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Group VI

Sagar Choudhary, Sarang S Nair, Sharad Kulkarni, Sharanya Ravi, Urmila Khatri

Defining the problem & Solution Criteria

PROBLEM The problem in hand is the choice of a career after Graduation. The problem has been broadly sub-divided into making a choice between a job and higher education.

SOLUTION CRITERIA Long-term benefits (choice of education): Acquiring knowledge Better career prospects

This problem aims at achieving career goals to maximize career returns keeping in mind the cost and time constraints.

Short-term benefits (choice of job):

Immediate financial additional costs independence & No

Experience corporate culture

Generating the alternatives

Cost factor Time factor Scope Location Placements Faculty Reputation

Opting to do an MS (1 year)

Opting to do an MBA (2 years)

Cost factor Time factor Scope Location Placements Faculty Reputation

Reputation Growth Salary offered Location Area of interest Job profile

Taking up a job

Skipping a year and then pursuing higher studies

Time factor Preparation Applications Evaluating options

Evaluation of alternatives

Evaluation Criteria Criterion I X 3 Weightage CRITERIA 1 (Time CRITERIA 2 (Cost factor) Factor) Opt for an MS (1 year) Opt for a job after graduation Drop the year & aim for a better masters college Opt for an MBA (2 years) 4 5 1 1 3 4 1 1 Criterion II X 3 Criterion III X 4 CRITERIA 3 (Career-Long term Returns) 4 1 5 5 Criterion IV X2 Total CRITERIA 4(Additional skills acquired) 4 1 1 4 45 33 28 34

The ratings are on a scale of 5 with 5 being the best and 1 being the least. The criteria has been defined with career prospective being the most important followed by cost, time factor and the additional skills acquired.

Choosing the best alternative

Career Choice

Opt for a job 24%

Opt for an MS 32%

Skip a year 20%

Opt for an MBA 24%

Based on our analysis and systems approach towards problem-solving, this particular individual who has been taken into consideration has evaluated his options for a career choice. Given all the constraints, the individual attained maximum satisfaction from the choice of opting for an MS (one year). So, in the given circumstances this is considered as the best option.


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