Going Too Far Sex Sin and Social Policy?

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Social Forces, University of North Carolina Press

Going Too Far? Sex, Sin and Social Policy Author(s): Susan Rose Source: Social Forces, Vol. 84, No. 2 (Dec., 2005), pp. 1207-1232 Published by: University of North Carolina Press Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3598496 . Accessed: 15/10/2011 12:57
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Sex, GoingTooFar? SinandSocialPolicy

SusanRose,Dickinson College

Abstract This paper examines the impact of the ReligiousRight on Americansocial policy as it relates to family, sexuality and reproductive health. The articlefocuses on the current debates and practices of abstinence-until-marriage sex programs vs. comprehensive education and attitudesabout programs and thewaysin whichtheyreflect affectcultural sexuality, teenagers,parents and rights. The manuscript is based on comparative fieldwork, includingparticipant observationsin schoolsand interviewsin the United States and Denmark with teenagers,teachersand sexuality educators.We question whetherit is sex educationthatgoestoofar in promotingearlyandpromiscuous or the sex and Religious Rightin attemptingto censorvital information servicesfrom youngpeople. Whatif Iwantto havesex outsideof marriage? Iguess you'll haveto be prepared die. to just
- No Second Chance

The UnitedStates leads the industrialized worldin teen pregnancy, abortion sexuallyand transmitted disease rates- andinlegislating funding and abstinence-until-marriage programs as socialpolicy. also standsoutas the onlyindustrialized It still in country embroiled a debate aboutwhethercreationism shouldbe taughtin public schools.These issues helpreveal the in betweenreligion politics the United and States.Inexamining roleand the dynamic interplay this powerof conservative religious groupsin shapingdomesticand foreignpolicy, paper focuses on the issues of reproductive sexual health,educationand family- and the and impact they haveon youngpeople. Inorder illuminate cultural political-economic to the and factorsthatinform debates and social policyconcerningsexualityand gender in the UnitedStates, this study presents a and to health comparative analysisof Danish U.S.approaches familyplanning, reproductive andsexuality education. analysis youngpeople,theirteachers,sex educators sex of This and ed materials the United in Statesand Denmark morethana yearof ethnographic represents in Roskilde, fieldwork participant-observation and Denmark centralPennsylvania.' and The is becausethe ratesof teen pregnancy attitudes case of Denmark informative and towards thanthose in the UnitedStates. Sincethe 50 sexuality years ago were not muchdifferent Denmark takena muchmorepragmatic has to and 1970s,however, approach teen sexuality Danish American and sex education. teens tend to havesimilar of Although patterns sexual debutandactivity, Danish teens havemuchlowerratesof teenage pregnancy, abortion and transmitted diseases (STDs). example,in 1995,therewere 61 birthsper 1,000 For sexually females betweenthe ages of 15-19inthe UnitedStates, and onlyninein Denmark (Feijoo Danishdiscourseaboutsexuality the and 2001; Singhand Darroch 2000).Today, dominant fromthe dominant different discourseinthe United Statesreproductive rightsis strikingly not because Danesare by natureor nationality moreopen"aboutsex andAmericans "just moreprudish" rather, debatesoversexuality reproductive the and naturally rightsand "just are economicandcommunity orientations. responsibility rootedindifferent religious, political, Dickinson PA to DirectcorrespondenceSusanRose,Department Sociology, Carlisle, of College, 17013. E-mail: rose@dickinson.edu.
? The Universityof NorthCarolinaPress

Social Volume Number December 2005 Forces, 84, 2,

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Abstinence-Until-Marriage Programs in the United States in Since 1996,nearly billion state andfederalfundinghas been allocated abstinencefor $1 the only educationdespite a lackof evidence supporting effectiveness of this approach et 2004; Kirby 2005; "SexEducation" (Hauser [1997]2000; Manlove al.2004; "NewStudies" the 2002; "Waxman 2004). Under Bushadministration, Report" abstinence-only programs have expandedrapidly. While$170 million federalfunds have been slated for FY2005, in an President Bushhas allocated additional million abstinence-until-married for education $39 Thisrepresentsa 50 the programs, bringing total requestfor FY2006 to $205.5 million. since 2004 ("New Studies" 2005;Yoder 2005). percentincreaseinfunding the declining teen pregnancy ratesduring 1990s,34 percentof teenage girls the Despite at in get pregnant least once beforethey reachage 20, resulting morethan850,000teen a of At States pregnancies year- the vastmajority whichareunintended. thislevel,the United in world.Roughly million 9 new has the highestrateof teen pregnancy the fullyindustrialized Statesannually STIsalso occuramongteenagersandyoungadultsinthe United (Children's DefenseFund 2004;"NewStudies" 2004;Henshaw 2005).Bylaw,abstinence-only programs the and musthaveas their"exclusive gainsto purpose, teaching social,psychological health for be realized abstaining sexualactivity." thisis a desirable from While by option youngpeople, for that it is also problematic many. promoting education omitscomplete, By abstinence-only and accurate U.S. research, information, policy ignores public opinion theexperience medically worksto prevent and aboutwhatactually of othercountries teenagepregnancy STIs. The WaxmanReport(December2004), which examinedschool-basedsex education or inaccurate misleading concluded many that curricula, medically youngpeoplearereceiving often contradiction the findings government to of scientists.Since1999, information, indirect in severalmillion children ages 9 to 18 haveparticipated the morethan100 federally-funded abstinenceprograms. Afterreviewing 13 most commonly the used curricula, Congressman that were but Waxman's concluded two of the curricula accurate 11 others,used by 69 staff in organizations 25 states, contain unprovedclaims, subjectiveconclusionsor outright falsehoodsregarding health, 2004; reproductive gendertraitsandwhen lifebegins(Connolly see also "Texas TeensIncreased After Sex Abstinence 2005;Waxman 2004). Program" InMay2002,the Houseof Representatives 473, the Personal Responsibility, passed H.R. and Work Family Protection whichrenewedfunding abstinence-only of at Bill, programs the a levelof $50 million yearfor the nextfive years.Whiletherewas opposition the billby to who argued that "abstinenceprogramsare many,includingRep. Lois Capps (D-Calif.) the rate and exaggerating failure of condoms" using"terror techniquesto keepteens from that havingsex,"the billpassed by a vote of 229-197withcommitteeRepublicans arguing "itwouldbe impossible agreeon whatinformation medically to is accurate." Americans Teaching Fear Inabstinence-until-marriage sex materials, is oftenequatedwithdeath,disease anddanger; fearsurfacesas the primary messageandtacticusedto persuade youngpeopleto steerclear of sex beforeoroutsideof marriage. abstinence-only The used video,"NoSecondChance," for middle-school Respectaudiences,juxtaposesdiscussionsof having outsideof Sex sex with In an sex marriage imagesof men dyingfromAIDS. "NoSecond Chance," evangelical educator comparessex outsideof marriage notto the all-American of baseball but game to playing Russian Roulette. tellsa classroom youngpeoplethat:"Every you have She of time the sex, it'slikepulling trigger the onlydifference in Russian is, Roulette, onlyhaveone you in six chances of gettingkilled." Whenone boyasks, "whatif I havesex beforemarriage?"

