Crm2007 Quick Link

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Call Transaction SM30 and Maintain Table View in CRMV_IC_LTX_URL Table.

Maintain the below details in the New Entries URL ID - SDN.SAP Description - SDN Site Request Method - Get Tick the Radio button for Non-BSP URL URL: []

Save your entries. Step 2: Call the transaction CRMC_UI_ACTIONWZ or go to IMG path CRM -> UI Frame work -> Technical Role Definition -> Configure Transaction Launcher -> It takes you to a Wizard to complete the steps.

Maintain Id as ZSDN and Component Set - ALL and select continue.

Enter description as "SDN" and class name as "ZCL_SDN". Check the Stateful box; uncheck the Raise Veto box.

If you select Stateful, it will open in New Page and Raise Veto, and will open in Work Center Hub Page (on the right

side). Choose Transaction Type as URL and maintain URL ID as below -

Skip the Transaction Parameters and Activity Clip Board Integration steps by selecting the continue button; finally, complete the Transaction launcher Wizard. Step 3: Integrate URL into the Navigation Bar Execute Transaction CRMC_UI_NBLINKS or go to the IMG path -> CRM -> UI Framework -> Technical Role Definition -> Define Navigation Bar Profile.

After selecting Navigation Bar Profile, double click on Define Logical Links, then go to New Entries to maintain the necessary information per the next screen shot.

Save it.

Step 4: Use T-code - CRMC_UI_NBLINKS or the path for Navigation Area IMG- CRM -> Technical Profile -> Define Navigation Profile ; Choose your Profile and Double click on Assign Direct Link Groups , as per the next screen shot.

Step 5: Select Create Group ID and double click on Assign Links as below.

Step 6: Add the Logical Links which you want to see in the Quick Create Area. Go to New Entries per the next screen shot and select the Logical Link. It may be URL , Transaction , BOR and Report. Assign it and, finally, save it.

Step 7: Go to Business Role by T-code CRMC_UI-PROFILE, choose your role and double click Adjust Direct Link Groups as shown below.

After double clicking, the below screen appears. Activate the Group IDs visible in the Quick Create Area.

Then select each Group ID, double click Adjust Direct :inks on the left hand side, then activate it as visible as shown in the below screen.

Login to the system with the role for which you have configured. Output :

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