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Hazard : Anything with the potential to cause harm (e.g.

injury, ill health) Risk: Risk is the likelihood that the harm from one or more particular hazards is realized. Risk = likelihood /Severity. Accident: An unplanned, unwanted sequence of events which results in loss of some kind Or An unplanned ,unwanted events leading to damage, loss or harm. Incident: An Unplanned unwanted sequence of events which had the potential to result in loss of some kind. ALARP : As Low As Reasonably Practicable. SFAIRP : So far as is reasonably practicable ILO : International labour organization. ELI: Employers liability insurance HSE in UK: Health and Safety Executive. IT IS: Information Training Instruction Supervising. Competent: Skill Knowledge Experience Audit: Systematic Formal Independent. JSA : Job Safety Analysis MSDS: Material Safety Data Sheet 5 Steps for Risk Assessment: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Identify the hazard. Identify those at risk. Evaluate the risk Record. Review.

LEV : Local Exhaust Ventilation.

HAZOP : HAZard and Operability Study. ROPS: Roll over protective structure.

SSW ( safe system of work): M Materials E Equipment. E Environment P People A step by step procedure to produce an acceptable level of safety. Perception : The way that people interprect and make sense of presented information. Health and Safety Culture: The product of individual and group values,attitudes,competency,communication, co-operation,control of an organisations health and safety management. Communication: The flow of information between two parties that is understood by each party. Trainning: A means of improving attitude skills and experience with the aim of brinning about semi permanent change in attitude. Changing attitude promots change in behaviour. Information: Tranfering knowlwdge or facts to people by the use of one or more media. Attitude: A persons point of view,which determines the way they behave in certain situations. Control Measure: Any measure implemented to eliminate,reduce or control the risks from a hazard. Voilence: Any incident in which a person is abused,threatened or assaulted in circumstances relating to their work. Ergonomics: The interaction between the person,their work and their work environment.

Confined Space: Any place including any chamber,tank,vat,pit,trench,pipe,sewer,well or similar space which is in enclosed nature.

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