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Hyperion Financial Management: Business Rule Writing Tips and Techniques

Chris Barbieri
Consolidation Practice Director Oracle ACE Ranzal & Associates
*With significant content from JimTheRulesGuy Heflin & Geordan Drummond of Ranzal

Basics of HFM rules in classic Vbscript Advanced topics in classic mode Debugging Intro to Calc Manager Questions ?

HFM Rules
The basics

A good rules file is an empty one.

- Anonymous

What are we doing with rules in HFM?

Rules primarily move data within the system
Also provide NoInput, Input, ICT intersections

Its always a pull*

Pull to all valid intersections on the left hand side of the equation from the intersections on the right Always think in 12 dimensions that comprise the point of view. * Except in consolidation rules, Sub Allocate, and ImpactStatus Dont focus on the vbscript Do focus on where

can we read from and where can we write to?

HFM Rules 101: There are two main functions

The HS.Exp function is used to write data to the database HFM destination = source data from HFM The HS.GetCell function is used to retrieve data from the database A variable = data from HFM

Tip 1: Know what dimensions are valid on each side of the equation.
On the left hand side: The current point of view is set, these dimensions cannot be specified:
Scenario Year Period Entity Value

On the right hand side: Any of the 12 dimensions can be specified.

These can be specified

Account ICP Custom 1-4 can be specified.

View is a special case

Based on the ZeroView settings and the scenario default view

Example: Invalid HS.Exp

Rollforward beginning retained earnings

HS.Exp A#BegRetainedEarnings.P#January & _ = A#EndRetEarn.Y#Prior.P#December & _ + A#NetIncome.Y#Prior.P#December.W#YTD

Tip 2: Data is written to the base level elements of a dimension

In the following dimensions you can only write to a base level elements: elements
Account ICP Custom1 Custom2 Custom3 Custom4 So only base members on the left hand side

Tip 3: Implicit vs. Explicit Intersections

Dimensions not explicitly on the right hand side of an equation are implicitly lifted from the left hand side and/or the POV. Very important to explicitly define what is on the left and right hand side of an equation. Dont leave rules to guesswork be explicit!

The left hand drives the equation

HS.Exp A#Account3.C1#Chips = A#Account4 HS.Exp A#Account3.C1#Olap = A#Account4

The same formula reversed

HS.Exp "A#Account3 = A#Account4.C1#Chips" HS.Exp "A#Account3 = A#Account4.C1#Olap"

Last one in wins!

Tip 4: A statement will run for all valid intersections of data.

This is often not the desired result For Example an account Account1 has 8 valid base members in Custom1 HS.Exp A#Account1 = 10 What will the total value of Account1 be for Custom1?

Results in 10 in every valid intersection

Tip 6: If you can not specify a dimension on left hand side of the equation, then control when the statements are run.

If HS.Period.IsFirst = True Then HS.Exp A#BegRetainedEarnings & _ = A#EndRetEarn.Y#Prior.P#Last & _ + A#NetIncome.Y#Prior.P#Last.W#YTD End If

Yes - The system knows what comes prior to period 1

If HS.Period.IsFirst = True Then HS.Exp "A#Account1 = A#Account2.P#Prior" & _ "+ A#Account3.P#Prior.W#YTD" End If

HFM Scenarios are not linked like the Category in Enterprise but the system does know the sequence of the year dimension Note: You can get in trouble if you run this rule on the first year in the system!

Tip 7: What will be the result?

