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Model Summary Adjusted R Model 1 R .


Std. Error of the Estimate R Square Change .452 .823

Change Statistics F Change 133.697 df1 5 df2 144 Sig. F Change .000

R Square .823

Square .817

a. Predictors: (Constant), Service center Staff Behaviour, Service/Repairs Charges reasonable, Acknowledgement time, Post Sales Experience, All complaints/issues attended

ANOVA Model 1 Regression Residual Total Sum of Squares 136.447 29.393 165.840 df

Mean Square 5 144 149 27.289 .204

F 133.697

Sig. .000

a. Predictors: (Constant), Service center Staff Behaviour, Service/Repairs Charges reasonable, Acknowledgement time, Post Sales Experience, All complaints/issues attended b. Dependent Variable: Dealership Experience


Standardized Unstandardized Coefficients Model 1 (Constant) Post Sales Experience Acknowledgement time Service/Repairs reasonable All attended Service Behaviour a. Dependent Variable: Dealership Experience center Staff complaints/issues Charges B -.106 .096 .032 .018 Std. Error .117 .054 .048 .030 .081 .027 .022 Coefficients Beta t -.908 1.773 .674 .610 Sig. .365 .078 .501 .543











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