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Nokia Re-creates the famous Midas Touch

Nokia recreates the famous Midas Touch now at Cannes

Today more than ever King Midas lives within each one of us. Midas was a King who wished that everything he touched changed into gold; he truly symbolized the POWER of TOUCH. Nokia recreated the famous Midas Touch. It gave the youth the power to change the music programming of his favorite radio station by a mere TOUCH.


The power of this MIDAS TOUCH has reached the global platform with this innovation winning the award of the best radio innovation at Cannes Media Lions 2009

Marketing Objective
Today, music on mobile phone has been revolutionized from a passive experience to an active social platform. For youth, music on mobile is an expression of themselves. Conventional route of passive music experience led to no single player dominating the Music phone category.

Nokias XpressMusic launch into 2009 was also its first ever touch phone and was slated to be the I-Phone killer. Touch mania had taken over the Indian cellular phone market with the launch of I-Phone. Research revealed that the TOUCH experience of an I-Phone was a bigger trigger to purchase than its Music capability. Though feature to feature, Nokia 5800 was a much better choice; we had to provide a superior touch experience to be in contention. The brand wanted to position itself amongst the youth as a premium music device, with an all new touch interface. The objective was to engage the youth with the device giving an experience of Touch to Music.

Target Markets/ Audience

Nokia 5800 Xpress Music was a part of the premium/ multimedia mobile phone segment. The activity was executed in the 6 big metros of India viz. Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkatta, Chennai, Hyderabad & Bangalore which contributed to 80% of the sales in this segment. The target audience for the brand was the newly emerging uber cool youth brigade in the metros, aged between 15-34 years, for whom technology was a way of life.

Innovative Media Solution

The brands proposition was Touch, Play, Share your favorite Music with Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. The strategy had to integrate XpressMusic on a platform that transforms an individual passive moment into an active expression of emotions through music. Channels Research has revealed that 65% of music consumption for youth happens out of home. Radio has created a revolution in India as a major source of entertainment linked to music. FM radio has gained popularity amongst the youth of today. Within the specified target markets 75-80% of the radio listenership happens out of home making it an apt medium for the amplification of Touch, Play, Share.

The explosion of malls in India had created an effective touch point where youth spent a considerable portion of their leisure time.

Synergy between out of home activation & radio was created to heighten participation of youth
Insight: The power to change something with a mere TOUCH is what the Youth of today desires the most. What if I could change the ending of a movie? What if I could change a song? What if I could change everything around me? Questions that express this feeling. What if you had the power to change your favorite radio station, just by a touch?

Idea: The idea was to let a youth run his favorite station, in his way, where he could play around with his list of songs & share this feeling of change with millions of other listeners. For the first time ever, the whole programming of the Radio Station was loaded onto a huge touch screen replica of the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic instead of the regular studio. The radio station was transported from the studio to the fingertips of its listeners. The listeners were asked to come to a mall on a specific day and time every

saturday for five weeks. They were pleasantly surprised to find that their favorite radio station had transformed into a touch screen replica of Nokia 5800. The music playlist of the radio station was touched & altered by the listeners themselves & what they touched went live on air signifying the POWER of TOUCH. Special programming was built around this theme. People who couldnt make it to the venue would call up the station and ask their acquaintances to touch a song on their behalf. The phone was also displayed at the Nokia XpressMusic station and free demos were provided to people who gathered for this unique experience.

First time ever 10000 RJs for a single station

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic station had close to 10000 Radio Jockeys (RJ) every time it went live i.e. every Saturday between 5-9 PM. Conventionally a radio station has one or two RJs but the whole process of experiencing the product transformed

everyone who touched the XpressMusic station into an RJ as he played his own song. Along with the whole Touch, Play, Share experience of running the station-THEIR WAY, they also took a full demo of the product, talked about the brand and its features. There were 55000 brand demos with 6000 registering to buy it .There were 10.1 million listeners who were a part of this station. This created a perfect rendition of the brand proposition of Touch Play Share.

D s li r T i c s su yi fr no ma in l u p s o l a dfr n d t i c n a t icame : hs a e t d s o ifr t a p r o e ny n o a y e al o t c : o s kn s u . ta ma u go a.o ig h kmi @ x s lb l m r c

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