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Presentation Skills Training program (Two days training program)

Course Objectives Presenting well is a key business skill and is often considered the most important tool for successful business professionals. Study after study shows that the quality of your presentations can make or break your company and your credibility as a successful business executive. The ability to design and deliver exceptional presentations can greatly enhance your status and effectiveness, giving you a valuable competitive edge. The two-day program provides unique, expert, presentation skills training and is designed to help increase your knowledge of, and improve your presentation skills that can be applied immediately in real business environments. At the end of the two-day program, you will be able to: Develop an effective presenter's mindset Organize highly effective presentations on short notice Develop a high impact speaking style Manage the presentation environment Take advantage of the first five minutes of any presentation Keep your audience tuned in and use your body and voice to your advantage Handle even the most difficult questions more effectively Improve your ability to "think on your feet" Answer negative or cynical questions positively Persuade and lead people more effectively Make others glad that they communicated with you Dramatically improve your ability to present and communicate with individuals and groups of any size

No.4 Presentation Methods Presentation methods are those means of training delivery in which trainees are the passive recipients of information, such as facts or information about processes or problem solving methods such as lecture and audiovisual instruction.

A. A lecture is the method of training delivery involving a trainer verbally communicating

the material the trainees are to learn.

1. Lecture is relatively inexpensive, and an efficient way to cover a large amount of information and/or to a large group. 2. Lecture can be used to support other methods of delivery as well

3. There are some variations of the lecture method, including team teaching by more than one trainer, guest speakers, panels and student presentations. 4. Disadvantages of the lecture method include the lack of trainee involvement, lack of feedback, and the potentially weak connection to the work environment, all of which inhibit transfer of training. Thus lecture is often supplemented with other more participative methods.

B. Audiovisual instruction includes overheads, slides, and videotapes. 1. Video is one of the most popular training methods, but is rarely used alone It is usually used in combination with lectures. It can be highly effective for addressing communication skills, interviewing skills, customer-service skills, and for illustrating step-by-step procedures or giving real-life examples of material covered via lecture or other methods. 2. The advantages of videos include the flexibility in customizing the video session; the ability of video to show things that cannot be easily demonstrated; its consistency upon repeated use; and it can be used to record trainees performance for them to review. 3. Disadvantages include too much content for trainees to absorb; poor dialogue or poor acting could hinder the message and/or the credibility of the message; overuse of music or humor; and drama that makes it confusing for the trainee to understand the important learning points emphasized in the video.

5)Social Learning Theory This theory suggests that people learn by observing other people (i.e., models) and attempting to emulate their behaviors. Learning is also influenced by self-efficacy, which is an individuals belief that he/she can successfully learn knowledge and skills and is an important factor in the readiness to learn. A persons self-efficacy can be increased several ways:

a. Verbal persuasion means offering words of encouragement to convince others they

are capable of learning.

b. Logical verification means creating a perceived relationship between a new task

and a task already mastered. Past accomplishment means letting employees build a history of successful accomplishments. The theory suggests there are four processes involved in learning:

a. Attentional processes must occur, for individuals cannot learn by observation unless
they are aware of the important aspects of the models performance. They are influenced by characteristics of the model and the learner.

b. Retentional processes are involved so that the learner can remember the behaviors
or skills they observe and can recall them when appropriate.

c. Reproductional processes involve the learner trying to reproduce the behaviors or

skills observed.

Adult Learning Theory Adult Learning Theory also called Andragogy, as opposed to pedagogy or the theory of educating children, is the model of how adults learn. The theory, most often linked to Malcolm Knowles, is based on the following assumptions:
a. b. c.

Adults have a need to be self-directed in their learning. Adults have the need to know why they are learning something. Adults bring more work-related experiences into the learning situation.

Adults enter into a learning experience with a problem-centered approach to learning. Adults are motivated to learn by both extrinsic and intrinsic motivators. This theory is particularly applicable to training because learning in the workplace involves adult learners.

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