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he is told,"Well, guess you'll haveto be prepared die. Andyou'llprobably with I to take just James Dobson's Focuson you yourspouse andone or moreof yourchildren." organization, the Family, distributes Second Chance" its companion, "No and "Sex,Lies,andthe Truth." Bothhave been widelyused in publicas well as Christian, schools throughout United the States (Kantor Fear"1996).According the organization's to 1994; Mast 1983; "Teaching website (1999-2005), Respect" now beingused in50 states and23 countries. "Sex is Founder presidentof the National and AbstinenceClearing House in SiouxFalls,South LeslieUnruh uses snakesto teach aboutSTDsandthe dangersof usingcondoms. Dakota, 'Asshe uncoilshernest of rubber HesterHepatitis, Albert Wart, vipers:Herbie Herpes, Wally Lossof Reputation anddon'tforget- poorPregnant AIDS, Sue, she tellsyoung Lucy Peggy she 2002)"Condoms," says, "are peopleaboutthe risksof sex beforemarriage." (Sternberg overrated. tell them condoms won't protectyourheart,that latexwon'tstop human 'We virus."' also Brody 2003; quotedinSternberg (See 2002.)Another papilloma abstinence-only AbstinenceWorks. Notebookon Pre-Marital A invokesthe image of curriculum, Chastity, Mother Teresa on of Teresa one on (Driscol 1990).Displayed its 1990coveris a picture Mother of side anda picture a skeletonon the other. them are Surrounding in bolditalics the words: I Todayset beforeyou LifeorDeath,Blessingor Curse. that Oh,that wouldChooseLife youandyourchildren you mightLive.
- Deuteronomy30:19

LeslieKantor, former director the SIECUS of conductedan Community Advocacy Project, extensivecontentanalysisof abstinence-only sex-ed programs and produced promoted by Christian schools.She concluded: Right groupsthatareused inpublic These programs omit the most fundamentalinformationon contraception and disease prevention, perpetuate medical and doctrine imagesof fearand and misinformation, relyon religious shamein discouraging sexualactivity to in Giventhis introduction sexuality increasing numbersof publicschools across the UnitedStates (Dailard et conditioned to 2000; Landry al. 1999),how areyoungAmericans thinkaboutand negotiate theirown andothers'sexuality? Oncethey marry ifthey choose and to marry how willthey deal withtheirsexuality the sexuality theirspouses? Even of within contextof a heterosexual the how marriage, aresuch negative eventerrifying images - suddenlytransformed? what aboutthose who do not livewithinthe confines of a And those who are gay, lesbianor transgendered; those who find or heterosexualmarriage; a be themselveswithout partner, it through or Whereshould death,divorce nevermarrying? beliefandpublic the linesbetweenprivate policybe drawn? The Religious some 10 percentof the adultAmerican Their Rightrepresents population. concernsaboutteenage sex andteen pregnancy clearlyresonatewith a larger public,but influence socialpolicy disproportionatetheirnumbers; on is theirsolutions not.Their do to the of is of A on vast majority the American public supportive sex education. 2004 report "Public Education" indicates 93 percent parents junior that of of for Sexuality Support Comprehensive highschool studentsand91 percentof parentsof highschool studentsbelieveit is veryor to And somewhat important have sex educationas partof the school curriculum.2 young percentof adolescentsages 15-17and75 percentof youngpeopleages people?Eighty-two and on 18-24want moreinformation "howto protectyourselffromHIV/AIDS otherSTDs," and "thedifferent types of birthcontrolthat are available," "howto bringup sexualhealth control issues such as STDsand birth witha partner." 2003: pp.70-71and 111-112) (Hoff

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63 of Theelectorate likewise shows support comprehensive for education: percent sexuality who supportscomprehensive sex to voterssaidthey were morelikely vote fora candidate education,while only 10 percentof engaged voters supportedabstinence-until-marriage adults in 30 of schools("Mobilizing 2002).While percent American Support" programs public should fundsex education thathave withthestatement federal "the programs government agree fromsexualactivity' theironlypurpose," percentof adultsagreewiththe as 67 'abstaining should usedto fundmorecomprehensive education be sex that statement "the programs money thatinclude information how to obtainand use condomsandothercontraceptives." on (Sex Education America in 2000:7).Although percent American 28 of adultsagreedthat"providing and information abouthowto obtain use condomsandothercontraception mightencourage information 65 of believed "notproviding that teens to havesexualintercourse," percent adults teenswillhave abouthowto obtain use condoms other and and contraception meanmore might in unsafesexualintercourse." Education America (Sex 2004:22) A Christians to support tend sex Evenconservative comprehensive education. 1999survey in Christians sex showedthat8 in 10 conservative supported comprehensive education high Views1999).Former it schools(Survey America's of schoolsand7 in 10 supported in middle and of for of Institute on President CEO SIECUS 12yearsandcurrent president "The Religious of SexualMorality, Justiceand Healing," Deborah Haffner that agrees, arguing the majority sex abstinence an option.3 as that evangelicals support comprehensive education includes Inspite of millions dollarsin funding, date,thereare no sound empirical that of data to indicatethat abstinence-only programsare effective; in fact, there have been very few evaluation studiesof abstinence-until-marriage 2004; "New 2001; Manlove programs (Kirby State Evaluations" data 2004). Empirical also suggest thatto the degree that an effect of sex has it comprehensive education been identifiable, has been foundto postponeinitiation and of sexualintercourse; reducethe frequency intercourse number sexualpartners; of of increasethe use of contraceptives; reducepregnancy and ratesamongteens (Kirby [1997] Fear" 2001;Schorr 1998;"Teaching then,do abstinence-only 1994).Why, approaches appeal to many politiciansand policy-makers, even when the majority Americanssupport of sex Whatarethe consequencesof implementing comprehensive education? abstinence-only sex approachescomparedwith comprehensive educationthat includesabstinenceas a reasonable often desirableoption?No one is debatingwhetherabstinenceshouldbe and presentedas a viableoptionand reasonablechoice. Whatcriticsare questioningis how came to masquerade education public as in schools. abstinence-until-marriage programs The Sexual Politics ofAbstinence-Only Since the early1980s, the "family values"movementhas been pushingabstinence-until In Affairs the marriage programs. 1981,the U.S.Officeof Population began administering Life Adolescent a program teen to Family Act(AFLA), designed prevent pregnancy promoting by and Crusaders teen sexualabstinence for then scoredanother chastity self-discipline. major whenCongress welfare reform 1996.Overshadowed the welfare-to-work in victory passed by to to that aspectsof the lawwas a provision fundprograms teachchildren sex beforemarriage is notonlymorally to health. Between1997and2002,morethan wrongbutalsodangerous their halfa billion dollars was spent on abstinence-only At programs. the same time,fundswere divertedfrom comprehensive educationprograms sex and international familyplanning assistance In Bushproposed 25 percent a (International 1997).4 February President 2005, Family in increase funding abstinence-only for for over fiscalyearwhile programs FY2006 the previous for in slashingfunding manyothersocial programs the nameof deficitreduction, including for careandhealth forveterans." care the funding localschools,foodstamps,child Many from

