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Test Paper 8th Grade I. If a line is correct, put a tick next to the number.

If there is an extr a word in a line, write it next to the number: 1..A few years ago, I was the smallest person in my class. In fact, 2..I was so much small that most of the other kids teased me. 3..They would pick up on me and make jokes about me. It was 4...awful! The worst thing was unless they always got away with it. 5 ..The teachers never told them to stop. Then, one day, my body 6started to grow. Soon, I was the bigger than all of them and they 7all stopped teasing me. Now, if I see someone bullying someone 8else, I would immediately tell them to stop. I explain that if they 9dont, then I will make them! They know Im strong enough that do that, so they soon change their attitude. How things can change in only a few years! II. 1. 2. facts. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals: In the past, children were expected to be very. OBEY Jenny seemed talk about her argument with Nancy but I eventually got the WILLING My best friend has a great . and everyone likes her. PERSON Did you hear that. on the radio about the water shortage? ANNOUNCE Are you thinking of a career in.? JOURNAL A person with an complex is generally quite shy. INFERIOR We had an day boating on the lake. ENJOY He proved so stubborn that it seemed to me to insist. POINT The professors explanation was out of my .. DEEP The movie is suitable only for, not for children. GROW

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:

Bob was getting very bored of lying in his hospital bed, so he was quite happy t o see his Uncle Hamish come into the room. Hello Bobby! shouted Hamish. How are you ? Id be better if I. (not / LIE) in this hospital, grumbled Bob. Oh, cheer up! sai You (never/ GET) better if you have such a negative attitude. Youd have a negative ude too if you ..(BE) stuck in this boring room with no TV for 24 hours a day! Well, e no one to blame but yourself, said Hamish. If you had not been driving so fast, you (not/ CRASH) into that tree. Oh, no, Uncle Hamish. Dont say that. If one more n (SAY) that to me, I swear Ill punch them, said Bob. Now, now Bobby! If I .(BE) polite to my visitors. Youre going to be in here for a few weeks, and if youre rud e to people, they . (not/ COME) to see you, warned Hamish. Im sorry, Bob apologised ise Ill be polite as long as you .(not/ MENTION)my careless driving again. OK, Bobby orry too. I wouldnt have mentioned it if.(KNOW) how upset it makes you. IV. Complete the sentences so that the meaning remains the same: 1. If her condition should improve, well inform you immediately. Should.. 2. If you were able to go abroad for the summer, where would you go? Were.. 3. If the hole in the ozone layer had been discovered sooner, fewer people would have got skin cancer. Had 4. I would go for a walk if it were not for this rain. But for 5. The children would have drowned if it hadnt been for that courageous sail or. But..

V. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Complete using comparative/ superlative forms: I have time this year than I did last year. LITTLE The news was much.than anyone had feared. BAD It was .film I had ever seen. BORING Slow down! Youre .than me and I cant keep up! FIT Lock the door time and maybe you wont get burgled! CAREFULLY

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