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DATE : NAME : QUIZ 1: 1. What is the possible hybridisation of the underlined atom in each of the following molecules or ions?

a) CH3Cl b) HCCH c) HCN d) AlCl4e) H2S f) NH4+

2. Predict the geometric shape of the following molecules and ions. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Cl2O CO2 H2S PI3 NO3CH3+ CH3IF4i) CO32j) SO42k) PO43l) SF6 m)IF3 n) ClF3 o) AlCl3 p) NF3

3. Explain why the bond angle in: a) HOCl is 103 and not 109.5 b) NF3 is 103 whereas the bond angle in NH3 is 107 c) H2S is 92 whereas the bond angle in H2O is 104.5

DATE : NAME : QUIZ 1: 4. What is the possible hybridisation of the underlined atom in each of the following molecules or ions? a) CH3Cl b) HCCH c) HCN d) AlCl4e) H2S f) NH4+

5. Predict the geometric shape of the following molecules and ions. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Cl2O CO2 H2S PI3 NO3CH3+ CH3IF4i) CO32j) SO42k) PO43l) SF6 m)IF3 n) ClF3 o) AlCl3 p) NF3

6. Explain why the bond angle in: a) HOCl is 103 and not 109.5 b) NF3 is 103 whereas the bond angle in NH3 is 107 c) H2S is 92 whereas the bond angle in H2O is 104.5

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