HS.Exp "A#Account1 = A#Account2 & _ * (A#Account3 / A#Account4 )"

Nothing but be careful

The HS.Exp function itself seems to take division by zero into consideration and will just yield nothing. It did not write a zero if there was data in the destination cell it did not write anything If you use a GetCell or regular VB code
SomeVariable = HS.GetCell "A#Account2 & _ * (Variable1/AVariableWithValueZero AVariableWithValueZero)

This will fail with a division by 0 error

Tip 8: The [None] entity

The [None] entity does not have a currency Rules will assume you want to read data from the same value dimension member you are in [None] is the only valid value
If HS.Entity.Member = "Child2" Then E#[None].V#[None]. HS.Exp "A#Account2 = E#[None].V#[None].A#Account4 End If

Tip 9: Dont fill the database with 0s

Be careful when writing to the database that you are not pushing 0s into the database A zero is data which is not the same as nothing. What do you think will happen when you run a Consolidate all with Data? This has a negative effect on performance This can very quickly bloat the database size

HS.Exp Pushing Zeros

HS.Exp "A#Account3.C1#Chips = A#Account4.C1#Chips * 1.1" HS.Exp A#Account3.C1#Computers = A#Account4 & _ .C1#Computers * 1.1



HS.Exp - Pushing Zeros part 2

SomeVariable = HS.GetCell("A#Account4.C1#Computers") * 1.1 HS.Exp "A#Account3.C1#Computers = " & SomeVariable



HS.Exp Pushing Zeros Part 3

SomeVariable = HS.GetCell("A#Account4.C1#Computers") * 1.1 If SomeVariable <> 0 Then HS.Exp "A#Account3.C1#Computers = " & SomeVariable End If

HS.Exp Pushing Zeros Part 4

You can use the GetCellNoData function. This function is like the GetCell function but as an added bonus it populates a Boolean variable to let you know if function is returning data
SomeVariable = HS.GetCellNoData(A#Account4.C1#Chips,IsEmpty IsEmpty) * 1.1 If IsEmpty = False Then HS.Exp "A#Account3.C1#Chips = " & SomeVariable End If

HFM Rules
Advanced Topics and Debugging

The thrills and excitement of working in the Value dimension !

AKA: If youre not afraid.. you will be

The Value Dimension is the key

The Value dimension is the key to Rules The Value dimension is the key to HFM It enables:
Currency Translation Intercompany Transactions Percentage Consolidation Journal Entries at multiple levels

A simple representation of the elements in the value dimension

[Contribution Total] [Contribution] [Proportion] [Parent Total] [Parent] <Parent Currency Total> <Parent Currency> <Entity Currency Total> <Entity Currency> <Entity Curr Adjs> <Parent Curr Adjs> [Parent Adjs] [Contribution Adjs] [Elimination]

Tip 1: The calculate sub procedure may be run several times per entity.
Unless restricted, Sub Calculate can run up to eight times per entity May accidentally end up with double or triple the desired value Even if its correct, it simply takes unnecessary time

[Contribution Total] [Contribution] [Proportion] [Parent Total] [Parent] <Parent Currency Total> <Parent Currency> <Entity Currency Total> <Entity Currency> <Entity Curr Adjs> <Parent Curr Adjs> [Parent Adjs] [Contribution Adjs] [Elimination]

Specify the Value Dimension

If HS.Value.Member = "<Entity Currency>" Then Some code statements Else Some code statements End If

Tip 2: Reading Across the Value Dimension

<Entity Currency Total> 3

<Entity Currency>

<Entity Curr Adjs>

Rules are not run and you cant write to <Entity Currency Total> (1) and (2) are entirely independent of each other Avoid reading from outside the data unit Definitely avoid reading Calculated values from outside the data unit.

HFM Rules 201: Default Sub routines

Most Common Calculate Translate Consolidate NoInput Dynamic Less Common Allocate Input Infrequent ICT EPU

Tip 1: Debugging
The Editor will help you. Save time Format code Syntax check code Use VB functions The editor knows what parameters are required etc. Has color coding

Tip:2 Put the POV into variables

At the beginning of code place the Point of View into variables. Pass this into custom subroutines

Tip 3: Comparisons are case sensitive.

'If you write this statement: pov_scenario = HS.Scenario.Member 'And get this data out of the system: pov_scenario is equal to "ACTUAL" 'This comparison is not true If pov_scenario = "actual" then However this is true If LCase(pov_scenario) = "actual" then 'The LCase function is the Lower Case function (Yes there is a UCase function for Upper Case)

What does this code do?

