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For our Introduction to Artificial Intelligence project we have developed an Automated Dietitian. A dietitians job is to guide people in eating the right food. The diet plays a vital part in the physical well being of a person.


Automated dietician is an expert system that will give a specific diet depending on a persons body mass index (BMI). The kiosk of this system will be set up in gyms and hospitals. As diets are important part of keeping healthy and fitness many people who dont have the time to go make an appointment with a dietician can use the system free of cost at their gym or at their hospital. People would want to use the system because they dont have to wait in long queues to consult a dietician or make appointments and would have to pay no consultation fee. People can use it in their regular visits to the hospital or the gym.

BENEFITS OF AUTOMATED DIETICIAN 1. Time saving. 2. Easily accessible for the user. 3. Free of cost. 4. Can be used regularly and more frequently. 5. Is available 24/7.

Minimal expenses have to be made for the setting of Kiosk. It will not require much space and can be placed in small areas. It can be implemented in small clinics who cannot afford a specialist in diets.


AIM The aim of our Automated Dietician is to provide a fast and free alternative to consulting dieticians. DOMAIN EXPERT Doctors and dieticians are the domain experts for our system. USERS People who goes to gym and visit the hospitals. PROJECT TEAM 1. Team Leader : 2. Knowledge Managers : Vidur Sharma Ahmed Imthinan Faroog Arun Das K Mohamed Shifan 3. Programmer : Abhijit Pal


For analysing the problem domain we took into account the problems faced by the patients and people who might have a weight problem and conducted an interview with a professional dietician. One talking to patients an people who visit the gym we found that the all their problems revolved around time and costs. Problem 1: People dont have the time to make regular visits to the dietician for them to get regular updates on their Body to Mass ratio, and the best diet. Problem 2: Every time a person visits a dietician he or she has to pay a consultancy fee, which turns out to be very expensive. Problem 3: Many people are not even aware of the role of having a good diet plays on your health. Problem 4: People usually take it easy and feel its not important for them to visit a dietician as they think its not worth the effort, when nothing is wrong.

EXPERT INTERVIEW An interview with a an expert on nutrition and diets was conducted for identifying the domain problem and also for knowledge acquisition, which will be discussed later in the documentation. We asked the dietician questions around what he sees as the main problems faced by dieticians and what could help him to provide better service to the people and would a system like this help people on keeping healthy. On conducting the interview our main findings were 1. The main problem the dietician faces is time; the dietician doesnt have enough time to for every patient, as he is packed with appointments throughout the day. This sometimes might lead to a misdiagnosis or the dietician might miss out on something 2. People get a little uncomfortable when asked about their personal habits and lives. 3. Most people are very conscious about their weight. 4. Some people might be embarrassed to share these problems. 5. One of the biggest problems expressed by the dietician is that people are mostly ignorant about what they eat, and might not think they have a problem. People feel that going to a dietician is a waste of time if you are not fat or overweight. 6. The Dietician felt that a system like this might be very useful as people would feel more comfortable as no one will be judging them 7. He also expressed the importance of keeping a regular check on your diet.

Literature Survey

On searching the internet and going through books and magazines for material that might help us find a system similar to ours or material that might help us in developing our system; we found that there were no attempts made to make a system like ours. We did find a few systems that were similar but not exact. Few of these were Sensei for Weight Loss and American Cancer Societys Great American health challenge - Virtual Dietician.

Sensei for Weight Loss Sensei for Weight Loss is a cell phone application as well as an online website which helps people with choosing healthy meals. People sign up for the program via internet or through their mobile phones. They fill in forms about their eating habits, likes, dislike allergies etc. and fill in their personal information and pay a fee. The information is sent to an expert, who creates meals based on the information provided by the customer and loads it on the system. The meals are sent to the customer in the form of text messages to their cell phones. With Sensei for Weight loss, time is a problem. The customer has to wait for at least 3 to 4 days to get their diets. As todays world lives by the philosophy of time is of the essence this type for problem could prove expensive.

Great American health challenge - Virtual Dietician The Virtual Dietician is an online interactive diet assistant created by the American Cancer Society for their Great American Health Challenge. Virtual Dietician is based on flash videos with interactivity. The users log on the Great American Health challenge website and can use the application there. The videos are based on choices made by the user on eating habits. Where on making the choice the dietician will give an explanation as to what the right choice is and a few other suggestions.

