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\SHEMA MUSICALE: Joseph the Dreamer

Lupang Hinirang & Presentation (Voice Over) Production Number Stand Up for God Scene #1 Joseph reveals his real identity to his brothers Scene #2 Jacob and Rachel Song: Miracle Child Scene # 3 House of Jacob ; Jacob gives clothe of many colors to Joseph Song: Working for the Lord Scene # 4 Josephs brothers talk about Joseph and the coat. Scene # 5 Josephs dream (sheaves and sun, moon, stars) Song: PRESCHOOL Nobody But My Lord Scene #6 Joseph tells his dreams; conflict between his brothers Scene #7 Joseph thrown into a pit Scene #8 Midianites Song: (Girls)This Too Shall Pass Scene #9 Brothers tell Jacob and Rachel that Joseph is dead Scene#10 Potiphar Promotes Joseph Scene #11 Joseph and Egyptian Womens Song: Dont You Know Scene #12 Potiphars wife Scene #13 Joseph in the prison with Butcher and Butler Scene #14 Josephs monologue Song: You Know Better Than I Scene #15 Pharaohs dream (Preschool) Scene #16 Joseph made into governor of Egypt Song: We Can Make a Difference Scene #17 Jacobs brothers buy food from Egypt; Simeon thrown to prison Scene #18 Jacobs brothers return with Benjamin; brothers eat with Joseph Scene #19 Benjamin charged of stealing Josephs cusp; Judah intercedes Scene #20 Joseph reveals his real identity Song: We are the Lords Own Family Scene #21 Joseph meets Jacob Production Number Let the People Praise You Oh God Curtain Call & Acknowledgements

SHEMA MUSICALE: Joseph the Dreamer

Cast of Characters

1. Joseph Martin Tabilon 2. Jacob 3. Leah 4. Rachel 5. 11 brothers Reuben Simeon Levi Judah Gad Dan Asher Zebulun Napthali Issachar Benjamin 6. Potiphar 7. Potiphars wife Ma. Paula Gibraltar 8. Asenath Clea Macabane 9. Pharaoh Miles Pabicon 10. Butcher 11. Butler 12. Jacobs servants male &female 13. Midianites 14. Slaves 15. Guards 16. Pharaohs servants 17. Josephs servants

NARRATION: This is a story about love and forgiveness. A family who suffered from envy, jealousy, hatred and betrayal. Cant they ever survive the test of time? LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. PRESENTING TO YOU, THE SHEMA MUSICALE: JOSEPH THE DREAMER.

Scene 1 Joseph reveals himself to his brothers

Setting: Josephs house in Egypt Characters: Joseph and 11 brothers

Judah: If there is anyone who should be punished, it should be us (bows before Joseph and holds his garments) (All brothers bow to Joseph) Joseph: (cries with a loud voice) I am your brother Joseph. Brothers: (gasps) Joseph.... (All brothers express fear in their faces and steps backwards) How can it be?? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Narration: (background music) There was a man named Jacob who lived in Canaan. He had 10 sons but His wife, Rachel, whom he loved so much was barren. And for many years they did not have a son. But one day, God gave them a miracle. God opened the womb of Rachel and she gave birth to Joseph. And Jacob loved him above all his brothers.

(Jacob raises baby Joseph with Rachel beside her). Jacob: Oh God, thank you for giving us this child. Rachel: (looks upward then to Joseph) I cant believe it. God has given me a child. Jacob: (tickles baby Joseph, baby Joseph laughs) Now, you will be called Joseph for you are a miracle child....

