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Project Management Processes for a Project

Tanveer Ahmed, PMP


Organizational Process Assets

Organizational process assets include any or all process related assets, l l d ll l d from any or all of the organizations involved in the project that can be used to influence the projects success. These process assets include formal and informal plans, policies, procedures, and guidelines. The process assets also include the organizations knowledge bases such as lessons learned and historical information. Organizational process assets may include completed schedules, risk data, and earned value data. Updating and adding to the organizational process assets as necessary throughout the project are generally the responsibility of the project team members. Organizational process assets may be grouped into two categories

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Processes and Procedures Organizational standard processes such as standards, policies (e.g., safety and health policy, ethics policy, and project management policy) Standardized guidelines, work instructions, proposal evaluation criteria, and performance measurement criteria; Templates (e.g., risk, work breakdown structure, project schedule network diagram, and contract templates); Guidelines and criteria for tailoring the organization s set of organizations standard processes to satisfy the specific needs of the project; Organization communication requirements (e.g., specific communication technology available, allowed communication media, record retention policies, and , p , security requirements);

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Project closure guidelines Financial expenditure controls and procedures (e.g., (e g time reporting, reporting required and





standard contract provisions); Issue and defect management procedures Change control procedures Risk control procedures Procedures f prioritizing, approving, and issuing work P d for i i i i i di i k authorizations.

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Corporate Knowledge Base The organizational corporate knowledge base for storing and retrieving information includes but is not limited to: Process measurement databases Project files P j t fil Historical information and lessons learned knowledge bases Issue and defect management databases Configuration management knowledge bases Financial databases containing information such as labor hours, incurred costs, budgets and any project cost overruns

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Enterprise Environmental Factors p

Enterprise environmental factors refer to both internal and external environmental factors that surround or influence projects success. These factors may come from any or all of the enterprises involved in the project project.

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Organizational culture structure and processes; culture, structure, Govt or industry standards Infrastructure (e g existing facilities and capital (e.g., equipment); Existing human resources (e g skills, disciplines, (e.g., skills disciplines and knowledge, such as design, development, law, contracting, and p g, purchasing); g); Personnel administration (e.g., staffing and retention guidelines, employee performance reviews and training records, overtime policy, and time tracking); Company work authorization systems; C k h i i Project management information systems
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A process is a set of interrelated actions and activities performed to achieve a pre-specified product, result, or f d hi ifi d d l service. ac p ocess s c a acte ed ts puts, t e too s a d Each process is characterized by its inputs, the tools and techniques that can be applied, and the resulting outputs. Organizational process assets provide guidelines and criteria for tailoring the organization s processes to the organizations specific needs of the project. Enterprise environmental factors may constrain the project management options.

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Project management processes are grouped into five categories known as Project Management Process Groups (or Process Groups): Initiating Process Group. Those processes performed to define a new project or a new phase of an existing project by obtaining authorization to start the project or phase. Planning Process Group. Those processes required to establish the scope of the project, refine the objectives, and define the course of f h j fi h bj i d d fi h f action required to attain the objectives that the project was undertaken to achieve. Executing Process Group. Th E ti P G Those processes performed to complete f dt l t the work defined in the project management plan to satisfy the project specifications. Monitoring and Controlling Process Group Those processes Group. required to track, review, and regulate the progress and performance of the project; identify any areas in which changes to the plan are required; and initiate the corresponding changes. Closing Process Group. Those processes performed to finalize all activities across all Process Groups to formally close the project or p phase.
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Project Project Project Project Project Project Project Project j Project Integration Management Scope Management Time Management Cost Management Quality Management Resource Management Communication Management Risk Management Procurement Management g

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Initiating Process Group

Develop Project Charter

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Initiating Process Group..

Identify Stakeholders

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Planning Process Group

Develop Project Management Plan

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Planning Process Group..

Collect Requirements

Define Scope

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Planning Process Group..

Create WBS

Define Activities

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Sequence Activities

Planning Process Group..

Estimate Activity Resources

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Estimate Activities Duration

Planning Process Group..

Develop Schedule

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Planning Process Group..

Estimate Cost

Determine Budget

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Plan Quality

Planning Process Group..

Determine Human Resource Plan

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Plan Communication

Planning Process Group..

Plan Risk Management

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Identify Risks

Planning Process Group..

Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis

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Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis Q y

Planning Process Group..

Plan Risk Responses

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Planning Process Group..

Plan Procurements

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Executing Process Group

Direct and Manage Project Execution

Perform Quality Assurance

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Executing Process Group..

Acquire Project Team

Develop Project Team

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Executing Process Group..

Manage Project Team

Distribute Information

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Manage Project Team

Executing Process Group..

Conduct Procurements

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Monitoring and Controlling Process Group

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Monitoring & Ctrlg Process Group..

Monitoring and Controlling Project Work

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Monitoring & Ctrlg Process Group..

Perform Integrated Change Control

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Verify Scope

Monitoring & Ctrlg Process Group..

Control Scope

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Control Schedule

Monitoring & Ctrlg Process Group..

Control Cost

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Perform Quality Control Q y

Monitoring & Ctrlg Process Group..

Report Performance p

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Monitor and Control Risks

Monitoring & Ctrlg Process Group..

Administer Procurements

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Closing Process Group

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Closing Process Group..

Close Project or Phase

Close Procurements

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