The Virtual Dietician has a very limited knowledge base. It can only respond to choices made by the users and take around those areas. We have taken into account the merits and demerits of both these system and attempted to incorporate it in our system. Our system will be: Quick in giving advice diets Will give a full diet. It will be able to check for special cases, like deities or hypertension or allergies.

Knowledge Acquisition

Strategy Our Knowledge Acquisition was done mainly on four fronts i. ii. iii. iv. Field visits Searching the internet Library visits Expert opinion

1. Field Visits

We visited few gyms and hospitals to talk to the people about their diets, and conducted survey and handed out simple questionnaires about what people felt about visiting a nutritionist or a dietician. We also took this opportunity to interview a few people.


People who visit dietician on a regualr bases

Never once a year once a mont more than once a month

Questionnaire With the help of our expert we made a questionnaire to understand the peoples eating habits. This helped us understand the need for a dietician as we compared the answers with the ideal diet.

1) Name and surname :

2) Tel / Cell

3) Email

4) Sex

Male Female

5) Age


6) Weight (kg)


7) Height (cm)


8) Middle (cm)


9) Hips (cm) cm

10) Do you smoke?

11) Do you Exercise?

12) Type of exercise?

13) How much alcohol do you consume?

14) Please list any cronic illnesses, if any

15) Family History of Diabetes

16) Do you suffer from any of the following?

Stomach cramps Constipation Diarrhoea

Reflux Heartburn Excess Gas Food Intolerance Food Allergies Any other?

17) Have you been on any slimming Diets?

Yes No

18) Is your weight fluctuating?

Yes No

19) List current medication

20) List current supplements

21) Do you cook with Butter o Oil o Margarine

22) What do you usually have for breakfast?

23) What do you usually have for Lunch?

24) What do you usually have for Dinner?

25) What do you snack on? Morning Afternoon Late Night

26) How much of the following do you consume? Per Day i. Milk Per Week


Fat Free


Full Cream


2% Fat




Fat Free


Low Fat
























Seed or Whole Grain

Talking with the people On talking to the people in gyms and people visiting hospitals we learnt that people dont have the time to visit a nutritionist as often as they would like to. They supported the idea of having a fast and easy way to get a healthy diet.

While dealing with the general public we did not face those many problems. People were generally supportive and enthusiastic. This was mostly because it dealt with the health and well being of the people and when it comes to ones well being people are usually very supportive.

2. Internet research With the help of the world wide web we were able to acquire knowledge about the different types of diets for different conditions, like people who are underweight or

overweight. A lot of the information was derived from this source. Most of the diets were found on the internet.

There was a lot of information available on the net. We had a problem choosing which was the best out of the lot and which was the most genuine.

3. Library visits The library visits were not very helpful as it is difficult to find information for such topics in a business school.

We faced problems in acquiring knowledge from library sources as there were limited options on the subject.

4. Experts Opinion

Dealing with the experts was the toughest part of knowledge acquisition. We felt a bit of hostility and general lack of support from them. This was because they didnt want to help create something that is being made with the scope to replace them. Despite this we were able to find an open minded dietician who was open to the idea of a system providing people diets and helping them keep healthy. Dr. Pandian, Medical Registrar of ADK hospital, Maldives, was kind enough to provide his assistance. We were able to formulate an ideal diet with his help.

He also helped us in giving us an insight of the mentality of the people who visit a dietician and the different aspects involved in being a dietician. He gave us a list of frequently asked questions by the patience which was very helpful in creating our knowledge base.

For Example:

Which meal should be your largest?

What foods can help you grow?

What is the best way to lose weight?

What food is essential in a persons deit

As Dr. Pandian is set up in Maldives we had problems setting up proper interviews and communicating with him on regular bases. We were able to work around this by conducting video conferencing and keeping in touch via email.

Evaluation of Prototype

Expert opinion As our expert wasnt available we were not able to give him a working prototype of our system. To our best we explained to him how it would work and what it would do. According to Dr. Pandian when it comes to medicine and AI, a computer could never fully replace a human doctor as it would lack the basic sense and would lack the ability to make assumption based on factors that might go unnoticed if a computer system is diagnosing. A doctor has to make some assumptions based on the how a patient reacts. Sometimes patients tend to hide information from doctors.

On the other hand he supported the idea of a system that might give a very simple diagnosis or in our case a simple diet.

With respect to our system he had made a few suggestions. a) The system should not demine anyone or be insulting in anyways as it deals with a sensitive topic. b) System should take into account the users medical history, i.e. if he or she is allergic to any food or has diabetes or hyper tension c) It should be able to hold a large knowledge base
d) What are the best foods to eat before and after a workout?