(Rachel sings... then, Joseph enters the stage sings I am a miracle child) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scene 2 Jacobs house

Setting: Jacobs house Characters: Jacob, Leah, Rachel, Joseph, 10 older brothers, Jacobs maidservants Song: You Never Get Bored

Jacob: Now children, its time to work... Reuben: Come on everyone! (everyone prepares to work). (Song Number) Jacob: Joseph, come! I made something very special for you.... (gives coat of many colors to Joseph)

Joseph: Wow! (puts on coat and shows off to his brothers) See this brothers? I look like a king! (brothers show disgust and envy on their faces) Simeon: (smirks) Well of course, your majesty! (bows down to Joseph) Joseph: (hugs Jacob) thank you father! (hugs Rachel) thank you mother! Come on now brothers, lets go back to work. Jacob: Oh no Joseph, you have to stay and study. Let your brothers work. (Jacob, Rachel, Leah and maidservants exit) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Narrator: Jacob gave him a coat of many colors and because his father loved him more than his brothers, they became jealous of Joseph.

Judah: Yes Joseph, stay. You might put dirt on your bbeeeaauutttiifffulll coat! Joseph: You are just jealous.. You dont have something like this. Simeon: Yeah sure... lets all bow down to his highness dear brothers. Levi: Or else he will report to father again.. Joseph: Oh you know I know a lot! Asher: You sneak! What do you know? Joseph: I know about everything. The women and the drinking.. Theres a lot father doesnt know.. Judah: You little brat! (holds Joseph coat by the neck) If you say one word Ill wring your skinny neck! Napthali: You must know your place little brother.. Gad: Better watch your tongue.... (brothers exit) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Joseph: Why are my brothers like that? Why do they hate me? (sighs, picks up his scrolls and read) *yawn* (falls asleep while reading)

(angels tiptoe to the stage and starts to sing Nobody But My Lord) After singing, the sun, moon, stars will bow down to Joseph and the sheaves of his brothers and Jacob bows down to Joseph) Narrator: The 11 sheaves bowed down to the sheave of Joseph and all the 11 stars, the moon and the stars bowed to him. When Joseph woke up, he ran to tell his family. But because of his dreams, his brothers hated him more.

Joseph: (runs to his father , mother and brothers) I had another dream mother Zebulun: Oh, another dream... Joseph: I wasnt talking to you

Dan: (sarcastic tone) Oh but please, why dont you share it with all of us? (all brothers laugh) Joseph: You can laugh, but this time it was all about you Asher: Oh please you must tell us our future great Joseph! Should I be scared? (brothers laugh again) Joseph: Leave me alone.. Reuben: Come on Joseph, tell us.. were dying to hear it.. Joseph: Well all of us were carrying sheaves and I was among you. But then, all of a sudden I was above you and all your sheaves bowed down to me.. Isacchar: I wonder what that means... Judah: Nothing! Thats what it means.. nothing! (Brothers walk away) Joseph: Hey, you asked to hear the dream.. Jacob: (takes Joseph) Then what happened next? Joseph: Suddenly, it was dark and the sun, moon and 11 stars bowed to me.. Judah: Ohhh... Lets all bow down to Joseph Jacob: We cant ignore this dreams... After all his last one came true.. Simeon: Are you saying, our little brother belongs above us??? Even Judah??? Jacob: Im not saying that..But there could be a message here. Levi: Judah has led the herds for years. He comes first! Before any of us... especially Joseph Jacob: Judah, Its not up to me.. God maybe telling us something about our future. Judah: Then I guess all my work doesnt matter Jacob: Watch your tongue. Leah: Jacob! Judah! Please! Judah: Ive had enough of this. Lets go! Napthali: Look what youre dreams had done.. Joseph: Dont get mad at me.. You were the ones who asked for it Simeon: You didnt ask for this either (Hits Joseph) brother! Joseph: Half brother! Jacob: Joseph! Boys!Apologize to each other! (All cast exits)(Brothers go to the circle stage) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Joseph appears on stage) Joseph: I guess Im wrong... I should say sorry to my brothers. Judah, Simeon, Levi, Reuben! Brothers! Where are you? (runs and looks for his brothers)

Narrator: But Joseph did not know that his brothers, because of their hatred and envy to Joseph, were planning to kill him.

