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Bioethics Septyl Foja No love lost for her brother-in-law? 1.

What are the ethical issues that can be raised in the case? The condition that Mia gave her in-laws to make her decision in favor of Vics donating one of his kidneys to his brother. 2. Was the collective apology by the family to Mia required to make her decide in favor of Vic donating his kidney to the elder brother? No. According to Fr. Manlangit, organ donation is an act of charity that should spring forth from the sacrificial generosity of the donor, and in this case, of Mia as the wife of Vic. 3. Is it ethically defensible if Mia does not decide in favor of Vics donation? On what ethical grounds and why? Yes. If Mia thinks that the procedure will affect her husbands health and will therefore affect his function as the head of their family. Also as a wife Mia has the right to refuse for the donation because when she married Vic, they are considered as one body and one spirit. Since the two parties become one in marriage, in spirit AND body, BOTH the wife AND the husband, therefore, must decide how to dispose their body and have an obligation to give reverence that is due their body because they are sacred, that result from this legally and ethically binding marriage. 4. Do the parents have the ethical authority to force Vic to donate without the wifes approval? How about a legal authority? No. A married man voluntarily agrees to share his life and his body with his wife. He thus voluntarily forfeits at least some his independent autonomy over his life and body for the sake of the marriage union. Therefore, the authority of Vics parents will have to come second to Mia or third if Mia and Vic have children.

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