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Activities 1. Identification of a researchable problem 2. Formulation of objectives and problem statements 3. Title formulation 4. Identification of theoretical framework. 5. Formulation of scope, limitation, definition of terms, and acronyms. 6. Consultation and revision of chapter 1 7. Formulation of related local and foreign literature and studies 8. Consultation and revision of chapter 2 9. Formulation of a plan for the research methodology 10. Acquisi tion of research instruments
November December January February March April May June July August September October


11. Informed consent and letter of approval 12. Consultation and revision of chapter 3 13. Semi- final revision of entire chapter 1, 2 , and 3 13. Power Point preparation for colloquium. 12. Colloqu ium presentation 13. Oral defense of research proposal 14. Final revision of research proposal 15. Printing the Final Research proposal 16. Sendin g of letter of approval to conduct the study to Community 17. Waiting


for approval to conduct the study in Samar 18. Pilot testing of research tool in the barangay 19. Setting contract in the Samar 20. Actual data gathering in Samar and house to house interview. 21. Data analysis and transcription 22. Consult ation and revision of data analysis and transcription Chapter 4 23. Summa ry of findings 24. Formul ate Conclusions and recommen -dations 25. Consult ation for Chapter 5


26. Revisio n of entire chapter 1-5 27. Oral Defense 28. Final revision of entire Research paper 29. Printing the final output.
Legend: Done Not Done




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