(brothers having a secret meeting) Simeon: Something has to be done! Levi: I agree Reuben: But Hes our brother. Simeon: Half brother! Levi: Judah must be the one wholl take over Simeon: Yes! Do you want a spoiled brat leading you and giving you orders? Brothers: Ugh! No! Should we agree that something must be done about Joseph? Brothers: Absolutely! We agree! (Joseph listens on one side.. Dan grabs him) Dan: Hey everybody! The little spy is back! Judah: Did father tell you to look on us? Joseph: No.. I just want to.. Zebulun: Report us to father? Youre his favorite! Judah: We are covered in sweats all day, while you are reading scrolls. Why is that Joseph? Because you have a coat? Simeon: (Simeon takes the coat )I have a coat too.. Joseph: Thats mine.. Simeon: Step aside brothers, Im the new head of the family.. Bow before me you sheaves! (Brothers bow down while laughing) Gad: Oh yes master Joseph. Ruler of the world Joseph: Give me back my coat Simeon: If you want your coat, why dont you come and get it? (brothers pass the coat to each other) Joseph: (falls to the ground) Arrrrggh! Ive had enough of this stupid game Judah: Joseph! Who said this is a game? (Brothers throw Joseph into a pit) Joseph: No! No! Brothers! Dont leave me here alone..! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Narrator: They put Joseph in a well and sold him to the Midianites for 20 pieces of silver. (Midianites throws a rope)

Joseph: (climbs the rope) I knew youd come back.. You think this is funny? Wait until father.. Who are you? Midianite 1: Get him! Joseph: Hey! Hey...What are you doing? You dont understand.. Im from the house of Jacob Midianite2: Hes got a pretty coat (takes the coat) Joseph: no no no no! Dont take my coat. Midianite 3: (Midianite 3 kicks Joseph) get up! Joseph: My brothers will come for me.. Judah, Simeon, Levi.. help me! (Brothers appear on stage) Judah: Joseph! Were right here! Joseph: Judah.. (runs toward Judah and hugs him) I told you theyd come for me Midianite1: As agreed.. 20 pieces of silver Joseph: Ju-Ju-dah? What? No.. help me... Levi, Isacchar.. please.. (Midianites take away Joseph) Judah! Please help me! Simeon: Judah, you cant turn back now.. Weve gone too far. Joseph: Im your brother... Im your brother Judah: Half brother.

(Song as Joseph is taken away by Midianites)

Narrator: And his brothers put blood on Josephs coat and told their father that he was dead. Judah: father this is all that we can find.. (coat with blood) Simeon: A wild beast must have eaten him Jacob and Rachel: No!! Joseph! Not my Joseph!! (cries aloud while hugging coat) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Narration: The midianites brought Joseph to Egypt and sold him to Potiphar, the captain of the guards. (Potiphar and wife arrive) Potiphar: You cleaned all this by yourself? Joseph: Yes sir. Potiphars wife: A hardworker.. (then, whispers to Potiphar) Potiphar: My wife thinks you must work for her. What do you say? Joseph: I cannot say. A slave only does what his mater says. Potiphar: Well said Whats your name? Joseph: I am Joseph from the house of Jacob. Potiphar: Joseph.. Youre an educated slave. Where did you learn?

Joseph: My father taught me.. and that the God of my father Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is always with me.. Potiphar: Interesting. (talks to a guard) give Joseph new clothes! (talks to Joseph) You will be above all slaves in my house Everything here belongs to you Except for my wife.. Joseph: (bows to Potiphar) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Narration: And because the Lord was with Joseph, he prospered in everything that he did. Potiphar made him the master of the slaves.

