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Novotel Case Novotels Transformational Renewal Journey 1. What was the main reason for renewal at Novotel?

Novotel proposition was losing its edge and revitalized to better fit the transformed business environment. For develop new competencies and capabilities among hotel managers and front line staff. 2. Describe the predominant mix of roles of top-, middle-, and front line management in Novotels renewal journey. Classify them as passive or active and explain your choice. Top management o Led the renewal processes o Influence the environment Middle Management o Championing initiative aired their concern and requested more autonomy o As implementor, Facilitating roles, Synthesizers Front-line Management o Experimenting new technologies, improve current approaches, propose new initiative, and identify radically new avenues for change. o Observe trend that might unnotice by top and middle managers. Transformational renewal ACTIVE o Involved closed involvement from all organizational levels 3. Reflect on the renewal approach by Novotels top management and identify the elements of a transformational renewal journey. Was this journey suitable in your opinion? The elements of a transformational renewal journey Shared sense-making --integrative processes that seek to maximize organization learning. Top-, middle and front-line management involvement Unbalanced: from strong exploitation towards strong exploration and vice versa Organization knows best: high organizational knowledge integration (tightly coupled units) Changing industry rules In my opinion, the transformational renewal journey is suitable to Novotels organization. The processes were led from the top, but involved very considerable involvement from all levels, not just to participate in the changes, but also to shape the direction of the process. This involvement improved the quality of the result and increased the speed of the process.

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