If HS.Value.Member = "<Entity Currency>" And HS.Scenario.Member = "ACTUAL" _ And HS.Year.Member >= "2002" Then variable1 = HS.Entity.List("","CC_Alloc_Ent") Dim i For i = LBound(variable1) To UBound(variable1) If HS.Entity.Member = variable1(i) Then Variable2 = HS.Getcell("A#account123.I#[ICPNone].C1#MfgFixGen.C2#[None].C3#[None].C4#[None ]")+HS.Getcell("A#account123.I#[ICPNone].C1#MfgVarGen.C2#[None].C3#[None].C4#[N one]")+HS.Getcell("A#account123.I#[ICPNone].C1#ShippgWHGen.C2#[None].C3#[None ].C4#[None]")+HS.Getcell("A#account123.I#[ICPNone].C1#SellingGen.C2#[None].C3#[N one].C4#[None]")+HS.Getcell("A#account123.I#[ICPNone].C1#EnginGen.C2#[None].C3# [None].C4#[None]")+HS.Getcell("A#account123.I#[ICPNone].C1#AdminGen.C2#[None]. C3#[None].C4#[None]") If Variable2 > 0 Then Call Subprocedure1 Exit For End If End If Next End If

Tip 4: Formatting Counts

Formatting 1: Document Code

Use comments to say what the code is doing
Add any concerns you may have about the code and possible ways for it to break or need for maintenance Add your initials and dates to everything you change

If you dont document code, it is very difficult for anyone to help you Undocumented code is difficult to maintain (modify later) Your future audience may be you!

Formatting 2: Use meaningful variable names.

Dont make your variables a secret code If the variable is holding average daily sales call it something like:
AvgDaySales average_daily_sales

Be careful if you mix case

Formatting 3: Use indenting

Indent code in loops
For month = 1 to 12 Line of code Line of code Line of code Next Month

Indent code in conditional statements

If month = 6 then Line of code Else Line of code End If month

Comment the end of each loop or condition

900 lines later, youll clearly understand which conditions were in place

Formatting 4: Line Continuations

A formula may be complex but at least try to be reasonable as to where the line breaks occur.

HFM Rules course from Oracle Education VBA for Dummies
Nice overview of programming and VBA.

VBScript in a Nutshell
by Childs, Lomax, & Petrusha, published by OReilly, is a really handy syntax reference when coding.

Microsoft 6.0 Programmers Guide HFM_Admin.pdf & HFM_User.pdf

Functions guide

Oracle Technology Network forum

Tip 4: Type less

Variables can hold strings which represent blocks of code
Nones =".I#[ICP None].C1#[None].C2#[None].C3#[None].C4#[None]"

This works
HS.Exp "A#AvgWorkCap" & Nones & "=" & (sum_wc / 13)

Tip 5: Impact Status

HS.ImpactStatus(target POV) Function that simply changes the calc status of the target from anything to CN
Only need to use on base entities Anytime Sub Calculate runs, you know that data has been updated Same or future Period, can be a different scenario, year, entity, etc.

Always used for Roll-forwards

Impact Status for Synchronizing Actual Data with Forecast

Used to notify the Forecast that Actual has been updated
First, when youre in the Actual scenario, change the calc status in the Forecast Scenario Second, when youre in the Forecast scenario, set all accounts equal to their respective values from Actual

Also used for currency restatement scenarios Performance-wise, this is expensive so use wisely and sparingly

Tip 8: Break the Rule file into multiple sub-procedures

Advantages: Each sub procedure will deal with one set or rules.
Cash Flow Allocations Statistics

You can turn types of rules on and off Cuts down on repetitive code Helps with debugging Overall code is more readable Calc Manager is designed for this approach

Calling all Sub Routines

Tip 9: Debugging Code

The real mystery is: what are the values of variables while the system is running? What is the POV when the rule is running? Did I meet an If..Then condition? Does my variable contain what I think it should? You cant use a VB message box function Write information to a text file that you can look at after the rules have run.