Egyptian woman 1: who is that handsome man? Egyptian woman 2: I dont know He seems to be new here. Asenath: Hes Joseph. Hes a slave Potiphar promoted to be the master of his house. I think hes a fine young man. Egyptian woman3: a fine young man? What does that mean Asenath. Asenath: Oh nothing (blushes and feels shy) I just thought Egyptian women: Asenath!! (giggles) Egyptian woman 4: Joseph Joseph: What can I do for you ladies? Egyptian woman 5: Ahmm.. We would like you to meet Asenath. Joseph: Hello Asenath.. Its a pleasure knowing a beautiful lady like you Asenath: (bows her head) Thank you Joseph Theres something really different about you. Joseph: Its the God that is in me Asenath: Who is your God? Joseph: Hes the God of my father Jacob, Isaac and Abraham Hes the one who created the universe.. Hes the one Who created us.. Asenath: Well, I havent heard of him before Egyptian woman 6: You are so educated to be a slave. Why are you here anyway Joseph? Joseph: Well, my brothers Maybe God has brought me here for a reason. Egyptian woman7: What kind of God will give you as a slave? Joseph: Dont you know weve got a great big God? He orders our steps. He has a purpose for everything that happens to us.

Song: DONT YOU KNOW -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Narration: But Potiphars wife loved Joseph, for he was a handsome man.

Potiphars wife: (touches Joseph) Joseph Joseph: (surprised) Potiphars wife: Sssshhhh.. Joseph: Why are you here? Somethings wrong? Potiphars wife: I feel you are special Joseph: Nowwhhy did you come here tonight? Potiphars wife: To be with you Joseph: No.. this is not right.. No.. Potiphars wife: Joseph.. Look at me.. Joseph: No.. I will not betray my master..No.. Potiphars wife: Wait! I order you to stay! (Grabs Josephs coat) Joseph: No (runs away) Potiphars wife: Help! Help! Guards! Look what Joseph has done to me! Arrest him! (Guards take Joseph)

Potiphar: You stood apart from the other slaves.. I let you work in my home! Joseph: Master Potiphar: No other slave was given this opportunity! I gave you my trust Joseph: I did nothing wrong Potiphar: How about this?! (throws the torn clothe of Joseph to him) (Potiphars wife cries) Joseph: I could never betray you master. I swear. Potiphar: Silence! For what you have done, you must be put to death. Joseph: No.. No master, I beg you. (talks to Potiphars wife) No.. Tell him..Help me.. Tell him that Help.. Potiphars wife: Stop! He doesnt deserve to die Potiphar: Why? (wife bows her head) I see Take him to prison. Joseph: Wait master, believe me. I did nothing wrong.. (Potiphars wife with Potiphar) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Narration: Because Potiphars wife accused Joseph, he was put into prison. But God was with Joseph. (Joseph thrown into prison by a guard) Joseph: Oh God, why is this happening to me? (cries)I did nothing wrong Butler: (yawn) Yea, we know youre innocent. (Joseph covers himself with a cloth) Butcher: I dont want to hear your dream. Mine kept me awake all night (throws the fruit he eats)

Butler: But it was so real. I was back in Pharaohs palace in the garden of grapes. A tear fell from my eye and three vines became filled with grapes that I squeezed them into a cup and served it to Pharaoh. Butcher: That is quite a dream Joseph: I know what your dream means Butler: You do? Joseph: All interpretations belong to God. The three vines are three days. Three days Pharaoh will bring you back to the palace. A free man. Butler: If only it would be true Joseph: It will happen. If you are in the palace, tell Pharaoh about me. Please promise me. Butcher: Some fairy tales. False hopes. Butler: Maybe hes not making it up Butcher: All right then. How about my dream. I had 3 white baskets of bread on my head and the birds came to eat them. What does it mean? Joseph: I dont know. Butcher: Yes you do Tell me! Joseph: The three baskets are also 3 days. Within 3 days Pharaoh will hang your head on a tree and the birds shall eat your flesh. Youre lying! Youre lying! (Holding the neck of Joseph) Stop it.. Dont pay attention to him. Were not going anywhere _____________________________________________________________________________________ Narration: Three days after, the guards came to the prison house. Guard 1: Take him. (points to the butcher) Butcher: You knew.. You knew Guard 2: Pharaoh wants you in the palace.. Butler: Why? What did I do? Joseph: Its gonna be alright. Youll see. Tell Pharaoh about me. Dont forget me. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Narration: Two years had passed yet the butler did not remember Joseph. But the keeper of the prison trusted Joseph for he saw that the Lord was with him.