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Children's Defense Fund to the Texas Baptist Standard- are questioningjust how Bush's are DefenseFund 2005). 2005;Children's compassionate policies (Marus International Consequences: From Domestic to Foreign Policy Theserecentactionsto limit health reveal ways inwhichthe United the Statesis reproductive fromits own previouspositionand that of its traditional alliesaround world the retreating Bushreimposedthe 2001, President (LaFranchi 2004).On his firstday in office in January "global that had been institutedby PresidentReaganin 1984 and revokedby gag rule" in Clinton 1993. Imposing United the States'positionon the abortion President of practices U.S. It othercountries, reflectsneither lawnorU.S.public however, opinion. also significantly and servicesby prohibiting U.S. impedeswomen'saccess to familyplanning contraceptive thatalso assistanceto hospitalsand healthclinicsin developingcountries familyplanning abortions abortion-related or information (Cohen 2001). provide At the U.N.Children's Summitin May2002, U.S. HealthSecretary Tommy Thompson to for as approach sex education. According argued the teachingof abstinence the preferred aboutthe conferencewas long on rhetoric to a CBSWorldNews report,"Thethree-day of childhoodbut short on consensus. Delegates at a U.N.session on children sanctity and states in with haggled... overa finaldeclaration the UnitedStates, the Vatican Islamic for favorof sexualabstinenceandagainstany hintof abortion adolescents." 2002; (Ireland for U.N.Children's SummitHitsSnag2002)SusanCohen,writing the Guttmacher Institute, and Iraq" that: "TheUnitedStates delegation,sidingwith the Sudan,Iran, (and reported close to Bush's"evil "both (EU) axis"), stupefiedandangeredthe European slidingperilously Adrienne voted againstthe U.S. position." American and Latin delegationswhich finally of Women's Health stated: Coalition, Germain, bluntly president the International of This shows the depthsof perversity the [US.]position.On alliance the one hand, we're presumablyblaming these countriesfor acts and unspeakable of terrorism, at the same time we are allying of withthemin the oppression women. ourselves -quoted in Cohen2002 to a Inits closingstatementat the summit,the EUdelivered strongrejoinder the United and States. "Young people shouldbe empoweredto makeappropriate safe choices about The theirsexual behavior." Spanishdiplomatspeakingon the EU'sbehalfargued:"They people) must be able to access high qualitysexual and reproductivehealth (young and and information servicesto achievethis, as we allagreed in Cairo Beijing." Belgium's in BertAnciaux, went further a statement releasedafterthe summit.The youth minister, U.S.approach,he said, reduces sex educationto "awoollydiscourseon abstinenceand that "does not fit in with the world of experience of millionsof young people fidelity" throughoutthe world."Echoingthe sentiments of others, Anciauxcommented that he conservative was "amazed that,due to the pressureof extremely lobbygroupswithinthe United States, the U.S. government has become an ally of all kinds of reactionary (Cohen2002) regimes." in held in Bangkok Conference in Likewise, the seven-dayAsianand PacificPopulation debatewithallof the December 2002,the American delegation engaged in an acrimonious control and sex othercountriesoverabortion, education methodsof birth (Dao2002).U.S. did that maintained the 1994Cairo officials administration support agreement notadequately that phrases present in the the promotionof abstinence. U.S. delegates maintained

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and condomuse"conference's rights" "consistent proposed policy such as "reproductive that for and of sex wereeuphemisms abortion the approval "underage" - policies werefarout of linewiththe current whichadvocatesabstinence outsideof marriage Bushadministration E. and opposes abortion of (McClure 2002).AssistantSecretary StateArthur Deweystated thatthe United Stateswouldseekto block passageof anyinternational the family unequivocally abortion promotes for "The United that or policy permits contraception adolescents. planning the of to death." Statessupports sanctity lifefromconception natural (Dao2002)Butwhenthe Statesdemanded eventhe phrase that be United health" struck from proposal the "reproductive unborn inorder protect to critics eventhose fromhighly like countries the children, religious and Philippines Iran suggestedthatU.S.foreignpolicyhadbeen hijacked the Religious by 32 reaffirmed historic the proposals the BushAdministration,Asiannations by Right. Rejecting Conference Population Development on and agreementreachedat the 1994 International to and and (ICPD). alsoagreedon anactionplan advance They reproductive sexualhealth rights acrossthe region for Fails (Caucus ICPD 2002;Statement Obaid 2002;"U.S. to Block" 2002). by "Itis sad to see the U.S.movefrombeinga leaderon these issues, to thatof a minority of in voice,"said Ninuk Widyantoro the Women'sHealthFoundation Indonesia: Sexualand reproductive healthis one of the most important social issues of the millennium.We know thatthe U.S.delegationdoes not even represent the views of the majorityof the American is U.S. people. Thecurrent administrationbeing held hostageby an extreme conservativeminoritywith little regard for the health, welfareand freedomsof women of Asiaand the Pacific.Wehope thatin the future,U.S.delegationsat such conferences willmore values of the women and accuratelyrepresentthe humanitarian men of theirnation.
- quoted in Dao 2001

Such positions have distanced the UnitedStates even furtherfrom the worldwide consensus on reproductive sexualhealthissues thatthe UnitedStates hadonce been and instrumentalin shaping at the 1994 International Conference on Populationand in and on Conference Womenin Beijing. Development Cairo, the 1995 World Throughout the negotiations,it was the "Riogroup," America countries,that took comprisedof Latin the leadinconfronting United the Stateson most of the reproductive healthissues, despite the U.S.government'sassumptionthatthese overwhelmingly RomanCatholic countries wouldsupport sociallyconservative position.The European the U.S. Union(EU), Australia, Canada, Japanand Norwaywere also active in opposingthe U.S.efforts. Cohen(2002) concluded:"Indications thatthe WhiteHousefocus primarily on appeasingits core are is Overseas ("President's far-right constituency,which does not bode well for UNFPA" HealthPolicy2002"),nor does it for young and unmarried Reproductive people in the UnitedStates. Cross-National Data on Teen Sexual Behavior The UnitedStates leads the industrialized worldin its highratesof teenage pregnancies, abortions STDs.Although U.S.teen pregnancy has decreasedduring past and the rate the five decade, it is still ninetimes higherthanthat of the Netherlands, nearly times higher thanin Germany, nearly times higher and four thanthe ratein France. teen birth is The rate also much higherin the UnitedStates, nearly11 times higherthan in the Netherlands,

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nearlyfive times higherthan the rate in France,and nearlyfour times higherthan in The rate is nearlyeight times higherin the UnitedStates than in Germany.6 teen abortion seven times higher thaninthe Netherlands, nearly and threetimes higher Germany, nearly than in France and 2001). Muchhigherratesfor HIV, (Feijoo syphilis,gonorrhea chlamydia likewisedistinguish UnitedStates (Darroch al. 2001; Feijoo2001). the et Cross-national studies revealthatdifferential ratesinteen pregnancy influenced are by cultural attitudestowardsand educationaboutsexuality, accessibilityof healthcare the and contraception,the relationshipbetween religionand politics, and the degree of economic inequality (Jones et al. 1996).Withone of the highest ratesof infantmortality, child death, child poverty and economic inequalitybetween rich and poor in the industrialized world,the UnitedStates is not faringwell (Brouwer 1998; Henshaw2004; KidsCount2000; "NewStudies" 2005; Shapiro 1992;Singhet al. 2000; Stateof America's Children thandealwiththese complexand interrelated U.S. 2004).Rather issues, however, too often addresses teen pregnancy an isolatedsocial problem increasingly as and policy advises younggirlsto 'justsay no." Just Say No advocatesadviseyoung peopleto not havesex; theiraim, however,is to Abstinence-only curtailsexual activityfor anyone not in a heterosexualmarriage.Uneasy about teen the births,and the erosion of the sexuality,homosexuality, increase in out-of-wedlock nuclearfamily, they emphasizethe dangersof sex and the hazardsof sexual patriarchal, outside of marriage than affirmation, 1999).Fearrather relationships (Gallagher rejection ratherthan acceptance, and denial ratherthan knowledge about sexuality tend to dominate abstinence-onlymaterials,and serve as a chillingeffect on contemporary American researchand social policy. the Forexample, in 1987 a numberof institutes,including NationalInstituteof Child Healthand HumanDevelopment,The Centerfor Disease Controland Prevention, the NationalInstituteon Aging, and the NationalInstituteof Mental Healthsupported a et proposal by EdwardLaumann, al., to undertakean ambitiousstudy of sexuality in America.Scientists in these agencies "wantedmore generalstudies of sexualityto then sexual dysfunctionand childabuse."Butsoon examinesuch issues as teen pregnancy, after the contract was awarded, the researchers noted that (America's)"national et squeamishness about sex" began to emerge (Michael al. 1994: 27; Nussbaum1997). of officialsin particular were squeamishaboutthe inclusion questionsabout Government of masturbation evidencedalso in the forced resignation formerU.S.SurgeonGeneral Political battlesfollowed.Sen. Jesse (masturbation). Jocelyn Eldersfor usingthe M-word Helms introducedan amendment to a funding bill that specifically prohibitedthe governmentfrom payingfor such a study.As a result,the researchersconducted the studythroughprivatemoney;the sample was reducedfrom20,000 to 3,500 adults,and no one underthe age of 18 was included in the sample (Boonstra2001; Nussbaum of Nussbaumarguedin Cultivating 1997:225).As Martha Humanity: "Suspiciousness sex the researchhadtriumphed, (1997: 225)7 impeding progressin inquiry." Incontrastto the currentU.S.trends in legislatingabstinence-only policies, Denmark - and manyothercountriesboth in the industrialized developingworld- continueto and that it is researchand sex educationprograms, morecomprehensive believing implement to They important informand educate young people about sexualityand contraception. believethatadolescents havea rightto information (Alford 2005).

