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On behalf of Wright County Public Health and Live Wright, we invite you to the 2nd stop on the Commissioner

of Healths Pitch the Commissioner tour in Minnesota!

The Minnesota Commissioner of Health, Ed Ehlinger will visit Wright County to throw some shoes at the horseshoe pits located within the Beebe Lake Regional Park. This will take place on July 31, 2012 from 10:00am to 11:30pm.

The purpose of this tour is to talk with Commissioner Ehlinger about public health issues in our communities and raise awareness of the value of public health and prevention. We specifically want to invite all our Live Wright partners to this event; to join in on a game of horseshoes while explaining the impact Live Wright has had in Wright County and the importance behind continuing our efforts. We are excited at the opportunity to host the Commissioner and highlight the many things Wright County has to offer. It would mean a great deal to Wright County Public Health and Live Wright if you can attend this important event.

***In case of bad weather, we will be meeting at Discovery Elementary, Buffalo***

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