Joseph: Why am I still here? Oh God, I know you have a plan for me.. You put me here for a special reason.. I still trust you Lord.. I still believe in you you know better than I..

SONG: You Know Better Than I -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Narrator: Now, Pharaoh had a dream and no one could interpret it. The butler remembered Joseph and told Pharaoh about him. Pharaoh wanted to meet him and see if he can interpret his dream. (Potiphar appears on stage) Joseph: Potiphar Potiphar: Pharaohs butler said you interpret dreams. Pharaoh is tormented with a dream and no wise men in Egypt could interpret it. Joseph: The interpretation belongs to God. Potiphar: I have to bring you to the palace. Joseph: Potiphar.. Its good to see you again. Potiphar: How could I allow this to happen to you?.. My wife Joseph: Its ok. I understand. Lets go. (Pharaoh and guards appear on stage) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Narrator: And he was brought before Pharaoh, the king of Egypt.

Pharaoh: Is this the one who can interpret dreams? Joseph: Not me your excellency. Interpretation comes from God Pharaoh: None of my wise men can give me the explanation of my dream. None of my magicians can help me. What makes you think your God can interpret my dream? Joseph: Tell me your dream Pharaoh.. Pharaoh: (as pharaoh tells the dream, preschool students are enacting the dream on the round stage) I was standing in the River Nile and behold there came out 7 fat, healthy cows and they fed in a meadow. Then suddenly there came up after them 7 sickly and ill-favoured cows, such as I never saw in all the land of Egypt. They ate up all the 7 fat cows but they were still thin and sickly. Joseph: Is there more? Pharaoh: Behold, there were 7 ears of corn, full and good grow from a single stalk. Then, seven ears of thin and withered ears of corn sprung up and swallowed the 7 good ears. All that remained is the seven withered corn unfit to eat and nothing else. Well? Joseph: The dream of Pharaoh is one. God has shown you what he is about to do and it will surely come to pass. The healthy cows and the good ears of corn are seven years of abundance. The sickly cows and the withered grains mean 7 years of famine to follow and destroy the land. Egypt may not survive. Pharaoh: What must be done? Joseph: You must find a man you can trust. In the years of plenty, let him gather 1/5 of grain in every field and store it. And during the years of famine, give it back to the people. Pharaoh: Can we find a man as wise as him? Potiphar, you trust this man? Potiphar: With my life, your excellency.

Pharaoh: Well then (faces the people) Through this man, I have seen the future of Egypt. (give the necklace and ring upon Joseph) I am giving him power over all Egypt. Only Pharaoh will be greater. You shall call him Zaphnath-Paaneah. (Egyptian People cheers) Song: We Can Make A Difference -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Narration: As Joseph had said, 7 years of harvest came and then, the terrible 7 years of famine began to come upon the earth. And all countries came to buy food in Egypt, including his brothers who sold him. But they did not recognize that the governor who will sell them food is their own brother whom they sold as a slave 20 years ago. But Joseph knew them. And they all bowed down to Joseph, just as he had dreamed 20 years ago.