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AttitudesTowardTeenSexualityin the United Statesand Denmark CaseStudy:The UnitedStates

the Sincethe 1960s,Religious Right political groupshavewageda campaign against teaching of comprehensivesex educationin publicschools. During late 1960s, conservative the Christian such as the Christian Crusade bookletsincluding: the "Is published organizations RawSex?" whichtheyargued parents Red the in that were Little Schoolhouse Placeto Teach the onlyappropriate aboutsexuality source for information Fear" 1994; "Teaching (Kantor 1994:11).Phyllis headof the conservative went as faras to arguethat Schafly, EagleForum, in schoolsto sex ed mayconstitute childabuse(1985). Their exposingchildren public position was clear:anydiscussionaboutsex belongedinthe home,not inthe schools. it was havinglittlesuccess in Bythe 1980s, however, was clearthatthe Religious Right sex education fromthe schools.8 a result,conservative As Christian removing groupsshifted in schools. Rallying strategiesand beganto promote"abstinence-only" programs the public sex Concerned grass-rootssupportagainstcomprehensive education,the Eagle Forum, Women America, for Focuson the Family, Citizens Excellence Education devoted and for in all resourcesto promoting curricula a substitutefor comprehensive as abstinence-only major sex ed programs. a materials, Through rangeof educational videotapesand promotional that advertising, they have effectivelypromotedcurricula teach fear and withholdvital information aboutprevention AIDS teen pregnancy. of and such as "SexRespect," and Programs "Facing Reality" curricula developedby TeenAid Commitment Family) and received federal Title (Me,MyWorld, Future; My Sexuality, initially XXfunding the Life the through AdolescentFamily Act (AFLA). years under During Reagan this Act, approximately million was available for $7 annually the developmentof "family central" abstinenceand adoption. state The pregnancy prevention programs emphasizing andfederalmoneyused to fund"Sex-Respect" essential,according a writer the was to for Conservative Digest: ... the Adolescent FamilyLifeAct was writtenexpresslyfor the [federal] purpose of diverting money that would otherwisego to PlannedParenthood groupswithtraditional into values.This noble been fulfilled here. purposehas certainly Fear -quoted in(Teaching 1994:11) Whileratesof pregnancy, AIDS othersexually and transmitted diseases remain alarmingly high among America'syouth, opponents of sex education have become increasingly successfulin censoring information has proven that effectivein dealing with vital,life-saving these problems (Kantor 1994).

Central the sex ed debate is the Religious to and Right's attemptto preservepatriarchy to men'srights overwomen'srights parental and overchildren's privilege (Bendroth rights rights and 1993;Hawley 1994;Howland 1997;Marty Appleby 1999;Riesebrodt 1993).Theideaof to equalitybetween men and women is threatening manyadvocatesof abstinence-only to sex policies.Notonlyaretheyworking prevent beforeoroutsideof marriage, arealso they to the The movement fighting preserve traditional, patriarchal family. pro-marriage goes hand-

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of in-hand with this (Gallagher 1999; Stacey 2002) as does the promotion old-fashioned norms. gender-role one the As one readsthrough abstinence-only materials, findsan oldandmixedmessage. It is the story of sex as the tale of predator and prey- and women, beware. Men are consideredto be sexualbeings,who beyonda certainpoint,cannotholdback.Therefore, women must. Such messages are abundantly clearin Patricia SexualCommon Driscoll's, Sense. Affirming AdolescentAbstinence. turning The to Time point,according the Arousal Line foundinthisbookis "theprolonged After point, this thereis noturning kiss." back.While females too havesexualinstincts,they take longerto become arousedand,therefore, are in restraint. givengreater responsibility exercising Thefollowing from"SexRespect" contextualizes Arousal the TimeLine. Presented excerpt hereis a fictitious and Dr. dialoguebetweenTVhost,Jane Bright, psychologist, Wise. Jane: Wehave manyteenagersin our "Respecting audience, Sex" Doctorso I think wouldbe helpfulto them if we talkabouthow it sexual feeling gets strongeras two people become increasingly intimate Let's it thestages of sexualarousal. call physically Dr.Wise:Fine,Jane.As you can see, itshows the stages of sexual arousal. Dr.Wise:Malesthinking aboutthe oppositesex tendto focuson the sexualorgans, their own andthoseof theimagined Females, partner when theyvisualize sex partner I shouldsay love partner think a not of the male's genitals, but ratherof his whole body as an instrument givingwarmth, for closenessandsecurityInfact,a male can experiencesexualrelease witha womanhe doesn'teven like, whereasa womanusually can'tdo so unlessshe lovesherpartner Jane:Dr Wise,do you think difference a good thing? this is Dr.Wise: Yes,it helps girlscope withthe sexualaggressivenessof aboutsex. boys.Ithelpsthembe morelevel-headed The ReligiousRight'sconcern about sex and sexualityfocuses on issues regarding social orderand control- especiallyover women's bodies and desires. The adage that "good girls don't"but "realboys do" continues to engender the double-standard that defines male and female in oppositionto one another, althoughmanyof the abstinenceare This however, only curricula pushingfor abstinencefor all pre-marrieds. framework, From conservative revealscontradictions. a Christian humansare not animals perspective, debate),rather (whichis at the cruxof the evolution-creation they stand onlya littlelower than the angels. Yet,they are also seen as no differentfrom animalsdrivenby sexual instincts:once aroused,there is no turningback.These distinctionssound veryfamiliar because they are partof the "sexualwisdom"of American culturethat goes well beyond the confinesof conservative Christian Womenareconsidered be less controlled to thinking. and by theirsexualityand thereforemore responsiblefor boththeirown sexual behavior thatof men. Ifshe is not,thenwarnsT.V. James Robison, whose bookSex is Not evangelist Lovesold morethanhalfa million copies, it is the worstthingthatcan happento humanity. In"God's William Martin describesRobison's tiradeagainstsex, "hisprime Man," Angry understands powerful its allure." target,selected at least in partbecause he rather obviously

Knowthe Progressionof SexualFeelingwith IncreasedPhysicalIntimacy SexualArousal

- ---

Being Tooether

Hand Holdina

Simple Good Night Kiss

i? --?~~~~~~~~~~~%

Prolonged Kiss of beginning danger



Heavy Pettina Female Genital feeling aroused

Mutual Sex Plav

aroused Nogenital feeling

Female Male Genital Genital feeling feeling aroused aroused

Abstinence Adolescent B. *Chart from Patricia Driscoll,SexualCommonSense: Affirming

