Of Flexibility

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Of voices and flexibility Characters Jungmin, Victoria, f(x) Description Victoria doesn't get impressed by men anymore thanks

to all the men from her company. Jungmin has had the hotts for her since he first saw her. An embarrassing moment for Victoria during the rehearsal for Inkigayo makes her want to take revenge. Jungmin just wants to have her legs wrapped around him. Final Victoria was sitting with the rest of f(x) in the audience seats, watching the rehearsal for Inkigayo. After months of solo activities they were having theyre comeback. Victoria was wearing a pair of tight shorts, a glitter tank top and a leather jacket with killer heels to complete the outfit. She loved the outfit and she knew she looked good in it; she was going to rock it on stage with her dance solo part. She had shown it to Changmin and Kyuhyun and they had almost gone to the choreographer to complain, saying it was to bold for her. Victoria snorted in her mind. Those two had done far worse things than the dance. A lot of other girl groups had done more daring choreographies, her best friends where just being protective. The PD announced the next singer and who was after. Victoria shifted in her chair getting the pre performance nerves. They were rehearsing next. A man went up to the stage and Victoria recognized Park Jungmin. She hadnt have much contact with the ex SS501 member or the others from the group, just the occasional meeting in the corridors and saying hi. Their eyes met for a second and Victoria noticed how handsome he actually was. She was surrounded by handsome men, her two best friends were two of the most popular idols in Korea, and she was rarely affected much by now. It wasnt that she was immune, just that she needed something extra to really be attracted to the guy. The crew was done with the preparations and Victoria heard the music start to play. It was a ballad and Victoria watched Jungmin as he started to sing. Without noticing Victoria let out a gasp as she heard his mild and sweet voice. She was half conscious of her members laughing at her but she didnt care. She was amazed at his voice; there was just something about it that made her feel so attracted to him. Suddenly their eyes met again and Jungmin smirked at her giving her a knowing look. Victoria flushed and turned her head, breaking eye contact. She sat there embarrassed during the rest of the performance. When they were called to the stage, they past Jungmin on his way down. They stopped and bowed saying hello and the girls complimented him. Victoria stood quiet beside them and avoided looking at Jungmin. Did you like the performance, Victoria-ssi? Victoria turned her head to Jungmin. It was an innocent question but Victoria heard and felt the underlying meaning behind it. She smiled sweetly and nodded. It was very good, I almost got chills and I usually only get them hearing DBSK oppas and Super Junior oppas sing. It wasnt an insult per say, just a reminder of him not being as good as the guys from her company but it was a compliment enough for it not to be rude to say it. Jungmin smiled tensely and Victoria did a victory dance inside her mind. Thank you Victoria-ssi. Good luck on your performance. With that he bowed and made his way to the seats. Victoria grinned to herself as she took her position on the stage, promising herself to show Jungmin that she could make him look like an even bigger fool than she had. As the music started Victoria felt herself forget everything and just let her body move to the music. She and the girls were in perfect synch after hours and days of practice. It had paid off and it showed in their dance and singing. As her solo part was approaching Victoria looked at the seats seeing Jungmin staring intently at her. She smirked at him and as her solo part started she danced for him and him only. Victoria knew that guys loved how flexible she was and she took advantage of it now. She wanted Jungmin to want her as much as she wanted him. She was going to make him beg her for it. Jungmin gritted his teeth as he watched Victoria dance. It should be illegal to be as flexible as she was and Jungmin found himself wishing, not for the first time, that those delicious legs were wrapped around his waist or that her beautifully shaped lips were wrapped around his cock. His eyes met Victorias and she grinned at him, as if she knew what she was doing to him. She did a back flip and he felt his pants tighten uncomfortably. He swallowed and wished the performance was over so that he could sneak away and take care of his problem. After what seemed like ages the performance stopped and while f(x) where busy talking to the staff about any possible changes, Jungmin sneaked out and went to his dressing room. He threw himself on the sofa and shifted until he was in a comfortable position lying down. He groaned and slowly started undoing his pants, imagining that it was her slender hands doing the job. He pulled out his cock out of his boxers and started to stroke it slowly. He closed his eyes and started imagining Victorias hands and mouth, her long legs opened up in a split and her round firm breasts in that tight snug top she was wearing. He was completely lost in his fantasy and he moaned her name loudly, not noticing the door opening and someone entering. Victoria was pissed. The asshole had sneaked away while she was talking with the crew and hadnt even approached them to comment on their performance, which would have been the normal thing to do since they commented on his. She bit her lip and looked at her members that were occupying themselves with various things. They wouldnt miss her and shed be quick, well not that quick and they still had an hour left till the performance. With one last glance at her members she told them that she was going for some fresh air and exited their dressing room. Victoria walked down the corridor saying hello to people she passed by and stopped when she was in front of his dressing room. She looked around to see if anyone was there and when the coast was clear she opened the door carefully, walking inside. The sight that met her made her body ache with lust and she could feel herself getting wet. She slowly approached Jungmin were he was lying and had to bite her lip when she heard him moan her name. She bent over him and lowered her mouth towards his fully erect cock and licked the tip as his hand stroked it. Victoria looked at Jungmin as his eyes flew open and gave him a mischievous smile taking as much as she could of his cock in her mouth. Jungmin groaned and laced his fingers in her hair, stroking it. He was in heaven right now, his fantasy finally coming to live. Victoria bobbed her head up and down, licking and sucking him. She held onto his hips, stopping him from moving them. She looked at him with lust in her eyes and as their eyes met she could feel a tingle up her spine and her panties getting wetter, he just looked so damn hot with his mouth half open and making those delicious sounds. Jungmin tightened his grip of her hair and started moving her head faster. He wanted to feel more of that warm mouth that was driving him insane with pleasure. He let his hand wander down and caressed her back, moving slowly to her breasts. He cupped one with his hand and groaned as he didnt feel a bra. He stopped her and pulled her up, Victoria looking at him confused. He just

