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(NOTE: Trainers found not using the correct script will be forced to face conseq uences) Welcome to {MI5}

Training. I am your trainer for Today. Here, you will learn everything you need to know in order to be a great {MI5} me mber. Try not to talking during training. And hold any questions until the end. Also, at the end, I will ask you questions on everything I teach you, so pay att ention! Ok we will begin with the {MI5} rules. -You must respect all {MI5} Members and Allies. -Always obey orders. -Do not spam -Do not talk in Caps. -Always call higher ranks Sir or Maam. -Never ask for pay, rights or promotions. -Never take gift from someone who ask you to do bad things towards {MI5}. -Do not self promote. -Stay calm at all times. Breaking rules will result in a given warning, down grade your rank, and even ge t fired. Is that understood? Ok now the Basic commands. -Fill the front. If you are told to do this, you MUST sit at the front recruiting desks And recruit new members the same way how you got here earlier. -Fill the Security. Let in our members and send {MI5} Trainee to the training room. -Fill the Training room. Go to the training room, where we are now, using the teleport by the desks And train the new recruits. -fill the Back. Sit on the VIP Sofas and wait for space to open up. -Back to Base. Go back to {MI5} base, where you came in today. -Attention. When someone says this to you, you must stand facing them and wave. Finally, -At Ease. This will normally follow attention or simply means go back to your seat. All of this commands are orders. Ignore a command and you will be taken an action. Next, the {MI5} ranks.

Agents, security and trainer ranks are Low ranks. They require all uniform. Those found without uniform will be kicked from the room. Military Intel. Assistant, Military Intel., Executive, Go. Board and Lead. Milit ary Intel. are the high ranks. They do not have required uniform and should be treated with a higher respect. If you are seen to be rude to any members of high rank, again, you WILL taken an action. Understood? Yes Sir or Maam Now, i will ask you some questions on everything i have just said. If you cannot answer at least four questions correct, you will be force to redo training. I want you to answer in whisper. Can you whisper? -What should you do if you told to fill the front? Fill front or recruiting desk. -Should you spam in {MI5}? No -What should you do if you told to fill the security? Fill the security area. -What is the first rule of {MI5}? Always respect other. -How should you always address Higher Ranks? Sir or Maam. -What should you do if you told to Attention? Stand and wave. -What action will be taken if breaking rule? Warning, down grade rank, get fired. Congratulations, you have passed the {MI5} Training test. Please change your motto to {MI5} MI5 Agent {tag} Now you have to Fill the front and let our members in and recruit Trainee. Make sure they have the correct motto and badge Welcome to {MI5}

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