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in tones of the responsea girl's Ina talkto youngpeople,Robison "spoke excited,almostlurid bodycan stirina youngman'sloins." it's Man,whenyousee a girl's orbreast, supposedto bother you. legs bother you Ifyoucanlookatherlegs andherbodyanditdoesn't you, are a purequeer... Girls, yourboyfriend if walksout of here tonight and looksoverat yourlegs justshiningin the breezeandsays,your bother youcanputit down- you'veeither hideous me, got legs don't orhe's a pervert. legs - Robison 1981: 157) (quotedin Martin then goes on to talkaboutthe woman'sresponsibility taming malebeast: in Robison the Sex before marriagedevelops sensual drives that can never be satisfied maycause a manto behavelikean animal. and Some girls become thatwaytoo,butmostof themdon't.Whentheydo, it'sthe mostawfulthingthatcanhappento humanity - Robison 1981:223) (quotedin Martin of Moreawful,we must ask,thanrape?Thanmillions peopledyingof AIDS? having Of who unwanted children cannotbe caredfor bytheirparentsora societythatrefusesto pay for adequatehealthcare or raisethe minimum fulltimerise wage so that people working abovethe poverty line?Therenewedeffortsto undermine education notjustabout sex are whichcentersaround sex; they are partof a broader challengeto publiceducation parents' vs. children's states' rights. and Gender and Sexual Politics of the Religious Right The attemptsof the ReligiousRightin the UnitedStates to preserveparental rightsover those of children's directedtowardswomen and children. rightsrevealthe kindof hostility In his critiqueof the Fourth WorldConferenceon Women,GaryBauer,presidentof the FamilyResearch Council,wrote that feminists wanted "to enshrine the 'rights'of adolescents to information medicalservices where sex and AIDSwere concerned, and without 'interference'from parents" and that although, "parents rights were not completely overruled,they were subordinatedto 'the best interests of the child."' "these radical women are tryingto achieve greaterequalitybetween women Moreover, and men in economic and politicalspheres, so that women can better supporttheir familiesand children." (Bauer1995) Inhis August1995 FOFNewsletter, "TheFamily UnderFireBythe U.N.," James Dobson on warnsthatthe U.N.Conference Womenrepresented: "themost radical, crusadein the history the of atheistic, anti-family world....Theextremists who are...promoting conferenceare a this It million miles outsidethe American mainstream.... is a mystery to me how such enormousthreats ourspiritual cultural to and heritage " into due haveslithered ourmidstwithout noticeoralarm. U.S. Pat Former Presidential concurred, candidate, Buchanan, evidently commenting just the that was so bizarre, after conference "it seeingallthose women- itwas likethe barscene

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outof Star Wars." Dobsongoes on to warnhisreaders, radio audiences congressmen and that will while"the hundreds millions dollars of of to Development channel AgencyforInternational and and women'sreproductive sexualrights family services,the onlyhope planning support forderailing train the Christian is church." this data show that the degree to which an effect of comprehensive Althoughempirical in of sexualityeducationhas been identifiable studies, it has postponed initiation sexual increased effectiveuse of contraceptives the intercourse and/or 2001; Manlove, [1999] (Kirby to continue insist 2004;"Schorr 2004; "NewStateEvaluations 1998),abstinence-advocates to havesex. sex thatcomprehensive education encourages youngpeople Different Discourses: The Danish Approach and is and Danish discourse aboutsexuality reproductive teens' rights strikingly Thedominant SexualHealth discourseinthe United States(Adolescent fromthe dominant different 2001; to the of see also Heins2001;"Sexuality 1995).InDenmark, rights adolescents sexual Rights" within contextof a socialdemocracy the information choiceareframed and andreproductive of director the since 1966.As NellRasmussen, andhavebeenembeddedinDanish legislation in in described an interview 1998: Danish Association, Planning Family of in Denmark becamethe firstcountry the worldto grant youngpeople,regardless age, in for It's and access to contraception contraception counseling... abouthumanrights: order or you you to act responsibly, haveto havechoices - government parentsor whoeverthe if behavior teenagersorof the population of are decisionmakers cannotdemandresponsible to they don't give them an opportunity make their own choices based on sufficient for We information.... have developedan enablingenvironment young people to support themselves as themselves in the process of makingtheir sexual identityand realizing is adults- andsexuality an important of becomingan adult.... part Young people becoming be to to havethe right askandtheyhavea right be metwithrespect.... shouldn't letdown, they theyshouldbe supported. adolescentsexuality also arguedthatprogressive socialpoliciesrecognizing Rasmussen havenotpromoted promiscuity. havethemostliberal we From outside,(itseems that) inDenmark the and Seen sexualandreproductive health rights. systemof adolescent that fromthe inside,however,we don'ttendto think we havea very and liberal system. We tend to thinkthatwe have a verypractical to the fact thatyoungpeople do starthaving pragmatic approach teens.InDenmark, rather somewherein their sexualrelations actually hasn't late. around16.7forboysand even 16.9forgirls,and it really changedverymuchovertime.And80 percentof youngpeople use at That contraception firstintercourse. maynot be enoughbut it'sa situation. alsoKnudsen (See 1999.) veryfavorable dominantDanishattitudestowardssexualitywere not so differentfrom Historically, the American ones (Centerwall mainstream 1995;"Sexual 1995).Within past three Rights" use we and decades,however, findDanesmuchmoreopenaboutsexuality contraceptive than Americans(Davidet al. 1990). The Danishgovernmenthas mandatedthe teaching of Theseprograms tend as schoolcurriculum. sex comprehensive education partof the general withoutbeing graphic, whichis hardfor many and to be quitepragmatic straightforward, Americans envision. to

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Oneof the sex ed videos used inelementary Do schools, "Where BabiesComeFrom," is a cartoon-animated thatpresentsfourchildren video and withone talking, laughing giggling another they sharequestionsand information as aboutwherebabiescome from.Covering femaleandmaleanatomy, intercourse birthing, videopresentsa lotof and the menstruation, information a veryfunnyyet directway.WhenIshowedthisto mycollegeclass, students in saidthatit was the best - the most informative the funniest- "documentary" had and they everseen on sex education. videodemystifies andinvites audience laugh The sex the with to the children couple,who areloving, and affectionate andyes - sexualwithone another. The the that and that about message reflects reality kidsarecurious havelotsof questions, talking sex can be bothembarrassing fun,andthatit'sas muchaboutfeelings,caring love and and as it is aboutbiology.

YoungPeople's Perspectives and Individual interviews co-ed classroomandsmall-group discussions(bothsame sex and 100 Danish and 300 Americanteens revealed significant co-ed) with approximately and differences howtheyspokeaboutsexuality relationships. Danish in The teens tendedto and responsibility whereasthe American teens talkaboutsex in terms of mutual pleasure if tendedto speakintermsof performance achievement in "feeling and (as inadequate they Whenaskedwhen "nomeansno,"bothDanish achieveorgasm"). didn't boys andgirlswere Their did someonesays no,thatmeansno." quiteclear:"when language notassumethatthe and into sex. malewas the predator the femalethe preywho was the one pressured having one Forexample, 15-year-old inthe presenceof his maleandfemaleclassmatessaid: boy If IfI don'tfeel likeit, thenI wantthatto be OK. mygirlfriend doesn't likesomething, well thenwe trysomething else. Ifone of us doesn't wantto, thenwe findanother way Orwe go fora walk. A 15-year-old inthe same class commented: girl Ifa girlsaysno andshe really meansyes, wellthenshe'stheone who misses out- she couldhavesaidyes ifshe wantedto. when IndiscussionswithAmerican teenagers,therewas muchless consensus.Deciding tolerance "nomeantno"was seen as a veryconfusing call,andtherewas greater judgment In to for- or at least morewillingness not speakout against- sexually aggressivebehavior. the American classrooms,those who came rightout and said "ifsomeone says no, that about conversation therewould be a prolonged means no"were in the minority. Typically assumedto be a female)was clearin herown mind,whethershe whethera person(always or she meantno whenshe saidno, howforcefully frequently saidno,whethershe was really and what or givingdoublemessages eitherverbally non-verbally, the girlwas wearing, how or she was actingwhen she said no. The same ambivalence confusionwas expressed in interviews well. as discussionsandindividual small-group also was genderedin ways thatthe Danish The discourseamongAmerican teenagers was not. Inthe American and discourseaboutsexualresponsibility responsiveness context, abouthaving or to sex; notonce onlyfemaleswere referred as saying"no" beingambivalent about Whenitcameto talking used to speakof someone saying"no." was the malepronoun the women's ambivalence, discussionoften led to girlsand women being untrustworthy thanconfused or conflictedaboutwhat they wanted,or theirbeing unclearin their rather

