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NAME: ____________________________________ YEAR: 4 ___________ UJIAN PENILAIAN 1 2012 MATHEMATICS (PAPER 2) YEAR 4 40 MINUTES Answer all questions. Show your working clearly in the spaces provided.
Jawab semua soalan. Tunjukkan pengiraan dengan jelas di ruangan yang disediakan.

1) Write 88 044 in words.

Tulis 88 044 dalam perkataan.

(1 mark)

______________________________________________________________________ 2) Round off 48 572 to the nearest ten thousand.

Bundarkan 48 572 kepada puluh ribu terhampir.

(1 mark)

______________________________________________________________________ 3) Write the place value of the underlined digit.

Tulis nilai tempat bagi digit yang bergaris.

(1 mark)

61 716 : _______________________________________________________ 4) Write forty thousand eight hundred and three in numerals. Tulis empat puluh ribu lapan ratus tiga dalam bentuk angka. (1 mark)

______________________________________________________________________ 5) Subtract 6 825 from 78 614.

Tolakkan 6 825 daripada 78 614.

(1 mark)

6) 42 736 + 15 624 + 30 202 = _______________

(2 marks)

7) 932 x 100 = ________________________

(2 marks)

8) Arrange the numbers in descending order :

Susun nombor-nombor berikut mengikut tertib menurun.

(2 marks)

50 178, 51 780, 51 078, 50 718, 50 187 _______________________________________________________________________ 9) 90 000 24 650 875 = _________________ (2 marks)

10) Add up 46 213, 7 028 and 267.

Tambahkan 46 213, 7 028 dan 267.

(2 marks)

11) Find the product of 137 and 7.

Cari hasil darab bagi 137 dan 7

(2 marks)

12) What is the difference between 53 989 and 19 542 ?

Apakah perbezaan di antara 53 989 dan 19 542?

(2 marks)

13) Find the total of 2 615, 20 and 25 768.

Cari jumlah bagi 2 615, 20 dan 25 768.

(2 marks)

14) Solve 297 x 27.

Selesaikan 297 x 27.

(2 marks)

15) Complete the number sentence.

Lengkapkan ayat nombor berikut.

(2 marks)

- 2 968 = 5 295

16) Kim Seong has 5 216 stamps in his stamp album. Rosli has 396 stamps more than him. How many stamps they have altogether?
Kim Seong mempunyai 5 216 setem di dalam album setemnya.Rosli mempunyai 396 setem lebih daripadanya. Berapa banyakkah setem yang mereka ada kesemuanya?

(3 marks) 17) In 2005, 20 682 people visited the National Zoo. Among them, 10 975 were men. How many of them were women?
Pada tahun 2005, 20 682 orang telah mengunjungi Zoo Negara. Di antara mereka, 10 975 adalah lelaki. Berapa ramaikah di antara mereka adalah wanita?

(3 marks)

18) A factory produces 8 795 vitamin pills every day. How many pills does it produce in one week?
Sebuah kilang menghasilkan 8 795 biji vitamin setiap hari. Berapa banyakkah vitamin yang dihasilkan dalam seminggu?

(3 marks) 19) There were 62 324 books in a school library. Recently, another 2 637 books were purchased by the school authorities. Find the total books in the school library now.
Terdapat 62 324 buku dalam perpustakaan sekolah. Baru-baru ini, lagi 2 637 buku telah dibeli oleh pihak sekolah. Cari jumlah buku yang terdapat dalam perpustakaan sekolah sekarang.

(3 marks) 20) Subtract 35 956 from 70 000. Give your answer to the nearest thousand.
Tolakkan 35 956 daripada 70 000. Beri jawapan anda kepada ribu terhampir.

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