smirked and pulled her into a heated kiss. Victoria responded at once, wrapping her arms around his neck and biting his lower lip, entering her tongue in his mouth. She moaned as Jungmin started to massage her breasts and she positioned herself over his erection, rubbing herself over him. Her hands started unbuttoning his shirt and his sneaked under her top caressing her skin. Victoria broke the kiss and took of her jacket and top quickly, pulling off his shirt as well. Youre too slow. She kissed him again, pressing her body against his. She heard him laugh and she gasped as he flipped them over. Jungmin smirked at her and started kissing his way down to her breasts, kissing every inch of skin on the way. Victoria moaned and wrapped her legs around his waist pulling him as close as possible. Jungmin groaned and took one of her breast in his mouth, sucking on her nipple while his hand played with the other one. He rubbed himself against her still clothed sex and Victoria arched her back in pleasure, loud moans coming from her. Jungmin couldnt help but smirk and started undoing the button of her shorts with his free hand. Victoria intertwined her fingers in his hair and bucked her hips. Jungmin please she gasped. Jungmin pulled down her shorts and entered a finger in her pussy making Victoria gasp. Please what? he said looking at her with a smirk on his face. Victoria frowned at him biting her lip to not moan loudly when he moved his finger inside her. Jungmins smirk grew as he added another finger and saw Victoria arch her back once again. Tell me Victoria, what do you want? He said, stroking her clitoris as he finger fucked her. Victoria couldnt hold in her moans and she grabbed his arms tightly looking at him. Fuck me Jungmin! she moaned. Jungmin took out his fingers and licked them while looking at her. As you wish. He spread her legs and entered her without warning, groaning as he felt her pussy tighten around his cock. Victoria moaned and moved her hips, urging him to start moving. Jungmin started thrusting slowly at first, making them both go crazy. They shared a passionate kiss, their tongues dancing around each other, both of them making sounds of pleasure. Victoria slowly lifted up her leg to his shoulder making the angle of his thrust different and so that he could go deeper. Jungmins thrusts went faster and faster for each thrust and Victoria arched her back, her moan muffled by his mouth. She was close, oh so close to her sweet release. She sucked on his lip and opened her eyes to look at him, letting go of his lip. Oppa, Im close Jungmin almost came as he heard her utter those words. He licked her ear and whispered. Me too. He went down to her neck, sucking on her skin, thrusting harder and faster. Victoria grabbed his shoulders and dug her nails into his skin as he hit her spot as she bit her lip to not scream. Jungmin she moaned and came hard. Her eyes closed and she moaned loudly, digging her nails once again into his shoulders. Jungmin watched as the gorgeous woman had an orgasm caused by him. Her walls tightened around him and kept thrusting, coming soon after her. He rode out their orgasms and fell tired over her, breathing heavily. Victoria put her leg down as she tried to calm her breathing. They shared a smile and kissed slowly as Jungmin pulled out of her. Victoria sat up and kissed his shoulder before standing up and started searching for her clothes. Jungmin stared at her before starting to get dressed as well. He felt shy all of a sudden, he wanted to ask for her number and ask if they could see each other again but he was tongue tied. As they finished dressing Victoria looked at him smiling. This was nice, next time lets do it when we have more time. She said opening the door. Jungmin stared at her shocked but then grinned making a mental high five with himself. Oh Im sure we can find some time for ourselves. He said grinning and wrapped his arms around her waist. She got out of his grip and smiled. Good, then Ill be waiting for your call. She said and went out of the room. Jungmin followed her, a bit puzzled. Wait I dont have your number. He said following her. She turned around smiling sweetly at him. Im sure that if you really want to see me again youll find a way to contact me. And with that she turned around and skipped back to her dressing room meeting up with Leeteuk on the way. Jungmin just stood there wondering what just happened and how he was going to get her number if she wasnt giving it to him. He groaned and thought how high the possibility of him getting on SMs black list if he asked Leeteuk for her number. He groaned again and kicked the wall before walking towards the stage in a way more frustrated than before.

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