2005 Volume84,Number2 * December 1220 * SocialForces

was of expression whattheydidanddidnotwant.Theblameformiscommunication placed, in as muchby otherwomenas by men,on the female.Oftenthe conversation the American classroomwouldfallbackon: "Ihaveknowngirlswho tease men;""... who say no when "If teases a guy,thenshe hasto be ready can'tblamethe guys." the girl theymeanyes;""You a can'texpecta guyto juststop."Inthe Danish to get whatshe gets.""Aftercertain you point, on to context,bothmaleandfemaleteenagersputresponsibility the individual saywhathe or she meant, and they held the individual responsiblefor his or her actions (including and context,moreresponsibility blamewas placed choices).Inthe American contraceptive if American toldme: went wrong.One 16-year-old on the femaleespecially something girl of to afraid what I think sometimesgirlsare afraid say "no." They're theirboyfriends Or, mightthink. if theydo say no, and then the guy don'twantto admittheysaidno because goes aheadanywayTthey thatwould mean thatthe guy didn'tcare aboutthem. I know I've done that.I don'tlikethataboutmyself,butI'vedone it.AndI have who havetoo. friends Itmaybe easierforsome of these girlsto disregard own desiresandvoices thanto their believethey were forcedto haveunwanted fromsomeone they thoughtthey lovedor sex who lovedthem.Thisseemed to be muchless of a quandary the Danish interviewed. for girls to Whilesome of them hadsex thatwas not particularly they pleasurable, were less likely or to haveexperienced unwanted forcedsex and muchmorelikely knowwhattheywanted anddidn't want.Theyalso were muchless likely confuse love andsexualdesire.Forthe to Danish it to youngpeopleandtheirparents, was OK havesex withsomeoneonce youturned 16 or 17.Validation notdependon how muchyouwere inlovewiththe otherperson,but did how responsible were in making decisions.Becomingsexualwas considered partof a you of growing normal development, up. Loveis such a strongword.I havea boyfriend I careabouthim. and We're sex OK know.Theyjust having andthat's withmyparents. They wantus to be protected. cansleep overat my house.But,I can't He and sayI lovehim.Loveandhatearesuchstrongwords.Myparents, mysistersandmybrother I love them.I'veknownthemallmy life. Butmy boyfriend, onlyknownhim a few months.Weneed to I've knoweach othermore.Itshouldbe really deep whenyousay that. Danish -17-year-old girl I really love my boyfriend. I think OK having withhim. it's I'm So sex Butif myparents me! caughtme, theywouldkill American - 17-year-old girl It abouteasily. Lene,the Danish takeslovequiteseriously. is nota wordto be thrown girl, Sex, on the otherhand,is nota bigdeal.It'sfun,butyou needto takecareto use protection so you don'tget AIDSor an infection.Elena,the American emphasizeslove. Because girl she's in love,it'sOK havesex. Elenais bothsincereandadamant to when she says, "Ireally lovemy boyfriend," thenshe leansforward whispers,"But my parents but and if caughtme, theywouldkillme. Ifthey knew,itwouldbe allover.Idon'tknowwhythey can'tunderstand how muchwe loveeach other." Another contrastbetweenthe Danish American and striking teenagerswas theirattitude towards alcohol sex. While American and the that friends often teenagersreported theyortheir

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that to in to drink order lowertheirinhibitions havesex, the Danish teenagersbelieved alcohol Danish commented: A andsex were nota good match. smallgroupof 15-to 17-year-old girls I Itruinsit if you'redrunk think. the boy's verydrunk can't it If he get He can'tget [an]erectionand thatruinsit a lot. So I think up. you do And shouldn't it if you'redrunk. you forgetthe condomif you're not It's drunk. easierto havegood sex ifyou're drunk. A 15-year-old concurred, boy Ifyou're drunk, can'tdo it verywellandit doesn'tfeel as good. If you I really a girl,I don'tdrink like beforewe havesex. communication intimacy: and TheDanish werealsomoreopenintalking about sexuality, girls If ButI think have to be comfortable. you feel totally comfortable you andsafe withtheperson,youdo morethings. I think canhave So you sex andall,butthemoresafe andthemorecomfortable get with you thepersonthemorewildthe things themoreopenyouget with get, yourboyfriend. - 16-year-old Danish girl as Nonetheless,Danishgirlsalso experiencedsome of the same difficulties American continuesto exist in Denmark well as in the UnitedStates, as girls.The doublestandard to although perhaps a lesserdegree: if in Girls theyarekissingwithtwo (boys) one eveningat a party then they are cheap and hookersand all that.But,if a boy or a man is that togetherwithmore thanone, 'ohit'sjust cool.' Ijust think, just sucksreally - 15-year-old Danish girl Whatboth Danishand American young people emphasizedwas theirdesire for more and information discussionaboutfeelings,emotionsand relationships. Theywantedmore at communication theirparentsandteachers.Manyof them faced problems home:a with that difficult. abuse,depression oftenmadethatcommunication alcoholism, parent's an Forexample,Laura, American an 14-year-old sharedherstoryjustafterattending girl school in centralPennsylvania. Unlike assemblyat herrural previous abstinence-only years a had listenedto MollyKelly, selfwhen PlannedParenthood given the assembly,Laura who gave the presentation for well-known identifiedand nationally educator," "chastity relations indicated she hadtalked that Heartbeat materials Services.Kelly's Community public fromthe Postponing Sexual Involvement and withmorethan100,000youngpeople,drawing Pressures BeforeMarriage both curricula, of whichuse "Sex,Lies,andthe Truth" Managing "in the and "NoApologies" video resourcesin theirtraining orderto reinforce risksof as sexualinvolvement." as dollar criticized contraceptive the industry a multi-million businessthatis "ripping Kelly off youngpeople." lots Someone's people'ssex. Peopletalk making of moneyoffof other no for offers guarantee aboutsafesex - butthe contraceptive industry

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rate. can't their Condoms havea 10-17 failure Butyou product. percent if crash takethecondomorpillbackifitfails.What therewasanairline and the airlines responded,"well,we get there83 percentof the The time?" of laughter). stakesarehigh.With youeither sex, (Lots gain kind a lifeorlose a life.AIDS a lose-a-life of situation. is in Mrs.Kelly thatitwas adultswho were irresponsible givingyoungpeoplemore argued worse. and moredevicesthatonlymadematters in They're place giving thetoolsthat youtheproblems thefirst you give - andthentheytellyouitis "safe "There's suchthing safesex. no as sex. There a risk. can't itsafe orsaferThere's savedsex. is We call only in Afterthe assembly,I hadthe opportunity talkwith Laura a smallgroupof 8th to grade that girls.Whilethe otherswere laughing it was "alittletoo littleand muchtoo late,"Laura but begantalking: quietly passionately whenshe was 16andhadto really struggle. MyMomgot pregnant at Thenwhen my oldersistergot pregnant 16, my Mom was really and talk sex pregnant, she angryShe wouldn't to herabout orgetting can't to doesn'ttalkto me. Shejustyellsandtellsme "not do it."You with conversation heraboutit.Andnow it'sreally havea reasonable crazyat home with my sister's baby, and everyone cryingand It's sex we screaming. nuts.Ithink need to knowmoreabout notless. The Laura leftinthe lurch felt bothat homeandat schoolwhen it cameto sex education. deserve more- better." BothAmerican school counselorwho sat inwithus agreed:"They and andDanish teenagerswantedparents teachersto trustthem more,respectthem more, thanless, information, it but andteachthem more.Theybelievedthey needed more,rather was the American of teenagerswho pointedto the number theirfriends,sisters or school mateswho hadgottenpregnant proof. as Rather thanbeingshelteredfromthe world,children in families,andyoung people live that haveto dealwiththe problems the adultswho raisethemface (Males1996;1998).Yet, like Acts striveto protectparents'rightsoverthe rightsof Protection legislation the Family in theirchildren to prohibit and interference family (Rose1986;1993).Inthe case life potential of sex education, than of rather recognizing realities youngpeople'slivesandtheirright the to are to that information, manyadvocatesof the Religious Right trying imposea gag order will and isolated,ignorant, sadly,morevulnerable. keepchildren Adolescent Rights as Human Rights: The Danish Case Ifyouareto understand hasreally what in happened Denmark, can you notexplain development ourviewof sex education access the of and to contraception generalby theliberal in Nordic to approach sexuality because it's not like that. It's actuallymuch more a consensual in in understanding the population generaland the government by withthings a waythat in makesthemostsense. dealing - Rasmussen

