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Enclosure to Item No. — UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAIL Syllabus for MLE. (Mechanical Engg.) With CAD/CAM & ROBOTICS (Full Time Four Semester Course) (with effect from the academic year 2002-2003) COURSE MLE, ( MECHANICAL - CADICAM) Semestor | [Se [Subject L | Practical/| Duration of | Theory y No Seminar | Examination paper Assessment- / [ in Hrs. (marks) = H 7 ‘Computer |! | z 4 100 50 Aided Design Z| Object Oriented | 3 z 7 100 Methedology and Operating Systems Z| Mechatronics | 3 z a 700 @__| Control Theo 3 { 2 a 100 S| Elective! 3 2- I 4 100 (= Trotat = 7s. 10 = |___500 COURSE M.E. (MECHANICAL-CADICAM) Samester I sr. | Subject L | Practical’ | Duration of | Theory paper No Seminar | Examination (marks) in Hrs, 1 Finite Element | 3 | z 4 10) Metheds ne ce ‘Optimisaten, a1 z i 4 700 3 | Computer 3) 2 é 100 1” | inetgrated | .__| Manufacturing L [Concurrent 3 2 4 00 Engineering of | | Products and ‘ processes | 1 Elective IL js 2 i 4 T 400 (TOTAL 15 1 40 1 = i 500. Elective | Software Engineering f ECommerce and industrial Finance / Reli Engineering Elective Il Robotics / Artificial Intelligence f System Dynamic Analysis issertution 1} Seminar CC Wrorat COURSE MLE. ( MECH) [sr. [Sublect t Ho Pre Synopsis- Dissertation seminar Dissertation 760 ; 705 And Viva Voce TOTAL 150, ‘ 190 During ti IV Semesters, the sludenl should work full time for each of histher seminar and slissotalios work, ‘The Student has (o be in association with a staf should present the seminar in front of a co ‘and has to be evaluated by the commnitiee, member for conducting the seminar, The student mmittos consisting of a fecully member of the department Stdenl teacher contact haurs for dissertation guring Ht ond IV semesters vil bo two hours /feacher J woek. Suton teacher contact hours fer Seminar during It and IV semesters vl be two hours ftenchar weaek,

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