Leave Workflow Save Button Flow

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Step1: Save Button FieldEdit Step2: Save Button FieldChange Step3: ConfirmAction(&Action) ( OK_BUTTON - FieldFormula - Function Conf irmAction(&Action

As string)) rem TransferPage(Page.GP_ABS_SS_CONFIRM); Step4: Save Button FieldChange ( Actually code is there in Yes-Button FieldCha nge ) When "APV" &Action = "FINAPV"; /* venkat - Begin*/ rem WinMessage(" When APV & &Action = FINAPV " | &Action, 0); /* venkat - End*/ &AprvMgr.DoApprove(&Dat_Rec); Step5: Component HMAF_AWE:INTERFACES:IApprovalManager &AprvMgr; (This is an Int erface) Step6: HMAF_AWE.WRAAPPERS.ApprovalManager.OnExecute method DoApprove /+ &rec as Record +/ /+ Extends/implements HMAF_AWE:INTERFACES:IApprovalManager.DoApprove +/ /* venkat - Begin*/ rem WinMessage(" HMAF_AWE.WRAAPPERS.AppeovaklManager. Method DoApprove: ", 0 ); /* venkat - End*/ &ApprovalMngr.DoApprove(&rec); end-method; Step7: age method ApprovalManager /+ &awprcs_id as String, +/ /+ &hdr_ as Record, +/ /+ &approver_ as String +/ /+ Extends/implements HMAF_AWE:INTERFACES:IApprovalManager.ApprovalManager +/ rem WinMessage("method ApprovalManager"); %Super = create HMAF_AWE:INTERFACES:IApprovalManager(); &ApprovalMngr = create PTAF_CORE:ApprovalManager(&awprcs_id, &hdr_, &approver _); &pushbackEnabled = &ApprovalMngr.pushbackEnabled; end-method; Internally it is calling: HMAF_AWE.WRAPPERS.ApprovalManager.OnExecute: HMAF_AWE.WRAPPERS.ApprovalManager.OnExecute: HMAF_AWE.WRAPPERS.ApprovalManager.OnExecute: HMAF_AWE.WRAPPERS.ApprovalManager.OnExecute: ager PTAF_CORE:ApprovalManager.DoApprove(&rec); method ApprovalManager &hdr_ Record &approver_ 64793 &ApprovalMngr PTAF_CORE:ApprovalMan instance PTAF_CORE:ApprovalManager &ApprovalMngr; is an Allication Pack


method DoApprove /+ &rec as Record +/ /* venkat - Begin*/ WinMessage(" Step 3 PTAF. aPPROVALmANAGER.method DoApprove /* venkat - End*/

" | &inst, 0);

WinMessage("PTAF_CORE:ENGINE:AppInst ||| &inst = " | &inst, 32); &inst.SaveAdHocs(); &inst.Approve( False, &rec, &approver); &needsRefresh_ = True; end-method; Step8: Next Calling method SaveAdHocs Local number # For &num = 1 To &stages_.Len &stages_ [&num].SaveAdHocs(); End-For; &isChanged = False; end-method; method Approve /+ &byAdmin as Boolean, +/ /+ &apprec as Record, +/ /+ &approver as String +/ /* venkat - Begin*/ WinMessage(" Step 4 &apprec.CopyFieldsTo &apprec.Name " | &apprec.Name, 0); /* venkat - End*/ Local Rowset &localRS = CreateRowset(@("Record." | &apprec.Name)); &apprec.CopyFieldsTo(&localRS.GetRow(1).GetRecord(@("Record." | &apprec.Name) )); &localRS.InsertRow(1); %This.ApproveByRowSet(&byAdmin, &localRS, &approver, %This.appDef.txn.GetLeve lOfRec(&apprec.Name)); end-method; Here data is inserting into the GP_ABS_SS_DAT Record Step09: Next Calling %This.ApproveByRowSet(&byAdmin, &localRS, &approver, %T his.appDef.txn.GetLevelOfRec(&apprec.Name)); method ApproveByRowSet /+ &byAdmin as Boolean, +/ /+ &apprecRS as Rowset, +/ /+ &approver as String, +/ /+ &level as Number +/ instance PTAF_CORE:ENGINE:AppInst &inst, &old_inst;

Local Local Local Local , 0);

number &index; Record &apprec; PTAF_CORE:ENGINE:Thread &the_thread; array of PTAF_CORE:ENGINE:Thread &threads = CreateArrayRept(&the_thread

For &index = 1 To &apprecRS.ActiveRowCount &apprec = &apprecRS(&index).GetRecord(@("Record." | %This.appDef.txn.GetRe cAtLevel(&level))); &the_thread = %This.FindAppRecThread(&apprec); If (&the_thread <> Null) Then &threads.Push(&the_thread); End-If; End-For; %This.ApproveByThread(&byAdmin, &threads, &approver); end-method; Step10: Next Calling Local PTAF_CORE:ENGINE:Thread &the_thread;

method FindAppRecThread /+ &apprec as Record +/ /+ Returns PTAF_CORE:ENGINE:Thread +/ If (%This.thread.MatchesAppRec(&apprec)) Then Return (%This.thread); Else Local array of PTAF_CORE:ENGINE:Thread &ch = %This.thread.GetChildren(); Local number &thr_indx; If (&ch = Null) Then Return Null; End-If; For &thr_indx = 1 To &ch.Len If (&ch [&thr_indx].MatchesAppRec(&apprec)) Then Return (&ch [&thr_indx]); End-If; End-For; End-If; Return Null; end-method; method ApproveByThread /+ &byAdmin as Boolean, +/ /+ &threads as Array of PTAF_CORE:ENGINE:Thread, +/ /+ &approver as String +/ %This.currentApprover = &approver; Local boolean &found = False; Local array of string &changed = CreateArrayRept("", 0); Local number &num, &thread_index; Local PTAF_CORE:ENGINE:Thread &procthread; Local array of PTAF_CORE:ENGINE:Thread &processed = CreateArrayRept(&procthre ad, 0); For &num = 1 To &stages_.Len If (&stages_ [&num].isPending Or &stages_ [&num].isOnHold) Then &processed = &stages_ [&num].Approve(&byAdmin, &threads, &approver, &ch anged);

/* We want to only process threads that still need to be processed. T hat way if two threads with the same approver are at different stages, we can ap prove them both. */ If (&processed.Len > 0) Then &found = True; End-If; If (&found And Not &appDef.isAutoApproving) Then /* reset the threads to only those that still need to be processed. */ If (&threads.Len = &processed.Len) Then Break; End-If; Local array of PTAF_CORE:ENGINE:Thread &temp = CreateArrayRept(&thre ad, 0); Local number &i; For &i = 1 To &threads.Len If (&processed.Find(&threads [&i]) = 0) Then &temp.Push(&threads [&i]); End-If; End-For; &threads = &temp.Clone(); End-If; End-If; End-For; If (&found) Then %This.UpdateTimestamp(); End-If; %This.CheckIfComplete(); %This.eventHandler.ProcessNotifications(%This); end-method; Step11:

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