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XML eXtensible Markup Language * SGML - Standard Genralized Markup Language - Parent arkup language.

* HTML - Gives the look and feeling of the content. * XML - Give the meaning for the content. language of all m

XML is used as a web service in dotnet framework because this is only la nguage that understood 31 languages that has been developed in dotnet framework. * * * * * * * USES : XML can be used for the following three main purposes. - for special data types that supports HTML application. - embedding XML elements intoHTML documents. - using XML itself as the basics for interactivev documents. XML is case sensitive should be saved with extension .xml should have only one root tag declaration should be in the first line in using XML we can develop user defined tags. XML comment shouldnot split the tag. XML doesnot allow unnecessary space.

xml document .

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