Performance/Achievement The system runs smoothly and is able to produce diets for the chosen condition. Still there is a lot of scope for improvement. There were some problems at first. Verbot was not able to comply.

Loading the data base takes longer than expected because of the size of the knowledge base. Other than that there are some minor unrecognisable twitches. Once the system loads it is able to run smoothly. All the calculations are swift and it is quick to respond to the user.

Future Development

There is tremendous scope for improvement in the system. Due to time constrains we couldnt make our knowledge base as strong and complete as we would have wanted to. More conditions could have been added, for example making specific meals for allergies. Responding to more queries the user might have. Nutrition advice is a very vast subject and it would take a lot of time and effort for someone to create a complete dietician system.


Automated Dietician could be a big success if more time is given for development. People could be made more aware of what they eat and what effect it has on their body and health. With fast food and junk food being the most popular type of food today, a system such as ours is direly needed to keep in check the health of the people. Most people are under the misconception that if you are not overweight you are healthy. Being health is very different from being thin. A good diet with the right amount of nutrients is needed to keep the body healthy.

If given the time and resources the Automated Dietician would be able to a. Help anyone with any medical condition to make a diet plan b. Eliminate the need of going to a dietician c. Provide scheduled check-up routines

Workload Matrix


Abijith Pal

Ahmed Imthinan Faroog +

Arun Das +

Mohamed Shifan +

Vidur Sharma

Identification Problem Specification Analysis of Problem Domain Literature Survey Knowledge Acquisition Evaluation of Prototype Conclusion Program Code Installation Manual User Manual Workload Matrix

+ +

+ +

+ +

+ + + + + +

+ +

Installation manual

1. Install Verbot 2. Copy and paste the whole folder name automated dietician to C:\ drive.

3. Open Verbot player, go to file in the main menu and go to load knowledge base. Select C:\automated dietician\AI.vkb

4. If installed correctly automated dietican will say:Hello! Welcome to automated Dietician. I am Christina, what is your name?

Flow chart

Program code
ResourceFiles: data2.csv mood.vrp synonym.vsn Rules: Rule Name: _startup Input Text: _startup Output Text: Hello! Welcome to automated Dietician. I am Christina, what is your name? < smile> Rule Name: my name is[name] Input Text: my name is[name] Input Text: [name] Input Text: i'm [name] Input Text: i am [name] Output Text: Hello [name], Please enter your height and weight (in cm and kg) to calculate your BMI Rule Name: What is my name Input Text: (What is) my name Input Text: do you remember me Input Text: remember me Input Text: do you know me Output Text: your name is [name: friend] Rule Name: height and weight Input Text: #height #weight Output Text: Your BMI is #bmi and you are #def. Do you want to see my recommended diets? Rule Name: (yes) Input Text: (yes) Output Text: I have so many diets. What type of diets do you want to see, diets for overweight or normal weight or underweight? Rule Name: underweight Input Text: underweight Output Text: For Underweight I recommend you to take For Breakfast 1/2 cup instant oatmeal 1 mini whole wheat bagel: 1 Tbsp peanut butter 1 medium banana 1 cup low-fat milk For Lunch 3/4 cup chicken salad:* 2 slices whole wheat bread 1 Tbsp Dijon mustard salad: 1/2 cup fresh cucumber slices 1/2 cup tomato wedges 1 Tbsp sunflower seeds 1 tsp Italian dressing, low calorie 1/2 cup fruit cocktail, juice pack For Dinner 1 cup spaghetti: 3/4 cup vegetarian spaghetti sauce* 3 Tbsp Parmesan cheese spinach salad: 1 cup fresh spinach leaves 1/4 cup fresh carrots, grated 1/4 cup fresh mushrooms, sliced 1 Tbsp vinaigrette dressing 1/2 cup corn, cooked from frozen 1/2 cup canned pears, juice pack Rule Name: normal weight Input Text: normal weight

