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Big Bazaar
Company Profile:
Big Bazaar is a chain of department stores in India, currently with 75 outlets. It is owned by the Pantaloon Retail India Ltd, Future Group. It works on the same economy model as Wal-Mart and has considerable success in many Indian cities and small towns. The idea was pioneered by entrepreneur Kishore Biyani, the CEO of Future Group. Currently Big Bazaar stores are located only in India. It is the biggest and the fastest growing chain of department store and aims at being 350 stores by the end of year 2010.

Food Bazaar
Many Big Bazaar stores have a grocery department and vegetable section called the Food Bazaar. Big Bazaar stores in Metros have a gaming area and kids play area for entertainment.

Big Bazaar

Type Subsidiary of Pantaloon Group Founded 2001 Headquarters Jogeshwari, Mumbai, India Industry Retail Products Department store, Grocery store Owner Kishore Biyani Parent Pantaloon Group Slogan Is se sasta aur accha kahin nahin Website

Big Bazaar
Objective: Analyzing the organizations capabilities to adapt change. Executive Summary: The project was undertaken by five group members. The operating areas were investigated with the set of three questionnaire sets gathering views of certain stakeholders as customers, employees and top management. The questionnaire form & responses obtained during the survey are also attached .The analysis proved efficient functioning of the organization & addressing key issues as retaining employees. The satisfied internal customers (employees) serving the customers are 77.4%. The outlet has maintained satisfaction level of customers visiting once a month for shopping at 91.80%.

Analysis of Top Management Feedback

As reported the organization structure at Big Bazaar is tuned to the day scenario where flat organization is preferred over hierarchical system of management. The organization follows decentralized system in the HR department while Centralized system in the Supply chain department which gives human touch and consolidated information for the 120 line employees. The span of control delegated to the ASM (Operations) responsible for profit management of the concern is above 25 people and the reporting structure is through e-mail which is the most efficient, accountable & accurate means of reporting. Moreover employees are rewarded on achieving targets. While the HR department follows a decentralized system giving employee responsibility, accountability & empowerment. The span of control designated to HR Executive & Department Manager (Apparels) is 10-20 people and the reporting structure is efficient with submitting daily reports. The management is remarkable in maintaining & retaining its workforce through Counseling & Motivation. The best part is that it gives due recognition & compensation for low absenteeism rate. However, as many employees want some additional training programs to be conducted & aid in the education this would be highly appreciated.

Analysis of Employees Feedback

Out of 120 employees we took 20 as our sample size. In which 5 are team leaders,9 are team members,2 are promoters ,1 is head cashier,2 are from security department and 1 is pharmacy representative.
team leader 10% 5% 10% 5% 25% team member promoters cashier security 45% pharmacy representative

What motivates you most on the job?

About 38% employees are motivated by their designation, 52% by salary and 10% by incentives. There were also some employees who were motivated by extra leave, their job, work knowledge, growth in organization.

10% 38% designation salary 52% incentives

What kind of training are you given?

48% employees are trained in customer handling, 28% in billing and rest 24%in system-stocks handling. Some employees were given SOP (standard operating process), FCRM, product training, self-improvement training, and disaster management training.

24% 48% customer handling billing stock handling 28%

Do you find training appropriate to the organizations requirements?

85% finds training absolutely appropriate to the organizations requirements. While some employees think that training should be given as per the section requirement. Some employees asked for more system training. Also some employees were as such who were already trained.

15% tra in in g a p p r o p r ite n o t a p p r o p r ia te 85%

On what basis do you want promotion?

About 33% employees wanted promotion on the basis of their qualification, 45% on their experience, and rest on the basis of their suggestions.



qualification experience suggestion


Are you satisfied with the fringe benefits you are given?
Out of 20 employees, only 2 were very satisfied with the type of fringe benefits provided to them. 11 were satisfied and 7 employees were not satisfied.


satisfied very satisfied 55% 10% not satisfied

What are the improvements/additions you want in your job profile?

10 employees feel that they should be provided the benefit of job rotation to enhance their job profile, 6 employees want fringe benefits and only 4 employees want to be given more training to improve their job profile.