Writing to a text file

Not natively part of HFM, but used so often most people think it is Added functionality directly into Calc Manager

Using the WriteToFile Routine

Call WriteToFile(Text to write out) Call WriteToFile(VariableName = & variable content)

Output of the File

File output is from the HFM app servers perspective and owned by the DCOM user
Create a file share for this

This is a snapshot of the text output I was just trying to see what data was in each of the value dimensions at a particular time The Time / Date Stamp is coded into the output, and is automatic

Intro to Calc Manager

The future of EPM rules development

Web-based, object-oriented module that creates:
HFM rules Planning Business Rules

GUI creates flow chart-like representation of rules Relationship to EPMA must use EPMA to use Calc Manager and viceversa allows for Calc Manager to be used with Classic applications and Classic rules with EPMA

How is this different from todays rules? In the end the logic is still the same for HFM
Calc Mgr creates and stores the visual representation During deployment an .rle file is created from the objects and loaded to HFM Deployment is equivalent to todays step of loading rules VBScript also be generated on demand to validate what will be created during deployment

Object Hierarchy

Rules *
* Rules can also contain other nested Rules

Rule Sets
Are equivalent to major subroutines (e.g. Calculate, Consolidate, Translate, NoInput, etc.) Only one RuleSet per Calculation Type can be deployed at once but multiple versions can be created and stored RuleSets perform Calls for all of the individual rules

Are equivalent to custom subroutines that are called from main subroutines Where all of the actual code is actually housed

Elements Components (Demo)

Equivalent to any statement/formula such as HS.Exp or setting a variable equal to something Also contains conditional processing for individual statements

Allows VBScript to be written for part of a rule rather than using the GUI interface

Used to wrap a conditional statement around other components (e.g. If pov_entity = x then.)

Member Range
A list of items that can be looped through, such as a member list

Data Range
Equivalent to Open Data Unit loops

Fixed Loop
A numbered series that can be looped through (e.g. For i = 1 to 10)

Formula Details (Demo)

Almost all of the typically used functions are available, whether HFM specific, or general VBScript ones Changes in Syntax
@ symbol used at the beginning of formulas HS.Exp is implicit if no variables are used but just POVs are referenced No need to use ampersands for concatenation No need to use double quotes unless space is part of member name Variables require {} brackets

Features (Demo)
On-demand conversion to VBScript
Done at the Rule or RuleSet level allows you to see the code that will be generated upon deployment Can not be modified and converted back to Component objects but assists in troubleshooting

Commentary available in numerous places Logging (aka Write to File) Timer Disable equivalent to commenting out a line Member, function and variable selection throughout

Replacement Variables
Typically used for constants like static strings Need to be declared through the Variable dialogue box before use

Execution Variables
Typically used for situations in which variable is populated or reset as part of a rule (e.g. Open Data Unit members) Need to be declared through the Variable dialogue box before use Scope can be at RuleSet or Rule level

Execution Variables: Boolean

True or False Prefix with b

Execution Variables: Numeric

Numeric value, usually data or a counter Prefix with n

Type Explicit Exp Statements

Execution Variables: String

Strings, usually the label of a metadata member, or a user defined field contents Populated by functions Prefix with s

Other Features
Sharing Expand/Collapse Zoom Levels Printing

Rule Development / Conversion Approaches

Create from scratch using new graphical objects Place the rules into script objects Use a conversion utility to migrate from VB Script to Calculation Manager objects

What are the benefits of using Calculation Manager? Easier to maintain for administrators Doesnt require quite as much coding knowledge (but still requires app knowledge) More transparent way to explain calculations to auditors or for documentation purposes Shared objects can be used in multiple situations and multiple applications Templates allow for the faster creation of the most commonly used rules and the benefit of leveraging best practices


Chris Barbieri Needham, MA USA +1.617.480.6173

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