Output Text: For normal weight I will recommend you continue with the same diet you have been taking. Rule Name: overweight Input Text: overweight Output Text: For Overweight I will recommend you to take For Breakfast 1 medium banana cup of skim milk For Lunch 2 slices tomato glass of buttermilk 2chapathis For Dinner cup Green vegetable salad Sprouts with lime juice 1 cup Vegetable soup Rule Name: (no) Input Text: (no) Output Text: Do you have any questions that you want to ask me? Rule Name: * Input Text: * Output Text: i am sorry [name].I really need a "yes" or "no" answer. Rule Name: (yes) Input Text: (yes) Output Text: I have so many diets. What type of diets do you want to see, diets for overweight or normal weight or underweight? Rule Name: underweight Input Text: underweight Output Text: For Underweight I recommend you to take For Breakfast 1/2 cup instant oatmeal 1 mini whole wheat bagel: 1 Tbsp peanut butter 1 medium banana 1 cup low-fat milk For Lunch 3/4 cup chicken salad:* 2 slices whole wheat bread 1 Tbsp Dijon mustard salad: 1/2 cup fresh cucumber slices 1/2 cup tomato wedges 1 Tbsp sunflower seeds 1 tsp Italian dressing, low calorie 1/2 cup fruit cocktail, juice pack For Dinner 1 cup spaghetti: 3/4 cup vegetarian spaghetti sauce* 3 Tbsp Parmesan cheese spinach salad: 1 cup fresh spinach leaves 1/4 cup fresh carrots, grated 1/4 cup fresh mushrooms, sliced 1 Tbsp vinaigrette dressing 1/2 cup corn, cooked from frozen 1/2 cup canned pears, juice pack Rule Name: normal weight Input Text: normal weight Output Text: For normal weight I will recommend you continue with the same diet you have been taking. Rule Name: overweight Input Text: overweight Output Text: For Overweight I will recommend you to take For Breakfast 1 medium banana

cup of skim milk For Lunch 2 slices tomato glass of buttermilk 2chapathis For Dinner cup Green vegetable salad Sprouts with lime juice 1 cup Vegetable soup Rule Name: (no) Input Text: (no) Output Text: Do you have any questions that you want to ask me? Rule Name: * Input Text: * Output Text: Please enter your correct height and weight (in cm and kg) to calculate your BMI (For example: 123 56) Rule Name: height and weight Input Text: #height #weight Output Text: Your BMI is #bmi and you are #def. Do you want to see my recommended diets? Rule Name: (yes) Input Text: (yes) Output Text: I have so many diets. What type of diets do you want to see, diets for overweight or normal weight or underweight? Rule Name: underweight Input Text: underweight Output Text: For Underweight I recommend you to take For Breakfast 1/2 cup instant oatmeal 1 mini whole wheat bagel: 1 Tbsp peanut butter 1 medium banana 1 cup low-fat milk For Lunch 3/4 cup chicken salad:* 2 slices whole wheat bread 1 Tbsp Dijon mustard salad: 1/2 cup fresh cucumber slices 1/2 cup tomato wedges 1 Tbsp sunflower seeds 1 tsp Italian dressing, low calorie 1/2 cup fruit cocktail, juice pack For Dinner 1 cup spaghetti: 3/4 cup vegetarian spaghetti sauce* 3 Tbsp Parmesan cheese spinach salad: 1 cup fresh spinach leaves 1/4 cup fresh carrots, grated 1/4 cup fresh mushrooms, sliced 1 Tbsp vinaigrette dressing 1/2 cup corn, cooked from frozen 1/2 cup canned pears, juice pack Rule Name: normal weight Input Text: normal weight Output Text: For normal weight I will recommend you continue with the same diet you have been taking. Rule Name: overweight Input Text: overweight Output Text: For Overweight I will recommend you to take For Breakfast 1 medium banana cup of skim milk For Lunch

2 slices tomato glass of buttermilk 2chapathis For Dinner cup Green vegetable salad Sprouts with lime juice 1 cup Vegetable soup Rule Name: (no) Input Text: (no) Output Text: Do you have any questions that you want to ask me? Rule Name: * Input Text: * Output Text: i am sorry [name].I really need a "yes" or "no" answer. Rule Name: (yes) Input Text: (yes) Output Text: I have so many diets. What type of diets do you want to see, diets for overweight or normal weight or underweight? Rule Name: underweight Input Text: underweight Output Text: For Underweight I recommend you to take For Breakfast 1/2 cup instant oatmeal 1 mini whole wheat bagel: 1 Tbsp peanut butter 1 medium banana 1 cup low-fat milk For Lunch 3/4 cup chicken salad:* 2 slices whole wheat bread 1 Tbsp Dijon mustard salad: 1/2 cup fresh cucumber slices 1/2 cup tomato wedges 1 Tbsp sunflower seeds 1 tsp Italian dressing, low calorie 1/2 cup fruit cocktail, juice pack For Dinner 1 cup spaghetti: 3/4 cup vegetarian spaghetti sauce* 3 Tbsp Parmesan cheese spinach salad: 1 cup fresh spinach leaves 1/4 cup fresh carrots, grated 1/4 cup fresh mushrooms, sliced 1 Tbsp vinaigrette dressing 1/2 cup corn, cooked from frozen 1/2 cup canned pears, juice pack Rule Name: normal weight Input Text: normal weight Output Text: For normal weight I will recommend you continue with the same diet you have been taking. Rule Name: overweight Input Text: overweight Output Text: For Overweight I will recommend you to take For Breakfast 1 medium banana cup of skim milk For Lunch 2 slices tomato glass of buttermilk 2chapathis For Dinner cup Green vegetable salad

