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Social Problems

1. Unemployment 2. Corruption 3. Smoking 4. Poverty 5. Population Explosion 6. Adulteration 7. Smuggling 8. Drug Addiction 9. Inflation 10. Black Marketing

Out Lines
1. Introduction 2. Causes of .. I. Instability of Government II. Lack of education III. Political unconscious 3. Remedies I. Stability of government II. Flourishing of government III. Freedom of Media 4. Conclusion Man is second to God and above all creatures. Wisdom makes man superior to other creatures. This very faculty enables man to create novel ideas and recollect them in the hour of pleasure and calm. By using the same faculty of wisdom I want to cast light over the given subject i.e. When the social setup does not work smoothly we can say that there is some hurdles in the functioning process of society. These hurdles in Sociology are called social problems. We, the dwellers of Pakistan, are caught into the cobweb of social problems. Since 1947, these problems have been begotten with the birth of Pakistan. Pakistan is young and as a result, these problems are also in full swing. To cope with these problems is hard nut to crack. . Definition of concerning problem

.. When we see towards the problems, especially the problem of we cannot help concluding the following major reason. First of all is the mismanagement of our government. This mismanagement is due to the instability of our government. Government comes, stays a little and goes. This short duration does not allowed them to work on the existing problem like .. Second, ignorance of our masses also contributes in upgrading this problem. The cooperation, on the public side is also required. But our ignorant people do not care for it. Our social problem, like .. is still unheeded due to the uneducated masses. Third, the collective political conscious is still un awakened. We are unable to think collectively. Although the democratic and religious process is developing, yet this process goes forward with low pace. As for as its solution is concerned, I can suggest some remedies for it to solve the problem of .. First government should be allowed to complete its proper duration. So, they may work with complete zeal and zest. The opposition should adopt tolerating attitude. Then government should work honestly, with management and determination. Second, education should be spread. Education should be free. So this basic right should be given to the poor masses of our poor country. In short, education is the tool as I think, which can teach us the difference between right and wrong. Education tells us the difference between the man and animal. It is the basic step which can help us to overcome the problem of .. Third, our media should be free. There should not be any clump over them. If the media will enjoy freedom masses will be taught either they will be educated. If the above described measures are adopted, there will be a great change. We will be able to a keep peace with the changing circumstances of the world. In this way, Pakistan will make progress by leap and bounds and we will get rid of all the social problems like .

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