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Philippines Immunization Chart - Huggies Philippines

philippines immunization chart

This immunization chart is applicable in Philippines.

National Childhood Immunisation Schedule - Singapore

Age 2 Months Vaccine DTP Immunisation Against Diphtheria Tetanus Pertussis H Influenzae (Hib)* Pollovirus (live or inactivated) Diphtheria Tetanus Pertussis H Influenzae (Hib)* Pollovirus (live or inactivated) Diphtheria Tetanus Pertussis H Influenzae (Hib)* Hemoglobin or Hematocrit (optional) Tubercullin Test (optional) MMR Measels Mumps Rubella (Gernan Measels) H Influenzae (Hib)* boaster Diphtheria Tetanus Pertussis Pollovirus (booster) Diphtheria Tetanus Pertussis Pollovirus (booster)

Hib Polio 4 Month DTP

Hib Polio 6 Months DTP

9 Months


12 Months 15 Months

18 Years


Polio 4-6 Years DTP


* The 3rd dose of Hepatitis B vaccination can be given with the 3rd dose of DPT and Oral Sabin for the convenience of parents.

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6/21/2012 5:37 AM

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