Presentasi Montane Ecology

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Montane Ecology

by: 1. Husnul Aini (12) 2. Sartika Apriani (25)

Montane Ecology (Kehidupan di puncak Gunung)

is the branch of ecology that studies life systems on

The ecosystems on mountains is strongly affected by

Contents :

1. Montane Forest 2. Subalpine Zone 3. Alpine Grassland and Tundra

Here the temperature is a lot warmer (6 -12oC), it is eight degrees warmer then the Alpine and Subalpine Life Zones. Animals In Mountain Life Zone the animals are a little similar to Subalpine Life Zones. Theyre elk, beaver, chipmunks, squirrels, bear, mule deer, and mountain lions. The birds that are live here are Mountain Jays, Stellar Jays, Peewees, Sapsuckers, Thrushes, and Warblers.

Plants At moderate elevations, the rainfall and temperate climate encourages dense forests to grow, for example pinus and cemara merah

The subalpine zone is the biotic zone immediately below tree line around the world with temperature 3 6 o C. Species that occur in this zone depend on the location of the zone on the Earth, for example, Snow Gun in Australia, or, Subalpine Larch, and Subalpine Fir in North America. Animals Animals here are very different to Alpine Life zone . They are bears, cougars, chipmunks, squirrels, wood chucks, weasels, elk, deer, mountain lions, and snowshoe rabbits,

Plants In Subalpine Zone we have many many trees here. They are Bristle Cone pine, Englemann Spruce, Balsam Fir, Limber Pine, and Alpine fir. Some flowers here are root-crowns, glacier lily, fringed gentian, and mountain marsh

Didominiasi oleh rumput dan tundra. Zona ini temperaturnya antara 1,5 dan 3 oC . In the Alpine Life Zone it is 11,500 above feet in. There are no cities or people living here. The Timberline line is an imaginary line. This is sometimes called the alpine tundra because they get there water by the melting snow

Animals There are many animals in the Alpine Life Zone. They are Ptarmigan, mountain sheep, Pika, Marmot, Snowshoe rabbit and mountain goat.

Plants These are the plants that are in the Alpine Life Zone. These are the flowers Forget-Me-Nots, Fairy Primrose, Bistort, Deer Clover, Queens Crown, Sky Pilot, and Arctic

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