Guard 1: How many in your family? Egyptian woman: five my lord. Guard 1: Give her. Egyptian woman: Thank you my lord. (talks to Joseph) A long life to you excellency. Joseph: As to you and your family. Guard: Whos next? Reuben: We are my lord. Guard: You are not an Egyptian. Judah: No sir. We have heard that there is food in Egypt. My brothers and I travelled far to come here and buy food. We will pay you with silver. Guard: How many are you? Levi: There are 10 of us here, at home we have our father and our youngest brother, Our wives and our children. Guard: Very well, give them.. Brothers: huh? Joseph: NOTHING! 10 foreigners asking for grain, I dont believe your story. You are spies! Judah: you-yourr, your excellency. Everything we say is true. I swear. Joseph: Then prove it! Bring me your youngest brother. Issachar: But why? What would that prove? Joseph: to know that youre not lying! Ill let you buy food now but you have to come back and bring your brother. Until you come back, arrest this one! (points to Simeon). We will hold him until you bring your brother! Simeon: No! no! Judah! Help me! (talks to Joseph) my brothers will come for me! My brothers will come for me! Judah!

Reuben: Surely, this has come upon us. For what you have done to Joseph!

Narration: But they did not know that Joseph understood all that they had said. And he gave them sacks of corn and put back their money in the sack. (brothers open their sacks together and found that there was money in their sacks) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Narration: And when the food was out, they returned to Egypt with Benjamin, the brother of Joseph. (Joseph enters the stage, all the brothers kneeled down)

Joseph: Welcome! You have done what I asked. Judah: Our brother, Benjamin. Joseph: You kept your word. Guard, bring out their brother. Now Benjamin, tell me about your father. Benjamin: My father is worried about me being here. Joseph: Why is that? Doesnt he trust your brothers to take care of you? Benjamin: A long time ago, my older brother whom he loved so much was killed by wolves. Joseph: Wolves? Benjamin: It broke my fathers heart. Joseph: Wow. It must have been very hard on your brothers. Benjamin: They never speak about him. Simeon: Judah! Brothers! I know youd come back! All brothers: (run toward Simeon) Simeon! Joseph: (claps hands) you all must be tired and hungry of your journey. Come, lets eat together. All brothers: (surprisedwhisperswhat) (butler gives Joseph his cup) Joseph: A toast!To brothers! All brothers: To brothers! Judah: Thank you for your kindness your excellency. We shall tell our father about you and your deeds. Joseph: According to your words, be it so. Brothers: Farewell your excellency. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Narration: But Joseph has a plan to test his brothers. He filled all their sacks with food, as much as they can carry and put their money back. But his cup was put in Benjamins sack.

Brothers: (arrested by the guards) What did we do?? Joseph: After all my kindness, this is how you repay me!! By stealing? Naphtali: We stole nothing from you your highness.

Zebulun: We could never do anything against you. Joseph: Open their sacks! One of them stole my cup! Judah: You can search but You can find nothing in our bags. Levi: We did not steal the cup! (Guards open their sacks and upon reaching Benjamins sack) Guard: Zaphnath-Paaneah, your cup. Benjamin: No! I did not take it! Brothers! I did not take it! Joseph: For what you did, you must be punished! Benjamin: No! No! (holds to brothers) Joseph: Thieves! Brothers: No Sir, were not Joseph: Liars! Im gonna put him to prison Judah: If there is anyone who should be punished, it should be us Let the boy go, you can take me instead Levi: Take me.. Issachar: Take me.. (all brothers say take me) Judah: You cant take any of us, but please let the boy go (holds to Josephs skirt) Joseph: (Screamsaahhhhhh!) I am your brother, Joseph whom you sold into Egypt. (Brothers move back saying Joseph?..) Joseph: Come near to me. I will not harm you. God used you to send me to Egypt for a purpose. Judah: Joseph.. Can you forgive us? Joseph: I already did. (Joseph hugs Judah.. then all his brothers) Joseph: Meet my wife, Asenath. You will join me here and your families! In Egypt! We shall be one family! Song: WE ARE THE LORDS OWN FAMILY (Jacob appears on stage) Joseph: Father! Jacob: Joseph! My son! You are alive! Joseph: Oh father! Jacob: Thank you Lord! Thank you for giving me back my son! We are all together as one family! Let all the people praise you oh God!


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