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Stephanie, Ali, Melissa, Jocelyn

United States
1. Heart Disease For both men and women, heart disease kills the

largest number of Americans per year. According to the American Heart Association, heart disease, which causes heart attacks and strokes, kills more people than all forms of cancer combined. Quit smoking and eat a diet low in fat and sodium to cut your risk.

United States
2. Cancer Lung cancer is the cancer responsible for the most deaths in both men and women. Women are also affected greatly by breast and colorectal cancers, according to the Mayo Clinic. Reduce your risk of cancers by not smoking, eating a healthy diet, using sunscreen and getting regular cancer screenings.

United States
3. Stroke The number three cause of death in women, and the number four cause of death in men. Lifestyle changes that can reduce your risk of stroke, according to the Mayo Clinic, include quitting smoking, losing excess weight, exercising and eating a healthy diet.

Breast Cancer
Lose Weight
Being overweight is one of the strongest and most consistent risk factors for breast cancerparticularly in women who have gone through menopause. Obesity increases circulating estrogen levels, which contribute to cancer risk.

Exercise Regularly
Even if you can maintain a healthy weight without exercising, regular exercise further reduces your risk of breast cancer by lowering the levels of circulating estrogen in your body.

Drink Moderately or Not at all

Although its not completely clear how or why alcohol increases cancer risk, the evidence of a link between drinking and breast cancer is quite convincing. Even one drink a day is linked to a slight increase in risk. Higher consumptions levels bump your risk up dramatically.

Health in Europe is better than it has ever been. Despite this, there are still issues. 3 of the main issues are: Obesity (especially in children.) Sexually Transmitted Diseases Mental Health

Obesity in Europe
Obesity has already caused 2-8% of health costs and 10-13% of deaths in Europe. Caused by an increase in food intake and lack of physical activity. Prominent in children. Instead of playing outside children are sitting inside in front the TV, computer, gaming system, etc. Obesity can lead to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Europe

In Western Europe there are around 17 million new cases per year and around 11 million cases per year in the rest of Europe. Main cause is unprotected sex and injecting drugs. Highest rates are in urban populations between the ages of 15 and 35 years old. HIV rates are increasing more in heterosexuals than homosexuals.

Mental Illness in Europe

Affects one in four people. Highest rates of suicide in the world. Main reason for people taking sick leave, early retirement, and disability pension. Only one third of people get help. Could potentially be caused by poor nutrition which also links to their obesity issue.


can lead to reduced immunity, increased susceptibility to disease, impaired physical and mental development, and reduced productivity 7 Facts 1 in 10 Infants die within the first 12 months of life 1 in 5 children suffer from chronic malnutrition More than 12 cases a month of Marasmus or Kwashiorkor are seen in one clinic in Alexander 1 in 10 children suffers from severe malnutrition 50% of children have a calcium, iron and zinc deficiency 75% of South Africans, have inadequate access to food More than 1 in 5 children are physically stunted due to malnutrition.

Birthplace Caused by mixing of
human and chimpanzee blood Two-thirds of all people infected with HIV live in sub-Saharan Africa During 2010 alone, an estimated 1.2 million adults and children died as a result of AIDS-related illnesses in sub-Saharan Africa

China Health Issue #1Pollution

China- Chinas environmental problems, including outdoor and indoor air pollution, water shortages and pollution, desertification, and soil pollution which are leading to serious health risks. Pollution comes from a variety of sources like heavy metals (lead, mercury, chromium, cadmium, and arsenic). This has become increasingly prominent, seriously endangering the health of local citizens (He et al. 2009). Haidong Kan. Environment and Health in China: Challenges and Opportunities. December 2009. 12 July 2012 <http://www.ncbi.>. Bbennet. Pollution. 26 Februrary 2012. 12 July 2012 <>. Commentary I was very surprised to read that China was so badly affected by pollution. I didnt read anything about how China is trying to stop or health the situation either. That is something i would like to know about.

China Health Issue #2Depression

Depression is now one of the top three public health problems in China, according to Michael R. Phillips, executive director of Beijing Suicide Research and Prevention Center. Facts: 90 per cent of Chinese who have committed suicide are found to have never sought psychological care. 5 per cent of Chinese people suffer from the disease and 13 out of 1,000 Chinese have mental health issues. Mental illness is something that can come from can result from personality traits, stress and or a lack of a social support network. Commentary I didnt know that depression was such a big issue, enough to be considered one of the top 3 health issues in the country. I thought it was interesting to see how completely different both issues were and I wonder how they are related. Wu Chong . Depression sufferers grow in China. 2005-03-08 . 12 July 2012 <>. Sarah. My Own Battle With Depression; Remember You are not alone. 27 November 2011. 12 July 2012 <http: //>.

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