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Acknowledgments. Fundao para a Cincia e Tecnologia ((SFRH/BD/42078/2007).

Technology Enhanced Science Education:

a design framework for primary teacher education courses
Ceclia Vieira Guerra | Antnio Moreira | Rui Marques Vieira Introduction Primary teachers Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) requires knowing about how to teach sciences with technology from a socio-constructivist approach (Figure 1). Nevertheless, the use of technologies in teaching and learning contexts has been irregular because of: 1) science curriculum; 2) lack of educational resources; 3) teachers technophobic attitudes; 4) inadequate primary teacher education courses. Metodology Figure 2 shows a design-based research approach (DBR) adopted for framework development. The study was divided into two phases: I) to understand how to promote primary teachers understanding of what, where and how technologies can be used to enhance sciences activities; II) to develop, implement and evaluate the effectiveness and mid-term impact of the inservice primary teacher education course in TPCK development.

Fig.1 TPCK in sciences

(Shulman, 1986; Koehler & Mishra, 2008)

Fig.2 DBR adopted in the study for framework development

Results Figure 3 shows guidelines for TPCK development: authentic problems about teaching and/or learning sciences Science/Technologies/Society (STS) research projects; self-regulating role in the learning process digital portfolios (Blog); active participation, collaboration and social interaction scientific article (wiki); publication, reflection and feedback - community of learning ( and symposium.

Fig.3 Guidelines implemented in Phase II

Conclusions The study identifies strategies for TPCK development of primary school teachers, particularly in higher education courses, where it should be draw attention to: all curricular areas of primary teacher education courses should contribute for primary teachers TPK development; teaching methodologies (i.e. sciences didactics) has a crucial role in the primary teachers TPCK in science development.
Fundao para a Cincia e Tecnologia (SFRH/BD/42078/2007)

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