also synchronized with the examination system i.e. accounting system will know by exam schedules that when and how much examination fee has to be collected from students.



Accounting System

Fee collection

Sales Inventory Purchase

This is just a formal diagram showing that every module in the system is directly connected to the accounting system and taking/giving data in order to maintain a centralized accounting operation. Employee management system Managing salary slip, keeping in tracks all the leave and absent status, overtime etc. and a payroll system generating salaries for all employees working in your school with the following facilities. Stores information of every employee Reporting the absent / present status Generates Salary slips Overtime calculations Rewards Points for employee / teacher of the month

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