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Kyle Warner July 3, 2012

Early Life (3-4) Civil War (5-7) Portraits (8-10) Gallery (11) Contribution to Photography (12-14) References (15)

Born 1822 From Warren County New York

Involved in capturing the Civil War Was lost and wounded in battle for 3 days

Most famous photographer from the Civil War His photos inspired the TV series The Civil War in 1990

Waited until the fighting was over to take photos Hired 20 others to take pictures in other locations around the U.S.

July 1861 Battle of the Bull Run Battle of Gettysburg photo below

Abraham Lincolns favorite photographer Famous for taking Civil War leader photos

Many of his portraits models didnt look at camera Brady never faced the camera when taking photos of himself

Had is own gallery off of Broadway in New York Many powerful people viewed his gallery and gave him fame

He also practiced daguerreotypist Acted more as an art director than a photographer

Called the Father of Photojournalism One of the first to use photograph to document history

Made dark rooms that were carried by horse and wagon

Thomas, Mike. "Mathew Brady, The War Correspondent." National Parks 86.1 (2012): 1-5. Academic Search Premier. Web. 2 July 2012.

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