20% job rotation 50% 30% fringe benefits training

What are the recreational and entertainment facilities you look forward to?
Out of total employees surveyed, 9 employees want to have picnic. 8 employees want to have parties at Big Bazaar, 4 want festive celebrations and 2 employees want to have movie tickets.

17% 39%

picnic movie tickets parties festive celebrations



What is the team building exercises organized in the organization?

Out of 20 employees, 14 employees said that games are organized for team building, 4 said that discussions are held and only 2 employees said that job shuffling is done.

20% games 10% 70% job shuffling discussion

How satisfied are you with your job?

5% 15% satisfied w ith job very satisfied not satisfied 80%

Out of 20 employees, 16 employees are satisfied with their job. 3 employees are very satisfied with their job where as only 1 employee was not satisfied with his job.

Analysis of Customers

What excites you most for shopping at Big Bazaar?

The analysis of feedback of 60 customers revealed that those who appreciate promotional offers (e.g. Buy three gets one free) are 37% & people who appreciate discount offers are 45% & those who opt for both are 20%.
11 22 Promotion Both 27 Discount

What do you usually buy from Big Bazaar?

Their purchase consists of FMCG 80%, Utensils 12% & apparels 18%.

11 7 FMCG Utensils Apparels 48

How often do you come at Big Bazaar?

The frequency of visits is twice a month at 55%, 15% once a month, for within a week & above one month.
9 9 Within a week 9 Fortnight Within 1 month Above 1 month 33

How is your shopping experience at Big Bazaar?

The satisfied customers are 73.3%, very satisfied are 18.3% & about 8.3% are unsatisfied.

5 11 Satisfied Very Satisfied Not Satisfied 44

Do you want some additional brands at Big Bazaar?

27 customers want additional brands at store while 33 do not.





The customer demand additional Brands like: Nike, Reebok, Adidas, Van Huesen etc.

Are you satisfied with the quality of the shopping bag given by Big Bazaar?
However, 18% are not satisfied with the quality of the shopping bag 76.66 % is satisfied & 5% did not answer.

11 Yes No Not Answered


Why do you visit the store?

About 66% customers visit the store due to availability of all products, 28% due to low price and 23% due to accessibility.

1 4

R a ab e ch le L wP o rice

4 0


A aila ility o a v b f ll p d cts ro u

Have you ever faced any problem at Big Bazaar?

Experience of customers at Big Bazaar was good as 61% did not face any problem, 39% people faced problems out of which 26% were due to billing reasons. Other problems included heavy rush at time of huge discounts offered, sales personnels lack of information & not responding to them, products out of stock.

23 37

Faced problem Billing problem N problem faced o


When questioned about improvements at Big Bazaar they said sale to be not limited for particular days, also during rush hours

provision of more bill counters must be there as waiting in long cues forces them to leave certain products thereby loss of sale to Big Bazaar. The above analysis proves that the outlet has been successful in attracting a large customer database & satisfactory level is more than 70%. Also 55% customers visit the store twice a month. However, the scope of improvement lies in CRM & addressing billing issues that forms the crucial part of purchase. Also as demanded the store must add some brands like Nike, Adidas, Reebok due to which customers have to visit these stores.

1. Only one of the stores was analyzed for the study.

2. Not all employees were covered. As the company employs about 150 people only 20 were accessed. 3. The time for research was only during day. 4. The customers accessed were not on weekends. 5. The research was not conducted on any special days like republic day, when the company offers huge sales. 6. The limitation was that we were only 5 researchers although the population size is large.

Our Recommendations
1. Customer Care Centre to be made that guides and counsels about customer loyalty program. 2. Training must be provided to sales personnel not only of their counters but for all (Job rotation may enrich knowledge). 3. Stress Buster Exercises must be organized during evenings in sessions as employees have to stand all throughout the day. 4. More hoardings could be placed that could bring awareness to people (at metro station). 5. More brands should be included. 6. Employees should be given salary increments. 7. Exchange offers must be made clear as the consumers are often not clear about how to use them. 8. Seating arrangements must be made for customers as well as for employees also. 9. Customers usually faces problem in billing their purchased goods. So billing counters must be increased and employees at the billing should be given training so that they could bill the products in much lesser time. 10.Quality of the product should be increased.

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