Animal 1

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Lions Female lions are called lioness, male lions are called Lions, baby lions are called

a cubs and a group of lions are called a pride. Lions are hard to see in the dry grass because lions are same color as a dry grass. Females do 85 to 90 percent of the pride's hunting, while the males patrol the territory and protect the pride, for which they take the "lion's share" of the females' prey. When resting, lions seem to enjoy good fellowship with lots of touching, head rubbing, licking and purring. But when it comes to food, each lion looks out for itself. Squabbling and fighting are common, with adult males usually eating first, followed by the females and then the cubs. __________________________________________ Tigers Tigers wait until dark to hunt. Once a tiger has spotted its prey, it sneaks as close as possible to its

victim. Then the tiger sprints to the unsuspecting animal, usually pulling it off its feet with its teeth and claws. If the prey animal is large, the tiger bites its throat to kill it; smaller prey is usually killed when the tiger breaks its neck. Dolphin Some dolphin color light blue and some are pink. Bottlenose dolphins are sleek and streamlined and can travel at speeds of up to 35 kilometers per hour. They have a prominent dorsal fin, which can be seen slicing through the water. Bottlenose dolphins vary in size, shape and color depending on where they are found. In general dolphins have a dark grey back and a light grey belly. This helps to camouflage the animal so when potential predators (such as killer whales or sharks) look up from the deep, the light grey belly blends in with bright surface waters. When seen from above, the grey back blends in with the deep dark waters below.

Bottlenose dolphin calves weigh around 15-30 kilograms at birth and around 70-130 centimeters long. They will grow up to seven times their original body weight in their first year. An adult will reach 24 meters and weigh between 150-650 kilograms. Bottlenose dolphins can live to over 30 years of age. Leopard A large slender member of the cat family with a yellowish brown to orange red coat spotted with black rosettes. Native to: Africa, Asia. Latin name: Panthera Pardus.

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