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To Whom It May Concern: This is a letter of recommendation in support of Lisa Caren Joseph's application.

I have known Lisa for four years and have had an opportunity to observe her in a variety of circumstances. Lisa has two qualities which stand out to me. First, her passion to make a difference in students' lives. She cares deeply about the achievement gap in this country and has read widely in order to better understand its origins and ways of working effectively in classrooms with minority and economically disadvantaged students. Her second quality is her curiosity and lively mind. When we met for the second time, she had started reading one of my books and came prepared with a legal pad filled with questions. And this wasn't for a classrather just a dinner conversation! The quality and probing nature of her questions about education were outstanding. In brief, Lisa has my highest recommendation. She will make an outstanding teacher andsome day, if she choosesa remarkable educational leader. Please feel free to email me if you need additional information. Sincerely, Tony Wagner, Ed.D. Innovation Education Fellow Technology & Entrepreneurship Center at Harvard University

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