Sprouts with lime juice 1 cup Vegetable soup Rule Name: (no) Input Text: (no) Output Text: Do you have any questions that you want to ask me? Rule Name: what is your name Input Text: what is your name Output Text: I' am Chirstina Rule Name: see you later Input Text: see you later Input Text: later Input Text: goodbye Output Text: okay.good bye<exit> Rule Name: Goodbye Input Text: (Goodbye) Input Text: (i am) going to go Input Text: (i am) going to go now Input Text: (i am) out of here Input Text: Because I have to go now Input Text: I am going now see you later. Input Text: I have to go now Input Text: I must be going now Input Text: I will be back later Input Text: I will catch you later Output Text: Later <exit> Output Text: Ok, bye<exit> Output Text: See you nest time<exit> Output Text: Thank you for using me. Have a nice day<exit> Rule Name: *(default) Input Text: * Output Text: Ask me an easy question? like how to loss fat Output Text: I'll have to think about that. Output Text: I didn't quite understant that.Try saying it another way. Output Text: Sorry [name]. I don't know what you are talking about? Output Text: That's a new one Output Text: What else do you want to know? Output Text: Why would you say that? Output Text: wow:-Oyou must be smart. You sure confused me there. Output Text: Ask me an easy question? like diets for diabetes Rule Name: diabetes Input Text: *diabetes Input Text: *diabetics Input Text: *loss weight diabetes Input Text: *loss weight dieabitics Output Text: Congratulations:-O on taking some very positive first steps toward a healthier lifestyle! Including exercise in your daily routine will definitely improve your health, and is also a great step toward weight loss. As you continue to exercise every day, you will likely see your energy levels increase and you'll probably start to feel better. Because of your family history, you have an increased risk of developing diabetes. Being overweight can contribute to the development of insulin resistance and diabetes, so you definitely need to aim for a healthy weight. Losing weight will help your cells function more normally and will help the insulin in your body to do its job more effectively. Every person is very different, and this means that each person's dietary needs are very unique. Here are some general tips on improving your diet to help you achieve a healthful weight: eat more fruits and vegetables every day choose foods that are low in saturated fat and cholesterol, and moderate in total fat, salt and sugar make at least half of your grains whole eat a wide variety of foods, and include foods from every food group

Decreasing the amount of calories you consume every day will certainly help you lose weight, but it's best to get individualized advice on just how many calories you need every day. For this reason, I recommend that you talk with your health care provider about a referral to a registered dietitian. Through individualized counseling, a registered dietitian can

help you lose weight healthfully, help you steer clear of fad diets and create a weight loss plan that fits your lifestyle and helps you reach your goals. Rule Name: fat loss Input Text: *fat loss Input Text: *loss fat Output Text: Nothing too new here. Make sure folks are cutting back on refined carbs and boosting up lean proteins and fats. Some fairly new research shows fish oil, or omega-3's, may boost fat loss. Meal timing is important, along with quality of nutrients.;-) I have more tips do you want more tips? Rule Name: (yes) Input Text: (yes) Output Text: 1. Intervals are key--meaning short duration, sprint type activities that skyrocket your heart rate and keep it elevated. Have you seen the physiques of professional sprinters? Enough said. 2. Incorporate the entire body during weight workouts. It's the best way to keep your heart rate elevated, while also stimulating a great deal of muscle mass. So forget triceps kickbacks, lateral raises, and wrist need "big" movements, like squats, cleans, deadlifts, chins, bench, etc. 3. This is not too advanced, but useful. Self-monitor. You can't track what you're doing if you're not monitoring what you're putting in your mouth and how you're training. Rule Name: [blankone] and [blanktwo] are different things Input Text: [blankone] and [blanktwo] are different things Output Text: How is [blanktwo] different? Output Text: I knew that info;-p Rule Name: _blank Input Text: _blank Output Text: pardon me? Output Text: i am sorry?

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