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of Sincethe 1960s,withthe activism the labor, women's,anddisabilities' movements, young were also recognized givena moreprominent and placein Danish society. people'srights Society... realizedthatyoung Duringthe'60s,the DanishWelfare people were equalmembersof societyandshouldsharethe same benefits of belonging to society as adults.If we want people to behave responsibly, have to give them the chance to.... The we the of governmentsaw benefits this- ifyougive them(young people) the option, canalso demandthattheybehaveresponsibly you - Rasmussen Thiswas a recurrent theme in interviews withteachers,as well as withsex educatorsand in health. AIDs-Secretariat Rasmussen, professionals working the areaof reproductive Bjarne at the Frederiksberg and principal for and authorof "Young Hospital People's investigator in SexualBehavior" 1998)explained a 1998interview: ([1989] not It'simportant to cheat youngpeople... Tobe honest in sexual in education, especially theschoolsbecauseif theyoungpeople find out thatyou are cheatingthem,they won'tbelieveyou lateron. It's to to very,veryimportant get a discussion going.It'simportant make the youngpeople understand theymaketheirown choice. They that mustmakean activechoice andsay ' wantto use contraception' or because they have made the 'I don't want to use contraception' choiceand theyareinvolved.

The information theAmericans withholding or in Whothenis goingtoo far? Danesinproviding for to both information? While onset of sexualactivity Danesis similar thatof Americans, the to and around 16.7years,Danish are morelikely use contraception are teenagers averaging havean abortion contract sexually or a transmitted disease. to muchless likely get pregnant, fewer Danish11 to 14 yearolds who havebeen engaged in Thereare also proportionately Thisis an important sexualactivity Rasmussen (B. [1997]1998). Using1988datafrom finding. and Glei that who the United StatesNSFG the Guttmacher Institute, estimated amongU.S.girls were ages 20-29;forgirlswho had were mothersbythe age of 15, 39 percentof the fathers and was citedinBrown to (Glei figure 53 percent givenbirth a childbyage 17,the comparable these datasay nothing aboutwhetherany see 1995:205; also Moore1995).While Eisenberg or the at involved sexualcoercion violence, significant difference this of these relationships age A of of pointinthe lifecyclesuggests an imbalance power. number studieshavealso revealed sexualabuse amongteen mothersis common(Boyerand Fine of thata history childhood the and in has a 1992).Flemming criminologist statistician Denmark, attributed Balvig, leading movements:the women's Danishdecline in the rate of reportedrapes to two primary and education whichfocused on sex equity,mutual movementand sexuality responsibility Interview B. Rasmussen with andbodily 1997; 1998). integrity (Balvig respect, and interest vie IntheAmerican context, special groups forpower oftenhavedisproportionate in Numerous health general. education reproductive and influence. isthe case withsexuality This are and mainstream medical, agencies, supportive including government, religious organizations, to Bushstating they that education. of comprehensive Many signeda letter President sexuality "arecommittedto responsiblesexualityeducationfor young people that includesage-

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accurate information bothabstinence contraception, urge about and [and] appropriate, medically to for [him] reconsider increasing funding unproven abstinence-only-until-marriage programs."9 Andwhilenewbills beingintroduced better are to at education, support comprehensive sexuality the moment, to continue dominate agenda. the abstinence-only programs medical and fear not misinformation promote and Abstinence-only proponents onlyprovide also failto plan,fund,and implement thatcouldmore effectivesocialpolicy they ignorance, and curbteen pregnancy the spreadof STDs- and providebettereconomic, effectively and for on and educational, health opportunities allyoungpeople.Experts teen pregnancy child welfare suchas Marianne Edelman Kristin (1997) and Luker Wright convincingly thatteen argue is horizons the and pregnancy less aboutyounggirlsandtheirsex livesthanaboutrestricted boundaries hope.Yet,the Religious of continues blamethe "fallen to the Right girl/woman," feminization men,the decline two-parent of of andthe media the ills for families, homosexuality, of oursocietyrather economic structural than and forcesthatperpetuate betweenmen inequality andwomen,andbetween enriched impoverished and the classes.Inthe battle sexuality over and and that choice,it'sgirls' women'sbodies,lives,and livelihoods arealltoo oftensacrificed andheldaccountable creating problem teen pregnancy. for the of blamed, marginalized The threatof women's equalityand the usurpingof male power is echoed in many Christian newsletters, and and books,sermons,rallies, TV radio shows, as the desirefor Right control and parentalorder is unabashedlypronounced.Both hostile and patriarchal benevolentformsof sexism (Glick Fiske2001)are evidenthereas the Religious and Right attempts to keep women in their place, on the pedestal, dependent on men who are in The whileconcerned expectedto remain control. debatesaround abstinence-only policies, withtrying prevent to adolescentsexualactivity, as much- if not more- abouttrying are to or the Christian nuclear, heterosexual, preserve reclaim patriarchal, family. When former of L. was for Secretary StateColin Powell askedaboutHIV-prevention strategies an interview Valentine's 2001,Powell the musicchannel on told youngpeopleduring MTV Day, "It that cometogether, audience, is important thewholeinternational community speakcandidly aboutit,forgetabouttaboos,andforgetaboutconservative ideaswithrespectto whatyou should youngpeopleabout.It'sthe livesof youngpeoplethatareputat risk unsafesex. tell by former Surgeon U.S. And,therefore, (Cohen 2002)ButlikeDr.Everett protect yourself." Koop, General a pro-life and conservative who for and to Christian, advocated sex education the right information contraception abortion, on and Powell was immediately attacked. "Conservatives reacted to endorsement condomuse bysexually of active harshly the secretary's youngpeople and to the ideathatthis administration sanctionsany message otherthanabstinenceuntil as if of Bauer, (Cohen 2002). marriage the principal,notonly, acceptable approach" Gary president American admonished Powell who has a long-held in Values, specialinterest globalHIV/AIDS in Africa to stickto diplomacy: "public On health issues, especially Sub-Saharan issues, he should follow leadof the Bushadministration, he serves." the which (Cohen 2002) As we enterthe new millennium, and familyplanning, reproductive sexualhealth,and economicwell-being vitalconcernsforindividuals, are and The communities, nations. United States which is the only country that legislatesand funds abstinence-only-until marriage in programs publicschools, also leadsthe worldin its highratesof teenage pregnancies, and havebeen taught abortions, STDs. Moreover, abstinence-only-until-marriage programs for over two decades and yet there is still no peer-reviewed researchthat proves it is effective.10 Whileratesof pregnancy, and transmitted diseases remain AIDS, othersexually and people inthe developing world,opponentsof alarmingly amongAmerica's high youth education reproductive and health trying censorvital are to information services and sexuality bothat homeandabroad. The Religious a effect on Righthas notachievedits agenda,butit has produced chilling education.A 1998 studyby researchers TheAlanGuttmacher at comprehensive sexuality

