Exercise 01 Limits and Short Form Derivatives

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Limits and Short Form Derivatives Benjamin E. Swerdlow

1) lim 6 x + h + 4(x + h)2 6 x 4x2 h0 h a)The limit above is taking the derivative of what function? b)Solve for the derivative (do not solve as a limit). Solve 2 and 3 using the limit denition of the derivative: 2) d dx 6x2 + 7x 4x + 9


d (sin(x)) dx Use the following functions to nd the derivatives in problems 4-7 f (x) = x3 + 4x2 + 15x + 7 (x) = f (g(x) + 5x )
2 2

g(x) = 5x + 3 (x) = g(f 2 (x) + 3x) 7) (x)

(x) = g (f (x) + 3x) 6) (x)

4) f (x + 3) 8)Findh (x)

5) (x)

h(x) = ((x2 + 48)5 + 7x4 + 9)Findr () r() =

9 + 17)35 x3

23 4 2 (2 15)3 ( + 3 + 2)5

10) lim

(8(x + h)7 3(x + h)5 + 11(x + h)2 )5 (8x7 3x5 + 11x2 )4 h0 h

c Benjamin E. Swerdlow, 2012

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