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Mumbai under threat: From the very people who are supposed to protect us.

Yes I am talking about ACP Dhoble and the social service branch of the Mumbai Police. Every evening, in a brute display of power Dhoble carries a hockey stick and raids legally run bars and juice counters in the city. Stop the Moral Terrorism I was apalled at the behavior of the Mumbai Police but I knew I had to stand up to such intimidation and save Amchi Mumbai. So I started a petition on asking Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan to Stop Dhoble and his moral police. Sign my petition and share it with your friends. For the past few months the Mumbai Police has been waging a war on us citizens in the name of upholding law & order. They are using the draconian Bombay Police Act 1951 and Bombay Prohibition Act 1949 to terrorise us. Our Demand - Stop ACP Dhoble Furthermore the government should compensate all the victims of police atrocities and the harassment of people should stop. Sign My petition and share with your friends. Together we can make Mumbai a safer city. Thank you. Ashwin Mushran via Join us on Facebook or Twitter You too can bring about a change. Start a petition and share it with your friends. News Sources1. Four reasons why ACP Dhoble should be penalised 2. Dhobles career marked by controversies 3. Vasant Dhoble: The cop with the hockey stick 4. Mumbai Seeks action against bar raider cop Vasant Dhoble: Govt. keeps mum 5. Watch: Mumbai moral policeman ACP Vasant Dhoble detains German women

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