Sin Sex, andSocial Policy* 1225 school districts havea district-wide that Institute foundthatamongthe seven inten public the that education, vast majority percent) (86 require abstinencebe policyto teach sexuality eitheras the preferred promoted, optionforteenagers(51 percenthavesuch anabstinenceor (35 plus policy) as the onlyoptionoutsideof marriage percenthavesuch anabstinencethat as Only14 percenthavea comprehensive onlypolicy). policy addressesabstinence one educationprogram prepare to adolescentsto become sexuallyhealthy optionin a broader adults.Inalmosttwo-thirds district of policiesacrossthe nation those withcomprehensive and abstinence-plus is policies- discussionaboutthe benefitsof contraception permitted. of about However,in the one-third districtswith an abstinence-only policy,information is eitherprohibited or limitedto discussionof its ineffectivenessin contraception entirely and transmitted diseases (Dailard 2000). protecting againstunplanned pregnancy sexually InFebruary Bushproposeda $2.57 trillion federalbudgetforfiscalyear 2005, President 2006thatwouldsubstantially oreliminate cut whilecreating manydomesticsocialprograms, or boostingfunding a handful othersthatwould promote"traditional for of values." family Eventhe TexasBaptistsare questioning how compassionatethis is (Marus 2005). In just God'sPolitics: GetsItWrong the LeftDoesn't It,Reverend Wallis, and Get Jim Whythe Right editorof the progressive and evangelical magazine,Sojourners, arguesthat "thereligious of to political Right gets the public meaning religion mostlywrong- preferring focus onlyon sexualand cultural issues while ignoring weightiermattersof justice.He believesthe the secular Leftdoesn't seem to get the meaningand promiseof faithfor politicseitheras to In of mistakenly spirituality irrelevant socialchange." the interest allchildren, dismissing as wellas family we a to well-being, needto takeseriously broad-based approach bothsocial evidence and a recognition the of problemsand social policythat is based on empirical is pluralistic society inwhichwe live.Thisis whatdemocracy allabout.Inthe finalanalysis, rather having than the Stateshas notgone nearly enoughinproviding far gone too far, United reliable education health careto ourchildren. and information, Notes 1. Themost widelydiscussed"abstinence-based" "SexRespect," written was program, by K. Colleen Mastin 1983.Thefor-profit "Sex corporation, Respect,Inc.distributes Respect" and"Facing Reality." 2. Only percentof parents junior schoolstudentsand6 percentof parents high 4 of of high school students believe sexualityeducationshould not be taught in school ("Public 2004). Support" 3. Personal 2005. communication, January 4. Sincetaking millions dollars congressionally of in officein2001,Bushwithdrew aid allotted Nations froze$3 million the World for Health to the United Fund, Population Organization's health program,and aggressively attempted to export its domestic reproductive and views U.N."abstinence-only" by campaign itsanti-abortion atvenuesprovided various and Health Services" 2002). sponsored globalmeetings("Congress Reproductive released a 237-page reportFebruary 2005 detailingthe 5. The Bush Administration 11, slatedforelimination substantial intheirFY2006 budgetproposal. or cuts The programs at reportis available http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/fy2006/pdf/savings.pdf. on Severalmembersof the Coalition HumanNeeds (CHN) have producedexcellent

1226 * SocialForces Volume84,Number2 * December 2005

analyses of the President'sbudget. The CHNwebsite links to many of these is OMB a of www.chn.org/issues/budget/index.html. Watchhas produced number pieces the on analyzing President'sbudgetand they are available the OMBWatchwebsite: An President' Bush'sFY 06 Budget: Overview. 6. Adolescentchild-bearing morecommonin the UnitedStates (22 percentof women is a before 20)thaninGreat Britain percent), Canada percent), (11 (15 reported age having child And are when France percent) Sweden(4 percent). the differences even greater and (6 A births younger to of comparing teenagers. greater proportion U.S.teenagersdidnotuse at (25 contraception eitherthe firstor most recentintercourse percentand 20 percent in than GreatBritain (11 (21 respectively) that reported France percentand 12 percent), and and Sweden(22percent 7 percent) Sexual Health 2002; (Adolescent percent 4 percent), et Sexual Reproductive and Darroch al.2001;Feijoo 2001;Joneset al.1996;"Teenage 2001). of 7. Deeplyconcernedaboutthe growingAIDsepidemic,a number otherleadingsocial of scientists in the mid-1980sbegan makingtheircase that a greaterunderstanding was needed in orderto stem the rateof deadlyHIV teenagers'sexualbehavior urgently was national The infections. American TeenageStudy(ATS) designedas a five-year study, risk related teenage to withthe intent provide to information abouthealth-related behaviors HIV and transmitted diseases, including, In1993,however, Congress pregnancy sexually in act. to banned ATS the NIH the reauthorization Inresponding the controversies explicitly of asserted:Children be the (D-Wash.) may Rep. surrounding funding ATS, JimMcDermott but embarrassed such discussion, theywillnotdie fromembarrassment. can die They by fromAIDS. can sufferpermanent The healtheffects fromsexually transmitted diseases. Andtheycansuffera lifetime frompremature (Boonstra 2001). parenthood 8. Thisfieldwork includedclassroomobservations; class, small group,and one-on-one interviews teenagers;and interviews with with parents, teachers,andsex educators.In the case of the Central School,240 9ththrough12th Pennsylvania gradersalso filledout the assembliessponsoredby Heartbeat surveysinthe week following abstinence-only all Services.Thisnumber included those in one of fourhealthclasses or a Community of the highschool population. quarter 9. In1981,a national indicated 70 percentof parents that in favoredsex-ed programs poll the public of sex-edinthe public schools;a 1985pollshowed75 percent adults approving of in 8; highschools, with52 percentapproving such programs grades4 through most also believed programs that shouldcovera widerrangeof topics,including respondents the of the of control, biology reproduction, nature sexualintercourse teachingaboutbirth andabortion Fear" ("Teaching 1994). 10. An evangelicalpsychologist,James Dobson heads up the largest Christian-Right in with 3 States,Focuson the Family (FOF), magazines Organization the United reaching million and morethan5 million readers, a dailyradioprogram reaching peopleon 3,000 stationsworldwide. is also author Dareto Discipline, of the leadingchildcare He of one manuals sold inthe United States. 11.Studiesconducted JohnsHopkins and researchers fundedbythe National Institute of by Child Health Development and indicate effectiveness sexuality the of education programs indelaying age at firstintercourse, the the and increasing use of contraception, reducing rates amongteens. Researchers found no significant associationbetween pregnancy

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Health and active.In1994,the World a education beingsexually taking courseinsexuality 35 the releaseda report that hadanalyzed studies done around worldon Organization for conclude thereis no support the that education. Authors Grunseit Kippax and sexuality contentionthat sexualityeducationencouragessexual experimentation increased or Fear" 1988;"Teaching 1994). (Schorr activity 12. Fora listgo to: http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/news/president.htm. 13.Advocates Youth for contracted an independent with statistician analyze to data,recently for and releasedbythe Centers DiseaseControl Prevention aboutsexualbehavior (CDC), on of amonghighschoolstudentsfrom1991to 2003.Advocates' report the analysis the in Risk Youth RiskBehavior Trends Sexual Behaviors (YRBS), Surveys amongHighSchool Students UnitedStates, 1991 to 1997and 1999to 2003, foundthatthe much-touted in behavior took placefrom1991to actually improvements adolescentsexualrisk-taking 1997.Theseimprovements notcontinue the timeperiod did into between1999and2003, whichcorresponds the firstyearsof the abstinence-only to initiative. References
"Sex" Parenthood. Sheet,Planned July Abstinence-Only Education. 2004.Fact in "AbortionContext: United StatesandWorldwide." Issuesin Brief. AlanGuttmacher 1999. The Institute (www.agi-usa.org/pubs/ib_0599.html). "Adolescence Abstinence and FactSheet."1997.26 SIECUS October/November. Report, (http://www. .html). siecus.org/pubs/fact/factO001 Current Trends Issues:1998." and 1999. of "Adolescent Pregnancy: February American Academy Pediatrics. Pediatrics. 516-520. 103(2): (http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/content/full/103/2/516). in 2000.AdolescentSexualHealth Europe and the U.S.- Whythe S., Alford, and AmmieeS. Feijoo.

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